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14x10 - Protect the Children

Posted: 07/25/23 06:56
by bunniefuu
[eerie music playing]


This guy freaking hates kids,

tortures them.

There was a little girl

I saw being taken.

I always feel like

someone's standing

right by my bed,

watching at me at night.

I don't tell people

a lot of stuff

'cause I don't want anybody

to think I'm crazy.

This is violent, violent.

The person wants

to k*ll somebody.

She was lying in a pool

of her own blood.

She had been stabbed

in the neck.

This is a really rage

homicide right here.

I heard him say,

"Death to little girls."

Disgusting and horrible.

I couldn't feel him either.

[Amy] There's something

from outside that's reaching

in for those kids.

He wants the person dead.

My name is Amy Allan.

I see dead people.

I saw a winged creature.

I speak to dead people.

And they speak to me.

This person feels

like a monster.

But there's only one way

to know if my findings

are real.

They are sucking the life

out of these people.

I rely on my partner.

I'm Steve DiSchiavi.

I'm a retired New York City

homicide detective.

So how many bodies we talking?

And I know every person,

every house, has secrets.

It's my job to reveal them.

But Steve and I never speak.

We never communicate

during an investigation.

Until the very end.

Oh, you're not

gonna like this.

When we uncover if it's safe

for you to stay...

I'm sorry.

I need to take a break.

...or time to get out.

It wants inside the house.

'Cause it wants to k*ll you.


[sinister music playing]

[Steve] So I'm out here

in Northfield, Ohio.

It's a small town

about minutes south

of Cleveland.

I got a call from

a married couple,

Cheryl and Dan,

and they sounded terrified.

I'm just worried

about our kids, and us,

and I don't want my children

to be afraid to be in any part

of this house.

[Steve] Now,

Dan's a wounded vet

and kids are involved.

So I had to take this case.

I really hope we can help

these guys out.

[Amy] Oh, God.

I don't like this.

I feel extremely dizzy.

Like vertigo, for sure.

This is a female who

often feels this way.


There's a sense of...

panic and anger.

There's a male monster

like, hurt people.

There is this...




Panic is coming from a female,

but anger, v*olence

is coming from a male,

a young male.

[heart b*ating]

[Steve] So, Cheryl,

when we spoke on the phone,

you sounded pretty upset.

So, what the hell's

going on?

Our marriage

is being affected...

a lot.

And it's breaking us apart.

I can't

do this anymore.

And it's coming...

I think it's after...

it's definitely coming

after me.

So, let's start

with some basics.

Who all lives

in the house?

This is...

my daughter Riley,

who is now .


-That's me.

That's my husband, Dan.

And that is my stepdaughter,

Olivia, who is .

That's a good picture

of you guys.

It really is.

How long you guys

been married?

Five years.

On the phone, you mentioned

your husband is a wounded vet.

Which branch was he in?

-In the Navy.

-In the Navy, okay.

So, Cheryl, do me a favor

and give me a list

of what you guys

are experiencing.

[Cheryl] Strange noises.

Mood swings.


And now we're getting

physically att*cked.

[Steve] Tell me about

the mood swing.

Erm... just out of nowhere

I'll get angry for no reason,


-Is that how you are?

-I'm normally a

very happy person.

I think it's something

in this house.

It's just...

'cause it comes

out of nowhere.

All of the sudden, I just...

Rage builds up.

I just am not happy


Is it maybe you're not happy

in the marriage

and that's what it is?

No. I love my husband.

I adore him,

and I feel awful

sometimes for...

the way I try, like,

it's just...

It's just like

something snaps, and

I don't know, I get...

I just get these,

like, feelings,

it's like a tingling

in my body like something's

taking over, and I'm like


I'm just scared sometimes.

I can't always say

if it's the paranormal or not,

but hopefully Amy

can let us know.


I hope it is,

because if it is not

then you guys have

a bigger problem

than the paranormal.

-You know?


What do you

think is here?

It's evil, whatever it is.

Cheryl, what do you

think it wants?

It wants to harm me

and my family and

tear us apart. I think

it's trying to destroy

my marriage.

