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14x06 - Darkness Calls

Posted: 07/25/23 06:54
by bunniefuu
[suspenseful music playing]


There's this huge vortex.

It's this dark hole.

This area is not healthy

for the living.

I'm afraid that

she's gonna end up dead.

I was at the top of the stairs

and I felt two hands

just pushed me.

You're in a lot

of trouble here.

Like feeling somebody

getting smacked on the face.

[intense music playing]

It could become more

and more violent,

so that could cause death.

Can I have a minute?


It's always been negative.

This is bad.

It wants the person dead.

My name is Amy Allen.


I see dead people.

I saw a lean creature.

I speak to dead people

and they speak to me.

This person

feels like a monster.

But there's only one way

to know if my findings

are real.

They are sucking

the life out of these people.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve DiSchiavi.

I'm a retired New York City

homicide detective.

So how many bodies

are we talking?

And I know every person,

every house has secrets.

It's my job to reveal them.

But Steve and I never speak.

We never communicate

during an investigation.

Until the very end.

-Hmm, I'm not gonna like this.


When we uncover

if it's safe for you to stay.

I'm sorry.

I need to take a break.

Or time to get out.

It wants inside the house

because it wants to k*ll you.


[intense music playing]

[Steve] So I'm in Wilmington,

North Carolina

on the Cape Fear coast.

Seems to be a good name

for this place

because I got a call

from a couple Deb and Elaine,

they are scared

out of their minds.

Whatever the entity

or entities

that are in our house

are affecting our health

and our safety.

It's like attacking us.

So, if you would please

help us,

we have nowhere else to turn.

[Steve] Deb says Amy and I

are her last chance

and if we can't help,

it won't be long

before she's a widow.

[Amy] There's this

huge vortex.

Like it's this dark hole.

This vortex messes

with the living.

So the people can get lost

in what's real

and what's manipulation.

[intense music playing]

This area is not healthy

for the living.


[Steve] Deb, I know

when we spoke on the phone,

you were desperate

and needed our help,

but I got tight

driving up here.

This place is beautiful.

Yeah, I mean,

your home is just...

Should be

in a magazine somewhere.

What's it like living

in this house?

We are just living through

a hell at this point

and I'm so worried

about my wife being hurt.

I'm afraid that

she's going to end up dead.

Why do you think

whatever's here

is going after Elaine?

Do you have any thoughts

on that?

I think

she's more open to the...

the spiritual world.

[Steve] On the phone you said

Elaine used to be a cop

and a firefighter, right?

[Deb] Yes.

Okay. So is it just the two

of you living here?

[Deb] Yes. It's just us.

[Steve] Well, you look happy

in this photo.

[Deb] When we're away

from the house, we are.

[Steve] Okay, how long

have you guys been together?

We've been together

almost years.

So how long have you

lived here, though?

Almost five years.

Almost five years, okay.

So, Deb, I'm obviously going

to do my investigation

on the home and the property.

Is there anything that

you could tell me that

could help my investigation?

Well, the previous owners

that we bought the home from

had a son

who was m*rder*d here in town.

He lived here

for a period of time.

Okay, I'm going to look

into that obviously.

All right, so Deb,

do me a favor

and give me a list of what

you guys are going through.

[Deb] Well, we hear voices.

We have seen shadow figures.

It's become more aggressive

and I really feel that

it's trying to k*ll Elaine

at this point.

It's depleting her life force.

It's definitely affecting her

and her health.

All right, so what do you mean

when you say, it's sucking out

her life force?

About three o'clock

in the afternoon it's...

She's just exhausted

and she has to go lay down.

Is what's going on here

causing you guys to fight

at all?

Elaine says that, for sure.

So what makes you think

that's from the paranormal,

it's just not like

couple stuff?

When we leave

and go on vacation

it's completely different.


-[Deb] Um...

That's why I'm saying,

I think we're at least

influenced by something here.

Your wife is basically

being destroyed slowly.

And you're standing here

watching it happen.

It's devastating.

So we got to fix this.

[Amy] I felt something

following me

that didn't feel

like a person.

It just felt like

a really dark energy.

