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01x04 - Mutant Crush

Posted: 07/21/23 14:59
by bunniefuu
All right. Let's hear a big cheer
for the lady of monster trucks, Charlie Ray!

And now, ladies and gentlemen,
the main attraction of the evening...

... let's give it up
for the world's strongest teenager...

... Fred "The Blob" Dukes!

All right, Fred.

Let's show them what you got.

Something wrong?

These small-town hicks.

They've laughed at me for the last time.
I'm out of here.

That could be arranged.

In fact, I know somewhere where
your talents would be truly appreciated.

Listen, lady.
If you're from the circus, you can forget it.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

I have something
far more interesting in mind.

Care to hear more?

Yeah, sure.
Why not?

This will be your schedule
for the semester.

- Any questions, Mr. Dukes?
- I don't know if I can do school again.

- I didn't much fit in the other ones.
- You won't have that trouble here.

As the principal,
I can make sure of it.

First period...
Man, this is complicated.

Hey, you!

- Where am I supposed to be?
- I don't know. How about a sideshow?

Don't you make fun of me!

Hey. Hey. Whoa!

Oh, hi. You must be new here.

I'm Jean Grey.

- Oh, yeah, I am. New I mean.
- I figured.

Welcome to Bayville.
So, what do your friends call you?

Don't know. Never had any friends.
But my name is Fred. Fred Dukes.

Well, Fred, I want to apologize for Duncan.
He can be a real idiot sometimes.

Did you need any help
figuring this out?

- Yes. Please.
- Okay.

Your first class is right over there.

- Thanks.
- Don't worry.

The first day's always the roughest.
It gets better. I'll see you around.

You sure will.

All right, for this drama exercise,
you'll each be doing a scene with a partner.

Since a few of you haven't chosen partners,
I'll be pairing you up myself.

Taryn, you and Paul will do
Laura and Jim from The Glass Menagerie.

- And that leaves you and you.
- Great.

You two will be doing
Shakespeare's Henry V. I've marked it.

Henry and Katherine,
daughter of the French King.

Lots of luck, Scott.

I don't think Miss Small, Dark,
and Sullen has ever said two words.

You'll have to play
both parts yourself.

All right, class.
All right.

I want you to get together
with your scene partner and rehearse.

- You perform on Tuesday.
- Hey, you okay with this?

- I'm not afraid of you.
- I didn't say you should be.

Just tell your weird friends
to keep their distance this time.

Oh, yeah. She likes you.
She's just playing hard to get.

Shut up, Paul!

Is that humongous guy the one you
and Logan, like, went to see Saturday night?

Yeah, Fred. He's okay
when he's not ripping lockers off the wall.

He's the one who, like, did that?

Fill her up.

Hey, hey.
Who said anything about a plate?

Now load it up.

You and the Rogue?
Now that is a strange combination, yeah?

Yeah. I gotta play a romantic scene
with a girl who thinks we tried to k*ll her.

She's gonna have to be
some kind of actress.

My friend, you have got to invite me
to the rehearsals.

Bad move, Blob Boy.

- You're so...
- Stay here, Kitty. This could get messy.

Because, like, that hasn't already happened.

Don't laugh at me!

Food fight!

Excuse me.
I'm skipping dessert.

Fred, please calm down.

Fred, stop!

- Put the table down, Fred.
- Jean?

You heard her, big man.
But if you want to fight, try me.

Back off, Scott. I'll handle this.
Everything's fine.

- Isn't it, Fred?
- They shouldn't have laughed at me!

No, they shouldn't.

Scott, don't you have to get to class
or something?

I'll be close if you need me.

- Real close.
- I'll be fine.

Wow. Y'all really look out for each other,
don't you?

Yeah, we do that.

- What's going on here?
- Nothing.

We were just talking,
Principal Darkholme.

Then you had best stop your talking
and get to class.

- Have I made myself clear?
- Yes, ma'am.

Hey, don't forget. In the park after school.
And bring the playbook with you.

It's just when they laugh at me,
I kind of explode inside, you know?

I understand, Fred.
But you've gotta learn to control yourself.

- You can get training.
- Yeah, right. Where?

I learned to control my "gifts"
at the institute where I live.

You mean, you have powers too?


You can really pound people with that!

No, Fred.
That's what we learn not to do.