[eerie music playing]

[Amy] I'm feeling

a lot of the anger

in here.

Feeling very violent.


I feel like fighting.

There's like a dark cloud

around this person.

That's not normal.

and it's really violent.

Like, this is violent,

violent. This is bad.

Had they been

acting differently?

Is this noticeable?

[Amy] Yes, very.

In what way?

What would they see?

Uh, aggressive behavior,

violent outbursts.

Would you say

other living might be

in danger because of them?


The person wants

to k*ll somebody.

[Steve] So,

this is a nice basement.

Yeah, except nobody else

but me comes down here

by themselves.




-So, what, are they

creeped out by it?


Okay, so what's going on?

I hear growls.

What kind of growls

are we talking about?

Like a deep in-your-chest

type of growl.

Have you guys

ever had like a rodent

and wildlife inspection done

to see if anything's burrowing

here or anything like that?


-Okay. All right.

What else is going on?

When I'm down here,

I'll get my hair pulled.

How hard are we talking

about your hair

getting pulled?

It's a pretty good tug.

It's enough for me

to feel it.

Okay, what else?

It's a man.

He wakes me up

and I see it.

And then, I usually don't

go back to sleep.

Was he staring at you?

Yeah. He is gray

in the face,

and he...

Are you sure you're not

dreaming this?

No. I don't get...

it's not paralysis.

Does he look at you

or say anything?

No. He's not saying

anything, but he...

It's almost as if it's waiting

for me to see him

and then he's gone.


-I don't tell people

a lot of stuff

because I don't

want anybody

to think I'm crazy.


You break my heart.


We're gonna have to fix this

one way or another.

All right?

You're not crazy.

[eerie sound]

[Amy] What is that?

Oh, my God.


What are you seeing?

I would have thought that,

that it was manly.

I think that this

is a dead person.

Felt like a male.

I don't know why

he's being all cagey

and like, dressing up

like an alien.

I feel he [bleep] hates kids.

[bells chiming]

[Amy] I think any little kid

has been

tormented by this...




Now I'm getting the chills

ah, [bleep].


[Steve] So, Olivia.

How old are you now?

- [Olivia] I'm .


-So when you moved here,

you were like ten?


So, Olivia, I was talking to

Cheryl, your stepmom.

She was telling me about

the paranormal problem here.

It seems pretty serious.

I mean, do you agree

with that?

Yeah. Like, I can't even get

out of my bedroom at night.

-I won't. It's too scary.


Your stepmom told me

that she thinks

her personality

has changed

since she's been here.

-Have you noticed that?


She's been getting, like,

mad over little things.


What about you?

What experiences

have you had?

I always feel like someone's

standing right by my bed,

watching me at night,

but in the morning,

when it's light out, I'm fine.

Is it affecting school work

or your social life

with friends?

I'm very tired all the time

when I come here.

Sucky for a -year-old

have to deal with this.


Okay, anything else?

I've seen shadow figures.

Tell me about one of them.

So I was washing my face

in the hallway bathroom,

and out of the corner

of my eye, I saw a shadow

walk towards to my bedroom.

What, did it appear like

a person or what did

it feel like to you?

I thought it was my dad,

but he was outside.

So, Olivia, let me ask you

a question.

Do you think either Cheryl

or your dad are

in danger here?

Yes. More so Cheryl

because of all the things

that's been happening to her.

I'm seeing a little boy.

Like, huddled in a ball,

like, crying

on the bed.

And he's here like a lot.

I don't know if that child

is from [bleep] years ago,

or if that kid's here now.

He's young, scared,

and in a ball, like,

crying and crying and crying.

And I see...

like, from outside,

there's, like, an arm reaching

through the wall,

and grabbing him.



Now I got the chills.


Got the chills.

[eerie sound]

[Steve] So, Dan,

I spoke to your wife earlier,

and she said that you guys

are really fighting a lot.

And that it's affecting

your marriage. I mean,

do you agree with that?



She seems to think

it's the paranormal.

What's your opinion on that?

Something in the house has...

changed her.

