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01x05 - Fruit Market Underworld

Posted: 07/24/23 15:39
by bunniefuu
- If you've got nothing to hide,

then let's go and see Kostas.

- He's been lying, undercover.

Sleeping with the drug dealer's daughter.

I'm saying you're bent.

- I did cross the line but I didn't take the money.

- Daniel said you ripped them off.

- [Guido] Daniel Crane is directly involved

with the disappearance of three people.

- What?

- Tell him they want the money back.

- There are people after you.

(car tires screeching) (screaming)

'Cause you won't trust me.

(glass shattering)


(phone ringing) - Cameron?

- Guido? - Yeah.

- [Cameron] Are you okay?

- Yeah, I'm fine.

(intense music)

- You've got balls, I'll give you that.

- Not here to cause trouble.

- Then leave.

You're a fool.

You find a woman like that once in a lifetime.

Once in a lifetime.

A woman that loves you.

But most other men, never.

You had it all and you threw it in my face.

- You dirty (voice muffled).

You're going to jail.

- From you? - Dirty, you are

going to jail, mate.

You're goin' to jail.

- Listen you put your dirty grubby little hands

on my petty cash and you call me dirty?

- I didn't take the money.

- Is that what she was worth to you, John?

$ million?

- I didn't take the money.

- What's that?

(voice muffled)

- Yeah, like you don't know what happened.

- I don't know what happened.

Tell me.

- Daniel Crane, get him back in his cage

before other people get caught up in this.

- If I wanted you dead you'd be dead.

I've got three guys out there (voice muffled).

(intense music)

- Don't thr*aten a cop, Vince.

Don't be that dumb.

- Corrupt cop.

You are (voice muffled) and now get out.

- You are a thug, you are a thug.

You're in a $, suit but you're still a thug.

And junky kids bought that suit, junky kids.

There's a -year-old missing right now

and it's your fault.

- It's their choice.

(intense music)

- Call your dogs off.

Get Daniel Crane back in his cage.

I'm holding you personally responsible.

(intense music)

(breathing heavily)

We define ourselves by the things we love

and by the things we hate.

Sometimes it's hard to know the difference.

- Is there any news?

- No, I'm sorry.

There's a few good leads, though, we've got, we're chasing.

I just didn't wanna get your hopes up

because, well you know how it is.

- Thanks for coming.

- We were just hoping that, well Kelly would turn up here

because she apparently new the girl that's died.

- Is that gonna be us

in a week?

Coupla days?

- This girl drowned.

She fell in a storm water drain.

Three inches of water and she drowned.

- [Norman] She was off her face.

My wife, she can't take much more of this.

We've looked everywhere.

She has to be somewhere doesn't she?

- Mr. Rosewell, we'll find Kelly.

We'll find her.

- Know where we are.

(sad music)

- I am sick of seeing body bags.

There's a glut of heroin on the market

and kids are k*lling themselves.

Drug squad says it's gonna get worse.

A shipment's coming in.

So, let's try and slow down the trade.

Eyes open,

come down hard.

(phone dialing)

Any news on that missing kid from Maitland, Kelly Rosewell?

- No, we've got a line on the pimp we think was running.

- And the girl they buried this morning.

- Keep me informed.

- You look like shit.

- Yeah, squash, squash injury.


- Squash? - What?

- You play squash?

- So?

- You're not the squash type.

What's the squash type?

- Who with?

- Oh you're the expert, what's the squash type?

- Not you.

- [Dispatcher] Southwest please attend sh**ting

at Rinaldi's Fruit Wholesalers in Auburn.

Southwest is in attendance.

- [Guido] Get in, drive.

- It's not us. - Yes it is, get in.

(intense music) (voice muffled)


- Guido. - This is Vincent Rinaldi.

He owns half the fruit market.

- You know him?

- This is the guy I was working undercover on.

This is the family.


(intense music)

You want a list of names?

I can give you a list of associates, non-associates.

- Yeah, yeah, whatever you've got.

- Yeah, well start with Daniel Crane.

If he didn't do it he knows who does.

- Who is he, though?

- He's minder.

- Guido.

(intense music)

- You wanna tell me what the f*ck's going on?

