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01x15 - The Navy: Part 2

Posted: 07/24/23 15:49
by bunniefuu
- (murmurs), he's a street rat, bare knuckles fighter.

- You love him don't you?

- Mommy!


- Hey, I've got you.

- What happened to Wu family in there

has got nothing to do with you.

- I want Snake dead.

- It's dad, he's off the rails,

he's completely out of control he's starting

to effect our people.

- Where's Bill?

Where is he?

- He's in there.

(g*n sh*ts)

- Yeah that's her, Elizabeth Pranda.

- Are you admitting you k*lled Lieutenant Liz Pranda?

- Yes I am, I'm a kid inside her.

- Yeah, I don't like the confession, (murmurs) didn't do it.

- Come on Eddie we get one easy one

and you wanna make it hard.

We've got motive, the love letters.

Her panties in his locker and she was pregnant.

We've got his footprint at the top of the cliff,

her body at the bottom and his confession, it's a lock.

- Well what about the rose?

I mean where'd she get the rose from?

You know, how did he get back to the ship?

- Cab?

- I don't know, well then we've gotta find the cab driver,

we've gotta find the person who sold the rose,

it's a whole sequence of events that we still don't have.

- Don't buy into it it's none of your business.

- I wanted those men dead as much as he did,

he was going down for something I wanted him to do.

- You couldn't cut him down

with an axe, he's indestructible.

- What are you so worried about then?

- I'm worried about you, you're not indestructible.

- Bill Martin went to the karaoke club

with the intention of confronting those men

and he shot them down in cold blood.

The only question is whether one

or both of your detectives was involved.

- With respect, you're guessing.

- Until forensics comes in, yes.

It'd be better for your people

if they cooperate before their backs are to the wall.

- Well I want to sit in on the interviews.

- I'm afraid not (murmurs).


- Detective Smart.

- Detective Smart this interview is being conducted

in relation to the sh**ting deaths of two men

by detective inspector Bill Martin

at the Ching Si Karaoke Club is that understood?

- Yes sir.

- How you conduct yourself in this inquiry

could have severe consequences for you is that understood?

- Yes sir.

- Can you tell me

why you accompanied detective inspector Martin

to the karaoke club?

- Inspector Bill Martin received intelligence

that one or more of the men responsible

for the k*lling of the Wu family was on the premises.

He asked me for back up.

A mother and a father had just been hacked

to death with machetes,

we wanted to find the people responsible,

is that unreasonable?

- I ask the questions.

(g*n firing)

- It's empty.

- Is it?

- It is.

- Punk.

- Adam Gallagher's after you for the karaoke sh**t.

- I'd expect that.

- Is he gonna find anything?

- Not a chance.

(g*n firing)

- Cameron's gonna back you up on anything you say

and I don't wanna see her exposed.

- It's okay if I am though is that right?

(g*n fires)

- You're big enough and ugly enough to look after yourself.

(g*n fires)

Dad, I mean you've shot two people

and you're down here practicing, how's that gonna look?

- I missed one.

Must be the cancer.

(g*n fires)

- What?

- Bit of a bugger hey?

- When?


- Guy.

- What?

- It's in my gut all right?

- Well is it bad?

- Yeah, yeah it's bad.

- How bad? - Bad.

I don't know, I don't wanna talk about it.

- Talk about it, you gotta talk about it,

you can't do this not now.

- I can't do what?

- Die!

You can't bloody die.

- Don't have much say in it.

And don't tell Ian.

Don't wanna worry him.

(g*n fires)

- Detective Parry, this is Mr Barelli,

he's a cab driver, it's about Liz Pranda.

- Fantastic, thanks.

You picked up a fare from Diamond Bay yeah?

- Yeah I did yeah.

- Thanks for coming in.

- No worries.

- We'll talk through here.

Eddie, you coming?

- Be with you in a minute.

- Old mans got cancer.

- Is it bad?

- It's terminal.

So they can't do anything or he won't I don't know.

He's gonna die.

You waste so much time.

- Yeah that's him, that's the guy.

- This is the man you saw on the cliff with the girl?

- No, no this was the guy who was in my taxi.

- Sorry?

- He came into my taxi and I drove him back to the ship,

that's him.

