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01x16 - Lone Star Blues

Posted: 07/24/23 15:50
by bunniefuu
- Teddy was on his own in that place.

I mean, he brought himself up.

He cooked and cleaned, everything.

He was a kid.

You're just like your dad, you know.

He loved you, Teddy.

- He didn't give a shit about me, Grace.

- Okay, time's up, pens down.

- Ha, .

- You got ?

- .

- Maybe we should take you to your dad's, hey, Nicholas?

- My dad's in jail.

- So we're okay?

- Yeah, of course we're okay.

- That's good, because, um.

'Cause Tony's getting out of jail.

- Tony who?

- Nicholas' father.

(somber music)

- [Eddie] They say a man isn't a man

until his father tells him he is.

But what happens to a boy without a father?

If only they knew their power to hurt.

Their power to heal.

(mellow music)

- [Irena] You missed a bit.

- Hey?

- You missed a bit.

- You missed a bit too.

- No, Eddie, no, Eddie, Eddie, no, no!

- You missed a big bit!

(Irena laughing)

There's a big bit.

- Is that, that's not about you and me, is it?

- No.

- No what?

- No, it's not about us.

Every second word that comes out of his mouth's Eddie.

Eddie this, Eddie that.

He's even doing double knots in his shoes.

- Well, was it about Tony, then?

(somber music)

Canceling out the rest of the year, eh, Nicka?

- Got homework to do.

- You want a hand?

- [Nicholas] I can do it.

♪ Let the Midnight Special ♪

♪ Shine a light on me ♪

♪ I got long years ♪

♪ In the penitentiary ♪

♪ Let the Midnight Special ♪

♪ Shine a light on me ♪

♪ Let the Midnight Special ♪

♪ Shine its ever-loving light on me ♪

(audience applauding)

- [MC] Okay, thank you very much.

That was Tony, wasn't he fantastic?

- Hadn't read it went from robbers to cops.

- [Eddie] Tony.

- I know who you are.

- I'm here because...

Well, Nicholas has been counting down the days

til his old man gets out of jail.

He's gone to sleep every night, five days to go,

two days to go, tomorrow's the big one, and then nothing.

- Been finding my feet.

- days?

You couldn't spare five minutes

to just give him a call, at least?

- I know, all right?

I mean, look at me, huh?

This is what I went in wearing.

I'm just getting some dollars together before I see him.

I thought we might go up to Queensland or something.

You can't do that without some bucks.

- He doesn't care about your damn shirt,

okay, and he doesn't need a holiday.

He just needs a father.

- How's she doing?

- She's doing great.

Anyway, that calendar of his went in the bin today, so.

Call him.

(sirens blaring)

- Ah.

The sweet vista of progress, huh?

- Morning, folks.

Blokes turned up for work this morning,

their truck's here, the driver was found bound and gagged.

- Is he up for a chat?

- Very shaky.

- What'd they steal?

- expl*sives.

Just enough to take out two, maybe three postcards.

- I was pulling out, same time as usual.

Two guys jump out, and they were pointing g*ns at me.

Screaming at me, screaming at me to get on the ground.

It was weird.

- [Guido] Can you tell us what they looked like?

- No, they were both wearing balaclavas.

- What about voices, anything distinctive?


- Nothing at all, sorry.

It was so quick, you know.

- Hi.

I wanna see you tonight.

- I can't do it tonight.

- [Justin] Okay, tomorrow night.

- Yeah, we could go for a drink.

- No, Donna, no more drinks, no more dinner.

What we're gonna do is something different.

We're going to my place,

and we're gonna take all our clothes off.


That's not a new idea, I mean,

people have been doing it for some time now.

That's, um.

That's assuming you want to.

- Hey, of course I bloody want to.

(energetic music)

- [Sharon] So they h*jacked the truck

just to get through security.

- Yeah.

- Ah, local patrol just picked up their car.

It's in fingerprints.

- Stolen?

- [Cameron] Yeah, five blocks from the Lone Star,

between two and four this morning.

- [Eddie] Lone Star hotel?

- Eddie, have you got something you want to tell us?

- Nothing solid, it just sounds similar

to an old MO, that's all.

- Well, look into it.

If it's worth chasing, let us know.

Justin, got anything further on what was stolen?

- Linear charges.

You adjust them to the style you want,

then (mimicking expl*si*n), that's the cut you get.

They're very powerful, they're very precise,

but they're also very easy to get wrong.

- [Sharon] So it looks like they did the first job

in preparation for the second job,

which involved expl*sives.

Any ideas?

- Something big.

