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01x04 - Boy School Bullies

Posted: 07/24/23 15:38
by bunniefuu
(car engine revs)

(dramatic music)

- I don't plan on sleeping with you.

- So where do we go from here?

(loud bang resounds)

- Drop the w*apon. (screams)

Drop the w*apon. (screams)

- Three days ago I was told you were corrupt.

- You've been lying, infiltrating a drug dealer's family,

sleeping with the drug dealer's daughter.

- Daniel Cray. - You don't want

to mess with this guy.

I hear he kills people for a living.

- I want the money back.

Just tell him that.

- He'll come back won't he?

- Hey, he's a professional.

He's got a job to do and he'll be back.

- You remind me of one of my brothers.

(twangy guitar music)

- Excuse me is this leaving for Melbourne?

- Yeah love. - I'm here to meet

my brother.

- Kenny, oh you're Donna from Bingara?

- Yeah, yeah.

- He's not off the bus yet love.

He's been chatting everyone.

- Great, thanks.

- Come on Kenny, your sister's here.

He's quite the talker. (laughs)

- Hey baby. - Hey baby.

- How are you doing?

- [Kenny] Good, how are you?

- Eddie, this is my brother Kenny.

- Kenny, this is Eddie.

- How are you doing?

- I'm good, how are you?

- I'm good. - That's good.

- He'll take that for you.

So how's your trip, good?

- Yeah.

- You know what we're gonna do while you're here?

We're gonna take you on the harbor ritz climb

and we're gonna go up the tour.

- What's the problem?

- Oh, there's no problem, it's just routine, K service.

Hey Kenny.


- Hi.

- Kenny Parry to see Dr. Nesbit.

- Okay, Kenny would you like to come with me?

You can flop on a gown.

- If I give you my number,

could you give me a call as soon as he's finished?

- Of course.

- Could I pass the test?

The Kenny test, that's what it was wasn't it?

How come you kept him quiet?

- I told you I had a brother.

(siren wailing)

(ominous music)

- The school took one of its computers in for repairs.

Gary discovered a whole lot of child pornography

on the hard drive downloaded from the net.

- What, this was from a school computer?

- Yeah and a word of warning,

it's a high profile school, lots of friends in high places.

The principal is expecting you.

Do intel and background checks on

all the staff and anyone else.

- [Donna Voiceover] I never used to have a Kenny test.

Thank God Eddie passed.

You go through years of your life in the bush

believing people are fundamentally good

and a couple of months in the city,

you start to question everything.

I wonder if I passed my own test?

(elegant music)

- Good morning. - Good morning.

- I'm Gabriel Hall, the principal's assistant,

Mr. Brown is waiting for you.

- Nice place you've got here. - Thank you.

Detectives Parry and Mercia, our headmaster.

- Harry Brown. - Hi.

- And this is Steven Clark, our science master,

in charge of the computer labs.

David Brooks, Roald Watson

from the school board legal advisors.

- Nice to see you again Eddie. - Roald,

Lieutenant Parry my partner.

- I must know you by association

because you share an apartment

with one of my firm's associates

Madeline Delaney. - Yeah, that's right.

- Here please.

- We're not here for a legal conference.

We're here to conduct some interviews,

starting with you Mr. Clark.

- Everyone wants to cooperate.

Rob and I have boys at the school.

We want this cleared up.

- Good.

- It's just we're a little bit concerned

about the damage that this could do

to the school's reputation if it gets out.

- Perhaps you two should take another look

at the material that's involved here.

We're talking a very serious criminal offense.

- I'm sorry Donna, you're from out west, Werna or something?

- Bingara.

- Mm-hmm.

Well look what you have to realize

the thing we've got to remember here

os that Huntingdale is a national institution.

I mean apart from non-entities like David and myself here,

for its -year history,

this school has been producing surgeons and politicians

and judges and it really could do immense damage

to the school's reputation.

- Right, well we'd like with getting

the names of your staff their dates of birth and anyone else

who has access to the computers.

- The students are never left unsupervised.

