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04x14 - Manhattan Queens

Posted: 02/08/14 11:13
by bunniefuu
(crowd chattering)

Good morning.

I'm Frank Reagan.

I'd like to welcome you all to our fair city.

I see a lot of familiar faces.

Some new ones, and I look forward to spending some time with all of you over the next few days.

If we all could just settle down.

(chattering stops)

Thank you.

Gathered in this room are law enforcement professionals from all over the tristate area.

And it's an honor and a pleasure to have you with us.

We got a lot of ground to cover and a wealth of information to share, so let's get started.

With an update on this morning's schedule, Detective Abigail Baker.

Good morning.

There has been a switch in today's lineup.

First up will be what was your 1:00, "The Knockout Game: Urban Myth or Alarming Trend?"

The presentation on "Drones: Proactive Surveillance for a New Era"

has been moved to our last day, and your 1:00 is now...

MAN: Stop and Frisk?

No, actually.

'Cause, uh, you know, I want to volunteer to have you demonstrate your stop and frisk on me.


Duly noted, Deputy Chief Deluca.

'Cause I'm packing, if you know what I mean.


And experience tells us that stop and frisk is highly ineffective when it comes to finding the itty-bitty contraband.


BAEZ: Is it me or have we been walking for a really long time?

DANNY: It's definitely not you.

You have breakfast?

No, and right about now, a roast squirrel sounds appetizing.


Are we still in New York?

It's just a little farther.

Didn't he say that already?

Yeah, a long time ago when we were younger.

OFFICER: This is Officer Flanagan.

You first on the scene? Yeah.

All right, show us the way.

Over here, through the woods.

(sighs) Great.

More hiking.

Guy was walking his dog up through here.

Dog went nuts over this, started digging.

And then?

Guy opened the bag, called 911, and lost his breakfast over there.

Well, take a look.

You know, it'd take a strong guy to drag her all the way out here in a golf bag.

She been dead, what, a month?

That'd be my guess, too, given the cold weather.

She's wearing a vintage pink Ambrogio Noto dress.


I couldn't even afford a knockoff.

She's gonna be tough to ID.

Have to go off the dental records or DNA.

Is that a wig she's wearing?

Yeah. There's a story here.


A story with an unhappy ending.

(Nicky groans)

It's freezing out. You really think you should be running in this weather?

I know, but I have to get my workout in.


Maybe you can skip it for one day.

I don't have to be in until noon, so it's the only opportunity.

You know, I'm not gonna be back until after 7:00, so maybe we should order in.

That rice and beans joint okay with you?

NICKY: Yeah, but, um, hold the onions on the avocado salad. Hold the onions on the avocado salad, I know.

You have your MetroCard?

I have my MetroCard.

Okay, you have your phone?

I have my phone, Mom.

I'm fine.

You're ready for that English test, right?

Would you just go for your run, okay?

Okay. Have a good day.

Love you, Mom.



♪ Blue Bloods 4x14 ♪

Manhattan Queens

Original Air Date on January 31, 2014


WOMAN: Please forgive me.

I am... desperate.

Yeah, you must be.

You just abducted a Manhattan ADA.

Who are you?

My name is Doris Cooper.

We have talked on the phone about my son Timothy's situation.

Timothy Cooper?


Ma'am, I told you on the phone I'm not the prosecutor on his case.

I am very sorry.

But I'm a dying woman, and I don't know what else to do.

So you came up with all of this?

My son has been in jail for two and a half years without a trial for a crime he did not commit.

He is a gentle, innocent boy.

He is charged with second degree m*rder and possession with intent to distribute.

He went to get that marijuana for me!

For my pain.

He didn't k*ll anyone.

It is not in him to do that.


And it's in you to do all this?


Here's my address.

If you think I should be arrested for what I've done, go ahead.

I don't care if I die in prison.

But please...

...please help my son.

(door opens)

GORMLEY: Reagan?

