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03x10 - Just Like Old Times

Posted: 07/24/23 16:43
by bunniefuu

Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?

♪ Where is Carmen Sandiego?

♪ Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Tell me

♪ Where is Carmen Sandiego? ♪

♪ Oh, Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Sphinx, Mona Lisa ♪

♪ Leaning Tower of Pisa ♪

♪ London Zoo, Timbuktu ♪

♪ Can you help us find a clue? ♪

♪ Oh, where is Carmen Sandiego? ♪

♪ Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ [Joy to the World]

Zack, you get better at skating by skating.

But Ivy! This is "Inner Skating."

It's subliminal coaching.

Some people think your mind can learn

even while you sleep.

So, I listened all night, and woke up a skater.

Okay, Wayne Gretzky, let's see you do this!

Recording: You are an ice champion.

All blades and brawn.

You have inner skating abilities others only dream of.

Whaaaa! Ivyyy! Whoaaa!

When you wake up you will show the world your triple lutz!

Or that you're a triple klutz!

Ho, ho, ho detectives.

'Tis the night before Christmas and ACME's little

elves have work to do.

What's up, Chief?

Carmen's just been spotted near a satellite relay

station in Greenland!

On Dasher! On Dancer!

On Ivy and Zack!

On through the C-Five and bring Carmen back!

Hey that rhymes!

There's nothing "green" about this place!

But there's something red!

And it's not Santa!


You're going down, Carmen.

How right you are, Ivy!



Hey! Ow!

The name's Bond, James Bond.

And I have a license to throw snow balls.



Where'd she go?!



So what? You think she melted?

No! But look!

Ivy: Amazing that a little trickle of water can wear

away such a huge cave.

Zack: Only takes a few thousand years,

but who's counting.


The judges give you a . for style,

but a for persistence.

Let's get her!

Did I forget to mention that ice caves

often have outlets to the sea!

She's submerging!


[alarm siren]





[panting] Thanks, Ivy.

You saved my life!

Let's get outta here before hypothermia turns us into

human popsicles, little bro.



I wonder what Carmen wanted with that

transmission tower anyway.

Player, do a general search Info-Scan.

I think I'm coming down with something.


Ooh, must be a virus, Chief.

You don't look so good.


Whoa pass with caution, this nose makes wide turns.

Chief: Anyway, about those transmission towers

Information is sent through them to satellites that orbit Earth.

Then it's beamed back to other towers.

Telephone calls, weather forecasts,

television signals even bad commercials computers.

They all use 'em, babe.

So, if Carmen stole a tower, she could access

all that information?

But, I still wonder what she was up to?

I mean, she never left us a clue or anything.

Maybe she's shutting down for the holidays,

just like ACME.

After all, it is Christmas Eve.

Chief, run an anti-virus program.

You'll feel better in no time.

I still haven't finished my last minute Christmas shopping.

Merry Christmas, Chief.

Well, here's a list of what you can get me, sis.


Christmas is supposed to be a time of giving, Zack.

So give it up, huh?


I sure hope the Chiefs all right.

Yeah, there's nothing worse than being sick on Christmas

Ow! A paper cut.

I hate paper cuts!

♪ Deck the halls with Zack and Ivy. ♪

♪ Falalalalalalalala Lalala! ♪

Whoa! Hey-hey!

Someone's got their mitts on my microchipsl!

Hey! Ooh! That tickles! Ooh! Aah! Hey!

What's going on here?


With that link-up you created at the radio tower,

I was able to piggyback on another signal and bypass

ACME's security system.

And they thought I was after the tower.

When I was really after you, Chief.

Heeelp! Where am !?!

What's going on!?!

So, what are you gonna do with him, Carmen?

Steal all of ACME's files?

Close down the agency?

It's Christmas, boys.

I just want to spend it with an old friend,

playing a world class game of chess like we did every

Christmas Eve before I became a thief.

Whoa! Carmen Sandiego!!

Haven't seen you in ages.

Good to see you-how-ya-doing-kissy-kissy!

Love your outfit!

You do have an eye for the color red isn't it?

Ahahah. Some of his memory files seem to have been

corrupted in the trans-load, Carmen.

He doesn't remember I'm no longer an Acme agent.

This is going to be a more pleasant Christmas than

I ever imagined.

Whoa! Hey-Ho! It's Christmas all right.

Know how I know? It's snowing in here.


It's more than a memory loss.

He's starting to break up.