And you're sure this is not

husband and wife [bleep]?

She's changed for, you know,

something's got

control of her.

Okay, so, let's get into

some experiences you've had.

I hear noises

all over the house.

So, Cheryl told me she

was hearing noises as well.

What are you hearing?

I'm hearing loud bangs,


So when you're hearing

knocking, how loud are

we talking about?

Could you show me?

It's pretty loud. It's...

-Like that?


Okay, anything else?

I saw a big black mass

behind me here,

by the closet.

Did it just stay there,

or did it kind of move?

What did it do?

It appeared when I

was talking with Cheryl,

and within seconds,

it vanished into my dresser

behind me.

Okay, so,

it just kind of...

-I froze with fear.


Anything else?

When I was sleeping one night,

I felt a pressure

on the bed.

All right, so what kind of

pressure are we talking about?

I woke up out of the blue,

and feeling a hard pressure,

and the bed was sinking

around my waist.

And it was not the dogs

'Cause they were nowhere

near me, at that time.

How long did it last?

Enough to make you realize

something's happening

that shouldn't be.

Well, that had to scare

the hell out of you, right?

It did. I don't get sleep.

Nobody gets sleep.

There's something from outside

that's reaching in

for those kids.

And I'm getting these chills

like nobody's business

So, I think that

they definitely feel that.

Like, you know, the hair

on the back of your neck.

It's going down on your back,

those kind of chills.

They might be feeling

someone or thing

touching them

down their back.

So they also may feel like

somebody's in the bed

with them.

They might feel a hand

around their arm.

-Are they in any kind

of danger?


[Steve] All right. So, Dan,

why did you bring me in here?

Well, this is the dead room,

and I think I may

have contributed

to some of the activity.

Okay, so what

do you mean by that?

I've got ashes here from

my, uh, uncle and my father.

Okay, so...

you got your uncle

and your dad.

Let's talk about your dad.

What's the story?

-[Steve] This him?

-Yeah, that's him.

He's a great dad.

I think, uh, being a Vietnam

veteran got the better of him.

Fourteen years ago, he, uh...

ended up committing su1c1de.

-Okay... Tough w*r, right?


We all have

family that served.

-So... this is your Uncle Ron.

-This is my Uncle Ron.

What's the story with

Uncle Ron? Were they brothers?

[Dan] They were brothers.

Him and my dad had,

uh, kind of a fallout

a long time ago.

All right, do you have

any idea what that

dispute was about?

It was some kind of

a business relationship.

-Okay, so money... probably.


All right, so let me

get this straight.

Do you think they're here?

-We do.

-You do.

You think they're

here as protectors?

Maybe... my dad

would be protecting,

but I'm not so sure

about my uncle.

He was in trouble a lot.

Alcohol and dr*gs.

Okay... so he had...

he had issues.

He has a lot of animosity

towards our family.

-If they are here, you're

blaming yourself for it?


You can't blame

yourself for what...

other people do...

in life or after life.

That's not on you.

[Amy] There's like a male

running up towards me.

He runs out. He's yelling.

Something happened...

Uh, I don't know what

he's running from though.

I'd put him in his s.

I mean, I think, like, he

was looking for something.

I don't think he found it.

This is something

that happened...

I think, in the late 's,

early 's.

I'm seeing a guy

put money out. Cash.

And I'm hearing a woman

crying about it.

She's got big blonde hair.

I do hear a g*n going off.

I see cash and then

the woman's crying...

And I feel like somebody

d*ed because of this.

I kind of wanna say that this

guy might've k*lled himself,

because of

this whole situation.

You know, I don't even know

where this guy k*lled himself,

but I feel like...

he is here...

and he's just carrying

around this, like... Ugh!

Gross negative energy.


[Steve] We've done a few

cases in Cleveland

and one of my go-to-guys is

retired detective Tom Armelli.

Now he just called me back and

he says he found the brutal

case of a -year-old girl

who was m*rder*d

less than a mile from

Cheryl and Dan's house.

I'm heading over

to meet with him now

to find out exactly

what happened.