There was another guy on the cliff as well,

he was yeah, different guy.

- Yeah, can you describe him?

This other man?

- Not really it was pretty dark you know

but he had an officers uniform I'm sure about that.

(phone ringing)

- All right so, when you drove this man back to the ship,

- Hmm.

- The girl was still alive?

- Ah yeah, she was arguing on the cliff with the officer.

- She was still alive when you left.

Why would you admit to k*lling her when you didn't?

- I just told you what you wanted to hear.

- Why?

- Who was the officer that was up there arguing with her?

- I didn't see any officer.

- Yes you did, the cab driver saw him, you saw him.

- I didn't see any officer.

- You had a relationship with Liz Pranda, you loved her,

don't you wanna see the person

who k*lled her punished for it?

- Maybe it's better for you if that person is free hey?

That way you get to punish him yourself.

- Very good plot.

- Was it Beecham?

- What?

- The officer who was transferred off the ship,

was he up there on the cliff with her?

Was he the father of the child?

- That d*ck less wonder?

I don't think so.

I take it the m*rder charges against me are being withdrawn?

- However this turns out it's not gonna be good

for Guido's brother.

- I suppose not.

- Is that what's bothering him?

- Think so.

- You told us that you were transferred off the ship

to meet return of service obligations.

- That's right.

- This is it?

- Maps need coloring, someone has to do it.

- What are they punishing you for?

- It's a matter for the Navy.

- Is it because you had an affair with Liz Pranda?

- I didn't have an affair with her.

- Well would you come down

to the station and submit a DNA sample for us?

To establish whether

or not it was you that got her pregnant.

- Yes of course.

- Liz Pranda tried to call you.

She leave a message?

- If she did it would be a matter for the Navy.

- It would be a matter for the police,

did she leave a message?

- No.

- Come on, this is about more than Miss Pranda's death.

Why have they got you here?

- I have nothing to say.

- Did Captain Martin have you posted here?

- Nothing to say.

- So when you arrived

to the Karaoke club Detective Smart was outside radioing

for backup, is that correct?

- That's correct.

- Why was she there?

- She was radioing for backup.

- Why was she there at all at the club?

- You'd have to ask her that.

- Hey Eddie, what's going on

with Guido is everything all right?

- It's his dad.

- What about him?

- You understand that your own career

is on the line here Guido?

- Cameron didn't sh**t anyone.

- Did they say or do anything

to indicate to you that that was their purpose?

- I can't testify to his state of mind.

- If she went with intent and she acted

with common purpose then we're looking at her for m*rder.

I put it to you that Detective Smart

and Detective Inspector Martin went

to the club for the intent purpose

of avenging the deaths of the Wu family.

- Where's Cameron?

- She went to the funeral.

- Where?

- The funeral.

The Wu families funeral.

(somber asian music)

- (murmurs).

- Hey! - Hey!

- Back off, that's far enough, tell them to back off.

- (speaking in foreign language).

- Dilo we want the people responsible for these deaths,

you're gonna give us your son Snake.

- Where's Snake Dilo?

You hand him over you'd be doing him a favor

because if I see him on the streets I'll k*ll him.

- Be careful what you say Bill!

You too have a son, Guido, I know where he lives.

- You son of a...

Come here!

You're finished Dilo, you talk about my boy you're finished,

get in here!

Get in here!

Keep your hands where I can see them, come here, come here.

You wanna talk about my son do you huh?

You wanna talk about my son?

- Oi, all right we're just gonna be civilized here.

Back up.

- You thr*aten my son or you even mention his name

and I'll bury you, I'll bury you and your family,

your dog and your f*cking ancestors.

- Back up!

Gonna do anything stupid are you guys--

- That family back there,

they just wanted to live a peaceful life huh,

that's all they want.

That little boy, he wants to see his mother and his father,

he's not gonna is he?


Where's Snake Dilo?

Where is he?

- You have to sh**t me first, you have to sh**t.

- Oh yeah?

- sh**t me!

- Yeah?

- sh**t me!

- No!

- If you got g*n, you sh**t me!

- Ben!

- I'll crush you, you're gonna beg me

to get rid of that little bastard--

- sh**t me!

- You're gonna beg me to give up that little bastard.

