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01x03 - Alma's Movie Night/Papi the Hero

Posted: 07/25/23 14:38
by bunniefuu
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[♪♪♪] ♪ Waahoooa yay! ♪

♪ Vamonos! ♪

♪ Lo le lo lai, lo lai lai lo le. ♪

♪ It's Alma's Way! ♪

♪ Here she comes. ♪

♪ Beaming with pride and something to say! ♪

♪ Hear those drums? ♪

♪ Playing Alma's Way. ♪

♪ From the Bronx, ♪

♪ Singing a le lo lai, lai lo lei, ♪

♪ our island songs, ♪

♪ Saying Alma's Way. ♪

♪ So many questions. So much to explain. ♪

♪ Hoh! ♪ ♪ Figure it out as you hop on the train. ♪

♪ Hoo! [span] ♪ ♪ With Mami, Papi, Junior and Abuelo, mi gente. ♪

♪ I'll think it through and share it with you. ♪

♪ Come on vente! ♪

♪ There she goes! ♪

♪ Learning about her world every day. ♪

♪ The whole world knows. ♪

♪ It's Alma's Way... ♪

♪ Alma's Way! ♪

♪ Wepa! ♪


ALMA: "Alma's Movie Night"

ALMA: Look, they're setting up the screen...

for Movie Night in the park!

And we're making our movie night plan!

ANDRÉ: There!

All mapped out.

ALMA: Great! Now we can figure out the best place

for all of us to sit this week.

RAFIA: How about here?

This is where we sat for last week's movie.

LUCAS: Yeah, and remember how lumpy the grass was?

No, thank you.

LUCAS: I think we should sit under these big trees.

ALMA: We tried that spot for movie night two weeks ago...

ANDRÉ: Yeah, and the squirrels ate my popcorn!

ANDRÉ: Mmhmmm.

Okay. What about here?

KIDS: Hmm...

ALMA: That's the perfect spot, André!

RAFIA: Yeah, nice work!

LUCAS: The grass is cushy there.

ALMA: Okay, great.

Everybody remember to bring snacks and drinks to share.

ANDRÉ: Yes! This is gonna be the best...

summer movie night in history!

LUCAS: W-w-wait, hold up, what movie are we seeing?

ALMA: [shrug] ANDRÉ: [shrug]

RAFIA: Safina, what's the movie tonight?

SAFINA: Well, tonight's movie is...

'Invasion of the Blob Monster.'

KIDS: Woo! Niiice! Sweet! Blob Monster!

ALMA: Yes! Yes! Yes!

That's my favorite scary movie!

ANDRÉ: Did you say, 'scary?'

ALMA: Yeah, so scary!

It's about...

A hungry and clumsy blobby blob that comes to town.

And eats all of the hot dog carts,

[gobble] cabs... [gobble]

...and a whole pizza shop! [gobble] [gobble]

And then he grows and grows and grows...

Bababubumm.... into a humongo blob monster...

that blobs up the whole city!

ALMA: Blob blob blobbity blob blob blob blobbbbbb!

KIDS: [chuckle]

ALMA: It's also pretty silly, that's why I like it.

RAFIA: [laughs] I can't wait to see it!

LUCAS: Yeah, it's sounds awesomely scary.

RAFIA: Blooooob! Hehehe!

KIDS: [chuckle]

ALMA: Movie night on .


KIDS: Movie night!



ANDRÉ: Movie night.

RAFIA: Blobbity blob blob..

ALMA: Can't wait for the movie, right?

ANDRÉ: Umm, well, you see...

I'm not sure if I can go to movie night...

'cause uh...

I just remembered that I need to do a bunch of stuff.

ALMA: Really?

What kind of stuff?

ANDRÉ: Uhh...

FRANKIE FOUR FEET: [humming song] Woo-hoo!

[humming song]

ANDRÉ: Oh! I told Frankie Four Feet I'd help out

at the Community Center.

