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04x17 - Knockout Game

Posted: 03/21/14 13:48
by bunniefuu
How about "Matt"?

Matt? No.

No, not Matt, not a shot.

What is wrong with Matt?

Baby, "Matt" rhymes with "fat."

He's gonna get made fun of the first day of pre-K.

And his name has to have, like...

I don't know, significance, you know?

Someone that he can look up to.

Someone like Jeter.

Very funny. Come on.

Jeter would be nice.


How about Mike?

Really? You'd name him... you'd name him after me?

Well, you said someone that he can look up to.

I can't think of a better role model than you.

(men speaking indistinctly nearby)

MAN: You're up, Moses.

What did I do to deserve you?

MAN 2: Come on, bro. Nothing.

You got lucky.

Yeah, I got damn lucky.



(men shouting)


(whooping, laughing, chattering)

Hey. Baby.



Hey, can you hear me?


Hey, somebody help!

Somebody help us!

Somebody call 911!


Somebody help!

(man grunts, men laughing on video)

Yeah, what's up now?


Got knocked out, right?

Uh, yeah, what's up?


(woman cries out)

Yeah, I told you, bro, I'm ready.

Let's see you walk the dog now, huh?


(exclaiming, laughing)

Tonight's attack makes three this week and an even dozen in the last month.


Chief Helfond?

(clears throat)

The incidents are centralized in Brooklyn and Queens, mostly at night, all within a two-block range of a subway stop.

We're not sure that's a factor, whether it's a home game or an away game.

Video surveillance footage in nearby stations?


All right, so what we know is...?

That this knockout game is just the kind of random urban nightmare that gooses the 11:00 news and scares the tourists back to Indiana.

Which is why the mayor's office is... We will deal with the chamber of commerce issues in due time.

Not our clock to set.


What we know: it's not about money; not one victim was robbed.

Or sex-- there's no sexual as*ault attached to any of the incidents.

Did any of the victims know their assailants?

Not that we know of.

So it's not revenge, either.

All of the victims are white.

All of the assailants are black.

Yes, so far.

Walks like a hate crime, talks like a hate crime.

We can call this whatever we want.

We're going to call it what it is.

HELFOND: They post the footage on the Web, like it's their highlight reel.

So it's also a social media phenomenon.

So a copycat profile.

In the '80s we called it "wilding."

Scores of teenagers rushing through subway cars, knocking people to the ground, snatching whatever they could get their hands on like bats out of hell.

Took people years to get over that.


Where we start: in the communities, with our confidential informants.

What are we offering in return?

Look, this kind of stupid, random brutality gives regular street crime a bad name.

Let's appeal to the sense of pride in the professional criminal.

That's all for now.


Could you see their faces, Mr. Rose?

It was dark.


How about, uh, their clothes?

Anything unusual?

Any easily identifiable pieces of clothing?

No. Do you know how much longer they're going to be in there?

The doctor said he'd come see us as soon as he could.

I know, but they've been in there a long time with her, you know?

I'm sure they're doing their best.

Could you tell how tall they were?

Tall, short, average?


I don't know.

Was one of them bigger than the other?

Um... yeah.

Maybe. Honestly, I don't really remember too much, you know?

Everything happened so fast, and the three of them just came out of nowhere, you know?

Three of them?

You said there were two of them.

Yeah, yeah. No.

Um, I just... I don't know.

Look, I just want to see Stephanie, you know?

I think... I think that she needs me, my baby needs me.

Your wife's pregnant?


Our first. Six months.

A little boy.

DOCTOR: Mr. Rose?

Yeah, doctor, hey. How's she doing?


Your wife's doing fine. Okay.

She's stabilized and is responding favorably.


Thank God.

Okay, thank you. Thank you.

And my baby?

Um... maybe you should have a seat.


♪ Blue Bloods 4x17 ♪

Knockout Game

Original Air Date on March 14, 2014

Good morning.


Keep your coat on. We gotta go.

I just got here.

Can I get a cup of coffee?

There's nothing in here.

Exactly. That's our entire case.

Nothing came back from the canvass last night?


Cops knocked on every door, nobody saw a thing.

And we got bupkus from surveillance cameras.

And our witness can't give us a description.

Exactly, which is why we got zero. Come on.

Well, where are we going?

We're gonna go see Third-Person Thorpe.

Third-Person Thorpe?

Who's that, a cartoon character?