I mean, we're not talking domestic safes.

- [Sharon] Anything else?

- I'm about to go over the stolen car

and see if something comes up.

- Great, okay.

We start looking at armed robbers in the area.

Powder men with form, ex Army, disgruntled,

ex b*mb squad cops, even, and let's hope that

we can tie this up before the second robbery.

- Donna.

Listen, I need to know, otherwise it's

gonna do my head in.

Not to mention my ego.

You're nervous, yeah?

- No.

All right, I'm nervous, okay?

Look, um, if that's a problem,

then maybe you should find someone who's got no nerves.

- Why are you so nervous?

- Look, nerves isn't even the right word.

It's just.


- What?

- Well, look, I'm not some bloody geisha.

I don't jump into the sack with every second guy I meet.

- What, so, okay, so you haven't slept

with that many people?

- I can still count them, if that's what you mean.

- On how many hands?

- Just the one hand.

- You've slept with five people.

- Five-ish.

- Four?

(sentimental music)


Hey, Donna.

Hey, you know what?

- [Donna] What?

- Let's just go for a drink, hm?

- Hey, Eddie.

- Hey.

- D'you reckon Justin's slept with , women?

- I haven't slept with , women, Donna, I wouldn't know.

- [Donna] What you looking at him for?

Is this work, or is this private?

- I'm not too sure.

- Where are you going?

- Don't know.

(mellow piano music)

♪ Well you called from the station this morning ♪

♪ And you asked could I pay your bail ♪

♪ You'd been picked up again after drinkin' ♪

♪ And they've thrown you straight in the jail ♪

♪ Well it's happened before, 'cause you don't like the law ♪

♪ You like to live ♪

- Tony.

I need to speak to you, about a robbery.

- Yeah.

I understand that the law shines most brightly

on those who have been recently liberated.

But my nose is clean, Eddie, huh?

- In private.

All right.

A truck h*jacked, linear charges stolen.

- Nothing to do with this little black duck.

- Maybe not, but you might know something about it.

I don't know what your parole officer told you,

but you so much as even hear something like this,

you're going back to jail.

- Yeah, explained all that.

Wouldn't upset you too much, would it, eh?

If I'm out of the picture.

- Hey, personally, I couldn't give a shit

if you went back for the rest of your life.

But I think your son's gonna care.

- You know, don't you.

I'm gonna take her back.

I didn't expect her to be a nun while I was away,

but I'm back now.

And she's mine.

- She doesn't belong to anybody.

And besides, this isn't about her.

It's about Nick.

- [Tony] Yeah, sure it is.

- You people are un-friggin-believable, eh?

He's been out less than a month and you're already onto him.

It's a freakin' joke.

- Nah, Eddie here was just asking me

about a truck hijack, Roscoe.

Do we know anything about a truck hijack, Roscoe?

- Not a bloody thing.

Not a rumor, not a whisper, not a word.

- Good.


Glad to hear it.

- You guys just don't let up, do ya, eh?

You mark someone, and that's it.

- It was a personal conversation, Ross.

Stay out of it.

- You're kind of outclassed here, aren't ya?

You ever done any time?

- No, but you got plenty more to come.


(suspenseful music)

(breathing heavily)

- You a bit sore, mate, are ya?

- Hey, hey, get off.

- Hi. - Hey.

I'm gonna get a coffee, do you want one?

- No, I'm fine, thanks.

Was it Ross?

- Yeah, Ross.

And a friend.

It wasn't Tony, in case you were wondering.

- You went to the Lone Star two nights in a row, Eddie?

Two nights, and you don't even tell me?

You don't even bother to say "Hey, Irena,

"how about I go talk to Tony,

"give him what for about his son?"

I don't think you even think about

what's good for me, you know?

I mean, I made a life.

Without him, without all that shit.

And I know that it's hard on Nick,

but he doesn't know what life was like when Tony was around.

He's sad, yeah, but he's got nothing to compare it to.

- I know.

- No you don't know.

No one else was there, you didn't see what it was like.

- Irena, there was a robbery.

Linear charges stolen.

Now, I think Ross was involved.

Tony might have been involved.

But if he wasn't, I wanna make sure

that he stays right out of it.

(somber music)

(phone ringing)

- Eddie.

I am assuming that you are going to

put these guys on the table for the robbery

sooner or later, but why did you not report

the bashing last night?

- They'll say that I provoked it,

they'll say that I didn't ID myself as a cop,

they were acting in self-defense, blah blah blah.

- They'll say you were there with a personal agenda.

They'll say you were there because of Irena.

And they'd be right.