It's very valuable equipment.

Other than that, the lab's kept locked at all times.

- And who has keys?

- I have one.

Gabriel has a master copy and the cleaner has one.

- All right then, we'll start with you three shall we?

(swanky jazz music)

- Joseph does the cleaning as well helping with the gardens.

- Thanks, Mr. Clark?

Do you have a police record of any kind?

- Why do you ask that?

- Do you?

- No.

- Oh thanks.

- So tell me Joseph have you been in trouble

with the police before?

- No, why?

Am I in trouble now?

- No, you're not in trouble,

but we have to know how this material

came to be on the school computers.

- Oh, I never use the computers, just clean the room.

- But there's three keys Joseph and you have one of them.

- I'm just the cleaner.

- What about the girl?

Who's the girl?

- Victoria, Victoria Call, she likes gardening.

- Can you tell why it's taking so long

or when I can come and pick him up?

Yeah, okay.

What kind of world do we live in

where a guy's kind to a child and you think him a pervert?

- It's our kind of world.

- No, it's your kind of world.

You can count me out of it.

- Is everything okay?

- Yeah.

- Well the headmaster's got a high level

drunk driving conviction, ..

- Bet that's not on the Huntingdale yearbook.

- What about Posniac?

Guido, you got something on him?

- Joseph Merrick Posniac, , indecent as*ault,

good behavior bond.

- I'll get the paperwork started.

- It was years ago.

- Yeah, it was indecent as*ault.

- Joseph are there any computers in the house?

- Computers no.

- Any CDs, discs, something that you may have used

on the school computer?

- No, I told you I don't use computers.

They scare me.

- When we asked you before

if you'd ever been in trouble with the police

and you said no, we checked.

- Oh no that was a long time ago.

- It was a young girl.

- Well I was young.

I mean she was , I was .

- Is this the same girl that was in the garden this morning?

- It's just a photograph.

- Yeah, Victoria, she's a friend.

- Photograph was taken in this room right?

- Joseph, what's going on?

- Catherine, these people are

this is Catherine, Ms. McGregor.

- You're staff? - Yes, head of music.

- Right okay. - What's happening?

Who are you people?

- [Eddie] Detective Parry, I'm Detective Mercia.

Actually we wouldn't mind a chat with you?

- What is it Joseph?

- It's nothing, just a mistake.

- Joseph why don't you step into the other room

and you could take a seat here for a second?

- How well do you know Mr. Posniac?

- Very well, what's this about?

- We're not accusing anyone just yet,

but a certain amount of child pornography

has been found on the school computers

and Mr. Posniac is one of the people

with access to the computers.

- That's what are you saying?

- We're not saying anything.

We're just investigating at this point.

- We did notice there are a number of photographs

on the refrigerator of school kids

and this one in particular was taken inside this house.

Now is there any reason why school kids would be in here?

- They're boarders.

Some of them are very young.

They miss their parents.

They're lonely.

It's perfectly innocent.

- Mm-hmm.

How well did you say you know Mr. Posniac?

- We're engaged to be married.

Is that so surprising?

- No, no not at all.

- Are you searching the home of any other staff members?

- No not right now. - So why Joseph?

- Catherine can I talk to you?

I'd just like to talk to Ms. McGregor.

- Sure, Mr. Posniac, it is your home.

- Please believe me.

I didn't do this what they're saying.

- What is it?

- years ago

I was lonely you understand?

- Tell me.

- I was in a cinema.

I was young sitting next to this girl

and I thought she smiled at me.

I didn't know anyone, any girls.

- What did you do?

- I put my arm around her.

I touched her breasts.

I'm sorry.

- So what?

- I was charged with indecent as*ault.

- And they think you've been assaulting children?

- No. - Mr. Posniac,

want to tell me what these are?

- It's nothing, they're just videos.

- Sports carnival, gymnasium swimming carnival.

You were a swimming instructor?

- No. - Gym instructor?

- No. - Right.

- We'll be wanting to take these with us.

- Donna Parry, yeah yeah hi how's Kenny?