Sooo, I've got to do that.

Gotta go. Have fun at movie night!

Byeeeee! Hey!

ALMA: André has to go to movie night!

He picked the best spot and everything.

There's gotta be a way!

[gasp] I know!

ANDRÉ: Hey Frankie!

You dropped this.


[humming song]

ALMA: André, wait up!

ALMA: I'll help you at the Community Center,

so you can get things done faster...

and then you can go to movie night!

ANDRÉ: Uh, thanks, but that's okay.

You don't have to do that.

ALMA: C'mon, André! Let's get to work.

ANDRÉ: [sighs]


[vinyl disc scratching]

[Blob music playing on speakers]

ALMA: Hi Frankie!

FRANKIE FOUR FEET: Hey-yo! What are ya two doing here?

ANDRÉ: I'm, um, here to help you... remember?

FRANKIE FOUR FEET: Uhhh... not really...

Oh! Are you here to paint the backdrops for the flower show?

ANDRÉ: Uhh... yep.

Yep, that's it.


FRANKIE FOUR FEET: Oooh, cool cool.

Well, follow me!


FRANKIE FOUR FEET: Here, I'll umm...

I'll help you.

ANDRÉ: Awesome!

This is... this is gonna be great.


FRANKIE FOUR FEET: Happy paintin', kiddos.

I'll be working on my music over there,

if you need me.

ALMA: [chuckle] Playing for a big crowd, huh?

FRANKIE FOUR FEET: Nah. Just working on a new song.

ANDRÉ: You don't have to help me, Alma.

You should just go to movie night without me.

ALMA: Aw, I don't want you to miss...

the best scariest movie of all time.

It's the Blob Monster!

ANDRÉ: Uh, well, I'm painting a whole tulip garden...

and a ton of lilies...

ALMA: I can paint the lilies.

ANDRÉ: A hundred of them...?

ALMA: A hundred?!

ANDRÉ: It's okay, if you don't have enough time...

to paint a hundred lilies.

No biggie.

Just, just go without me tonight.

ALMA: No, no. I've got this.

ANDRÉ: You do?

ALMA: Uh huh.

ANDRÈ: [groans]

ALMA: And... done!

ANDRÉ: What?! Really?!

ALMA: Now you can go tonight!

ANDRÉ: Uh...

I still have more painting to do

and then I'm going to clean the, uh, kitchen and...

FRANKIE FOUR FEET: Hey, kids. I finished my new song.

It's a remix of the Blob Monster theme song.

Check this out...

[Blob Monster remix playing]

ALMA: Hey, wait for me!


♪ Blob blobbb blobbity bloobbbbb! ♪

♪ The Blob Monster is blobbing around. ♪

♪ Blob blobbb blobbity bloobbbbb! ♪

ALMA: It's so creepy, right?!

ANDRÉ: Ugh, yes.

ALMA: Huh.

André, is usually a super-fast painter.

I don't know if he'll get everything done on time.

ALMA: I know.

I can start on the kitchen.

ALMA: Whoa!

I can see why Frankie needed André's help in here!


ANDRÉ: So, I guess you'll be leaving soon

for movie night, right Alma?

ANDRÉ: Alma? Alma?!

Phew, I guess she left.

ALMA: [scary voice] Andréééé...

I'm in the kiiiiiiitchen!!!!!


ANDRÉ: Alma, you in here?

ALMA: Bloooobbbbbbb!!

ANDRÉ: Ahhh! You scared me.

Not funny.

ALMA: Sorry, André.

FRANKIE FOUR FEET: Oh, cool, you found my blobbb snack...

for movie night tonight.

Good stuff.

Whoa-ho! Whoa!

The kitchen looks great!

Thank you!

ALMA: André said you needed to clean it,

so I thought I'd help!


Well, okay.

Thank you, Alma!

ALMA: So, now can you go to movie night?!