- How would I know?

- What was it about a week ago

you're asking about Daniel Crane?

- Yeah, well, you know as much as I do.

(intense music)

- What do you want?

- I need a minute with your sister alone,

if you don't mind.

I'm sorry about your father, I'm sorry.

- You come here to gloat?

- No, I'm sorry about your father.

- You hated him.

- I hated what he did.

I wanna hold you.

- Don't touch me.

You're a liar, you caused this.

- You gotta be careful.

You have to be.

Is there somewhere you can go?

(voice muffled) get out of the country?

- [Sophia] What are you saying?

- I think Daniel Crane did this?

- What?

- Last night he tried to sh**t me.

I think something's happening in your father's business.

- He's a good man.

He was a good man.

Just get out, just get out.

(intense music) (crying)

- What was your relationship with Vince Rinaldi?

- [Daniel] We were in business together.

- [Eddie] Which business is that?


- [Daniel] Fruit, he won a good deal on mangoes,

give me (voice muffled)

- [Eddie] Can you tell me who k*lled me Mr. Rinaldi?

- No, I don't know.

I wasn't there.

- So where were you?

- Where I've been every night for the last week,

at my girlfriend's, Selena.

We were in bed.

- She'll confirm that, right, of course, won't she?

- So what's the deal?

You looking to stitch me up for this

so you can get your mate off the hook, right?

- Which mate?

Who you talking about?

- Ah, come on.

You got a crooked cop.

He steals two million off Vincent, he screws his daughter,

and the old man's spitting chips,

your guy knows he's in trouble so he kills him.

- I'm sorry, who are you talking about?

- Ah yeah, like you don't know.

- Who are you talking about?


You can't just sit here and say all this shit

and then not give me a name.

Who are you talking about?

- Guido Martin.

- Crane is a known criminal, possibly a hitman.

Guido Martin is a second-generation police officer.

- So saying we ignore it?

There's been rumors floating around for months

that he turned since he went under cover.

- [Sharon] Rumors.

- $ million is a lot of money.

- Sleeping with the daughter.

- Has he been throwing money around?

Rumors. - So we ignore it.

- What does Cameron say?

- Well she was asking about Daniel Crane recently,

before all this, and looking him up on the computer.

- Bring Guido in, bring them both in.

- [Donna] What about Daniel Crane?

- Let him go.

- [Bill] Sorry, but this is a crime scene.

You can't come through here.

- [Mrs. Rosewell] We heard there's a body.

- [Bill] I have to warn you it's gonna be some time

before get clearance. - Please, we just,

we're looking for our daughter,

she's been missing for six weeks.

- [Bill] I understand ma'am, and I'm afraid it's gonna be--


- It's me, Guido.

- They said there's a body.

They said it's a girl.

We just wanna-- - yeah, you can't

come through here. - Just wanna know

it's not Kelly, okay?

- I know, I'm gonna go there.

I'll come straight back.

I'll come straight back, I promise, okay?

Stay with your wife.

(intense music)

- Cameron, this is Bill Martin, my father.

- How you doing? - Hi.

(intense music)

- [Guido] What's she look like?

- About , maybe younger.

She could have OD'd, I don't know, she's a mess.

Looking for someone?

- A kid, .

(eerie music)

(intense music)

- No? - No.


- Things okay with you?

- Yeah, pretty good, pretty good.

- Your mother?

- Fine, yeah, I haven't seen her for a while,

but yeah, she's, she's fine.

I better get back to them.

- Yeah, right, good luck with it.

- Nice to meet you. - You, too.

(intense music)

- She's still alive, we'll find her.

We will find her.

We will.

(intense music)

- Guido.

I need you down at the station.

- Not now.

- Hey, hey, we need you down there.

- What's it about?

- Two million bucks.

(intense music)

- Okay, so just confirming that

the time of death this morning

was somewhere between five and :.

Don't make us pull teeth, sport.

Where were you?

- In bed, where were you?

- [Eddie] Well I had no reason to k*ll him.

- What, and I did?

- Self defense?

- [Guido] Now that's even better, how's it go?

- Well you screwed his daughter and stole his money.

- I didn't screw his daughter.

I didn't screw her.

