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14x08 - They Come at Night

Posted: 07/25/23 06:55
by bunniefuu
[Amy] I saw seven people,

whatever they did was evil.

They're very angry

about something.

I've seen an apparition

of Nikki's friend Sean,

who's passed in the hallway.

The paranormal k*lled him.

If he's here, I feel like

he's trying to protect me.

It's freaking me out.

Approximately died.

They must have thought

it was the end of the world

when this happened.

I think she might be

trying to k*ll you.

[Toni speaking]

[Amy] I'm hearing the

dead lady saying,

"Why won't you help us?

Why won't you help us?"

It wants the person dead.

My name is Amy Allan.

I see dead people.

I saw a lean creature.

I speak to dead people,

and they speak to me.

This person feels like

a monster.

But there's only

one way to know

if my findings are real...

They're sucking the life out

of these people.

...I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve DiSchiavi.

I'm a retired New York City

homicide detective.

So how many bodies

we talking'?

And I know every person,

every house, has secrets,

it's my job to reveal them.

But Steve and I never speak...

We never communicate

during an investigation.

...until the very end.


-You're not gonna like this.

When we uncover

if it's safe

for you to stay...

I'm sorry,

I need to take a break.

Or time to get out.

It wants inside a house

because it wants to k*ll you.


[Steve] I'm in Flatwoods,

Kentucky. It's a small city

along the Ohio river.

I got a desperate call from

a woman named, Nikki.

She told me, she

always dreamed

of owning a home

in the middle of nowhere.

Let me tell you,

mission accomplished,

but Nikki said,

shortly after she

and her sister moved in,

all hell broke loose.

My life is just terrible,

and I know it's these things

affecting me.

I know that they

are destroying me,

and now ultimately, I think

they want to take my life.

[Steve] Nikki believes

whatever's in her house

has already k*lled

one of her friends,

and now it's coming after her.

I'm really hoping

we can help her out.

[Amy] Oh, boy.

What is this?

There are a ton of graves,

and I just saw them

over there.

I saw seven people,

they're all in black,

and like the women have

like the big hats

and the thick veils,

and it's two men

and five women.

I think they're mourning

the loss of loved ones,

but I feel fear of them

so I feel like they have

bad intentions here.

[Steve] So Nikki,

this is a nice house

in a beautiful area.

-[Nikki] Thank you.

-[Steve] I mean,

-you should be

happy living here...

-I should.

...but you're not,



-So, what's going on?

The paranormal activity

is unbelievable.


-I see all kinds of spirits,

they make my day

a living hell.

So Nikki, you said on

the phone that you believe

the paranormal

k*lled one of your friends,

explain to me

why you think that it is.

Yes, I, I believe

my friend, Sean,

he was my best friend

of years.

I believe that...

the paranormal k*lled him.

What did he die of?

Heart problems.

-How old is he?

-Uh, .

I'm curious, he died here?

No, he died at his home.

So what makes you think

it's paranormal?

He was a young, healthy guy.

It's easy

to blame his heart...

but I feel like they did it.

Do you think he's here?

Yeah, I'll, I'll hear my name,

and it's his voice.


-I heard him one day say,

"Nikki, be careful."

If he's here, I feel like

he's trying to protect me.

I've no doubt.

Thank you.

[Steve] So let's start

with some basics.

Who all lives in the house?

My sister and I,

Toni, um,

-I got a picture,

if you wanna see it.


How long have you guys

lived here?

[Nikki] I've been here

for three years and she's

been here for the last year.

[Steve] Do me a favor

and give me a list

of what you guys

are going through here.

[Nikki] I feel drained,

seeing shadow figures,

and we're getting

physically att*cked,

and me and my sister

are fighting a lot.

How bad are the fights

with you and your sister?

It's really bad.

It got physical.

It did?

She hit me and I hit her.

[Steve] So what makes

you think this is paranormal?

I pretty much raised her

since she was ten years' old

and nothing has

ever happened like this, ever.

So... being you, you recognize

there's something paranormal

and bad is here,


what do you think it wants?

I think it ultimately wants

to k*ll me slowly,

destroy me.

I have a friend that

actually tucked me in bed.


It's embarrassing, but...

yeah, uh, she'll turn

the light out for me.

-Are you kidding me?


[Nikki sniffles]

It's embarrassing.

It's not embarrassing, it's,

it's a tragic way of living.


That's hard.

I'm so thankful you're here,

and I'm hoping

to get some answers.