DANNY: Yeah?

Any luck on Jane Doe?

We got nothing. Nothing?

We been through every missing person file from Boston to Baltimore.

We're coming up empty on the vintage dress

(phone rings)

and the origin of the wig.

Nothing. Reagan.

What about the golf bag?

Still working on it, but that model's been out of production for six years.

Oh, so more nothing.

Okay. No, actually, we do got something.

M.E. says cause of death was a broken neck, and our Jane Doe is actually a John Doe.

Okay. That's something.

Yeah, it is.

BAKER: And you've got your weekly meeting with the mayor at 4:00.

I met with him last week.

But the two of you agreed to weekly meetings.

I think we agreed to try to meet weekly, knowing one of us would postpone and we'd both save face.

There's something disturbing on the Internet.

A lot of things are disturbing on the Internet.

This joker laps Manhattan in 24 minutes, claiming a world record.

But listen to this.

DISTORTED VOICE: How do you like them apples, Big Apple?

Commissioner Reagan can't even set up a decent speed trap.

I don't think the timing of this is an accident.

Somebody is trying to humiliate us because the summit of the police chiefs is in town.

And there's more.

One down, four boroughs to go.


That's taunting.

Well, alert Patrol and Bridge and Tunnel.

This doesn't piss you off?

On a scale of one to ten, it's a one.


What, Baker?

I've seen the video, too.

I've watched it a few times, in fact.

M-More than a few.

I have a hunch who may be behind it.

Well, not a hunch, exactly, but...

Out with it.

Suffolk County Deputy Chief Sal Deluca.



He asks me out.

I always say no, but he never takes no for an answer.

Is this about him heckling you at the meeting?

No, sir.

Because I think you handled that pretty well.

But I broke down the audio track on the posting, and though the voice is electronically disguised, the cadence, pattern and phrasing are very similar to the county deputy's.

What's your baseline for comparison?

About 150 voice messages from him.

I saved some of the juicier ones should his pursuits ever escalate into harassment.

You're serious about this.

Yes, I am.

And the stunt itself is up his alley.

Last summer, he hired a plane to fly over my parents' house in Ocean Bay Park pulling a banner that read, "Abigail, don't deny destiny.

Love, Sal."

But this isn't that.

Guys like Deluca, when they go sour, they make the same gestures in the other direction.

And it'd be like him to try and spread the humiliation around me.

Your hunch strong enough to look into it?

Yes, sir.


I appreciate it.

(door opens, closes)

You know, if she's right...

Big coincidence.

But if she is...

One a scale of one to ten?



And a half.

You find anything?

I couldn't find a missing persons match, so I did a search for

"drag queen Ambrogio Noto pink dress"

and this is what came up.

Tiffany Lamp.

Yeah, a drag performer.

This is Tiffany's Web site. Hmm.

Always wore a pink dress, kind of a signature thing.

I think he's our victim.

No, it's a she.

When guys dress in drag, the way they like to be referred to is "she."

Now, look at that.

Here's Tiffany out of drag, and his name is...

Terry Bell.

How do you know all this?

Queen Bee.

The TV show? Yeah.

You watch a drag queen competition reality show?

No, well... Linda watches a drag queen competition reality show and, you know, we only got the one TV, so I gotta watch.

You like it.

No, I don't.

I watch it for my wife.


Will you stop? Look... seems she has a steady gig at a place called the Lipstick Lounge.

What is that?

It's a drag bar on Avenue A.

Let's go. How do you know this?

From Queen Bee.

Well, what about lunch?

We'll eat it on the way.

♪ Don't you tell me maybe

♪ Maybe I'm your baby

♪ 'Cause baby wants to come out and play. ♪

That sounds good.

Just remember to show us your eyes and exit stage left.

Will do. Okay.

Who's next?

Excuse me. You in charge here?

Yes, I am, but we are not open yet.

Detectives Reagan and Baez.