- Yeah, so I didn't get belted because I was a cop,

so I'm not gonna respond as one.

I don't wanna pursue it.

- All right, I'll give in on the bashing.

However, we're gonna bring these guys in for the robbery.

Cameron and Guido will bring them in,

I don't want you anywhere near them.

Be very careful, Eddie.

You're getting your personal and professional wires crossed.

It's gonna blow up in your face.

- So the car was stolen five blocks from the Lone Star.

A bit lazy, wasn't it?

- I don't know what you're talking about.

- Not very clever, though,

bashing a cop just before you pull a big job.

Not clever, or the job's big enough

for you to start taking some risks to--

- Your dago mate started the fight.

He was way outta hand, he just went for us.

- Not clever, and r*cist.

Geez, you got it all going on, don't you, Perce?

- Rosco will tell you exactly the same thing.

He started it.

- You know the system, don't you, Ross?

I'm gonna caution you, offer you a lawyer,

ask you a bunch of questions,

you're gonna tell me a bunch of lies,

we're gonna squaredance.

Do-si-do your partner and all that.

- I don't know what you're talking about.

- I'm not talking about anything

until I can get these tapes set up.

Then I'll be talking about the truck that was h*jacked,

the expl*sives that were stolen,

and what you're planning to do with the expl*sives.

But we're not, we're not talking about that.

No, this is just you and me, having a yarn.

About why you and your friend ganged up on Detective Mercia.

- [Ross] Well, he started it.

- No, no, no, don't start lying.

Not until I get the tape set up.

It's academic anyway.

Eddie's not gonna press charges, 'cause Eddie's a gentleman.

Of course, I'm not a gentleman.

You don't g*ng up on a friend of mine

and expect to get away with it.

- It was personal.

- Yeah, that's what Eddie says.

I don't care, makes no difference.

- Hell, he wants to hang around with one of our women,

he's got it coming.

- Irena?

Irena is not one of your women, she's a lady.


Yeah, be careful, be very careful, Ross.


I like her a lot.

- You're in luck, then.

bucks, and she's yours.


- Is that how you see all women, is it, Ross?

'Cause that lady that sings at the Lone Star, Tara,

she's your woman, and you've got her working

as an escort on the side.

- So?

- That doesn't say a thing about Tara,

except maybe she's got a big heart.

But ooh, it says a hell of a lot about you.

- [Tara] Ross was with me.

- {Donna] What about the other one, Percy?

- Yeah, him too.

- At six o'clock yesterday morning?

- Yeah, that's right.

- Both of them?

- They were out hijacking a truck and stealing expl*sives.

Now, if we find the forensic evidence

and witnesses to place them there,

you're gonna go to jail for

hindering a police investigation.

He's not worth it.

- He was with me.

They both were.


- Excuse me.

- Found sunglasses in one of the stolen cars.

I thought they belonged to the owner, but they don't,

so one of the hijackers must have been

dumb enough to leave them behind.

- Did you get prints on it?

- Nothing usable, but jammed in one of these hinges,

this one, jammed right here,

what looks very much like an eyelash.

Now, speaking of eyelashes.

- Justin.

- Right, if there's a follicle attached to this,

we might just get a DNA match.

- Good.

- More importantly, though, we are still on for tonight?

A drink.

- Yeah.

Yeah, I'm looking forward to it.

- [Guido] Looks like the alibi's gonna hold up.

- [Cameron] She's lying, of course.

- Of course.

What is it about the female of the species?

- Stupid, I guess.

- I was thinking loyal.

- Yeah, yeah, or loyal.

(phone ringing) - Let them go, for now.

- Excuse me.

(clearing throat) Hey.

- Whatever it was you said to Tony,

it must've had some effect, because, um,

he rang Nicholas and wants to see him tonight.

- Oh, good.

I'm glad.

- Yeah, well, I'm not so sure, 'cause um,

Nicholas doesn't wanna go.

He wants to know what Eddie would do.


- Why?

He didn't wanna see me.

He's been out for two weeks.

(somber music)

- You know, you gotta make allowances.

You know, he's probably...

He's probably a bit scared of you.

He's probably afraid that you're disappointed with him.

- [Nicholas] Why would he care what I think?

- You're the only person whose opinion matters to him.

You and your mum.

- Are you gonna put him back in jail?

- No, Nick, no.

I hope not.

- I'll only go if you go.

- I don't think that's a good idea, Nick.

- Then I'm not gonna go.