ANDRÉ: Uhh... well I didn't have time...

to make my movie night snack mix...

and uh, I don't have a blanket.

Soo, I should just not go.

ALMA: What's up, André?

Don't you want to go to movie night?


No, Alma, I don't want to go to movie night.

ALMA: What just happened?

I helped André finish everything,

but he still doesn't want to go.

I gotta think about this...


This is going to be the best summer movie night in history!

ALMA: André was really excited for movie night...

SAFINA: Well, tonight's movie is...

'Invasion of the Blob Monster.'

KIDS: Sweet! ALMA: Yes yes yes!

ALMA: But he looked less excited when he found out...

what movie was playing...

[music playing] ♪ Blob Monster is blobbing around! ♪

♪ Blobbb blobbity bloobbbbb! ♪

ALMA: Whoa!

I didn't notice it before, but André looked kinda scared...

when Frankie and I blobbed around.


Is that why he doesn't want to go to movie night?


I know what to do.

ALMA: André?

ALMA: Hey, André... can I ask you a question?

ANDRÉ: Maybe? What is it?

ALMA: Why don't you want to go to movie night?

Is it... because you don't like scary movies?

ANDRÉ: Uh... Yeah.

I don't like scary movies.

Scary movies at night just creep me out!

ALMA: Aw, that's cool.

Not everyone likes the same kinds of movies.

We can do something else tonight.

ANDRÉ: [groan] But everyone was really excited...

for movie night in the park.

ALMA: Hmmm...

Hey! Maybe we can have our own movie night here,

at the community centre.

ANDRÉ: Really?

FRANKIE FOUR FEET: [singing] Blob blob blobbity blob...

ALMA: Frankie, would it be okay...

if we had movie night here, instead?



I've always wanted to have a movie night here.

And I know the perfect spot for it.


KIDS: Whoa!

ANDRÉ: Woo-hoo!

CROWD: Whoaaa!! Coool!



ALMA: Welcome to a special movie night!

Tonight's movie is...

ALMA: 'The Power Penguin Squad.' ANDRÉ:'The Power Penguin Squad.'

ANDRÉ: [chuckle] It's really funny!

CROWD: Yeah! Penguins! [cheers]

RAFIA: This is super cool, guys!

LUCAS: Yeah, but why aren't we going to see...

the movie in the park?

ANDRÉ: Because I don't like scary movies,

especially not at night.

LUCAS: You know what?

Me neither!

RAFIA: This is the perfect spot for our summer movie night.

KIDS: [chuckle]

ALMA: Movie night on !

One... two... three...

KIDS: Movie night!!


Hey... Is anyone's spot a little lumpy?

LUCAS: Never mind.

KIDS: [chuckle]

ALMA: Oh Lucas.



ALMA: "Papi the Hero"


PAPI: Ven gatita! It's Rubén to the rescue.

[cat meow]

Come here. Come here.

ALMA: Whoa, did you see that!?

My Papi just saved that kitten!

EDDIE: Tío Rubén is so cool.

He's always rescuing animals.

ALMA: Yeah, my Papi's a hero!

EDDIE: Beep, beep, beep Uncle Rubén.

[scooter horn sound]

PAPI: Hold on, I got you turtle.

PAPI: This is Rubén to the Rescue...

and I'll see ya' around the block!

JUNIOR: And my papi's got a hero's show!

Give me a beat, Eddie!

[clave beat]

JUNIOR: [sings] ♪ My Papi is a hero! ♪

♪ Papi saves animals! ♪

♪ My Papi is a hero! ♪

♪ Papi saves animals! ♪

ALMA: Oh! Oh!

You know what Papi the Hero is missing?

EDDIE: A sidekick?

ALMA: [chuckle] Nooo, my Papi needs a hero song!

EDDIE: [gasp] Eddie Mambo, here to help.

JUNIOR: Me too!


PAPI: A song for me?

I can't wait to hear it.

