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01x25 - Love and the Single Gidget

Posted: 07/26/23 06:31
by bunniefuu
You're probably wondering what
I wanted to talk to you about.

Well, I feel we should
have a mature discussion...

about my going to Oceanside for the
surfing championships this weekend.

I realize I'll be gone
overnight, but before Dad left,

he gave me permission,
if it's all right with you.

And anyway, Larue and the g*ng are all
going down, and it'll be a fun weekend.

Not an orgy or anything.

So, Sis, it's up
to you and John.


Well, you sold me.
Maybe it'll work.

You're probably wondering what
I wanted to talk to you about.

The surfing championships
at Oceanside this weekend.

I feel we should have
a mature discussion about...


Yes, the surfing
championships. Right.

- Were you planning to go?
- Planning to...

- Well, you know what Dad said.
- He left it up to us.

After a mature discussion,
we decided it was a good idea.

You did?

Yes. It should be
a fun weekend.

Yeah. Are you kids
feeling all right?

John, whatever I may have thought
about you, I take it back.

And as for you, super sister!

Step one... check. I feel sneaky.

Why? Gidget gets her big weekend and
we maintain control of the situation.

She was absolutely delighted.

What did she mean by taking
back what she thought about me?

♪ If you're in doubt
about angels ♪

♪ Being real

♪ I can arrange to change

♪ Any doubts you feel

♪ Wait till you see
my Gidget ♪

♪ You'll want her
for your valentine ♪

♪ You're gonna say
she's all that you adore ♪

♪ But stay away
Gidget is spoken for ♪

♪ You're gonna find
that Gidget is ♪

♪ Mine ♪

Twenty-five dollars... cash.

And all you have to do is keep a
sort of big-brotherly eye on her.

Uh, without her
knowing about it. Yeah, I understand, uh...

Well, my girl won't be able
to get down for the weekend,

so I will be free.

She's a cute kid.

All right, it's a deal.

John, Mrs. Cooper, don't worry
about a thing. I'll look after her.

Okay. Thanks.

In my considered opinion, old
buddy, you are a flipperooney.

Twenty-five pieces of bread.

Scott, Oceanside and
the surfing championship?

I mean, that's gonna be like
Australia, man. Bunnies everywhere.

Look, Scott, you're entered
in the championship,

and you're gonna babysit
on the side?

No sweat. Remember Sally can't
make it down for the weekend?

So I'll be free,
and I got a plan.

Ignore 'em.

For the first
three minutes anyway.

There she is. Yeah.

Wish me luck.


Do you know who that is?
Scott Baker.

What? Gidget, that's Scott Baker,
and he's coming toward us.

Oh, don't be silly. Gidget, he's
smiling at you.

That's ridiculous.
He's probably looking at...

I was looking at you.

- Me?
- You.

You wouldn't have any idea where I
dropped my I.D. bracelet, would you?

You mean this?

That's it. Thanks.

My name is Scott Baker.

Me... Gidget.

Uh, me Scott.
Hi, Gidget.

Hi. Uh, these
are my friends.

- Uh, this is Larue... Larue.

- and Ellen...
- Ellen.

And Betty.
- Betty.

My friends.

As I was saying,
hi, Gidget. Hi.

Maybe you could help me
with another problem.

My date couldn't make
it down for the weekend,

so here I am
all alone by myself.

Gee. That's too bad.

That's what I said.
And then I saw you. Me?

You. So to help me with
my problem, I'd, uh...

I'd like you to be
my date for the weekend.

Your date?
I mean, your date!

My date. You and me.
Scott and Gidget.

I'll be, uh, surfing most of the
day, but there is a dance tonight.

- What do you say?
- Me?

Me and you at the dance tonight?

You do dance? Oh, sure.

I love to dance.
Crazy about it.

Well, actually...

Actually, Scott, I...

I think it would be fun, Scott.

It's a date, Scott.

Okay. Uh,
you better keep this.

