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04x02 - Trick or Treat

Posted: 07/24/23 16:52
by bunniefuu

Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?

♪ Where is Carmen Sandiego?

♪ Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Tell me

♪ Where is Carmen Sandiego? ♪

♪ Oh, Carmen Sandiego

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

♪ Where on Earth can she be? ♪

Special deilvery from Carmen Sandiego!

Remember, any entry alerts security,

so we've only got two minutes.

Right, Carmen.

Two minutes, to pull this off before the heat arrives.

I got it. You got it?

-I got it. -We got it, boss.

Ah, cable TV. The fabric of our lives.

As the most exciting detective case of the decade unfolds,

we're here with ace ACME detectives,

Ivy and Zack on what promises to be the final

chapter in Carmen Sandiego's long career!

Via hidden video cameras, we'll follow this exciting -


I'm cutting you off, Carmen.



Way to go bro-ski!

Get her to use up precious seconds.

And the factory alarm will bring down the wrath of the

entire Beijing Police Department.

I'm telling you this is great stuff!

Forget taping it for next week.

Cut in with live feed now.

This is history in the making.

Lars, where do you think they get diapers that big?

We interrupt this program with a special live report.

Oh man why do they always cut in to my favorite shows

with this boring news stuff?

Hey it's Carmen!

She is so photogenic, no?

Uh, Mo what's she doing on TV?

Hey, Carmen!

The gig is up!

Let's amscray!




Woo-hoo! We're doing it, little bro!



Here we are live ladies and gentlemen,

covering the greatest arrest of all time!

You should wear white more often, Carmen.



Zack! Lookout!


Aw, man! She got away again!

I can't believe this!


[fireworks] I love to go out with a bang.

Reporter: Oh, what a spectacular exit.

What went wrong, detectives?

Stay tuned, exposé on ACME's ongoing snafus at eleven.



Carmen: But I'll be back.

Aw, when is the Chief gonna Show up?

We've got to fill him in on the case.

[immitating fighter plane sounds]

Hey! What do you think of my Red Baron Halloween costume?

"Top g*n"? Ahh!

Tom Cruise has nothing on me!

And I mean that!

Tomorrow is my fave hair-raising holiday, Halloween!

And wouldn't you know it!?

I can't do a thing with this hair, it's a snake pit.

Aw, man Chief!

We were so close to getting her.

On national television, too!

Well, my pretties I have just the thing to cheer you

up, and your little dog too.

An invitation to the annual ACME Halloween party and you

will be there, you children of the night, you.

Cool, I love Halloween.

Are we gonna have a haunted house, Chief?

Ivy, you know I hate haunted houses.

Zack! Come on!

I was just wearing a dumb costume that time I scared you.

And besides, you were six!

Yeah well, I thought you really were a headless

dentist, okay?

I was scared.

And since then I've hated haunted houses.

[doorbell rings] Small voice: Trick or treat!

Huh? -Aren't they a little early?

Halloween's tomorrow night.

[motorcyle engine revs] It's from Carmen!

Come on!

She's on our turf now!

Huh? She's gone!

She couldn't have just disappeared into thin air!

Yeah, well she just did.

I wonder if this Carmen clue is a "trick",

'cause we didn't give her a "treat."



Take a look, Ivy.

Some kind of ancient mask.

If we could figure out why Carmen left this strange

clue, we'd know what she was up to.

Wowee-kazowee just what I've been looking for,

a Celtic ["seltic"] ritual mask.

A Celtic mask, ["keltic"] isn't it?

Keltic-Seltic, Seltic-Keltic Let's call the whole thing off.

Anyway you mouth it, it means the same thing.

Chief, didn't the Celtic people live thousands of years ago?

Chief: Yuppers!

Scotland, England, Ireland, Wales and France made up an

area of the world populated by a group of people called

the Celts over centuries ago.

Wait a sec.

Wasn't there a Celtic god who was sometimes

represented bynthe head of a horse?

Player Info-Scan Samhain.

Chief: The Celtic people worshipped Samhain,

their Lord of Death.

who, they believed ushered in the winter season.

What? They worshipped an usher?

Aye, come on in, Winter.

