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04x14 - Mama Can You Hear Me?

Posted: 07/19/23 16:05
by bunniefuu
Previously on 90210...
You cheated on her.

No, I didn't. Okay,
Holly snuck in and att*cked me.

Naomi walked in
before I could push her away.

Oh, my God.

Naomi, I told you,
I didn't cheat on you.

I believe you,
about Holly, I do.

It's just that

it doesn't matter because
I know that I need to change,

and it doesn't have anything
to do with you.

Is everything
okay with your dad?

He's turning himself in.

With what he has on my uncle,
they're both going away

for a long time. Now that
everything's out in the open,

I was hoping we
could start over.

I'm still seeing Greg.

You know that song of mine
that you sampled? Yeah.

It's about my daughter, Maisy.

Do you know it's been
almost three years

since I gave her away?

It is so nice to
finally meet you.

She has your eyes.

Thanks, but she's adopted.
The birth mother

was a local girl
still in high school,

and she just wanted her baby
to get a good home.

That's how we got Maisy.

Vanessa was there the
night of the accident.

She's been here
every day since.

Vanessa said
that a black car hit you,

but the mechanic said that

your bike was covered
in maroon paint.

Yes. Help, please.

There's been an accident.

It was a hit-and-run.

I have decided
to go to Carnegie Mellon.

Here is to fresh starts.

Oh, this isn't my I.D.

- Uh...
- Is it someone you know?

Clare Hallenberg.

No. I don't know her.

Somebody k*ll me, please!

This is the soundtrack
to my nightmares.

Hey, hey, hey, as a freeloader,
I know I can't complain,

but Austin has been playing

that broken-hearted country crap
for a week.

Ah, the poor guy--
he hasn't been the same

since Naomi broke up with him.

Hey, buddy.


No, he did not just finish
my Oaty Nuts!

Guys, we have to do
something, okay?

It is not right for someone

to stew
in their sadness like this.

I don't think
that dude has taken a shower

in more than a week.

You know what?
Maybe I should just leave

for a little while until
he starts feeling better.

Yeah, maybe I should find
another couch to sleep on, too.

Whoa. Whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.

You guys aren't going to leave
me here alone with him, are you?

Dixon, my heart was
just broken, okay?

And I was just beaten
within an inch of my life.

My constitution cannot handle
this level of country music.

Okay, I know he's my roommate,

and he's my responsibility,

so, I'll-I'll go
handle him, okay?

Hey, Austin?

Dude, you have become
such a workaholic.

My new boss makes
TheDevil Wears Prada chick

look like a
kindergarten teacher.

Well, that might have something
to do with the fact

that you got caught
having sex with a sailor

in a giant snow globe at a party
that you were supposed

to be overseeing.

Hey, I have learned my lesson,

and I'm never gonna let a guy

come between me
and my success again.

Unlike some people--

What are you saying?
That I'm letting Liam get

in the way of my life?
That's crazy.

Oh, then why are you still here?

I mean, seriously,
don't we have some big

going-away party for you?

All we're saying is,
if you're here to stay close

to your ex-boyfriend and his
new girlfriend, that's weird.

What about the fact

that she hasn't left his side
since the accident?

Or that her wallet
was full of fake I.D.'s?

Oh, a girl with a fake I.D.

I'm serious, guys.
It's creepy.

Yeah, you know what?

You going through another
girl's purse

kind of makes you
the creepy one.



I hope those
weren't for my mom.

She hates sloppiness.

It's all right, Holly.

I'm sure it was
just an accident.

That was an accident, too.

Yeah, you know what?
I really don't feel

like witnessing
a m*rder this morning.

Your move, sweetie.


I can't believe you let her
get away without a severe limp.

Oh, following my old impulses

for revenge never
got me anywhere.

That's why I'm looking
for a fresh start.

Which is not going to happen
if I engage in petty rivalries.

I don't think
Holly got the memo.

Doesn't matter.

The new Naomi is about
turning the other cheek.

But she stole your boyfriend.

'Cause she thinks
I stole her mother.

Oh, my God, that's it.

Holly is Holly

because of the relationship
she has with her mother.

If I fix things between them,
then I won't have to deal

with a nemesis on campus,
I'll probably get a promotion,

and then being New Naomi
will be super easy!


