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03x05 - Shaman Spirits

Posted: 07/24/23 16:37
by bunniefuu

Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?

♪ Where is Carmen Sandiego?

♪ Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Tell me

♪ Where is Carmen Sandiego? ♪

♪ Oh, Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Sphinx, Mona Lisa ♪

♪ Leaning Tower of Pisa ♪

♪ London Zoo, Timbuktu ♪

♪ Can you help us find a clue? ♪

♪ Oh, where is Carmen Sandiego? ♪

♪ Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪




Security Breach Sector Five. Security Breach Sector Five.










Oh, that same nightmare again.

After a daring string of unprecedented thefts,

including a Native American Headdress,

the Rosetta Stone, and the Elgin Marbles,

the world's most famous thief,

Carmen Sandiego, has taken a sudden and mysterious leave

of absence.

Authorities remain baffled by her prolonged disappearance.


Where on earth is Carmen Sandiego?



All right, crimebusters!

Carmen has finally struck!

And you'll never guess what she took this time.

Uh, the London Bridge?

[buzzer sound]

The Empire State Building?

Nice try, but [buzzer sound] no.

I'll give you a hint.

She stole something Indian.

The Taj Mahal?

The Ajanta Cave Temples?

Wrong Indians, Buffalo-Breath.

Thought you might fall for that.


I'm talking the Native American Indian,

not Indians from India.

But don't feel bad, Columbus made the same mistake

way back in .

Ivy: Oh, right!

He called the natives he met "Indians" because he thought

he'd landed in the Indies, remember?

This guy calls himself an explorer?

He could - get lost in a teepee.

Anyway, the name kind of stuck,

and today Native Americans are also Native American Indians,

members of Indian Nations, Native American Nations or

if you're one Native American talking to another,

you might just say "The People" or,

that you are "of the people". Or -

All right, we get it, Chief. What did Carmen steal?

All right, okay, okay, all right.

This "Native American" beauty is missing from a

Museum in New York.


This rattle is the second American Indian object

Carmen's stolen recently, Zack.

There must be some connection.

I'll hook us up with Acme Agent Billy Running Bird.

Zack, Ivy! What's up?

Hey, Billy, you on a camp out or something?

Yeah. My grandmother's teaching me the ways

of a Hopi medicine woman.

Very cool.

We came here to the Anasazi cliff dwellings because my

ancestors are believed to be descendants of this

ancient civilization.

Billy, listen, Carmen stole this American Indian Rattle.

And we need some help.

Could be a Shaman rattle, from the looks of it.

Any clue what she'd want it for?

Well, a shaman, or a medicine man has many roles

in the people's community.

Billy: They work like doctors do in yours.

Take two drops of Saguaro Cactus Juice and call me

in the morning.

Ivy: But they're more than just healers, right?

Billy: Much more.

They're mediums between our world and the spirit world.

They serve as priests, advisors,

scientists, hey, even weathermen.


Billy, what can you tell us about this specific rattle?

Sorry, Ivy, you have to ask a Haida.

There are around Indian nations in North America.

The Haida and the Hopi cultures and the ceremonies,

are very, very different.

Ivy, I think it's time to pay a visit to a Haida medicine man.

Or woman.

Ask and you shall receive!

Prince of Wales Island, Alaska, here we come!

Hang on to your headdresses Chief wannabes,

we're headed San Francisco California

north to the th state, Alaska.

Ah, Alaska, home of Mount McKinley and over

, Native Americans.

The Pacific Northwest is home to dozens of Native

Americans nations, like the Chinook,

the Tlingit, the Nootka and the Haida.

Scientists believe the first ancestors of these native

peoples came across Berengia,

a land bridge between Asia and Alaska,

more than , years ago.


Ah, excuse me but who are you?!

Uhm me?

Why I'm a I'm a troll, of course.

No, no! This says toll bridge, not "troll" bridge.

Oops! Sorry! Right you are. Off you go then!

Make way! Nomads coming through.

My mistake! I do apologize!

Zack: Hey, Chief, uh, what's a Potlatch?

Chief: Translata-Scan! Translata-Scan!

A "Potlatch", is a traditional Native American

celebration, where the host gives elaborate gifts to all

his guests, sometimes everything he owns - nice guy.

Often, whoever gives away the most goodies is revered

by the others as the greatest of their people.

Kind of a nice way to keep his life in balance,

keep perspective of what's important, you know.

Grab your totems!

You're headed for the Pacific Northwest!

Great, the C-Five missed again!

What would a Haida Shaman be doing on a downtown street?

Ivy, get a clue.

Native Americans are lawyers,

journalists, shop keepers.