It's malevolent.

You do feel watched

and stalked by it.

This dark energy

is showing itself to me

as a spider.

And I think it can suck

all of the life force

out of everything.

And I was looking around

and it was like,

everything was dying.

[intense music playing]

This dark nasty presence

can affect the living by,

I believe, like basically

draining their,

their life energy

so that can make them

very ill.

Also, kind of

intrusive thoughts.

Regret, remorse, depression,

over and over and over again.

And I hear somebody being,


"Yeah, it's always been

dark there.

It's always been negative."


What's going on in here?

I see shadow figures

out of the corner of my eyes.

Is it always down here?

Usually in the entryway

and stairway.

-[Steve] Okay, so it's not

in just one spot.


Could it be coming

from outside?

Because, you know,

the road's out here,

is it possible

that's happening?

No, we don't have

that much traffic

and we shut the blinds.

[Steve] Okay. Anything else?

Things are moving

on their own.

Okay. So give me an example.

A lot of times I'll come down

in the morning

and my pictures are moved.


Is anything else moving?

Um, we have like little rocks

that you can hear

being picked up

and put back on a mirror.

So those are moving

and we'll get up

and they'll be moved.

What room is this in?

In the master bedroom.

-Sounds like whatever's here

doesn't want you to sleep.



[Amy] This energy

takes a toll on the living.

Physical and a mental

and an emotional

obviously toll.

The people

who are living in it

are feeling the sense

that this isn't quite right.

There's something wrong

with their reality.

What I want to understand is

this dark thing,

that I know is like stalkerish

and watches.

There's annoyance with this.

[intense music playing]

Okay, the clothes

are all purty

and you come back

and it's like, you know,

this one's here like that,

you know.

And you're like, "No, no, no.

I definitely had that pillow

over there." [bleep]

"All right. All right."

And it's like constantly

[bleep] doing [bleep]

like that.

And this thing likes this,



So what's going on in here?

I felt the bed shake.

Can you show me how hard

it was when it happened?

Sure. It was like this.

-Okay, so substantial.


Anything else physical

like that happen?

I've been touched.


Across my jaw

and one time

while I was standing

in this bedroom,

I felt like a force, full,

straight down my spine.

How did you react?

I like pulled my clothes off

because I thought something

was crawling on me.

-You mean, like, like

a spider or something?

-[Deb] Yeah.

-[Steve] What else?

-I've been choked.

Choked, explain what happened.

-I was sound asleep.


And woken about :

in the morning

and it felt like there

was actually something

in my throat

and I was having

a hard time breathing.

-So it had freaked you out

a little bit.

-[Deb] Yeah.

I was quite scared.

I know you're worried

about your wife,

but you're having some stuff

happen to you.


Hopefully we can get something

figured out and how to fix it.

[Amy] The dark energy,

that spider looking thing,

it's everywhere.

That thing is freaking them

the [bleep] out.

Someone is being touched

and, and messed with here.

I see a woman.

She's not seeing anything

just feeling the hands

and like grabbed, like here,

I'm thinking.

And she's like yanking back.

They're scared, they're scared

and they're having

all of those experiences.

Like, feeling somebody

getting smacked on the face.

This is bad.

[intense music playing]

[Steve] So Elaine, Deb told me

that she thinks whatever here

is trying to k*ll you.

I mean... And you

agree with that?

I do.

So talking to Deb

and I asked her, you know,

how your relationship's going

because of all this?

She said you guys are,

kind of, fighting a little bit

more than normal.

A little bit?


I'm ready to take a break

and just drive on out

the driveway.

-And you don't think it's

just relationship stuff?

-[Elaine] I mean...


No, we've been together

for almost years.

So, obviously,

you've had experiences.

Can you tell me

about some of them?

I've seen all kinds

of shadow figures

all over the house.

Describe what you're seeing.

Very tall shadow figures,

maybe seven foot tall.



I saw one in my bedroom

and it had legs

and it moved

from the closet area

and it moved through the bed

and just disappeared

through the wall.

So, Elaine,

when I was talking to Deb,

she told me that

you were a firefighter

and a cop as well.

