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02x14 - Where Evil Hides

Posted: 07/14/23 11:40
by bunniefuu

America's top ghost hunters

relive their most

extreme assignments.

Something was hunting me

this whole time.

NARRATOR: Hardened veterans

of the paranormal,

these are the cases

that truly tested them.

I don't think

I was ready for this.

NARRATOR: In Ohio, a demonic

entity terrorizes homeowners

and the paranormal

investigators hunting it.

You really do feel like

you're looking right into

the eyes of evil.

[ Growling ]

We could've been possessed,

or worse, dead.

NARRATOR: Also in Ohio,

sinister spirits swarm

an abandoned inn...

-Holy Cow.

-I didn't know what to expect.

NARRATOR: ...and physically

thr*aten those

who dare step inside.

-[ Groans ]

-Amber, are you okay?

It is unsettling.

It's downright scary.


-And in Michigan,

evil is on display

at a haunted museum.

It became honestly

pretty frightening.

[ Woman screams ]

I was scared.

I was terrified.

[ Screaming ]


NARRATOR: Ashland, Ohio,

is a quiet town

just an hour outside

of Cleveland.

It's home to , people,

including Bob and Tammy Conyew.

Their life is peaceful until

they start renovations.

What do you think?

That's when strange

things start to happen.

At first, they notice

sounds around the house

when they're

the only ones at home.

But things quickly escalate.

There were a lot of

physical things going on

like knives flying off the wall.

They would actually

fly across the room.

Paper that just burst

into flame in the kitchen

for no apparent reason.

NARRATOR: Then they see

frightening apparitions.

[ Screams ]

HINES: What looked like a little

girl dressed in white,

she would be

staring back at them,

and then she would slowly

go up the stairway.

And when they would go

up to see what it was,

they would never find anything.

And that isn't the worst of it.

He said that he

and his wife one night

had seen a shadow

figure crawling across

the ceiling in their bedroom.

Those are usually not the result

of haunts that are benign.

[ Screams ]

They were anxious

because it's dangerous.

[ Growls ]

NARRATOR: Terrified,

the couple calls

paranormal investigator

John Hines.

With more than

years experience,

he's one of the top

ghost hunters in North America.

HINES: I, myself,

got my start because of

paranormal experiences

I had at a pretty early age.

And that's what got me

into wanting to find out

and learn more about it and

investigate paranormal activity.

My ultimate goal

as an investigator is

to validate and come up with

evidence for clients

who are reporting things

that are happening

from a paranormal standpoint.

But when we first talked

to Bob and his wife,

they were really on edge.

What it sounded to me was that

something had been

stirred up in this house.


He agrees to investigate

Bob and Tammy's home.

John's daughter Kaitlyn

and his co-investigator

Josh Fogleman join

him on this case.

The first time I

walked into the house,

I felt kind of uneven.

It wasn't a very good feeling.

I felt like something

was watching me.

NARRATOR: Heading upstairs,

John and the team

start in the bedroom belonging

to Bob and Tammy's daughter.

What they encounter

is troubling.

I was starting to feel ill.

You feel warm, nauseated.

Hey, you okay?

Very lightheaded.

I felt really uneasy.

And I just needed

to get out of there.

I don't know what was going on.

Josh, you okay?

In a fairly

short amount of time,

he just felt so bad that

he said he needed to leave.

This was the first time I'd

ever seen Josh act like that.

For this to come on

him was something

I had never seen

happen to him before.


Josh isn't the only victim.

Kaitlyn falls prey, too.

She had indicated she wasn't

feeling all that great.

At one point, she just

kind of slumped over

on the bed that they

were sitting on.

She just really

wasn't feeling good.

We just lost Josh and Kaitlyn,

and they definitely weren't in

a good condition to continue.

We probably were

in the presence of an entity

that was trying

to draw energy from them

because this came

on them so fast.

I mean, it wasn't

a gradual onset.

They both just suddenly

did not feel well.

Whatever was there was

definitely something

that was negative,

possibly demonic.

It was powerful enough

that it was able to make

two of my investigators sick.

-[ Grunts ]

-Get up. Get up.

