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01x02 - Alma the Artist/Bomba or Baseball

Posted: 07/25/23 14:37
by bunniefuu
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[♪♪♪] ♪ Waahoooa yay! ♪

♪ Vamonos! ♪

♪ Lo le lo lai, lo lai lai lo le. ♪

♪ It's Alma's Way! ♪

♪ Here she comes. ♪

♪ Beaming with pride and something to say! ♪

♪ Hear those drums? ♪

♪ Playing Alma's Way. ♪

♪ From the Bronx, ♪

♪ Singing a le lo lai, lai lo lei, ♪

♪ our island songs, ♪

♪ Saying Alma's Way. ♪

♪ So many questions. So much to explain. ♪

♪ Hoh! ♪ ♪ Figure it out as you hop on the train. ♪

♪ Hoo! [span] ♪ ♪ With Mami, Papi, Junior and Abuelo, mi gente. ♪

♪ I'll think it through and share it with you. ♪

♪ Come on vente! ♪

♪ There she goes! ♪

♪ Learning about her world every day. ♪

♪ The whole world knows. ♪

♪ It's Alma's Way... ♪

♪ Alma's Way! ♪

♪ Wepa! ♪


ALMA: "Alma the Artist"


ALMA: Wow!

Look at all the art in my neighborhood.


Oh, Look!

ALMA: G'morning, Mrs. Zimmerman.


ALMA: Hey, what's up?

KIDS: Hey Almaaaa...

ANDRÉ: We're checking out this awesome mural...

on the stores gate.

LUCAS: But, what is it a mural of?

KIDS: Hmmm...

ALMA: Hey, Rafia...

what's your dad have on his gate?

RAFIA: I'm glad you asked,

'cause you just gave me a great idea!

Follow me...

[Chacho barks] [♪♪♪]

RAFIA: Hi Baba! ALMA: Hi Mr. Huda!

ANDRÉ: Hi there! MR. HUDA: Hi kids!

RAFIA: Tah-dah!

LUCAS: It's blank.

RAFIA: Exactly!

RAFIA: Hey, Baba. I have an idea...

why don't we paint our store's gate...

like all the other cool looking gates in our neighbourhood.

MR. HUDA: Oh yes!

That would be great Rafia.

Perhaps you and your friends can do something wonderful, yeah?


ALMA: Sweet! LUCAS: Cool! ANDRÉ: Awesome!

KIDS: Hmmm...

ALMA: I know. What if we painted...

ANDRÉ: Spaceships!

A whole bunch of spaceships and rockets and craters...

LUCAS: Oh, I know!

This mural needs cowboys, cowgirls, cows...

RAFIA: We could paint some basketball players...

ALMA: Why don't we take turns saying our ideas...

and then we can decide what to do...

KIDS: [chattering]

ALMA: Hello?!

KIDS: [chattering]



ALMA: Aw forget it.

They're not listening to me.

I'm going home.

ALMA: Should I just leave?

I don't know.

[sigh] I gotta think about this.

ANDRÉ: Spaceships... LUCAS: Cowboys!...

RAFIA: Basketball players!

ALMA: Those are good ideas,

but nobody's listening to each other.

KIDS: [chattering] ALMA: Hello?! Yoohoo?!

ALMA: Or me.

That doesn't feel good.

ALMA: But wait, even if I feel bad,

I shouldn't just leave.

I should stay and tell them what I think.

I know what to do.

KIDS: [loud chatter]

ALMA: Hey, everyone!


ALMA: Since we all have different ideas,

what if we sketch our designs and show them to Mr. Huda?

He can pick which one he likes best for the mural on his gate.

ANDRÉ: Yeah! LUCAS: Yeah! RAFIA: Great idea!

RAFIA: I'll finish my design first!

LUCAS: Not if I finish mine first!

ANDRÉ: I gotta get inspired.

See ya, Alma!

ALMA: Wow.

I spoke up and told my friends what I was thinking...

and they listened.

I should do that more often.

Time to draw!