Well, I hope you're right.

'Cause you can't keep
turning the other cheek forever.

You're going
to run out of cheeks.


I've been looking
for you everywhere.

You know that agency I
just signed with? Yeah.

Just got me my dream gig.

Nick, that's amazing.

I'm going to Afghanistan.

Whoa! Where you going?


It's a combat
photojournalism assignment.

You're looking
at the next Robert Capa.


He's the greatest w*r
photographer of all time.

My personal hero.

I didn't know
your hero is a w*r photographer.

Oh, he was till he was
blown up by a land mine in 1954.

Which would then make him dead.

Hey, there's worse things
in life.

Like not following your passion.

Don't worry.
I'll be fine, okay?

I'll see you tonight.


That place was awesome. Yeah.

You know, sometimes I forget
there's a whole world

outside my little campus cocoon.
Yeah, I figured

you must get so tired of running
into the same students

and people
you know all the time.

Yeah, being a lit teacher--

it's kind of like
being a rock star.

Must be how I got a table
for tonight at Chez Paris.

Ooh, how fancy.
What's the occasion?

Well, soft-shell
crabs are in season.

Oh, and I'm divorced.

Believe me, it's a huge
relief for the both of us.

And we've even agreed to
share custody of Maisy.

You don't really have
to tell me that stuff.

You know, your family situation
is-is your business.

Well, maybe I'd like to
make it your business.

My ex wants to
move to Connecticut,

and it got me thinking--

my contract with CU
is up this semester.

I've got an offer from
Columbia University

for a tenure track position,
and I'm considering it...

if you'll come with me.


Are you asking me
to move to New York?

I understand.

Yeah, it's a, it's a
bigger change for you.

Um, our relationship is new,

and you have
friends here, so...

No, no-- you're right,
I would miss my friends,

but, look, if a relationship
with you means

leaving them behind, then...

New York, here I come.


If I knew this
stupid food truck

was on the other
side of the planet,

I might have worn
different shoes.

Look, this is the best
Tex-Mex in L.A., okay?

Step one in my plan
to make Austin feel better.

The GPS says
it's, like, 27 yards away,

but I don't see it.

Whoa, okay.

Uh, don't freak out,

but over there is Silver
with New Guy, okay?

Let's just keep walking.

Remember what happened
at the fashion show.

No, no, no, no, I refuse to
be a crazy ex-loser-boyfriend

like Hopalong Sad Boy
back there.

No, Silver and I
can be friends.



I just want to let you know
that we're 100% cool.

You know, I don't want
there to be any

old boyfriend-
new boyfriend weirdness.

Glad to hear it.

Wait a minute.

Have we met?

You look really familiar.

We gotta go.


so much for you and Silver

being friends, yeah?

Well, I couldn't
have been nicer.

That wasn't easy,
considering how badly

I want to s*ab him
in the face with a fork.


Thank you.



I like that one.
When'd you get it?

Uh, that is a long
and boring story.



but I still want to hear it.

I want to know
everything about you.

Well, I'm not that interesting.

You know what? We should
take a trip together.

Best way to get to know someone

is by traveling with them.


I'll think about it.

That's a maybe.

Maybe's good.



I thought you, uh, left
for Carnegie Mellon.

I was going to, but the semester
had already started,

and I had too many loose ends
to tie up in L.A.

So what can I do for you?


Well, I, I just came by
for Dixon, actually.

He, he really wants to read

Zen and the Art
of Motorcycle Maintenance,

and I know you have a copy.

Yeah, man, uh, it's
in a box somewhere.

I'll see if I can find it.


I thought you might be looking
for this... Clare.

Liam never mentioned
you were a klepto.

I accidentally took
the wrong purse

because we have
the same one, remember?

Yeah, I guess we have the
same taste in a lot of things.

Look, I don't know which one of
those I.D.'s is the real you,

but I do know
that you are a liar.

Oh, well, that's
one thing you know.

Now here's another.

You're messing with
the wrong girl.

You have no idea
what I'm capable of.

You can't win.

You can only get hurt.

Well, Liam is the only one
who I am worried

about getting hurt,
which is why

I'm not telling him
about any of this

as long as you do
the best thing for everyone

and go back to wherever
the hell you came from.

Stay away from Liam.

