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03x29 - The Return of Optimus Prime, Part 1

Posted: 07/26/23 07:44
by bunniefuu
♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ Autobots wage their battle to destroy
the evil forces of the Decepticons. ♪

♪ Transformers ♪

♪ Robots in disguise ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

♪ More than meets the eye ♪

♪ The Transformers ♪

The heat-resistant alloys are holding
firm, as we expected.

We did it!

Why, that's great, Gregory!

So why don't you get my daughter
away from there and head back home?

We'll have a celebration.

Dad, don't encourage
Gregory to celebrate yet.

We still need to test closer to the sun.


I see it, Jessica! It's on a
collision course with that planet!

I'm picking up life signs.

Its an Autobot!

Optimus Prime!

Prime did this to me.
This is his fault!

No, Gregory, it was that other transformer.

Optimus Prime is an Autobot - A Good Robot!

If you don't want to help me
save him, you can stay here!

All robots are alike, Jessie!

Why do you insist on
risking your life?

We only have five minutes to get
back aboard the Solaris before... kaboom!

So don't just float there, help me!

Four minutes remaining.

You lousy robot!

Oh, way to go!
Hit 'em when they're down!

Three minutes remaining.

Two minutes remaining.

Leave him! Let's get out of here!

No! I've almost got it!

One minute remaining.

Ten seconds remaining. , ...

Whats coating the monitor?
It's like some kind of spore!

Who cares? Gregory, the sun's going
nova, and our ship's surviving!

Our experiment a success!
Prepare for acceleration.

We're going home!

These spores are definitely alive!

The spore's are a virus
that manifests hatred!

They're trying to destroy each other!

Its incredible!
When we write our reports--

Reports? Dad,
don't you see how crazy this is?

Get rid of those spores!
sh**t them back into space!

If they contaminate people, they could make
World w*r II look like a schoolyard brawl!

Honey, I think you're--

What? What's happening?

Galvatron wants the heat
resistant metal that's in there!

We'll take it!

Nobody will stop us!


Rodimus was right!

The report about that new alloy drew
the Decepticons like a magnet!

I can't wait to sizzle their
circuits - but good!

We have to fight back! Terrorcons!
Merge and form Abominus!

Big trouble! We need Computron!

Abominus: Computron think too much!


The alloy! Its here!

Got what we want! We go! Fight another day!

Strafe! Summon First Aid!
The female human is hurt!

Get away from her, you K*llers!
Don't touch her!

Leave my daughter alone!

Get away, I said!
I can do this!

They'll bring your daughter to
the county general, sir!

The ambulance! Its one of them!
They're taking away Jessica!

I hate them, Gregory!
I hate them all!

Look, we're not helpless!
We can get even with them!

We can use the spores!

Make the robots hate
and destroy each other!

Remember, we have their leader.

We have the body of Optimus Prime!

When we're done, the new Optimus
Prime won't be the Autobots' leader...

he'll be their destroyer!

I'm her father! I demand to see her!

Any improvement? Any at all?

They'll suffer for this, Jessica.

My daughter's awake and you didn't call me?

Jessie. What have these
monsters done to you?

Dad, I can walk!

Dr. Morgan, her legs were
paralyzed in the accident.

This exoskeleton will
enable her to move about.

Good heavens, Jessica!
Don't you see what they're doing?

They're destroying you,
like the destroy everything else!

No! We just want to help!

How? By turning my daughter into a robot?

Dad, they made it so I could walk again!

We thought you'd be pleased!

Pleased? At my daughter
becoming a blasted machine?

You're coming home with me right now!

Its no use!

At least he needn't be a complete waste.

We can use his metal as raw material
for making more of our alloy!

No, you can't do this! Stop!

You can't do this!

Jessica, please!

No no! The Autobots helped me walk!

He's their leader! You can't destroy him!

Mark, she's right! He is their leader.

If the others knew where he
was, they'd come for him.

And when they came,
our spores could be waiting for them.

Jessica, we need you.

Find a robot - any Autobot.

Tell them their leader is here.

No, I can't! Dad, its wrong!
The Autobots aren't our enemies!

They aren't? Look at Gregory's face.
Look at your legs.

They're paralyzed because
of those metal menaces!

No, I'm not wrong, honey - you are!

Do what I say because I'm your father.
And you know I'm right.

All right! All right, I'll do it!

But I'll hate it!
I just hope I don't also learn to hate you!

You are absolutely certain of your
facts, Miss Morgan?

I know what my father is planning.
Please take me to see Rodimus Prime.

Why do I keep seeing you in my
dreams, Optimus?

Are you telling me I'm
not the leader you were?

I already know that, Optimus.
I always have.

Rodimus! I think you oughta listen to this!
We've got trouble!

You've been so kind and
I owe you so much.

You were hurt. We were trying to help.

I know, but my father doesn't!

He wants me to
betray the Autobots.


We... intercepted Optimus' ship before
that star went nova. We--

What are you saying? Is Optimus alive?

