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01x09 - Where You Find Me

Posted: 07/22/23 16:13
by bunniefuu
You don't owe me One more minute of your wasted time You act like it's all fine It isn't hard to leave Knowing that I'll be getting life On track I wanted to believe I've gotta make a destination Find where I belong This time I've got no hesitation And I'll be movin' on To where I belong I'll be movin' on Over the line I've drawn I'm already gone [BIRDS CHIRPING]


Nerd, up and out! I'm leaving for school early with CeCe.

Come on.

Mom's gotta work and Aunt Helen wants us to be there on time.


If you wanna run with the big dogs, you can't be lying under the porch.

Let's go.

Come on.

Mock trial's counting on you, man.

Let's go.

Today's the big day.

All right.

Better see you there teammate.


I let you skip church yesterday because I thought you were exhausted from the play, but are you coming down with something? No, I don't think so.

All right.

Well, if you need a little extra time, I can call Trotter, have him cover, and I can take you to the courthouse myself.

It's okay, Mom, I can get to school on time.

The walk will wake me up.

All right.

You feel good about the mock trial? We got this.

The kids are really prepared, and I will be back by three, so we can do an early happy hour here.

- Just us two.

- I really gotta get out to the farm.

Jeremy's already chomping at the bit to get this thing in motion.


As am I.

I believe we can correct the supply chain issue, and maximize the co
-op's use of the land.

I know you can.

Jeremy and Davidson meeting's only the first step.

You see, I have so much more to do before I You have to leave again? I know.

But you're here now and that's all that matters.

Do I selfishly want good old farmer Jeremy to be a hard case and drag his feet, and stall, and keep you here in town for one more year? Of course I do, but this project will be good for Serenity.

So, sooner is better, I guess.

We have a chance of getting some fall crops in.

It's too late for summer, but we could spend those months figuring out crop rotation, maybe plant some high biomass vegetation to improve the soil structure.




Smart is so, so sexy on you.


We make a good team in everything we do, don't we? I could seriously get used to this.

Me too.




Okay, now don't be nervous.

I'm not.

I only have, like, two lines.

Kyle is the one who's doing the heavy lifting.

I wish I could be there.

You sure you don't want me to cancel my appointment at the farm? No.

Ryan wouldn't have set this up if it wasn't important.

- I gotta run.

- All right, okay.

Break a leg! Hey, get someone to tape it for me, hear? New century, who's tape? [CHUCKLES]


There's no reception.

You want a cell tower to spoil this view? Well, I was hoping to text Annie one more time and wish her luck.

Well, I think the three times you texted her before we left
- will have to see her through.

- Hey, you texted Helen! I texted her twice.

I'm playing it cool.

- Aren't these fields beautiful?
- Man, I haven't been out here in an age.

And you haven't bought from the co
-op in a while? Uh, a little bit here and there.

I mean, Benji's produce was always top
-notch, but sporadic, so with the exception of his strawberries, as the restaurant grew, I found it better to focus on commercial farming that brings me everything.

Jeremy and I'll find out how to fix the supply issue.

Well, if you can get Benji's tomatoes back in my kitchen, I'm all in.

No, wait.

Who's this Jeremy? Unofficial new head of the co

His family's been leasing from Benji for decades.

Yeah, you gotta admire people that stay somewhere, you know, and put down roots.

Can we please stay on topic? Can you please stick around? For Helen? So if we get more chefs like you on board, we can entice more farmers to lease, so I need your opinion of the produce and an estimate of what they'll need to produce to get you to commit to exclusivity.

Uh, no, don't talk to me about exclusivity.

I haven't even met the old man yet.

The who? The [STAMMERS]



Um Ah.

Here's the old man now.

Jeremy! Oh.


Hey, buddy.


Did you hear from Kyle? We need to go.

His phone's either off or dead.

It's going straight to voicemail.

This isn't like him.

He was in the shower when I left.

I thought he was right behind me.