You open now?

Take five.

Tallulah Bangkok.

Tallulah who?

Tallulah Bangkok.

From season two of Queen Bee.

Oh, you watch!

Well, my wife watches, you know.

But, uh, we were totally rootin' for you.

Team Tallulah all the way.


She got screwed by the judges in the lip-synching.

I know, right?


Uh, we came here to ask you some questions about a Tiffany Lamp?

Um, she's in Paris.

Lucky girl.

Actually, a body was discovered yesterday buried in a golf bag in Van Courtland Park.

A golf bag?


We're not sure of the identity, but the victim was a male, five foot five, wearing a vintage Ambrogio Noto dress.

Oh, that would have to be her.

I'm sorry.


I just...


It's okay. Take your time.

Thank you.

We were very close.

You were friends a long time?

We were at Yale together.


The same class.

Two drag queens at Yale just find each other and cling, you know?

I moved here about six years ago and opened this place up, and she's been performing for me ever since.

Do you have any idea who might have wanted to harm her?

I don't know.

Some people just hate us, you know?

Because of the way we're wired.

It isn't right.

No, it isn't.

Can you tell us about Paris?

In the fall... she met someone.

I never met the guy, but... about a month ago, she showed up here engaged, with a big diamond ring, and said she was off to Paris.

Um, do you know if Tiffany might have left a makeup kit or a hairbrush, something that we could get a DNA sample from?

Yes, upstairs in the dressing room.

I'll go get you one.

Thorton, you got a minute?

Just one. I have a deposition downstairs.

The Timothy Cooper case...

Oh, the mother must've gotten to you.

What makes you say that?

She's written to just about everyone.

Yeah, well, she did more than write.


It's one I never heard before, I'll give her that.

He wanted to score some weed to ease his dear mama's pain?


Yeah, well... he's been in jail for over two years without a trial. Why?

Clogged courts, his own defense motions.

You know the system as well as I do.

Thorton, over two years in jail awaiting trial?

There's nothing you could do here?

I'm not Erin Reagan.

I can't bat my eyes and part the seas.

That is not fair.

I guess since you became Supervising ADA, you're the expert on what is fair.

The right to a speedy trial is fair, and that doesn't take an expert.

Out of my hands.

Gotta go.

Can you just outline the case, please?

We have a drug dealer shot dead.

We have Doris Cooper's son, Timothy Cooper, fleeing the scene.

We have Marius Pierre, his co-defendant, testifying that Timothy Cooper shot the drug dealer.

And we have an eyewitness, Barbara Keyes, corroborating his story.

Why was Barbara Keyes there?

Girlfriend of the drug dealer.

And there's no prior connection between Marius Pierre and Barbara Keyes?

That was the first thing the detectives looked at.

And I looked at it as well.

No prior connection.

I was not suggesting that you had not done your due diligence...

Yes, you were.

I'm going to a deposition.

You want to come along, make sure I get that right?

I just have a feeling about this.

Would you mind if I take a look?

This is finally going to trial next month.

Keep me looped in, and do not sully my case.


Phone dump on Tiffany Lamp's cell phone came back.

A number of calls to a burner cell, but it doesn't lead back to anyone.

Somebody didn't want to leave a trail.

Well, the night she disappeared, her phone did make a WiFi connection.

Where from?

The Capax Infinity Club.

That's all Ivy League.

Rich white guys.

Well, our victim did go to Yale.

I'm talking about a different Ivy League.

More old school, less drag queen.

So we're looking for a wealthy, Ivy League type who plays golf. Yeah.

That really narrows things down.

DANNY: Skip Ballister? Detective Reagan.This is Detective Baez.

We're interested in a Terry Bell.

Uh, we believe he was a member here.

We do have a sizable membership.

But let me search the records. Great.

He often dressed in women's clothing.

That wouldn't be in the records.

Okay, yes.

Terrence Bell.

