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02x23 - The God Gambit

Posted: 07/25/23 08:47
by bunniefuu
♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons. ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Robots in disguise ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

Hurry they are almost here.

If the God isn't ready...

you'll scrub the temple floor
with your tongues.

Behold the Sky God.

Look ye on his might and despair.

He demands your
harvest offerings.

Call this an offering?

Please, my family starves.

The Sky Gods
will show no mercy.

Follow me!

Jero, your Sky Gods are an excuse...

for high taxes and harsh laws.

You will be punished for
your blasphemy, Talaria.

Try your superstitious drivel
elsewhere, Jero.

I believe in reason
and common sense.

There are no sky gods.

Cosmos to Autobot base,
come in Optimus Prime.

I got energy data on my tapes
and Astrotrain on my tail.

The Decepticons will do anything...

to gain access to that information.

beam us the data.

Too dangerous, Prime.

Don't , Cosmos,
if the Decepticons intercept it...

Read you, Red Alert.

I will deliver my
message in person.

Astrotrain, you're
running outta energy.

Silence, Thrust, I'm in
complete control, complete control.

Ionic blast.

Cosmos, come in!

Jero and the astrologer priests...

Use false gods to
enslave and rob you.

No, the sky gods are real.

They reward us for
our sacrifices.

How? By keeping us in a
land where food is scarce...

and children starve?

The sky gods forbid us to
move to another land.

Thats why the
chasms were formed.

They forbid or you forbid, Jero?

Show me a Sky God so I may ask him.

- Huh what? - No?

It appears the sky gods have...

deigned to answer your challenge, Talaria.

Here's the church. Here's the steeple.

Open the doors and where are the people?!

Stop your ranting,
Starscream, we will...

There are the people.

Behold the Sky God.

Its true, the sky gods exist.

Get up,
this is one of Jero's tricks.

These fools worship transformers.

If I claim to be their Supreme God...

they will bow to
the Decepticons.

Why should you be
the Supreme God?

I'm a much better choice.

Quiet, Starscream.

I've got a coronation to attend.

Bow down,
worship the true gods.

You'll need more than
this to convince me.

I am Astrotrain,
mightiest of all the gods.

Fall down and worship
your new master, worms.

From this day forward,
all who defy me, die.

Prop up that hunk of junk there.

Why do we do all the work?

Because Astrotrain will
vaporize us if we don't.

What is the God
Astrotrain doing?

Silence, fool!

Isn't it obvious?

He's making an idol to worship.

Here is Cosmos' precious energy data.

And here is what immobilized him.

What a pity, Cosmos,
reconnect one little wire...

and you can call for help.

Speaking of help...

you burnt up most of your
energy chasing Cosmos.

- Better call Megatron.
- No!

I am in control here!

So are we stuck on this mudball?

Only until I breakk
Cosmos' code.

Cosmos, what happened?

We've been trying to reach you for hours.

The one you call Cosmos is hurt.

Quickly, what Planet are you on?

Planet? I don't know the word.

Never mind. You should see
a glowing red light.

Touch it and you'll
send a signal beacon.

We'll do the rest.

Cosmos' signal beacon.

She has led the Autobots here,
but they will not find her alive.

- Going somewhere?
- We wouldn't hear of it.


Cosmos is reactivated.

his damages render him harmless.

To reach Titan,
energy output, %.

Once there, transformation impossible.

That's why two Autobots
will ride with you.

To rescue Cosmos and
find energy for you.

- I will be one of them and...
- Hold it, Optimus.

We can't risk losing you.

Thats where we come in.

I'm the only one capable of
deciphering Cosmos' data.

We, just like kicking Decepticons cans.

Talk excessive , time limited.

Let's hope it's
not just a one-way trip.

Hear, O mighty Astrotrain.

The fire gods lair I told you of.

Look at this.

I've never seen crystals so rich in energy.

A perfect power source for Decepticons.

This must be what
Cosmos discovered.

Jero, the crystals are taboo.

- The ancient tablets say...
- Taboo? To a god?

Lord Astrotrain may
do with them as he wishes.

What is your energy reserve status,
Omega Supreme?