♪ Frankie spent money on Johnny ♪

♪ Spent a lot more than she should ♪

♪ Shiny shoes and Italian suits ♪

♪ Just to make her man look good ♪

♪ He was her man ♪

♪ But he was doing her wrong ♪

♪ Johnny said I have to leave you ♪

- Guess who! - Spider!


- God, how long's it been?

- Oh, it's been a long time, Tara.

- Look at you!

Look at Nick!

Look at you, oh, you look great.

- A lot's changed since then.

- A lot's still the same.

- Yeah.

And you're still hanging out with Ross?

- Yeah. - Come on.

- What about you, Officer, you working or playing?

- [Irena] Tara!


- Excuse me.

♪ She says to the barman Jack Malone ♪

♪ Has my Johnny been in here ♪

♪ He was her man ♪

- What are you guys doing here?

- Right back at ya, Eddie.

- Forensics put Tony there.

We have to take him in.


(audience cheering)

- I have to talk to Tony down at the station.

Maybe you should take Nick home.

(somber music)

- Hey, Nicka.

You know, we're gonna hang out a bit.

Maybe it can wait til tomorrow, eh?

Do you people seriously think you can

make a case against me based on one bloody eyelash?

- One eyelash, one fingernail,

one molecule of skin, mate, doesn't matter.

It puts you there, puts you in the stolen car.

- No it doesn't.

It puts my sunglasses in the stolen car.

- [Guido] Right, how'd they get there?

- [Tony] It's not my job.

That's your job.

They were stolen, I left them on the bar at the Lone Star.

Someone took 'em.

- Oh, the jury's gonna find it hard to believe that.

You know, and it's not just your sunglasses.

It's your form, you and your brother.

It's the same MO as the job in Perth seven years ago.

The car stolen five blocks from the load site.

- I don't care, I didn't do it.

Got that?

- You broke the boy's heart, Tony.

You broke his heart.

- No.

Not me.

(ominous music)

- Well, then you tell me how the sunglasses got there.

Give me an alibi.

- What time?

- Six o'clock yesterday morning.

- I was at Irena's.

I was at Irena's.

- He, he was with me.

- At six o'clock in the morning?

- Yeah, that's right.

- [Eddie] We've had Tara Wilson in here earlier,

giving a false alibi.

Okay, now when we prove it, she's going to jail.

- Are you accusing me of lying?

I don't lie, Eddie.

- No?

Well, you don't exactly tell the truth either, do you?

If you were with Tony at six o'clock yesterday morning,

why has it taken you so long to tell me about it?

I mean, what else aren't you telling me?


What else aren't you telling me?

- Nothing else, Eddie.

He needed an alibi, he's got one.


- I don't understand what you're doing.

- Yeah, well, there's a fair bit

that you don't understand, Donna.

So feel free to stay out of it.

- Eddie, look, what you're doing on a lot of levels

is really great, but are you sure this is about

Nick and his dad, or you and your dad?

- You don't know what you're talking about.

- Maybe not, but I don't see a lot of other people here.

People who do know what they're talking about

when it comes to you, other than me.

What happened to you when you were a kid,

it's put you in a fortress.

- Yeah, and what about the fortress

that Nick's being put in?

Hey, he's just a kid.

And I'm an adult, I can look after myself.

- That's just the problem, Eddie.

You're too good at looking after yourself.

- Are you done?

- For now.

(mellow music)

(crowd conversing indistinctly)

(phone ringing)


It's me.

I've, um.

I've had a drink and I'm worried about you.

I've had a few drinks, actually.

Justin, the mophead that he is, just stood me up.

Which is something you wouldn't do.

And anyway, I'm, um.

My point is...

Ever since you met Irena, I've seen a light in your eyes.

I don't want you to lose it, all right?

Don't lose her.

See you tomorrow, all right?

- Hung over, eh?

- Borderline.

I gave myself a good talking-to last night,

if it makes any difference.

- Oh, did you?

What about?

- Staying out of your face.

- Yeah, you're probably right.

Not very often, but every now and then.

- Yeah, I'm always right.


So, did you call her and apologize?

I'm just joking!


- What's up?

- Surveillance have lost Roscoe and Percy.

- What, accidentally, or?

- [Sharon] No, gave them the slip.

- They're doing the second job.

- With enough expl*sives to take down a building.

- [Guido] Tony knows what he's doing.

- Surveillance says that he's still at the Lone Star.

- We'll bring him in.

- No, I will, I will.

I will.

- Okay.

- That's it, strum it out. (guitar strumming)

Yeah, yeah, rock and roll.

That's it, strum it.

Strum it out.

Yeah, make some noise, that's it, yeah!