Don't worry, Ty, he probably is.


And we have a schedule to keep.


He always gets a little mopey after a show, but he's really down this time.

I guess it's harder when you've been the star.


So, Maddie says that he's probably walking slowly so he can run lines and we should go on ahead.

She says she'll scoop him up and meet us at the courthouse.


If she's not worried, we shouldn't be either.



Could you please Cover the front desk while you do whatever it is you need to do? I sure can.


Thank you.

What would I do without you? I don't plan to let you figure it out.


Bulldogs on trial! [BARKS]

Gabe, I don't think that's what you're meant to say.

Get in there.

Annie, let me talk to you for one second.

- Yeah?
- Sweetheart, we still can't find Kyle.

- That's not good.

Where could he be?
- Don't worry about it.

Aunt Maddie's gonna try and find him, but I need to ask a favor of you.

Of course.


If Kyle doesn't come here in time, I need you to fill in for him.

- Aunt Helen, no, I can't.

- You're the only one who can double up.

You're first called to the witness stand, so that gives you enough time to switch over to Kyle's part.

But I play a female medical expert.

His part is a high school boy.

So we'll put your hair up in a ponytail, put a little eyeliner across your upper lip, you'll be fine.

- Gross!
- You were the one practicing with him.

You know what he was planning to say.

Listen, Annie, I need you to do this for the team.

- Fine.

- There you go.

- But what about
- Miss Helen, am I rocking the lawyer look? You are perfection.

Yes, you look better than I did my first day in court.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Annie, Annie, you got this.

You got this.

Come on, bright eyes.

Bright eyes.


CeCe, I want you to have these.

Are you sure? Yeah, it's my gift.



Let's go get 'em.

Hey, Mr.


You haven't seen Kyle this morning by chance, have you? Shouldn't he be in school? [SIGHS]

- I'll certainly keep an eye out.

- Thank you so much.

- And have him call me, okay?
- I will do that.

- He's not at the hospital.

- Thank God.

I checked the movie theaters, the tennis courts, the gazebo.

Just no sign of him.

Sheriff Bolden said he'd send out a cruiser or two, so Just I don't know what I missed.

He was a little off this weekend, but I thought he needed rest.

When was the last time you talked to him? The play? No, I didn't talk to him at the play.

I got called away before it started.

So the garage? Great.


Wait, you trying to blame this on me? All right, look.

The garage was a mistake, okay? And I shouldn't have been on call the night of the play, all right?
- I'm sorry.

- Well, maybe Noreen would know.

I mean, she and Kyle have been pretty simpatico lately.


Well, did you ask her? Noreen left me, Maddie.

Well, call her anyways.

I'm not sure she'd answer.

Bill, call her.

I'm gonna take the candy shop.

You take the library.

Maybe start with an apology.

Just a suggestion.


Today, we're considering the case of Mayford v Langley Sheep and Cattle Company, a wrongful death lawsuit.

I invite the prosecution to address the jury with opening statements.

On July 8th, 2016, a group of Langley high school students hiked to a spot near Coakley Creek and went tubing in the pond.

Two days later, three students became ill from what our experts determined was cryptosporidiosis caused by bacteria in the pond.

Christopher Mayford d*ed of his illness.

We will show that Langley Sheep and Cattle Company knew or should have known that the creek was polluted with animal waste runoff produced by their herds.

They did not take reasonable or required steps to address this issue.

Thank you.

Would the defense like to address the jury with opening statements? Good morning.


We've got about 200 workable acres and two sizable greenhouses for the winter months.

I'd love to build a third, but Need more tenants first.

The right kind of tenants.

I refuse to give up on organic practices.

See, organic is more delicious on my plate, but it takes more out of your pocket.


- With enough demand from area restaurants, we could potentially lower the leasing cost structure.

It's just a matter of, uh, putting the pieces together.

Which, I suppose, is where you come in, ma'am.

Oh, no.


No, you did not just "ma'am" me.