It's a very good possibility

we could've been possessed or...

You okay?

...worse, dead.

You never know.

You truly never know.

NARRATOR: Not wanting to risk

further injury or worse,

John is forced to suspend

the investigation for the day.

HINES: That alone to me as

the lead investigator,

gave me strong

concerns for how strong

whatever was there was.

Not only for my team

but also because, you know,

Bob was having to live

in that environment.


John vows to return to confront

whatever is

tormenting the family.

I believe that the family

did have reason to be scared.

Because they were basically

sharing their home

with something that

was able to not only

impact the environment

but impact them as people.


After the team leaves,

the activity in

the home continues.

They were still hearing

things moving around.

Knives flying, papers

bursting into flame.


the investigators can return,

Bob and Tammy's daughter,


is att*cked in her sleep.


[ Girl screams ]


NARRATOR: In Ohio, paranormal

investigator John Hines

fears a demon is responsible

for nefarious activity

at the home of

Bob and Tammy Conyew.

HINES: Knives flying,

papers bursting into flame.

NARRATOR: The entity

is a constant thr*at.

[ Screams ]

And now it targets

Bob and Tammy's daughter.

Arianne has scratches on her.

And also had a circular pattern,

very, very similar

to a pentagram,

b*rned or somehow

scuffed into her back.

[ Girl screams ]

Mom, Dad, get up here right now!

Oh, it hurts!

What is it?!

NARRATOR: Terrified, the family

call John immediately.

Well, as soon as I hear

that a pentagram has been,

you know, etched or scratched

into somebody,

immediately I'm thinking,

"Okay, we're dealing

with something that's demonic."

The family's state of mind

was definitely an increase

in their anxiety.

They were even more on edge.


John scrambles his team

and enters the house

ready for a battle.


It does still feel active.

You can still feel

something watching you.

HINES: Knowing that

the first time it made

two investigators sick,

I couldn't help but wonder

what might it do to us

this time.


They start on the second floor.


What's in here?

KAITLYN: What you got to do,

just step over

Did you just hear

something squeak?


We could start

hearing this meow.

[ Soft squeaking ]

Like a cat, like if it was

sitting right here on the floor,

it was like something like that.

I know.

But it sounded like

he came from in there.

-Do they have a cat?


You know, when you hear

a sound of an animal,

it could be something

masquerading as a pet.

[ Soft squeaking ]

-Did you hear that?

-[ Coughs ] Yeah I did.

It did it again.

One of them seem to come

from one of the other rooms,

so we decided to, you know,

go into Arianne's room

and try to do an EVP session.

FOGLEMAN: I felt nervous going

back into that room

because when we

first went in there,

I didn't feel good,

Kaitlyn fainted.

You don't know what

you're gonna walk into.


They can't shake the feeling

that something is in

the room with them.

And what happens next

suggests they're right.


[ Gasps ]

-Dad, I can't

-What's wrong? What happened?

I can't feel my leg.

HINES: Kaitlyn had mentioned

that her leg felt --

it felt really cold as if

she had been standing

in front of an open refrigerator

is kind of what it felt like.

Her leg and also her hand

were kind of tingling.

She was complaining that

the tingling was getting worse.

And within just seconds,

she said that she couldn't feel

her leg and also her hand.

-What's wrong?

-I can't feel my leg.

I am worried because,

you know, this is my daughter.

Let her go.

This was the first time

that I had ever seen

Kaitlyn impacted quite like

this on an investigation.

NARRATOR: John suspects

it was indeed a demon

attacking Kaitlyn.

I think that it was

it's way of saying,

"I can do this,

imagine what else I can do."

NARRATOR: He furiously

tries to protect her.

Stay away

from my daughter!

Let her go!

John fears what the demon

might do to Kaitlyn.

The one thing that

I knew was that

I couldn't allow that

situation to continue.

[ Whispering indistinctly ]

It hurts.

It still hurts.

I had my hand on her leg,

and I just said, you know,

"By the power of God,

leave my daughter alone."

Almost immediately we heard

and felt a boom or a bang.

And at that point, I pulled

my hand away and Kaitlyn said...

It's starting

to feel better.