- Sorry, that's just what we hear.

- [Guido] Yeah, well you hear wrong.

- God Guido, you're in love with her aren't you?

(phone ringing)

- Martin.


Well if you don't know where it's no damn help at all.

Find out and call me back.

- Do you wanna switch that thing off?

- What, so I don't interrupt this?

I'm tryin' to find a missing kid here.

Can I go and do that now?

- No, no you can't.

Listen, did you take the money or not?

- I'm tryin' to find a missing kid,

can I do that now?

(intense music)

I'm trying to find a missing kid here,

can I do that now?

- I can't tell you anything.

(intense music)

- You're his partner.

(intense music)

- Yeah.

- All right, how does Crane fit in with Guido?

- Does Crane fit in with Guido?

- Cameron, we're trying to help him here.

- Well then I'm sure he'll be very grateful for that

and he'll let you know whatever it is he wants you to know.

(intense music)

- [Eddie] Assuming you didn't take the money.

- That is big of you mate, really big of you.

- Even assuming that you didn't take the money

Vince thinks that you still took it.

Okay, he's not gonna let you get away with that is he?

- That is (voice muffled).

- That plus the daughter, right?

You're making him look like a complete idiot.

He's gotta get rid of you.

Okay, that's self defense.

You're defending yourself.

- I didn't k*ll him.

I didn't.

(phone ringing)

You wanna help me?

Really wanna help me?

Get me back on the street now.

(intense music)


Yeah, yeah, there's a few bucks in it for you, Bozz.

Country kid, Kelly Rosewell, , we're looking for her.

I'm expecting about five calls.

Follow 'em up, stay on that kid.

- Guido. - Don't worry about me.

Just stay with that kid

'til I get this sorted.

(door slamming)

- You have to give us something.

- You're accusing me of m*rder and you want me to help you?

- No one's accusing anyone.

- Yes you are.

Some low life says so.

- We have to investigate.

We should have called internal affairs on this hours ago.

- Why haven't ya?

- Because you're one of us.

Aren't you?

(intense music)

- Yeah, I suppose.

- You don't suppose.

You either are or you aren't.

(intense music)

- You shouldn't be here.

- Does it matter?

- Matters even more now things are up to me.

- What's up to you?

- The family, the business.

Sam can't do it.

- All the businesses?

- Is that what this is about?

Is this an investigation?

Is that why you're here? - No, no, no, no,

of course not.

Why does this always happen to us?

Because you're a cop and you can't help yourself.

But that is not all I am.

It's not all I am.

I love you.

I just wanna care for you, wanna protect you.

(intense music)

- Daniel Crane did this?

He could have k*lled you.

- It's what he does.

(sad music)

- I don't care about the money.

I don't care that you took it.

- I didn't.

- Well if you did I don't care.

- You should care.

- Stop it.

You're doing it again.

(light jazzy music)


(phone ringing)

- [Guido] Hey, it's me, where are you?

- At the office.

No luck.

I chased up every lead, every call.

Except some character named Bozz.

He says he'll only talk to you.

He says he wants his money.

- Yeah all right, I'll call him.

Get some sleep.

(light music)

(sirens blaring)

- I found her for you.

It's her.

I saw her with Carver, like you said.

Now where's my ?

It's Bozz (voice muffled)

(car screeching)

Get out, get out. - Please, hey,

what are you doing man?

- Get out of the car. - Just take it easy, mate.

- Piss off.

Kelly, Kelly. - Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You don't need to get rough.

What, am I under arrest or what?

My name's Lisa, okay?

- Piss off, Bozz.

It's not her.

You oughta be ashamed.


She's young enough to be your daughter, mate.

Here, take it.

You're finished for the night, mate.

Don't let me see you here again.

- Hey this is a commercial arrangement,

you understand.

You keep out of it.

You all right?

- Yeah, yeah, I'm all right.

- Where's Kelly Rosewell? - What?

- Where's Kelly Rosewell?

Kid from Maitland, . - Never heard of her.

Never heard of her.

- She's a kid, year old from Maitland.

- Never heard of her.

- Stop, just hold it.

Hold it. (car screeching)

Let the girl go. - Want her?

- [Guido] Let her go.