Come on, baby.

And every October st, Samhain supposedly called

together all the people who died that year to revisit

their homes.

[whistles] Yoo-hoo, dead people!

So, the Celts carried lanterns and dressed in

masks and costumes to scare the evil spirits away.

Ivy: That's how Halloween began, huh, Chief?

Chief: Hot tip! Get your hot tip!

Hate to bust your clue bust, bust, I mean but,

Carmen was just spotted.

In the Celtic region, Chief?

No way! L.A.!

Outside the Magic Castle in Hollywood, California.

Hollywood! Boy, were we off base with this clue.

Player, C- us to Hollywood and slather on the star treatment.

Chief: Okay, sweethearts, buby babies!

Pack your sunscreen and shades you're jetting from

San Francisco, California, over miles south to

where the jet-set meets the sea, Hollywood!

Holywood's home to world famous landmarks like the

Hollywood sign, the Star's Walk of Fame and the world

renowned Hollywood Bowl, where you can catch a world-

class symphony under the stars.

Ah, me.

[immitating Robin Leach] And Hollywood is part of

the greater Los Angeles area where you will find

expensive mansions that sit smack dab in the middle

of earthquake country!

Just like magic, if the big one hits it could be

Now you see 'em, now you don't!

But be on the lookout, detectives,

because you can find magic of another kind where you're

headed, the Magic Castle.

From an ordinary turn-of-the-century house -

presto-exacto chango - it became a magicians only club.

Zack: I told you I hate haunted houses, Chief.

Ivy: Oh come on, Zack, you know stuff like that's all rigged.

It's just good old fake fun.

Chief: But don't ask a real magician

how his tricks are done.

He or she will never tell.

Abracadabra, next stop, the Magic Castle.

I'm okay, I'm not scared ju-just first night jitters.

♪ [piano music]

That's it! Ahhh!

Huh? Ahh!

Huh? Ahh!


I'm telling you, Ivy, places like this give me the creeps.





[tires screeching]

[tires screeching]

[tires screeching]





Hang onto your lunch, Zack!



Just call me Amelia Earhart.

Amelia Earhart probably crashed,

which is why she was never found.

Just call yourself lucky.


Encore, detectives.

Do it again.

Too bad the news crew isn't here this time.

We can arrange the next best thing.

It's a treat having you around, detectives.

So, for pete's sake, don't get bogged down.




I got the license number.

Let's call the Chief to run it and see who she's working with.

Can we go over it one more time?

We know this is a replica of an ancient rune and the

Scandinavian Vikings used runes kinda like fortune

tellers use tea leaves to tell the future.

Ah, great.

Maybe we'll luck out and some Viking will come by and

tell us where Carmen is.

Zack! We have to bust this clue!

Yeah, right!

Like we figured out the mask clue?

Carmen came here to Hollywood when we thought

she was in Europe.

Face it, Ivy, we're slipping.

Chief: Hot tip. Hot tip!

Cheer up, slipping glum-meisters.

You were right about the mask clue.

It did mean the land of the ancient Celts.

Chief: Yep! Carmen's henchman, Jack O'Lantern,

was spotted in Scotland part of the Celtic region,

stealing get this, 'cause I don't,

a truck filled with turnips.


Guess you could say, Daisy May,

I just fell of the turnip truck. Woo-hoo!

Trick or treat!

Uh, Chief, what's with the turnip jack-O'-lantern?

Chief: Zack, Zack, Zack, and a little more Zack.

Oh ye of little vague connections!

This is a turnip lantern, the great-great grandpapa of

the pumpkin jack-O'-lantern.

Yep, Carmen's definitely on a Halloween jag.

And tonight's Halloween, little bro.

But time's running out.

If this rune means she's in Scandinavia now,

she could be in any one of these three countries.

Let's check out the car's video playback.

Ah, great!

It's a treat having you around,

detectives, so for pete's sake don't get bogged down.

What do you think, Ive?

You know how Carmen loves word play.

Hmm. Pete. Bogged.

Player, info scan Peat Bogs a sec.

Chief: A peat bog is a wetland made of

partly decayed plant matter.

Ivy: And Scandinavians burn peat for fuel!