Oh, Jeremy.

Jeremy, don't you play with my heart this way.

Are these Mortgage Lifters? Couldn't think of anything more fitting to plant.

Oh, Lord.

This takes me back.

When I was ordering everything from Benji, my tomato salad would sell out in the first hour of service every night.

Thank you.



- Um
- Thank you.

See, you do not get that complex tang and the terrific mouthfeel from a commercial crop.

You don't.



Once the new greenhouse is built, we'll They'll be able to keep these beauties in rotation year

Well, then you'll have all my business again.

So long as I get first choice.

See, I intend to remain the best restaurant in Low Country.

Your wish is my command, not ma'am.


Thank you.

So I think we could do something really amazing here.

- Should we head back, talk numbers?
- Not until I've wrapped my lips around one of these Fort Laramie strawberries.

You can taste anything here you'd like.



Doctor, what exactly is cryptosporidiosis? Cryptosporidiosis is a diarrheal disease caused by microscopic parasites.

Over the last two decades, crypto, as it is known, has become recognized as one of the most common causes of waterborne disease in humans in the US.

And in your professional opinion, how was Christopher infected with these parasites? The infected creature sheds cryptosporidia in its stool.

The victim comes in contact with this bacteria and is in turn infected.

So animal waste byproducts from Langley Sheep and Cattle could have been the cause of Mr.

Mayford's illness and subsequent death? In my professional opinion, yes.

There's no other explanation for the presence of these parasites in Coakley Creek.

Thank you, Doctor.

No further questions, Your Honor.



Cross examination? No cross from the defense, Your Honor.


Well, in that case, we'll take a brief break for those that need it.

We're back in ten.


I'm gonna go try Maddie again.

Let the transformation begin.

We're rocking this.


Hey, you can wear this for authenticity.

High school jock, right?
- Thanks!
- Yeah.

Oh, by the way, I'm gonna kick Kyle's butt for putting you in this position.


He's still not at the hospital.

Or the comic book store, the new book store, or the used book store.


Hey, Maddie.

The boy's just having a moment, okay? He'll turn up.

All of Serenity's on high alert now.

Yeah, no, I know.

I know.


I just I feel like something Hey, you remember when Kyle lost himself in the attic for nearly half a day because he was all riled up? [CHUCKLES]

Because I didn't make him a Superman cape because I thought he liked Batman better.

Well, you spotted a trail of Goldfish crackers and found him, but you just watched him and let him pout it out.

You're gonna find him again.

Hey, you're a wonderful mother.



Oh, this is Cal.

He's at the courthouse with the kids.

Maybe he knows something.

- Hello.

- [CAL]

Hey, any word from Kyle? No.

But there are no accident reports either, so So that's good news.

- Want me to come be with you?
- No.

No, no, no.

You stay there with Helen and the kids.

Maybe he'll show up there.


I can leave.

Helen's got this.

No, it's okay.

Bill's here.

Hey, listen.

Will you tell Ty that I hope he does well? Uh, yeah.

Will do.

Okay, I'll talk to you soon.

- Not at the courthouse.

- No.

Maybe I'll go home.


See if he's in the attic with his Goldfish.

Hey, stay at the house.

All right, have your mom pick up Katie from school, and I'll drive out towards the creek, okay? Okay.


Soil stewardship.

I haven't heard the term, but I like the concept.

Taking care of the land starts with taking care of the soil.

And in a regenerative way.


We'll have heartier plants that last longer and thrive.

We're gonna make a good team.

- [RYAN]

Dana Sue?
- Okay, knock me down and steal my teeth! Is this a Skylark?
- It sure is.


Oh, wow.

My daddy and I restored a Skylark when I was in high school.

I mean, not to this level, but
- What happened to that one?

Well, yeah, long story.

Best told over an old
-fashioned made with local bitters.

You ever had one? Sign me up.

So she ride as good as she looks? Wanna find out? [TAPS DOOR]

I would love that.