Yale, class of '05.

Member number 2115.

Uh... looks like he's a little behind on his bill.

Terry Bell was found in a shallow grave in Van Courtland Park yesterday.


That's the conclusion we came to, also.

Look, we know he was here on the day he disappeared, January 18, so we're gonna need all your security camera footage from on or around that date, all right?

Our security footage is deleted after 30 days.


Uh, what about billing records? You got those?

Oh. Those we have.

DANNY: Terry Bell, January 18...

Nothing on January 18.

Well, look, six months ago he was coming here a couple of times a week.

What's an S.C. charge?

Sidecar. What's that?

It's an old-timey cocktail.

Brandy, lemon juice, triple sec. That's right.

Rarely ordered here.

Starting in October, no more S.C. charges.

Maybe he went on the wagon.

Or maybe somebody else was buying the drinks.

You know what?

Search this, see if anybody else was ordering sidecars here, okay?

Let's see...

Okay... The only other member ordering a sidecar is member number... oh.

That's Burden Maxwell.

Burden Maxwell.

And look at this.

He ordered his first sidecar in October, just when the victim stopped buying them.

And in December it was just about every day.

What can you tell us about this Burden Maxwell?

He's going through a terrible divorce.

He's been living in a suite of rooms on the fifth floor for several months.

All right, you think we might find him up there right now?

This time of day, he's often found in the library.

Come with me.

(quiet conversations)

Burden Maxwell.

Burden Maxwell? Yes?

Detective Reagan. This is Detective Baez.

We need you to come with us, sir.


We need to ask you some questions about Terry Bell.


We need you to come now, sir.

If possible, I'd like to proceed through the club with dignity.


Well, I'm not gonna cuff you, if that helps.

Let's go.

Excuse me.

Are you Barbara Keyes?

Whatever you selling, I ain't buying.

Actually, my name is Erin Reagan, with the district attorney's office.

I was hoping I could ask you a few questions.

You know what?

I already answered all y'all's questions.

Same ones, two, three times.

Why don't you go look up all the answers I already gave?

It will only be five minutes of your time, ma'am.

You want to talk to me? Make an appointment.

Like you would if I was white.

I did try to make an appointment.

I believe you hung up on me.

It's not a race issue.

Yeah, sure.

Never is.

Nice coat.

(engine starts)

2002 Impreza WRX with invalid New York tags went through the tolls at exactly 0400 hours.

Which matches up with the time stamp on the tape.

Who'd the plates come back to?

That is in the blue file.

Brent Pascucci. Yes.

So, a dead end where Deluca's concerned?

Not exactly.

He's Deputy Chief Deluca's brother-in-law.


We can just call him Deluca now.

Yes, sir, gladly.

What's our next move, Detective?

"Our," sir?

You're the lead on this case.

You want me to run with this?

Baker, there's a quote, "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life."


Seldom applies with what we deal with around here.

It makes it that much more important to seize the moments.

What's your plan?

I have an idea... but I'm not sure the commissioner would sign off.

Then let's hash it out before we bring it to him.

Mr. Maxwell, why don't you start by telling me what happened with you and Terry Bell?

We met in October at the library.

And he was...?

Yes, he was dressed as Tiffany.

I was completely fooled.

She was both brilliant and beautiful.

And coming off of 12 years with an absolute harridan of a wife, I was intrigued.

Okay, but you're also surprised, huh?

I mean, when you discovered that she was actually a he?

No, he told me that night.

I was naturally taken aback.

But he was terrific company, and sartorial proclivities notwithstanding.

Okay. So you hit it off.

No secrets.

When'd it all turn?

It didn't, really.

We continued to meet for a drink and-and discuss things.

How about you just tell me what happened January 18th?

Well, by that time, our relationship had progressed... significantly.

We became lovers.

I'd never been attracted to men but in this case, it was... didn't matter.

I-I fell in love with a person.