Whatcha got so far?

[clave beat]

ALMA: Rubén to the rescue.

He's kind and gentle and... uh...

he's great at sweeping the whole room with a broooom!

PAPI: Bravo! I love it.

EDDIE: [chuckle] It's a good start,

but I think our song could be more exciting.

ALMA: Yeah.

Our hero song needs to be more, uh, heroic.

[cellphone ringing]

PAPI: Hello, Ruben to the rescue!

You lost your parrot?

Her name is Wanda?

Okay, I'll find her!

Yes, claro que sí.


PAPI: Kids, I have to go.

A parrot needs to be rescued.

ALMA: Ooh! Papi, can we come?

If we watch you working, it'll give us better ideas...

for our hero song.

PAPI: Bueno, if it's for my song,

claro que sí!

KIDS: It's hero time!

PAPI: Hmm, Wanda the parrot has to be around here somewhere...


EDDIE: Should the hero song have a fast beat?...

[clave fast beat]

Or a slow one?

[clave slow beat]

ALMA: I think it should be a...

Duck! [parrot squawks]


EDDIE: No, Alma, that's the parrot.

The parrot!

PAPI: Yeah, there's la lorita, Wanda!

[kids giggling]

PAPI: Okay now, rescue time.

Stand back everyone...

ALMA: [singing] Using only a cage and an orange,

our hero captures the parrot and more-ange.

Wait... More-ange?

I don't think that's a word.

[ kids giggling [span] ]

PAPI: Ay, no.

Those kids might scare off la lorita.

ALMA: [whispers] It's okay, Papi.

I know what to do.

[yells] Please be quiet so my papi can catch the parrot!!!

KIDS: Huh?

ALMA: Sorry Papi.

PAPI: Aahh.. sometimes they get away.

But that won't stop us from trying!

Let's go!

JUNIOR: Yeah, heroes never give up!


'Never give up.' That can go in our song.

[clave beat]

[parrot squawking]

PAPI: Kids! There's Wanda.

[clave beat]

Okay, here I go.

ALMA: Good luck Papi!

[clave beat]

ALMA: [whispers] All we gotta do is watch my papi being a hero

and we'll get some great ideas for our song.

[clave beat]

PAPI: Ven, Wanda.

I have some yummy treats for you.

JUNIOR: [gasp] Hey! That's not for you!

Shoo! Go away!

That's for the parrot!

[parrot squawks]

ALMA: [sings] ♪ Our song will never happen, ♪

♪ if Wanda keeps flap-flap-flappin' ♪

♪ awaaaayyyyy... ♪


EDDIE: [sigh] Making a hero song is harder than we thought.

PAPI: Aye yai yai.

Catching a parrot is harder than I thought.

JUNIOR: [sigh] Shooing a butterfly...

is harder than I thought.

PAPI: Rubén to the rescue...


ALMA: Well, the parrot got away again,

but at least my Papi gave that thirsty butterfly a tasty sip.


A hero is always ready to help.

ALMA: Ooo, 'always ready to help'.

Great! That can go in our hero song too!

PAPI: Let's go, niños.

We need to find Wanda.


ALMA: I see lots of pigeons, but where did that parrot go?


ALMA: [chuckle] Whoa, thanks statue!

[parrot squawks]

PAPI: Let's be super quiet and try to listen for the parrot.

ALMA: Shhhh.

EDDIE: [whispering] Rubén to the rescue...

EDDIE: Ummm...

And I'm his favorite nephew!

ALMA: [chuckle] That's definitely not going

in Papi's hero song.

[clave beat]

PAPI: There's Wanda.

Nobody move, I'm trying something new to catch her.

PAPI: While the parrot eats the seeds...

off this peanut butter stick...

I'll gently drape the towel over the bird to catch her.

PAPI: Here I go. Wish me luck.

ALMA: Heroes always have a plan.

Hey, that can go in our song!