Remember now, Gidget, you're my
date, so stick around, huh?

I wanna know where
you're at, okay?

Yeah, okay. Sure. Okay.

I'll see you kids later.
I'm about due for the, uh, first round.


You rang? Something
is working.

Well, my name's Richie Ryan.

Well, aren't you going to
introduce me to your friends? Oh, yeah.

This is Ellen, Betty, Larue,
and this is Gidget.

Well, well, well.

Well, Gidget, are you interested
in sharing a wealth of fun?

- In other words, would you like...
- I'm very sorry.

I already have a date.

Break it.
Move up in class.

Boy, are you wiped out.
Thank you all the same, Richie,

but I wanna go and
watch the next set.

Well, pardon me, Cleopatra.

Want a little indigestion?

No, thanks, Richie.
I'm not hungry.

This could be only
the beginning, you know.

Hamburgers, french fries, jumbo malts.
I'm known as the lavish type.

Richie, I told you.
I already have a date.

Now write me off your list.
Nothing personal. I'm just busy.

Hiya, Scott!
Beautiful run!

Are you sure you don't
want some french fries? No, thanks.

The water's like ice.
How about something to eat?

Oh, great.
I'm starved.

That appetite sure came back in a
rush, didn't it?

So long, stranger. I'll, uh, wait till
I hear that from Gidget.

You just heard it
from the top, huh?

You know, you're
a very good dancer. Thanks.

And a very pretty girl.

Uh, could I cut in please?
You mustn't hoard the wealth.

How about a break, huh? Thanks.

Another one, please.
So, how you holdin' up?

Listen, I'm having
a very good time.

Gidget is not only a nice girl,
but she's, uh, well, alive.

These days, all the girls
seem to be handmade copies...

of everyone from
Liz Taylor to Joan Baez.

But Gidget... Gidget,
she's an original.

She needs watching over like a
football stadium needs wheels.

Well, hello again. Not the Richie Ryan?

Now don't panic, dear.
I forgive you.

Now why don't we cut out of here and
find a place with a little action?

Richie Ryan, the one-man riptide.
Not tonight, dear.

Where's Scott? Oh, he'll be back.

Excuse me, Mel.
I, uh... I think I'm up to bat again.

Do you mind?


Sally. Oh, my gosh. Nice to see you too,

I guess you two
weren't expecting me.

Uh... Well, Sally,
as I recollect,

you told Scott that you were
gonna drop him on his pointy head.

And then you stated that you
thought he was insensitive,

selfish and devious.

It was devious, wasn't it?

Then you stated, under oath, you'd rather
spend the weekend in traction than see him.

Uh, no. No, we weren't
expecting you. Well, I can't blame you.

Mel, I... I cooled down.
And I want to make up with Scott.

Who's that?

Oh, the, uh... That's, uh,

a girl. No.

Well, I would've said
she's a postage stamp.

And special delivery,
the way she sticks to Scott.


Hello, dear.

Oh. I got your message,
friend. Cut in on again.

Hey, thank you.

Sally, baby, what are
you doing here? I... I...

You forgave me? You dog.

If I wasn't passion's sl*ve.

Forgive me back,
and all's square. You're forgiven.

Speaking of babies...

- Isn't she a little young for you?
- Uh, well, yes.

You see, actually,
it's all very simple and, uh...

But I'm not.

- So make it a good explanation.
- Sally.

Uh, would you excuse me
for a minute, please?

Go right ahead, dance.

Richie, not now.

What's the matter, Gidget?
Trouble with your big date?

- Actually, it's a job... The girl, I mean.
- Oh, come on.

- Sally, she's a kid.
- Sally, really, honestly. Scout's honor.

That kid, Gidget... You know, her
family's paying him bucks cash money.

- For exactly what?
- To police her.

Scott's just babysitting. Babysitting?

For a teenager?

- Gidget, listen, I...
- I did. I listened.