-[Steve] Well, that's what

we're here for.

-I'm relieved.

[Amy] These seven mourners

are an issue

because the way

that they're affecting

me physically

is how I would think the,

the living would feel them.

They make you feel scared,

they're very angry

about something.

I think that the living

would feel this anger.

They may act out on it.

These mourners,

the living may see them,

uh, going back and forth.

[Matthew] What is it that

they're seeing?

[Amy] Possibly shadow figures.

They may have seen, uh,

like a full-on apparition.

[Steve] So what's going on?

I see shadow figures

all over the house.

[Steve] Do they all

look the same?

Can you describe 'em?

They're blacker than black,

the blackest you've ever seen,

and that's them.

You're positive it's not

people walking by or...

-[Nikki] Positive.

-...animals outside,

nothing like that?

I leave all my blinds

closed at night.

The lights will be on

and I'll still see 'em.

[Steve] Do they do anything?

Um, they physically drain me.

And I also think that

they're messing with my mind,

because I'll set a task to do

and I'll go in circles

and do other things before

I can make my way back to it.

-[Steve] All right.

-It's like

I'm scatter brained.

All right, so you got

a lot going on.

What else?

Every single night I wake up

and there are spirits

standing all around me.

When you, when

you say spirits,

-these are all people, right?

-[Nikki] People.

Do they say anything?

A lot of 'em say, "Help me,"

or "I wanna go home."

When you say, they,

how many we talking?

There's about eight

that stand around my bed.

In the past, people that

have had those experience

wind up being mediums.

Has anybody ever, uh,

told you,

you might have mediumship?

No, I've had a lot

of weird things happen,

but nobody's ever

told me that.

[Amy] What is going on?

I feel somebody

with abilities.

I'm feeling somebody

maybe in their s.

I feel longer hair,

she's like a medium.


I'm seeing the mourners here,

I'm seeing the mourners there,

like coming in, coming in.

The living may see them.

I'm hearing

the dead lady saying,

"Why won't you help us?

Why won't you help us?"

It's very aggressive.

So I'm hearing

a female being like,

"Get the [bleep] away from me.

Get the [bleep] out."

So I think that this

living person is exhausted

from being, you know,

dealing with this

and not getting sleep

and being drained,

and it triggered like

a real illness.

You know what I'm saying?

Like something bad.

[Steve] Anything else?

I've been touched

all over my body.

Okay. So, how are you

being touched and where?

Brush against my shoulder,

tap me on my back,

rub my hair.

Does it feel like

a human hand?

[Nikki] Oh, yeah.

-[Steve] Can you tell

if it's a male or a female?


Okay, so what else?

And I had a nightmare

and in the nightmare I was...

sexually assaulted,

and I woke up the next morning

and I had bruises all over

my private area.

I've never been

a victim before

and talking about it,

it just, it embarrasses me

that something paranormal

did this to me

and I can't fight back.

Don't be embarrassed,

because I'm listening to you.

Okay? Just...

-[Nikki sniffles]

-I'm not here to judge you.

If Amy says you can't

fix this, you have to leave...

-I'll find a way to leave.


[Nikki] I'll have to,

I can't live like this.

I need you guys, I really do.

[Amy] These mourners are

surrounding the bed

of this person, this female.

They're standing there,

they're standing there.

If this person falls asleep,

it goes bad, it goes sideways.

-[Matthew] What does

that mean?

-Uh, 'cause they can't then,

like, protect themselves.

They're touching

her ankles and...

and her feet.

I think it's the dead lady

who's pushing on the chest,


I can't [bleep] breathe now,

like they were

crushed to death.

I think they might be

like trying to k*ll her.

So Toni, Nikki says

you guys have been

at each other's throats.

I mean, how bad has it gotten?

It's gotten

to where it got violent.

She's blaming it all

on the paranormal,

that's one of the reasons

she called us in.


-Uh, do you

agree with that?


She's turned into someone

and myself also,

um, when we start fighting,

we get so enraged,

and she's never been the type

to be confrontational.

You know lately...

I feel like she hates me.

You know she doesn't.

I know.

[Steve] Okay, can you tell me

about some of the experiences

you've had?

I've seen an apparition

of Nikki's friend, Sean,

who's passed, in the hallway.

Did he look like he was when

he was alive?

Did he look any different?

He looked like

he was when he was alive.

Okay. Now your sister, Nikki

thinks he's here, do you?