We kind of helped her

to her feet,

and she was able to stand on it.

We stopped everything,

and all of us left that room

and went back downstairs.


With Kaitlyn safely downstairs,

John and Josh return to

the room to confront the entity.

[ Growling ]

But it is lying

in wait for them.

As soon as I stepped

into the room,

I just suddenly

felt like I had been

pushed up against the wall.

And I realized immediately

I really couldn't move.

I was seeing this shadowy

form in front of me.

Being att*cked by

an entity and, you know,

you can feel the weight of it,

that's a really scary feeling.

When I saw John get pinned

by the shadow figure,

it made me very nervous

and very helpless.

At that point,

I didn't know what to do.

You really do feel

like you're looking

right into the eyes of evil.



At a home haunting in Ohio,

a demon att*cks paranormal

investigator John Hines.

I just suddenly

felt like I had been

pushed up against the wall.

I really couldn't move.

[ Screaming ]

You really do feel

like you're looking

right into the eyes of evil.

[ Growling, screeching ]

I tried to struggle free,

but I just it seemed like

no matter what I did, it just

felt like that weight was just

keeping me from

being able to move.

And then there was just

a flash, and it dissolved.

It wasn't there anymore.

And the moment

that that happened,

I was able to step

forward from the wall.


I believe strongly that this

was the same shadow creature

that they had seen

in their bedroom.

NARRATOR: However, the entity

isn't finished with John yet.

Whatever that was, I mean,

I might not see it again, but...

[ Growling ]

And while I was talking,

I suddenly felt

this just bone chilling cold.

I just suddenly just

broke out in goose bumps,

and the very next instant, Josh

said I just caught an orb.

It was right at

about where I saw it.

Aw, man, I got goose bumps.

JOSH: Dude, I think

I just caught an orb

going right above

your head.

Right above my head?

I swear to God.

Which way did it go?

It went this way.

That way?


Oh, my God,

I got goose bumps.

If it's something that is

a negative entity as an orb,

it's very possible that it

might be wanting to possess

or at least to

break you down enough

to make you more vulnerable.

I definitely felt that I was

being personally att*cked.

And I do believe that it

was probably an extension

of the att*ck that had

happened before with Kaitlyn.

What that told me was,

okay, whatever is here

it's probably going to escalate.

I felt that at this point,

okay, it's time

to go downstairs.

We have what we came for.


John ends the investigation

and reveals their

findings to the Conyew's.

There very possibly was

a portal in that location

where these things

were freely being able to

come into our plane

and leave our plane,

and it just seemed like

everything coming through

was something that

was just over time

more and more negative.

Power of God compels us.

[ Growling ]


[ Demon shouting indistinctly ]

The power of God...

[ Demon shouting indistinctly ]

The danger of having

an open portal is that

you have just opened a doorway

and left it wide open

for anything to feel

invited to come across.

And these are never

entities that are positive.

The evil entity that was there

is still very much there.

We felt that the home definitely

was being haunted

by an evil presence,

most likely demonic

because of everything

that had been going on.

We were also pretty

convinced that the cat meow

and what people were

describing with the little girl

were most likely manifestations

of this evil entity

that was still to this day,

I believe, at their house.

NARRATOR: Still to come,

when a spirit exhibits

extremely evil intentions...

[ Indistinct shouting ]

...a night at the museum

gives veteran investigators

the biggest fright

of their lives.

[ Woman screams ]


NARRATOR: But first,

dangerous entities

at an old inn

att*ck ghost hunters again...

[ Grunts ] Ow!

Amber, you okay?

Ow, my arm.

...and again.


It was bone chilling.

It has the ability to shove.

What else is it capable of?


NARRATOR: In Palmyra, Ohio,

stands The Stage Coach Inn.

Built in the s, it is

a recognized historic landmark.

But now the Inn lies empty.

Derelict and decaying

as the owner attempts

to restore it to

it's former glory.


There is a heaviness

that hangs in the air.

And reports of bizarre

and unexplained events

add to the gloom.

McGILL: We heard that there

are footsteps,

music playing,

and shadow figures.

People had been reporting

seeing a ball of light.

