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09x01 - First Day of School, Part 1 & 2

Posted: 07/14/23 11:55
by bunniefuu
both: ♪ If you're a kid with powers ♪

♪ Then where's the place to be? ♪

♪ You belong at Hero Elementary ♪

♪ If you have super strength ♪

♪ And can lift a ton or three ♪

♪ You belong at Hero Elementary ♪

man: ♪ If your power lets you fly ♪

- ♪ You're like me, Lucita Sky ♪

woman: ♪ Like to help out when there's trouble? ♪

- ♪ Oh, you bet, I'm Benny Bubbles! ♪

man: ♪ Teleport in no time flat? ♪

- ♪ Sara Snap can, just like that! ♪

woman: ♪ Use super tools to save the day? ♪

- ♪ Like AJ Gadgets, I'm on my way! ♪

both: ♪ How do they save the day? ♪

all: ♪ Well, the scientific fact is ♪

♪ They use all kinds of powers ♪

♪ They just need a little more ♪

man: Practice!

both: ♪ If you're a future hero ♪

♪ Come and you will see ♪

♪ You belong at Hero Elementary ♪

all: ♪ We all belong at Hero Elementary ♪

First Day of School

- Did you ever wonder how Sparks' Crew became a team?

It all started on their very first day

at Hero Elementary.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- I'm nervous, Abuelita.

I've never been to a hero school before.

What if everyone finds out I'm scared of heights?

- Mi amor, estarás bien.

Everyone here is still learning.

Adiós. - Adiós, Abuelita.


Maybe I can just stay low to the ground.

[exciting music]

- Yay!

- Huh? Whoa!



[squeaks] Oh, no!

[tense music]

- I thought you didn't like to fly high, Lucita.

- AJ, I'm so happy to see you.

- Can you believe we're finally going to hero school

like we always dreamed of?

Isn't it exciting? - Well--

[bubbles boing] - Look out!

Uh, sorry.

When I make bubbles, sometimes they get away from me.

- You have bubble power?

- Yup, yup, yup.

Benny Bubbles is the name. Making bubbles is my game.

[funky music]

Oh, oops. [tires skid, horn blares]

Ha! What are your names?

- I'm Lucita. Lucita Sky.

- I'm AJ Gadgets.

I love making gadgets.

And using gadgets, and heroes who use gadgets,

and all heroes in general.

I mean, I love everything that has to do with heroes.

- Wow, sounds like Hero Elementary

is the perfect school for you.

- [hums]

This first day is gonna be no prob.

Oops! [grunts]

Huh? Uh...

- Let me guess, super strength?

- How'd you know?

Cool gadget. I'm Sara Snap.

Put her there.

- Whoa! [laughs]

You really are super strong.

- [chuckles] Sorry.

Can't always control it.

- Hey, we all have the same shirts.

We must be in the same class.

- Oh, yeah!

- I guess we're all in Mr. Sparks' class.

- Great, I knew meeting friends would be a snap.

[whooshes] [grunts]

[chuckles] - You can teleport too?

- Yeah, can't always control that either.

- [laughs] Come on.

Let's go find our classroom and get this day started.

- Oy! - Ooh, I can't wait!

- [whimpers] I can do this!

[inhales, exhales]

- Welcome, students.

Please zip, zoom, swoop, or pop to class.

- I've never seen so many super kids.

- This place is so amazing!

- Whoa, I wonder what Mr. Sparks is like!

- I've been thinking about that.

Thought projecting!

- Cool superpower!

- I can show you anything I think.

And with a name like Mr. Sparks,

I imagine he has sparky superpowers.

- Ooh, ooh! I bet he has giant muscles!

Oh, yeah, he probably looks just like that.

[school bell rings] - Come on.

all: Huh? [drum roll]

- Buenos días. Good morning, young heroes.

- Mr. Sparks?

- That's right.

Welcome to your first day of hero school.

- Uh, but you're not--

- What you were expecting? [laughs]

There are many things you won't expect

here at Hero Elementary.

- We thought you'd have superpowers.

- [laughs] Enough about me.

Who's ready to get started? - I'm ready.

I brought my latest gadget to show everyone.

Spring shoes! [beeps]

Whoa! Oh, no!

Come back here.

- [laughs] I love a new class.

So much for me to teach.

