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01x13 - Kickboxer on Trial

Posted: 07/24/23 15:47
by bunniefuu
- I just k*lled someone.

They were raping her and I k*lled him.

- Beck Sharp was trying to protect a woman

who was being g*ng r*ped and in the process

she k*lled a man.

- It's three to one that r*pe even occurred.

- Well I'm sure as soon as Mel sobers up

she can completely corroborate Becks version of events.

- No.

- Try to remember it's very important

to this woman who tried to help you.

- I blacked out I was really pissed.

- Mate, look I didn't see anything,

I was inside having a beer and a bet.

- You're charging me aren't you?

- We have to I've got no choice.

- With what?


- You saw the whole thing, you did nothing.

- They were raping her.

- We've got a witness, he corroborates everything you said.

We've charged them.

You still gotta go to court.

You are gonna win this one for Beck?

- One woman's word against all those men.

The odds are against us, wouldn't you say?

I keep telling you Beck, it's not about them.

It's not about their guilt or innocence, it's about you.

Why you followed Dan outside.

They were raping her I was trying to save her.

- Your word against theirs.

Based on the evidence I think you'll be committed for trial.

- Yeah but you'll be able to get me off, right?

- Best case scenario is that you'll

be acquitted and then you can get on with your life.

Worst case scenario, manslaughter.

You'll go to jail, two years maybe.

- Sam will end up with his father.

(tires screeching)


- What's going on?

- Yeah, yeah!

(hard rock music)

(glass shattering)

- Police, there's been an incident.

Blacksland Crescent.

- Whoo!

- Yeah!

(tires screeching)

(upbeat music)

(sirens blaring)

- Hey.

- Hi.

- Is everyone okay?

- Yeah we're fine.

- This isn't the first time this has happened is it?

Are you gonna charge them?

- No, no, no please don't do that. It'll only make it worse.

- I hate this place.

- (murmurs)

- Your future clients.

- Not those bastards, I'll show them.

See ya.

- You could have at least hit them with neg driving

or offensive behavior, could of confiscated their cars.

- Yeah, Becks the one who's gotta live there.

- Yeah but what if it keeps happening,

she's not gonna be any good to me in court if he cracks.

- Kickboxing female k*ller, it's a biggie isn't it?

For you I mean.

Career maker.

- Career breaker.

Eddie was good tonight, he was nice.

- Yeah he's a lot more relaxed, just being settled.

- How longs he been with Irina?

- Not long, month maybe?

- She's got that kid hasn't she?

- Hmm mm.

- Mustn't go down very well with your bosses.

Cop going out with a ex prost*tute.

- Williams' an old friend he called at the last minute.

- I suppose I'll see you tomorrow then.

- Yeah, I'm really sorry.

He flies in once in a blue moon and you know,

kinda likes to catch up.

- Nova Hotel hey?

- Yeah.

Bar at the hotel and then the restaurant

to be precise Eddie.

Why don't you just ask me the question?

Is he an old client?

Isn't that what you wanna know?

- You're putting words in my mouth.

I mean, I'll even drive you there.

- It's all right thanks.

I've ordered a cab.

You can let yourself out.

- The middle starts in two days,

just once I'd like everybody to turn up to court,

so if we could touch base with witnesses.

- I'd like to speak to Mel again, the r*pe victim.

- Alleged r*pe victim.

Look, I know how you feel about Beck and I'm right

with you but it's a man slaughter charge.

- She might have remembered something else.

- I don't think through the alcoholic stupor she's,

well it's wishful thinking.

- Well we got Marty, I mean he's gonna testify to the r*pe.

- Yeah but he's hardly Mr reliable though.

- He's reliably stupid.

- Well then it'd better be you two that bring him in here

to go through his statement, make sure it's solid.

- No problem.

Read through your statement Marty,

you clear with everything?

- Last night I was gonna call you,

I've been thinking a lot about it you know I mean,

it was dark.

- Yeah well, there were headlights weren't there?

- But I couldn't see anything, I didn't see anything.

- Don't tell us you didn't see anything.

- I'm mistaken I can't do anything about it.

- Who's got to you?

- Wait, no ones got to me--

- Somebodies got to you, I want you to tell me who.

- If you retract Becks gonna go to jail,

it's gonna be on your head.

- No ones talked to me I said I can't sign it all right?

I didn't say--

- You listen to me!