Can't you tell me over the phone?

Well why can't you tell me?

Well put the damn doctor on then can you?

- Kenny has a condition known as a dilated cardiac myopathy.

It's where the heart muscle dilates, expands

and then ceases to become efficient as a pump.

- Right yeah.

- Well over time it will become life threatening.

- How much time?

- Well there's no hard and fast rules.

I mean each case is different.

Could be months, could be years.

- Months?

- Worst case scenario.

(sad trumpet music)

- It's possible you could die I could die right now.

Are you saying more possible than that?

- [Doctor] Yes much more.

- So you're saying probable?

- Yes.

- All right, so what are you gonna do about it?

- Well under normal circumstances,

down the track we'd do a transplant.

- Under normal circumstances?

- [Doctor] Yes.

- Well what's not normal here?

- Post operative care.

- It's all part of the-- - So I've never seen

anything before. - You're right.

No it's all part of the new yearbook.

- New yearbook, yeah.

- So I ran into your boss today.

- Oh right he didn't mention it?

- Bit of a prick isn't he?

- You think so?

- I'm sorry I don't know.

I mean he might be a friend.

- Oh no no.

He's just a boss.


- It's w*r!

I'm gonna get you!

- You're cheating you're using two hands!

- Die little brother!

- Donna, I forgot to tell you, your mum called.

- I'll ring her later.

- You guys hungry?

- [Cameron] What do you got?

- They got what do they got?

They got lasagna, they got (speaking foreign language)

they got speck ball, they got peaches up to here.

- Have they got tiramisu?

- They got tiramisu.

- Well good because I'll have speck ball and tiramisu.

- You want to watch that petite ass of yours.

- What is with you and my ass today hey?

- You're never gonna believe this but I got a salad.

You reckon I'm on the turn or what?

Next I'll be eating bloody tofu burgers or something--

- Behind you.

(car engine revs) (screams)

(ominous music)

- I've got a match back on the plate for the car.

- Hmm? - The car was stolen.

- So it was someone speeding in a stolen car,

what's unusual about that?

- Come on Guido, it's deliberate.

- Cam.

- Are you staying with that?

- That's what happened.

- I don't want to work with you anymore.

I'm advising the boss.

- Don't do this.

- You're not giving me any choice.

There are people after you

and I'm gonna end up collateral damage

and I won't even know why because you won't trust me.

- I do trust you.

I do.

- So tell me.

- We got a call from the school, some sort of trouble.

Ms. McGregor.

- I didn't know who else to call.

He's locked himself inside.

- Has he harmed himself or anyone else?

- No, but I'm afraid.

- [Guido] You're afraid of what?

- That he might hurt himself.

- Is he armed? - No.

- Who's got the keys? - He's barred the door

from the inside he won't go outside.

- So can you tell us what happened exactly?

- I don't know some students said they were having a fight.

- Whoa whoa whoa whoa, hang on a second,

you can't just bust in there.

I mean this guy could be a nutter.

- Oh don't be an idiot.

(suspenseful music)

- Joseph?

(suspenseful music)

(door bangs)


(suspenseful music)



Who did this to you?

Who hurt you?

- Please just leave.

- I'm sorry, but I can't do that.

- Joseph, what happened?

- Don't look at me.

- Joseph, what happened?

- Catherine, please don't.

- Please if you can talk to me,

say a reason they did this.

- Excuse me detectives, can I have a word please?

- [Eddie] Sure.

- I don't want him back on the school grounds.

If he wants his belongings, I'll have them sent

to a forwarding address.

- [Donna] Excuse me?

- He's dismissed. - He hasn't been

charged with anything.

He's the one who's been assaulted.

- He has a criminal record.

He has had a young female student in his house.

The matter is closed.

- Mr. Brown, I'm sorry but access to criminal records

is a privilege that's granted to you as a headmaster.

That is confidential.

- My people need to know if there's a man

in the school environs with a history of sexual as*ault

against children. - One singular as*ault

and he was a kid himself.

- He is not a suitable person to be working with children.