You're sort of like an undercover
agent, huh, Scott?

My very own.

Congratulations, Scott.
Very smooth.

Except I think you dropped
this in the wrong place.

If you needed $ so much,
you could've just asked me.

You didn't have to con me for it.
You didn't have to.

Where can he be?

I went up the beach
as far as the rocks.

Scott, that's enough.
She's not a child. No, no. She's a girl.

And I hurt her.
I humiliated her.

I know, but...
But it's all out now.

Let the poor kid alone.
She'll be okay.

Gidget is
my responsibility. And I'm your girl.

Sal, bear with me, huh?

I wanted to vanish.

Just be nobody nowhere at all.

In books, when something terrible
happens, you're supposed to feel numb.

I wasn't numb.
I hurt.

I really thought that Scott...
That he liked me.

That slurky gleek!

Where have you been?

I went everywhere twice and collected
half the sand from here to San Francisco.

I was afraid you'd done
something desperate.

I couldn't think of anything
desperate enough to do.

Thanks for the smelling salts, Larue.
They came in handy after all.

Oh, Gidge. It isn't that bad.

Besides, it's all over anyway.

All over? Yeah.

There's a bus back to LA.
In about minutes.

You can't go.
That'd be like running out.

That's what I'm doing... running.
And that's the direction... out.

Gidget, it'd be like it happened
to all of us if you wipe out.

Well, I was wiped out, Larue,

by Scott Baker,
your friendly neighborhood assassin.

So I'm running home.

With Ellen's necklace,
Betty's pumps and my smelling salts.

You can't duck out
with all of our stuff. Oh, Larue.

Besides, we'd miss you.

I can't go back to that dance with
all those people staring at me.

What do they know? Everything.

News like this spreads
like poison ivy.

Well, who cares about them? You can't
let a slurky male get the better of you.

Rise above him!

Well, I... Come on, Gidge.
Show 'em all!

You're right, Larue.

Besides, running away
wouldn't prove anything...

except maybe defeat.

Gidge, you're
a profile in courage.

You had us all worried there,
especially Scott. Naturally.

If anything happened to me, he'd have a
hard time collecting from Anne and John.

The police haven't seen her.

She's back.

Excuse me.

Gidget, listen!

Well, well, well.

I do believe Ryan's inning
is coming up.

Are you really
interested in that kid? Wise up, man.

What kind of a wild child is it that
needs her own private probation officer?

Believe me, this Gidget
has gotta be a swinger.

You know, I think
I'm just about ready to pitch.

Gidget, I... Not the real Richie Ryan?

In person
and in pursuit. Gidget, listen to me.

I think we still have
a few offers open. Gidget, I wanna...

Baker, isn't it?
Or was the name Brutus?

You nearly gave me
heart failure.

Oh? Oh, of course.
Your pieces of silver.

Cut-rate price there, Baker.
You should've held out for .

Come on, Gidget. I'm sorry.
I really am sorry.

So am I, Scott.

As I was saying. No. As I was saying.
Let's go.

You can play with this baby wolf anytime.
I wanna talk to you now.

Why don't you write it down, put it in
a bottle and drop it off of the pier?

And follow it in.

Scott, I have had it. I didn't come
down here to cheer your social work.

Sally, will you
try to understand? You understand.

Me or problem child, period.

There she is.
I rebuilt this baby myself.

horses, three-quarter race cam,
fuel injection, plus all the luxuries.

Now you name a destination.

Well, frankly,
I'm a little hungry. Me too. Me too.

You want something way out? Well, how about
just a sandwich?

And then maybe we could go to a
show or another dance or something.

Ah, I know just the place.
Good music, good food,

crowd couldn't be better
and atmosphere.

Out of my way.
Ryan's a-roamin'.

But first we're gonna lose
that watchdog of yours.


You are just the guy
I wanna see.

Well, how's that
for fancy wheel work? Great.

I feel like I just finished
first in the Indianapolis .