Anyway, that night, I proposed we marry as soon as my divorce became final.

And he said no.

Is that what happened?

Oh, no, he agreed.

We were gonna celebrate in Paris.

He was supposed to pack his bag and get his passport.

And then he ran off with the diamond.

I was played for a fool.

And that's why you k*lled him?

No. What are you talking about?

He ran off with the ring.

You got mad, you went to get it back, you broke his neck. That's what happened, right?

(voice breaks): He was m*rder*d?

Yeah, he was m*rder*d.

What the hell do you think we're doing here, Mr. Maxwell?

Can I, may I have a moment alone?

No, you may not have a moment alone!

Look, you said you were gonna confess, right?!

What the hell are you confessing to?

The diamond!


I know by rights it's communal property in a divorce and it's worth $200,000

or $300,000, but that ring belonged to my grandmother, and she didn't deserve it!

Mr. Maxwell, let me get this straight.

You're not confessing to k*lling Terry Bell?

You're saying you stole your grandmother's ring?

Yes, from the safe-deposit box.

I thought that's what this was about!



I loved him!

I was gonna show him Paris!

(sobbing continues)

Sit tight.

BAEZ: Hey, you get a confession?

Yeah. He stole his grandmother's ring.


He took a ring out of his own safe-deposit box that was common property in a divorce.

Did you buy that?

Yeah, I did.

I don't think he's our guy.


What do you think we're looking at here?

A $200,000 diamond.

People have been k*lled for a lot less.

I need to speak to you in my office.


I went to see Barbara Keyes.

She's quite a charmer.

Do you know what she does for a living?

She's not employed.

And yet, she's wearing a $3,000 coat.

Her boyfriend was a drug dealer.

This was a new coat.

The police found very little cash after the m*rder.

So she hides the cash, after two and a half years, loses her discipline, starts to spend.

This is a lot of conjecture.

I'm not done.

I ran her license plate.

Found out that the car used to be registered in New Jersey.

So I called a friend of mine in Trenton.

Turns out Barbara Keyes has a juvenile record.

I had it unsealed. When she was 15, she was convicted on a small possession of narcotics along with Timothy Cooper's codefendant, Marius Pierre.

She perjured herself.

She testified that she had never met Marius Pierre.

I think it is clear that Keyes and Pierre set up Timothy Cooper.

In no world is looking through out-of-state juvenile records standard procedure.

In this prosecutor's world, it is.

Call Marius Pierre's attorney.

Take the deal off the table.

Tell him you have a problem with Barbara Keyes' story.

I'll offer m*rder two and 18 years.

Let's see how Marius reacts to that.


(people laughing)

TALLULAH: All right, ladies.

Hey! Listen up!

Hey, Tallulah.

These are Detectives Reagan and Baez.

Ladies, we know it's been a long night.

We don't want to take up too much more of your time, so we'll try not to keep you.

It's okay, Detective.

I been dying to be kept.

ALL: Mm-hmm.

Larissa, this is serious.

We've spoken to everyone downstairs, we've asked for their help and now we're asking for your help, too, okay?

We need to know anything you can remember about the night Tiffany was k*lled.

We're particularly interested in the end of the night; who she might have left with.

There was so much champagne.

We were celebrating her engagement.

Ooh, goodness, I was so trashed!

Okay, ladies, this is pretty serious, all right?

I want you to go home, rack your brains.

Any little detail you can remember, you call the number on the back of that card, okay?

You'd be surprised how many cases get solved this way.

We don't want Tiffany's m*rder*r to walk free, because this is someone who might k*ll again.

And this is someone who likes to k*ll drag queens.

Wow, that was real.

No, this is real.

Thanks for you time, ladies.


Tallulah, you look lovely.

Do you have somewhere a girl could go to get something off her chest?

Sure. Um...

Somewhere private?


Gormley's office is empty.

You two can go in there to be alone.

Thanks, partner.