ALMA: [sigh] I can't think of anything to draw.

[sigh] RAFIA: Alma!

RAFIA: Come on! We're ready!

ALMA: I'm still looking for inspiration!

ANDRÉ: Just close your eyes and turn around a few times

then when you open your eyes, draw whatever you see!

ALMA: Huh.

That just might work.

Turning, turning...


ALMA: Ohhh!

My neighborhood looks so cool from my window.

I know what I'm gonna draw!

MR. HUDA: I wonder who could have drawn...

a picture of sneakers? [chuckles]

RAFIA: C'mon, Baba.

Who else?

I drew the fastest feet on the block.


MR. HUDA: [chuckle] Of course, Rafia.

Let's see the next one...

MR. HUDA: Ah, André, I see you went with space chinchillas.

And polka dots. Very bold. [chuckle]

ANDRÉ: Thank you, Mr. Huda.

MR. HUDA: And Lucas, you drew...


LUCAS: Yeah, I think everyone in the Bronx will love...

seeing my face on your store's gate.

My smile is contagious.

KIDS: [chuckles]

MR. HUDA: [chuckels] Yes, I see...hmm.

Well, okay, I guess that's all the designs...

ALMA: There's one more, Mr. Huda.


I call it, "My Window My Neighborhood."

MR. HUDA: Ah, I love it, Alma!

RAFIA: Way to go Alma!

ANDRÉ: Oh that's nice!

LUCAS: It could use more me, but it's great.

MR. HUDA: Hmmm...


I pick Alma's design!

Alma, would you paint this on my store's gate?

ALMA: Really?

Thank you, Mr. Huda!

MR. HUDA: These drawings are great too.

I'll hang them in my window.

LUCAS: Cool! ANDRÉ: Thanks. RAFIA: Thanks Baba.

MR. HUDA: I'll get you some paint supplies.

RAFIA: Race you to the park?

LUCAS: You're on!

ANDRÉ: Well, I guess I'll go now, Alma.

Yeah, I guess I'll just take off and you know,

go and do some, some stuff.

Somewhere else.

Okay, bye.

ALMA: Uh...


I don't think André wants to leave...


Maybe he wants to stay and help me paint?

Hey, André do you wanna...

ANDRÉ: Yes, I'll help for sure!


ALMA: Great.

Told ya.

ALMA: [humming]

ALMA: [gasp]

ALMA: Polka dots?

I don't have polka-dots in my design.


Oh, maybe André can't see it.

Hey, André, I'll move this paper so you...

can see my design better...

ANDRÉ: Perfect, thanks, Alma.

I can see it great now.

I love it.


Uh, André, can you see my design ok?

ANDRÉ: Yeah.

Why are you asking?

ALMA: Well, I kinda noticed you're drawing

polka dots on the buildings?

ANDRÉ: Oh, yeah!

I thought you'd like 'em.

It's different, right?

ALMA: Um, it's definitely different.

ANDRÉ: I'm so glad you like them!

Thanks, Alma!

ALMA: [whispering] I don't like the polka dots,


if that's the only thing different

from my design it's okay.

ALMA: [gasp] André...

Did you just paint a space chinchilla on the mural?

ANDRÉ: [giggle] Yeah!

I knew you'd think it was funny.

ALMA: André, I'm not sure about the space chinchillas

and polka dots.

ANDRÉ: Ohhh, I got it.

No chinchillas and no polka dots.

No biggie.

ALMA: Whew. That was easy.

ANDRÉ: You know what this mural needs?

Space hippos!

ALMA: Ooo...

my design is supposed to be the view from my window

and I've never looked out my window to see any space hippos.

ALMA: I've gotta do something...

before he paints space hippos on the mural.

Oh, I know!

ALMA: Whoa, painting makes me so hungry.

Hungry, hungry, hungry.

How about you, André?

ANDRÉ: Well, I was just about to paint some Space Hippos,

but I am kinda hungry.

I'll get us some snacks.

ALMA: Oh, I'd love a blueberry muffin.

Mr. Huda has the best ones.