I'll break you!

Close as you can (murmurs), starting right now.

- You all right?

- Yeah.

Don't lie to me and don't argue

with me this is not a good day for you.

I want your stash and you're gonna take me to it now!


Move it!


Open the box, rip it open go on.

Rip it!

Open it up, open the bag.

- Bill, Bill what are you doing?

- Out the window with it, out!


out the window!

- Where?

- This way.

Open up.

- Bill!

- I'll break you!

I'll break you!

- Put the g*n away, put the g*n away.

If you wanna get yourself k*lled, fine but what about her?

- I can protect myself thanks.

- Dad, you're gonna get her k*lled, put the g*n away.

- The boss is gonna wanna have a talk to you.

- I can protect myself.

- So the photo was taken in Bondi on that night?

- Yes.

- How'd you find the heroin?

- The fella told me, the dealer.

- How'd you know he was a dealer?

- Another fella told me.

- We've been friends through the years Bill

but you're going too far.

- Come on Adam, we were never friends.

- At least he's doing something.

- Cameron what would you know?

You don't know nothing.

He's just painting a great big target

on his back it's all he's doing,

he just wants to go down in a blaze of glory.

- And why would he want to do that?

- Cause he's gonna die anyway.

Two months they reckon.

- And this is the man who bought Liz Pranda the ring?

- Yes that's him and then he asked me to take their photo.

They had a fight, big argument and then they left.

- Facts are ready.

- This here puts you with Liz Pranda just moments

before she was m*rder*d.

Now the woman who took that photo says that the two

of you argued, what was that about?

- We were drunk.

- Well what did you fight about?

- Who knows?


Drunk friends argue.

- So you and Liz were friends then?

- We were officers serving on the same ship.

- Would you say that you were friendly enough

to get her pregnant?

- This service is built on honor detective,

it binds us together, it's the fabric

of command, you undermine it and you're left with a rebel.

- That's very touching.

In the interest of honor,

I'm sure that you'll submit a DNA sample for us.

- I have nothing to hide.

- Good.

- Well you picked a bad time

there's a refugee ship missing at sea.

- What, you're gonna find it single handedly?

- We have to be ready for sea in hours.

What is it Guy?

You're gonna have to make it quick.

- Okay I'll make it quick, dads dying, stomach cancer.

- That's bad.

- Yeah it's bad, it's bad all right.

He's gonna be dead.

- What's he doing about it?

- Nothing, that's the point,

says he doesn't want treatments,

says they can't do anything.

- Well perhaps they can't.

- It's dad!

Jesus, don't you care?

- Of course I care but what do you want me

to do about it hey?

What can I do?

- Talk to him, get him to see someone.

- Well we're meeting for a drink.

- Good, good.

Yeah that's good.

- Where you from Sarah?

- How do you mean?

- What part of the bush?

- Does it still show?

- I'm from Bingra.

- Moray.

- You miss it?

- The heat and the dust and the flies?

- Yeah.

- Yeah!

- Yeah me too.

I guess it must be hard being a woman on board a ship,

is it?

Were you and Liz close?

- We were different.

Liz loved her job, she was driven, ambitious.

- She was due a promotion wasn't she?

- The brass moved her sideways, Canberra.

Liz saw it as a demotion, it was.

She was pretty pissed off about it.

- How pissed off?

- She and Max Redding had a blue.

- At the club?

- Yes.

- What could he do about it?

- He was her divisional officer.

- Do you have any idea who the father was?

- She worked hard and she played hard

and with more than one guy.

- So who should I be talking to?

- Captain Martin is in charge of the ship.

- Are you saying him?

- I'm saying he's captain.

- I wouldn't let anyone get away

with throwing (murmurs) off a cliff.

- Who said they were gonna get away with it?

- Tell me who it was.


Just tell me.

It's Max Redding wasn't it?

- You told detective Mark

that commander Beecham left the ship

because he had an alcohol problem, that's not true is it?

- Seemed the easiest explanation at the time.

- Explanation for what?

- I'm not at liberty to say.

- Coloring maps in a little ship box office

is hardly a matter of national security.

- Commander Beecham's view had become divergent

with those of command and

that's the biggest no relevance to your investigation.

