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01x07 - Spirit of Halloween/Rage Against the Karaoke Machine

Posted: 07/23/23 08:05
by bunniefuu

[robot voice] Here we come!

♪ When Energon struck a Mall
nearby ♪

♪ We became more than meets
the eye ♪

♪ We're everyday objects,
Motionless parts ♪

♪ We burst to life to let the
party start! ♪

♪ BotBots!
We could be anything ♪

♪ BotBots!
Like a hot dog or ice cream ♪

♪ BotBots!
Mischief without a care ♪

♪ BotBots!
Secret robots everywhere ♪

♪ BotBots!
Here we come!

♪ BotBots! BotBots! ♪

[Dave] Ah, is year's "Mall
Halloween Costume Contest"

is gonna be different, Dave.
And I know you thought

your "Invisible Man" outfit was
brilliant last year,

but you should have realized it
was a bit too heady

for the judges and that no
one would believe you

when you said you had an
"Invisible Trophy" for it.

This year I am determined to
get the trophy of my dreams!

A visible one even!

Attention passengers, this is
your Captain speaking.

Kiddie Menu Airlines is prepped
for its inaugural flight!

We're all gonna sit on that
paper airplane

and fly across the Mall?
- No!

- That'd be WAY too dangerous.
- [relieved sigh]

[Burgertron] We're gonna hang
from it, like a hang glider!

Sitting obviously throw off the
weight distribution!

- I mean, c'mon!
- Sorry, everyone. I'm out.

Why? Are you anti-fun?

No, I'm anti-falling from really
high places!

Don't let your fear control you.

Get out of your comfort zone!

My whole life is a comfort zone.

And how many awesome things have
you missed out on

because of that?
- None that I can think of.

Look, everyone gets scared

well, except for me, I'm not
weak like that.

But I have heard of people
conquering their fear by

going to a "happy place" in
their mind,

thinking about things that bring
them peace and calm.

What things would be in your
happy place, Dimlit?

I don't know, plush animals?

Cozy blankets with soft texture.

The color aquamarine.

That sounds just like your whole

Exactly! My whole life is my
happy place!

Because my policy is to avoid
things that scare me

or even make me the tiniest
little bit uneasy in any way.

It's fine, we won't pressure...

[Dimlit wailing]

He's probably overcoming his

Are you overcoming your fears?

[Dimlit screaming]

I'm gonna take that as a

[panicked wails]

[impact thud]

[pained groans]

You're still alive, you're

[panicked screaming]

Dimlit, you did amazing!

See, that was fun

- What?
- [sinister scary music]

[frightened gasps]

"Specter Halloween"? What's a
"Halloween"? Who did this?!

Whatever this is, it definitely
wasn't here yesterday.

Is it a store? Or the physical

of our most terrifying
supernatural nightmares?

Because I might be kinda into

Oh, come on. The Mall
doesn't have truly scary places.

Just stores like "Frames
Forever" and "Pants Pavilion".

- I'm sure...
- [evil cackling]

The end is near!

A dreaded web we weave!

The nightmare will
never stooooppp!

[panicked screams]

You said you weren't scared of
anything, Bonz-Eye!

That's because I didn't know
"Specter Halloween" was a thing!

- I was so naive back then.
- [Burgertron] Look!

Guys, whatever terrors that
place might be holding,

it's all contained to the store.

It's like a monster can just
walk out and just... [screams]

Roar! Roar!

Hiss! Roar!

The nightmares are escaping!


Hopefully that store will
disappear tomorrow

as fast as it appeared!

- It did not disappear.
- [Clogstopper] No.

"Specter Halloween" is spreading
like a disease!

This is the exact opposite of a
"Happy Place".

The flesh being! Hide!

Okay, so that last costume gave
me a huge rash

and now I'm on topical

but there's gotta be an outfit
that won't give me a grown man

diaper rash.

Dave went in there?!
On purpose?!

We will never see him alive

Should we do something?

I mean, he is the hideous flesh
being who threatens

our existence - but that's
Specter Halloween!

Look, Dave is a respected
employee of this Mall.