I got to assume like me,

I've seen the worst

of the worst

and I have PTSD from it.


Do you think that whatever's

happening to you...

here with the paranormal,

the PTSD is getting triggered?


-[Steve] You don't?

No, I...

I can tell the difference

between the two.


I don't have an explanation

for what's happening.

It sounds like it's trying

to drive you guys crazy.

It is.

I feel like I'm going crazy

with it.

[Amy] So somebody

has seen a figure

and it is this dark energy.

So, they've seen a form.

That's interesting.

This living person was r*ped.

They're actually kind of

creating a person

out of this energy

and that's pretty interesting.

So this person's created

a shadow figure

that looks like

their attacker.


What is it that

they're seeing?

This is a young male.

Short hair.

Like a professional aura.

Like, someone who's

like nine to five, clean cut.

They've actually given it,

like, a existence in like

a shape.

It's become

kind of physical in a way.

Obviously, they must have

some kind of ability.

Okay, shadow figures.

We got that.

What else

are you experiencing?

I was sitting watching TV

one night on the couch

and I felt a really bad

burning sensation on my back.

Okay, what was it?

Well, I asked Deb

to look at it

because I thought

that something had bit me

and she lifted my shirt up...

and this is what...

she saw.

[Steve] And this just

came out of nowhere?

Out of nowhere

and it hurt for a long time.

All right, anything else?

I was at the top of the stairs

and I felt two hands

on my back,

and it was a pretty

hard shove.

I reached around and grabbed

the handrail with both hands

and if I hadn't have,

I would have went straight

down the... the stairs.

[Steve] Obviously,

if you would have fell,

you could have broke

your neck.

-It would have busted

my head wide open.

-[Steve] Right.

You know, as tough as you are,

you know, your background,

I'm surprised you didn't run

the hell out of here,

because I think

I might have ran out.


Okay, anything else?

Since we've moved in

my health has completely

went downhill.

You know, when I spoke

to Deb earlier,

she mentioned that.

Um, explain to me

what's going on with you?

-I stay tired all the time.

-Sounds like depression.

I know and I'm not...

I don't feel depressed.

[Steve] Do you feel abused?

I do by something

that I cannot see.

You're in a lot

of trouble here.

This has got to stop.

[intense music playing]


What kind of effect

would all this have

on somebody that spends

a lot of time here?

This dark energy,

I think being exposed to it

could make you sick,

uh, because it k*lled.

It was, it was k*lling,

just sucking the life

out of everything.

[intense music playing]

It's sucking the life

out of people,

feeling off constantly.

Never feeling quite right.


Questioning your sanity.

Uh, questioning your reality.


there's physical interaction

with this thing as well,

which is dangerous

and traumatizing.

I think that

they could get very ill,

if not, even die from it.

[intense music playing]


So, one of the first calls

I made when I got to town

was the local professor

who's helped me out before.

She tells me

one of the earliest owners

of Deb and Elaine's property

had nothing but heartbreak

from the second he set foot

on the land.

Well, professor,

it's good to see you again

and thanks for helping me out.

No problem.

So who was this early owner

with all the bad luck

you told me about?

Well, his name

was Luke Hill McClammy

and he was born

in Wilmington in .

When does Luke wind up

buying my client's property?

Luke bought it in

and he was just married.

He and his wife Mary

wanted to start a family

at that point.

So you told me he had nothing

but heartbreak when he got

onto my client's property.

What happened?

Five years after he'd bought

the property,

his first son, Worth McClammy,

d*ed in infancy.


-[Angela] And then,

in ,

there were two deaths.

One was his daughter, Francis,

and also Luke's twin brother,

David, d*ed of unknown causes.

Oh! Jeez!

-This guy can't catch a break.

-No, he really can't.

Luke's last remaining child,

Julian, d*ed at the age of .

Do things ever get better

for this guy?

Only for about years.

And then in ,

Luke's beloved wife, Mary,

was outside in the morning

feeding the chickens

as she usually did

and she dropped over dead

from a heart att*ck.


I mean, is anybody else

alive in this family?


No, he's totally alone

and he decides

having nobody left

to give the property to,

in , he sold half of it.