So this homicide, what

do we know about the victim?

The victim in this case

is a -year-old female

named Lori Ewald.

At the time that she was

k*lled, she was living in a

motel with her mother

and her three brothers.

Let's go through the homicide,

what happened?

September th, ,

Lori arrived home

from school around :

in the afternoon.


-Her brother arrived home

shortly thereafter

around :.

Tried the door of their

motel room and it was locked.

He knocked on the door...

got no response

He looked in the window and he

could see his sister laying

on the floor of the hotel room

naked from the waist down,

so he, uh,

recruited a -year-old

neighbor to kick down the door

and when they went inside...

they found, uh,

that Lori had been, uh...

she was laying in

a pool of her own blood

and she had been

stabbed in the neck.

Here's a copy of

the death certificate.

[Steve] Okay.

This is a really rage

homicide right here.

I believe it also says she

was sexually assaulted.

All right, did they ever

catch the sick bastard

that did this?

They actually did.

About ten days later,

the police made an arrest,

and actually it turned out

to be the -year-old

-that kicked in the door

to find her body.


All right, so what

was his name?

His name was

Donald Shedrick.


-He was actually

the only guy

the police were

ever looking at.

Um, he had been paroled

a couple months earlier

-for a similar crime.

-You're kidding me.

All right, what's this story

with this other case?

What happened?

Well, about

months earlier,

Shedrick was arrested

in Warrensville Heights, which

is about seven miles away...


-...for attempted m*rder,

kidnapping and, uh,

sexual as*ault of

another -year-old girl,

who he forced into

an abandoned school bus,

and r*ped her and, uh,

and stabbed her in the neck

with a pair of scissors.

Fortunately, she survived.

Here's an article

about that case.

They charged him

as an adult in that case

or was he a juvenile?

Well, the reason he got out

so early is because he was

charged as a juvenile. He

spent some time in the, uh...

uh, Riverview Boys' School

and, uh, was released

about two months, uh,

before Lori was k*lled.

Okay, so if they

don't let this kid out...

-Lori's alive.


Does this kid cop a plea?

Or does he go to trial?

He claimed his innocence, but

actually there were two trials

Uh, the first trial

ended on a hung jury...

and the second trial, uh,

he was found guilty,

and because he was a juvenile,

the death penalty was

off the table, so he was

sentenced to life in prison.


All right, so this homicide

is in '. I assume he's still

alive in prison, right?

Well, actually, he would be

still in prison expect

for the fact that in

he was transferred to

a hospital and d*ed, uh,

presumably of natural causes.

Really? Okay, so...

he d*ed kind of young.

Forty-one years old

at the time of his death.

-Both you and I have seen

our share of m*rder*d kids.


So at least this guy

is off the street and

-now he's dead,

so it's a good thing.

-I agree.

[Amy] The alien-looking

dead guy comes into

this room a lot.

[Matthew] Any idea why he is

projecting himself like this?

It's scary.

This guy, fricking,

hates kids...

tortures them...

possibly k*lled them

when he was alive.

I keep hearing

a male saying,

"Death to little girls."

There was a little girl I saw

being taken back in the 's.

You know, him being

dead now would allow him

to, you know,

prolong the t*rture.

So would he target

any child here?

I think, uh,

the younger the better.

[Steve] So Cheryl and Dan tell

me they hear strange noises

like growling and banging

throughout the house,

but not everything

is paranormal.

Sounds like they could

have a rodent problem.

I'm heading back to the house

to meet a pest control expert

who's gonna give

the place a once-over.

So, John, the reason

I called you out here is

my clients live in this home.

They're experiencing

a lot of strange stuff.

They're hearing thuds, bangs,

knocks and growling

coming from... the house.


-So I'm thinking

maybe there's

some kind of wildlife problem.

Absolutely. Racoons,

groundhogs, skunks.

I mean, you name it.

All right, so, John, do me

a favor. Give the house

a good once-over and let me

know what you find out.

-Okay, do will do. All right.

-Okay. Thanks.

[Steve] I was a

homicide detective for

more than years,

and whenever

you work a case,

you've gotta follow up

on the obvious leads first.