Found it.


Dixon will be so happy.

You guys have a nice day.

Awards season is the Super Bowl

of the Beverly Hills
event planning business.

I've got three parties
in one night,

so it's all hands on deck.

Absolutely, you
can count on me.

I know I can,

which is why I'm about to give
you a very big assignment.

Now, it's all top secret,

but the American Film Critics
Society is honoring

Mitchell Nash with Performer
of the Year tomorrow night.

I'm in love with that guy.

Yes, well,
you and half the world.

Let's stay professional,
shall we?

Yes, of course, I'm sorry.

Just... Mitchell Nash.

Okay, so I'll be popping
back and forth

with all my events,
so I'm going to need you

to be point on this one.

Can you handle that?


are we going to go
to lunch or what?

I've been...

out in the lobby for
a half hour already.

Well, sweetheart,
Naomi and I are still working.

I know that's
a foreign concept for you.


You said you need all hands
on deck tomorrow night.


Maybe Holly could work
the party, too.

Ooh, I don't think
that's the best idea.

Oh, really, what a shock.

I thought all of Naomi's ideas
are brilliant.

I'm sure she'll do a great job.

Besides, you're her mother-- she
has event planning in her DNA--

and I could really use the help.


If it means that much to you.

Congratulations, Holly,
you're Naomi's new assistant.

Her what?

Uh, assistant?
Tha-That's not what I meant.

Well, she's your idea,
so she's your responsibility.

Now, sweetheart,
let's make this a short lunch.

I'm sure Naomi has a lot
of work for you to do.

Great, I work for you now.

Guess you got
your revenge after all.

Sync and corrections by n17t01

Oh, my God, I swear I have
never seen you work this hard.

You said that yesterday.

Yeah, well, I'm still
getting used to it.

I have to run this huge
Hollywood awards party tonight,

and I brilliantly convinced
my boss

to hire my archnemesis
as my assistant.


Holly is your new assistant?

What is that, some sort
of death wish or something?

I was trying to do the right
thing and it bit me in the ass.

So, is this a big event
with, like, a whole

red carpet and everything?

Yes, movie stars,
TV stars, models.

Oh, my God, I have
a stomachache.

Hey, by any chance,

do you need a photographer
for the event?

Not me-- um,

I'm actually asking about Nick.

I would just really love
for him to get a job

that's actually in town,
and he's really...

Yeah, he's hired.

Are you serious?

Oh, that's amazing.

On one condition--
he has to get a sh*t

of me with Mitchell Nash.

Okay, I'm sure that
will not be a problem.

Thank you, thank
you, thank you.

Here you go.

I picked up the name tags
from the printer

and I got you a cup of coffee

that I didn't even
spit in... boss.

Thank you.

Now I need you to seal all
the gift cards into envelopes.

How stupid do you think I am?

I am not licking
booby-trapped envelopes.

They're self-adhesive,

and, Holly, we have
to trust each other

if we're gonna be
working together.

Is that why you won't take
a sip of the coffee?

I lied about the spit.

Holly, look...

your mother thinks that you
have a sense of entitlement.

Don't you want a chance
to prove her wrong?

Don't you want to show her
what you're capable of?

My mother does have
a pretty low opinion of me,

but I'm sure she knows
I can stuff an envelope.

Okay, fine, fine, what if
I gave you a bigger job?

Would you trust me then?

I'm listening.

I want you to go to
the hotel tonight,

pick up Mitchell Nash,

and bring him directly
to the red carpet.

Why would you give up
your chance

to hang out with a movie star?

Because, once your mom sees

how you handle the talent,

she'll finally get a sense
of what you're capable of.

Why do you care
what my mother thinks of me?

Because I'm trying
to be a good person,

but you keep getting in my way.

And I'm your boss, so stop
asking so many questions.

Hey, brother, can I get two
beers over here, please?

You know I don't drink, right?

They're both for me.

Do you really think
drinking is going

to help you get
over the breakup?

That's what I've
been trying to tell him.

Dix, I know you think
it's your job to cheer me up,

but it's not.

Okay, you're just my roommate.
This isn't on you,

so just stay out of my way
and let me handle my heartbreak

the way a real man should--

by getting drunk off my ass
and feeding the pelicans.

Feeding the...