How about we gather up in a couple of hours? Sign me up.


Georgie, I'm sorry for the loss of your friend Christopher.

Thank you.

Do you swim in Coakley Creek often? Few times a month in the summer.

Please confirm there was a sign that clearly read "do not swim.

" You've seen it? That sign's been there for years.

- Way before the cattle ranch
- A yes or no will suffice.

Did you see a sign that clearly stated "do not swim"? Yes, and we ignored it.

Like we always have.

So you make it a habit to ignore the rules and do whatever you want? Georgie.

That's not what I'm saying at all.

I'm saying that nobody d*ed until the cattle ra No, nobody d*ed until you decided to ignore caution.

Do you break a lot of rules?
- No, I follow them.

- You're under oath.

I follow them.

Most of the time.

But you broke them that day, and look what happened.

It's your fault Chris is dead.

Everything that happened is your fault.

I wasn't the only one! [CECE]

You knew it was wrong and did it anyway.

You have nobody to blame but yourself.

Objection! Badgering the witness.


No further questions, Your Honor.

It's good to see you, Kyle.

Missed you yesterday.



You were an outstanding Puck.


Must have taken a lot out of you to play that part, huh? Do any of your grown
-ups know you're here and not in school? I just couldn't go today.


I know the feeling.

Some days, the biggest leap of faith I make is getting out of bed.

- Is Is it okay that I'm in here?
- Always! I just couldn't find anywhere to go where I felt I don't know.

Sugar, you don't have to know.

Sometimes your heart just tells you where to go when you're searching.

Sit a spell.

Be still.

You don't have to talk to me.

You can talk to Him if you'd rather.

I think so.

I am gonna have to call your mama and let her know you're okay, but I can ask her to give you and Jesus a little more time.

I'll be right out in the narthex if you'd like me to join in.

You are never alone And remember you are never alone especially in the house of the Lord.

Mm, no.


There you are.

Yes, still looking fabulous.




Look at my beautiful baby.



Yes! Let's hit the road.

Love is patient and is kind.

Even when love needs to take a deep breath first.


I'm sorry, Mom.

Oh, Lord.

Do you know how much everybody was worried about you? Your father and I looked everywhere for you.

Dad was looking for me too? Of course he was.

He had every eyeball in the sheriff's department looking for you too.

What happened? I just needed some time to think.

To think? [CHUCKLES]

Did you think about how this escapade affected dozens of other people? Me, your dad, Nana, Aunt Helen and mock trial? Honestly, I didn't think anyone would really notice.

Or care.


My sweet boy.


I'm sorry I didn't see the pain that you were in.


I didn't realize how much she meant to you.

What'd she say to you? Nothing.

Your dad told me that she left.


Noreen she was [SIGHS]

Hey, you do not have to be protective of my feelings.

She was good to you, and I'm grateful to her for that.


Oh, Lord.

I have been surrounded by so many squeaky wheels lately, I I didn't think I had any grease left.

And you have always been so independent.


You wanna talk about it? Squeak.


Wanna get out of here? Not quite yet if that's okay.

Yeah, for sure.

Take as long as you need.



Look at this! Look at this! [BOTH LAUGHING]



Bulldogs are supreme in court! [BARKING]

The best defense attorney goes to Caroline Matney from Serenity High School.


- Thank you.

- Congratulations.

Yeah! That's my girl! Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm here to fight another fight Oh, hey, hey Rain on down [DANA SUE]

Whoo! I'm breathin' in I'm breathin' out Awesome! Hey, we just heard your mom found Kyle.

Oh, thank God.


Watch the road.

Nothing's gonna hold me down

Say habeas corpus!

Habeas corpus.


- Got it?
- Victory shakes at Wharton's! Yeah! Well, they're getting shakes, but I owe you dinner.

You saved my butt.

I'll have plenty of time to collect.

They're gonna rope you into this next year, you know.