Now, when someone

tells me they're hearing

growling and thumps,

my mind doesn't go

straight to the paranormal.

I think wildlife.

We'll see if this

pest control expert agrees.

-Hey, so how did it go?


Uh, it went well. Think

we discovered that

possibly could be animals.

Okay, so why is that?

Well, the deck is all around

the entire back of the home.

It hides the foundation,

but it gives some great

hiding spaces underneath


Okay, did you find

anything else in there

that might

contributed to these noises?

-There is a crawl space

under this home.


And that crawl space

has HVAC ducting.

All right, so if they're

messing around

on top of that

-you're gonna hear something.

-It'll be routing like a drum,

but it could be mating

in there, Steve. [chuckles]

Who knows

what they are doing?

Okay... so did you

find any droppings

or any signs

of animal activity?

-I did not. No.

-Okay, so we have

possibility of animal

getting in here...


-...but you didn't find

any evidence of it.

Not directly. No.

-Well, I appreciate your help.

Thanks for helping me.

-You're welcome.

[Matthew] What is that

you're seeing?

[Amy] There's like this

thudding, thudding, thudding.

Footsteps on the roof.

[Matthew] So what exactly

is it that's on the roof?

[Amy] It's the dead guy

who looks like an alien.

What is he doing up there?

He's like running

around on the roof...

jumping on it,

making a thudding noise.

[Matthew] Is there any

particular reason

he's doing this?

[Amy] I think, to make

people uncomfortable.

Do you have any idea

what he wants in general?

He is continuing his

pattern of torturing

little kids...

and... that's what he does.

[Amy softly] Oh, God!

So does he ultimately

wanna k*ll them?

I think so. Yes.

For more information

about the show,

and if you need

us to investigate

unexplained activity

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Click on,

"Help me. Dead files!"

to submit your story

and we'll help if we can.

[Steve] So far I've got

clients terrified that

something is trying

to hurt their kids

and destroy their marriage

on a property near

the spot where

a -year-old girl

was brutally m*rder*d.

But I wanna see

if there's anything else.

Searching through

old records, I discover

a mental health hospital

that used to be located

right near Cheryl

and Dan's house.

Turns out... the place has a

dark history of neglect

and abuse.

I heading over to meet

a local journalist

who knows all

about this story.

Well, Lori, thanks

for helping me out.

I appreciate that.

This place,

when was it built?

Well, the original land

was actually purchased

back in .

This is actually a photo of

some of the original

cottages that were

part of Hawthornden.

Okay, so what kind of patients

did they have there?

Well, back then they

had about patients

and most of those were


manic depressives,

some people with

substance abuse issues,

-but no violent

or criminally insane.


All right, so I know

things went bad,

when did that happen?

Well, you know,

right around the s

is when things

really took a turn.

And by ,

the hospital had

, patients and

some of them, at that time,

actually were violent.

And the staffing was

very bad at that point.

In fact, there were reports

that there was only

one attendant

per patients

and ten doctors and

none of those doctors

had any type

of psychiatric training.

Okay, so this place

is a mess. They had

almost triple the amount

of patients from when

it first started

-and not enough

staff to handle it.


All right, so this

sounds like a real...

bad recipe for disaster.

What happens next?

In February of ,

there were actually two deaths

that occurred at the facility.

So at that point, the Summit

County prosecutor

opened the first of what

would be many investigations

and probes into the facility.

In fact, Steve, here's

an article that talks

a little about the opening

of the probe.

Okay, so how

did that go?

Well, after the probe was

opened, a lot of calls

flooded the prosecutor's

office about suspicious

deaths that had

occurred at the facility.

All right, so how many

suspicious deaths

are we talking about?

There are reports of

total suspicious deaths

-including ten

reported murders.


In addition to that,

there was also an alleged

drug trafficking ring.

All right, so with

this big mess I gotta

assume somebody

got indicted.

Steve, believe it or not,

there were never

any charges filed.

There were no criminal

charges, whatsoever.