He sold the other half in

and then exactly two months

to the day after he signed

the deed selling his property,

Luke himself d*ed.

[Steve scoffs]

[Steve] All right.

Does that say

the cause of death

as exhaustion?

[Angela] It does,

exhaustion and anemia.

He certainly, probably d*ed

from a broken heart as well.

Wow, what a shame!

[Amy] This huge vortex,

I believe is somehow

collecting dead people.

This area has a lot

of random dead people

from I believe

quite a long period of time.

And so, I do think

it's a possibility that

there may be, you know,

dead coming and going.

[Steve] So far,

I've got clients terrified

that the dead are trying

to rip them apart

on a property

where one of the first owners

suffered nothing

but heartbreak and tragedy.

[elevator dings]

But I got to see

if there's anything else.

Searching through

the archives,

I found a freak storm

that destroyed dozens of boats

back in the late s.

But one boat just vanished

into thin air,

that is until a few years ago.

I reached out

to a local historian who says,

I won't believe what happened

to the wreckage

from that ship.


So, Robert, I appreciate you

helping me out with this case.

So what can you tell me

about this ship?


The John S. Lee,

it was originally built


and it probably looked

something about like that.

[Steve] This is not the ship,

-but this is what

it would've looked like.


All right, so we know the ship

went down, when did it leave

port for the last time?

It left Wilmington

on April th .

It was headed to Venezuela

with a cargo of lumber.

What was the crew like?

How many people on board?

On board a typical schooner,

you would have had a crew

of six to eight men.

All right, so what went wrong?

Well, two days into the trip,

a massive storm

hits the North Carolina coast.

It was huge.

We're talking

torrential rains,

gale force winds.

At least vessels

were damaged or lost at sea

including the John S. Lee.

I got to assume

with that much damage

and all those ships

some of this stuff

had to wash up on shore.

Yeah, for weeks bodies

and wreckage were washing up.

[Steve] I know from

my research that John S. Lee

was found pretty recently.


Yeah, it was basically lost

to history until .

And then, remains

of a shipwreck were discovered

on a place

called Figure Eight Island,

about two miles

from your client's property.

So, now you mentioned

on the phone

I'd be really surprised

as to what was done

with the ship's wreckage.

Yeah, a local couple

decided to build a house

on Figure Eight

and they use part of it

in the design.

[Steve] So part of this house

is actual wood

from our ship that went down?


That's right.

I mean, kind of creepy

using wood from a ship

that went down.

I got my reservations

about that.

Yeah, I agree.

One good thing is that now

we know what happened

to that ship.



I look down and I see

two inches of muck.

I'm walking through

and I realized that

it's decomposed bodies.

Yeah, there's a lot of bodies.

There's like pieces,

like, pieces of people.

I don't feel good down here.

I feel very sick down here.

I don't know

if it's all these...

pieces of people

are like, crying.

They're like, asking for help,

they're crying,

they're screaming,

they're tormented.

What the [bleep]

with these dead people?

They all feel like lost.

I think they're all stuck

in this vortex.


-[Amy] And it did...

It took in these dead people.

I mean, they've said

it's been here forever, so...

It's always been that way,

they said.

It's always been that way.

There's too many.

What does that mean?

How many roughly?

[scoffs] Hundreds.

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[Steve] Deb mentioned that

the son of a previous owner

was m*rder*d.

I can't tell you how

often clients get

this kind of stuff wrong,

but I did some digging

and it's true.

I'm heading back to the house

to meet a local

television reporter

who says it all started

with a bizarre love triangle.

[Steve] So, Ashlea, thanks

for looking into this for me.

I appreciate it.

Before we get into the details

of the homicide,

what do we know

about the victim?

The victim in this case

was a -year-old man

by the name

of Martin Yakimovich.


In , his father

and stepmother moved

into your client's house.

We think that this was

actually his room at the time.

When was the m*rder?

The m*rder was in .

So I got to assume

he wasn't living here

at the time

because he was an adult

when he got m*rder*d.

Yes, he was living about

ten miles from here

with his girlfriend

at the time, Molly.

Anything about

their relationship

that we know of?

