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04x18 - Blood Is Thicker Than Mud

Posted: 07/19/23 16:09
by bunniefuu
Previously on 90210...
Oh, my God.

I think someone's
out in the water.

Nice job.

Hope the water
wasn't too cold.

- Guess who just called me.
- Lee Brodsky's assistant.

As in, the movie producer?

He wants to meet tomorrow
about some songs

- for the new action film.
- Pretty sure I got stood up.

I thought I was
the only one.

You don't happen to be
a musical duo, do you?

I'm in this movie
that starts rehearsals today.

I didn't even audition
for this one.

Vanessa was at the Carrington
and happened to

bump into the producer.

You should also consider getting
tested for the Braca gene.

Your aunt and your grandmother
all died of breast cancer.

- Okay, that is awesome.
- Yeah, and it's gonna look even awesomer

- when you actually put it up.
- Wow.

I think you secretly
really care about stuff.

And I bet you know just the
thing to give my life meaning.

We are going to make
and market designer tote bags.

You don't need a man,
and neither do I.

I'm Preston.

I'm... Naomi Clark.

It's a pleasure to
meet you, Preston.

Pleasure's all mine.

Ladies, are you excited to see

what the future
has in store for us?

The answers are in the cards.

Ask the right questions and
the future's yours to know.

I met a man.

Tell me everything
you see about him.

You met someone?

I did.

I was playing
tennis at the club,

and I hit a ball onto the golf
course, he threw it back to me,

and our eyes met, and,
well, the rest was magic.

- His name...
- No!

If you utter a man's name
before he's yours,

- you'll jinx the relationship.
- Okay.

Tell me everything
you see about...

well, let's just call
him my, uh, mystery man.

Well, your cards show
great passion.

I see you rolling around.

It's heated and dirty and...


Well, I'll just stop
while I'm ahead.

Sounds perfect.

Anyways, ladies,

if you'll excuse me, I need
to head to the spa for a wax.

Have fun with Sybil.

Would you like to
know your future?

I wish everyone would
stop asking me that.

It's not always a good thing
to know your future.

Well, I would like to know mine,

so tell me everything
you know about PJ.

It's not clear, but...

I see a broken heart
from the one you love most.

You know, I think this is
all a load of crap.

I mean, I'm not gonna let
a bunch of magic cards

determine my future with PJ.

When he comes over to work
with you later this afternoon,

I'm gonna happen to come by
in something amazing,

and maybe an accidental
nip slip will happen.

Oh, no, no.

Naomi, we have a lot
of work to do.

Please don't distract him
right now.

Okay, look, I've never believed
in love at first sight

before I met PJ.

I mean, when I saw him, my heart
started to beat really fast

and I lost my breath,
and I don't know,

I think he might
really be the one.

- Happy first day of sh**ting.
- Thanks.

Okay, last time I
checked, movie stars...

they didn't do
manual labor.

It helps calm me down.

Look, you are gonna walk on that
set for the first day today

and show all those people
what I already know:

That you're amazing.

And smart.


And talented.


- Now...
- Oh.

Go get to the set
before you're late.

I'll take care of the bar.

All right.



Thank you.


Go get 'em!

What are you doing?

Why do you have my phone?

I knew it was you.

You called me at the exact same
time as the Def Jam producer

called to set up that
meeting in Echo Park.

You sabotaged our meeting
with the movie producer

so you could get
Liam the part.

I can't believe
you think I would do that.

I called you to see

if you'd consider
coming back to work at the bar.


You know what, I would,
I would rather have a job

kissing Kim Kardashian's ass
than to work with you again.

Okay, well, I care about Liam,

and you're Liam's friend,
so I care about you, too.

Which is why I'm not gonna tell
him about this little incident.

You stealing my bag,
snooping through my phone,

calling me names...

doesn't exactly paint
you in the best light.

But if you keep accusing
me of things I didn't do,

I may not be so
understanding next time.

I cannot believe
we got away with

painting that entire
billboard last night

getting caught.

That was nothing
compared to a few nights ago

when you blasted
that freeway overpass.

- You got cojones, Ivy Sullivan.
- Yeah, well...

