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02x06 - Enter the Nightbird

Posted: 07/25/23 08:36
by bunniefuu
♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots wage their battle to destroy, ♪

♪ the evil forces of the Decepticons. ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Robots in disguise ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

These detection panels are just what
we need to keep us safe.

Watch how the sensors react to metal.

Not bad, huh?

-Excellent, Wheeljack.

The Decepticons won't find it
easy to slip by that.

CLIFFJUMPER: Optimus Prime!

Come quickly, it's Dr. Fujiyama
the famous scientist.

-Yes, Dr. Fujiyama.

-Sorry to intrude Mr. Optimus Prime.

But I am in need of the services
of you and your Autobots.

-For what reason, doctor?

-To guard my latest invention
when I present it to the world.

-Exactly what is it that
you've come up with?

-Could the Decepticons eavesdrop on us?

-Aw, it's not too likely.

-None the less I fear to speak.

My invention is a special robot.


-At the risk of seeming boastful,

It is the greatest robot ever
created by man.

Which means it is...

Eh, primitive by Autobot standards.

-My curiousity is aroused.

We will come, doctor.

-Oh, splendid. Splendid!

All the top scentists of the world will
be on hand for the unveiling.

-Heh. Imagine Aubots playing
nursemaid to an Earth robot.

It's probably just
a glorified wind-up toy.

-Nevertheless we'll go,
if only to make sure,

the Decepticons don't
get their hands on it.

Let's roll.

RATCHET: Dr. Fujiyama's
doohickey's under that drape.

WHEELJACK: If it walks it probably needs
a long extension cord.

[ Wheeljack and Ratchet laugh ]

-I wonder if batteries are included.

[ Ratchet laughs ]

-When they turn it on it'll
probably blow the lights.

-We're here to guard the robot.

Not to make jokes at its expense.

-Gentlemen, what you are about to
see is state-of-the-art robotics.

[ crowd gasps in awe ]

This, gentlemen, is the first
female ninja robot.

I have named her... Nightbird.



-Very impressive.


-What is a ninja?

-An ancient Japanese warrior,

Capable of amazing feats
of skill and daring.

-Yeah, I read about them.

Ninjas were deadly assassins.

-Uh why build a robot ninja, doctor?

Isn't that rather dangerous?

-Nightbird has been constructed to
demonstrate to the world,

The limitless capabilities of technology.

She will expand the horizons
of robotic research,

To assist mankind and not to harm him.

I assure you, gentlemen, she is not
meant for battle or assassinations.

And I have limited her powers accordingly.

Now, gentlemen, if I may...

-Oh no.

-It's that dinamental delinquent, Rumble.

-And his punk-pal, Frenzy.

JAZZ: Let's send 'em directly
to Scrap Iron City.

-Wait! We can't risk hurting the humans.

-Your theory seems shakey to me, doc.

-Look out!
-They're destroying the building.

-Run for it!

-The humans have evacuated.

Autobots attack!

-I bring you greetings, Optimus Prime.

Lethal greetings.


-Mirage, prepare to disappear,



The girders have me pinned.

-Optimus, look out!

-Prepare for oblivion, Prime.

-Not yet, Megatron.

Not just yet.

-Prime! Over your head!

-And Starscream!

-We're not staying long, Autoboobs.

We just came to pick up a friend.

-Soundwave. Activate the passage way.

-As you command, Megatron.

This new base is only temporary,

But it will do nicely for the
game I intend to play,

with those accursed Autobots.

-This is child's play compared to
Decepticon transform circuits.

-Spare me your critique.

Can you do it?

-With a little rewiring, some
additional microchips,

And a triple power booster--perhaps.

Report progress on optic
interface, Soundwave.

-Almost completed.

Good. I love warping minds
for you, Megatron.

Love it.

-She looks like some
Earthling playpuppet.

-Yes, but this puppet has a punch.

She is not meant to be your
sparring patner, Starscream.

Her adversaries will be Autobots.

Is she fully programmed, Soundwave?


-And what are her orders?

-To steal the world energy chip
from the Autobots,

And then exterminate them.

-I'm sorry that we failed you and
the University, Dr. Fujiyama.

-It could not have been
foreseen, Mr. Prime.

-Never the less. I vow that we will
return the robot ninja to you,

As quickly as possible.

-I only beg that she will
be returned unharmed.

The technical components are irreplacable,

And are needed for research.

-Don't worry Dr. Fujiyama.

We'll bring the little lady back
in perfect condition.

I hope.

-Oh, thank you. Thank you.

I trust that you will.

-The damage report is not too good, Prime.

-Then let's get our wounded
back to the base.

Autobots, trasform.

-Come on, Brawn, I'll give you a lift.

-I may not be able to transform,

but I can still walk.

[ Brawn groans ]

-Pal remeber, Ratchet's the doc.

-And doctor's orders are
to stay off your feet.

-Autobots roll out.

CHIP: I don't understand it, Prowl.

Why would the Decepticons
steal the ninja robot?

They already have a
formidable fighting force.

-I don't understand anything
the Decepticons do.

-Yeah, it's over my head too.

But if we're gonna find
her for Dr. Fujiyama,

We have to get a fix on what
the Decepticons have done with her.