If anyone can face the dangers
of... [panicked yelp]

- Another one!
- It walks among us!

[haunting moans]

- [fainting noises]
- [impact thuds]

[imitating spooky howls]

No, mom, mom, it's just me,
it's not a prank!

Don't you have my name
programmed into your phone?

No, it's okay, I'm sure a lot of
moms don't have

their sons in their phones.

Anyhow, I was just trying out a
voice for my new mummy costume

for the Halloween Contest.
What do you think?

[groaning mummy noises]

Bland? Ugh, I need to be

Or at least visible! OK what
about Vampire Mall Guard?

Or "Mad Scientist who Moonlights
as a Mall Guard

to Fund his Evil Unlawful

No, wait, I got it: "Sultry Mad
Scientist who Moonlights

as a Mall Guard to Fund his Evil
Unlawful Experiments."

What do we think?

No, mom, I'm not gonna go as the
"Invisible Man" again!

I don't care if I'm good at not
being noticed!

This year they are going to SEE

Those Halloween stores are not
only a scourge

on BotBot society, they are also
impossible to dust!

It's only a matter of time
before their arcane filth

covers the whole Mall!
- And where does it stop?

Will we all one day wake up to
find our own stores

infected by "Halloween"?!

[concerned murmurs]


- [murmurs of agreement]
- [sharp squeaking]

I, Frostferatu, the nightmarish
nosferatu of noshing,

believe that the arrival of
these stores

is just what this Mall needs.

My only complaint is that we
are referring to them

as Halloween Stores when they
should just be called stores.

Ok Moving on.

We gotta find a way to get rid
of these stores

before they take over

Anyone have any idea how to do

- Botbots?
- [concerned murmurs]

Lost Bots, if we can find a way
to vanquish Specter Halloween,

the other squads will be super

And it'll go a long way to
improve our reputations.

Counterpoint: we have no idea
how to get rid of those stores.

g*ng, I might have an idea

In the video games at the

there's usually a Boss at the

And when you b*at the Boss, it
brings down the entire level

[evil cackle]
The end is near!

A dreaded web we weave!

I think the store itself

has been giving us the clues we

If we defeat the "dreaded web",
"the end" will be near.

I think we have to destroy that
giant spider in the back,

it's clearly the Boss!

This sounds perfectly

I'm sorry. I can't do this.

Come on, it's dark in there.
We need you to light the way!

No, you'll have a much better
chance without me.

I'll only hold you back with my
generalized anxiety

and constant panic.

Dimlit... "happy place",

You have to face your fears.

Yeah. I don't face my fears.

Because fears are scary.

Ok. We can still do this. Come
on. Let's go!

OK. Says this has a voice

That should be memorable, right?

Ooof. Too small. Cannot see

can barely hear in this thing!

- [distant rumble]
- What was that?!

- My bad, coach.
- That's fine.

It was only a stack of pumpkin
heads without bodies

and that's not even terrifying.

I think I like this more than my
real head.

[Dave] Hey! Who's there?

That sounded like the voice of
the undead! Run! Hide!

[panicked screams]

[Dave] Who's there?!

[cackles, groans]

[panicked screams]

Oh no. Are they in trouble?

[Lost Bots screaming]

Remember, you have to face your

Ok, Bonz-Eye, you better be

[sinister spooky music]


Ok, um, happy place

[Dimlit] I can't believe it! It
worked! My happy place!

Teddy bears!

Cozy blankets!

Aquamarine! Buttons!

We're here for you, Dimlit!

Aww! I love you!

We're here for YOU!

This idea was terrible!

This monster is somehow

and completely inept.

And he's blocking the boss! We
can't do this!

Abandon all hope!

I feel like I'm missing

- [Dimlit screaming]
- Dimlit?

- What's he doing here?
- [panicked yelps]

Looks like he's overcoming
more fears?

- [impact thud]
- Agh, my eyes!


- [effort grunts]
- [Kikmee] Un-abandon all hope!

The boss is down!
The Mall is saved!

Dimlit! Did your happy place

NO! My happy place tried to eat

Now let's get out of here!

Ohh! Why is Halloween always so
mean to me?!