And what happened was

the Summit County grand jury

actually picked up

the case and they said

that neglect was not

a criminal offence.

All right, so did they

ever shut this place

down, at least?

Well, complaints

continued to roll in

all the way

through the s,

and in ,

-Hawthornden was rolled into

another behavioral system.


It wasn't until ,

that they actually

ripped down the original

buildings of the facility.

Okay, so this building's

not there anymore.

Not anymore.

You know,

it's hard to imagine

years of complaints

and it... it still went on.

It's a long time and it seems

like not a lot of oversight.

Saying neglect

is not a crime,

I have a problem with,

you know.

-There is criminal

neglect, so...


[Amy] I saw a male.

He felt very

strong and regal.

Then there

were seven people,

uh, dead people

sitting near him.

The voice says, "m*rder*r."

This was a long time ago.

Uh, someone is

beaten and torn.

Someone says, "Prisoners."

[Amy] I saw several horrifying

things on my walk,

but the alien-looking

dead man

tormenting a sleeping child,

concerns me the most.

There were only,

I think, like four fingers...

awkwardly long.

There's really

no muscle mass.

Yes, so the alien hand

is grabbing, uh, this kid.

Amy, is this what you saw?

Yes, that's what I saw.

[Steve] Now that Amy and I

have completed

our investigations,

we're ready to reveal

our findings to each other,

and our clients

for the first time.

So, guys, this is Amy.

She is going to be conducting

the reveal from one

of your bedrooms

so she can focus on your case,

and the dead

without any distractions.

Amy, I want you

to meet Cheryl and Dan.

They are married and live here

with Dan's -year-old

daughter, Olivia.

Cheryl also has an -year-old

daughter, Riley, who just left

for college.

We got called in because

these guys think that

something here is trying

to break up their marriage.

They actually hope

that's the case,

because otherwise,

it means they shouldn't be

together anymore.

So, now that Amy knows

a little bit about you guys,

she may have some questions,

if not she will tell us

about her walk.

[Amy] When I was heading down

to the basement,

I saw a male, run past me,

up the stairs,

And he was running to get out

because he was afraid

of getting caught.

When I finally made it

into the basement,

I saw a different man.

And he is putting money out,

on a table.

And there's a woman

across from him,

and she is crying


Obviously, they're very upset

about money. Very stressed.

He's feeling a lot of guilt

about the situation.

It had something to do

with business.

I got that somehow

these three people,

this male, this female,

and this other male running

out were somehow connected.

And later on, I got that

the guy, who was

in the basement with the woman

had eventually k*lled himself.

So, you guys thinking

what I am thinking?

-I'm thinking it's my dad.

-[Cheryl] It's his dad.

Yeah. Amy, um...

Dan and Cheryl call this

the dead room.

The main reason

they call it that is sitting

right over there.

Those two boxes are urns.

One has the remains

of Dan's father, Larry,

And the other is

his Uncle Ron.

They were brothers.


This is a photo

of Dan's uncle, Ron,

on this side right here.

It'd be fair to describe

Uncle Ron to Amy as well.

He was

into dr*gs and alcohol.


Well, he's gone.

He definitely moved on.

[Steve] Now, the situation

you describe

sounds a little bit like

what happened

between the two men.

My uncle and my dad

had a falling out

over business.

And, uh, when my father

had committed su1c1de,

we found out after the fact

that he was struggling

with some money issues.

How did you father do that,

if you don't mind me

asking you?

He wasn't supposed to have

any g*ns in the house

where he was at,

but he sh*t himself

in the head.

Yeah, I heard the g*nsh*t

when I was walking up

the stairs.

[Steve] Okay,

So, this is Dan's

father, Larry.

Sounds like the father's

still here?


-[Dan inhales sharply]

Oh, God.

I'm sorry.

[Cheryl sniffles]

[sobs] I can feel him here.

-She's told me he's here.

-[Cheryl sobs]

-She said she's

talked to him.


Do you have abilities

you think, or...

Oh, I don't know.

Some things come to me

and I tell him things

and I don't know if I am nuts.


I think you do have abilities.

I think you're an empath.