-Well we can't expect her to come to us,

We'll have to find her.

-Hang in there, Brawn.

Your transforming relay's almost a-ok.

-What the...

-This could mean only one thing.

An intruder.

-Hey! Why your...

[ alarm buzzes ]

-Mirage, what happened?

-Over there.

-Whoever you are, stop!

-It's the ninja.

-Don't harm her.

JAZZ: And definitely don't shake hands.

-Look out!

-I think we got her now.

-What's she doin'?

-She's makin' me dizzy.

-How'd she do that?

-I wish I knew, Bluestreak.

-I'd say we're lucky
Dr. Fujiyama's Nightird,

Didn't do any permanent damage.

-Yeah Prime.

That little she-bot's sure no demo
model when it comes to action.

-Well we'll find her and bring her in
before she really causes trouble.

Auotbots transform.

-I'll have the rest of the Autobots and
Teletraan I operating in no time.

Good luck.

-There she is!

-On the bluff.

-A simple stun ray should
take care of her.

Now we can take her back to
Dr. Fujiyama where she belongs.

She was playing robot-opossum.

Look out!


That's it.

I'm gonna cool her collators
once and for all.

-No, we promised not to harm her.

Nightbird we've come to help.

Don't force us to fight you.

No. Don't damage her.

-Grab her! We've got to stop her!

-No sign of her, Prime.

Perhaps she has the same power of
invisibility that I have.


-But with all the weapons she has
why would she steal your laser r*fle?

-It's said the ninja always takes a part
of an enemy with her.

Thank goodness it was only my w*apon.

-And she left her sword behind.

But why is she attacking
us in the first place?

-I suspect Megatron could
answer that question.

-So pure Optimus Prime has lost his
laser r*fle to little Nightbird.

He will lose much more
before we're finished.

-We should have looked into
Dr. Fujiyama's toy chest sooner.

His ninja robot is magnificent.

-Aw, she'll burn out fast.

After the way Bombshell over
torqured her circuits.

-Who asked you nitro nose?

-Nightbird won't burn out until she
returns with the computer chip we need.

It's all been programmed.

-If she returns you mean.

She's not so hot.

-She's hot enough to replace
you whenever I choose.

-It's much wose than I thought Ironhide.

The've stolen the chip which itemizes
the worlds energy supplies.

-It's got to be Megtron.

-More likely that ninja she-bot.

The only thing I can do now is get
Teletraan I temporatily operational.

-We've go to notify Prime immediately.

We can't let the ninja deliver that
world energy chip to the Decepticons.

Optimus Prime. Come in.

-Yes Ratchet.

RATCHET: Teletraan's info chip on world
enegy sources was stolen.

So that's the reason
for Nightbird's visit.

Whoever has that chip can tap into all
the power supplies on Earth.

Finding her now is more
important than ever.

Houd, activate your infared.

[ infared beeps intermitently ]

Autobots transform.

Follow Houd.

Why aren't we getting any signals?


I have something.

The signals coming from the north.

-She's very close now.


-Autobots transform.

We've got the ninja trapped.

I wanna capture her unharmed.

It's your sword.

Come and get it.

Not one of my better ideas.

Follow me.

-No more Mr. Nice Guy.

The she-bot's bought it.

-She'll pick us all off unless...

I swore not to damage you Nightbird,

But you're leaving me no option.

-Prime, you're r*fle!

-I truly regret this.

At least we now know you're
not invulnerable.

-We've got to find a way to stop her.

-I'm open to suggestions,

And you don't need to raise
your hands before you speak.

-Cliffjumper try your glass gas.

-She jammed it.


Yes, you're definitely on my
replacement list Starscream.

She's everything I've always wanted.

-Replace me?


-Skywarp, Thundercracker.

Grab him.

Soundwave, Bombshell. Activate the cage.

-You can't keep me in here, Megatron.


-I don't see why not.

That little cage was something I
rigged up for the Autobots.

But I'd like you to have it.

Think of it as a farewell gift.

Now, what did I miss?


I didn't know the Autobots could create
an electromesh prison so powerful.

No! They finally got her.

We must rescue her and retreive the
world energy chip at once!

It will give us total control of this
planet's energy supplies.

We must not fail.

Decepticons prepare for battle.

OPTIMUS PRIME: Well done Autobots.

Nightbird is contained and unharmed.

-It's the energy chip she
swiped from Teletraan.


-Keep your hands off
my property Autoclod.


I knew it.

Take 'em Autobots!

-You won't be needing this.


You're startin' ta bug me, Bombshell.

-Got it.

-Watch how my anti-matter
blaster eats up energy.

-Megatron you fiend!

-I've got to get out there.

I'll show that Megatron what his
precious ninja is really like.

Looks like I'm just in time.


-Megatron's new assistant, eh?

My null-ray will put her
out of commission.

-Nightbird, no!


Say good night to your Megatrod.

Decepticons after him!

I want that traitor's steel hide.

-It seems Megatron's schemes
have backfired once again.

DR. FUJIYAMA: Oh, mister Optimus Prime.
I'm so glad you have returned Nightbird.

And not a scratch on her chasis.

Well I'm glad she's back in
your possession doctor.

Deprogrammed and neutralized.

-And safely locked up.
