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04x09 - WordGirl Makes a Mistake: Part 1 / WordGirl Makes a Mistake: Part 2

Posted: 07/25/23 09:50
by bunniefuu
Pbs kids opens worlds of
possibilites for all children.

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♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at
the speed of sound ♪

♪ Vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe ♪

♪ We need the living
dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go, girl! ♪

♪ Huggy face
is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ Then throw some
mighty words your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Narrator: today's featured words
are "flawless" and "dominate."

One day outside
the city space museum,

Wordgirl and captain huggy face

Try to stop mr. Big from
stealing a rocket ship.

Oh, this rocket ship
is going to look
awfully shiny

in my driveway.

I don't think so!


Huh. Nice moves, leslie.

Thanks. I did
gymnastics as a kid.



Hey, throw whatever
you want at me.

It's not gonna
change the fact that
I am dominating you

In this battle.

Even with your
flashy ninja skills,
you're no match for me.

Well, that's parsculiar.

Uh, uh, uh, uh--

What did you
just say?

It's parsculiar.

You mean "peculiar."

Uh, yeah.
That's what I said.

Well, that's not
what I heard.

What do you all think?

Did wordgirl make
a word mistake?

No way!

No way!

Wordgirl never makes

When it comes to words,
she's flawless.

Yes, I am your
local authorterly
on vocablary.

[All gasp]

Uh, wordgirl, I'm
pretty sure the words
are pronounced


and vocabulary.

[Chuckles nervously]

That's what I said.
Right, everyone?


Um, no.
Not really.

People, I'm wordgirl.
Why would I
mispounce a word?

It's already been
established that
I'm lawfless.

She means "flawless."

Ha ha! Hey, wordgirl,
maybe you should
go to the...

[Annunciating slowly]

And read a book on how
to say words right.

We'll see who's laughing
when you're both in jail.




Narrator: yikes. This has
never happened before.

Adios, girdworl.

Enjoy the pavement.

Ay, ohh.

The entire town is
buzzing today about
wordgirl's big mistake.

During a battle
with mr. Big,

The town super hero
known for her flawless
word knowledge

Mispronounced the word
peculiar and authority

She even mispronounced
the word "mispronounce."

Ha ha. Looks
like wordgirl isn't
so flawless after all,

Or as wordgirl might
say, "lawfless."

Ha ha ha!

Ahem. In totally
unrelated news,
a meteorite landed today

In our fair city.

Tests reveal
that the space rock comes
from the planet lexicon

And is made
of pure lexonite.

I don't get it, leslie.

Wordgirl has always
dominated me in the past,

Both in her battle
skills as well as her
flawless way with words.

Something fishy
is going on here.

It's the
meteorite, sir.

It's from her home

Whenever a super hero
comes into contact
with a meteorite

From their home planet,
it takes away
their super powers.

Have you ever read
a comic book, sir?

Well, no. I preferred
magic tricks as a kid.


do you know

What this means?

If wordgirl has
no supernatural powers
around lexonite,

I'm free to send
a mind control device
to the moon

And carry out

[Squeaking toy]
my top secret
ultimate evil plan!

Aren't you gonna
tell me the plan?

What? Oh. No.
All you need to know

Is that it's a matter
of justice, leslie.

I've been wronged,
and this plan
will make things right.

Whatever you say.

But I do need your
help in coming up
with a fake crime

So I can lure
wordgirl out

And use the lexonite
on her. Any thoughts?

I'll come up
with something.

Hey, I have to run
a few errands.

Mind if I take
the rocket ship?

Well, uh...


I, uh, no.

Narrator: later at
the botsford house...

I just don't
get it.

How could wordgirl
make such
a huge mistake?

I mean,

Even I know that's
not a real word.

Ha ha.

Dad, wordgirl
didn't misspeak.

She's a super hero.
She's flawless with
her use of vocabulary.

Flawless--an adjective
meaning perfect,
never making a mistake.