[Chacho barking]

JUNIOR: Oh, no! Chacho's here!

He's gonna scare away Wanda!

[Chacho sniffing]

EDDIE: I've got this.

Here's the wind-up.

And the City Seagulls' star pitcher,

Eddie Mambo throws the ball!



BABY: [coos]


PAPI: [oof] Ayyyyyiiiii!

KIDS: [gasp] Papi! Papi! Tío Rubén!

EDDIE: I'm sorry, Tío Rubén!

Are you okay?

PAPI: Sí, I'm okay.


Ah, I love that you're making me a hero song...

but maybe it's better if you work on it over...

at that picnic table while I try to catch Wanda.


ALMA: Um, sure, Papi. We can do that.

C'mon Junior, Eddie.

ALMA: I wonder why my papi still can't catch the parrot.

I've gotta think about this...

KIDS: [laughter]

ALMA: Please be quiet so my papi can catch the parrot!!

ALMA: Oouf, I scared Wanda away that time.

JUNIOR: Shoo! Go away, that's for the parrot!

ALMA: Ooo, then Junior scared her away.

EDDIE: Eddie Mambo throws the ball!


PAPI: [oof] Aayyyyiiiiiii!

ALMA: Oooooh!

My Papi can't catch the parrot because we keep scaring it away.

[gasp] I know what to do.

ALMA: Eddie, Junior, we keep scaring the parrot away.

We gotta get her to come to us.

JUNIOR: Ooh, what if we make up a parrot song?

EDDIE: Worth a try.

JUNIOR: [singing] ♪ Come back parrot come back! ♪

♪ Come back parrot come back! ♪

[parrot squawking]

ALMA: [gasp] It's back!

Junior, Eddie, your song brought the parrot back.

EDDIE: ♪ Come back parrot come back! ♪

♪ Come back parrot come back! ♪

ALMA: Hey! The bird is moving to Eddie's beat.

[clave beat]

Just like Junior, it likes the beat.

ALMA: [gasp] I know how we can help my Papi catch the parrot!

Come on!

PAPI: Wandaaaa...

where are you?

Come eat a nice juicy orange!

ALMA: Papi!

We're sorry we made it harder for you to rescue Wanda.

ALMA: We know how to bring the parrot back!

Hit it, Eddie!

KIDS: [singing] ♪ Come back parrot come back! ♪

♪ Come back parrot come back! ♪

♪ Come back parrot come back! ♪

PAPI: I'm not sure how this is gonna help catch the...

[parrot squawks]

PAPI: Parrot?

ALMA: See! She likes it!

[giggles] And she's got some cool moves too.

JUNIOR: I've got cool moves too!

Hero time! Hero time!

PARROT: [squawk] Hero time! Hero time!


ALMA: Oh! That's just what my Papi's hero song needs!

A rescued animal to sing along!

ALMA: Papi, can Wanda stay on my head just a bit longer?


PAPI: Uh, sure, but just a bit.

[clave beat]


ALMA: [singing] ♪ If you're squeaky or squawky... ♪

♪ And things are getting rocky, ♪

♪ There's a hero you can call. ♪

♪ He's the bravest of them allll! ♪

ALL: ♪ It's Rubén to the rescuuue! ♪

ALMA: ♪ Ready with his plan. ♪

♪ He never quits, this can-do man! ♪

EDDIE: ♪ He can save a loritaaaa... ♪

JUNIOR: ♪ Or a little gatitaaa! ♪

ALL: ♪ It's Rubén al rescate! ♪

PARROT: [squawk] ♪ Rubén to the rescuuue! ♪

EDDIE: ♪ And I'm his nephew. ♪

ALL: ♪ Rubén! ♪

♪ To! ♪

♪ The Rescuuuuuue! ♪

ALMA: That's my Papi! A real life...

PARROT: Hero! [squawk]

ALMA: Even animals know Papi's a hero!