We do know that Martin

traveled a lot for work

leaving Molly

in their three-bedroom home

for stretches of time.

Okay. All right.

So she's lonely.

So what happens next?

She is lonely and she meets

a teenager online,

-year-old Shelby Lentz,

and then she asks Martin

if Shelby can move in

with them.

She was lonely,

Shelby needed a place to stay

and they had the extra space

at their house

and in a fateful decision,

Martin agrees.

I'm assuming, at one point,

they probably start

sleeping together?

Correct. Martin comes home

from a trip in December


and finds that

Shelby and Molly

were sleeping together

behind his back.

He is furious

and he kicks Shelby out.

Does he break up

with her at this point?

No, they stay together.

So what happens next?

On January rd ,

Martin comes home

from another work trip

and finds that Shelby

moved in again

while he was away.

-There is a huge argument.


And that's when Shelby

comes up right behind Molly

and stabs Martin in the chest.

All right,

so he's got a chest wound now.

How bad was it?

[Ashley] The Kn*fe

pierced his heart.

[Steve] Okay.

So he bleeds out.

So what happens with our perp?

Shelby turned himself

into police two days later.

But he claimed

this whole thing

was self-defense.

In a jailhouse interview

with us,

he said that Molly

and Martin were fighting.

That Martin

was the aggressor here.

But as it turns out,

Molly did not back up

that story

and the autopsy report shows

that there are no indications

that Martin was the aggressor

in this case.

Do they charge him

and does he go to trial?

What happens?

A year later,

Shelby confesses in court

to second-degree m*rder

and he's sentenced

to to years in prison.

[Steve] Eighteen to years,

I mean that's a plea deal.

[Ashley] Yeah, Martin's father

felt that he got off easy.

He turned to him

during sentencing and said,

"God will deal with you."

A year later, he moved out

of your client's house.

[Amy] I'm seeing like,

uh, male late teens,

early s...

m*rder*d in this area.

He was thin, probably about

five-foot-seven to five nine.

He had frosted

dyed blonde hair,

like a skater boy haircut.

This was in anywhere

from until now.

He was beaten

and left for dead.

It was night time

when this happened

and he's angry.

This is bad.

[Amy] I saw several

disturbing things on my walk,

but two stood out.

First, the many pieces

of dead people

in the basement.

So there's like a wall.

In that I could see

these little pockets,

and in those little pockets

were like,

these little bubbles,

and inside the bubbles

were all different people.

Next, I describe

the shadow figure

who looks like the person

who att*cked a living woman.

Both of his, um, hands

were on his knees

and he's completely straight

and he's looking

at the person in the bed.

And so, his hair

is a little bit shorter

and neater.

Amy, is this what you saw?

Yes, that's what I saw.


Now that Amy and I have

completed our investigations,

we're ready to reveal

our findings to each other

and our clients

for the first time.

So, guys, this is Amy.

She's going to be

doing the reveal

from a separate room,

so she could focus

on your case

and the dead

without any distractions.

Amy meet Deb and Elaine.

This was supposed to be

their forever home

and as you can see,

it's absolutely beautiful.

But since they moved in,

their life has gone to hell.

It's so bad...

Deb thinks that

whatever's here

is trying to k*ll Elaine.

We're their last hope

and these guys are praying

you could find some way

to make this place

safe for them.

So unless Amy's

got some questions,

she'll tell us about her walk.


Well, one thing that I got

when I first arrived

was a violent death

and the victim was a male.

He was m*rder*d.

He was on the younger side.

I would have put him

in his s.

What I picked up

about how he d*ed was that

he was beaten

and left for dead.

I did see this happening

at night

and I felt that this was

relatively recent,

uh, maybe in the s.

You looking at me, like,

you're thinking

what I'm thinking?

[both] Mm-hmm.


Deb, you gave me a tip

that actually checked out.

I think the victim

of this m*rder

you're talking about

was a guy

named Martin Yakamovich.

His dad owned this house

and when he was a kid,

we believed that this was

the room he stayed in.

But by the time of the m*rder,

his dad still lived here

but Martin was

ten miles away,

living with

his girlfriend, Molly.