Okay, then. Right this way.

Oh, this is too good.

I'm just gonna turn the light on here.

No-no-no-no-no, please.

I have fantasized my entire life of being the femme fatale in a detective's office... and this lighting is perfect.

Whatever makes you happy, then.

Thank you for indulging me.

Any time. So, what is it that you, uh, want to talk about, Tallulah?

I have an idea who might have k*lled Tiffany.

Who? Mickey O'Donnell.

Who's Mickey O'Donnell?

My business partner at the Lipstick Lounge.

Well, you never told me you had a business partner at the Lipstick Lounge.

It didn't occur to me at first.

It's a wonderful partnership.

He takes care of the nitty-gritty: liquor orders, garbage removal, city inspections, anything tedious, and that allows me to focus on the art, be the rainmaker.

Okay. So then, tell me why is it that you think Mickey k*lled Tiffany.

I've known him for many years, but I've never known him to be with anyone.

I'm listening.

He lives not far from Tiffany, and sometimes, late at night, they would share a taxicab.

Oh, you think Mickey and Tiffany had a relationship.

Behind closed doors.

Behind closet doors.

You catch on pretty fast.

Well, that's why they gave me a g*n and a shield.

Only, thinking on it, I realized for the past few months, they haven't shared a cab.

So Tiffany broke up with Mickey around the time she met Burden Maxwell.

Yes. And then she shows up with the Rock of Gibraltar on her finger and...

And in a fit of jealous rage, Mickey kills her.


This Mickey, is he the strong, athletic type?


And he plays golf.

You don't say.

So... do you go arrest him now?

No, I'm not gonna arrest him yet.

Can you tell me when I can find him at the club alone?

Around 11:00 in the morning.

He goes over the receipts from the night before.


I should get back to work.

This is taken from the pay phone at Rikers, between Marius Pierre and Barbara Keyes.

It's cued up to the good part.

PIERRE: So how come they saying your story don't check out no more?

KEYES: I don't know. You ask them.

PIERRE: Oh, you saying you talked to nobody?

KEYES: Bitch came to my house.

PIERRE: What bitch?

KEYES: Some tall brunette Barbie bitch.

I didn't say nothing.

And she was all, like, admiring my coat.

Like, "How come this piece of nothing got a nicer coat than me?"

Here it comes.

PIERRE: You bought a coat?

What kind of coat you bought?

You buy a shearling?

KEYES: I needed a damn coat!

PIERRE: What's the matter with you?

You weren't supposed to spend none of it till after the trial, that was the deal...

(turns off tape)

Detectives are out looking for her now.

She'll be charged with perjury, conspiracy and accessory to m*rder.

I talked with Marius Pierre's lawyer.

He's recommending that he take the 18.


I was wrong.

Yes, you were.

Live with it.

LINDA:I heard about that. speedster guy on the Internet.

Well, he's got a heck of a lot of nerve calling you out like that.

Must make you pretty mad.

Oh, I don't care about that, Linda.

I got skin thicker than a catcher's mitt.

I'll tell you what does make me angry, boys, is what he's doing is dangerous to other drivers.

When you catch him, will you give him a speeding ticket?

Oh, more than one.

He has conveniently provided us with video evidence.

What's the fastest you've ever gone in a RMP?

Uh, last year I was chasing a perp down the FDR.

We got it going about 85.

Did you catch him?


Hit that traffic snag south of the Triborough Bridge.

Slowed down to about five.

I just hopped out, jogged up and collared him.


Wait, so who got the most speeding tickets growing up?


Was it you, Uncle Danny?

No, it wasn't me.

And it wasn't your Uncle Joe.

In fact, it wasn't even your Uncle Jamie.

It was your lead-foot mother.



In Joe's hot rod.



SS Chevelle 396.

I still miss that car.

Which you totaled.

Well, it wasn't my fault.

You know, one in that shape now? Upwards of 50 grand.