They hear children laughing

when there's

no children present.

There had been

an apparition of a woman

seen on the second floor.

There was all kinds of

things going on there.

NARRATOR: The Inn's caretaker

witnesses particularly troubling

activity when he's alone.

He had experienced

hearing voices.

He has heard singing.

He has heard furniture move.

[ Clattering ]

And most disturbingly,

he has had stones and other

objects thrown at him.

NARRATOR: The reports capture

the attention of Eric McGill.

He is the lead investigator with

the paranormal research

group EctoVision.

McGILL: My ultimate goal as

an investigator is to

capture interaction or

direct responses from spirits

or any type of

entity or presence

because that's how we learn

more about the paranormal

and how we share

and teach others.

We go to these locations where

known malevolent activity

is said to occur because we

are seeking those answers.

We do what we do in spite of

the risks that are involved.


Eric's co-investigators

Amber Wellman and Tom Javorsky

visit the Inn to conduct

a preliminary investigation.

When we first arrived,

it was quiet,

and I didn't feel

anything at all,

nothing out of the normal.

But that only lasted

for a little while.


As they make their way upstairs,

they get a subtle sign

that they are not alone.

All of a sudden,

my head lamp came on.

What happened?

My headlight

just came on.

I couldn't believe

it simply because

that headlight is hard for

me to push the on switch on.

So it took a tremendous

amount of force

to switch that light on.

NARRATOR: Then the activity

becomes dangerous.

[ Grunts ] Ow!

Amber, you okay?

JAVORSKY: Amber, as she was

coming down the steps,

she was pushed with such force

and ended up ramming her arm

into the banister

of the stairway.

NARRATOR: The att*ck

on Amber prompts Eric

to launch a full scale


I was very anxious

to get in there.

I thought if that

presence or entity

has the power and ability

to physically move objects

and it has the ability to shove

people or turn on a head lamp,

what else is it capable of?

NARRATOR: Almost as soon as

the team returns to the inn,

the activity starts up again.

JAVORSKY: I happened to look

down the hallway

towards where

the saloon was located,

and I saw the figure,

a shadow figure of a small boy.

It sort of leaned out

in front of the doorway...

...and disappeared.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

NARRATOR: In Ohio, Eric McGill

and his team of ghost hunters

investigate the historic

Stage Coach Inn.

I was very anxious

to get in there.

NARRATOR: As soon as they do,

the paranormal activity begins.

[ Grunts ] Ow!

Amber, you all right?


I saw the figure,

a shadow figure

of a small boy.

It sort of leaned out

in front of the doorway...

...and disappeared.

I couldn't believe my eyes.

Amber saw it, as well.

And she says to me,

"Oh, my God, I just

saw a little boy

in that room down there,

a shadow figure of

a little boy so high.

She justified the fact that

I had actually seen something.

Because she, too,

saw that figure.

When I heard that they had

seen what appeared to be

the shadowy figure of

a small child, I got excited.

If it's already trying

to interact with you,

you have a real sh*t at

capturing something amazing.

NARRATOR: The team sets up their

equipment all over the building.

They start in the basement.

And work their way

up every floor.


-Right here, or...?

-Yeah, that's good.

[ Indistinct chatter ]

[ Woman crying ]

-Did you hear that?

-Our static-thermal camera

picked up the voice of a woman.

Sounds to me like

a female yelling.

And the words she's

saying sounds like,

"And I'm sick and tired of..."

And then it becomes


It was somebody

that was was mad.

NARRATOR: Then Amber feels

something much more disturbing.

-Amber, you okay?

-Amber was shoved.

Amber said it felt like hands

pushed her against the wall,

and she lost her

breath momentarily.

She said that she was

pretty startled by the event

and pretty scared.

That was weird.

Did you feel pushed forwards?

'Cause I got

pushed backward.

I felt absolute

cold behind me.

And she was

pushed back.

If the same person or spirit

or entity that pushed

Amber on the stairway

the first time she

was in the building

remembered her and wanted

to let Amber know

that she wasn't wanted.

It is unsettling.

It's downright scary.