Well, I wanted to make sure
we, uh, lost your watchdog.

Anyway, uh,
three minus one makes two,

the best number.

Uh, don't you think
we oughta get going?

- Where?
- That little place you mentioned.

We're here.

- What?
- This is it.

You said we're gonna get something to eat
and then... Right you are. Right you are.

Something to eat.
The galley.

Fully stocked for long sea voyages,
cross-country hauls and surfing safaris.

But... Yeah. Like I said,
there's food,


Great atmosphere, and, uh,

the best of company.

Ham, cheese or tuna?


A little mustard, pickles.

Coffee, tea or milk?

Nothing, thank you.


A little idea of mine.
You know, togetherness?

Make you feel cozy? No, insecure.

Listen, Richie, I think that you
think... I think... I think you're cute.

Oh. Why don't you relax?

Play it cool, not coy.
I've got the facts, ma'am.

I was beginning to get the idea
that Richie had ideas of his own...

lurking around in that
questionable mind of his.

Question: How do you talk a speed
demon into making a U-turn...

when he thinks he's found
his own personal freeway?

What gives?

Richie, I... I think you've got
the wrong idea about this. Oh, no, I don't.

No, you don't? No.

Oh, no, I haven't. No, you haven't?

When a cute little thing like

has to have her own private
investigator following her,

well, there's gotta be
some reason for it.

Uh, like my daddy always said,

"You can't tell a book
by its cover.

You've got to

So, uh,

why don't you and I get
as close as pages in a book?

Mmm. Mm-mmm. Mmm.
Oh, come on.

Gidget, what are you doing?

Nothing. I... I just wanna get
a breath of fresh air.

Why, I just love cars.

I wanna learn
all about this one. Now?


Did you mill your head?

Should've soaked it.

Uh, Gidget, baby,
why can't we... Here. Hold this.

G-Gidget, that's got oil
all over it.

Oh! Oh, goodness!

I must've made a mistake! Aaah!
I'll fix it. I'll fix it.

I'll fix it!

Gidget, the car's rolling!
Pull the hand brake!

- Where is it?
- The hand brake!

I thought you knew about cars!

Just engines.
I can't drive.

are you all right? Yeah, I'm fine.

How did you find us? His friend Ken
keeps a scorecard.

Looks like everything
is under control now.

Yeah. Uh, well...

Twenty-five dollars.

And, uh...

I lost my I.D. bracelet,

Would you have any idea
where I might find it?

I don't know. But we could go
back to the dance and look for it.

It's a date.

Richie, see you around.

Oh. Uh, fine.

Just fine.

Of course I know you meant well,
but I gave Gidget permission to go.

And I did not mean
under surveillance.

Welcome home. Hi.

Dad, I'd like you to meet Scott Baker,
who simply made the weekend for me. Mmm.

Oh, uh, a pleasure,
Scott. All mine, sir.

Well, uh, I have
to be going now, baby.

And, uh, thank you.

What did he mean by that?

What is that?

Oh, this.

Oh, it's Scott's.

After I discovered that
you guys set him on me,

well, we got friendly.

It was a marvelous weekend.

And then Scott insisted that I take
his fraternity pin as a little memento.

A memento of what? Gidget.

Uh, he pinned you?

Scott Baker must be .

Yes. I told him that the age
difference was just too much.

But then again, we both agreed
marriage was a long way off.


Hmm? Gidget,
you don't realize.

Scott Baker may be
a glamorous guy... So I turned him down.

And I'll return
the pin tomorrow.

But I did want you two
to get a look at it.


To quote you, "Welcome home."

Thanks, Dad.

It really is a beautiful pin.

And I did enjoy stabbing Anne
and John with it just a little.

Just think of the prestige.

Pinned by the Scott Baker.

And when I return it,
even more prestige.

Just think, little old me
returning the pin...

of Mr. B.M.O.C. of UCLA.

O-U-C-H. Mmm.