Whoa, uh, Annie, uh,
w-what's going on?

Uh, just looking for Liam.

Okay, um, look, I'm
going to tell you this

out of love, okay?

You got to let Liam go.

You don't want to end up like
Austin, desperately clinging

onto a dead relationship.

I promise you, I'm fine.

Good, good,

'cause trying to cheer
up heartbroken people

is exhausting.

Hey, how's it going?

Good, good.

Uh, so, have you seen
Vanessa anywhere?

She took off pretty quickly.

I didn't get a
chance to ask where.

How's Liam?

Did he take it okay?

He seemed fine.

He was pretty excited to be
going out of town with her.

Wait, what?

Vanessa left with Liam?

They took off a little while
ago on his motorcycle.

Annie, are you okay?

I have to find out
where they went.

Try to remember.

Annie, you need
to calm down, okay?

Vanessa did not force
Liam to go with her.

He seemed pretty excited.

Yeah, but that's because he has

no clue what he's dealing with.

I need to find him.

I found multiple I.D.'s
in her purse, okay?

Vanessa is not even
her real name.

Okay, is a fake I.D.
really such a big deal?

It's more than that.

When I took his motorcycle in
to get fixed,

the mechanic said he found

maroon paint all over his bike.

Vanessa drives a maroon car,

so maybe she was the hit-and-run
driver, all right?

Why did she lie and why
is she still hanging around?

Well, maybe there's
a good explanation.

We all have a past, right?

I mean, if you Googled me,
you'd crap yourself.

You're right.

She said I have no clue
who I'm dealing with.

I should do my homework.

Annie, wait.

Okay, maybe Vanessa is trouble.

But what if you're wrong?

If you're still hung up on Liam

and she's not chopping him
up into pieces somewhere,

you'll push him away
further than ever.

Okay, I'm sorry, this is
incredible-- are you kidding me?

Never in my life did I think
I was actually gonna be standing

anywhere near a red carpet.

Yeah, it's, it's good, I guess.

I didn't realize you
were so into this thing.

Uh, uh, check it out--

girl who won the reality show
where they eat live rats.

Naomi, everything looks great.

I want to thank you
for all of your hard work.

Don't thank me yet.

Did you pick up Mitchell Nash?

I sent Holly.


You, you...
She'll be here any minute.

This is a very big night
for my company,

and you're risking all
to make peace with Holly?

You know, you need
to understand that there are

some relationships that are
just not worth the trouble.

Oh! Finally!

Where is he?

I went to the hotel,
and they said

Mitchell Nash wasn't staying there.
Well, of course not.

Do you think he stays under his own name?
Oh, my God,

I forgot to give Holly
Mitchell's fake name.

Look, stop covering
for her, Naomi.

I know my daughter.

She's never learned

because she never had to,

but you do, so fix it-- now.

Are you kidding me?

Now you?

It's strangely soothing.


Well, I got
Lee's orange chicken.

I hope it's still
your favorite.

Yes, now and forever.

Wow, you really do know
how to make me feel better.


I mean, a lot of things change,

but you can always count
on Lee's orange chicken.


I really am glad
we're friends again.

Me, too.

I mean, after everything
we've been through,

it's kind of unbelievable.

Yeah, breakup,
the whole Silver thing.

Being a pregnant teenager
when it just ruins your life

and doesn't get you
a reality show.

Yeah, well, you seem like you're
in a much better place.

I really am.

I mean, whenever I get sad
about giving away Maisy,

I just try to imagine
this little three-year-old

with a happy family.

Me, too.

I couldn't have gotten through
it all without friends,

especially without you.

You should go talk to Silver.

What am I gonna do--
go up to her house and try

to convince her how important
it is to be friends?

Nah, 'cause what
if it's too late?

I mean, it's never too
late to get it all back.

Look at us.

Dude, you do not
need another beer.

You're absolutely right.

I need ten.

Look, I know what you're
going through, okay?

Last year I was with Ivy.

Things were going great,

and then some
crazy English dude

with his pants all rolled
up to his knees came

and sabotaged the relationship

just to get revenge
on Ivy's mom.

Look, I lost

a girl that I really,
really cared about,

all because of some evil jerk.

What did you do?

Punched him in the face.

It felt so sweet.