[tense music]

- Never fear!

I shall stop this trouble with a bubble!

Oh, no!



- Or lots of little bubbles.

- Got them. Sorry, everyone.

Sometimes I make mistakes with my gadgets.

- Yeah, and sometimes I make mistakes with my bubble power.

- Well, like my abuelita told me,

everyone here is still learning.

- Exactamente.

And mistakes are wonderful because

we learn so much from mistakes.

- So how do we get rid of all these bubbles?

[groans] They don't pop!

- I'm the only one who can pop them.


Uh, but I--I can't move.

- What if we could solve this problem

using special superpowers?

Superpowers that we all have?

- We do? - Everyone does!

They're called the Superpowers of Science!

- Huh, I never heard of those.

- The Superpowers of Science can help you solve any problem.

- How? - Let's start with this.

What do you observe?

- Observe?

- Yes!

What do you notice about these bubbles?

- [groans]

Well, they're super strong.

- I noticed they're bouncy and roll-y.

- So let's think.

How can we get strong, bouncy, roll-y bubbles

out of our way?

- Um, could we maybe open the door to let them roll out?

- Aha, so you predict that they will roll out.

- Predict?

- Yes, you told us what you think will happen.

Predicting is another Superpower of Science.

- Whoa, but how do we know

if the bubbles will roll out like Lucita predicted?

- I guess we open the door and find out.

- Buena idea. We test it out.

We try it to see what happens.

Testing is--

- Another Superpower of Science?

- Muy bien.

Now Lucita, would you like to test your idea

to see if the balls will roll out the door?

- Okay!

Whoa! - [whistles]

all: Whoa!

- Ah!

- Mr. Whistle. [laughs]

We're learning about the Superpowers of Science.

- This kind of thing happens all the time around here.

[jazz music]

Hero Training

- Hey, check this out!

- Whoa! - Ooh!

- Wow! - Whoa!

- Amazing! - Ah, the gym.

Where you will do much of your hero training.

Now, who's ready to get started?

- Oh, me, me! - I am!

- Whoo-hoo!

- Hero training? [whimpers]

- [grunts] Look, one finger.

- [grunts, laughs] Whoo-hoo!

- [laughs] I'm flying!

- How about you, Lucita?

Do you want to practice your superpower?

Maybe try flying through the rings?

- [gasps]

Um, all the way up there?

Oh, I'll try.



Uh-oh! [exhales weakly]


- Are you okay, Lucita?

- Yes.

When I fly too high,

I look down and get dizzy.

I'm kind of afraid of heights.

- Ah, but that's why you're here.

To learn.

- Maybe you won't be afraid

if you have a friend to fly with, like me.

- But AJ, you can't fly.

- No, but I can make Super Gadgets,

so I made this, a jetpack backpack.

- Wow! - So cool!

- Now we can fly together.

All I have to do is push this little button.



[grunts] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!


- Gotcha!

[dramatic music]

- Oh, no! My jetpack!

- Don't worry, AJ. We'll get it back.

Come on, everyone!

♪ ♪

I have it! I have it, I have it!

Whoa! [grunts]

I don't have it!

both: Whoa!

- Aha!





[jetpack sputters]

- Oh, no!

- There it is!

[tense music]

- [sighs] Aw.

Oh, what am I gonna do?

All my gadgets are in there.

- It's okay, AJ. Breathe.

- [inhaling, exhaling]

- Ooh, there must be some way to get it down.

Right, Mr. Sparks? - There is always a way!

- I'll just teleport up there and get it.

Roof. [whooshes]


- Maybe I can help.

Bubble up!

Oh, no! Bubbles down.

- Hmm, if only someone had the power

to get up high enough to reach the roof.

- [sighs]

I guess the only one who can do it is...

[gasps] Me.

- But that's really high.

You'll get dizzy. - I know.

But that backpack is important to you.

I'll just have to find a way. - Hey.

How about if we use those science power thingies?

- The Superpowers of Science! Yes!

- Let's think.

Lucita gets dizzy when she looks down,

so what if she doesn't look down?

- Ah, what do you predict will happen?

- I predict that if she doesn't look down,

she won't see how high she is

and she won't get dizzy.

- So how can we find out?

all: We test it out!

- [gulps] Okay.

♪ ♪

I'll give it a try.

