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02x02 - Hot Ice

Posted: 07/23/23 16:41
by bunniefuu


-Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?



















[ALARM BUZZES] -Access denied.

Please contact Acme Security for assistance.

-Employee code accepted.

Record scan indicates you've been away from Acme

for ten years...

...three months, and seven days.

Welcome back, Detective Carmen Sandiego.


Ah, Zack, it's way past your...

Whoooa! Wait a minute! You're not Zack!

Thanks for noticing, Chief.

-You're coming back to work for Acme?

Yayasss! I say yes!

-Carmen has been healed!

She is coming hack to the side of good, good, good!

-Now you're dreaming.

-Well, then, whoa!

Stop! Ugh-ugh! No-no-no-no-no!

The Hindenberg was bad, but this is...

Pat, I'll buy a vowel and a consonant "N-O"!

You are not supposed to be here, Carmen!

No... No-no-no! You wouldn't do that.

Get that thing away from me.

You wouldn't do that Carm--...


-Sorry, Chief...

but Zack, and Ivy have foiled my plans

one time too many.

-Glad you could give us a hand

on such short notice, Zack.

-Hey, no prob. You'd have to be a total Dexter

not to like tinkering with

an aircraft landing computer.


-What'd you do now, Einstein?

-Ivy, it's the Acme emergency signal.

Then wrap it up.

-Adjust the navigational bearing sensor

three degrees and you'll be fine, Commander.

-Player, to Headquarters!

-You'll have to excuse me, Chief.

-Ivy, quick! The security system!

We've got you now, Carmen.

The only way out of here is in these.

-Or through the C-Five corridor.

Ciao, detectives.


[GRUNTS] I thought we had her this time.

-So did I, Zack.

[SIGHS] So did I.

-It's been almost six hours, Zack.

What's taking so long?

-The Acme computer is the most complex system

in the world, Ivy.


-The Chiefs mouth could be anywhere!


-Okay, okay. I'll do a universal scan/replace.

It's fast, hut it could get ugly.


[IMITATING A DOG] Woof-woof-woof...

[SINGING SCALES] ...Ah-ah-ah...


Pick up your clothes....


-I swear, we'll get Carmen for this!

-I'll go check what "went down" while I was off-line.

-Ivy, look! Carmen stole a huhhle memory module,

and accessed a hard drive Info-Scan for...








-Okay, gumshoes, quit clownin' around and listen up.

-Crime Net's learned Carmen's henchmen

broke Dee Tritus out of a high security prison

last night.

-Together they heisted a Sikorsky Skycrane helicopter.

Some date, huh?

These babies can carry stolen goods up to

twenty thousand pounds!

-But what's the connection between our circus files,

a geological expert like Dee Tritus...

-And that giant helicopter!?

-Ah... I don't want to make this too easy,

but I bet my lips...

and I love those things...

the answer's in this clue she left

on our bulletin board.

-Come find me, detectives.

I'm running for the roses on grass of a different color.

-Player, Info-Scan famous roses Carmen might steal.

-But Ivy...

roses are only part of the clue.

What did she mean by...

..."grass of a different color"?

Hmm... Continue scan.

-Freeze frame!

Zack, isn't Kentucky the "Bluegrass" state?

-Survey says...

Kentucky is called the Bluegrass state because...

dusty blue blossoms give their grass

a bluish tint.

-And they call the Kentucky Derby

"The run for the roses,"

'cause the winner gets that blanket of flowers.

-I'm running for the roses on grass of a different color.

-What do you wanna bet Carmen's off to the races?

-But... what about Dee Tritus?

Her expertise is rocks, not horses.

# I'm a miner, forty-niner... #

-Hey, check it out sleuthmeisters,

Kentucky is one of the top coal producing states

in the whole U.S.

-About sixteen thousand square miles of the place

sits on coal fields.

We're talking almost forty percent

of the whole state!

Oh! Fire in the hole!


With Dee Tritus on the job, I say we check out

the biggest coal mine in Kentucky.