He is dismissed.

- Right, right, excuse me.

I'm gonna be finding out who did this

and when I do, I'm gonna be charging someone with as*ault.

Let's go.

(suspenseful music)

- You know what I think Joseph?

I think somebody's found out about

your special little relationship with Victoria

and that's why they did this to you.

You do realize that we're gonna be speaking to Victoria?

- No no no, please leave here out of this.

She's just a lonely little girl.

- Really?

- What's your problem?

- Nothing, what's yours?

- Well you decided this guy's wrong

in the first minutes based on what?

The fact that he doesn't have a well cut suit,

perfect skin, perfect teeth,

what imperfection must you notice?

- Hang on a second.

The welfare of a -year-old girl

is what bothers me the most.

- Yeah, horse shit.

- It's a lovely photograph.

You've got a very pretty smile.

So that was taken at Joseph's home is that right?

It's okay Victoria, you're not gonna get into trouble.

So did you take anymore photographs?

- We took lots.

He took some of me and I took some of him.

- Victoria, when Joseph was taking your photograph,

did he do anything or try to touch you in a way

that you didn't like?

- No.

He'd never do anything like that.

I know what you're talking about and you're wrong.

He's my friend.

- Look I am sorry, but I have

a class arriving for an examination.

- I couldn't answer any of this.

- It's for bright students.

- I apologize Ms. McGregor,

but we have to ask these things.

What can you tell us about Joseph Posniac's sexuality?

- I beg your pardon.

- You heard her.

Is it normal whatever that means?

- This is I've never do your superiors

know you ask these questions?

- They insist on it.

Well I mean I don't I have difficulty with it,

but they insist on--

- Guido, do you mind?

- No.

- Sorry about that it's (laughs)

it's embarrassing I know.

There can be certain patterns of behavior.

You know if you've detected anything--

- You're asking the wrong person.

- You're engaged to be married.

- Yes.

I don't know.

- You haven't done it with Joseph?

- At all.

- Right.

- Ms. McGregor who's this boy?

- Matthew.

Matthew O' Riley, he was a very gifted student.

- He was? - He left unsuited

according to Huntingdale that was the official line.

- Joseph knew him too didn't he?

- Yes they were friends.

Matthew got on well with Joseph.

Lonely people do.

(suspenseful music)

- Tell us about your relationship with Matthew Riley.

- There's nothing to tell.

- This is your tape.

This is him on your tape.

And you're telling me there's no relationship between you.

- He was a student, a scholarship student, a friend.

- [Cameron] Like Victoria?

- Yeah, like Victoria.

- Joseph (clears throat)

you told us that you never touched the computers

that you didn't know how to use the computers,

now that's not true is it?

For the tape please Joseph if you don't mind

answer the question.

- No.

- Good, now we also know

that you've been using the Internet

to make calls to Poland, right?

- Yeah, to my brother it only costs a few cents.

- That's not the point.

The point is that you lied.

- [Guido] Who is Matthew Riley?

- I don't know.

- Why did he leave the school?


- I don't I can't say.

- [Guido] Wait you can't say or you won't say?

- I won't say.

- Joseph, let me explain what's happening here.

My colleagues are responding to the facts as they see them.

Now you've lied about the computers.

You won't tell us who assaulted you or why

and now it's perfectly clear

that you do have a relationship with this boy

and you don't want to talk about it.

We can find him anyway.

- That's all I have to say.

(suspenseful music)

- Good day mate.

You would be Matthew would you?

- Yep.

- Well I'm Detective Parry and this is Detective Mercia.

- Hi Matthew.

- We just want to ask you a few questions about Huntingdale.

- Why would I give a crap about that place?

- Because it's your chance now to see

that whoever abused you doesn't get away with it.

I mean that's what happened isn't it?

Somebody at Huntingdale was abusing you?

- What the hell would you know?

- [Eddie] Well do you want to see them walk?

You happy with that?

- You're wasting your time.

You can't touch these people.

- You want to see Mr. Posniac hurt somebody else,

like a -year-old girl?