[panting] Don't look down.

Don't look down. Don't look down.

[grunts] I got it!

Whoo-hoo, hoo! - Whoo-hoo!

- Yeah, you go! - Hooray!

- It worked exactly the way you predicted.

- Here's your backpack, AJ. - Thanks.

- How does it feel to be a hero?

- Amazing!

You know, I think I'm really

gonna like this school after all.

- Fantástico.

Now let's go do some more hero training.

- Oh, yeah! - I can't wait!

- With the Superpowers of Science,

my students would be able to solve any problems

that come their way.

First Mission

- It was my students' very first day

at Hero Elementary, and wow,

was it flying by.

- Benny, Sara, can you hear me?

- We can hear you.

- And see you.

Over here!

- Wow, these Hero Screens

are just like the ones real heroes use.

- I can't wait to use them on a real mission.

- You never know when that might be.

- With these Hero Screens, we'll be ready for any trouble.

- Meanwhile at the City Town animal shelter,

trouble was unfolding fast.

[whooshes] - Oh, no!

Come back!

Ay. - [squawks]

- [meows]

- Come back!

I'm gonna need some help!

- [meows] [dramatic musical sting]

- Now here is a place to learn about great heroes.

The library.

- Whoa! - Wow!

- [gasps] Look at all the comic books.

- AJ knows everything about every hero

in every comic book ever!

- "History's Greatest Super Teams."

This has all the greats in one book.

Look, The Super Achievers.

The Cool Club.

Oh, and Team Tiny.

- Hey, we can be a great team too.

Maybe we should have a team name.

- Ooh, yes!

How about The Gadget Guardians?

- Or--or The Bubble Bunch?

- Maybe our team name should be about all of us.

Right, Mr. Sparks? - You do make quite a crew.

- Wait, wait! Oh!

That should be our team name!

Mr. Sparks' Quite a Crew!

- Hmm... [gasps]

How about just Sparks' Crew?

- Yes! - Works for me.

- Yes, I like the sound of that.

[The Sparkinator beeps] - Whoa!

What's that thing? - Ah, this is the Sparkinator.

It lets us know when there's a problem

that needs your heroic help.

- Wow, what an amazing gadget.

[dogs barking] - Oh!

What am I going to do?

- Is she at the animal shelter? - Yes.

And it looks like trouble. All right, everyone.

It's time for your first mission.

- Already?

- The best time to be a hero

is when you are needed most.

Now who's the crew who knows what to do?

[music stops]

You are.

- He--he's right! It's us!

Oh, we could do this. We're Sparks' Crew, remember?

- Sparks' Crew to the Rescue?

[dramatic musical sting]

all: Sparks' Crew to the Rescue!

- I'll drive. Vámonos.

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

[dogs barking]

Oh, my!

- [groans] Oh, too loud.

- AJ's sensitive to loud sounds.

- Don't worry.

My hero students are here to help.

- Oh, good.

One of the animals is zooming all over!

She's upsetting the other pets.

- Aw, the poor little animals.


Aw. [laughs]

- Ooh, it's moving so fast, all I can see is a blur.

- What kind of animal is it anyway?

- It's a super baby...

Super Baby Hamster

hamster! - [squeaks]

all: Aw.

- [gasps] It's so cute!

- Yup, she's super cute,

but when super hamsters are this young,

they're super fast.

- Fear not,

for we shall stop this maker of mayhem!

all: Huh?

- You know, that cute speedy hamster.

- Right, how hard could it be to catch a baby hamster?

This'll be a snap. [whooshes]

[mischievous music] [grunts, groans]

♪ ♪

- [squeaks]


- Oh, no! She's getting away!

- [squeaks]

[sniffs, squeaks]

- Come on, Sparks' Crew!

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- [panting] Wait up!

I can't go that fast.

- Hop in!

- [squeaks]

- Huh?

[whooshes] - There she is!

- [squeaks] - Come on!

- I got you! - I got you!

- I got you! [all grunt]

- Sorry! It's our first day.

- [squeaks, sniffs]

- [gasps] I see her!

- [squeaks] - Come here, little cutie.

[tense music]

Uh-oh! [screaming]

♪ ♪

[laughs] Whoo-hoo!

- Benny? - Whoa!

[laughs] Yeah!

- Look at him go!