He could be wiped out entirely, if I don't--

Don't let that happen, Manny.

Chief, remember our Christmas together in Sweden?

That big jewel theft case, I cracked?

Do I ever!


Chief: You cut those burglars down to size!

And then had time to take in the sites.

And Sweden at Christmas!

Oh, what sites!

The beautiful candlelight processions in memory of

St. Lucia who brought food to the hungry.

And - Ahh!! Oh! Ow!

Probably why the Swedes use battery powered candles

these days.

Oh I've missed you, Chief.

Whoa!! Incoming clue!! Incoming clue!!


Quack! Quack! Quack!

Carmen: A clue? For me?

Chief: Who in the world are Zack and Ivy?

It seems like he's lost more files than we first thought.

Do whatever it takes, Manny.

But don't lose him before Christmas is over.

Chief, word on the street is Zack and Ivy are two of the

smartest new thieves around.

And it looks like we have a new Christmas case on our hands.


"Frohliche Weihnachten, Carmen!

A door knob plus a metal place setting plus an

eyeball," and Ahhh!

Looks more like an April Fool's joke than a Christmas clue.

Hey, hey, Carmen, soldiers carry metal eating kits

in their packs that are called "mess" kits.

Maybe that's a mess kit.


I'll be proud to lead you into a crime anytime

anywhere, Carmen.

I know! I know!

Cross reference German, Christmas, and the military.

How's this for a coincidink.

On the day after Christmas, ,

General George Washington - you remember him - crossed

the Delaware River and launched a surprise attack

on German mercenary soldiers at Trenton, New Jersey.

Hey look, Mo!

This famous picture was painted by Emanuel Leutze,

a German artist!

What about the other three words, boys?

Words schmurds.

I tell 'ya, Carmen, the clue means this painting.

Zack and Ivy are daring you to steal it.

The clue contains four words.

We have "mess," plus eye, plus a tongue depressor.

Or an Ahhhh!

A what?!


Carmen: Wait! Mess-eye-ah.

Messiah. Jesus is also known as the Messiah.

And Christmas is the Christian celebration of

Jesus' birthday.

"Door knob Messiah?"

Am I missing something here?

Carmen: Not if that's a handle.

And the clue is pointing us to Handel's Messiah.

♪ [Handel's messiah]

♪ Halleluja. Halleluja. ♪

And the only autographed copy of this Christmas

musical score is in the British Museum!

Then odds are that's where they want me to go!


We have been humbled.

Eating humble pie munch munch munch.

Chief: Grab your bumbershutes, blokes.

We're headed for London, capital city of the United Kingdom.

I do love a good museum.

Hold it right there, Carmen!

Well, if it isn't London's first ACME Team,

Regis and Barrow.

Tell Ivy and Zack I like their Christmas gift.

There's no exit that way!


♪ Halleluja. Halleluja. Chief:

♪ Halleluja. Halleluja. Chief:



Huh? -Whatl?

Eat your heart out Mary Poppins!

♪ Halleluja. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. ♪

Carmen, I just ran a self-diagnostic,

and I really feel like a game of pong.

Boing! Boing! Boing!

Ooh pong.

I remember this game!

Manny! Do something.

The Chief's losing it completely!

I'm trying, Carmen!

I'm trying!

If you lose him he'll be gone forever.

And that's not what I had in mind for a Christmas

surprise, Manny.

Fix it, please.

Whoa, I think I need glasses.

I'm seeing quadruple!

Oh! A gift! For me?

Incoming clue from Zack and Ivy!

I think I know what they're--

Ooh! I know! Pick me!


People used to really believe in witches!

Chief: A few hundred years ago they used to put people

to death for allegedly being witches!

Eye of a bat or a frog's okay.

There's a Witch Museum in Salem today!


Oh, my wart fell off.

Boys I know what this clue-

We're supposed to go to Salem

and steal something from this museum.

You're flying on the wrong broomstick.

The clue is about Christmas.


In Italy, children believe a witch named La Befana

delivers their presents.

La Befana?

Story is, La Befana was an old woman who followed the

Three Kings when they were trying to find

the Christ child.

She became lost, and legend has it she's still

traveling, delivering presents to children

on January .

Woopl Woop! Dive! Dive! Incoming missiles!

All hands on deckl!

This little piggy went to market.

Okay, now where were we?

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

Christmas around the world.

Check this out!

In Portugal, people welcome the souls of the dead by

scattering crumbs on the ground, at Christmas.