-Which is a difficult ability,

to take such

an emotional toll.

But I am the one who made him

bring the ashes here.

The ashes in this situation

have nothing to do

with anything.

-Okay. So, the ashes

are fine.


So, stop b*ating yourself up

about the ashes.

-[Cheryl laughs] Okay.

-That's one argument you guys

don't have to have anymore.

What else, Amy?

So, the next situation

I wanna talk about is...

So, I am walking down the hall

and the first room

on the left,


Okay, that's Cheryl's office.

[Amy] When I went

in there, I got a lot

of negative energy.

Feelings of anger.

I felt it was coming from

a living person in the room.

I felt like it was possible

that this person was

acting out aggressively.

I was thinking that people

could tell

that this individual's

demeanor had changed.

So, Amy, remember

when I told you

that these guys,

their marriage was in trouble?

-[Amy] Yeah.

-[Steve] All right. So...

It's because Cheryl

has changed.

She goes into these rages.

Tell Amy what's been

going on with you?

Anger. Rage. Like, just mean,

and aggressive, and

I am not myself. At all.

And you guys are at the point

where you don't know

if you are gonna make it

-the way things are going.

-[sighs wearily]


[Amy] I don't think that

it's that room that's making

you that way.

But as far as you acting out

on all of this, I think

as an empath,

it's just because of

the environment we are in now.

And you guys

need to team up

instead of splitting up.

One of the bigger threats

is this dead male

that I encountered.

Who, to me, looked like

an alien.

It turns out that

it really was, and is,

this dead male,

but he does project himself

in ways that will

scare people.

I didn't get a lot

about him in life.

I do believe that he may have

abducted a child

from this area.

Possibly in the 's.

And he knew her.

He was a neighbor.

Definitely a pervert.

I also think that

he might have k*lled children

when he was alive.

All right.

Well, unfortunately

there's someone

who fits your description

to a T that came up

in my investigation.

There's a motel about

two-thirds of a mile

up the road from here.

In , a -year-old

named Lori Ewald lived

there with her mom

and three of her brothers.

So, on September th

of that year,

one of her

brothers came home

from school,

and saw her

through the window,

lying in a pool

of her own blood.

So, a -year-old neighbor

came over,

helped the brother

kick down the door,

got inside and found Lori

dead on the floor.

She had been stabbed

on the right side of her neck,

but she was also

sexually assaulted.

Now, ten days later,

the cops made an arrest.

Personally charged

with that m*rder

was the -year-old neighbor

that knocked down that door.

Wow. Okay.

[Steve] Now his name was

Donald Shedrick,

and it wasn't his first time

having an issue with the cops.

Eighteen months earlier,

he had grabbed another

-year-old girl,

walking home from school,

forced her into a parked

school bus,

r*ped and stabbed her.

Amazingly, she survived.

He was charged

as a juvenile.

And that's why he got

out so fast and that's why

this girl, Lori, is dead.

But after the m*rder,

they tried him as an adult.

And he ended up

with a life sentence.

Now, in ,

Shedrick got very sick

and he was brought

to a hospital locally,

and d*ed.

Now, we do know he was

years old when he d*ed,

and I managed to track down

a photo of him.

What he d*ed of,

I made a million phone calls,

nobody could tell us, but...

He d*ed of some kind

of disease.

Now, is it possible this

is who you are talking about?

Yes. Yes.

-That's disgusting

and horrible.

-[Steve] Yeah.

Now you said this guy

was a big thr*at here,


what does he do?

[Amy] He's all about creating

fear in people.

I don't like aliens

and they do scare me.

So, that's what he was

depicting to me.

So, is this guy portraying

stuff that

makes each individual afraid.

Yeah, whatever, you know,

would make that person


-I've seen black masses.

-Ah. Okay, okay.

Yeah. That's this guy.

I saw him on the roof,

and he was jumping around

up there. Making noises

and footsteps.


I've heard loud bangs.

Scuffling, or like running

really quickly.

I'm in the living room,

I definitely do hear,

uh, it sounds like shuffling

in the attic or the roof.

