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01x05 - The Treasure of Kamp Koral/Camper Gary

Posted: 07/27/23 07:50
by bunniefuu
kids: ♪ SpongeBob ♪

- ♪ I'm off to summer camp ♪

kids: ♪ SpongeBob ♪

- ♪ Through nature I will tramp ♪

kids: ♪ SpongeBob ♪ - [screaming]

kids: ♪ Will have you screaming ♪

- ♪ While milk is streaming right out of your nose ♪


♪ ♪

kids: ♪ SpongeBob ♪

- ♪ When nature's calling, you'll see me hauling ♪

♪ I'm hitting the trail ♪ [toilet flushes]

[whistling tune]

[campers laughing and cheering]

- Let's get the rubber ducky.

- [grumbling]

- Maybe the hiking shoes?

- No, the suntan lotion!

- The pup tent!

- Sunglasses! - Bug spray!

- Canned ham! - Canned socks!

- Canned cans!

- A book on how to do the Can-Can!

- Just pick something!

I ain't got all day!

Whoa! Oh!

- [gasps]

Patrick, look! - [gasps]

[triumphant music]

both: Ultimate Chocolate Crunch Bar.

[cash register dings]

- Now you're talking.

both: Crunch Bar, crunch Bar!

Crunch Bar!

- Is this enough?

[clown horn honks]

[quirky music]

- [gasps] That's it!

I've had enough of you two scallywags

wasting me precious time!

both: Eee!

- Come back when you got real money.

- Aw, but we wanna buy something!

- Huh? Ooh!

♪ ♪

How about this?

both: Aah!

- You wanna buy me garbage?

I mean, me rare, mint condition

pirate shovel?

Sure, why not?

[cash register dings]

both: Aah! Ooh.

[both grunting]

Pirate shovel!

- Argh, we do be pirates, we do!

- Hey, yeah!

Doo bee doo bee doo bee doo!

Let's dig up treasure!

I've got a map! [grunts]




This-a-way, treasure! [laughs]

both: Argh!

- [laughing] [shouts]

[whimpers] [grunts]


- X marks the spot!

- Aah, this must be it!

[breathing heavily]

[moans] It's too slow!

[breathing heavily]

Oh, my gosh!

You're not gonna believe this!

[triumphant music]

[grunts] - [laughs]

[both gasp]

both: Buried treasure!

We're rich! We're rich!

- We have a lot of moolah!

- We can buy everything!

- We can buy...

both: Anything!

[tropical music]

- [grunting] Ow.



Sweet Neptune!

Their allowance must've come in.

Time to bilk some brats.

- One Ultimate Chocolate Crunch Bar please, my good man.

- Absolutely. Yes, sir.

Right away, sir. [laughs]

[vacuum sucking]

Bleh. Bleh.

[heavenly choir sings]

- It's beautiful.

[both grunting]

[exaggerated chomping]

[both belching]

♪ ♪

- Yummy!

We did it, Patrick!

Mission accomplished! The end.

[sweeping classical music]

♪ ♪

- Wait!

Maybe you boys would like

to buy something else before you go?

- You know,

I could use a new mustache comb.

- Well, we do have plenty of money left.

Okay, one mustache comb, Mr. Krabs.

- Hoo hoo! One mustache comb coming up.

- Ooh, and the cowboy hat!

- Okay!

- Ooh, I could use new shoelaces.

- Oh, yeah, sure! [laughs]

- The key ring! - The golf clubs!

- The encyclopedia set! - The steak knives!

- Don't forget! - The deodorant!

- The handcuffs! - The beach towels!

- The dinette set!

- The tutu! - Make it two!

You know, Patrick,

owning lots of stuff is great...

- And it definitely makes me happy.

- But now there's no room to move in here.

- Plus we still have lots of money,

but there's nothing left to buy.

- Ay? Nothing left to buy?

How about upgrading to our most exclusive

and expensive deluxe camp experience?

- Sounds fancy!

- As far as you know,

it is.

[regal music]

[SpongeBob and Patrick laughing]

- Ah, ah, mm-hmm. - [laughing]

- Hmm? Hee-hee.


♪ ♪

- All finished. - Hmm.

[toilet flushing]


- Thanks, my good man.

- Yeah, thanks. [gulping]

- Yah.

- Come on! Hit me with your best shot!

Ow. [laughs]

- [grunts]

- Ooh! Come on!

Here I am! [laughs]

[both grunting]

[quirky music]

- Whoa, whoa, whoa! Ah!

Nice shot. [laughs]


[both grunting] - Hmm?

Ow, ow. [moans]

- Hmm.

- [chuckles]

- [moans]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- [grunts] - [screams]

- [laughs]

[cash register dings]

- Oh, boy, Patrick!

Can you believe we're gonna hike

all the way up to Porpoise Peak?

- Yeah, walking for no reason is so fun!

- Hey, no, walking's for saps.