Lookin, good, Omega, go baby, go.

Crash, inevitable.

Wow, you stopped just in time.

Indeed, another meter or so
and we'd have perished.

- We'll pull you back over the edge!
- No! Strength: insufficient..

- Cosmos required.
- We'll find Cosmos...

and his energy source
then come back for ya!

- Just don't move.
- Sarcasm: not appreciated.

Situation: Critical.

Faster maggots.

I want all these
crystals stockpiled.

You fool,
these crystals are sacred...

treat them with respect
or we all die.

He's right, the crystal matrix
is ​​extremely unstable.

Jero, see there
are no mistakes.

We've been searching for hours.

Not the slightest sign of Cosmos.

But there is a native in that
tree sh**ting arrows at us.

As long as I breathe...

Titans will not worship false gods.

- False gods?
- To hazard a guess...

the Decepticons
arrived before we did.

Could you stop sh**ting
and start talking...

Maybe we can work something out.

There's the temple.

Your friend is held prisoner inside.

- There he is.
- This is terrible.

Cosmos has been in worse predicaments.

No, I mean, worshiping him
like he's some kind of God.

We are not gods,
we're just fancy machines, Talaria.

Faster! Faster! To the temple!

Musn't anger your gods.

Right you are and heres something for you!

There are two of em,
I'd better warn Astrotrain.

Stand and fight, coward!

Pretty good odds, two against two.

Face it, Starscream,
this time you just ain't gonna win.

Thrust, help me!


they are trying to rescue Cosmos!

Hit the false gods
with your crystals.

Hold on, I'm on your side.

Slay them!

Use larger crystals!

- No, its dangerous.
- Obey your God.

Jazz, what's transpiring out here?

Keep firing, worms!

The cowards fled.

Jazz? Perceptor?


A heretic.

What more fitting end
than to be sacrificed?

"Bah, no sign of them."
- We better be careful.

They may be lurking in ambush.

Nonsense, the crystals
chased them off for good.

Titan is ours!

Circle around the volcano and see
where they got those crystals.

How dare you cease working?

They are lazy insects,
O mighty Astrotrain.

- Should I punish them? - No.

Let them see the sacrifice.

That will renew their vigor.

Look at this.

Highly unstable
crystallized energy.

If the Decepticons rule Titan...

they've beaten us Autobots.

We've got to refuel
Omega Supreme.


Set off one crystal and the
chain reaction will blow us all up.

We, worshipped you...

but all you bring is death and sorrow.

You have destroyed our
faith, now destroyed us.

Hang on a minute, jack...

we ain't gods and never claimed to be.

"But Lord Astrotrain..."
"Lied to you."

If we'd listened to Talaria we
wouldn't be in this mess.

"And she wouldn't be sacrificed."
- What? Sacrificed?

Quick, is there another
entrance to the Temple?

There is the floor of the temple.

And there is the pool that leads
to the chasm surrounding our plateau.

Electric lava,
the same substance as the crystals.

You take some crystals and
refuel Omega Supreme.

I will rescue Talaria.

Omega Supreme, where are you?


Vibrations: Terminal.

- Careful. - I'm trying.

Jero, begin the sacrifice.

Situation: Irreversible.

Destruction: Inevitable.

Accept our sacrifice,
O mighty Astrotrain.

Sorry to bust up your revival...

but the lady ain't got her heart in it!

Destroy the Autobot!

Circle around! They musn't escape!

I'll hold them off
as long as I can.


Are the two of you all right?

Just fine, but we'd better do
something about Cosmos.

Lord Astrotrain,
who are these false gods?

We can't fight Omega Supreme.

Then we won't try.

If we can't have the energy
crystals, no one will.

Lord Astrotrain, what about me?!

Die, like the worm you are!

Astrotrain is running away from here.

They started the chain reaction!

Don't ya just hate sore losers?

- Spare us and we will worship you.
- We aint gods.

But we will save you.

Omega Supreme, do your thing.

Come on guys, boogie on over.

Let's go!

We lost our old home.

But thanks to you,
we gained a new one.

I fixed it!

He's working again.

We have much to be thankful for.

Like no Decepticons
to monkey around with your beliefs.