I definitely think

Sean's here at times,

I think, that's what's

kept us safe so long.

All right, anything else?

Lately, I've been hearing

a series of like four knocks

on the wall.


-From either the wall

in my sister's bathroom

or on the very far wall

in her room.

-How loud is it? Can you,

ca... can you show me?

-[Toni] Yeah,

it's kind of...


-All right.

-And it's four knocks

every time.

And how often would you say

it's happening?

I myself have heard it

five or six different times.

So wh... what,

what do you think is here?

I don't know what's here,

but I would hate to see

my sister leave her home

because, you know,

this was kind of like

her dream home,

and I just want her

to have peace.


[Amy] Okay, I can't

with that...

I just... Oh, my God!

I saw some man

who's definitely dead,

uh, and he is like

bouncing off the [bleep] walls

and the ceiling,

making like, thumping noises,

I guess.


Does anybody

who lives here now have

any interaction with him?

Oh, they hear him,

for damn sure

and he's [bleep] pissed.


I don't even know anybody

who could be in this room,

or like... Oh, my God,

my head's spinning,

he's draining,

very draining energy.

He makes you very agitated,

uh, very dizzy,

scrambles your brain

so you can't think straight.

So, Sherri,

I understand that

you're Nikki's good friend

and you were Sean's...



-My condolences.

I'm very sorry for your loss.

-Thank you.

Nikki's told me

some crazy stuff

that's going on here.


Have you had experiences yet?

Yeah, I see a tall,

dark, shadow figure

in the house.

I've seen it multiple times.

Does it look like a human?

It's got the outline

of a shoulders, neck,

head but...


...I mean, you can't see

anything, it's just black.

Okay, and you don't believe

it's a shadow

-coming in from

the outside somehow.

-No, because we've seen it.

I mean,

we see it at night-time

and there's no way there's

of the shadow coming from

the outside.

-She keeps her blinds closed.

-All right.

All right. So this shadow,

he didn't look

anything like Sean did, right?


-[Steve] Nothing like that?


-Can you physically describe

what, uh, Sean looked like?


I have a picture of him

if you wanna see it.

He was a good looking guy.

[Sherri] He was, and he was,

he was a really,

really great person.

You know, it's hard

to talk about,

but Nikki thinks

that whatever's here

might have contributed

to Sean's death.

In a way,

I think maybe it might have.

Now, do you think

he's still around?

Do you think he's here?

I hope not.

[Amy] There's another

dead guy,

and he's like yelling

and screaming.

I don't know if

it was like a neighbor

or like he lived...

I don't know if he lived here

or he lived at that house.

I see like, you know,

uh, brown hair, I think,

and he's, he's you know,

he's a big guy.

This would be,

uh, fairly recent.

There's a lot of anxiety...

fear, panic

and he's yelling 'cause it,

you know, he's having

a heart attack.

He was calling it hell.

[Steve] So I just got

a call from an historian

I've worked with before,

he did some digging for me

and hit the jackpot.

Turns out

one of the first owners

of Nikki's property


a whole bunch of family deaths

from the moment they set

foot on the land.

Before we get into

this family's bad times

on my client's property, uh,

what do we know about it?

The Powell family

is some of the first

to own your client's property.


-Their patriarch was

a man named, Charles Powell.

While they're owning the land,

they have eight kids

and grandkids.

Jesus, that's a lot of kids.

[Steve] I know things

do start to go wrong,

when did that happen?

Pretty much right from

the beginning, Steve.

They buy

the property in ...


-[Matt] ...and by ,

the family has already

experienced three deaths.

The first two were children.

Now, unfortunately,

we do not know their names,

but importantly, in ,

Charles, who was years old

at the time, passes away.

[Steve] Do we know

what he died from?

Unfortunately, no.

Okay, so now...

are things getting

better for them

after all this?

No, in ,

Ellen's daughter, Lizzy

loses a -month-old baby girl

to meningitis.


winds up being even worse

for the family.

The oldest son, Thomas...

-[Steve] Okay.

-...he loses his

one-month-old son, Carl,

to whooping cough.

In October,

Lizzie dies of peritonitis,

a ruptured appendix.

[Steve] Ooh! Does it get

any better for these guys?

Well, the s

are pretty quiet

-for the family, Steve...

-[Steve] Okay.

...but really,

that's just kind of the calm

before the storm.

In , a new wave starts.

The family loses

their matriarch, Ellen.