Something that has

that kind of force

that it can move

objects and people

and go through people,

give them a cold chill,

that's something you really

don't want to deal with.

NARRATOR: The experience

worries the entire team.

When somebody is shoved

on an investigation,

you have to take

it very seriously.

There's something there

that was aggressive,

that was angry, and really

didn't want people there.

We took it as a warning.

We needed a break.

I needed to make sure

Amber was okay.

We needed to just stop,

kind of get our bearings,

and get all together

and get reorganized.

NARRATOR: The entities present

are in no mood to let them rest.

[ Beeping ]

McGILL: We suddenly heard

the motion detector

down in the basement alarming.

-It's in the basement.

-Tom and I will check it out.

You guys stay here.


We were going down there with

a little bit of nervousness

and a little bit of anxiety.


and his team try to recover

after an aggressive att*ck

at the Stage Coach Inn.

But active and agitated spirits

have other plans in store.

McGILL: We suddenly heard

the motion detector

down in the basement alarming.

It's in the basement.

We were going down there with

a little bit of nervousness

and a little bit of anxiety.

JAVORSKY: This basement had

a dirt floor, a low ceiling.

It was full of spider webs.

It was dark, wet.


We're not seeing any footprints,

and this is a dirt floor.

I didn't know what to expect.

We're kind of anxious to

go over the evidence

to see if it was something,

I don't know, paranormal.


What they discover is unnatural.

We captured what appeared to be

a mist or partial apparition.

It looks to like some

boots stepping in mid air.

And it makes a sound of

what sounds like boots

on a wooden floor.

It was shocking.

[ Thudding ]

I couldn't believe it.

It looked like

a pair of boots to me,

walking across a floor

that wasn't there.

McGILL: This was trying

to manifest fully

but just didn't have the energy

or the ability to do so.

I have no idea who it was,

I just know it was there.

It was a mystery to us.

NARRATOR: The partial

apparition in the basement

only puts the team

further on edge.

McGILL: Things were

getting uncomfortable.

We worn out our welcome.

They don't want us to be there.


Eric convinces the team

to investigate one last area,

the Bible room.


They keep a Bible in that room,

and the interesting

thing about this Bible

that sits on this mantel

or this fireplace,

is that many times, that Bible

will wind up on the floor.

Holy cow.

Nobody knows how

or why that happens.

This Bible just strangely

seems to move all on its own.

NARRATOR: It does just that

while the team is in the room.

[ Book thuds ]

McGILL: Holy cow.

That was crazy.


Satisfied with their evidence,

Eric decides to end

the investigation,

which is a relief to the team.

It seemed like

the right time to leave.

Everybody was worn out

physically and spiritually.

So sticking around,

it could've gotten worse.

NARRATOR: Before they go,

they explain their findings

to the caretaker.

Check this out.

What you got?

He was able to watch

what we captured

and definitely was able

to further validate for us

that was we captured was

similar to what other

paranormal investigators

had experienced.


Despite the att*cks on his team,

Eric does not recommend

cleansing the inn.

I wouldn't suggest

trying to remove them

because I think of that

as a form of provocation

and if it fails,

it's gonna come back at you

harder than what

you could image.


Eric leaves the investigation

with more questions

than answers.

McGILL: It's so hard to really

say who could be haunting

the Stage Coach Stop.

We do know that the inn has

changed hands many times.

JAVORSKY: We have no idea where

the spirits came from

or even what time period

they're from.

We just know they're

there and they're active.

I'm just that we were

able to get the things

that we were able to

get and we were able

to all leave safely.


NARRATOR: History comes alive

in a very frightening fashion

at a haunted museum.

Out! Out!

NARRATOR: And terrifies

paranormal investigators

beyond belief.

This is the only time

I've ever been scared.

Just complete fear.


NARRATOR: In Caspian, Michigan,

stands the Iron County

Historical Museum.

Founded in , it's now

a vast -acre property

showcasing dozens of exhibits,

including the former home of

a late th century musician.

Carrie Jacobs Bond

was the first female

recording artist in

the United States

to reach a million records sold.

She was very successful

as a musician

but definitely had some

challenges in her life.

Her son committed su1c1de.

