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01x03 - Transform and Roll Out pt. 3

Posted: 07/24/23 06:19
by bunniefuu
Come on, move it! I might as well be walking here!

Hey, good idea.

Look! It's one of those Autobots!


Welcome to Burger Bot, may I take your order?

This is how we humans fuel up.

I'll have a BigBot Burger, large fries and a Robo Shake.

That'll be $ . , please. Would you like a pie with that?

Mmm no, thanks.

BigBot Burger, large fries and a Robo Shake, have a burger-riffic day.

Hey, can't a bot get a stasis nap around here?

We Autobots are programmed to respect the source of life and protect it at all cost.

For us, that means one thing: the AllSpark.

Yet you organics are life, which means we must protect you as well.

But how is it you're able to make this new, smaller organics?

You guys need a home base.

And a ship at the bottom of Lake Erie is way too far away.

Then I remembered this place. My dad got in in a merger.

He doesn't even know he owns it.

So, what do you think?

I think this is what you organics call a real "fixer-upper"?

Anywhere I can power down for a few mega-cycles is OK by me.

Sounds like someone needs help.

Autobots-! - I know... transform and roll out.

We're live on the scene downtown,

where the Autobots once again are earning their title as Detroit's newest superheroes.

Enjoy it while you can, heroes. You're about to take a fall.

We at Sumdac Systems continue our commitment to moving Detroit forward

with this fully automated rapid transit system,

capable of speed over mph.

If humans wanna move so fast, why aren't they building wheels, like us?

I want to thank the Mayor, Police Captain Fanzone,

and especially our city's cybernetic superheroes,

for attending this magnificent grand opening ceremony.

They keep calling us heroes, but,

I don't feel like a hero any more than I did reparing Space Bridges on Cybertron.

In my experience, heroes usually end up on the repair table of the scrap heap.

And I'm not ready to join the Well of All Sparks, just yet.

Unidentified aircraft entering U.S. airspace over Michigan.

Identify yourself, or you'll be treated as a hostile!

You haven't seen "hostile" yet!

Mayday! Mayday!

This is very annoying.

Best to continue my search, incognito .

If you would kindly direct your attentions overhead,

please enjoy the aerial acrobatics of the Crimson Angels!

For once, something that flies that's not a Decepticon.

Odd, I thought I only paid for six jets.

Is that thing nuts? He's headed straight for us!

It couldn't be!

Greetings, Autobots!

Mind if I crash the party?

A Decepticon? Here?

The name is Starscream! Exalted leader of the Decepticons!

I thought that was Megatron?

Silent, Autobot filth!

You can run all you want, but you can't hide!

I expected a little more of a challenge from such great heroes.

I thought for sure you would've let go by now.

Ah well, no matter.

You all right, Prime? - I'll live.

You call yourselves heroes?

You really think you defeated the great Megatron?

You did no such thing.

I defeated Megatron!

I planted the device that overloaded his circuitry.

His fate was sealed before he even reached your ship.

He's lying. Isn't he?

Now bring me the AllSpark, Autobot scum!

I have no idea what you're talking about.


Then I'll just have to destroy these puny creatures for no good reason.

Take cover. In here, now!



Now let's try this again.

Bring me the AllSpark, Autobot scum!

My name is Optimus Prime.

And I'm prepared to sacrifice my life to defend the AllSpark!

But are you willing to sacrifice this ?

You Autobots and your pathetic heroics.

You have one mega-cycle to bring me the AllSpark.

If not, this vessel and all it's contents: human and Autobot, will perish.

Then I will tear this planet apart until I find the AllSpark myself!

Give up the AllSpark, or give up the Earth.

How am I supposed to decide?

Heroes are the ones who make the hard choices.

Maybe Ultra Magnus was right. Maybe I'm not programmed to be a hero.

You're not alone.

A wise bot once told me, a machine is stronger than its component parts.

Only I had to learn that the hard way.

OK, so here's my plan.


Uh thanks, but I think we'll handle this one, Sari.

But you haven't even heard my plan!

You guys keep Starscream distracted

while me and Prowl sneak aboard the train car.

Then I use my key to revive Bumblebee, free the hostages in case Starscream-

No. It's too dangerous.

My dad's on that train, and so is the best friend I ever had.

And I'm not gonna lose both of them.

She's sprung a leak.

It's called crying. It's something we humans do when we feel sad or scared

or totally helpless to save the people we care about most.

Alright. I'll consider your plan.

It's also a really useful way for us to get what we want.

I said I will consider your plan.

But unless one of us has recently learned how to fly,

we're gonna need to bring Starscream to us.

There's only one thing that will lure him.


We have what you want.

Now release the hostages!

Leave the AllSpark unguarded. Or I'll destroy them all!

Release the hostages now!

Or I will destroy the AllSpark.

Don't try to deceive a Decepticon, Autobot.

We are the masters of deception!

Hold tight.

You think I'm bluffing? OK. Ratchet, step aside!


Let's not be hasty, shall we?

What is going on out there?

A rescue! That's what.

Sari, how did you get up here?

Same way you're getting down.

This is why I hate machines!

Come on, Bumblebee. Wake up!

When you wake up, you really wake up.

What is this? Someone tampering with my hostages?

Not so fast, flyboy!

So, you Autobots want to fight dirty, do you?

Then you better be prepared to go all the way!


Sari! - Sari!

There. The train is released.

I get my end of the bargain, now it's your turn to keep yours.

Bulkhead! Ratchet! Help the others.

What are supposed to do, catch him on the first bounce?

Hang on, Sari!

You think I didn't think of that?

Reach out, I'll grab you!

You can trust this face, can't you?

Nice grab, Autobot. But even you can't outrun me on foot!

Why don't you set down that heavy load and transform to vehicle mode?

Do they have shock absorbers on Cybertron?

Those are some shock absorbers.

Guess there's still some spark luck to the old bot after all.

Ratchet, think fast! - Oh, crud.

Hang on!

I know this game, it's called "Keep Away".

Can you go any faster?

It's not about how fast you can go. But how fast you can stop!

I got it! I got it! I-

Fool! Did you really think you can keep the AllSpark out of the hands-

I said, I got it.

Nice teamwork, bots.

Now, let's get the AllSpark somewhere safe before-

I have had enough of toying with you puny Autobots!

At last! The AllSpark is mine.

It's more powerful than I ever imagined!

It's our worst fear, come to life. The AllSpark in Decepticon hands.

Not without a fight.

Now nothing will stop me from leading the Decepticons

and crushing the Autobots forever!

Let go, Autobot!

Never! The AllSpark is life !

Then let it end yours!


So this is what it feels like.. to be a hero.

There's nothing we can do now. His spark's extinguished.

He went saving the AllSpark.

That's what matters.

No. He can't be gone. He can't.

I don't think that leaking thing's gonna help you get what you want.

But I know something that can.

Sari, there's some things that can't be fixed. Even by your key.

Prime didn't give up, and neither will I!

Is this the Well of All Sparks?

No, it's Detroit.

H-Hey, I thought you only did that leaking thing when you're sad.

You guys have so much to learn about humans.

As Detroit recovers from this devastating clash of the titans,

the Autobots proved themselves even greater heroes than first imagined.

Not only saving the city and perhaps the world, from the Decepticon menace,

but repairing damaged structures,

and damaged lives with their reassuring presence.

Fixing bridges, isn't this where we started out?

Speaking for a grateful city, this reporter can only offer two words

to our giant, cybernetic protectors.

Thank you.

I wouldn't know where to begin thanking them.

But if they learn the truth behind my robotics empire,

would they ever forgive me?