Becky, we saw it
on the television.

Wordgirl didn't make
one mistake.

She made a whole
bunch of mistakes.

Why, she even mispronounced

Ha ha! Blooper.

Yeah, I don't trust
the television.

They use a lot of
fancy tricks
in the editing.

Look, I know you
kiddos really look
up to wordgirl.

But, becky,
nobody's perfect.

There's nothing wrong
with making a mistake.

You're right.

There's nothing
wrong with
making a mistake.

There must
be another

Wordgirl will get over it.
Mistakes make us human.

The important thing is
that we learn from them.

But I didn't
make a mistake,

And I'm not

My flawless
word knowledge
is exactly

What separates
me from
mere mortals.

Becky, you're taking
wordgirl's mistake
rather personally.


Dad, t.j.,
I have something
to tell you.

I've been
this back

For a long time,

But this seems like
a good time to tell
you the truth.

Bob, that's not
very polite.

So, becky, what do you
have to say to us?

It sounds very important.

Well, dad...

I'm wordgirl.

Ha ha ha!

You wish.

No, seriously, becky,
what's going on?

I am serious.

I was born
on planet lexicon

In a galaxy far
away from here.

One day, I crawled
into the spaceship

Of famous lexicon
air force pilot

Captain huggy face,
and I fell asleep.


Captain huggy face was
piloting through space

When I awoke
and startled him.


Our ship hit a meteor,

And we flew off-course,
spinning through space.

To save us both,
the greatest pilot
in the galaxy

Had to crash land
on a far-away

That air force captain,

He is my pet monkey,
the one we call bob.

Cradling me in his arms,

Captain huggy face left
the spaceship.

We were discovered
in the woods by
a young couple.


Tim and
sally botsford.

You know,
you and mom.

Go on.

Don't you remember
this part, dad?

You adopted me.

Rings a bell.


Hey! A baby
and a monkey.

Who wants sandwiches?

And as I grew up,
I discovered
my special powers

And decided
to become
a super hero.

Uh, becky, you forgot
one little difference
between you and wordgirl.


so much.

Dad, surely
you believe me.

Aw. You'll always
be my little
super hero, honey.

wow. What an imagination.

Now, who
wants sandwiches?


Narrator: later at wordgirl's
super secret hideout...

Flawless, dominate!

Peculiar, authority!

Huggy, have you noticed
that I haven't made
a single word mistake

Since I left the city
space museum?

I still
dominate with words.

Dominate--a verb meaning
to control or command

By being
the strongest or
the best at something.

I just don't
understand how it
could have happened.

I mean,

I'm from
the planet lexicon,

Not the planet

It was like some
outside force

my super powers
and dominated me.

But what could
it be?


Hello? Wordgirl

[High-pitched voice]
wordgirl, please help.
A big evil villain

Is after my sweet
little kitten.

He's out front--ooh--
right now.

No problem. I'm on it.
Where are you?

I'm at galaxy road,

Right across from
the city space museum.

Please hurry.

it's my kitty--buster.

Don't worry.

I'll save your kitten.

A small job like this
will help me
regain my confidence

And restore my reputation.

See? Look at
how many big words
I used in that sentence?

I've still got it.

Word up!

Mr. Big, where's
the little old lady?

[Imitating woman]
you mean me?

Ha ha.

[Regular voice]
mwah ha ha ha ha.

What on earth
are you up to?

You mean what on moon
am I up to? Oops!

Don't want
to give it away.

Give what away?

My super secret plan.

So anyway I just wanted
to give you another
chance to redeem yourself

From when I completely
dominated you

With my vocabulary skills.

Mr. Big, it's ok
to make mistakes.

I mean, everyone
makes mistakes, ok?

Really? Even if you're
a "flawless" super hero?

Can we just get back
to me arresting you

For impersonating
a little old lady

And filing a false
kitten report, please?

In a second. First,
I thought you might
want to know why

You made all those
embarrassing mistakes.