Oh, thanks for the update.

As I was saying.


So your mother borrows Joe's car to take some friends down to the Jersey Shore.

Troopers clocked her on the Garden State Parkway at 112.

Oh, my God!

One of the great things about parents, Nicky, is you can learn from their mistakes.


I remember another time...

Grampa, please!


You picking me up out there, partner?

We're reading you loud and clear, Mr. Maxwell.


Can I help you with something?


Is your name Mickey O'Donnell?

Yeah, yeah, that's me.

My name is Burden Maxwell.

I was engaged to Terry Bell.

I think it's time we have a chat.

Think you need to speak with my partner.

Oh, no, sir.

I'm certain that it's you who I need to speak with.

Have a seat.

Thank you.

(Danny clears throat)

It was a shame what happened to her.

Yes, it was.

I was interviewed by the police about the m*rder.

Oh, yeah? Yes.

And it occurs to me, sir, that it was, in fact, you who committed this crime.

What are you talking about?

Mr. O'Donnell...

I know you were lovers.

I know he dumped you.

And I know you were unhappy about it.

He expressed his trepidation to me about your reaction to our engagement.

What do you want?

I want the engagement ring.

It belonged to my grandmother.

I want it back.

Maybe I don't have it.

Then you will get it back.

O'DONNELL: Oh, that can take a little time.

Or maybe I should just k*ll you, too?

That's all we need.

Let's go!

I just what is rightfully mine.


I don't want any trouble with you.


Never bring a bottle to a gunfight.

Don't move!

Keep your hands where I can see them!

You okay?


Come on, get him out of here.

Ms. Reagan?

You asked to see me?

Yes, well, I have some news.

Marius Pierre agreed to 18 years yesterday.

And Barbara Keyes took seven.

And Timothy?

What is your son's favorite meal?

He loves my lemon chicken with roast potatoes.

You should cook that lemon chicken.

He'll be home for dinner tonight.


How can I thank you?

Ms. Cooper, as a mother, I admire the length you went to for your son.

I'm glad you understand.

But as an officer of the court, I want to throw you in jail for what you did to me.

So you can thank me by leaving before I change my mind.

Sorry, forgot to lock.

We don't open till 6:00.

Tallulah Bangkok.

I almost didn't recognize you.

It's Dennis at the moment.



Anybody around here know how to make a sidecar by any chance?


My best friend used to drink them.

Speaking of, I thought you should know that, uh, Mickey O'Donnell's gonna go away for a very long time.


Thank you. You're welcome.

Now, what are the chances of you getting another shot at Queen Bee?

Slim to none.

Come on, my wife was so sad when you lost.

You got robbed!

You know, you make it out like your wife makes you watch the show.

It's her show.


Well, I guess you could say I've always been a big-tent kind of guy.



To Tiffany Lamp.

Rest in peace.

And to you, too.

For a guy, you are one tough broad.

Hear, hear.

FRANK: For our presentation today,

I'm calling an audible.

Instead of the usual overview, I've asked Detective Baker to walk us through a developing case that she has taken the lead on.


(low murmuring)

Thank you, Commissioner.

What you are about to see are stills from an exercise we ran last night.

As I'm sure you know, we've had a kind of

Cannonball Run situation this week with an unidentified male attempting speed records around our boroughs.

We got his plate number from readers at one of our toll booths, located the vehicle with help from various city and state agencies, and set a drone on his vehicle.

He lapped Brooklyn via the Belt Parkway and the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway at felony reckless speeds.

And the drone followed him over the Nassau County border to a Woodmere diner.

Through this interactive police effort, we were able to positively identify the driver as he exited his vehicle.

The driver is being arrested at his place of business in Suffolk County as we speak.

The identity of his accomplice is still being sought.

Deputy Chief Deluca?

We still have the citation awards and the cocktail reception.

I, uh, I got to run, ur-urgent business.

What a shame.

(all laughing)