- Is that why you had Liz Pranda transferred off your ship?

Divergent views?

Or was there another reason?

Why didn't you tell us she was having sex

with a number of your officers?

- I saw no reason to sully an officers reputation.

- Hers or yours?

- Did you have sex with Lieutenant Pranda?

- You people work in the gutter long enough it must rub off.

- Pompous prick.

I don't know what it is mate

but seems like more than just Liz Pranda,

there's definitely a cover up going on here.

- What's going on Ian I need to know.

- It's nothing.

- Bullshit it's nothing, you're lying,

I always knew when you were lying every time,

I need to know.

- You wouldn't understand Guido.

Comic strip cops and robbers out here,

riding around here what the hell would you know?

- I know somethings going on here,

the old man, he thinks the son shines out of you.

So don't spoil one day of it, don't.

Just don't.

- If he gets stuck into you it's because he cares about you.

- He loves me.

Poor bastard, the people he picks to love.

- Hi.

Thanks, I've been thinking about

what you told me about Madelyn and I just--

- Hey look, look--

- You were honest enough to tell me and I bit your head off.

I'm sorry.

I just wanna know--

- Well--

- Just as long as she you didn't go to ya house.

- No, no way.

- She didn't go to your house?

- No.

- Good, 'cause if I don't go there no one goes there yeah?

- Well you know, I mean you can come anytime,

you should come anytime.

- Eddie, I don't even know where you live.

- Okay, well why don't you come over for dinner?

- Oh.

- Tonight, what are you doing?

- Nothing.

- Come around.

- Okay.

But just a pizza or Chinese or--

- I'll cook.

- Okay.

- All right well I'll call you later.

- Okay.

- You.

- Yes?

- You're gonna cook?

- Yeah, I can cook.

- You're gonna lower the draw bridge

and let her into the fortress?

We're talking commitment here (murmurs).

- We got a return on Max Reddings DNA

and it looks like he's the father of Liz Prandas child.

- Excellent, lets get him in here, (murmurs) for a change.

- Yeah.

- I don't know where it is,

I know it's in his stomach that's all.

(murmurs) I don't know.

If I can get him to come and see you will you see him?

Great, thanks.

Thank you.

Doctor bloke, owes me a favor.

- Detective Smart.

- What?

What do you want?

- Forensics are in on the sh**t.

(ominous music)

we know that seven sh*ts were fired at the karaoke club.

Bill Martin fired four and god loving scored with all four,

two dead guys, two b*ll*ts in each,

that leaves three b*ll*ts unaccounted for.

Problem one, the g*n found beside

the dead guys two sh*ts not three.

Problem two, neither

of the dead guys had any g*n shot residue on them

which meant that neither of them fired the g*n.

- Well there was a third suspect in the room,

Jin Gee, Snake.

- So Snake fired three separate sh*ts at Bill

from two different g*ns and then left one

of the g*ns behind, that what you want us to understand?

Bill Martin fired those two sh*ts and he planted the g*n

to make it look like self defense.

- You don't know that.

You're guessing.

- We arrested Snake and his version

of events matches this physical evidence.

Bill Martins facing a m*rder charge.

Now unless you cooperate you're gonna

be charged as an accessory.

- Reddings the father of Liz Prandas baby.

We're looking at him for m*rder.

- He's got some sort of hold over you hasn't he?

- You always did have a vivid imagination.

- Ian, I'm your brother.

Whatever it is I wanna help you.

- I don't need your help.

You can't help.

- I don't know how it is in your business

but in my game and I see it all the time,

peoples secrets, they k*ll them but poison them.

Why don't you give him up?

- You tell Dilo I'm closing him down

until he gives me Snake,

next up it's the brothels.

(upbeat music)

- Bill, are you setting me up?

- What?

- Did you plant the g*n?

- No of course I didn't.

- Forensics say different.

- Well forensics is open to interpretation.

You've got nothing to worry about,

this is all down to me and they can't touch me.

- Guido told me.

- Well Guido's out of line.

- g*n, g*n!

Get down!

(g*n fires)

- Shit!

(camera shutters)

(ominous music)

- Doesn't get much worse than this does it?

- Seemed like you and Bill have solved this Snake problem.