Why? Why would [LAUGHS]

Oh, please, relax.

I'll help you then too.

Good job, Coach.


I'll see you later.

Hey, Annie.

I know Kyle jammed you up, but you were great.

- Thanks, but CeCe
- [CECE]

Ty, I'm skipping Wharton's.

My dad's taking me to dinner to celebrate before he goes to work.



- So I'll catch you at Gabe's?
- Yeah, of course.

- Awesome.

Thank you, Ty.


- Bye.

- Bye.

- So you going to Wharton's?
- Uh, nope.

Still grounded, but have fun.


- Hey.

- Good job.



I can give you a godmother's dispensation to get a milkshake with your friends.

Thanks, but I'm fine.

I know today was rough on you and you deserve celebrating, so may I offer you a non
-Wharton's alternative?
- Yeah.

- Yeah? Yeah? [LAUGHS]

Come on.

Let's go.

Do you always have chocolate chip cookie dough in your freezer? [LAUGHS]

Ever since it became your favorite.

Thanks, Aunt Helen.

You're the best.

Only for the ones I love.

I am so proud of y'all.

You came through magnificently.

And that CeCe, she was a beast, even though she did stray from the script a little bit.


She reminds me of me at that age.

What is with you and CeCe? Excuse me? All that special attention.

She doesn't deserve it.

- Honey, I was just trying to be nice.

- You don't really know her.

She's not Sweetheart.

I thought something was going on between you two, and you're right.

I don't know CeCe well, but sometimes if we treat people as if they're good, it challenges them to be good, and that's all I'm doing with CeCe.

I'm just digging, digging a little bit to find the good.

Well, congratulations.

You found it.

Oh, sweetheart.

I had no idea, no idea that she hurt you.

What happened? And I'm really sorry that she doesn't see how amazing you are 'cause you are my best girl till the cows come home.

You are my best girl.



-hoo! That was incredible.

You're a natural.


That's right, I am.


That was amazing.


I haven't had that much fun in in a long, long while.

The way you were handling that machine, I don't believe it a lick.

Well, you're very sweet.

Thank you for this afternoon.

I'd like to do it again, if you'll oblige me.

Or, um maybe dinner.



I cook.

Do you? Bye.




- Hey.

- Hey.


Is it weird, me showing up? Weirdly not weird.

Should it be? I just wanted to check on you and Kyle.


We have some things to work through.


But he's home, and he's safe and that's all that matters.

You wanna come inside? No, you You should be together tonight.

Just the family.

Bill here? No.

No, um Once he knew that Kyle was okay, he went home.

Noreen left him.

Oh, that's rough.


I think that's part of what was wrong with Kyle.

They were friends.

Yeah, losing someone is hard.


Well, I'll leave you to it.

Oh, uh, Ty did a good job at mock trial today.


Second place.

That's impressive.

Oh, yeah, that was all Helen.


Take care.


One more thing.

Thank you for being there for me today.

Every day.

- Good night.

- Good night.



Hey, man.

I'm sorry about today.

Heard you guys did really well, though.


Yeah, CeCe k*lled it.

She's cooler than I thought.


You taking her to prom? No.


No, prom's not really my thing.

Does CeCe know that? Annie did a great job pinch
-hitting for you, but it was tough on her.

And Aunt Helen.

And Coach.

Not to mention scaring the crap out of Mom.

What the heck? Noreen left Dad.

Like, for forever.

Well, good.

She blew up our entire family.

Dude, we're better off without her.

You never [MADDIE]

Kyle, can I see you for a minute? Well, since you are about to die, I salute you.

I was a jerk today, not a team player at all, and I'm very sorry.

You put us in a very bad state, dear heart.

You'll have to make apologies tomorrow to the rest of the team.

You know that, don't you?
- Yes, Aunt Helen.



All right then.

I am not gonna pile on you, considering that you're probably grounded for a dog's age already.

I had to dress up like a boy.

I'm sorry.