The meteorite?

Not just any

It's from
the planet lexicon.

Yes, the lexonite
interferes with
your super powers.

So it was the lexonite
that caused me to lose
my super powers?

I didn't really make
a mistake? Ahh.

Ohh. Huggy, I don't
feel so good.

My wees are a little
kneek. Ooh.

Wordgirl, we've had
a long relationship,

The two of us.

I've enjoyed all of
our little battles.

But with you out of
the way, my pursuit
of world domination

Is going to be
much, much easier.

Now I'll be able
to send--oh, oh--

Almost gave away
the secret again.

Darn it. I was
so close to finding out
the secret plan.

Wordgirl will
never fly again.

Mwah ha ha ha ha!

Mwah ha ha ha ha!

Mwah mwah ha mwah ha ha ha.

Huggy, help.

is mr. Big right?

Will his secret plan give
him total world domination?

Is this the end of wordgirl's
flawless crime-fighting career?

Find out in the next thrilling
episode of "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome
and this is...

All: "may I have a word?"

As usual, the player who
correctly defines today's
featured word

Will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play.

May I have a word?

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is "hover."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips
from "wordgirl"

That show the meaning
of the word.


To hover means
to stop crime,

Just as wordgirl did
in the episodes
"high fat robbery,"

"Coupon madness,"
"two-brain highway."

Let me stop you there.
That's incorrect.
Anyone else?

I think you should
let tommy finish.

Ok, very well.

Wordgirl also stopped
crime in the episodes
"jerky jerk--"

Thank goodness! Emily?

I think to hover
is to sort of
float in one place

In the air.

That is correct, emily!

You are today's winner.

Huggy, show her
what she's won.

It's an official "wordgirl"
state-of-the-art hovercraft.

With this hovercraft,
you can hover or float

Above the ground
or water.

Go from your house
to school without your
feet ever touching down.

That's it for
today's episode.
See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Narrator: psst.

Listen for the words
"potent" and "mission."

When we last saw wordgirl,

She was captured while
trying to stop mr. Big
and his secret plan.

Now, where did we
leave off?

Oh, yes. I believe...

Help! A chunk of lexonite
from wordgirl's home planet

Has taken away
her super strength
and vocabulary skills!

And now she's
been captured by
the evil mr. Big.

Oh, awkward. You're
not the police.

No, afraid not.

Do you mind if
I use your phone
to call the police?


[Punch is thrown]

Narrator: huh. You know,
if you had just
let me do my job,

This wouldn't have happened.

[Huggy face chatters]

Does anyone else in here
feel panicked?

Anyone here hate
small enclosed spaces

Or feel doomed? Doomed?!

'Cause I don't.

Don't worry.
Huggy and I will
figure a way

Out of this spism.

Ah. No, that's not
the right word.


Right. "Prison."

Mr. Big: you'll never
escape, wordgirl.

The entire cage has
been built entirely
out of lexonite.

It's an incredibly
potent material.

And it strips you
of all your powers.

I'm afraid there's
only one way out of
this jail, wordgirl.

I call it
the lockutron .

Hee hee!

Anyway, just
to make it extra
frustrating for you,

The lockutron
will open if you
can define a word.

The word is "potent,"

A word every super hero
should know.

You care to give it
a try, wordgirl?

Uh, potent. Easy.

It's when someone
does something
to somehow--

Ugh. My head hurts.


I'm sorry, huggy.
It's the lexonite.

It's making me so--
what's the word I'm
thinking of?

[Mr. Big laughing]

My lockutron
will keep you

And imprisoned

Wordgirl: you won't get
away with this.

I'll figure a way
to break out of here,

Or my name isn't word--

Whew. Word...


Girl! Thank you.

Mr. Big: the word
is potent.

Define it, and you're
free. In the meantime,
I'll be carrying out

My secret plan with
my moon-based mind
control device.

Ha ha ha ha!

You won't get away
with your evil...