Ellen was , and she dies

from kidney disease.

And then Ed,

he dies at from the flu.


-So a little more

of a surprise.

Of the original eight children

of Charles and Ellen,

there's four left.

Okay, so what happened?

So first off,

William's wife, Etta,

she dies at age

from acute myocarditis.

Interestingly enough,

six years later,

her son, William Jr.,

dies of the same thing

when he's only .

And then finally,

William Sr.,

on his th birthday,

he is k*lled by

a massive heart attack.

Okay, so heart disease

in this family runs rampant.

[Matt] Very much so.

And then Lucy's husband,

Isaac, in ,

he dies of a stroke

just to seal that off,

late in ,

Thomas, the oldest son,

he dies also of a stroke.

-These are all

their death certificates?

-That's all of 'em.

[Steve] All right,

so body count,

wh... where are we at,

at this point?

How many?

We're at

over three generations

while they own this property.

I mean,

deaths happen, but this is

a little over the top.

[Amy] I'm seeing

three generations

of dead males,

so the youngest male, uh,

was in his mid to late teens,

the middle male,

which I'm calling him Thomas,

was in his s,

uh, and then the oldest,

uh, male was in his late s,

early s,

and he said it was his land.

They all had g*ns, r*fles.

They were upset

about their land,

uh, and they're always around

watching outside.

And Thomas,

he told me that him

and his boys,

uh, had to fight a lot against

the beggars and natives

for their land,

to protect their land,

I'm thinking.

He would think whatever

they did was like, evil.

[Steve] So I'm heading over to

meet a local TV news reporter.

She reached out to me to

tell me about a deadly flood

that devastated the area.

Said it was so bad,

it left about

a million people homeless.

[Steve] All right,

so this big flood,

when did it happen?

[Leslie] It was January

of ,

an extreme amount

of rainfall fell

and it affected towns

all along the Ohio River.

When we spoke on the phone,

you said,

about a million people

lost their homes,

what, what was the death toll

connected with that?

Approximately died.

[Steve] How did this flood

affect Kentucky?

The amount of rain

that fell that January

was unmatched, and it rained

for days straight.


-The damage

was just widespread,

and I have some pictures

of the towns

that were flooded here.

[Steve] They must have thought

it was the end of the world

when this happened.

Now on the phone,

you mentioned three people

died by my client's property,

tell me about them.

One of those was

-year-old, Harry Crumb.

He was in a boat,

it overturned,

that was ruled

an accidental drowning.


-[Leslie] There was

also a widow,

she was years old,

her name is Martha Callahan.

Her death certificate said

that she died from shock

due to exposure to the flood,

as you can see here.

[Steve] Okay,

so what about the other one?

[Leslie] Fifty-six-year old,

Agnes Jones.

She was just about

a mile and a half

from your client's home.

She was in

a three-story building,

it collapsed,

she died in the collapse,

the building just gave way

due to the severity

of the floodwater.

[Amy] I'm seeing

those mourners again,

so I guess there used to be

some kind of roadway here.

One of the mourners

she's indicating like

they always traveled this road

for the dead.

Like, I don't know

if they're, like,

burying dead people

or they're like giving them,

like, you know,

their final thing.

But they knew

all of each other in life,

they lost a lot of people

at the same time,

very angry about that.

I guess a lot of their friends

and family died

at the same time

because... like something

about the water...

Oh, my God!

So they're pretty pissed

about that.

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[Steve] So far, I've got

a client who's convinced

something in her house

k*lled her best friend,

on a property where

one of the previous owners


tragic family deaths.

But I wanna see

if there's anything else.

Searching through old records,

I find a heartbreaking story

about a one-armed cop

who was brutally m*rder*d

in the line of duty,

not far from Nikki's house.

But what really pisses me off,

it was his last day

on the job.

So I tracked down

the victim's great grandson

who agreed to talk to me.

Now, he says, to this day,

the family's convinced

there was never

any justice in this case.

Jason, thanks for meeting

with me and talking about

something so personal.

Before we get to the m*rder

of your great grandfather,

what did you know about it?

What'd you find out?

My great grandfather,


was a really

respected man, uh,

a pillar of the community

type of individual.

He worked for the Chesapeake

and Ohio railway system

for years.

It was in that line of work

that there was an accident

-where he lost, uh,

part of his left arm.


In , he decides

to reboot his life

and he becomes

a night watchman.

This is in spite

of his disability

and in spite of his age,

he's in his s...