- It's Sonia.
- Yeah, who's that?

Uh, that would
be the chick

who runs the gallery
that you vandalized.

Maybe she's calling
to thank me for putting

something worth seeing
up on her walls.

Hey, Sonia.
What's up?

Well, I'm glad I caught you.

I thought you'd be sleeping.


Well, you've clearly
been busy at night.

Every morning,
I see more and more of

your art popping up
all over the place.

What do you mean, my art?

The silhouettes
of the kids dancing.

I know that's you.
I recognize one of the pictures

from the exhibit
we did together.

You cross that with the graffiti
that shut down my gallery

for the last two weeks,

and I think we both know
what's going on.

You know, I-I don't know
what to say.

I mean, I don't really know
what you're talking about.

Just come by my gallery later;
We need to talk.

Something wrong?


Yeah, okay.

No, that's great.

No, no, no.


Okay. Okay, good-bye.

Who was that?

That was JD's
label executive.

JD's back in rehab.

Okay. Yay?

No, um... his band had
to pull out of doing

the Desert Valley Music
Festival tomorrow.

And, uh, he pitched
us to the team,

and we booked it.

We're playing
the festival tomorrow.

Are you serious?!
Kind of makes working on

some stupid movie soundtrack
seem kind of lame, huh?

Yes, totally.

About that.

I am almost positive

that Vanessa set us up
to miss our meeting.

And she denies everything.

Don't you think
someone should tell Liam?

No, no, no,
look, look, look.

I understand you have
that whole girl, uh,

"I have a gut instinct"
feeling, okay?

But if you don't have any
proof, go the guy route:

Just let it go, bro.
All right?

We need to focus.
This could be our big break.

No, you're right.

From now on,
it'll be just about our music.

Yes. Come here.

Now, I got a playlist
and everything set up.

I think they're giving us
about 25 minutes, so...

So I'm thinking
we should go with this bag.

If that's what
you want, done.

It's not about what I want,
it's about what we want.

Well, do we want
to take a break?

Because I'm starving,
and I think

it's affecting my golf swing.

Oh, my God, I thought
it was just us girls.

I should really put on
something to cover up.

Subtlety's an
overrated art.

Naomi, we still
have to go over

our sales plan
before lunch and...

Good point.
I'm starving.

I like her.

Annie, could you be a dear,

go out and fetch us
something to nibble on?


Tell me more about

what it is
that you like about me.

Naomi, have you seen
my four-inch black heels?

The ones with...
Go away, Jen.

Anyway, what
were you saying?

Preston, what are you
doing here?

Well, look who it is.

How's that backhand
of yours, huh?

You still hitting tennis
balls onto the putting green?

Well, maybe you could, um,
help me practice sometime.

Oh, my God.

Jen, can I borrow you
in the kitchen for a second?

You did not tell me
your mystery man was PJ.

How do you know him?

I know him because he's mine.


I would never, okay?

I didn't know you
were dating him.

Well, we aren't dating per say,
but I met him last week

and we had this
amazing connection and...

I met him yesterday
at the club,

and we had more than
just a connection, okay?

- It was kismet.
- But it doesn't matter.

I saw him first
and I call dibs.

What is this,
middle school?

He is not
yours to claim.

Look, since we both just met him,
why don't we let him decide.

Whoever he asks out
first gets him.

You want to compete
with me over a man?

Oh, I don't really
see it as competition.

- It's on.
- Good.


I'm so sorry.

Looks like you're gonna
have to go change.

Don't worry.

I will keep PJ company
while you're gone.

Maybe even long enough for...
him to ask me out.


There's the sexiest P.A.
In Hollywood.

You ready for lunch?

More like ready
for a vacation.

I haven't sat down
in seven hours.

Hey, new girl,
they called grace.

That means we're not
breaking out.

We need you back on set.

Can you watch my stuff?

I'll be back in a minute.


Oh, my God.

This is the girl that Liam
rescued from your charity gala.

- Okay.
- Don't you get it?

This is a head shot.
She's an actress.

What if the whole rescue
was a setup?

It could prove
that Vanessa hired her.

Everything on the walls

is dead and hollow.

Could you take this seriously
for, like, a second, Diego?