And CeCe, that girl's going to Hell on a scholarship, if you ask me.

Ty said you were great.

Wish I'd have been there to encourage you.

I wouldn't have needed encouragement if you'd been there.


Anyway, being grounded alone sucks, so I can't say that I'm sad to have some company.

Care to join me in some quality screen
-free time? Dana Sue, you need to know what a wonderful job Annie did today filling in for Kyle.

Oh, I'm so glad to hear that.

Yeah, maybe worth a little time off her sentence.


Thank you, Madam Defense Attorney.

- I will take that under advisement.

- Mmm.

And are we taking the sexy farmer under advisement as well?
- What? What sexy farmer?
- Shh.

Dana Sue, you better pour it out right now.

I don't know what she's talking about.

- She does!
- We're fighting.


All right, listen.

Farmer Jeremy took me on a drive today and that is all.


What? The little old farmer? Oh, he's not little,
- and he is not old.

- No, no.

Oh, no.

He's beautiful.

What? His arms and his chest and
- Oh, dear.


Mmm! But I would have skipped it all to help you find Kyle if the damn text had come through.

Well, you were busy.

You both were, and I had it handled.

Although I do think that we owe Trotter a raise.

- Oh, bless his heart.

- Bless him.


Yeah, and you know, and hand to God, Bill stepped up today.

Like a good dad.

While I haven't been a very good mom.

What? Do not talk nonsense.

I didn't even see Kyle falling apart right under my nose.

These kids don't always make it easy to see.

But honestly, Bill played a really important role today, even though I didn't think he had it in him.

Well, it's easier to step up in a crisis.

Well, maybe I haven't allowed him.

Maybe it's time I let him try? [LAUGHS]

Yeah? And what will Mistress Noreen think about that? She left him.

- You're lying!
- What? I am serious.


Look, I don't know the details, but Bill doesn't think she's coming back.

Oh! That woman is having his baby.

There is no way she is gone gone.

Well, nevertheless, bye


-bye, Noreen! [HELEN]

I'm done with you.




Yeah, we really love that about you.

That's why we keep you around.

Kyle the whole deal today, it didn't have anything to do with you and me, right? No.

No, no.

We're good.

I mean, if you say we're good, then we're good.

- I think we're good.

- Good.

- Stop saying good.

- That would be good.


Later, prisoners.

I am a law
-abiding citizen, so I am going to Gabe's! [MADDIE]



Ty thinks he's going to get away with not going to prom with CeCe.


Foolish boy.


Hey, maybe our moms will let us be grounded together on prom night.

Maybe watch a movie for good behavior.

It's a date.

I mean, you know, it's a It's a movie.



Thanks for the ride to school.

Yeah, I thought we might be able to have a little chat this way.

I'm sorry that I worried you yesterday.

Mom says you were all out searching all day.

Well, I was.

A lot of people were.

I know, sir, and I'm sorry.

- I just
- Kyle, did you talk to Noreen before she left the other night? Yeah.


Yeah, it's not easy to understand, let alone deal with.

It isn't and I'm trying, but Did she explain to you why she left? You suck.

Excuse me? I hate that she left, but I don't blame her.

I mean, did you ever really even see her? You sure as heck never see me, but now you wanna talk? No, sir.

Well, wait just a damn minute now.

I'll walk to school.

We make a good team, you and me.

And the Magnolias and the farmers.

You know, when I began this redevelopment plan, it was all about leaving a legacy here in Serenity and here you are.


Like a missing puzzle piece.

You know, there is no one that I would rather share a dream with.


I love you so much.


I love you too! Mmm.

The future's, like, limitless.

Can you imagine what Serenity's gonna look like when our kids are our age? You said "our kids"? W Where did that come from?

- I mean, you know how I feel about this.

We spoke about it in San Francisco.

Yeah, but that was a long time ago.

A lot has A lot has changed since then.

Not that.

Do we have a problem? [INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC PLAYING]