-[Steve] Okay. that point.

Okay, so now he's

a night watchman

-with the police department.


What happens with the m*rder?

What went down?

It was

in the really early hours

of May the th, ,

my great grandfather,

he received a complaint

about a drunk

and disorderly man,

Charles Cameron,

and he was bringing him in

to book in the city jail.

So before they could even

get to the cell,

Charles basically took


of my great

grandfather's disability.

He was able

to seize control of his g*n...


-...and he fired three sh*ts.

Uh, the first shot missed,

the second shot went into

the stub of his missing arm,

and the third shot went into

the side of his head

and that, as it turns out,

was the fatal shot.

[Steve] You know,

there's nothing worse

in the world that

for a cop to get k*lled

with his own g*n.

This guy take off?

Yeah, he takes off,

he's, he's on the run.

There was a big manhunt

that took place

the rest of that day

and overnight,

but he surrendered

the next day.

Okay, so he turns himself in,


Now, Jason, did you mention

to me on the phone

that your great grandfather

was like a half hour

or so from retiring?

He was literally

in the last minutes.

So when the chief was coming

in to relieve him,

that should have been

his last time on the job

and he was going to

a safer job after that.

-Done deal.

-[Steve] Oh, my God.

This scumbag who k*lled

your great grandfather

do... does he go to trial,

does he plea out,

what happens?

It goes to trial, uh,

a jury finds him guilty

of manslaughter,

he's given

a six-year sentence.

This is not manslaughter.

I mean, was your family

pissed about this?

Well, I think for his sons

in particular,

that was a really,

really difficult,

um, thing to understand.

Do we know what happens

to him after that at all?

He eventually ends up

back in prison anyway in ,

among the charges this time

were four lascivious acts

with a child,

here's a document

that speaks to that.

But that's where

he spent the rest of his life

was behind bars.

-So he dies in prison.

-He does.

Good, so he finally

got what he deserved

and that had to make

your family feel

a little bit better.

[Amy] I'm seeing that dead guy

who bounces off

the ceiling again.

He doesn't wanna be here,

he didn't wanna come back,

and he's making a racket.

-[Matthew] Is that

affecting you now.

-[Amy] Yeah.

I'm trying to

not engage at all.

Headache... looks like it's...

He's not in a complete form,

he was like,

I think, s maybe.

He had facial hair

and he's [bleep] pissed.

So this dude died,

moved on

and then got pulled back...

but now is staying

and going bat [bleep].

Have you ever seen

anything like this before?


It's freaking me out.

I saw several

disturbing things on my walk,

but two concerned me the most.

First, the crazy guy

who bounces off the ceilings.

He is mostly just energy,

pretty white...

and you can see the movement,

like lines of movement.

Next, I described

the group of mourners

surrounding a living woman

in her bedroom.

The bed is surrounded

by about seven people...

and two of them are men,

uh, and they're definitely

the tallest,

they're dressed

in mourning clothing,

both the men had top hats,

and all the women

were wearing veils.

Amy is this what you saw?

Yes, that's what I saw.

[Steve] Now that Amy and I

have completed

our investigations,

we're ready to reveal

our findings to each other

and our clients

for the first time.

So guys, I'd like you

to meet Amy.

Um, she's gonna be doing

the reveal from one of your

other bedrooms

so she could focus

on your case

and the dead

without any distractions.

Amy, meet the two sisters

who live here.

This is Nikki here,

and this is her sister, Toni.

Now, these guys

are scared to death,

they believe that

whatever's here

has k*lled before

and it's out for blood again,

so unless

she has any questions,

she'll tell us

about her walk.

I went out to the carport,

I encountered a male,

uh, who was yelling

and screaming, uh, in pain

and it seemed to me,

he was having a heart attack.

And I got that this happened

fairly recently,

and this residual energy

is so intense

that I believe,

uh, living people

when they're out there

could feel

like sudden anxiety,

like for no reason,

uh, and fear and panic, uh,

'cause that's what he felt

stro... you know, very much

in that moment outside.

Amy, now's probably

a good time to tell you

what one of the main reasons

Nikki called us in is.

Close friend of hers died

of a heart attack recently,

less than a year.

Now, his name was Sean,

he was years old,

uh, he never lived here,

but he was here

all the time, right?

I just feel like

something here

did something to him.

We were fighting that day,

all of a sudden, he just boom.

-And you're

beating yourself up about it.