That's what the Xavier Institute is all about.

I'd love to take you sometime. I know
the professor would like to meet you.

Just let me know when you're ready.

- I'll think about it.
- Great. Well, I gotta run.

I'll catch you later, Fred.

- Hey, Jean.
- Yes?


Like, there goes my weekend.

Oh, I can't believe
how much homework I've got.

Me too.

Oh, hi, Fred.
This is my friend Taryn.

- Yeah, hi.
- Hi.

Jean, would you...?
I mean, would you like to...?

- Wanna get a soda or something?
- Oh, sorry, Fred. I can't.

I got some stuff I gotta do.

Hey, how about if I catch up with you

"Stuff," huh?

That's the best you could come up with?

Taryn. You better go on without me.
I'll catch up with you later.

You gonna be okay?


Look, Fred. I like you and all.
But I have responsibilities.

- That means I can't go with you right now.
- But you're my friend.

I thought so.
But friends don't hurt each other.

- Now let go of me.
- Well, just let me talk to you for a second... private.

I said let go of me, Fred.
I have to go home.

You can't.
You gotta go out with me!

I don't have to go anywhere
but home!

Now, let me go!
I'm warning you!

That the best you got?

I said let me go!

Wakey-wakey, Sleeping Beauty.
Your table's ready.

Pretty sweet, huh?

This can't be happening.

Professor, I need help.
Please help me.


That's it, half-pint.
Keep the ball away from the elf.

You gotta concentrate or...

- It's mine now, Kitty.
- Give me that!

Watch where you're portin'.

- What kind of move is that?
- Innovation, adaptation.

It's what they're here to learn.

Jean, stay calm.
We'll find you.

She's been kidnapped.

You, elf, get Cyclops.
I gotta ride.

- "Do you like me, Kate?"
- "Pardonnez-moi?

- I cannot tell what is 'like me. "'
- "An angel is like you, Kate.

And you are like an angel. "

- The girls are right. You are a charmer.
- Look, I'm just reading the lines, okay?

Yeah, I know.
It's just sometimes I wish...

- Yeah. Wish what?
- Wish I could get close to somebody.

But you know what happens
when I do.

- Tender moment here? Sorry to interrupt.
- I swear, he's like an annoying little brother.

- What's the problem?
- Jean's been nabbed.


Easy on the exquisite costume.

Wolverine's on the scent.
But I'm supposed to collect you.

If he's hurt her, I'll...

- You know anything about this?
- No.

And even if I did,
I wouldn't tell you.

Then I hope you can live
with your conscience.

- Teleporter to maximum, Mr. Wagner.
- Aye, captain.


I've been in mental contact with Jean.
But she has no idea where she is.

All I can tell is that she and Blob
are somewhere in this area.

Then let's move.

This is gonna be the best night
you've ever had.

- Dinner, dancing...
- Fred, this is all wrong.

- Now, you can't force someone to like you.
- Why not? I'm stronger than everyone.

- Being nice usually works better.
- Oh, yeah.

I just remembered
I've got a surprise for you.

I found them. They're at the old ironworks
at the south end.

- I'm going in.
- Logan, wait for backup.

Wolverine has the location.
I'm transmitting coordinates.

Got it, professor.
Be there in three.

- Can't breathe.
- Jean's my friend.

You can't take her!

We're just giving her a way out.
Through you, if necessary.

Nobody respects me!
And you're the worst!

You pretended to be my friend!

- Leave her alone, you yahoo.
- What you gonna do to me?

- Make me wear bad makeup?
- Didn't Mystique tell you what my power is?

Because I don't care.

My power is your power.
And I can take more than one.

I got too much power, even for you!
You can't hurt me! I'm the Blob!

You're just garbage that wanted a date.

Now, tell you what.
I'm taking you out!

Stop laughing at me!

There you go. I only took
a short-term dose of your power.

You should be back to normal soon.

- You are like an angel, Kate.
- My name's not Kate.

- And I'm no angel.
- But you helped us. Why?

- I don't know. I just don't know.
- Hey, wait!

- Easy, red. Let her go.
- But she...

She ain't ready.
Trust me on this.

Okay. So maybe
she's part of the dark icky side.

But I figure we, like,
totally owe her now.

Yeah, we do. Bigtime.