I could never punch a girl
in the face, though...

even Holly.

Well, maybe you don't have to.

I got a better plan.


All right, it's not
a real road trip until you have

a beach dog.

You okay?


Can I be honest with you?

Beats lying to me.

I'm sorry, I'm joking.

Well, you said you wanted
to get to know me.

Maybe one of the reasons
I've been holding back

is because I don't think
things are over

with you and Annie.

I told you, Annie and I
talked, and it's over.

It's in the past.

Well, the past has
a way of coming back

whether we want it to or not.

Not for me.

Look, this is the
relationship I want to be in.

If there's something
standing in the way of that,

you need to tell me.


I need to show you.

Uh, Silver isn't here.

She ran out to pick
up some dinner.

Oh, okay, well...

She should be back soon, so
if you want to wait inside...


I'm sorry about how awkward
it was yesterday.

I... hope I didn't
freak you out.

No, not at all.

But Silver seemed pretty upset.

Yeah, I noticed.

Breakups are hard.

Yeah, tell me about it.

Yeah, I just got divorced.


Yeah, but yesterday-- it
wasn't all your fault.

We were talking about
moving to New York.

I think running into her ex

at that moment was
just the final straw.

Oh, you're, you're moving
to New York together?

Uh, you know, I should let
Silver tell you.

No, no, it's cool, I mean...

By now, you and I
are practically old friends.


I know this might sound crazy,

but I'm, I'm sure
we met before.

Hey, what are you doing here?

It's my three-year-old.

Yeah, not only does she know
how to use cell phones,

but she has the all-time
high score on that, uh,

the bird game.

Hi, Maisy.

Aw, I miss you too.


Navid, we need to talk.

About you dating the guy
who adopted Adrianna's baby?

I can date whoever
I want to date.

D-Does he know
that you're friends

with the biological mother
of his child?

Ade and I are not friends.

Okay, but you cannot be
in her child's life

and not tell her, Silver.

Maisy is not her responsibility.

She gave her up
for adoption, remember?

Look, this isn't even about Ade.

It's about you not being
able to come to terms

with the fact
that I have moved on.

No, that's not true.

I just think
you should be honest.

Oh, you want to
talk about honesty?

It was your lies that ruined
our relationship, Navid.

And I will regret that
for the rest of my life.

But you can make
a different choice, Silver.

Tell Greg and Adrianna
the truth.

I'm not going to let
some random coincidence

get in the way
of my relationship with Greg.

Oh, and what am
I supposed to do?

No, I-I know you and I have
been through so much together,

but I still care about Ade.

Well, I guess you have
a decision to make, too,

'cause if you really want to be

my friend, you'll stay
the hell out of it.

Nice chatting.

Uh, a-absolutely.

I mean, I, I, I don't even have
to think about it, uh...

It was a pleasure.

Count me in, absolutely.

Great, great meeting you.


Fun party, huh?

Uh, it is now-- that
was Mike Strater.

He is a documentary filmmaker.

Right, right, he made
that amazing film

about the, um,
the Japanese earthquake.


He's making a film next year
about the genocide in Rwanda.

He asked me to come along and
be his still photographer.


That's incredible, right?

I mean, this party wasn't
a waste of time after all.

A waste of time?

I'm sorry, I had to pull
a lot of strings with Naomi

just to get you this job.

I mean, this is an amazing gig.
Yeah, I know,

it was so sweet
of you, but, look,

you know me well enough to know

that this kind of
party is not my thing.

Not your thing.

Okay, well, you know what's
not exactly my thing, Nick?

Waiting around
by the phone to find out

whether my boyfriend's been
k*lled in some w*r zone.


Aah... oh...!

That car...

Sucks, I know.

My mom says if I want
something nicer,

I have to earn the
money to buy it myself.

She hates me.

She doesn't hate you.

She wants to push you
to be great like she is.

Yeah, by buying me a car

that has to be rolled
down a hill to start?

Okay, you know what?

My parents bought me
everything I ever wanted,

and they didn't give
a crap about me.

Your mother actually
cares about you,

and that... turd on wheels
is her way of saying,

"I love you, Holly,
you can accomplish anything."


Excuse me.

Hi, we were told

this is where we could
find Napoleon Schoenberg.

Oh, thank God.