-Player, book us on the C-Five express

to the Bluegrass state of Kentucky.

-C-Five express now boarding.

Destination the State of Kentucky.

Population three million, seven hundred,

fifty-four thousand, seven hundred-fifteen.

-The State of Kentucky holds more than

six billion dollars worth of U.S. gold bullion

in Fort Knox.

And over three hundred miles of underground caves

at Mammoth-Flint Ridge.

And some of the fastest race horses on earth.

-Okay, listen up. This is coal.

And coal is a rock that can burn.

In fact, it burns so well that coal burning

power plants supply more than two-thirds

of all the electricity in the world.

-And this fossil fuel is definitely

not a new kid on the block either.

Most of the coal we use today was formed from plants

that died over three hundred million years ago.

-That's about fifty million years

before there were dinosaurs.


-Ivy... what do you wanna bet Carmen's

going to use the helicopter to rip off

one of these coal cars.

-Why don't we just ask them?

-Hey! It's those Acme detectives.

-Let's lose 'em.

-They went down the mine shaft.

-Get your flashlight.

-Some of these side rooms dead-end, Ivy.

-Keep moving and be ready for anything, little bro.

There's one of 'em!

-Next stop, the end of the line. [LAUGHING]



-Ivy! What do we do now?

-Our stop's comin' up, Zack!





-Next time let's take a bus.

-Bad guys!

-You hear something'?

-Yoo-hoo! Bad guys. [BLOWS RASPBERRY]

-Huh? Let's get 'em!




-Get 'em to go down that dead-end, Ivy!


-This way!




-Quick thinking.

I owe you one, little bro.

-Hey, for that you owe me two,

and a car when I'm old enough to drive.



-Looks like we stopped this crime, huh, Chief?

-Hey! Hey! What am I, a drive-through window?

-You know what bugs me?

Where was Dee Tritus in all this?

And what were they doing

with this broken light?

-Maybe it's not broken.

-Just a loose bulb.


-Bright idea, Zack.

-Huh? -What?

-Wait a minute.

Carmen doesn't want a train car full of coal.

-There's already something in the payload.

-And it's headed this way!

-Look out!



-Duck! It's a b*mb!

-Zack, Carmen wouldn't b*mb us.

It's a clue.

-Yeah? And now it's toast.

-Zack, I know what this is.

Player, Info-Scan Indonesian burial customs.

-Burial customs?

You think this figure has something to do with funerals?

-Indonesians build these beautiful towers

that they believe reach up to a spot

between heaven and earth.

There's singing and music, processions,

and big feasts... celebrate the passing of

their loved one's soul on to heaven.

-Wow! That's real different than

the somber funerals we have.

-Well, different cultures see death differently.

-It's treated like a joyous celebration in some places.

-Wait! Indonesial Bali's in Indonesia, Ivy.

And doesn't it have two active volcanoes?

-Last time we were there, little bro.

-Then let's fire up the C-Five.

If we're right about this clue,

Carmen's already got a headstart.

-And hook us up with that Acme detective from Bali.

What was his name?


-Hang on to your badges, detectives.

You're on your way from Kentucky to Bali,

one of the lesser Sundra Islands in the Indian Ocean.

-Trade in those mining helmets for a sarong, gumshoes.

And what's sarong with that?

Bali has tropical jungles, tinkling Gamelan music,

and a sacred volcano called, Mount Agung.

-Uh, isn't it dangerous living near a volcano, Chief?

-Well, it can be. What are you, picky?

Think of a volcano as a big soda bottle, okay? Once the

pressure builds up enough,

it forces hot lava up from underground.

And tharrrr she blows!

-Millions of people live their whole lives in and around

the Ring of Fire without ever seeing an erupting volcano.

-The ring of what?

-Presenting the Ring of Fire!

-This area, in the Pacific Ocean, the Ring of Fire,

has more known volcanoes than any other place

on the whole planet.

-Six hundred active volcanoes!?



-Even Carmen Sandiego can't steal a volcano!

