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02x02 - Bada-Bing Bada-Boom

Posted: 07/22/23 11:05
by bunniefuu
Confirmed. He's unconscious.

And starving. Speed up the rescue.
I need my breakfast.

Quiet! Tabitha, you should be on your
way down here with that basket.

Oh, man, Boom-Boom?

You placed my life
in the hands of a maniac?

Hey, where's your com link, kid?

Grabbed the wrong earphones by mistake.
No big deal. Am I up?


Yeah! Look out below!

Boom-Boom's bombing in!

I'm going to die.

- Hey, cutie.
- Hi.

I have to know. Are you insane?

His code name is Nightcrawler,
and he's unconscious.

Oh, yeah.

Well, first things first, right?
We gotta boom apart these rocks.

Fire in the hole!

And in the basket you go.

I'm an injured victim, not a log.

Nightcrawler, huh? That name's
just not working for you. I'm sorry.

Whoa! How about
"Wild Blue Yonder Boy"?

You are insane.

Get the victim topside.

Yo, Badger! Tug us up!

It's Wolverine.

You forgot to strap me in.
10 points off.

This isn't good.

Oh, yeah? Well, hang on to
your blue tail, Yonder Boy.

Hey! Knock it off!

Joke's over!

Get back up here!

- but we have them for many reasons.
One being your safety.

And the only way to enforce those
rules, to ensure your obedience... keep you all safe,
is for there to be penalties.

So, Tabitha, Kurt, for two weeks you're
confined to the Institute after school.

You are prohibited
from using your powers.

And you will attend two training
sessions a day with Logan.

- But...
- Yes, professor.

We understand.

Houseflies. Nothing like
a balanced breakfast.

Man, the cupboards are bare
and falling apart.

Yeah. What's with this
cheap dump anyway?

Yo, what we need
is some serious coin.

And I know where to get it.

Oh, man. He's at it again!

That door's gotta be made out of
Adamantium or something.

Hey, knock it off, Toad.

Not that I like you,
but I don't want to see you get hurt.

Yeah. What'll happen when Mystique
finds out you busted into her room?

She ain't coming back, yo. So let's
see if she left any cash lying around.

- Is that your final answer?
- See you, Einsteins. I'll be at school.

Me too. For my own safety.

Good morning, students.
Tonight is the big night.

The Bayville High carnival fundraiser.
Now, folks, remember...

... all proceeds will help rebuild
our gymnasium after last month's fire.

So we really hope to see you all
back here tonight.

Dorothy, every hour during
the carnival...

...I'd like you to deposit
the earnings here.

Yes, Mr. Kelly.

May I help you?

Yes. My daughter's enrolled here.
Tabitha Smith.

I'd like to see her.

I'm sorry, sir.

Tabitha has a restricted visitor list.
I'll refer you to the Xavier Institute.

Well, then I'll have to check
with them. Thank you.

Hey, this isn't my locker.

No powers, remember?

Whoa. One lecture a day is my limit.

- Well, I think we got off easy.
- Please.

Professor X needs to loosen
his necktie, Blue.

I mean, what good is having these
powers if you can't have a little fun?

- Yeah. I know what you mean, but...
- I'm starved.

Gut-bombs! I love these!

Late bell! Borrow your social studies
book? Return it later. Thanks! Bye.

Yo, dude! You're late for chemistry.

- Dad.
- Morning, Tabby.

- What are you doing here?
- It's taken me two long months...

...but I've finally tracked you down.

Leave me alone!
I have to get to class.

- I just want to talk, that's all.
- I've heard it before.

Look, your mom and I, we're
trying to work things out.

I want to put everything right.
But I can't do it without you.


Cheer up. There'll be other carnivals.
It's not like you had a date, right?

No. Are you taking anyone?


Hello, Tabitha!

Hey, Blue!

Got your social studies book
right here. Thanks.

Nectarine Smash! I love these!

Soda machine is
right around that corner.

Stingy boy. See you around.

Chicks dig the fuzzy man.

She doodled all over it.

Look. And she even dots her I's
with little explosions.

- Gee, why doesn't that surprise me?
- She's kind of funny, you know?

Yeah. So funny she almost
got you k*lled this morning.

Look, just be careful
around her, huh, Kurt?

Hey, nice technique.

- What do you think of mine?
- Breaking rules and appliances.

- You'd fit right in at our place.
- Yeah? Like I'd want to.

You have no parental rights here,
Mr. Smith.

Tabitha's mother has left explicit
instructions regarding your visitation.

So I'll have to ask you to leave.

You don't think I know what kind of
secret freak show this place is?

Are you trying to make a point,
Mr. Smith?

Yeah. I see Tabitha now, or I'll have
news crews here by tonight.