- (murmurs) don't you?

There will be a critical incident report,

there will be an inquiry.

The incident is not whether you should have shot him

but whether you should have been there in the first place,

for god sake I warned you specifically

against associating with Bill Martin,

(murmurs) get the hell out of here!

- I didn't have any choice.

It's important that you believe that.

- We lost one officer, we could have lost three.

(gentle upbeat music)

- You might have nightmares for a bit.

All right.

- Here's to Washington.

I'm proud of you.

- I could ask for a compassionate post

and request to stay here.

- Thanks but I don't want you to do that, I want you to go.

You're doing so well and you're gonna keep doing well even

when I'm not around anymore so just makes it easier.

- Can't you at least get a second opinion?

Like some sort of treatment dad?

- No.


I don't wanna talk about it.

Look at them all, all those assholes out there,

all the thieves and pimps and pisses and skunks,

they're all gonna walking around living

and I'm gonna be dead.

Makes you bloody laugh.

Makes you wonder.

- Wonder what dad?

- At least there's three less of the bastards,

notch one of them up to Cameron.

- She doesn't want your notch dad,

I don't know whether you're trying to earn brownie points

in here or after or settle scores

but I don't know what it is dad

but she didn't want your notch.

- Yeah whatever.

- You wanted him to k*ll you didn't you?

'cause you're scared of dying.

- You're a cheeky bugger you know that?

Always were.

- You haven't seen the last of Dilo.

- Disaster on Ashmore Reef where wreckage

from a fishing vessel has been found,

men, women and children were believed

to have been seeking asylum in Australia,

it appears though no survivors,

grieving relatives say they

have warned the Australian government

that the boat had set off from Java

and three days later radioed that they were in difficulties,

coast watch had failed to find the vessel.

In other news Pakistan.

- You were there,

you sailed right past them and you didn't search for them.

- We didn't get a signal, not directly.

- But you were there?

- You gonna tell him?

(classical music)


- Hi.

- Hi.

- This is beautiful Eddie.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

I feel like a princess.

(classical music)

- You knew about the missing refugee boat didn't you?

You knew that they might need help.

But captain Martin and Lieutenant commander Redding

chose not to look for it, that's what happened isn't it?

- I have nothing to say.

- I know and I don't wanna have to ask the questions

but they didn't search for the missing boat

because they didn't wanna find it,

putting a political hot potato on their desk

would have harmed their careers and you,

you disagreed with them so they've buried you,

they buried you--

- It's a transfer.

- I kind of admire you for disagreeing

with them despite what they're doing to you

but it's now about m*rder.

Liz Pranda didn't get the promotion she expected

so she tried to blackmail Redding

with what he and my brother decided in the Timor sea.

- Max Redding shoved her off that cliff to keep her quite.

- You're gonna have to stand up and be counted.

I know you're a man of honor.

- You say that as though honor is a simple thing.

It's not a simple thing.

If there was never another w*r,

if we never had

to repel a single invade the Navy would still

be fulfilling an invaluable function

as the nations repository of honor.

When businessmen and lawyers and politicians

are about greed, the Navy is about honor.

I joined up when I was years old, .

It's my family.

- I can understand that.

- Good men, good men.

A miles at sea are being put in impossible positions.


- I know and I'm sorry but you're gonna have

to volunteer this information

or I'm gonna have to subpoena you

and you're gonna tell it in a court.

- It's about your brother.

- I know.

But we don't have a choice.

- There's always a choice.

- I'm gonna have to ask you to come with us.

- Will you excuse me for a moment?

- Of course.

- You could have let me run this one.

(g*n shot)

- Look at him, Mr untouchable.

- Take it easy.

- I hate this.

- Now with Beecham dead and (murmurs)

not talking there's really not much we can do is there?

(somber music)

- You know you take (murmurs),

Redding out to sea only one of them's coming back.

- Don't be ridiculous.

Look after him.

- Yeah okay.

Look after yourself.

(somber music)

- Are you okay?

- Yeah no I'm fine, thanks.

(somber music)

- What happened to that ship?

- No, nothing.

Nothing you'd need to know about.

- You know, you're a lot like me.

- No I'm not but that's okay.

(upbeat music)