We could go to jail
if she presses charges.

Hey, settle down.

I'm not gonna let
that happen, okay?

- Ivy. You're here.
- Sonia, hi.

Um, and this is?

I'm the guy
who painted up your gallery.

So if you're looking
for anybody to punish,

then that would be me.

Although, personally,
I think you should thank me

for putting something good
up on your walls for once.

So, I'm talking
to both of you.

Your graffiti is...


So you're not, you're
not pressing charges?

Let me finish.

Now, since you two owe me
for your little stunt,

I have a proposition.

You do a show at my gallery, and
I won't report you to the cops.

We all come
out on top.

Wait, really?
Wait a second.

You can't blackmail us
into selling art.

I'd rather go to jail.

He doesn't
actually mean that.

Looks like you and
your boyfriend need

- some time to discuss...
- I'm not her boyfriend.

Just think
about it, okay?

I think we could
have a very

profitable future together.

I don't know
what planet you're from,

but here on Earth,
we have a little expression

for those who trespass,

and it goes something like,
"Get the hell off my planet

or I'll blow your brains out."

- And cut.
- One more time please.


Erin, this is Dr. Hall's office.

I've left you so many messages,

I was worried
I have the wrong number.

Have you made a decision about
scheduling your BRCA gene test?

Hey, new girl.

No personal calls on set.

You make yourself useful
and take this to props.


I don't know
what planet you're from,

but here on Earth, we have
a little expression for trespassers.


Um, ju-just a second?

Hey, you okay?

It's no big deal.

I was gonna have to sh**t
the scene like 20 times anyway.

What's-what's wrong?

Silver, talk to me.

I might have the cancer gene,

and I don't know if I want
to take the test to find out.

I might have to have surgery,

and I might...

have to freeze my eggs
if I want to have kids.

And I haven't even told
any of the girls any of this

because I don't want them
to worry about me.

And... and I don't want to die.

You're looking at me all weird.


No, uh...

I mean, that-that
sounds bad, right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, um...
never mind.

Look, I'm sorry that I-I-I
dropped all of this on you.

Just please don't
tell anybody, okay?

- Hi.
- If you're here to start a fight,

I do not have time.

PJ will be here
in five minutes,

and I have to get fabulous.
You already

are fabulous.

Here, it's a peace offering.

What is it?


Well, it's from France.

Something about the bodily
fluids of roe deer.

It works wonders
on your pores.

Did you lace it with something
that's gonna burn my face off?

Thank you very much,

but I think I'll use
my own moisturizer.

Suit yourself.

I mean, honestly,

the whole Clark sisters
and peace offerings

really doesn't make
any logical sense.

Oh, my God!

What are you doing, Jen?

Stop it!

Really, Jen?

Are you serious?

You can't win, so you have
to lock me out of the competition?

Oh, look, someone left
their phone out here.

Oh, well, it's a shame

you bought such
a garishly large house.

No one's gonna hear your screams

from all the way up here.

Listen, I will be sure to tell
Preston that you say hello.


Ciao, ciao.

You're a bitch!

I think you'd be
making a big mistake

working with that sellout.

You know,
you sure have a lot of opinions

about how I should live my life

for somebody
who's just a friend.

What's that
supposed to mean?


No, wait a second.

That's what this is about?

The girlfriend thing?

Why didn't you say so?

Dude, because...

Because, okay?

I don't want to be that girl
who needs validation.

I don't,

but right now in my life,

I guess I kind of am that girl
who needs validation.

I mean, I know we're not,
like, officially together.

I know that.

I just kind of figured
that was the direction

that we'd be going in.

Well, I mean, why do we have
to define our relationship

in conventional terms?

It's like street art.

Let's just enjoy what we
have now, in the moment,

- and screw what anybody else thinks.
- Diego,

Diego, it's not
about street art.

Okay, it's not
about how other people feel.

It's about this.

This thing, this relationship
or whatever you want to call it.

It's about how you
and I feel about each other,

and I just, I don't get you;
One minute you're taking

the rap for me with Sonya,

the next you don't even know
how to say how you feel about a me.

Look, I show you how I feel.