Who's to say the Haida holyman we're supposed to

meet isn't - Ivy look!

It's Carmen!

Acme detectives, we'll bring this right back.

Out of my way, detectives.

This isn't about fun and games.

[truck honking]

Yes! We got her cornered!

[rockets blast]

Oh man!

Those are definitely custom pipes!

Hang on, little bro.





Did we live?

Now we've got her!



You know, you kids really need a vacation.

I'll talk to the Chief for you.


Well, I don't like it.

I'm cold, I'm hungry, I'm not into roughing it, okay?

Zack, you're "roughing it" next door to an all-night


Now give Mr. Silver Moon a chance.

Sorry to keep you waiting, detectives.

This is a Haida holy man's rattle, all right.

And you're a Haida holy man, Mr. Silver Moon,

maybe you could tell us why Carmen would want it.

I don't know, but when she fled just now,

she left this by the register,

Perhaps it is a clue.

A carved raven?

I wonder what it means.

Oh, Mr. Raven here was a trickster, all right.

Like this friend of yours, Carmen Sandiego.

There is one story where a great chief claimed the sun

and moon all for himself, and hid them in a chest

within his home.

So now darkness covered the land all day and night.

But Raven, who then was a white bird,

knew the Chief loved his grandchild more than

anything, and spoiled him terribly.

So, Raven scooped the Chlld out of its skin and took

over the baby's identity.

Raven was then given everything imaginable by his

over-indulgent grandfather.

But one day, nothing could bring a smile to Raven's face.

So, like all grandfathers, anxious to please,

and to make the child happy, the great Chief took out his

finest treasure, a box containing

the sun and the moon!

Raven accepted the great gift from the Chief,

seized it and flew out the smokehole of the house.

At that moment, daylight burst upon the world,

thanks to Raven the Trickster whoever after was

a black bird because of the soot from the great

Chief's chimney.

That's the ending?

No explosions?

No terminator?

Just daylight and a white bird turned black?

[laughs] That's it, Zack.

The old stories handed down in my nation have

traditionally been about animals,

trees and mountains - the world my ancestors saw

around them every day.

[beep] Billy, what's up?

Zack, Ivy, Carmen just showed up here,

at the Anasazi Cliff Dwellings!

If you hurry, we can nail her!

We're blazing!

Billy! Keep her in sight!

Player, C-Five us to the Anasazi Cliff Dwellings

in Mesa Verde, Colorado.

Wait! Don't you want to take the raven?!



This is very bad.


Room with a view!

We'll admire the scenery after we've nabbed Carmen.

Sorry! -Huh?

I've already got what I came for, Detectives.

Now I'm off to steal the sun.

Stand back, little Bro.

Got it!




Ivy! Hang on!

I can't reach it!



As you can tell, the Anasazi built here to make it as

difficult as possible for intruders.

Well, they did a great job!

But you know what these ancient cliff dwellers forgot?

Yes. Ancient elevators.


I just don't get it.

What would Carmen want with a Kachina doll?

Aren't they like toys?

Yes, partly.

The dolls represent the Kachinas,

or good spirits, who act as go-betweens from man to God.

First Carmen steals a Haida Medicine man's rattle,

and now a Hopi medicine woman's Kachina doll.

With every Indian Nation being so different,

what's the connection we're missing?

Zack, look!

A wood carving, like the one Carmen left

at Jon Silver Moon's.

But this time it's a coyote.

I remember one story of Coyote I used to love

as a little kid.

Coyote once stole a colorful blanket from

Grandfather Rock.

So, Grandfather Rock began rolling after him

to get it back.

Coyote ran and ran.

But he couldn't escape Grandfather Rock.

Soon he was out of breath and begged Raven to help.

So, Raven began pecking and pecking at Grandfather Rock

until he was no more!

What happened to the blanket?

Man, I'm not getting this one either.

My ancestors told this story of the rolling boulder to

explain the sound of thunder to their children.

Oh, yeah.

Don't sweat it, Zack.

The more time we spend on this case,

the closer we'll get to figurin out what Carmen's up to

and the more we'll probably understand these Native myths.

Billy, I must go.

If you leave on this case with your friends,

collect the Kachina dolls.

I'll see you back at home.

Grandma are you okay?

I'm fine.

I cannot explain right now.

Take the cellular phone and I will call you if I need you.

[engine starting]

[coughs] Whoa, that's what I call one bombing shaman!

Okay! Calling all Acme Clue Busters,

and that means you, you, you and you!

If you've been paying attention and not hunting

for loose change in the sofa cushions,

you probably noticed something that will help

Zack and Ivy figure out what Carmen's up to.