- [laughs] Whoo-hoo, yeah!

Whoa, did you see that?

Whoa, I never knew I could do that with my bubbles.

- That's great!

Now, let's go catch that hamster.

- [laughs] Right behind you.

Hey, where'd she go?

all: [gasp] She's gone.

- So how can you solve this problem?

- Hmm--ooh! I know.

Maybe we could use our--

all: Superpowers of Science!

Super Fast Hamster

- Excelente.

- Okay, let's all observe

and see what we notice.

- I observe that hamster made a big mess.

- Oh, yeah. Look at all the shells.

She must really like peanuts.

- Wait, the hamster ate the nuts

and left the shells behind.

- And?

- I predict that if we follow the shells,

it will lead us right to her.

- Hey, you might be right! - Let's test it out!

- Yes!

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

- Look, I see her.

- Careful, team.

Now, let's be very quiet as--

- Get her! [whooshes]


- I got you!


- [squeaks]

- Bubble up! - [squeaks]

[both grunt, scream]

[both grunt]

- Huh?


- [whimpers]

- Whoa!

- Wait! - Huh?

- [groans] [whooshes]

- Whoa! - [grunts]

- Ta-da! A rope launcher.

both: Whoa! [all grunt]

- It turns out being a hero

was a tough nut to crack.

- [squeaks]

- Okay.

If we're gonna be a team,

we've really gotta start working together.

- Right, let's all see what else we can observe.

- Yes, keep using those Superpowers of Science!

- Well, I noticed that

every time we get close to the hamster,

she runs away.

- And she only stops to eat.

- Ah, so how do you catch a super fast hamster

who likes to eat?

- We don't.

Instead of trying to catch her,

what if we use food to get her to come to us?

- Ooh, I like it.

- What do the rest of you think?

- Thought projecting!

If one of us carries some food,

I predict the hungry hamster will go after it.

- And follow the food back to the animal shelter.

- Ooh, I could carry the food.

I'll lead the little cutie back to the shelter.

- How can you find out if it will work?

all: Test it out!

- [laughs] Yes!

You're really starting to understand

these Superpowers of Science!

- [squeaks] - Look, there she is.

- [squeaks] - Okay, team.

Let's work together and get her to come to Benny.

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

- Yoo-hoo. Come here, baby hamster.

I've got some nice, yummy food for you.

[dramatic music]

- [squeaks]

- [gasps] It's working.

Quick, Benny! Lead her back to the shelter.

♪ ♪

- That's it. [laughs]

Come here, girl. - [squeaks]

- Uh-oh! [grunts]

Aw. [chuckles]

Who's a little cutie patootie?

Yeah. Yeah, you are.

- [squeaks]

- [laughs] Aw.

Aw, if you want more belly rubs,

you're gonna have to learn to slow down a bit.

- Great job, team. You saved the day.

- Now, let's get you back to the animal shelter.

- [squeaks]

[dramatic musical sting]

- Thanks for your help, kids.

Hero Elementary

Now I can get back

to finding this little super hamster a home.

- A home?

- Yes, that's what we do here at the animal shelter--

find homes for animals.

- Aw, I didn't know you needed a home.

- Well, what about Hero Elementary?

- Huh, that's a school. Not a home.

- Ah, but some classes have a class pet.

- Really? She could be our class pet?

- A super school is the perfect place

for a super hamster.

- Yes! - Let's do it!

- Did you hear that, little hamster?

Aw, you're coming with us.

- [squeaks]

[school bell rings]

[upbeat music]

- Welcome to your new home.

- Great job, class.

I'm so proud of how you used

your Superpowers of Science today.

And tomorrow, we'll learn how to use even more of them.

- There are more Superpowers of Science?

- Oh, sí, and I can't wait for you to find out

all about them.

But right now, this little hamster needs a name.

- Ooh, ooh! Speedy McHamster!

- How about Zipster?

- Maybe keep it simple. Super Hamster.

- Aw, look, when she runs,

she really is a little blur of fur.

[chuckles] That's it!

We can name her... Little Blur of Fur!

- Or just-- all: Hmm.

Fur Blur!

- [squeaks]

- The team was finally complete,

and so was the first day of school.

But the adventures of Sparks' Crew

were just beginning.

all: ♪ We all belong at Hero Elementary ♪

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

♪ ♪