Just so you know, you're not
doing a really good job.

Come to think of it,

maybe I will work
with that sellout.

At least she sees
some sort of future with me.

Hey, babe, where are you at?

I'm stuck at home.

I think I had some bad sushi
for lunch.

Will you be able to do
the meeting without me?

I guess I have no choice now.

Hey, wait, here's Marilyn.

I'll talk to you later.

Dixon, I presume?

Yes. Hi, Marilyn.

Thanks for coming in so late.

Where's your partner?

Oh, sh-sh-she's...
she's not here.

But we can go over
the playlist together.

When I heard

you were working with Adrianna,

I got to say,
I had my reservations.

And now that she's flaked
on our first meeting,

I think she's proven me right.

Uh, what are you talking about?

Adrianna has a certain
reputation in this business,

and it's not a good one.

I know, um,
and she's completely changed.

Um, I trust her,

and she's just home sick
right now.

Come with me.


What are you doing here?
Everything okay?

Actually, no.

What's going on?

There's something you need
to know about Vanessa.

Hold it right there!
I'm armed.

It's me, you idiot.

Well, I'm kind of digging the
whole Charlie's Angels thing,

but why wouldn't you
just take the stairs?

Because my sister
is an evil bitch.

If she wants to play
dirty to get PJ,

I can play dirty.

When do you see him next?

Tomorrow we're going
to Desert Valley to sell bags.

Annie, I think it's finally time.

I'm gonna wear... the dress.

- Wait, what?
- I didn't even think

that the dress was real.

I mean, I know you talk
about it all the time,

but I just thought it was
this urban fashion legend.

You know how religious freaks
feel about their virginity?

That's how I feel
about the dress.

I have been saving it
for the perfect guy,

and PJ is the perfect guy.

♪ On the side
of the street I knew ♪

♪ Stood a girl
that looked like you ♪

♪ I guess that's dejà vu ♪

♪ But I thought
this can't be true ♪

♪ 'Cause you moved
to West L.A. ♪

♪ Or New York or Santa Fe

♪ Or wherever to get away
from me ♪

♪ Oh, but that one night

♪ Was more than just right

♪ I didn't leave you

♪ 'Cause I was all through

♪ Oh, I was overwhelmed

♪ And frankly scared as hell

♪ Because I really fell
for you ♪

♪ Oh, I swear to you

♪ I'll be there for you

♪ This is not
a drive-by-y-y-y-y ♪

♪ Just a shy guy

♪ Looking for a two-ply Hefty
bag to hold my-y-y-y-y love ♪

♪ When you move me

♪ Everything is groovy

♪ They don't like it, sue me

♪ Mm, the way you do me

♪ Oh, I swear to you

♪ I'll be there for you

♪ This is not
a drive-by-y-y-y-y ♪

♪ On the upside
of a downward spiral... ♪

Guys, do you hear that?

I can't believe we're performing
at the same festival as Train.

We're in the big leagues now.

Oh, okay.

Can I get a little help?

Uh, it's all yours.

Shouldn't PJ be here
to help you with these bags?

He's taking a helicopter later

'cause apparently, road trips
give him motion sickness.

Oh, my God,
I'm going to k*ll her!

What are you
talking about?

Jen stole my dress
and replaced it with this.

What am I gonna do now?

What am I gonna wear?
We're like 50 miles

from a store, and I can't
let PJ see me in sweats.


♪ On the other side
of a street I knew ♪

♪ Stood a girl
that looked like you ♪

♪ I guess that's dejà vu ♪

♪ But I thought
this can't be true 'cause ♪

♪ Oh, I swear to you

♪ I'll be there for you

♪ This is not
a drive-by-y-y-y-y ♪

♪ Just a shy guy

♪ Looking for a two-ply Hefty
bag to hold my-y-y-y-y love ♪

You gonna tell me
what's wrong

or do I have to ask
a fifth time?

Okay, you're right.

I don't want to make waves,
and I know this is weird,

but did you...

Did you hire that girl for me
to rescue at the charity event?

That's ridiculous.

Well, why would you
think that?

Adrianna told me
she was an actress.

She thinks that you
staged the whole thing

so that I would
look like a hero

and get some attention
from Hollywood people.

