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02x13 - Walk on the Wild Side

Posted: 07/22/23 11:23
by bunniefuu
Remember, you focus your concentration.

Don't let your powers control you.

I know it's difficult, but just
maintain your discipline.

Okay, ready?

Now, melt them together.

If this doesn't work,
I'm not taking the blame.

I told you I wasn't ready for this.

- Jean, you there?
- Scott?

The professor said Amara can't be late
for her first day of high school.

I got it covered. Listen, we're just
finishing her last training exercise.

Now, let's see how you did.

Not bad. Just one little crack.

- Then the session was a failure.
- No, not at all.

Learning to handle things
that go wrong is part of training.

You just need to repair it.

Don't worry. I'll keep us safe.

Amara, melt that boulder back into place.

I'll try.

I got it!

- You guys okay?
- Scott, what did you do that for?


It's a good thing for you girls I was here.
No need for thanks.

That's what we heroes do.
Rescue damsels in distress.


But what did I do? Tell me!

All right. You were being a guy!

I'm sorry?

Scott, I was trying to teach Magma
how to handle things that go wrong...

...which did not include looking for a big,
strong man to save you.

The nerve.

I'm taking a shower here!

Yeah, the whole town's thrilled.
I'm out of mouthwash.

Man, I take one shower a month
and still I get no privacy.

Here. You dropped the soap.

You know, Freddie, mohawks
are so last-century.

Hey, Lance! Any gas in your jeep?

Yeah, why?

Hey, she's taking my ride!

And right over here is
your first-period class.

Be sure and sit by a window.
You can watch the track team sweating.

Trust me. It's worth it.
Well, ciao.

So you and Ann, huh?

- Amara!
- Hi, Tabitha.

Cool. We got first period together.

How's life with the geek squad?

Okay, I guess. I sort of messed up
my training this morning.

Jean's pushing too fast.
And even though I'm not ready, she says...

You mean,
Miss Jean "Yes, that's my real color"?

Forget her, Amara.
You don't have to take any of that.

- I didn't.
- Well, yes, but...

Girl, what you need is some R and R,
like a good mall crawl.

How about you and me after school?

We'll get in touch with
our shallow teenage values.

- It sounds like fun.
- All right!

Now, pay attention.
Here comes the track team.

- Oh, great.
- Jean!

I need your car. Amara's with Boom Boom. I
wanna stop her before she does something.

Gotcha. I'll go get her.

Not that you're not capable of
doing it yourself, which you are.

Look, Jean, about this morning.

- I didn't mean...
- I know. It's just that...

Well, it bugs me to always be treated
like the weaker sex.

Hey, Jean! Good news.

I got us tickets for the Sadie Hawkins
dance next month.

Excuse me, Duncan, but aren't girls
supposed to ask guys to that dance?

Well, yeah, but I figured...

I just don't know what I'd do...

...if I didn't have you guys around
to make my decisions for me.

I'm glad she took your keys.

- Did you see that?
- Did I?

Hang on!

Tabitha, slow down!

Forget that!

This is way more fun
than shopping for shoes!

Hold me, Mommy. Hold me.
Pick me up, Mommy.

Amara, Tabitha, wait!

Tabitha, please!

I feel like a pinball!

They're getting away from us!
Quick, Amara, melt their tires!

And here's your dessert,

Let me out of here!

Let's go, man.

All right!

- What?
- What?


This ain't good.

That was awesome! We bagged
the baddies and recouped the coupe!

I'm sure the owner will be
real grateful.

Let's let the police
handle it from here.

The capture of the notorious
carjackers was attributed...

... to a group of mysterious
good Samaritans...

... who disappeared as police arrived.

The suspects are part of a larger
car-theft ring operating in Bayville.

I think we ought to keep this
to ourselves, you know?

Right. I mean, it's not like we'll be
doing anything like that again.


And so, in just a few short days...

... Bayville's crime rate has been
literally cut in half...

... all due to the mysterious group
of female crime fighters...

... referred to as the Bayville Sirens.

Chief Rothman, do you have any clues
to the identity of the Sirens?

Not yet, but whoever
they may be...

... we have no choice but to put a stop
to their vigilante activities.

Wow, those Sirens are awesome.

Some people are even saying
they have special powers.

- I didn't do it!
- Kurt, cancel your plans for tonight.

We got a little secret mission
to take care of.

- Hey, hey, hey! Is nothing sacred?
- Don't get up.

That's it! I'm buying you
some mouthwash!

Hey, I want to talk to you.
I woke up like this this morning.

Gee, imagine that.

You know, I was wrong.

You looked a lot better in the mohawk.
Well, see you.

Good thinking, Lance! Wouldn't want
anyone to steal your ride!

Come back here, you klepto!

The least you could have done was
put some gas in the t*nk!

Blue Boy to Tracker One.
Can you read me?

The pigeons are leaving the roost.

Kurt, I'm right here.
Why are you talking like that?

Duck. They're coming this way!

Come on.

Ladies, we've got company.

Not for long.

They're getting away!

- Kitty, phase us through!
- I'm on it!

Man, we've gotta find
a better place to change.

Hey, relax. No one will believe
that tollbooth guy.

- My car.
- Look!

He's stealing my car!

All right! They're playing our song.

Police! Yeah, my car
was just stolen...

... and guess who's already on the job?

Yeah, you got it. The Sirens.

Where did he go?

This is too weird. He just vanished.

Maybe not. Look!

It's a chop shop.

They're tearing apart stolen cars
for parts.

Then this must be the base
for the car-theft ring.

Glad you could join the party, girls.

- We've been expecting you.
- Oh, man. It's a trap.

That is so weak.

You see, you Sirens have been
slowing down our business.

And the boys are getting a tad
irritable about it.

Look, didn't your mother teach you
not to pick on girls?

Oh, yeah.

Too bad I never listen to her.

Well, guess what, brain-dead...

...she was right, and here's why.

You hear that? Sounded like
an expl*si*n.

Look! Over there!

It's them. Kurt, get us in.

- Come on. What are we waiting for?
- No, wait!

I think we better let
the girls handle this.

You didn't see me do that.

Girl power.

Don't you just love it?

All right. Fun's over.

The building is surrounded.
There's no way out.

But... But we're the good guys.

- Rather, girls.
- I know exactly who you are.

You're vigilantes who take the law
into your own hands.

And you're under arrest.

Oh, yeah? If you know who we are...

...then you know to stay out of our way.
- No.

- We're not gonna fight the police.
- Smart girl.

Looks like you put an end to their
little enterprise. Good work.


...I'll probably lose my job for this,
but I'm gonna let you go.

Really? Cool.

But only if you promise to stop
what you've been doing...

...and I mean now!

- It's either that or I take you in.
- Deal.

That leads to a sub-basement
which should take you to the sewers.

- Now, get going!
- You got it. And thanks.

By the way, their boss is
in the trunk.

Warehouse is clear, chief.
No sign of those vigilantes.

Well, we'll get them next time.

Here. You take half.

So, what you been up to lately?

Scott, we know
you were following us.

And thanks for not coming
to the rescue.

I guess we took the whole
girl-power thing a little too far.

Sure was a blast, though.

I'll bet. Sorry they
made you quit.

Yeah. But, you know, it did feel great
to help people with our powers.

I just hope someday we can
do it out in the open...

...and be appreciated for it.


To someday.