Now, he traveled

a lot for work

and Molly got lonely

and started a relationship

with a -year-old kid

named Shelby Lentz.

So in December of ,

Martin caught them in bed

together and threw Shelby out.

But, just a few weeks later,

in January of ,

Martin came home one night

and found them two

in the bed again.

Oh, my God!


They had a huge fight.

Things got really heated.

So about o'clock

that night,

Shelby grabs a Kn*fe

and plunges it right

into Martin's heart

and pierces it.

Oh, damn!

Shelby pleaded out

to second-degree m*rder

and he got an

to -year sentence.

I got his mug sh*t here.

[Amy] He looks like

a little child.

[Steve] He was

when he did the m*rder.

So the father was so upset

about the whole thing,

he actually moved

out of here a year later.

How long did they live here?

-Over years.

-[Steve] Yeah,

they were here long.

-[Amy] Really?

-[Steve] Yeah.


Okay, interesting.

Well, that makes me

even more concerned.


So what else you got, Amy.

[Amy] The land your house

sits on has me very worried

and that's because

there's a vortex.

It somehow is like

collecting bodies.

I was walking and I could see

like, two inches of this muck

and then I realized

it was like

these decomposing bodies.

And I was like,

"This is like

just very bizarre."

So I came across a ton

of deaths in my research.

But for now I'm just going

to tell you about one of them.

It happened in April of

when a freak storm came

and caught everybody

off guard.

So now there was boats

that were lost or damaged

during the storm.

So now bodies wind up

washing up on shore for weeks

less than a mile from here.

One ship the John S. Lee

was never recovered.

That was until ,

when a local couple

found the debris nearby

and used it

to decorate the house

that they were building

less than two miles from here.

It was all wood that was

recovered from this boat.

-Oh, my gosh!


Is that a bad idea, to kind of

use the wood from a boat

where people d*ed?

Yeah, that wouldn't be

a great idea.

When I came down

to the basement,

I saw people

from all different

time periods.

I feel very sick down here.

I don't know if it's all these

pieces of people

are like crying,

they're like asking for help,

they're crying,

they're screaming,

they're tormented.

You okay?

You got

a pretty strong reaction

to what she was saying.

That's where I spend

all my time,

is in the basement.

I did have a sketch done

of what I saw down there.

Kind of creepy.

That looks evil.

That looks awful.

And they're trapped there?

It makes me not want

to go back down there.

[Steve] It's a pretty

interesting walk already.

What else did you come across?

[Amy] Now here's like,

the really serious issue

for you guys in particular.

When I was coming up

to the house

there was this dark energy.

It drains the life force

out of things.

Like, when I was walking up,

I literally...

It's showing me, like,

it's coming up

and the grass

is dying behind it,

because it's absorbing

that energy.

So that goes,

if you have humans,

really not good.

Because it does drain

you guys,

which can lead to illness.

I can sleep all night long,

get up, and two hours later

I'm ready to go back to bed

and sleep all day long.

One of the things

that I saw upstairs,

there's a bed

with a bunch of pillows on it

and a blanket

at the end of the bed.

Okay, so you make it.

It's all nice.

You leave. You come back.


the blanket's still folded,

but it's turned down

and the pillows moved.

So I think that over time,

living here would make

you feel like

you're losing your mind.

Things move. Um...

Everything from certain

pictures, canvases

in our house,

the cabinets will open,

we'll hear things move.

It's gotten to the point

where I felt like

I was losing my mind.

One of the things that I got

that this energy does

to people is that

it can give people

intrusive thoughts.

It tries to draw out of people

this kind of remorse

and depression and regret.

Over time, I believe

this could really take

a very serious mental

and emotional toll on someone.

Well, you guys mentioned

that this,

whatever's been going on here,

it's been taking a toll

on your relationship

and your marriage, right?

It's been a struggle.

Yeah, it's like

it's pitting us

against each other.

Well, you guys are functioning

in like, negative hell.


So, when I went upstairs,

I went into the bedroom

on the right.

That's their bedroom.

I sensed that the living

in there had abilities.

[Steve] So, you think

it's both of them.