I've got a (murmurs) this thick on you,

every charge that I've ever held is just waiting for you.

- You saw it--

- Don't bullshit me!

- Didn't see--

- Don't bullshit me!

- You were there, you were there Marty you saw it!

They had sexual intercourse without consent--

- I didn't see anything I made a mistake I can't sign--

- We've already spoken about this.

- I didn't see anything,

I made a mistake I can't sign your thing.

- Just sign the paper Marty.

- Everything hinges on his testimony,

without Marty my case, Beck all goes down the toilet.

- I'm sorry.

- Well obviously someone got to him.

- Probably yeah I mean what are we supposed to do?

Stand over him?

Twist him arm?

- Or we could sh**t him.

- Well I could lose this case

and Beck could do serious time.

- Sorry man, look but you know, we're doing all that we can.

- It's not enough.

- You know, when I told you about my past you were sweet

and lovely and you said that it didn't matter.

- No well it doesn't.

- Yeah but it does Eddie

if it's gonna eat you up every time I speak to someone.

- If you wanna go around meeting guys in hotels it's none

of my business.

- Okay.

Eddie some of my past has been ugly

but some of it's also been really innocent.

William's a hematologist,

he was one of my university lecturers,

he lives in Boston now, he's years old

and he's more like a father than a friend.

When I was at my lowest he helped me get back on my feet.

Please don't ask me to explain my friends.

(phone ringing)

- Sorry.


- Hi it's me.

I just, I'm looking at this case,

I can't see any way out of it.

We're screwed, Becks screwed.

I keep seeing that kid of hers,

keep imagining him with (murmurs) of a father.

I can't bare it.

Where are you?

Sorry I don't know why I'm calling you anyway,

it's not like I think you can do anything.

- Don't worry about it you'll be fine.

- Yeah okay.

- Was that work?

- Yeah, yeah.

Gotta go.

- It's mutual trust Eddie.

(upbeat music)

- Mel.



- You won't get anything out of her.

- I presume you realize it's an offense

to serve drinks to an intoxicated person?

- And who says I've been serving her drinks?

- Don't give me that sh*t, you're already facing charges,

let's see how smug you are when front the magistrate hey?

- Yes we will but I'll tell you something

'cause you obviously have no idea,

I've know Dan White for years,

he is a good bloke and that bitch Beck,

she was giving him strife when she was

with him and she's still giving him strife now.

Well Todd's dead

but she's still walking around and for what?

He wasn't doing anything

that any other bloke in pub hasn't already done

and Mel wasn't objecting.

- Mel wasn't the only one.

There were others.

- What do you mean?

- Other girls had it done to them, other girls.

- What's your name?

- Ron.

- Ron, good day mate.

You work here do you?

- Yeah.

- Do you wanna come down the station

and give us a little statement?

- Worth more than me job mate, worth more than me job.

- Take it easy all right? - Yeah.

Wait on Ron.

So what?

Other girls were r*ped?

- Look, see Shannon at the hairdressers,

she might wanna talk to you,

see Shannon at the hairdressers.

- Did it happen to her?

- Yip, (murmurs), I'm going now.

- You going out tonight?

You've got plans?

- And that (murmurs) look at him condition it--

- Shannon?

Hi I'm detective Parry this is Detective Smart, how are you?

- Is there somewhere we can have a chat in private?

- I'm busy.

- It won't take a moment.

- I said I'm busy,

if you've got something to say you can say it here.

- Okay, there was a incident recently at the pub

where a man was k*lled do you recall that?

- Yeah.

- Right, well there have also been other allegations

that other woman had been r*ped in the car park

do you have anything to say about that?

- Sorry about this.

- I saw you the other night didn't I?

You remember Lyle?

- Oh yeah, in for a perm are you Lyle?

- Lyle Hicks , priors for as*ault,

intimidate witness, possess offensive implement,

offensive behavior, alcohol always a factor,

how's the drinking going Lyle?

- You got nothing on me.

- Someone did their homework last night.

- Yeah.

I don't have a life.

Shannon we know what happened in the car park.

- We know about the woman

who have been r*ped Shannon and we just wanna help you.


- I don't know anything.

(ominous music)

- You haven't been straight with me.

Been looking at the tapes,

you saw Dan go outside with Mel,

you watched the others follow.

They were gone five minutes

before you followed them out, I timed it.

If you're that concerned about Mel why'd you wait so long?

Why didn't you go straight out?