Hop on, boys.

I'll have you up there lickety-split.

both: Ooh! [both grunting]

♪ ♪

- You gotta flatten it out.

Get the corners.

- [laughs] [cash register dings]

- Yeah! - [cheers]

- [laughs]

[both cheering and laughing]

[exciting music]

- [laughing]


- Go fast again!


- [breathing heavily]


[both cheering]

- [gasps]

Me money!

- [laughing]

- I mean, me campers!

[breathing heavily]

♪ ♪

[SpongeBob and Patrick laughing]

- [screaming]

all: Whoa!

- [grunts] - Yeah!

- [gasps] [screaming]

[SpongeBob and Patrick cheering]

- [heavy breathing] [grunting]


[heavy breathing] - [roars]

- Ah, ha, ha! [stammering]

[SpongeBob and Patrick cheering]

- [screaming]

[SpongeBob and Patrick laughing]

- [grunting]




- Whoo! - Yeah!

- Yeah!

Wow, Mr. Krabs, that was great!

- [laughing]

That was the funnerest ride ever!

- Whoop. - [moaning]

I'm just--I'm just gonna crawl home for a bit.

- But Mr. Krabs, you can't go home!

- Well, yeah. What about the other kids?

- [gasps] Other kids?

- Hi.

- We wanna buy rides for those kids too.

- [whimpers]


[triumphant music]

♪ ♪

[cash register dings]


All right, here we go, campers! [campers cheering]

[upbeat music]


[campers cheering]

[heavy breathing] [screams]

[campers cheering]


♪ ♪


[campers cheering]

[heavy breathing]

[campers cheering] [heavy breathing]

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!


both: Yay! campers: Yay!

- Come on. [heavy breathing]

[campers cheering]


[heavy breathing]

[campers cheering] - Whoo!

That was amazing, Mr. Krabs.

- And very generous.

- Generous?

- Very generous.

We ran out of money to pay for those rides hours ago.

- You ran out

of money!?


[dramatic music]


Well, at least I'm done with all your nonsense.


- Ha, what do you think he means by nonsense?

- Hmm.

[horn honks] Whoa.

- Hmm, hmm.

[sneaky music]

And now to introduce me new money

to me old money.

You'll be money buddies.


[gasps] Me booty!

I've been robbed!


♪ ♪

Me chest!

What is this here?



The money was mine all along?

That does it!

I'm finding an even saferer place for me loot this time.

[tropical music]


Now no campers will ever get their mitts

on me moolah again.



♪ ♪

[campers cheering]



Holy halibut!

Everyone's allowance came in!

[cheers] Ooh, I'm gonna be rich!

[snails snoring]

[soft lullaby music]

[stomach rumbling]


- [buzzing]

- [meows]



- [grunting]

Yah! [grunts]


- [meows sadly]


[angelic music]

[meows happily]





- [humming]

Some fresh vegetables from my garden

will make today's picnic

positively perfect.

Each one grown with love,

free of harsh chemicals,

and untouched by...

- [burps] [slurping]

- Snails!



- Ah? [meows fearfully]

- [screaming] - [meowing]

[exciting music]

- Get back here, you thieving snail!

- Hey, you guys. - [grumbling]

campers: Huh? Aah!

- [meowing fearfully]

- [heavy breathing] Go!

- Huh? - Huh?

- [meowing fearfully]

- [heavy breathing]

- Picnic stretching, no kvetching,

picnic stretching-- Ooh!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Yow! Ooh.


my favorite forest snail!

I haven't seen you since last summer!

Bring it in, buddy! [laughs]

- [meows happily]

- [screaming] Snail!

- Hi, Mrs. Puff!

- Have you seen any disgusting snails in here, SpongeBob?

- Hmm. Disgusting snails?

Mm, don't think so.

[laughs nervously]

- Oh, really?

Then what do you call this?

- [snoring]

- I call it a Patrick!


- Huh?

- Ugh.


[quirky music]

- Well, keep your eyes open,

because when I find

that garden grubbing snail,

he's escargot!

[dramatic music]


[laughing madly]

♪ ♪

- [snores]


[chainsaw revs]

- [whimpers]

- [meows]

- Gary, what is this all about?

- [meows]

- Aw, you were just hungry,

and you didn't realize that the tomato you ate

was growing in Mrs. Puff's private garden,

and you feel bad

because this has all been a big misunderstanding,

but now you're afraid the situation has gone too far,

and Mrs. Puff is trying to salt you,

and you don't know what to do?

- [meows]

- Well, don't worry, little guy!

Patrick and I will keep you safe!

Right, Patrick?

- [snoring]


- Uh, maybe I'll ask Sandy for some help too.

[upbeat music]

- Hmm.


So you boys wanna sneak Gary out of camp,

but you can't leave the cabin

'cause Mrs. Puff could be anywhere?

- [humming]

- Have you seen a snail?