- You choose.
- Those hands of yours...

I'm thinking I might relocate them
into a jar on my dresser.

I just want to talk to
my daughter, is all.

- Just hear me out.
- I heard you.

You want me to come home
and pretend we're a family.

We do want you home. Really.

But after things are settled
and we get the creditors off our back.

I knew it! All you want is money!

Just enough to help us get back
on our feet, Tabby. That's all.

Well, I don't have any! Nada!

Yeah, but you can get it.

That's all I am to you, aren't I?
Someone to blast through walls?

What is it this time?
An electronics store? The bank?

Tabby, this money, it's more
for your mother than for me.

She's had it pretty rough.
You know that.

If I do it, then you leave.

- And I don't ever see you again, right?
- If that's the way you want it, dear.

We'll talk more at the school carnival.
I'll be looking for you.

Hi, Blue.

What's up?

My heart rate, for one.
How did you get out here?

Relax. I climbed.

Listen, I don't coop up well.
So I'm sneaking out. Wanna come?

What? Are you crazy? Where?

The carnival! Where else?

Come on. You can zing us over there
and back before anybody even knows.

- I don't know, Tabitha.
- Come on, Kurt.

Just for a couple of minutes.
We'll just go on one ride, I promise.


No! No can do!

- Wanna go faster?
- Yeah. How?

That was brutal.

Get out of my way!

Come on.

Hey, what's up?

- Look out!
- Let's get out of here!

Man, I love teleporting.

You can just exit
a bad sitch anytime you want.

- You are so lucky.
- Hey!

Tossing off those little firecrackers
is nothing to groan about.

Hey! This ain't what I meant
when I said I wanted it loaded!

It's that girl I told you about.

Hi! Mind if I jump in?

No problem. I thought
you were here with Jean, though.

Was. But, like, three's a crowd,
if you know what I mean.

There she is.

With Scott.

Oh, man. Kurt, you dummy.

Meet me inside the arcade, okay?
I'll be back in a few.

Tabitha, we have to leave!
It's been...

...two hours!

Just add five minutes to that,
then we're gone. Promise.

Hey, there she is again.
Come on.

I figure I'll just drain a few video
games, maybe some pay phones.

Chump change.

No, I got my sights set on
something bigger.

Much bigger.

Like tonight's proceeds.

The vault in the office. You're gonna
blow it, I'm gonna clean it out.

- No, no, no. Bad plan.
- Tabby.

Just this one, big take, and I'm
gone within the hour. I promise.

Fine. Then let's just get it over with.

That's my girl.

After tonight,
our cash shortage is over.

- Scott, I need your help!
- Yeah, I'll say you do.

- Man, Kurt.
- No. No, not that! It's Tabitha.

I think she's in trouble.
Who else is here?

I think just Jean and Evan.
I'll catch up to you later, Taryn.

Alarm's probably tripped. Let's move.

Come on. Make it a big one.

Yo, pops. I'm here
to make a withdrawal.

What do you think of
my technique now, Tabby?


Get it back! Use your powers!

Anybody here seen a lost bag of cash?

- What are you guys doing here?
- Looking to get hurt, that's what.

Well, I've got the moola.

Oh, no, you don't.

What the...?

Nightcrawler, here's the lay-up!

And he scores!

- I'll get him.
- No. I will!

Dad! Dad, hold on!
Give me your hand!

Tabby, you just keep those others away.

Dad, come on!

Stop it! Forget the money!
Grab my hand! Please.


Dad, no!

All right, don't move.
Hands in the air.

- So, what's gonna happen to my father?
- Well, they're detaining him.

In addition to the charges for coercing you,
he's got several outstanding warrants.

I'll just go pick up my stuff
and be out of your way.

Tabitha, you don't have to leave
the Institute.

Yes, I do. It's just not a good fit.

Not right now. Goodbye, Blue.

You know where we are if you need us.

Hey, what happened to the water, yo?

City just shut it off. Makes me
thirsty just thinking about it.

Hey, there.

Dying of thirst.

I need a place to crash.
Rooms upstairs?

- Go stop her.
- You go stop her.

Yeah, don't she know? No chicks
allowed in the Brotherhood House.

Hey, this one's locked.

Oh, no!

Not bad.

I guess this'll do.

So stay out of my room!

So how bad's the damage?

I have to wash all our uniforms,
wax the X-Jet...

...and clean out the Danger Room
every day for a month.

- Well, that's not so bad.
- After Logan's sessions.

But that's not what you're
really bummed about, is it?

No. I just...

I don't understand why she left.

Hard to say.

But when she sees what it's like out
there, this place'll look awfully good.

Something tells me she knows exactly
what it's like out there.