What were you doing Beck?

Were you giving yourself an excuse to justify k*lling him?

Because that's what it looks like,

that's what the prosecution will argue.

- I was scared.

- Scared of what?

You're a trained kick boxer.

- I was scared.

- Scared of what?

Scared of what?

- I didn't wanna go out there, I didn't wanna see it.

He did it me, all right?

- Did what?

- He r*ped me.

Dan r*ped me, we've been having a rough time.

I'd ended the relationship it was completely over

and one night he broke in, he was drunk,

starting laying into me, broke my nose and then...

- Did you go to the police? - Yeah, the next day.

Told him I was gonna take out an AVO,

I filled in the application

and I never went through with it.

- It'll still be on record.

Why didn't you tell me any of this?

This is important Beck.

If we can argue that you knew what Dan was capable of,

that you knew he was a r*pist,

that he was violent, this all goes to state of mind.

- I can't use it.

- You could argue provocation lead to self defense.

- You can't use it.

You are my lawyer and those are my instructions.

- Beck, without this you're screwed.

Marty's gone, your one and only witness.

You are gonna do time.

- You don't understand.

- Well then help me understand.

- You can't understand, you don't live here,

you don't belong here.

- The guy became increasingly violent for three years

til finally r*ped her.

There's an AVO, hospital records

of a broken nose, provocation argument to die for.

- So why can't you use it?

- Why does any woman hide the fact that she's been r*ped?

Shame, guilt, fear of reprisals.

Unless, you could get it into evidence.

Just the AVO.

It's a motive for attacking Dan and then I can work with it,

then I'm not bound by her instructions.

- Hey hang on a minute--

- Or I could have it slipped to the prosecutor.

- Besides being totally unethical it's not your decision.

- Donna, I've got nothing to work with.

- Yeah but it's Becks choice, you might disagree,

we both might disagree but at the end

of the day it's her decision.

(ominous music)

- Just keep walking.

Excuse me.

- You're going down.

- She k*lled me brother.

- Will Bergin.

- I saw you prosecute De Santo.

- [Officer] All rise.

- Morning.

We'll begin the (murmurs) hearing now into the matter

of Rebecca Ann Sharp charged with m*rder

to determine whether this case will proceed to trial.

Mr Bergin.

- The deceased was k*lled by a single blow to the neck.

This was not a one in a million kick,

the defendant is a kick boxer, her body is a w*apon.

We will be arguing she had ample time

to see and know what was happening, she had time to plan.

This was a premeditated act.

(phone ringing)

- Yeah no we're just pulling into the pub.


Okay, well hang on here he is.

- Excuse me sir, do you mind if we have a word with you?

- I'll call you back.

- Sorry I've got nothing to say to you people.

- You sit in here and you hide and I understand that.

- Is he all right?

And he won't talk.

sh*t, all right.

The glassy at the pub.

- Ron?

- Yeah Ron, someones wacked the sh*t out of him.

Look, tell us who did it to you, this will all stop.

- I don't know anything.

- How many woman do you want this to happen to?

- Look, I got a good job, I got a boyfriend who loves me,

I have a good time.

- Yeah you're right, you know,

I mean no one helped you so

why should you stick your neck out, I understand.

- Beck risked her life to help Mel,

she could go to jail Shannon.

- Excuse me.

- Give me this broom.

They were raping Mel in that car park

and by you sitting in here and doing nothing

and saying nothing, you're giving these guys permission

to keep on doing it.

You can help okay?

You can come forward and you can say that Beck was right.

- There wasn't any r*pe, Mel agreed.

I asked her I said okay, are you one for it?

And she said yes.

- It's hard for a woman to say no when she's drunk isn't it?

- She wasn't drunk, she knew exactly what she was doing.

- She'd had eight lemon vodka's by my estimation, I counted.

It's enough to make anyone pretty drunk wouldn't you say?

- Yeah, she didn't look drunk to me.

- So you invited Mel into the car park to have sex with you?

- Yes.

- And she agreed?

- Yes.

- You didn't force her, man handle her in any way?

- No.

- Because you're not a violent man?

Isn't it true Mr White, that in March

of this year you were expelled

from your sons soccer club

after throwing the referee across the hood of a car?


And isn't it also true that in August of the previous year,

you broke your next door neighbors nose

over an argument about a barking dog?

- No it was a rooster.

- And in December of the same year you got into a fight

over a game of snooker and assaulted youre opponent

with a pool cue?