And you believed her.

Look, it's just
with all the stuff with Annie,

and now this, I don't
know what to believe.

Well, I do.

You rescued an actress
at a charity gala

in Hollywood.

That's like spotting
an attitude in New York.

And as for your friend,


look, I don't know what kind of
a crazy person spreads rumors

about people.
She's not crazy.

Really? You've told me
the stories yourself.

The pill swapping,

the pool fights, the stealing
dead Mexican pop star songs?

I'm telling you, that
girl has it out for me.

Look, I know Adrianna.

She's worked hard to earn

everybody's forgiveness,
and I trust her.

- More that you trust me?
- I didn't say that.

You didn't have to.

♪ Hey-ey

♪ Hey-ey-ey

♪ Hey-ey-ey-ey

♪ Your lipstick stains

♪ On the front lobe
of my left-side brains ♪

♪ I knew I wouldn't forget ya

♪ And so I went
and let you blow my mind ♪

Are you ready?

It's not vintage couture,

but I have
limited resources.

So please give me
your honest opinion.

How do I look?


Where did you get that?

Just over at the pop-up market.

Some hippie freaks
were selling their crap.

Okay, I'll see
you guys later.

What's wrong with her?

Well, I said, "Some hippie
freaks were selling their crap."

- Oh...
- I'm so not getting involved with this.

Good luck. Don't
get arrested.

I love the ensemble,
Naomi, but I do think

the clown costume would have
looked a little better.

I don't need the dress
to win PJ.

You know, I do admire
your confidence.

It reminds me of how convinced
Jacques was

that he could walk
when he was eight months old.

He was positively adorable

when he kept falling
on his face.

Ladies, have you
seen Annie?

I'm supposed to help her
with the bags. Wow.

You look... Wow.

That is a bold choice
for an outdoor concert.

But you know what?
I like bold.

- Thank you.
- Oh...

There she is.

Naomi, you look
spectacular as always.

Oh, you noticed.
Thank you.

Yeah. You know,
isn't it charming

when girls feel like they have

to walk around half-naked
in order to get attention?

Oh, well, you know what I say.

If you have it, flaunt it.

And I always say
that if you feel

the need to advertise it,
it probably isn't worth buying.

Girls, as much as I love
a little healthy competition,

my father wants me
to call him.

There's some sort of wine emergency
happening at the vineyard.

So, I will catch up
with you... and you

in a few minutes.

I hope it works out.

Me, too!

Oh, my God,
"Me, too."

"Me, too." Shh!

♪ Hey, soul sister

♪ Ain't that Mr. Mister
on the radio, stereo? ♪

♪ The way you move
ain't fair, you know ♪

♪ Hey, soul sister

♪ I don't wanna miss
a single thing you do tonight ♪

♪ Hey, soul sister

♪ I don't wanna miss a...

I thought you said
we had ten minutes?

I warned you not to mess
with me.


What are you doing?

I just came to wish you
good luck!

And then you started...
hitting me.

Stop it!
Stop it!

Help! Help! She's crazy!



Thank God you're here.

Thank God you're here!
She's crazy.

Look at what
she did to me.

Look what she did to me.

It's not what you think, okay?
She did this to herself.

Ha! I just came in here

to wish her good luck,

and then she started
accusing me of sabotaging

some meeting, and then
she started hitting me.

I told you

she was out
to get me.

How could you do this?

And after everything
I've done for you?

I even defended you.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Do you really think
Adrianna would beat Vanessa up?

S making this up
because I'm onto her, okay?

She called the same time
as the Def Jam producer called

to set up the meeting.
She set us up!

I called to convince her
to come back to work

because we were slammed
after you quit.

Why don't you tell him how
you found out about the call?

She stole my purse
and went through my phone.

Adrianna wouldn't do that.

- Would you?
- I mean, yeah, that part is true.

But I didn't
beat her up.

Hey, I'm sorry
to interrupt,

but I have to take you
to security for questioning.

Now? I mean, can we at
least perform first?

It you don't
come with me,

I'm gonna have
to call the police.

Oh, my...

You covered for me once.

I'll cover for
you now, okay?