Her husband passed away

prematurely due to an accident.

She had a lot of

personal tragedy.


the museum brought in

Carrie's home as an exhibit.

But along with the history,

many witness bizarre events.

BONNER: Employees and actually

visitors claim

that they hear

disembodied voices.

Clear as day voices

like a normal person

talking when no one's there.

BONNER: Doors shutting, they'd

hear footsteps all through

the house, and there'd be

nobody else in the house.

There were people

that had always had

really uneasy feelings

at the Carrie Jacobs Bond house

in particular.

NARRATOR: The activity is

constant and frightens staff.


People had had experiences,

specifically some of

the museum employee workers.

BONNER: A volunteer

that worked at the museum

setting up the dining room...

[ Door hinges squeaking ]

...heard a female's voice say,

"That looks beautiful."



That looks beautiful.

[ Gasps ]


She was so shaken up by it.

Everything in that

house was scary.


News of the activity reaches

ghost hunter Todd Bonner.

He is the co-founder of

Detroit Paranormal Expeditions.

Over the course of eight years,

he has investigated

hundreds of cases.

BONNER: I know there's something

else out there besides us.

Any chance I get to go

to an historic building,

a haunted location, I do it.

You have to be fearless

when you do this stuff,

but you have to be cautious.

My approach to

the paranormal is,

you can't try and provoke

or be disrespectful

because then you may get

that disrespect back.

NARRATOR: Todd arranges to

investigate the museum.

BONNER: Walking into

the Carrie Jacobs Bond house.

NARRATOR: His team is

the first to ever conduct

an investigation there.


He brings alone Lauren Sorino,

Brandy Miller, and Jeff Adkins.

We were very much drawn to

the Carrie Jacobs Bond house,

and I think it's kind of like

the museum's crown jewel.

We were going into

a situation where

we didn't know what

we would encounter.

We definitely did feel

like there could be

some dangerous elements to it.

BONNER: As soon as I walked into

the house, everything changed.

It was a heavy, heavy, almost

like an oppressed feeling

I got of something

not wanting us there.

NARRATOR: The team gets to

work right away.

The women stay on the main level

while Todd and Jeff

explore upstairs.


They waste no time trying

to contact the spirits.

They get a response right away.

[ Whistling ]

It sounded like someone

just real quick whistled.

I said, "Are you hearing

this right now?

Are you hearing this right now?"

And then it happened again.

[ Whistling ]

We were both a little

bit freaked out

about hearing the whistling

'cause it was just

so obvious that it was upstairs

and nobody else was upstairs.

[ Whistling ]

NARRATOR: Despite himself,

Todd calls out to the spirit.

If there's a spirit

in the hallway,

please come join us.

And we got these

very loud, clear,

footsteps walking into the room.

[ Footsteps thudding ]

It was kind of shocking

that that happened.

NARRATOR: They're eager to learn

more about the presence.

We started asking questions

like, "If there's anything

in this house, come join us.

We don't want to hurt you,

we just want to talk to you.

We mean you no harm."


But they are met with silence.

Todd leaves Jeff to

keep watch upstairs

as he joins Brandy and Lauren.

He finds them in the parlor.

BONNER: Lauren had the idea

of playing some music

to see if that would

trigger any activity.


They don't have to wait long

to get a reaction.

[ Piano playing ]


And that's when the activity

really started to ramp up.

You could feel

the negative energy.

The temperature changed,

it got really cold.

This is strange to us.

Like, it's strange

to us in the moment.

NARRATOR: Their equipment

confirms a paranormal presence.

BONNER: And that's when

the K started going off,

and that's when it

started to spike.

It slowly went up,

then it went to red,

all the way to red.

And I've never really seen

that stay at red before.


Then the unimaginable happens.


[ Screams ]

NARRATOR: Ghost hunter

Todd Bonner and his team


the Carrie Jacobs Bond house

in Michigan.

They know right away

they aren't welcome here.

You can feel

the negative energy.

The spirit in the home is

powerful and menacing.

[ Beeping ]

BONNER: That's when the K

started going off.

NARRATOR: And then the entity

uses that device to att*ck.