-Quite a bit.

-[Steve] Yeah.

Tell Amy why you think

Sean's still here.

I... sometimes

I'll hear his voice

and he'll say...

"Nikki, watch out.

Don't trust 'em.

Be careful."

Toni, you just told me you saw

an apparition of Sean.

Yes. I had seen an apparition,

it looked just like Sean.

I mean, only

it was kind of transparent.

Amy, I got a photo

of Sean here.

I'm curious if... maybe...

he's who you saw.

To me, it looked like his hair

would have been longer.

Did he have longer hair?


-No? It was short?

Yeah, he usually

kept it short.

-Uh, so this could be

somebody else entirely.


It doesn't mean that

he's not coming and going.

That could very well

be the case

or choosing to assist you

as a guide.

So that's

a good thing... right?

Yeah, I feel better

about that. Yeah.

[Steve] What else, Amy?

When I came into this room,

I did encounter, uh,

a deceased male.

[Steve] And that's

Toni's room.

He freaked me out.

And he is like bouncing

off the [bleep] walls

and the ceiling,

making like, thumping

noises, I guess.


You'll hear, like knocks

and they come in sets of four.

And it sounds like they're

on the back wall of the house,

either in my room

or Nikki's room.

I absolutely think

he has an effect

on the living,

obviously hearing

these thumps and things.

But also in here,

extraordinarily draining


also feeling dizzy

or like, not having

good balance in here.

-Can't think straight.

-I can't get

my thoughts straight.

I'll have something to do

and something

will wipe my mind clear.

I'm very concerned.

She just kind of

just stands there and stares

and... like she's lost.

Nikki, you also told me,

you're drained

-twenty four, seven.

-[Nikki] I'm so tired

all the time.

If I set out to do a task,

somebody drains me.

It... I feel it instantly.

It feels like the life

has been sucked out of me.

The interesting thing though,

about this male, is that

he is someone

who did move on

when he died.

While he was transitioning,

-he got pulled back...


[Amy] ...and he's

trapped here.

He's very upset about this.

He is angry,

and his anger

is starting con...

to consume you.

-[Steve] Who? Toni?

-[Amy] Toni, yeah.

Well, you know,

one of the biggest problems

that, that we talked about

when I interviewed them was

the anger, right?

It was causing

you two to fight.

I get angry for no reason.

I could flip the table

and punch a hole

through the wall.

There's definitely

some energetic exchange here

between you and him,

and you're absorbing

a lot of his

anger and negativity.

-[Steve] You're okay?

-[Toni] Mmm-hmm.

I did have a sketch done

of what I saw.

He's more of an energy form.

Oh, yeah.

Freaks me out.

[Nikki] I've seen this.

-What have you seen?

-I've seen him.

I've seen this, exactly.

That's kinda

how my mind feels.

[Steve] What else

on your walk, Amy?


Now I'm gonna talk about

these other dead people

that I encountered.

There are seven

of these people.

They were all dressed

in old fashioned

mourning wear,

which is all black.

At some point, their family

and friends were dying

left and right.

They indicated that

it had something

to do with water.

The living would see them,

especially going through

the house.

So I felt like, yeah,

you guys would probably see

like these shadow type


I see them all the time,

all the time,

and it's just right out

the corner of my eye

and it's gone.

Now, I might have an idea

of who these mourners are.

In January of , there was

a massive storm here.

In fact, it rained and poured

for days straight.

Now, the Ohio river is, what,

just a mile away

from the house,

and it flooded big time.

It was felt

all across the Midwest,

from Pennsylvania,

all the way to Illinois.

I've actually got

some photos here.

-Holy cow!

-[Steve] Yeah.

Now, Amy, when it was

all said and done,

-nearly a million people

were left homeless.

-[Amy] Wow!

Three hundred and fifty

were dead.

A few of those victims

were right here

near the house.

Now, do you think

those mourners

you were talking about

might be victims of the flood?

It... it's a possibility

that they knew

family and friends

who died in the flood.

It didn't seem like any

of them were the victims

of the "water."

So then I went into

the back bedroom to the left.

-[Steve] So that's your room,

right Nikki?

-Yes, it is.

So I went in there...

and I did not like

what they're doing to you.

I got that you are

in fact, a medium...

and they are pissed.

I heard something like

you telling them

to get the [bleep] out

and leave you alone.

I did.

So they're upset about that

because they're

coming to you for help

and you're not helping them.