Ohh. What's the word?
It starts with an "m"?

Hmm, milkshake?

No. It means
an important
task or job

Someone has
to do.



[Huggy face chatters]


Narrator: mission, people.

The word she's trying
to say is mission--

An assignment or project
someone is trying to finish.

Well, good luck
breaking out of
this spism, wordgirl.



I slay me. Hee hee!

It's genius, leslie.

With wordgirl
out of the way,

I can finally use
my mind control device
to get back

What's rightfully mine.

To the moon.

Do you have
your spacesuit, sir?

To the dry cleaners'.

Narrator: meanwhile,
mr. Botsford is about to
start a mission of his own.


Great skunk!

This kitchen smells
like a gym sock souffle.

It's the dirty
dishes, hon.

It's becky's turn
to wash them,

But she just left
them in the sink.

Well, it smells
quite potent.

You can say that again.


I'll just wash
them myself.

Oh, gosh, no, hon.
That's not fair
to the rest of us--

Ugh--is it?

Uh, I guess not.

You see, becky needs
to learn a lesson
about responsibility.

It's not like she's off
saving the world.

Narrator: if he only knew.

Across town, the world
was at stake,

And only one hero could
save us all.

You're my best friends.

Ugh. The other
end of town.

Potent, potent.
What does it mean?

I'm wordgirl. I'm fupposed
to know every word.

Oh, "supposed to." Ugh.

Any luck, wordgirl?

I'm working on it.

Nothing can stop
my mission
to the moon.



Oh, gah.

Who is it?

Leslie: todd--
your handyman.

He built
the lexonite
cage for you.

He's here
to get paid.


A little problemo.

I kind of spent my money

On the rocket ship/lunar
mind control device

Well, you have
to pay him.



Hey, mr. Big,
it's me--
handyman todd.

Hey, todd, I'm off
to get my checkbook.

Would you mind waiting
in the cage for me?

Sure thing, mr. Big.

[Key turns in lock]

You do realize you're
now his prisoner, right?

What? Me?
No, no, no.
I'm the handyman.


Todd: maybe
his checkbook's
on the moon?

Oh, without words,
I'm no longer wordgirl.

I just--i failed my mission.

Your mission. What's
your mission?

She came here to teach
people words and defeat
bad guys.

Thank you kindly.

You're welcome.

Now my vocab--words
are so, like,

I don't know.

I don't think
a flawless
vocabulary is

Some kind of
magical super power,

Man: maybe he's right.
Anyone can have
a good vocabulary.

Even if you don't know
what a word means,

You can still figure
it out using clues.



Ugh. I mean absolutely.

I can look for clues
in the situation

To figure out what
definition makes
the most sense.

It's what we
regular people do.

Well, let's go for it.

Ok, I'm going to use clues

And figure out
what potent means.

Ok, focus. I can do this.
Here goes.

Mr. Big said this cage
was made out of
a potent material.


Right. And my brother
always says

That wordgirl is the most
potent super hero alive.


When my wife cooks
her -alarm chili,

She warns me
how potent
the flavor is.

Todd: and the guy at
the hardware store

Who sold me my
power drill said the
motor was so potent,

It could drill
through a brick.

That's it! Given
all these examples,

Potent must mean
strong or powerful.

You were right! I still
defined the word without
my super powers.

Hmm. Strong and powerful.
Yup, that's what
potent means, all right.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on.
You had a dictionary
this whole time?

Oh, yeah.
Never leave home
without it. Why?

Ohh. Forget it.

Huggy, I believe we
have a world to save.

To the moon!

And while you're
up there, would it be
too much of a bother

To ask mr. Big
for my paycheck?

Uh, I'll see what
I can do. Word up!

Whoa! It's like
the leaning tower
of dishes.

Easy. Easy.

I tell you, becky is
in for a rude awakening

When she finally decides
to tackle her chores.

Can't I wash
just one dish?