Ah, hey guys? Don't know if you
heard yet,

but we totally got rid of those
Halloween stores last night.

k*lled the boss, a giant spider.

Plus, in the "personal growth"

one our own even learned to
overcome his personal fears.

No, I didn't! Not even close!

I'll never use a cozy blanket

Oh, right, he's actually worse.
Well, still.

The Halloween plague is over.
You're welcome.

Oh. So this is all your fault?


Ho-ho-ho. Ho-ho-ho.




Ok, Dave, so you had to leave
the Halloween Contest

to rush to the emergency room
for a five hour procedure

to remove that twisted ghoul
mask from your head,

but at least the judges saw you
this year.

They saw you participate.

And they gave you a long

Participation Trophy to prove

You hear that, world?! Dave

And next year, I'll do it

Probably. Don't wanna get
cocky, stay humble, Dave.

Stay humble.

[Dave] Hands up!

Oh come on? Please?

I gotta get these mechanical
hands to... [gasp]


With this Official Mall Guard

I can finally stop pushing my

to the very limit of human

Last week I broke a sweat and
pulled a hamstring

after a light stroll, so never

Using my legs is so yesterday!

K Uh! Uh-oh.

[high pitched squeal]

[gasp] An unattended pretzel!

If I can feed myself with this
scoot mobile,

I can retire my arms, too.

[effort grunts] Come on!

Agghhh... oh! Woah!

[panicked wailing]


I can't reach the
off-switch from the front!

But how can I get behind it
from the top floor?

[satisfied chuckle]

I don't mean to get salty, but
that was way too close.

My bad, Knotzel! I know I was
supposed to be the lookout,

but I got distracted by my
clone. Again!

[annoyed sigh] It's just your

No, I've seen my reflection, and
it looks nothing like me.

That is a clone.

I got my eyes on you, clone.

You know, I think everyone is
wrong about you Lost Bots...

[Knotzel] You're even weirder
than they say.

Hanging out with you is not
worth it.

- See ya, don't wanna be ya!
- [Burgertron] Wait!

Uh, what about karaoke?

What about the BFF charm I made
for you?

Forget it. Oh! And by the way,
"BFF" doesn't stand for

"Burgertron's Fabulous Fans",
all right?

"Burgertron's Fancy

[angry grunt]

[sighing] Looks like our big
"Karaoke Party"

is only gonna be us Lost Bots.

Yeah. Every single invitation

This is the "Dress Like Your
Favorite Manatee Party"

all over again.

Hey, that's all right!

Snorg, your favorite Karaoke Bot
here, with a song

going out to some bots

who are just looking for some

[singing along to soft pop

Why aren't any of the other
squads ever impressed with us?

If the other bots are meant to
be our friends, they will be.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa!
Time out, Bonz-Eye!

You gotta be as frustrated as
the rest of us!

We try so hard but keep failing!

Frustration does not make
attaining our goal

any easier, Kikmee.

But it's a normal reaction!

Some of us can't control all of
our emotions!

Being around the four of you
I think it's helpful that

someone is even keeled?

I guess she's got a point!

But sometimes it's hard to tell
how you really feel!

What would showing my emotions

Balance is essential.

But maybe you're TOO balanced.

Don't you ever want to just
shake those feelings out?

Scream? Cry? Jump for joy?!

When I'm having trouble with my

I process it by writing fan
fiction about the Hunger Hubs

I can't believe I just admitted

And when my emotions get

I always unclog them

Wait. No. That's toilets, ha.

I get toilets and emotions mixed

You've gotta have a bunch of

just crying to get free!

I agree and one percent!

Perhaps you're right.

But how would I even start this

Listen up! Here's what I
sing to get pumped

when things aren't going my way.


♪ The opposition is strong ♪

♪ They got the upper hand ♪

♪ But what they don't know ♪

♪ Kikmee's in command! ♪

♪ Keep your eye on the ball ♪

♪ I gotta explain
Keep your eye on the ball ♪

♪ My game is insane
Keep your eye on the ball ♪

♪ My victory's preordained!



Your turn! Let out some

I have never sung in front of

Or ever.