-Oh yeah? Let's go make sure she can't.


-Now, let's have a look at what we've got.


-A giant diamond?

How did she do that?

-Take carbon, which coal is made of...

put it under about a million pounds of pressure

in Dee's high tech oven there.

Then heat it to three thousand degrees.

-And presto, change-o, you got an instant diamond,

without waiting thousands of years for Mother Nature.

-Let's go!

-Ah, you made it, detectives.

-Watch out, Zack!


-The one with the most toys doesn't always win, Carmen!


-You got her!

-You're good, Ivy. But not good enough.

-Well, you had her.

-And now they've got us.




-Ready... Jump!

-Hang on. This isn't built for group tours.



-First Carmen breaks into Acme

and steals information on circuses.

Then she steals Kentucky coal to make

the world's largest diamond. But why?

-This is some festival, Ketut.

Sorry we're not in much of a party mood.

-Come back any time.

We have many, many festivals in Bali.

Everyone learns these dances as children.

It's how we pass our traditions

from generation to generation.

-Wouldn't it be easier just to write the stuff down?

-Sure. But the colors, the music,

and the movement, are important, too.

And those must be seen and heard.

-Sometimes the packaging is just as important

as the information.


-Player, rerun Carmen's robbery

at headquarters a 'sec.

-Zack and Ivy have foiled my plans one time too many.

-What are you looking for?

-Remember what Ketut just said about the package

sometimes being just as important as the information?

-You think it's really the bubble module itself

she was after?

-Think about it.

If Carmen wanted to figure out how

our system accesses information so quickly

that module would be like a blueprint to how it works.


-I just can't figure out how the diamond fits in.

-Ivy, most computers run on microchips,

but Acme's main frame processes information

along laser beams.

-And if Carmen uses her diamond to refract

all those info beams...

-She could create a humungo information traffic jam

all across Crime Net.

-With the C-Five shut down, she'd be unstoppable!

-Then let's get there before that happens.

Player, C-Five us to Acme!

-You're headed from Bali to Acme Headquarters

in San Francisco, California. Population...


-Look out!

-Where are we, Zack?

-An information junction.

-We'll never get out of here!

-By the time Zack and Ivy get out of that volcano

they'll find I've pulled off the ultimate crime.

I've stolen all the information they use

to track me.

-It's just their wits against mine now.

-Information's exploding everywhere!

-It's all coming from the Central Processing Unit!

-So, if we head back to the source,

we'll find Carmen!

-But Ivy, no one's ever done that before while

the system was running!

-You don't know if you can do something

until you try, little bro.


-Whoa! Hey!

Hey, wait for me!

-Nobody ever told salmon they couldn't swim upstream!



ZACK: I've got a bad feeling about this.

-Oh! What's happening?

[YELLING] Something's wrong.



-What ever made you think you could pull this off, Carmen?

-It wasn't so easy tracking criminals

when I was a detective, Zack.

-We didn't have all this high tech hardware.

-It was more what we had up here.

-Well, I guess you lost most of that

when you became a crook.

'Cause you're going down, here... and now!

-I really don't think so, Ivy.

Don't let the C-Five hit you on my way out.

-Oh, no you don't!

Not this time!

-Oh! Let go! Let me go!


-What? Hey... a clown nose?

-Maybe Carmen's trying to tell 'ya something, clowns.

-Yeah? Well,

this clown can use Carmen's own crime against her.

If I refract our info beams farther than...

Yes! Ivy, the Acme computer actually has

more speed than ever with that diamond.

-You mean we can track her C-Five coordinates?

-If we hurry!

-Let's go!

-Whoa! A circus!

-We should have known Carmen wanted the module

and the circus information.

-She had this escape planned from the beginning.

-Well, let's get to work.

-Which one do you think she is?

-Look for one with the red nose.

-Zack! They all have red noses.

-Okay, okay. It was just a first idea.

-Your plan backfired, Carmen.

-Well, did you?

-Guess you'll just have to wait

until next crime to find out for sure.