- That was great, that was wonderful.

I lose the trick, I lose the money.

Really good work.

Sir Lancelot.

(jazzy music)

- You all right?

(jazzy music)

You okay?

(jazzy music)

Her name is Kelly Rosewell.

- What do you want her for?

You gonna bust her, too?

- I'm not bustin' ya.

I'm taking you to a place I know.

It's kind of a, kind of a refuge, sort of hostel.

They're nice people, good people.

- Yeah, sure.

- [Guido] It's just a place where you can sleep.

- Why not your place?

- Kelly's parents are trying to find her.

They're really worried.

Well they are.

Yours are, too, probably.

How old are you, Lisa?

- I'm legal.

- Is there anyone you want me to get in touch with?

- (laughing) Are you kidding?

- If you know where she is, Lisa?

This Kelly girl.

Do you know her?

Kelly? - Yeah, look,

she was working for Carver,

but she hasn't been around

- Do you know what's happened to her?

- Who knows, really?

I mean who cares?

What's so special about her anyway?

- Same thing that's special about you.

- I'm not special.

- Yeah you are.

You're tough, you're smart.

You could do anything you want,

anything in hour life.

- (laughing) Yeah, sure.

- You can, I promise ya.

Look, here you go.

Here's my card.

If anything happens, anything at all,

just give us a call.

- Yeah?

- Yeah, really, I'm serious.

Just call me.

(sad music)

- Just have a look through some of them

and just tell me when you recognize his face.

- [Donna] Take your time.

- [Man] That's him.

- You sure?

- That's him. - Have another look.

- I don't need a look.

That's him.

- What happened?

- He came here at about three o'clock in the morning.

Mr. Rinaldi was having his lunch and I was...

He kept a weird schedule.

Anyway, I came over to clear some consignment orders

with him and I see him and I just backed off.

- Why, how come?

Why'd you back off?

- Because this freaking guy in the photo

pulls out a g*n and puts it on the table, you know?

Starts talking tough, making threats.

- So you're saying that he threatened Rinaldi?

- Yes, this guy's dangerous, man.

- [Donna] So what did Mr. Rinaldi do?

- He was just pissed off that the guy

was bleeding all over his tablecloth.

(intense music)

- [Guido] That's the shirt I was wearing.

- I'll need your g*n, too.

(intense music)

- Being suspended am I?

- No, I'm sending it to ballistics for testing.

You haven't been to the r*fle range recently have you?

- No, too noisy.

(intense music)

- It's not even the right shirt.

(phone ringing)

Is it?

Jesus, Guido.

- Yeah, Martin.

Uh-huh, okay.

Tell them, give them my name, okay?

Okay, no listen I'll be there.

I'll be there.

All right, bye.

- Done are we?

- Well if I'm not suspended I'm busy,

and I got things to do.

- We've been trying to support you.

All you've done is lie to us.

You said you were at home in bed asleep.

You weren't.

You were at the markets.

There's a witness.

Saw you thr*aten the guy two hours before he was k*lled.

- Yeah, I got two things to say.

One, I didn't k*ll him.

Two, I got nothing to say now.

If you're not gonna arrest me I'm outta here.

- What was the blood on the table?

- What blood?

- Come on Guido, the trucky saw blood on the table.

Whose blood was it?

He saw blood on the table.

Whose blood was it?

- It wasn't mine.

Maybe it's fruit juice.

- You're a fool Guido.

You don't know who your friends are.

- Sharon, I've got a job to do.

- [Eddie] Yeah, well so do we.

- I know what you've been doing for me,

and I appreciate it.

But I need one more day.

Just one more day.

(door slamming)

(intense music)

(upbeat music)

Thanks, Cam, for not dropping me in.

- You're already in it.

He wouldn't answer any of our questions.

Then he wouldn't let us in to see the manager.

Look, there she is.

- [Guido] All right, hang on.


I know what happened.

It's all right. - I'll tell you what happened,

mate, this bastard decked me.

You gonna stand there or are you gonna arrest him?

- This girl, where is she?

Where is she?

- She's been doing the streets, okay?

I don't know where she is and I don't freaking--


- Manager, Guido, all we wanna do

is go in and see the manager.