Which of these are not important to solving the case?

Talk amongst yourselves. I'll be back. Wow!



Chief: Okay we're back.

If you guessed the Troll and Columbus were not important

to solving the case, you've been paying attention!

Both these holy people received clues from Carmen

and that's important!

Okay, let's try one more time.

She said, "I'm off to steal the sun."

What could that mean?

Player, cross-reference Native Americans with sun.

Chief: To a member of the Crow tribe,

a vision of the sun foretold great power as a shaman

but a short life.

And some ancient cultures left mysterious large

circular patterns of stone called Medicine Wheels,

which, like Stonehenge, were oriented toward the sun.

Billy: Oh, and the Great Plains People hold an annual

Sun Dance festival.

Ivy: Isn't that a celebration where many

nations and their leaders gather to pray each year?

Yes. The Sun Dance Festival!

And you know, it's going on right now,

up in the Black Hills.

And with all those people coming together,

there's sure to be more than a few shamans,

which seems to be Carmen's main focus.

Then, Player, C-Five us to the Sun Dance Festival

in the Black Hills of South Dakota.

Carmen's trail's heating up.

Chief: Wagons north, cayoots!

You're heading from the cliff dwellings of Mesa Verde,

Colorado, miles north to the Black Hills of

South Dakota.

I guess I'm joining the club, detectives.

My brother, Gray Cloud, is a Kiowa medicine man.

He got pretty upset after someone stole his ceremonial

shield, and left this behind.

He studied it for a while, then took off in a hurry.

It's Carmen's calling card all right!

Hey, what's this?

It's some kind of note!

"You will find what you seek where the seven sisters

touched the sky."

It's a Carmen clue, all right.

But, why would she give it to Gray Cloud and not to us?

Billy, do you still have' that coyote carving Carmen

left with your grandmother?

No. She took it with her.

You think there was a message in it?

And I'll bet Jon Silver Moon got a message inside

his carving too!

Billy, let me borrow your phone a 'sec.

You know, my people have a story about a place where

seven sisters once touched the sky,

how the seven girls get chased up a tree stump

by a giant bear.

To save them, the Great Spirit made the stump grow

and grow, until it became "Great Tree Rock."

And it was so high, the girls were saved from the

bear, and became the stars of the Big Dipper.

Wait a minute!

Did you say the Great Tree Rock?

That's another name for Devils Tower!


Jon Silver Moon took off after we left.

He told his wife he had emergency clan business,

and he booked an airline ticket to Wyoming!

Home of Devil's Tower!

It's across the border, only about an hour from here,


You can take my brother's jeep!

Ivy: What you want to bet Carmen stole items from three

very different Indian Nations to lure their shamans to

Devil's Tower?


But why am I having nightmares about the raven,

coyote, and bear?

And why does it always end up with me being chased up

to this spot on Devl's Tower?

This place, like all the objects that surround us

have their own spirit.

And each spirit has its rightful home,

to which it must always return,

for there to be the proper balance in the world.

I only know the nightmare began since my latest -


Are you saying the items I stole before I started

having this nightmare, the Elgin Marbles,

the Rosetta Stone, and the Headdress,

want to be back where they belong?

If that's what you believe the dream means,

you must act on it.

But only you can tell what your dream means.

Carmen, my great-grandfather was a wise chief,

who had much property and many possessions.

At his wedding potlatch, it was his great joy to give

everything he had away.

He said it helped him find a balance as he began making

new things for himself.

Perhaps there is a balance missing in your life?

Billy: Game's over, Carmen.

No game being played, Billy.

This is about real life this time.

Glad you agree Carmen.


Because "life" is exactly what you're going to be doing.


Don't let her get away!


Over there!


I got her!


Catch her! -Stop her!


Oh man!!

Grandmother! Why did you let her get away?

I made her a promise, Billy.

She would meet us and give back the stolen Kachina doll,

the rattle,

and the shield,

If we would not detain her in any way,

but talk with her about the symbols

in a nightmare she's been having.

And because her life is out of balance is not a good

enough reason for us to go back on our word.

I'm sorry.

Oh, fine!

But what about our balance?

We do everything right, catch her,

and she gets away.

Sis, relax.

You got to learn to be more like Raven.

He captured the sun and moon by tricking the Great Chief,

just like how we'll eventually get Carmen!

See, the story is beginning to mean more to you already.


And in an astonishing turn of events,

Carmen Sandiego has actually returned several stolen

items, not from where she stole them,

but to the lands they originally came from!

Including the Rosetta Stone to Egypt,

the Elgin Marbles back to Greece and a Native American

headdress to its original home in America.





[polka music]