Honestly for me,

everything's not paranormal,

so I called in

a pest control expert.

He says because

of the foundation

-and how the house

is raised...

-[Cheryl] Hmm.'s very easy for wildlife

to get into the crawl space.

But he didn't find

any animal droppings,

and he didn't find

any animals. So...

At some point, you might

want to call him to take

care of that.

You know. Make sure that

doesn't happen.

As far as the creep jumping up

on the roof,

that I gotta give to Amy.

What sucks is that I did see

that he could interact


So, touching is possible.

Grabbing is possible.

Somebody getting in bed

with you.

I woke up kind of startled

but I was feeling pressure.

As if somebody was pressing

on each side of my hips.

And I physically felt

the bed move underneath me.

I was just freaked out.

Now, Cheryl,

you got your hair pulled.


-[Steve] More

than once, right?

-[Cheryl] Oh, yeah.

-[Amy] Ooh.

That's interesting.

It's not like a mean tug.

-Like a hey?

-It's an attention tug. Yes.

When I went

into the last room

on the left,

which is Olivia's room,

I kept getting like

extreme chills in that room.

What I saw was a little boy

huddled in the bed,

like in a fetal position.

And I couldn't tell

if he lived here now

or if this was prior.

The previous owners

had sons.

-Could that be what

you are seeing? Okay.

-Oh, yeah.

[Amy] He's young.

He's scared.

I mean, like, in a ball.

Like crying and crying

and crying.

And I see, like,

from outside...

There's like an arm reaching

through the wall.

And grabbing him.

So, I did have

a sketch done.

Um, of the male

reaching through the wall.

[papers shuffling]

[groans in disgust]

Oh, God.

What is going on there?

[Dan] That's terrifying.

I wanna grab the guy.

I wanna k*ll him myself.

I mean what the [bleep]

does this guy want from

these people?

He likes to t*rture people.

He likes to make

people scared

and uncomfortable.

Definitely children.

He'll focus on the children

as much as he can.

And I heard him say,

"Death to little girls."

How're you feeling, Cheryl?

You seem a little stunned.


I just need him gone.

Like now.

[Dan] He's gotta go ASAP.

If he wasn't dead now,

I think I would k*ll him.

[Cheryl exhales]

[eerie music playing]

[Steve] Okay, guys, so

the good news is

we finally know why

you guys had been fighting.

The bad news is

there's a lot more

going on here.

Now to answer

the big question.

Can you stay and fight?

Or do you need

to cut and run?

For that answer,

I am gonna turn it over

to Amy.

[Amy] So as far as

the perverted, freak guy,

I have a call out

to a person

who lives in the area.

He is like

a badass medium

who, I think, will be able

to tackle this guy

with the assistance

of a demonologist.

-I am good with that.

-[Amy] Yeah.

-He needs to [bleep] go.

-I would agree.

Get rid of him altogether.

Once that's done,

the male medium can refer

you to an older,

female medium,

who has a background

in psychology.

Who can come and have

a few sessions

with your father downstairs.

So that he can focus

and process out

all of this trauma

that he is experiencing.

For the last one,

I think it would be

really great

if the entire family

can have a session with him

and the medium

before he moves on.

-So, Dan may have a chance

to say goodbye to his dad?

-[Amy] Yes.

I think everybody

in this family needs that.

[Amy] Yeah.

And then of course,

the last thing,

-is I really want you guys to

get marriage counseling ASAP.

-[Cheryl laughs]


I feel good about that

-and I feel good about getting

counseling and--

-I think we'll be okay.

You know, I like you guys

very much especially as

a couple.

Promise me you

are gonna do this...

-Oh, yeah.

-...therapy thing.

Oh, I promise.

No, I don't wanna lose her.

I wanna lose the creep

in the house.

[Amy] I really hope

Dan and Cheryl bring in

the mediums,

and demonologist

I recommended.

With their help,

they should be able to

banish the dead man,

and move on Dan's father.

Once they do that

and seek out

marriage counseling,

I believe their relationship

will heal.

And they will live

a peaceful and happy life.

[theme music playing]