I'm glad you're okay.

Bag? Really cute bag
for charity.

So, some stoner
over there

actually had the
audacity to try

and sell some
street artist work.

So I stole back
his stencils.

Where are your
signs at?

Uh, PJ was supposed
to bring them,

and he didn't
even show up.

Naomi probably
intercepted him.

That's annoying. Well,
how are the sales going?

Mm, you mean the sale?

Now, the charity's off
to a really strong start

with $20 in the pot.

I'm sorry, Annie.

That is so frustrating.

You know, it's like you can't
even sell something

that actually matters;

some douche bag over there
is selling somebody else's...

Anyway, Dixon
should be on soon,

and I should probably
close up shop.

You coming?

Yeah, just give me a minute.


Hey, yourself.

Look, I'm sorry
about yesterday.

I did not mean to
put all that on you.

No, no, no, I'm sorry.
I wasn't very helpful.

It just kind of caught me
off guard, you know?

Yeah, kind of did
the same to me.

Yeah, I can see
how it could be scary.

If you've got the BRCA gene,
your risk of getting cancer

is, like, five times
more than other girls.

How do you know that?

Um, it's this little
thing called Google.

Did you
research it for me?

Well, it's the least
I could do

Silver, I'm there for you.

Whatever you need,
I'm your guy.

All I need is to forget
about the stupid test.

Can you make that happen?

Maybe I can.

You want to go for a ride?

Oh, my God!

Are you all right?

That was amazing.

Yeah, it was.

You're still thinking about
the test, aren't you?

I'm still thinking
about the test.

Well, if you can't enjoy
life without knowing,

then maybe you
should take it.

I mean, knowing can't be
much worse than this, right?


Go away, Jen.

Have you seen Preston?

No. I was certain you'd
stolen him from me already.

Oh, really? Like you earned
Ethan and like you earned Liam?

I'm not gonna let you
steal another guy from me.

PJ is mine, so back
the hell off.

I can't even...
first of all...

believe you would
bring up those names.

- We have both made mistakes.
- We've made mistakes?

No, no, no, no,
you've made mistakes.

I'm tired of dealing with them.

Are you jealous of
me or something?


As far as I can see,

e the same vapid,

bitch as you ever were.

Huh. I don't know what on Earth
I would be jealous of you for.

The fact that I am actually
making something of myself,

and you're still an ageing
single mother without a friend,

without love or even sex
in her life!

Oh! I do not believe
you would just go there!

Oh! Oh!


Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!

What are you doing?!

Stop it!

Oh, my God, that is it!

I am so done with your
stupid fight over PJ!

You guys are acting
like you're 12!

When are you gonna grow
the hell up?!

I wish he was here right now
so that he could see this

and see how crazy
the both of you are!

What are you talking about?
Where is he?

He went to Napa on
the helicopter an hour ago!

Our next act is
a local L.A. duo.

For the first time on
the Desert Valley stage,

please welcome Dixon
and Adrianna.


Um, th-thank you.

Thank you for coming out.

♪ You had me going
from the f glance ♪

♪ And the first chance
I guess I'm gonna ask ♪

♪ For my first dance
from this girl ♪

♪ Oh, the way you're moving,
girl ♪

♪ You had me hypnotized-tized

♪ Mama said,
"Don't rush it, baby ♪

♪ You can take the time"

♪ Ba-ba-ba-ba, I already found
the one I like-like-like ♪

♪ Like-like-like-like

♪ I can't take my eyes off you

♪ No, I can't take
my eyes off you ♪

♪ No, I can't take
my eyes off you ♪

♪ I'm watching, I'm looking

♪ I'm seeing,
I need you right now ♪

♪ I'm watching, I'm looking

♪ I can't take my eyes
off you... ♪

I'm sorry for
ruining your dress.

And for calling
you words

you probably don't
even understand.

I'm sorry for saying

you don't have love
or sex in your life.

Don't be... it's true.

You know, I think,

a part of me is
jealous of you.

You have so many people in
your life who just love you.

And me, I am in
my late mid-20s

with a car seat in the
back of my Bentley

and no close friends or
family really to speak of.

You have me.