No. But my father has his body in his lab.

Ultra Magnus!
We have to retrieve Optimus' body!

Put him where he can rest in peace!

But that's what my father wants you to do!
Its a trap!

I don't care.

Rodimus, don't be hasty.
Listen to her!

I listened all the way!
Put together an as*ault force!

Protectobots! Hot Spot, Streetwise,
Groove, First Aid and Blades!

Transform into Defensor!

Aerialbots! Silverbolt, Air Raid,
Skydive, Fireflight, and Slingshot!

Transform into Superion!

Throttlebots, transform!

And finally, last but not least:

Blurr, Bumblebee, Steeljaw and Wheelie!

Jessica, climb in! Autobots! Roll out!

Ratbat has returned. Ratbat, report.

My father has his body in the lab.

So, Optimus Prime may yet live!

But not for much longer!

Optimus is in the lab. In the back.

Ultra Magnus! Take the Aerialbots
and Throttlebots and circle around.

Jessica and I will enter here and
distract Swofford and Morgan,

while you retrieve Optimus' body.

The rest of you I need patrolling the area.

The Decepticons were here
once - they may return.

We don't need Decepticons making
this any harder than already is.

Defensor, stay here for backup.

And remember everyone,
don't touch any red dust!

Dad? Dad?

Rodimus, come here!


I don't understand!
Optimus was in the back lab!

My father must have...

... set a trap for the others!

No, Rodimus! It's too late!

I've got to get Optimus out of here!

Where's that punk Rodimus Prime?!
I want him!

Can't waste my energy by
setting up a force field!

Better escape...

... before Superion infects us! Roll out!

There you are, you puny wimp!

Jessica, get in and hold on tight!

I've got you, you lousy robot!

Turn here, then turn right!
We can leave through the loading area!

We've come for Optimus!
Where are you hiding that coward?

The Autobots are acting like madmen!

It's a madness plague, Galvatron.

If one of those Transformers touches
you, you're infected.

You're lying!

Fine. Whatever makes
you a happy Decepticon.

Just watch your rear thruster.

They've all gone mad.
This is no place for me!

Thats enough, Superion!

Remember, don't let hin touch
you or we'll all be contaminated!

Get off the bridge while you still can!

Lucy, Lucy, what have you done now?

Wreck-Gar! Help me see if there's
anything that can be done with Optimus!

I'm a doctor, not a forklift!

is engines, they cannae take the strain!

Wreck-Gar! Any hope that
Junkions can repair him?

He's dead, Jim.

Who built Optimus in the first place?

The Quintessons.
And they revived him once before!

Come in, Sky Lynx!
Find me a Quintesson!

A Quintesson? But they're in hiding
at the far reaches of the galaxy!

What's the matter?
Don't ya think you can handle it?

Of course I can handle it! But what on
Cybertron do you want with a Quintesson?

I need a Quintesson to
rebuild Optimus Prime!

Optimus Prime?

I will not rest until I
found you a Quintesson,

though it may stress my superior
engines beyond endurance!

Just do it!

I have to disconnect Metroplex.
If the plague were to infect him...

I know. It's a terrible thought.

I'm sorry, Metroplex,
but I have to do this.

I understand, Rodimus.

Ultra Magnus!

One more switch and Metroplex is safe!

Fight the disease, Ultra Magnus! Not me!

It's over, kid. I've won!

Don't believe it, old friend!

You can't escape, Rodimus!
I can track your gas fumes anywhere!

Like I said before, kid. It's all over.

And as I said before: Don't believe it.

It certainly took long enough.

Well, excuuuse us!

Hey, I'm not complaining,
but now what do we do with him?

You okay?

I'm a pepper!
Wouldn't you like to be a pepper, too?

Bonnie Carlson from KSUN TV.

The "hate plague" as its become known is
spreading like wildfire across our world.

Began with infected Transformers, but soon
spread to our human population as well.

How Many Of Us Will Be Infected?
Is There Any Cure?

And if not, when will the plague end? And
will anyone be alive to see the end?

No, stay away! Keep back!

Need a lift, Quintesson?

Yes! Yes! Let me in!

Get him! Infect them all!

Not so fast!

You can only come
aboard if you agree

to restore Optimus Prime to life!

I'll do it!

Wise choice!

This is not going to be easy!

Just be sure you do it right!

I've got the main memory board finished.
Start power to it!

Too much power, you metal moron!

Do as I say or your
leader will never be revived!

Jolly good show!

Legs are operative, now the arms.

Watch out!

You did that on purpose!

It was an accident!

That's better!

So, how much longer?

We're almost done! And what are
you going to do about the disease?

Optimus will know what to do.
I hope...

Theres no time left for mistakes!

The world needs a leader - now!

Once again, we are ready
but if this doesn't work,

Optimus Prime will never live again!


I've done it! Optimus Prime lives!

It's true. Our leader is back.

Yes, Sky Lynx,

and this time,
no force in the universe can stop me.