- You think Joseph hurt me?

- Did he?

- You don't know anything.

- I'm starting to feel for this guy.

- Ms. McGregor. - What's the matter?

What happened now?

- Can you tell us where Joseph is?

- No I can't.

- Ms. McGregor I asked you earlier

if you could tell us anything about Joseph's sexuality.

Now it would really help if you could tell us something.

- The Nazis forced h*m* to wear that symbol.

As a matter of fact, Joseph is not a h*m*.

The person who painted that is a n*zi.

- Why are you collecting your things Ms. McGregor?

- Because I'm no better than the people who painted that.

- I'm sure that's not true.

- I've broken off our engagement.

- I'm sorry.

- How about that for complete faith?

Total trust?

- What would you know about trust?


- I did cross the line, but I didn't take the money.

- Daniel said you ripped them off.

That makes you dirty in anyone's book Guido.

- I got involved with a crime family you know.

I've got close to them.

I just got friends with I mean name's Sophie

Sophie Rinaldi.

- You still seeing her?

- No, but that's her choice.

That's not mine.

- So why is Daniel Cray going after you then?

- I don't know.

- And that's it?

- Yeah pretty much.

- Pretty much?

- I couldn't take the money.

I didn't blow the operation.

- Am I supposed to believe that?

- Yeah, you're supposed to believe that.

(bright pop music)

- Come on I'm pretty good.

- Hello how are you?

- [Donna] Thanks again mate.

- Hello sport how come you're not dancing?

- I can't.

- You can't?

- He got a bit breathless.

- Getting tagged behind the cheering shed eh mate?

- Hey Eddie.

- Hey, hey Eddie come and look at this man.

Eddie, we have a little problem.

- How's that?

- We both love the same girl.

- Better not let on.

Donna's got a big enough head as it is already.

- Not Donna, Madeline.

- You think she's all right do you?

- Oh yeah.

- [Donna] What happened?

- Oh nothing it's just dancing.

- Has he been like that all day?

- Oh no he's been fine, why?

- Oh no it's okay.

- Yeah, I have to go so say goodbye to the guys.

I'll see you at home later.

- All right. - Eddie?

- Yeah mate. - When do you go when you die?

- What's that?

- Where do you go when you die?

- Um-- - Will I go to heaven?

- Heaven, I think you probably do.

- She won't say it. - Yeah I think you do.

- She won't say I'm gonna die.

- Are you sure about that?

Probably just a misunderstanding.

- Not to me, to the doctor.

She talked to him.

I heard it.

But I'm not stupid.

- We know you're not stupid Kenny.

But does Donna--?

- Look don't tell Donna.

She'll worry.

- I think maybe you should mate.

I think maybe you should tell her.

- Should tell me what?

What are you two crapping on about?

- We just talking about death weren't we mate?

Where you go when you die?

- Got a minute?

How could you do that?

How could you do that kind of thing?

- Hey hey he knows okay.

He overheard the doctors talking all right.

He already knows.

He's scared to tell you about it okay?

I'm sorry all right.

You've got to talk to him about it all right?

(tragic music)

- Do you remember when Lily had puppies

and she got really sick after?

Well sometimes your body runs out of puff.

- Dad shot Lily.

- Did he?

I thought she died in her sleep.

- Dad shot her.

(tender music)

- My first boyfriend he was a good guy.

He used to spend a bit of time with us during the holidays.

He met Kenny.

One night we were sitting there and

he said having Kenny in the family

is like having a really good dog.

So the next guy that wanted to take me out

I sent Kenny on same half-cooked mission

down to the back of the property

just to get him out of the way.

He spent the next two hours wandering around in the dark

and I think I'm trying to protect him

from what's bad in other people.

- So you're not a saint?

- No I don't appear to be.

- You don't need to be one either.

- Hey.

- Joseph, Ms. McGregor?

- Joseph told me certain things and I believe him.

- What is it Joseph?

- Well I can't speak for Matthew,

but I can speak to him and maybe that'll help.