ANDRÉ: You got it.

ALMA: Thanks, André.

ALMA: I've gotta work fast!


ALMA: [panting] Looks just like my design.

Am I good or what?

ANDRÉ: Whoa, you got a lot done while I was gone.

It looks awesome.

ALMA: Well, I guess we're all done.

Thanks for your help, André.

ANDRÉ: Check it out!

Best brownie in the Bronx!

You'll love it.

ALMA: No, thanks.

I'll just have my blueberry muffin.

ANDRÉ: Oh. Sorry!

My bad.

I got you a brownie instead.

They're so good.

ALMA: Yeah, I like brownies,

but I asked you for a blueberry muffin.


I'm getting a muffin.

ANDRÉ: Umm... Okay, cool.

ALMA: Mmm.

MR. HUDA: I can't wait to see the mural, Alma.

Let's look!

ALMA: It looks just like my design...

MR. HUDA: [gasp] ALMA: [gasp]

ALMA: Uh...

MR. HUDA: It's, um, different than your design.

MR. HUDA: It's not quite what I was expecting.

ANDRÉ: Pretty awesome, right?

ALMA: I gotta get André to stop changing my design, but how?

I know!

I gotta speak up!

Like I did last time.

ALMA: Hey, André...

I wanted the mural to be the view from my window.

Like this, see...

ANDRÉ: Oh. You don't like my ideas?

ALMA: Your design is cool but this is my design...

and I've never looked out my window...

and seen a hippo with a flying saucer in the Bronx.

ANDRÉ: Yeah, me neither.

ALMA: If you want to add something to my design,

just ask first, okay?

ANDRÉ: Got it!

Let's paint.

ALMA: [giggles]


ALMA: Done!

ANDRÉ: It looks great.

But I think something's missing.

ALMA: Uhhh... what?

ANDRÉ: Your friends!

And you.

Can I do it?

ANDRÉ: Thanks!


You, Rafia, Lucas and the good-looking kid is me.

ALMA: [laughs]

CROWD: Wow! Yes! Oh wow!

RAFIA: Way to go Alma!

MR. HUDA: This is great!


CROWD: [cheers] Yo, that's fresh! Ohhh!

MR. HUDA: This looks so beautiful.

Thank you Alma, thank you everybody.

FRANKIE FOUR-FEET: Yo, Alma, can you paint a mural...

on the wall at the community center?

I'm thinking something outer-spacey...

with rockets and stuff.


ALMA: Oooh, I know the perfect person for that job.

André the artist.

ALMA: I love it.

It's the view from my window.

My friends. Our neighborhood.



ALMA: "Bomba or Baseball"

ALMA: Batter up! Eddie, show me what you got!

ALMA: Pow!

And it's outta here! It's a hoooooome run!

The crowd... goes wild.

ALMA: Yeah! Whoo-hoo! EDDIE: [giggle]

EDDIE: But wait!

The City Seagulls' star pitcher, Eddie Mambo,

runs back to the fence and...

he caught the ball!

[crowd noise] This is amazing, folks!

You're out!

ALMA: Not so fast!

You dropped the ball!

EDDIE: What? No way!

[laughs] I'm taking a water break.

ALMA: He totally dropped the ball!

[Chacho barking]

ALMA: [gasp] Hi Abuelo! EDDIE: Hi Abuelo!

ABUELO: Hi kids [chuckle]

ALMA: Abuelo! Did you get the tickets for the opening game?

The first game of baseball season is this Saturday!

How close to the field are we?

ABUELO: Ay, Almita.

I'm sorry, I tried to get tickets,

but the game is sold out.

No more seats.

ALMA: Awwww, I've been waiting for this game for soooo long!

ABUELO: I know, me too.

We can watch it on TV, okay?

ALMA: [sigh] Okay, Abuelo.

ABUELO: Come Chacho.

Snack time is for both of us [chuckle].


Alas! What shall I do?

EDDIE: What's wrong, Papá?

UNCLE NESTOR: Oh! I've got a problem.