What if we left the booth so you
can do it alone?

Your secrets are safe with

Ok. As long as no one else can
hear, I will give it a try.

I won't be very long, though.

Look at her go!

She is really getting into it.

She must have a lot pent up

[nervous laughter]

[angry screaming]

Well, gosh, that was

You sure have a lot of

But it's time for me to sign


But my circuits are having a
hard time

processing all of your rage.

Bonz-Eye, maybe we need to try
some other emotions.

- [nervous squeal]

Maybe this was a bad idea.

Bonz-Eye doesn't have a lot of

letting her emotions out.

She's making up for lost time


I am loving this angry yelling

I gotta do that all the time!

Yeah, letting out some anger is

but I should have warned you
that dwelling on it

can sometimes have terrible

Really? I see no downside!



[charging cry]

Snorg! Hold on! You processed
way too much anger!

- This isn't you!
- [angry cry]

So you may have a point, Kikmee.

Snorg! Come back! Maybe a hug
will help!

Oh no.

[panicked screams, impact

Did the power of anger turn
Snorg into a giant?!

I wish I knew that when I tried
to become a giant.

Snorg is riding Dave's new

Where is Dave?

[panicked yells]

Run for your lives!
Snorg's gone mad!

These are the end-times!

Snorg, you are falling under
Frostferatu's spell

and will cease this maniacal
att*ck on all that is...

- [deafening scream]
- Never mind, as you were!

[in unison]
This is all my fault.

No! It's my fault.

I was the one that pushed you to
express feelings that

you weren't comfortable with!

Yeah, that was a terrible idea.

Who would ever agree with that?

I agree and one percent!

It wasn't terrible.
Kikmee was right.

I was holding in too much for
too long and it burst out!

This couldn't get any worse.

I'm so over the Lost and Found!

Those weirdos make Dave the mall
guard seem cool!

Wait! That doesn't sound like

Yeah, it sounds like Bonz-Eye?

Snorg is repeating the things
Bonz-Eye sang

into his microphone!

I um might have said some

Clogstopper's "cologne" is just
old sewer water!

I'd rather eat a sock!

Ahahaha! Ew!

It's nasty - but TRUE!

What? It's my Eau de Toilette!

That stuff is not cheap!

That's a lie.

Did you sing anything about me?

[Snorg] Kikmee has to make
everything a competition!

She even competes to see who's
more competitive!

- [Bonz-Eye groans]
- Oh! Really?!

Below the belt!

My singing was better, by the

Burgertron is so full of

he could be his own combo meal!

Great. So not only is this
situation physically dangerous,

it's now emotionally dangerous
and also completely humiliating.

I don't know how to solve this.

I think I know how you can, by
doing what you do best.

Gliding through the night like a
razor-sharp shadow?

No no no no.
By achieving balance.

Emotional balance.

Uh, you're right. I put this
anger out into the world.

Now I must make amends!

[Snorg] Dimlit is so cute


I'd like to dedicate this to
some bots

who don't think I know how to
express my emotions...

♪ I know I never show my
feelings ♪

♪ And I've sent the whole Mall
reeling ♪

♪ With the anger I was
concealing ♪

Is she showing emotional range?


♪ But maybe there's more to me
than rage ♪

♪ And maybe it's time that I
engage ♪

♪ In freeing all my feelings ♪

♪ From their prison ♪

That rhyme was iffy.

♪ You all mean more to me than
you know ♪

♪ And it's time to let it show

♪ Open up and let all my
emotions say hello ♪

♪ I love you, like a cone loves
snow ♪

I'm not crying, you're crying!

[relieved sigh] That tune was
just the thing

Snorg needed to get back in the

But if you mention any of my

I will destroy you in the
darkness of the night.

I'm sorry I pushed you.

Everyone has their own process
to work things out.

Thanks for the apology,

but I'm glad I got to finally
tell you how I really feel.

So, the Lost Bots love each
other, then hate each other,

then break stuff, then love each
other again?

I don't get them. At all.


Oh! Never actually never hit the
floor button.

Ok, mildly humiliating.
[nervous giggle]

[elevator dings]