Make some noise, come on, rock and roll!

- You weren't even watching, Mum.

- Yeah, Mum, you weren't even watching.

- I was watching!

I was watching with my ears, babe, you know?

I was, I think that you're sounding better

than Tony already.

- You okay?

- Yeah, fine, thanks.

- [Nicholas] Mum?

- Yeah?

- What's happening?

- Sorry, Nicka, your dad's not in trouble.

He just might be able to help me, that's all.

See, somebody might get hurt,

and your dad could stop that from happening.

Right, Tony?

- You prick, you paint me in a corner I can't get out of

and you do it in front of Nick!

- Listen, mate, the other alternative

was a bunch of uniforms with you face down on the ground

and your hands behind your back.

All right?

Now, I didn't paint you into any corner, your brother did.

And make no mistake about it,

Ross and Percy are gonna get picked up soon, okay,

and the moment they're grilled about the expl*sives,

your name is gonna--

- No one's gonna be talking about me,

because I'm not involved.

- You know what's happening, though.

You do know.

The DPP will be looking at you as an accessory.

And maybe Ross will stick by you, maybe Percy, even.

You know what happened last time.

You're the expl*sives expert, they're coming to see you.

That's why you're here.

- You sit there like some friggin' moral guardian,

telling me about my brother!

Who do you think you are,

sitting there in your f*ckin' suit,

telling me about Ross!

You don't know what he's done.

He's raised me since I was seven.

- He will drag you straight back to jail.

Except the difference is that

you're not the only one that's gonna pay.

Nick's gonna pay too.

- Oh yeah, like he really needs me around.

- He needs to know that you wanted to get it right.

For him.

He needs to know.

Even if it's the last thing that you ever do for him,

for the rest of his life.

(somber music)

You're not going back to jail.

- I do this...

I get Irena.

I get Nick.

I win, you lose.

- You tell me which building they're in, Tony.

You know you don't have to do this if you don't want to.

These boys can look after him.

- I'm gonna put him in the shit to save myself.

He deserves to see my face.

(expl*si*n booming)

- g*ns drawn, now get in there, soon!

- Listen, okay, calm right the hell down, okay?

Just relax.

Are you good for this or not?

Everyone in position?

(breathing heavily)


- Ross, Rosco!

- [Ross] Are you crazy, bubs?

What are you doing here?

- Never mind that, mate, just open the bloody door!

- [Ross] You're a bloody savior.

You should see the friggin' mess

that Percy's made in here with the bang powder.

- Police, don't move!


Sit down!

- On your knees.

- g*n is safe.

- Stay right back, stay right back.

- Hey, can I go now?

- Well, we'll need a formal statement from you, but uh.

Yeah, I suppose it can wait until tomorrow.

Look, I'll go upstairs, I'll tie a few things up there,

I'll be back down in a minute, I'll give you a ride.

(somber music)

- Donna!

I know you've had a big day,

but I just wondered if you've got

just a few minutes to allow me to

vindicate myself for last night.

- Well, you'd better have a good explanation

for inviting me out for a drink and then standing me up.

- You've got a few minutes?

You do, yes, good.

Okay, come on, follow me.

- What? - Sh.

- What's going on?

- Just come on. - What's the rush?

Where are we?

Stop it, let's be clear about this,

I am not leaving this on, all right?

- Well, you can take it off whenever you're ready.

- I'm ready.

(soft music)

Oh lord.

- Oh lord good, or...

Oh lord, not so good?

- You're completely nuts.

- Yeah, well.

I thought just maybe, you know,

knowing you've never kind of...

So um, does this mean you're gonna stay?

- I just have to make a quick call.

- Okay.

Um, that's the bathroom.

From the bathroom.


(energetic music)

(phone ringing)

- See ya. - Eddie!

- Yeah, where are ya?

Why are you whispering?

- I'm in Justin's bathroom.

I just wanted to call and see that you're okay.

- Yeah, I'm good.

- [Donna] Good, excellent.

- How are you?

- You wouldn't believe what's going on over here.

There's flowers and candles in the bath,

and musky bloody oils for god's sake.

- Okay, that's probably more than I need to know.

All that's good, yeah?

- It's completely bloody mental.

- All right, I don't wanna keep you from it, then.

- Okay.

Love you, Mercia.

- Yeah, I love you too.

- Thank you.

You're very much a mystery to me.

I still can't work out how Nick became

more important to you than me.

It says nice things about you.

I just don't know where it leaves us.

- Eddie.

Watch this.


- Go on, have another go.

- [Tony] Ah, bad luck, mate.

(energetic music)