Among each of these violent occasions,

alcohol was a contributing factor?

You'd been even at your sons soccer match?

- Yeah, might of had a couple of drinks.

- And how many drinks would you say you had

on the night you so politely

asked Mel Gillim if she was on for it?

- I was sober as a judge.


- [Judge] Quite.

- So you knew exactly what you were doing

when you and the others went into the carpark

to have sex with her?

You were in a relationship

with Beck Sharp for three years, is that correct?

- Yes.

- So you know her very well?

- Yes. - Why then do you think

she followed you into the car park in the night in question?

- She was jealous.

- Jealous?

Really? - Yeah, she hated me being

with other woman and she was bloody dangerous.

- And I put it to you she knew what sort of man you were.

- We appreciate you've come this far Shannon,

I'm sure Beck does too.

- They called themselves the Friday Night Club.

There were six of them before Todd got...

- It's okay, you're doing great.

We need some names Shannon.

- I'm sorry I've gotta go.

- Shannon we've gotta have some names.

- Shannon, take a sicky mate.

- Back off please.

- I'm saying hello to my girlfriend,

is that against the law?


You all right sweetheart?

- It's okay, I'm fine.

- You sure you fine?

These two blokes harassing you?

- Yeah, lets just go have a drink.

- Shannon.

Shannon we can protect you.

- I'm trying to help you.

You want Sam to end up with his father?

You have to let me tell he court Dan r*ped you.

- I've told you, don't ask me again.

- You want me to talk to her? Combine forces?

- Well, my way she stays out of jail.

- Beck.

Beck, thought we could get together, what do you reckon?

- I'm going to the gym.

- Well good, we'll drive you, come on.

All right, come on.

- Entering the ring, Donna Parry.

All the way from Bingra.

- All right.

Been talking to Madelyn,

she reckons it's not going too well,

she's doing her best but you know,

she's not got much to work with.

- Yeah I know.

- We can't get the other girls to talk.

You know, they're scared of these men

so basically it's up to you.

- Beck why don't you let Madelyn use the AVO records?

Otherwise you're gonna lose.

- She wasn't meant to tell you that.

That was private, it's got nothing to do with this case.

Beck, think about it for Sams sake.

- I have been thinking about it for years,

you never stop thinking about it.

- Come on.

- Hey, tough day?

- Tough day yeah.

Well it's his word against hers

but his there's a dead body to back it up

which needs a certain credibility.

- You're a good fighter.

You know, you're tough.

You don't give up do you?

- Tenacious in life, tenacious in love.

- In six words or less, pretty much sums you up.

- I heard about Irina.

It's great, I like her.

She's terrific, she's beautiful,

she's bright and I guess I just think that sooner

or later all that baggage is gonna get pretty heavy.

- I've been working out.

- I know you Eddie Mercia, better than you know you.

- Really?

- Hmm.


- And in six words or less?

- Why are you here?

You're scared of commitment, scared of stuffing it up.

As soon as someone starts to build a white picket fence,

you run wild.

With me, I don't have a picket fence.

There's no fence, no baggage.

(loudly exhaling)

(rock music)

- I know you're in there.

Come on.

- It's a building down Laneway, Apollo Gym.

- [Thug] Up here.

- You bitch!

You know exactly what you're doing,

trying to get us done for r*pe.

- Yeah, well someones got to.

- Hey what do you reckon boys?


Let's see how tough she really is.

That we teach her a real lesson.

- What lesson would that be?

Intimidating a witness?

- Intimidating a witness, gee,

can get a couple of years for that.

- Friday night come early, did it boys?

- If I were you boys I'd back off.

- Back off.

(rock music)

- Nasty little w*apon you got there.

- Yeah its (murmurs) also comes in red.


- How long are you gonna let this go on?

You have to let me introduce this r*pe material.

- You can't use it.

- I'm sorry but it might be too late,

the prosecutor already knows

about the AVO you took out against Dan.

- How does he know about that?

- And he'll use it to show you had so much hate,

you went into that car park to k*ll.

But that's okay, they think it will trash the case

but we'll turn the tables on them.

The AVO is about Dan bashing you and that's all they've got.

With your testimony, we'll go further,

we'll prove that Dan was a r*pist.

- No!

- Who hung out with r*pist mates and you knew

that Mel was in danger.

- You can't use it.

- Beck, I'll drive you home.