- Leave it to us.

I promise we'll find her. - Guido.

we'll get her. - Guido.

- What, what?

- You need to go to the hospital.

- Yeah I'm fine, look, can you?

- Look. - Yeah, look,

I'll get it looked at.

Can you take, just look after that, will ya?

(intense music)

- If you've seen that girl.

If you think, ring that number.

Mate can you have a look at that?

If you look at the girl can you ring that number?

If you've seen that girl.

- We've answered enough questions.

We have arrangements to make.

- It's okay, Sam.

We're taking our father's body back to Italy

as soon as it's released.

- I'm very sorry about the loss,

but you understand that we have

to ask these questions to you.

- What was the relationship

between Daniel Crane and your father?

- He worked for him.

- Doing what?

- Public relations.

- Is that what you call it now?

The guy's a hitman.

- I need to talk to you, please.

- Excuse me.

- I'll be back in a moment.

- What is it?

- I lied to you about Danial Crane.

I met him in a club.

I took him home.

He gave me a message for Guido.

He told me to tell him they want their money back.

Those were the words.


- All right, so you're saying that Guido's dirty?

- No, no. - Then what?

- I'm not saying that.

Crane says that.

But-- - But what?


- Guido's walking around with a b*llet wound

and I think Crane shot him.

- Well there's his motive for k*lling Vince right there.

Hey? - I know.

- Where's Guido?

Where is he? - Staggering around the Cross.

Looking for that girl from Maitland.

(intense music)

- How could you keep this stuff to yourself?

How could you not tell me?

- If it was Donna, what would you do?

(intense music)

- Yeah, can you give me a call on that number

if he checks himself in?


No luck at any of the hospitals,

but that doesn't mean anything.

- Should we be getting other cars

to keep an eye out for him.

- [Cameron] No.

- Well it's starting to look a bit like a coverup, you know?

- [Cameron] Do you wanna call internal affairs in on him?

- No.

- [Cameron] Do you, Donna?

- No, mate.

- All right stuff this for a joke.

I mean, why do we think Guido's guilty anyway?

Why do we think he's dirty?

We know that Crane's dirty.

Why don't we just get him in.

- Let's bring him in.

(intense music)

Let's go.

(intense music)

- I want a lawyer.

- Fine, not a problem.

- I didn't sh**t him.

If I shot him he'd be dead.

- Yeah sure, and you didn't try to run him over either.

- [Daniel] Check my car.

- How much are you not telling us?

- That's about it.

(intense music)

(people murmuring)

(intense music)

- You seen this?

Hey, excuse me, just wanna, look,

excuse me.

- (voice muffled) - Just looking for this girl.

- [prost*tute] Piss off.

(intense music)

(crowd murmuring)

(phone ringing)

- Yeah.

- Hey, Lancelot. - Lisa?

- I got the, I got the number right.

- Lisa. - I stole this phone

off a trick man.

Who's a clever girl, huh?

- Where are ya.

Where are ya, Lisa?

- I'm cool, I'm heaps cool.

I'm looking up at the Coke sign in the sky.

(intense music)

- Lisa, stay where you are.

Just sit on the ground, okay?

Sit on the ground and wait for me.

Just sit-- - Why would you do that?

- Sit on the ground and wait for me, okay?

I'm so close.

- Listen, just-- - Wait for me,

I'll be there. - Just listen.

It's a squat behind the old metro.

It's Carver's latest hole.

He coulda taken her there.

- What, who? - The kid.

- [Guido] Kelly, Kelly, Kelly Rosewell?

- I'm... - Lisa.

- I'm sorry for everything.

- Lisa.

- [Lisa] Goodbye, Sir Lancelot.

- [Guido] Lisa.

(jazzy music)

- Why would you care?

(jazzy music)

(horns beeping)

(jazzy music)

(horns beeping)

(jazzy music)

- Lisa.

(jazzy music)

What's wrong with you people?

What's wrong with you?

(sad music)

- Where is he now?

- Cameron reckons he's sick.

- Damn right he's sick.

He shouldn't be in hospital.

He should be in jail.

- We don't know that.

- Straight cops don't get involved in g*ng sh**t.