(ominous music)

- You sure you're all right with this?

- Hey Matthew.

- Joseph.

- Don't worry, it's only temporary.

Get a bit of extra cash till I decide

what school I want to go to, maybe apply to the con.

- Give me your hand.

Matt, please let me tell them.

- Why?

Why do you think it's gonna make a difference?

Do you think you'll still have a job at the end of it?

- I don't care about my job okay.

I was quiet for you for this long.

Pleas please let me tell them.

(suspenseful music)

I was cleaning late at night in the computer labs.

I walked in on some of the senior boys.

They had Matthew pinned to the floor half naked.

I told them to get off him

and Matthew while he was lying there with knees in his back

being assaulted with a wooden

he begged me to get out to go away

told me to keep my mouth shut.

And then again later, he begged me.

- In the computer lab late at night,

one of them or all of them

could have been downloading the pornography.

You know Joseph if you

had been forthcoming from the beginning.

- You know I gave my word to Matthew.

No that's not the truth.

The truth is I was afraid.

Afraid for my job and my home and my marriage

and then yesterday they beat me

and I was afraid for myself,

afraid of -year-old school boys.

(suspenseful music)

- For you have to have done this,

the odds are somebody did it to you.

- Nobody did it to me.

I don't know what you're talking about.

- That's enough Alex.

We'll discuss this later.

- Oh, sorry discuss what later dad?

I thought we never talk about anything.

- Later.

(suspenseful music)

- What about you Nathan?

- He's got nothing to say.

- Nothing to say about what?

Child pornography or assaulting Matthew?


- I prefer not to say anything.

- So you see you'll be waiting

until somebody else has finished with their heart

and then they would give it to you.

- I don't want someone else's heart.

- Well if you don't then you'll get sick

and then you won't be able to hang out as long

and I've been kind of hoping we could hang out forever.

- I'm not getting married Donna.

I'm not need you around.

- It's not about that.

It's about you maybe not being around at all.

- I don't want someone's heart.

Can I go now?

I have lots of things to do before the bus.

- Yeah, you're right.

- Hey Eddie can you hurry up?

- Hey it's me.

Just thought I'd let you know what I was doing tonight.

- Oh yeah?

- Cab home, lounge, book, cocoa.

- Now that is tremendous, tremendous.

- Yeah but it can't go on indefinitely.

I do have other needs.

- Cameron, that is way too much information.

(Cameron laughs)


- Hey I've got to go.

I've got some floral weirdness happening.

I'll see you later.

- All right bye.

(tender music)

- Tracy. - Yep?

- Who delivered this?

- [Tracy] Someone dropped them off from downstairs.

- Yeah, but was it a courier or did someone?

- [Tracy] Sorry I don't know.

(tender music)

(g*n shot rings out)

(phone rings)

- Hey. - Did he get away okay?

- King of the bus in the first two minutes.

Look at your locker.

God you're an a**l bastard.

Look at how neat it is.

It's not too neat in here Eddie.

- Hey hey whoa whoa whoa.

- I might rough it up a bit.

- I might rough you up a bit, yeah put you in there.

I'll rough you up, eh?

What about you you want some of this?

You want some of this?


Hey listen, you sure you don't want to come for a beer?

- Yeah maybe, Guido's at home.

I've been trying to call him on the phone, both phones

and he's not answering so--

- Oh well maybe you guys have a quiet night in then.

- Let's go by and pick him up anyway.

I'll try him on the way, let's go.

- [Donna] Come on slow poke.

- Look at this messiness.


(phone rings)

- [Cameron] Guido?

- Cameron, are you there?

- Are you okay? - Oh I'm fine.

- Are you sure? - Yeah, you know I'm fine.

- Really? - Yeah forever baby.

- [Cameron] All right hey Eddie, Donna and I

are going for a drink?

You want to come?

- No, I had something to drink.

- Okay. - I'll just get

an early night. - All right.

I'll see you tomorrow.

All right bye.

(suspenseful music)

(swanky jazz music)

(ethereal electronic music)