You slipped it to the prosecutor didn't you?

What you're doing is totally unethical.

- You're a cop and I'm a lawyer,

you deal with cop ethics and I'll deal with law ethics.

She's my client.

- Can you tell the court Miss Sharp,

why you applied

for an apprehended v*olence order against Mr White?

- You must answer the question.

- He hit me.

- In fact according to hospital records,

he hit you so hard he broke your nose.

Isn't that so?

And it wasn't an isolated incident was it?

- It was over years ago.

- Indeed.

Over years to store your hate, to let it fester.

A hate which you then took

into the car park to commit m*rder.

- The prosecution in their wisdom have used the AVO

to show that you hated Dan White and the Friday Night Club.

- Objection.

- That you hated Dan White and his friends

who frequented the car park

of the Pig and Filly hotel on a Friday night.

- Move on Miss Delany.

- You were living with a violent man,

a man who would get drunk and lose control

of his temper, is that a fair description?

- Yes.

- And are you saying that on this occasion,

he hit you, he broke your nose and then this violent man

had a sudden flash of conscious,

realized he was doing something wrong

and stopped bashing you, is that what you're saying?

What else did he do to you Beck?

- Nothing.

- This man, in the court here today,

who has a proven record of v*olence,

did he do anything else to you?

- I believe the witness

has answered the question your worship.

- I tend to agree Mr Bergin.

- He r*ped me.

- I'm sorry, I didn't catch that.

- Dan White r*ped me.

- I have to object your worship,

it seems highly convenient

that after years this witness--

- The timing is irrelevant Mr--

- Your worship--

- There's no expiry date on shame or--

- Your worship--

- Or guilt. - It appears the matter goes

to some form of defense, is that correct Miss Delany?

- Self defense your worship.

- [Judge] You may continue.

- Beck, you say that Dan White,

a man who has a proven history

of v*olence r*ped you years ago,

it's a terrifying relationship.

Can you tell the court why you kept this matter a secret?

- I kept it quiet because my son Sam

was a result of the r*pe.

I didn't want him to know.

I didn't want him to know that's where he came from.

- And when you went out the door, after Mel,

you knew what Dan was capable of,

you knew he was a r*pist, didn't you?

Thank you your worship.

- In your shoes I would have done the same thing,

you owe me a drink.

- Can I get a lift home?

- Yeah sure.

It was a good result.

You weren't to know.

- It's my job to know.

- Interview commences at AM.

- All right, so Shannon's told us everything.

Basically it's all out, what have you got for us?

- Bullshit, she's making it up.

- Why would Shannon do that?

- 'Cause I dumped her.

- Is that before or after you b*at her up?

- Party days are over Lyle,

yeah Shannon's come forward, others bound to follow.

It's just how it works.

- Yeah, it's like the flood gates are open mate,

so the clubs going out of business.

- The courts are getting tough on g*ng r*pe these days.

Eight to years minimum.

- Hmm.

- That's pretty good though

when you think that the maximums years--

- Yeah.

- It's not bad.

- Hmm?

- Who do your reckons gonna be the first

to (murmurs) 'cause there's also one,

you know ones (murmurs)?

- Whoever rolls first,

well they get the best prize in town, the others go to jail.

It's just the law of the jungle mate,

it's just the way it is.

Who do you reckon its gonna be?

Could be you hey Lyle?

It could be you mate.

What do you reckon?

- I never wanted him to find out

because I didn't want him to feel like he wasn't wanted.

- Well it doesn't change anything Beck,

doesn't mean you love him any less.

- Still, I'd rather he hear it

from me than from somebody else.

I think I'd rather go rounds in the ring

than have to have this conversation.

Hey thanks for everything.

- Anytime.

- See ya.

- See ya.

- Sammy.

- What happened?

- I'm gonna tell you all about it, how was your session?



We need to have a chat tonight.

- Okay.

- Come on.

(gentle music)

- Goodnight Eddie.

- Good night sport.

- Eddie you can't be jealous every time I smile

or say hello or go out with another guy.

- I'm not jealous.

- You gotta trust me.

- Trust works both ways doesn't it?

Maybe there's reasons why I can't be trusted.

- So tell us?

- I'm just saying.

- So we're okay?

- Yeah of course we're okay, that's why I'm here.

- Okay, good.

That's good because Tony's getting out of jail.

- Tony who?

- Nicholas' father.

(upbeat music)