Mr. Schoenberg
is by the pool.

Can you please get him
out of here

before he drinks that, too?

Thank you.


Hello, girls.

Can I buy you a drink?

You are both over 18, right?

Just asking.

Actually, Mr. Nash...

We're here to take you
to the awards show.

Well, you took your bloody
time about it, didn't you?

I may have had three drinks
while I was waiting for you.


Oh, okay, okay.

It's up here on the left.

This is it.

Well, the house isn't much,

but the tire collection in the
front yard is pretty impressive.

I have to tell you something,
and I'm afraid if I do,

you're not going to look
at me the same way again.

Vanessa, you can tell me

I'm the one who hit you that
night on the motorcycle.


Look, I wanted to tell
you, but I was so scared.

You lied to the police.

You told 'em it was a hit-and-run.
I had to.

Look, I've been in trouble
with the law before,

and if they knew what
I did or who I was...

Wait, so you're on the run
from the police,

you almost k*lled me,
and you, you, what,

brought me here
to finish the job?

No, I want to tell
you the truth.

Yeah, well, it's
a little late for that.

Liam, wait.


Get away from him!

Annie, what the hell are
you doing here?

Annie, what the hell are you
doing here? How did you find us?

I used the GPS tracking

on your motorcycle.


Liam, I Googled her, okay?

Not only did she lie
about the hit-and-run driver,

but she also has
a criminal record.

I needed to make sure
you were okay.

I saved his life that night.

Clearly I'm not
trying to k*ll him.


'Cause when I told you
to get out of town,

she dragged you out here.

Who knows what
she was going to do?

I brought you out
here because...

this is where I grew up.


My parents didn't want me,

so I bounced around
until I wound up here.

And because I was in
trouble with the law,

when I hit you that night,
I had to lie.

But I couldn't just run away.

I had to make sure
you were okay.

That's why I stayed with
you in the hospital.

Plus, it didn't really seem

like you had
anyone else anyway.

You should have
told me the truth.

I've done a lot of
things that I regret,

and I can't change

where I'm from or
what I've done,

but I'm trying to
start a new life.

Somehow the past just
keeps coming back.


if that's a deal breaker...

I get it.

I don't know what to say.

I know. She's crazy.

I'm talking about you.

You Internet-stalked
Vanessa and you tracked me?

That's nuts.

You heard what she said,
Liam-- she lied.

Because she's
trying to move on.

So that makes it okay with you?


Look, you were right
about the accident.

I appreciate your concern.

I'm pissed that she lied,
but everybody's got stuff

they're trying to leave behind.

Like us?

I'm sorry.

I couldn't just sit back

and wait for something
terrible to happen.

Yeah, well, I can
take care of myself.

You're not my responsibility
anymore, Annie.

And I'm not yours.


Come on.


Ha-ha! See?
Eggs and toilet paper.

That's how we cure
a heartache where I'm from.

Through vandalism?

Ah, a good rain and
it'll all wash away.

Besides, how do you feel?

Man, I feel great.
I feel great.

Thanks, man.

No, no, no, no, seeing

"Holly eats doody"
in shaving cream

on her sorority house--
that's all the thanks I need.

Well, hey, we got one egg left.

Do you think I can hit
Holly's window from here, huh?


Well, considering
your current drunken state,

I would say no, but it's
always worth a try, so, uh...

All right, buddy.

Come on, let's go.

What the hell kind
of egg was that?

Dude, that was a rock.

Come on, let's go.


Honestly, ladies...

I can take it from here.


Is everything okay here?

Yes, uh, Mitchell is
just really exhausted

from his international flight.


♪ Oh, Danny Boy...

Okay, well, let's go.

Go, go, go.
Come on.

We're walking, we're walking.

I'm letting go, that's right.
Come on.

No, we're still walking.
Come on.

Oh, oh, n-no.

Oh, please.

Really? Really?


How was I supposed to know
that he was going to be wasted

because we showed up
a little late?

Well, open a magazine.

Everybody knows he's the biggest
party animal in Hollywood.

Why do you think I wanted Nash
to be personally brought here

instead of riding in a limo?

Think, Holly.


don't blame Holly.

You put me in charge.

It's my responsibility.

Yes, you gave her one task--
one-- and she failed.