Oh, honey, that would
defeat my whole mission--

To teach becky a lesson
about responsibility.

Oh! Got it!

Oh, ho. Nice one,

I thought the dishes
were gonna fall
on us for a sec.

[Both chuckle]

I will now activate
the mind control device.

My secret mission
is underway.

Sir, will you please
tell me

What the secret mission
you keep talking about is?

All right.
It's time you knew.

This secret mission
is going to help me
finally get back

What is
rightfully mine--


casserole dish.

Did you say
your casserole dish, sir?

Yes. I loaned it to
my neighbor helen.

And she's had it
for, like, weeks,

And she hasn't returned it.

But with this potent
machine, every person
on the planet

Will be under my control.

And I will command that
helen to return

The dish to me at once.

And then I shall make
my famous tuna casserole.

Or you can just ask
for the dish back.

Ok, now this
conversation is
making me uncomfortable.

Please go away now.

Where? We're on the moon.

Well, how about
you go make me
a sandwich?

That's your mission.

[Leslie sighs]

Oh, and, leslie, cut
the crusts off.

People of earth,
your minds belong to me.

All: casserole.





It's working!
My mission
is complete.

Did someone
say "mission"?

Mission--an assignment
or project someone
is trying to finish.

And your mission
has failed.

You're finished.

Oh! How did you get
back your powers
of vocabulary?

I figured what the word
meant, like anyone would--

With clues from
hearing it used.

Looks like your
lockutron was
no match for wordgirl.

Come on, huggy.
Let's give mr. Big
a piece of our mind.


Good news, mr. Big.

I just found

Your casserole dish.

It was in the rocket.

Oh, that's right.
Helen returned it
to me last week.

Oh, well.
My whole mission
was for nothing.

you can say that again!

No matter how hard you try,

You can't escape wordgirl.

Or can i? Adios,
my worthy foe.

Aah. Oh.


Mr. Big: hey. Uh, question.
Do the police use

A lockutron ?

Nope. Just a regular
lock and key.

It's just so much


Come on, huggy.
Let's go home.

It sure has been
a long day.

I'm just glad it's over.

Narrator: or is it?


Narrator: you'll see.

[Huggy face chatters]

I know, bob, but
even super heroes

Have to do
the dishes.

Well, becky, I sure
hope you learned a lesson
about taking care

Of your responsibilities
on time.

Actually, I learned
a lot today, dad.

Well, then my mission
is accomplished.

Oh, these dishes
are so dirty.

We need a dish soap
that's more...

Oh, no. Oh!
I had it. I forgot
the word.

Narrator, incredulously:

Kidding! Potent.

Narrator: and so once again,
wordgirl saves the day

By defeating mr. Big's
secret mind control mission.

Now, tune in next time
for another potent
adventure of "wordgirl."

Hello. I'm
beau handsome,

And this is the bonus
round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play
for even greater prizes

On the bonus round.

Emily, you correctly defined
the word "hover."

Ready to play
the bonus round?


Great! Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which
one shows the definition
for "hover."

What's your answer, emily?

Huggy riding
an elephant. That is
just too cute!

But the answer
is number one.

Wordgirl is hovering
over dr. Two-brains.

That's correct! Show her
what she's won, huggy.

An official "wordgirl"
hovering device

For your elephant.

Hee hee. Too cute.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Announcer: want wordgirl's
word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!

Captain huggy face,
show us what "jubilant" means.

That's right.

"Jubilant" means to feel
so happy, you want to
jump up for joy.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Needle setting down
on scratchy record]

[Techno music playing]


♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite word is

Because I'm a gymnast.

I started gymnastics when
I was about two years old,

And I really like the sport.

My favorite word
is razzle dazzle.

It's loud. It's bright.

I just like to say
it all day long.

Razzle dazzle. Razzle dazzle.
So many zs.

Razzle dazzle. My room is
probably razzle dazzleyish.

Razzle dazzle.

♪ That's my favorite word ♪