It's called alminhas a penar.

And in France, children put out wooden shoes for Santa

or as they call him, Pere Noel.

Cross reference Christmas and cannons,

focusing the search on Italy.

At the Caste of St. Angelo in Rome they fire cannons to

signal the beginning of the Holy Season!

Then, we're off to Rome!

Capital city of Italy.

Chief: Ciao, Pizza Pals!

Rome is on the horizon.

It was built over two thousand years ago!

Lotta candles on the old birthday cake, eh?

And just like London, Rome is built on two sides of a

river, the Tiber.

That's what they call a Roman Nose.

Because it's roarnin' all over the screen.

Get it? It's a joke!


Hey-ey-ey! What's-at's-at's hap-ap-ap-pening here?!

I'm- m-m scared!


You're just missing some program files, Chief.

We're working on it.

Well, they always said I was a few files short

of a full download.

She won't get away this time!

It was a trap!

Pull me up!

Pull me up!





Raise her! Raise her!

I'll get her!

Pull, Amigos, pull!

I'd say you're at the end of your rope, detectives.

Yes! Whoo!

I thought your Christmas goose was cooked for sure, Carmen.

Game's not over till the Lady in Red sings, boys.

And I'm having too much fun to head home yet.

Chief: Clue alert! Clue alert!

This just in from Zack and Ivy!

You're skating on thin ice with this case, Carmen.

Here's your next clue.

Zero, ten plus cannon, White House?


I'm skating circles around Zack and Ivy.

I'II break this clue and beat them to the new site as well!

Maybe it's not a zero but the letter "O".

Oh, Ten and and what if "cannon sh**ting" really means

the "Boom."

Oh Ten and Boom'?

O Tannenbaum!

It's what the Germans call a Christmas tree!

Chief: Ja, das ist richtig, Fraulein Sandiego!

They want us to go to Germany to steal a Christmas tree?

Carmen: Nope!

They want me to have the National Christmas tree in

Washington, D.C.

What a thoughtful gift.

I would like a Christmas tree.

They got a lotta security in that place Carmen.

Zack and Ivy are leading you there to capture you for sure.

That's why we're not going there, gentlemen.

This "skating on thin ice" business gave me a great idea!

I'm going to steal a tree, all right.

But not the one they expect.

All set, boys.

Not so fast, Carmen!


How did you know I'd come here!?

We knew after two near misses,

you wouldn't risk capture in D.C.

Power of suggestion, Carmen.

Just like my "how to" tapes.

We mentioned thin ice.

Made you think of ice skating.

Made you think of this tree at Rockefeller Center.



Zack! I'll get you!

Look out!

Get her!

Your home for the holidays

is going to be the city jail, Carmen.

This Christmas game's not over yet!


Bringing the tree home is always my favorite part of Christmas.

Time to go home and wait for Santa!

That Carmen Sandiego always has one last move,

doesn't she?

Well, we have the last move in this game, officer.

The Chief wasn't feeling well this morning and when

we went back to ACME to check on him,

we found Carmen had stolen him.

She probably figured we wouldn't notice for days

on account of shutting down for the Christmas holidays.

And I put a secret tracking bug on the gifts so we could

follow her to her hideout and retrieve the Chief

out of her system.

Only she never went home.

Until now!

Player, C-Five us to these coordinates!

Oh, I don't feel so good.

This is it. The Big Sleep.

Goodbye Mr. Microchips.

Sayonara City.

Gotcha, Carmen!

Hold it, Carmen!

Stop them!

Don't let them get away!

Ow. You smell great!

Oh, my hair!

Don't touch it!


Hang on, Chief! I'll I save 'ya!

Here's how Santa comes down the chimney.

There. That should do the trick.


Man, I had the weirdest dream.

I dreamt Carmen was back with ACME.

And you were crooks and there was a witch and -

Say where are we?

It it it was a dream, wasn't it, Auntie Em?

Game, set and match to us, Carmen.

All the exits are blocked.

Not so fast, Ivy.

I haven't given you my present.


Hey-hey, look, Ivy!

This one's for me.

And here's one for you!

There's one for every ACME detective!

Carmen was expecting us?


Look, it's a Carmen doll.

The only Carmen you'll catch is this one.

Merry Christmas.

[dolls repeating]

The only Carmen you'll catch is this one.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas, Carmen.

Carmen: Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!




♪ [Joy to the World]