Not without reporting it anyway.

- Hang on a sec, why don't we just give him some,

hey, hey, let's just give him some time.

- I've already given him time.

- Kostas. - Yeah, I'm sorry.

- Don't worry about it.

It'll be fine. - Excuse me.

- You people have a damned (voice muffled).

- Probably, that's what they pay us for.

We've been working on an undercover operation

for the best part of this year.

Your Detective Martin's part of it.

- How can he be working an undercover operation

when they know he's a cop.

- Decoy.

When his cover was busted he was instructed

to play constable (voice muffled) your people here.

No offense intended.

He was told to carry on as per normal.

No matter what he couldn't talk about the operation,

even to you.

- So you let him walk around wounded.

- While they were watching him we were watching them.

They got bored, relaxed, and went ahead

with the biggest drug importation ever.

It's due in later today.

- Congratulations. - Thank you.

Trouble is, Daniel Crane has to take delivery.

We need him back on the street.

- We're looking at him for m*rder.

- Vince Rinaldi? - Possibly.

- It wasn't him.

It was his son, Sam.

- You sure about that?

- I told you,

we've had them under surveillance all the time.


The old man wanted to legitimize the business.

Son didn't like it.

By the way, he knocked off the two million

to seed the drug deal.

A coupla days ago Vince decided to believe Guido.

(voice muffled) kid, bad news.

- [Vince] You took it, you took the two million.

You ungrateful little bastard.

You think I'm going to let you get away with that?

(foreign language)

- [Sam] You don't tell me what to do anymore.

You've retired.

- [Vince] Put that down.

(g*nsh*t blasting)

- Where the hell you been?

- We'll need Daniel Crane back on the street.

- He'll do what I tell him.

You give us the dr*gs.

You give us the supplies.

You give us Sam Rinaldi.

And we give you eight years for importation.


I enjoy a joke as much as anyone, but not today.

Today it's not negotiable.

- Or what?

- Attempted m*rder of police officer, years.

- That wasn't me.

- [Guido] I saw ya.

- You didn't.

- You were driving the car. - That's crap.

- You tried to run me down.

I saw ya.

So did my partner.

- That's right, still foxy babe.

- [Daniel] You'd lie?

- I don't know, would we?

(intense music)

- Shipments going to a warehouse in Botany.

- Well it's not going to the warehouse anymore.

You're gonna meet it, you and Sam.

(intense music)

(tires screeching)

(sirens blaring)


- Thanks very much for your help, Daniel.

(voice muffled) and Cameron blows you a kiss.

- Yeah, sorry they couldn't be here, mate.

(intense music)

- Jesus.


Kelly, can you hear me?

Kelly, Kelly, can you hear me?

Kelly, Kelly. - Kelly.

- It's all right, she's okay.

(jazzy music)


(jazzy music)

- Call an ambulance, call a few.

- [Cameron] Okay.

(jazzy music)

- Where is she?

- She's in the back.

The ambos have got her.


- Kelly?

Kelly it's dad.

- Thank you.

Thank you.

(jazzy music)

- It's dad.

(intense music)

- Come on.

- men waiting at Botany,

and your people h*jacked 'em.

- You got your dr*gs, got your dealers.

- I heard it went well.

- Yeah, we got 'em.

The bosses would like me to pass on their gratitude.

You're gonna receive a commendation.

Put in for a transfer anytime you like.

Well done, see you.

- You okay?

- Yeah.

- Good job with the Rosewell girl.

- Only just.

- Guido.

(intense music)

- This is Mr. Clarkson, our family lawyer.

We came to see my brother.

- I picked up this girl on the street last night.

And I didn't even get to take her to the hospital.

Took her straight to the morgue.

That's the business you're in.

God help me, I still don't hate ya.

(light music)

That, that business about a transfer?

You know, do I have to apply for that?

- Get that arm seen to.

(light music)

(jazzy music)

- [Guido] We define ourselves by the thing we love

and by the things we hate.

(light music)

I know what you did for me.

Stickin' your neck out.


(light music)

- [Dispatcher] Southwest (voice muffled)

we have a headless body in the topless bar

on (voice muffled), please respond.

(light music)


(upbeat music)