BONNER: Our K meter flew

and hit Lauren in the leg.

And she screamed instantly.

[ Screaming ]

The K meter hurled in the air,

five feet in the air,

and it stayed red, all the way

red while it was in the air.

Flew with force and hit Lauren.

It was something

I'll never forget.

[ Screaming ]

I'm not gonna lie, I was scared.

I ran down the stairs

as quickly as I could.

I burst into the room,

I said, "What happened?"

And we just said,

"We got to get out of here."

We just ran out.

We got to get out or here.

Let's go! Go.

-[ Sobbing ]

-Go, go, go, go!


Your intuition is telling you

just to get out of this house.

Whatever spirit was there was

really making itself known.

Still to this day,

I've never witnessed

anything like that before.

It was a scary feeling.

I've never been

scared doing this.

This is the only time

I've ever been scared.

NARRATOR: Though terrified,

Todd steels himself

to finish the investigation.

We got to go

back in.

He asks Jeff

to come with him.

My first thought was, "No way."

Everything in my whole

being was telling me,

"Don't go into the house."

Todd very much likes

to face things down.

He wants to know what happened.

And so I said,

"Okay, if you want to go back,

I will go back with you."

I was scared.

I was terrified.

But I sucked it up to

go back in there again

because this is what we do.

So we went back in there.

NARRATOR: Todd and Jeff

anxiously head back

to the parlor.


We're not here

to hurt you.

We just want

to talk.

We start doing

an EVP session, and we say,

"We didn't mean

to make any harm.

We didn't come here

to disrespect anybody."

I don't know if you're

angry or don't want us here.

NARRATOR: But the spirit is

in no mood for talking.

At this point, the spirit

almost feels hostile.

We feel very uncomfortable

in that house.

And that's when

the footsteps started coming

towards us from

the back of the house

all the way to

the front of the house.

ADKINS: And that feeling was

extremely unwelcoming and scary.


So at the top of the stairs,

there was a loud thump.

And then heavy footsteps

coming down the stairs

towards us to where we were at.

ADKINS: It became, honestly,

pretty frightening.

I felt pretty in danger.


There, there!


I just couldn't hold myself.


We both react at

the same time on the video.

Todd jumps off the couch,

I stand up.

Todd looked at me

right when it happened,

and I've never seen a look like

that on his face in my life.

Just complete fear.

[ Indistinct shouting ]

BONNER: And we did

hear a voice say, "Leave."

It was a gruff voice,

very unpleasant.

-Out! Out!

-Like someone with authority

telling you to leave.

Like, "We don't want

you here, leave."


And that was apparent to us,

and with the fear that we felt,

we knew it was time to go.

Our natural instinct was,

you have to get out.

So I just got out.

We both ran out.

NARRATOR: After this

frightening encounter,

they end the investigation.

BONNER: I don't think we

could've took anymore, actually.

I was ready to go home.

Whatever's in that

house is very powerful,

very strong, and has

a lot of energy.


Todd's experience validates

what many others suspect.

That it is the spirit

of Carrie Jacobs Bond

that haunts the home.

BONNER: I think spirits, they

get attached to their house.

They're waiting

for their husband

or their child to come back.

-[ Screams ]

-Carrie Jacobs Bond might have

been just as scared as us.

So maybe that was their defense

mechanism to say, "Leave."

NARRATOR: The team agrees that

this is the most terrifying

investigation they have

ever been apart of.

We've been all over

the United States,

famous locations,

smaller locations.

I've never had this kind

of activity target us.

I did feel like I was in danger.

I think in my experience as

a paranormal investigator,

that is probably

the time I was most scared.

I've never been on

an investigation where

I was getting this kind of

fight or flight type feelings

so consistently and so often.

BONNER: And this is the most

haunted place I've ever been to.

I can say that for % sure.

What happened in

the Carrie Jacobs Bond house,

I had never experienced before.

NARRATOR: Despite all the

negativity they encountered,

Todd is open to going back.

BONNER: The place intrigues me.

I don't know if it's because

it scared me so much.

I would love to go back

and do it again,

but it depends if

I can force myself

to go back in that

house one more time.