Do I?


And I'm jealous
of you

Your post-baby body
is a bit ridiculous.

how many moms

look hotter after
than they did before?

You can have Preston.

You deserve him

far more than I do.


And you know
what the crazy part is?

The tarot card reader was right.

The truth would
be revealed

in a heated, passionate roll.

- Granted,

I thought it would be
in bed with Preston, but...

the mud will do.

Well, she wasn't right
about everything.

She said I was going to get
my heart broken

by the loved most.

I'm going to go back to L.A.

Did you enjoy some time
with your friends, okay?


Um... yeah.

You're going
to get me muddy.

Yeah, all right.


♪ I'm looking

♪ I can't take my eyes
off of you. ♪

What the hell
happened to you?

Long story.

Uh, how did you get
all these people here?

Well, turns
out your bag

just needed a little bit
of street cred to sell.

Which I happen to have
a lot of right now.

Wait. All that graffiti
around town is yours?

It's not graffiti; It's...
I mean's street art.

Oh, I ay
it's pretty badass.

totally badass.


Oh, hey.

That performance

s not what I
was expecting.

It better.



Oh, this is my colleague,

Oh, hey.
Great job tonight.

Thank you.

We want to sign you
to a record contract.

- Are... are you serious?
- Yes.


Uh, I can't wait to tell.

Uh, yeah, it's...
it's not for her.

It's for you...

Adrianna proved

that she's not

and you proved that you
don't need her onstage.


yeah, but...
but-but e a team.

Then go ahead and
be a team player,

but you won't have
a contract with us.

let's go.

Look, relationships about
compromise, too, right?

And I've been thinking
about the...

- the girlfriend thing.
- Yeah. Look, about that.

I wanted to be
somebody's girlfriend

to being married,
and then separated

all in the last year.

I'm... I don't know...
I'm still trying

to figure out what
normal dating is like.

So... maybe I did kind of
overreact yesterday.

You don't have to apologize.

You were right.

I do loo most things
the same way I look at art...

in the moment,

just for today, you know...
but you.

When I look at you,

I think about more
than just the moment.

I think
about the future.

And that's
something I...

I don't want to have
painted over, you know?

I think
there's a word for...

for someone who makes you like that.


So, if it's okay
with you,

can I call you
my girlfriend?

Yes, please.

You ready?



So... how'd it go
with security?

I think I
finally convinced them

that Vessa s me up.

Yeah, that, uh,
is all kinds of crazy.

Our music is the only thing
I have going for me right now,

and the fact that Vanessa
just set us upil...

Anyways, it's over now.

From now on, it's just me,
you and our music.

That record producer must think
I'm the biggest flake.

Do you think
I should go apologize?

No. Uh... no.

I mean, um, maybe not.

You know, uh...

she's probably
long gone anyway.

I really hope she like that.

Do you think we'll ever
hear from her again?

Uh... I don't know.


I got to say, I learned
a valuable lesson

That, your event
planning business fails,

you always have a fallback
career in mud wrestling?

Don't want to
play games any more.

Not with my sister, not with PJ.

I trust our connection...
it's real.

And the next
time I see him,

I'm just going to ask him out.

What's that?

Oh, it's from Jen.


"Dearest Naomi, Jacques and I
need some time away.

I thought the Na Vley would
be just the place to relax."

Oh, she's following PJ.

I'm so sorry, Naomi.

She lied to me.

She... she doesn't care
about me at all.

I guess Sybil was right.

I just didn't think
it would be Jen

who would break my heart.

- Yeah.
- Hey. Ready for you on set.


You're looking
very action star-y.

Ah, well, that is the idea.

Hey, um...

thank you for everything.

Last night really
helped me.

I'm going to
take the test.

Well, if that's what you want,
I think that's a good idea.

It is what I want. Yeah.

I just, uh...
I don't really want to go alone.

Would you...

go with me?

Of course.



Before I know
any more,

let's just
keep this

between the two
of us, okay?



Let's go.


Have you seen Liam?

Yeah, he's in his trailer
with the new P.A.

But knock first.

They've been spending
a lot of time together lately.


So what's up with Silver?

Uh... nothing.

Come on.