I honestly,

I think it's Elaine.

Yeah, I think

she's always been more open

and sensitive.

Because of your abilities,

somehow you are giving a form

and a shape,

uh, to this dark energy.

So, the way that I perceived

this energy

was this huge, like,

black spider.

But you're seeing it

as a person.

A kind of clean cut,

kind of younger male.

He was sitting on the steps

near the bed, like, staring.

I felt that this person

had some kind of role

in your life

that was pretty significant

and there's some kind of

trauma with him

from your past.

And I saw a living woman

being held down

and att*cked by this male,

and I did have a sketch

done of what I saw.

It's a chandelier, all right,

but you're not going to like

what you see next to it.


[Amy] I would have put him

in the s,

but I did feel like

that there was sexual trauma

in the past.

-Can I have a minute?

-Yeah, of course.

She figured you would pick up

on it.

But it's not something

that she really wants

to discuss, obviously.

So, let me just check on her.


-I'm sorry.

-[Steve] No.

-Listen, you just relax.

-[Elaine sighs]

-I'm sorry.

-Don't be.

You hit the nail on the head.

I'm sorry.

Don't apologize. [scoffs]


So then I saw this thing

getting really physical

and I saw some touching.

There was a female.

I felt like getting smacked

on my face,

getting grabbed

by the shoulder.

We were just watching TV

and I felt a really bad

burning sensation on my back.

I asked Deb to look at my back

and she was like, "Oh my God!"

And she snapped a picture

and that's what she saw.

-The well?

-[Steve] Yeah, the well.

[Amy] Boy!

[Steve] Amy, Deb's been

touched a few times.

So, Deb, do me a favor

and tell Amy about,

what you described

as like, like a choking?

I was awakened at like

three something in the morning

and I woke up choking.

It wasn't like pressure

on my neck.

It was actually

inside my throat.

Tell Amy about you getting

pushed on the stairs.


I was going down the stairs

and I got to about

the third step

and I felt two huge hands.

It pushed me

and I caught myself.


And if I hadn't have,

I would have fell completely

down the steps.

My worry is that

it could become more

and more violent

as far as att*cks

are concerned.

So that, obviously,

could potentially cause death.

I'm actually,

kind of surprised

that Elaine didn't pick up

on it when we were looking

at this house.

What Deb wants, Deb gets.

I really would have thought

that Elaine

would have picked up

on the land being bad.

And so, this is kind

of heartbreaking.

Well, I'm not Amy Allen.

And I know a lot of sensitives

including myself

who have been duped

and moved into

really [bleep] up places,

so it happens to all of us.


I can see the stunned look

on your faces,

and honestly,

I feel the same way.

So now is the big question.

Is there any way to make

this house safe for you guys,

living happily ever after,

or not?

For that answer I'm going

to turn it over to Amy.

[Amy] This is

a very beautiful home.

But I think you guys know

what I'm going to say.

When I saw what I saw here,

I knew that nobody

should have ever built,

built here.

No nobody should live here.

This should have just

been left alone.

I think it's not healthy

for anybody...

to stay here.

Unfortunately, I know

that's not the answer

you guys wanted to hear.

It's just a house.

[Steve] What about you?

It's not worth staying here

and having

to continually worry

and to give up our happiness.

When they move

to a new location

that doesn't have any issues,

will she start to feel better?

Will their relationship

get better?

Yeah, I mean absolutely.

Where's the "For Sale" sign?

You guys are young.

You have a long life

ahead of you just...

try and make the best

of it.

What we've built here,

we can do again.

And I just have to look at it

that way.

[Amy] I feel really bad

for Deb and Elaine,

but in a situation

as dangerous as this,

I think it's best they leave

their home.


they take my advice,

leave this dark negative

energy behind,

and get a fresh start

somewhere new.

Hi, Steve and Amy.

We wanted to give you

an update at what's going on

in our house.

The activity has continued

and actually has increased.

Because of Amy's findings,

we've decided to take

her advice and sell the house

and move on to hopefully

a better place.

So, thank you so much

for coming and investigating

and letting us know

what was happening.

[suspenseful music playing]