I think I just got it, Ivy.

Player, Info-Scan the Tollund Man a sec.

The who?

I remember this weird body that was unearthed from a

peat bog in Denmark back in the s.

Chief: Yes.

You'll find the , year old still preserved head of

the Tollund man in the Silkeborg Museum in Denmark.

ISuitably gruesome, and maybe the perfect addition to

Carmen's Halloween collection!

Player, let's check it out!

C- us to Denmark!

Chief: Grab a Danish and hold the "ish" 'cause we're off to

the home of the Danes in beautiful Denmark.

Ah, Denmark birthplace of Hans Christian Anderson

author of "The Little Mermaid."

while you're there if you had the time,

which you don't, you could visit Tivoli Garden,

one of the world's oldest amusement parks.

Whoa! Hot top! Hot tip!

That license you had me run shows Carmen's getaway truck

was a stolen prop truck from a Hollywood horror movie.

Prop truck with scary stuff?

More scary stuff?

Oh, I don't like this, Ive!

Whoa, heads up!



Step on it, Jack.

It's those ACME misfits.

Take the wheel, Zack.

Are you nuts!?


Mind if I hitch a ride?

Outta my way!

Whoa! -Ivy!

Handle it, Zack!

I got my hands full!

Zack, look out!





Where's the brakes!?


Aw, man! Now we're sunk.

They were our only lead to Carmen.

Oh buck up, little bro.

Looks like Candy Korn had a little something

up her sleeve.

An invitation to Carmen's Halloween party in

Ashland, Oregon.

It's party crashing time!

Ashland, Oregon here we come.




Trick or treat!

Thank you.

Ivy, doesn't that witch look like Carmen's henchwoman,

Sara Bellum?

That was fun!

I got a quarter!

Well, if we wanna crash this party,

we're gonna need costumes.

This town goes wild on Halloween.

My inventory's almost gone.

[laughs] Super Chicken. Nice.

That's a chick magnet.

Might have something in the back for you,

young lady, if you can wait.

You go ahead, Zack, I'll catch up.

Why don't I just wait for you, Ivy?


A big boy like you afraid of a haunted house?

Hey! Hey! Hey! I'm not afraid, okay?

Haunted houses aren't real.

I know that.


See? It's not real, I'm not scared.

I'm gone.


Carmen said she'd join the party as soon as she puts

the finishing touches on the haunted house upstairs.

Did 'ya see that stupid chicken?

Come in, Ivy.

Call the news crew and the police,

we're bagging all of V.I.L.E. tonight!

It's fake, all fake.

Uhm, I'm cool.

That guy's not watching me.

It's not real. It's just my imagination.





I knew it wasn't real!

Ha! Busted!




[evil laugh]



Ha! I knew it!

A fake Hollywood movie prop.

Ivy: Zack! Zack!

I gotta tell you something.

Zack. Come in. Emergency!

Ivy! Ivy!

Come in! [screams]


Carmen: Interesting choice of costume, Ivy.

Ivy: And you thought you could escape in that

costume, Carmen?

Oh, yeah.

Swell costume, Ivy!

Who were you gonna fool with that mask!?



Ivy: Zack, come on!

There she is!

I got her!

[muffled shouts]

Sis, you are looking at ACME's finest supper hero

in action.

I'll be inducted into ACME's hall of fame by breakfast!



Well done, Super Chicken!

Trick or treat detectives, this time the trick is on you.

There they are!

Over there! Go get 'em!

Yeah! That's right!

Tell us, how did you feel looking into that

razor-sharp guillotine blade, huh? [laughing]

Man! Carmen, you set us up!

Turnabout is fair play, Zack.

Come on!

She's headed for the basement!


Ah, man!

There they are! Over there!

Reporter: How does it feel to lose Carmen Sandiego

yet another time?

Do you think you'll ever catch her?



Carmen: My treat, player.

So there I was, all alone in a haunted house,

fighting darkness, ghosts, I gotta tell ya,

I was fearless.


Golly gosh, I love Halloween!

The costumes, the jack-o-lanterns, the candy,

the living dead walking the streets,

what fun.

Of course I know it's not real.