- [screaming]

- [screaming] [chainsaw revving]

- Yeah, that about sums it up.

- Hmm.

Well, I think I got a solution for you!

We're gonna hide Gary in plain sight!

- [meows]

[campers cheering]

- Oh, hey there. - Ha, ha, what's happening?

- Have a camp-tastic day, fellas.

- Hiya, Mr. Tentacles.

- Don't care.

- Sandy, the disguise is working perfectly.

The other kids think Gary's one of us.

- Oh, let's hope it works on adults.


- [whistling]

Shorten your sails there, campers.

Who's this now? - [inhales deeply]

- That's Gary! He's a sn--

- Snappy dresser! [laughs]

Just another sharp-looking camper, that's all.

- Oh, yeah?

Then where'd his kerchief go?

All fully-paid campers have a kerchief.

- Huh?

Uh. [grunts]

- No kerchief would mean

he's a stranger

trying to use me camp

without paying!



Ooh, ha, ha, my mistake.

You kids enjoy the rest of your day.

Except for you, stranger.

No kerchief, no camp!

- [grunts]


[upbeat music]


Hey, no fair.

Oh! Pretty jelly!


- Eh, he'll be back when he's hungry.

- Attention, Koral Kampers.

The annual Kamp Koral picnic

will begin shortly in the--

[crashing] Ugh, hey!

- Beware, campers!

An enemy snail has infiltrated our beloved camp.

Salt on sight!

I repeat, salt on sight!


- Oh, boy!

The picnic is starting!

Come on, we gotta sign up

for the picnic games right away!

- [laughs]

Well, what do you say, little guy?

Your disguise is foolproof,

and with Patrick gone,

we're gonna need you on our team.

- [meows happily]

[exciting music]

- [grunting] - Ha.

♪ ♪

- [laughs]

- Let the four-legged race...

begin! [starter p*stol fires]

[all breathing heavily]

[crowd cheering]

♪ ♪

[both grunting]

- [grunting]

[all screaming]

- Aah! [grunts]

- [moaning]

- [laughs] That was some fancy racing!


- [meows]

- Gary! His name is Gary!

[retches] - [gasps]

Welcome to the eating competition.

Time to gorge yourselves on my gourds.

- Ah!

- [meows happily]

- [inhales deeply] [whistle blows]

[all cheering]

- [grumbles] - Huh?


[loudly munching] [gulps]


Oh! [burps]

- [laughs]

You must really like my vegetables.

What a healthy boy.

Mwah! - [meows]

- Mmm.

[campers cheering] Thank you all for coming.

I hope you enjoyed the picnic today.

- Yeah! Picnics!

- It's time to hand out the annual picnic award

for Best Camper!

This one goes to someone

that's become quite dear to me

over the course of this picnic.

He's not just an excellent competitor,

he's also a very hungry boy. - [stomach grumbles]

- Everyone, put your fins together

for Gary!

[cheers and applause] - Yeah, Gary!

[triumphant music]

- Ta-da!

- [meows]


[SpongeBob and Sandy gasp]

- [gasps]

[all gasping]

- [gasps]

A snail!

Salt on sight!

- Huh? [meows]

- [heavy breathing]

[crowd gasping]


- [meowing fearfully]

- [heavy breathing]

- [meowing fearfully]

- Aah!

Hold still,

you vegetable stealing vermin!

- [meows fearfully]

- [breathing heavily and laughing]

- [meowing fearfully]

- [heavy breathing]

[dramatic music]


♪ ♪





- [meows]

- [sighs]

Mama always said I'd go out like this.

Oh, well.

Better than being dragged back to prison.

Okay, snail!

Do your worst!

- [meows]

[upbeat music]

- [grunts]

- [grunting]

- [grunting] - [sighs]

[both breathing heavily]

- Mrs. Puff! - [screams]

- Huh? [inhales]


- [meows] - Gary!

Oh, I'm so glad you're both okay!


- SpongeBob, your snail rescued me!

- Well, of course he did!

Gary's my friend,

and you're my friend, Mrs. Puff.

And you know the saying,

"Friends don't let friends of friends fall to their doom."

Isn't that right, Gary?

- [meows happily] [slurps]

- [slurps] [laughs]

- I'd like to welcome you

to this after-picnic luau

in honor of my new friend:

Gary the snail!

[cheers and applause]

From now on,

my garden is open

to campers and snails alike.

[cheers and applause]

- [meows happily]

- Tomato, Gary?

- Ah! [chomps]

- [laughs]

[warm music]

- Aw, it does this sailor's heart good

to see new friendships forged

out of old enemities.


- [gasps]



[dramatic music]

- Oh, no, you don't, stranger!

No freebies here!

- I don't want freebies!

I just want food for free!

- [screaming]

[both screaming] - No kerchief, nothing!

Come back here so I can kick you out!

[upbeat whistling music]

♪ ♪