[Nikki] I knew I was medium.

I, I wanted to hear you

confirm it

that I wasn't crazy, honestly.

I've heard him ask for help.


"Nikki, help me."

I don't know how.

I don't know how to help him,

and I want to, I really do.

And being exposed

to that energy over time

can make you physically ill.

And I was worried that

it had already triggered

some kind of chronic illness.

Um, I found a knot

in my breast last year.

That... yeah, I was

worried about that.

That's from

the exposure to them.

I'm okay. I'm,

I'm good now, I just

I didn't want anybody

know about it.

I was ashamed.

I just wanted to...

be numb. [sobs]

Do you have an idea your

sister might be a medium

or is this like the first

you're hearing of it?

She would get agitated.

She's like,

"Don't you hear him?

Don't you see that?"

And I'm like, no,

and she's like, "You can't

tell me you don't."

And she would get...

-Nobody understands.

-...enraged if I don't.

Well, you even have

your friend

tuck you in at night


-It's so bad,

um, it's so embarrassing.

I'm years old,

this is just, uh, nuts.

Like, I have my friends

come over and they take turns.


Turning off my light

for me because

I can't turn my

light switch off

and walk to my

bed in the dark.

I did see the whole... like,

them waking you

when you're asleep

and you can't move.

I had a sketch done of,

of what I saw.

You live this, I don't.

That's exactly, it. Yes.

[Toni speaking]

[Steve] Amy, it,

it looks like they're

going after her physically.

-[Steve] Is that,

is that what's happening?

-[Amy] Yes.

[Nikki] That's exactly

what I live every day.

Now they're like, getting

aggressive with you,

-um, and their intentions

are not good.


I saw the woman, like

putting her hands together

and like, leaning onto

your chest.

She was getting so intense

with the, the pressure

on your chest,

and I'm like, I think she

might be trying to k*ll you.

-She wants me, I feel it.

She wants me dead.

-[Amy] Yeah.

Well, you've had all kinds

of physical att*cks, you know?

Mmm-hmm. I get touched

all the time.

Just a few minutes ago

when you all were talking,

I felt somebody

grab my arm.

Yeah, that could be them.

I had a dream

that I was being...

sexually assaulted,

and I looked down

and I had little fingerprints

all over the insides

of my thighs and my...

private area was bruised

and scratched,

and it, it was bad.

And I, I'm thinking, well,

what if my dream

was a reality?

Everything that she's

told me, you've pretty much

verified so far.

And that scares

the hell out of me

because she says on a daily,

"Toni, I think they're

trying to k*ll me.

They want me dead."

[Steve] So look,

the good news is,

you're not crazy.

You got a lot going on here.

Bad news is, you got

a lot going on here.

Now to answer

the big question,

can you stay and fight back

and kick all the dead out,

and go back to being

loving sisters?

For that answer, I'm going to

turn it over to Amy.

I want a male medium

to come here.

He's going to make contact

directly with these mourners,

and he's going to

find out specifically

what they even need help with

in order to move on.

Then I'd like him

and a male witch to come back,

and they will move on

all of the mourners.

Then once that's completed,

they're going to, uh,

move on the semi-transitioned,

trapped male.

Toni, while that's happening,

I want you to work

with a healer.

She'll be working on you

to remove any, uh, energy,

uh, between you and him,

and cut any cords

uh, that may have been

established between

you and him.

At the end of all of this,

these people, if you want

to work with them,

will be able to help you

learn about your abilities.

So, one... once they

get control of the dead

that come in and out of here,

her feeling drained

all the time,

that'll start to come back,

-where she'll feel better

and get some more sleep.

-Oh, God! Yeah, yeah.

You'll get some sleep,

you'll feel a lot better.

Uh, you know, for Toni,

the anger will go away.

I'm ready, yeah, I'm,

I'm ready to get this done.

I look forward to us healing

and getting better,

and I'm, I'm glad

there's something

we can do about it.

I wanted us to be at peace

with each other,

not at each other's throats.

It's doable now.

It's just...

some of the best news

I've ever heard.

I love you guys for this.

You're lifesaving, you are...

It means

the world to me,

I don't know how to

thank you guys, like...

Life changing.

[Amy] Nikki and Toni

have a lot of work

ahead of them,

but I believe if they bring in

a medium and a witch,

they can move on the dead

that are tormenting them.

Once they're gone,

they should be able

to heal their relationship

and find the peace

they've been

desperately looking for.