A big bomba problem.

ALMA: Oooh, my mom used to dance bomba when she was little!

UNCLE NESTOR: I have a bomba dance recital on Saturday.

But one of my drummers and one of my dancers...

are going out of town.


EDDIE: I'll help Papa.

UNCLE NESTOR: Ay, gracias, hijo.

ALMA: I don't know how to dance bomba.

But Uncle Nestor needs a dancer,

and since I'm not going to the baseball game...

ALMA: If you can teach me,

I'll dance in your show, Uncle Nestor.

You can count on me.

UNCLE NESTOR: Gracias, niños!

Practice begins tonight.

MAMI: I wore this skirt for bomba when I was your age.

ALMA: Ooooooooh!

ALMA: Ooh, it's so pretty and I love how it moves!

JUNIOR: Oof, Alma...

ALMA: Sorry, Junior.

JUNIOR: Ah, Mami, guess what!

Guess what?

MAMI: What?

JUNIOR: You're supposed to guess!

MAMI: Oh...

You lost a tooth?


MAMI: You found a penny?

JUNIOR: I wish!

MAMI: You cleaned your room?

JUNIOR: Not yet...

Elyssa B is playing a free concert in the park tonight.


MAMI: Really?

MAMI: Oooh! Play Elyssa B!

[playing music]

ALMA: Elyssa B is Mami and Junior's favorite singer!


GLORIA: Did someone say Elyssa B?

ALMA: Tía Gloria loves her even more.

ALL: [singing] ♪ Wave your hands up! Make 'em clap! ♪

♪ Wave your hands up! Make 'em snap! [span] ♪

JUNIOR: So can you take me to the concert?

Please, please, please???

MAMI: I would love to go, but I can't...

JUNIOR: [sigh] GLORIA: I'll take you, Junior!

JUNIOR: Really?

GLORIA: Absolutely.

This is going to be so much fun!

JUNIOR: Thanks, Tía Gloria!

But why can't you go, Mami?

MAMI: I told Papi that I would help him.

JUNIOR: Help him?

With what?

[iguana snorts]

ALMA: You'd rather hang out with an iguana...

than see Elyssa B with Junior?

MAMI: [sigh] No.

But I promised I'd help Papi record his show.

JUNIOR: What? ALMA: Really?

MAMI: Well, you have to honor your commitments.

JUNIOR: Honor your commit-mints.

I love mints!

Do you have any?

MAMI: [chuckle] Commit-ment.

It's a promise.

And it means you're going to do what you said you would do.

I can't just cancel.

Papi is counting on me.

JUNIOR: Oh, okay. I get it.

So, no mints?

MAMI: [chuckle] Go have fun at the show with Tía Gloria.


One last dance, Junior!?


MAMI: Play Elyssa B!

JUNIOR: [siniging] ♪ Wave your hands up! Make 'em clap! ♪

♪ Wave your hands up!

JUNIOR: Hey! ALMA: Whoops!

Wow, sorry!

GLORIA: Are you ready for the show, Junior?

EDDIE: Ready for practice, Alma?

JUNIOR: Yes!!! ALMA: Yes!!!

GLORIA: And are you ready for iguana duty, Lulú?

MAMI: [sigh] Yes...


Ready to bomba?

[drum sounds]

UNCLE NESTOR: Shoulders! Snap that skirt!

Shuffle back!

ALMA: If bomba dancing is just waving your skirt around,

then this is going to be super easy.

UNCLE NESTOR: Bomba dancing is not just waving...

your skirt around.

UNCLE NESTOR: Mira, One-two-three forward!

One-two-three back!


ALMA: Whoops!

Whoa, sorry.

UNCLE NESTOR: Vamos, Alma, you got this!

ALMA: I don't feel like I got this, Uncle Nestor.


UNCLE NESTOR: You're getting the hang of it.

One-two-three forward!

One-two-three back!

EDDIE: You're getting it Alma.

ALMA: I got this!


Whoops, I don't think I've got this.