It's probably my fault--
I guess I spoiled her--

but whatever the reason,
Holly always drops the ball.

No, you don't give Holly
enough credit.

She is head
of the Greek Council,

she's president of
her sorority house.

She's relentless
and unforgiving.

She works hard for everything
she wants, just like you.

She's not afraid
of anything, except you.

You were right
when you said I wanted you

to hire her for the sake
of a relationship,

but it was
your relationship with her

that I was trying to save.


you made your point.

I appreciate your honesty,
and you're right--

Holly screwed up, but
the buck stops with you,

so you're fired, Naomi.
Come on, honey.

Hey, mind if I join you?

Don't think I'm the best
of company right now.


Same here.

Listen, sorry if we
kind of ganged on you

about the whole Liam
thing the other day.

I mean, for the record,

I don't actually think
you're crazy.

Ah, well, you obviously haven't
heard about how I used the GPS

tracking system on his
motorcycle to hunt him down

in the middle of nowhere and
att*ck his new girlfriend.

Oh, my God, you're crazy.

I can't believe what I did.

Yeah, but you know what?

You can't b*at yourself up
about that.

I mean, you care about the guy,

and you were obviously just
trying to protect him.

And instead
I just pushed him away.

Yeah, I kind of did
the same thing with Nick.

He got this amazing job sh**ting
in a w*r zone,

and I pretty much pulled

the most passive-aggressive
move possible,

just to get him to stay.

I guess we just have to let the
people we love live their lives.

And all we can really do
is be there for them

when it all comes crashing down.

Hey, there.

You see the blogs?

What do we got?

"A Puke-Studded Gala"
was my favorite.

But close second would be

"Night of a Thousand Chunks."

You have no idea
how grateful I am

for what you did
for me tonight.

My mom and I talked

for a long time,
and I can't remember

the last time we did that.

I knew you two girls
would work it out.

She gave me a job at the company.

Of course, she said if I screw
up again, she'll fire me

and cut me out of her will.

I'm sure you'll do great.

Good to see one of us
still has a job.

Mm! About that.

Mitchell sobered up after a bit

and we actually had
a pretty good time.

Don't even think about it.

You're not gonna date
some movie star guy

who parties like that!
Are you crazy?

No, no, no, never.

But guys who party like that
throw very big parties,

and he was very impressed
with the event

and the event planner.

Next time Mitchell Nash
throws a party,

my mom's gonna be

pretty pissed someone else got
the job.

This is huge, Holly.

I mean, maybe I could start
my own business or something.

Yeah, I guess
you're gonna be pretty busy.

Looks like I have to get
a new arch-nemesis.

Oh, my God, don't worry, I'm
sure she's out there somewhere.

I thought you left already.

What a night, huh?

I got a crotch sh*t of one
of the Hilton sisters. Oh!

Maybe it was a Kardashian.

More importantly,
does it matter?

Nick, I'm sorry.

I mean, this is obviously not
at all your type of gig,

and I should never
have asked you to do it.

Yeah, well, even though shouting
"Snooki, look over here!"

was soul-crushing, it means
a lot to me that you care.

Well, I do.

I really do care.

And you know, even if it sucks

to think about you off
in... in some w*r zone,

I'm not... I mean, I'm not

gonna get in the way
of you and your dreams.

So go to Afghanistan.

And take incredible photos,

have an adventure,

just, you know, try not to die.

I'll try.


How you feeling?

Like I got bucked off a horse

and landed headfirst...

but it was worth it.

I had a great time
last night, man.

I owe you.

And I didn't wake up
to country music.

It's a beautiful thing.

Dix, listen, I appreciate
everything you did for me,

trying to cheer me up.

You know, you're right.
We're not just roommates.

I consider you a friend.

Hey, well, back at you, man.

Oh, my God.


b*rned to the ground?

Good morning!
Good morning.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

I'm gonna need this

to get through
the rest of my day.

Is everything okay?

I just couldn't sleep is all.

A lot on my mind.

Oh, no! Did the conversation
with Silver not go well?


We had a pretty big fight,

About what?


Navid, come on.
You can tell me anything.

I'm your friend, right?

You are my friend.

I'm done letting secrets get in
the way of my relationships.

Adrianna, I have
to tell you something.

You might want
to sit down for this.