[bomba music playing on speaker]

MAMI: Uh, looks like you've been practicing.

[bomba music continues to play]

ALMA: I'm still working on it.

As long as there's no furniture at the show,

I'm good!

MAMI: Well, that's good to hear.

ABUELO: ¡Wepa!

ABUELO: Alma! I have great news!

My friend Luis gave me his extra tickets...

to the baseball game on Saturday.

Haha! You wanna go?

ALMA: Yes! Yes! Yes!

And I know exactly what I'm gonna to wear!

ALMA: [sing-songy] We got tickets! We got tickets!

ALMA: Where is it?

I know it's here somewhere...

I can't go to the game without my...


Sweat Sox jersey!


MAMI: Alma, it's time for dance practice!

ALMA: Coming Mami!

ALMA: [gasp] Waitaminute.

ALMA: The baseball game and the bomba show are both on Saturday.

I can't go to both.

What should I do?

Bomba or baseball?

Baseball or bomba?

I gotta think about this.

ALMA: Ok, what if I went to the baseball game with Abuelo...

ALMA: Go go go Sweat Sox! ABUELO: Go Sweat Sox!

ALMA: Oooh, that would be sooo much fun!

But if I go the game, then I'd miss Uncle Nestor's bomba show.

And I promised I'd help him...

ALMA: I'll dance in your show, Uncle Nestor.

You can count on me.

ALMA: I made a commitment.


I know what to do.

ALMA: [sigh] Abuelo?

ABUELO: Looks like you found your baseball jersey!

ALMA: Yeah, I'm sorry but I can't go to the game.


How come, Alma?

ALMA: I told Uncle Nestor I would dance in his bomba show

and it's the same time as the game.


ABUELO: Ahh, I completely understand.

It's good to honor your commitments.

I'm proud of you, Alma.

ALMA: Shoulders!

Snap that skirt!

EDDIE: Guess what!?

Abuelo just invited me to the game on Saturday.

ALMA: Too bad it's at the same time as our bomba show.

So I guess you told him...

EDDIE: I would love to go!

ALMA: What?

EDDIE: Right on the third base line.

I bet I'll even catch a fly ball!

And I'll have an Ernie's Famous Hot Dog!


EDDIE: Sorry Alma, got a little carried away there.

I'll be skipping practice tonight...

since I'm not going to the show anymore.

ALMA: But Eddie, you made a commitment to the bomba show.

EDDIE: Commitment?

I wanna go to the game.

It's the first game of the season!

JUNIOR: A commitment is a promise [span] .

And you gotta honor them!

It has nothing to do with mints.

EDDIE: Bu-bu- have you ever had an Ernie's Famous Hot Dog?

They're sooo good.

And you can only get them at the stadium.

ALMA: Eddie, if you're not drumming,

it won't sound right.

And then, Uncle Nestor will have to find another drummer.

We're counting on you.

JUNIOR: I know how to drum!

EDDIE: Uurhh... Bomba or baseball?

Baseball or bomba?

This is so hard!

[sigh] You're right.

I have to honor my commitment to my dad.

I'll tell Abuelo I can't go.

JUNIOR: Let him know I can go the game!

I don't have any commitments!

KIDS: [laugh]

[bomba music playing]


Very good. Very good!



That was marvelous!

Qué maravilla!

That crowd is going to love your performance!

ALMA: Crowd???

ALMA: Ummm, where are we performing, Uncle Nestor?

UNCLE NESTOR: Just wait until you see...

ANNOUNCER: Welcome everyone!

First up, to help celebrate opening day,

The Bronx Bomba Bunch!

[bomba music playing]


ALMA: I can't believe the Bomba show is at the baseball game.

EDDIE: Me neither!

FAMILY: [cheering] [laughter]

CROWD: [cheer]

ALMA: Now that we did the dance,

we can watch the game.

EDDIE: Okay, but first,

I need to honor the commitment I made to my stomach...

and eat a hot dog.

ALMA: Who knew honoring your commitment

could be so delicious?

Mmm! Yum!