No, he's my CI.

He runs the Heights.

If anything happened up there, believe me, Third-Person Thorpe's gonna know about it.

Hi. I'm running a bit late, so can you call counsel for Richard Jennings and push a half an hour?

Um... I will need my notes for that meeting, so if you could e-mail them to me...

(toaster beeps)


Okay, I'll just, uh, take a look at those... ow!

...take a look at them on my way in.

Could you just hold on for a second?

(loud music playing, shower running)

It's 8:30. We're going to be late.

(music continues)

I'm back. Um... you might have to cancel my lunch.

I think that's it.

All right?

I'll see you soon.

(music playing loudly, shower running)

You almost done?


(music stops)



Hey, what's going on?

You said you would be out of here by 8:30.

Yeah, I'm almost done.

What if Nicky comes home?

She slept out at a friend's.

I know, but what if she forgot something?

What if she stops here on the way to school?

What if... What if, what if, what if.

What if you got in here with me?

I'm not kidding, Jack.

Yeah, neither am I.

Come here. What... oh, my God!

I still have my robe on.

Let me fix that. Jack. (laughs)

Jack... Just like that.

Oh, my God!

Oh... It just comes undone.

(knocking on door)

Top o' the morning to you, Thorpe.


Well, if it ain't J Edgar?

Hoover was FBI. How many times I gotta tell you?

Thorpe knows what Thorpe knows--

a cop's a cop's... a cop.

Detective Baez. I'm Hoover's partner.

Well, a friend of J Edgar's is a friend of Thorpe.

Hey. Oh...

Come on, knock it off. Get in there.

We're here on business.

So how can Thorpe help you?

You been watching the news?

The latest victim of the knockout game was a pregnant woman just a few blocks from here.

Terrible, terrible.


They just said she lost the baby.

Yeah, she did. And that's why we're here.

Somebody's got to pay for this, Thorpe. - Oh...

J Edgar... now, you know Thorpe is a businessman.

That knockout game is for punk kids with no self-respect, you know... no ambition.

Yeah, but if a pigeon takes a dump up in this neighborhood, Thorpe's gonna know about it, isn't he?

THORPE: You flatter me, J Edgar.

But, uh, Thorpe-Thorpe's in the dark on this one, man.

I'll tell you what, though...

Thorpe'll ask around for you.

How's that?

Yeah, that's not good enough.

What Thorpe supposed to do?

I mean, he can't know what he don't know, you know?

Well, maybe we'll just jog Thorpe's memory then, huh?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... what are you doing?

Searching the apartment. For dr*gs.

This ain't even Thorpe's place, man.

It's-it's my girl's.

Well, then, we'll be sure to keep it neat.

BAEZ: Stay put. THORPE: J Edgar, come on, man.

Y-You know you can't do that without a warrant, baby.

You gave up those rights when you got paroled, my friend.


Well, look at that.

Yo, that ain't Thorpe's.

It's felony weight, Thorpe.

You want to tell me who's running the knockout game now?

J Edgar, come on, man.

That ain't even half a gram.

You know Thorpe'll bounce in 36 hours on a half a gram, man.

That's true.


I mean, you could probably do 36 hours standing on your head, huh?

No doubt!


No doubt, indeed.

But tell me something: could your girlfriend do that time standing on her head?

Oh, J Edgar, don't even play like that, man.

(both chuckle)

Cuff her.


Get up, come on, let's go. But...

Aw, hell no. No, you can't do that.

Up. Get your hands off me!

Get up. What are you doing?

The apartment is legally registered in her name, which makes the dr*gs technically hers.

Her dr*gs, her collar.

Get your hands off me. Wait, hold up, hold up.

Just... that's not necessary.

Thorpe, get her off me.

Okay, I'll talk.

I'll talk.

Willie Hayward.

My cousin.

That's the dummy running the knockout game around here.

Cut her loose.

Why you gotta make things so difficult?


GARRETT: The knockout game is news.

I try and push the press to sit on new incidents, that's censorship.

And "news" and "censorship"

in the same sentence gets me, and by extension you, hung by the rafters.

You're not actually trying to frame this as a freedom-of-the-press issue? Not just me...

Because A.J. Liebling was right: "Freedom of the press is limited to those who own one."

Is that supposed to be funny?

Invite them in.

Invite them to stop publicizing this stupid "game."

Invite them to have a hand in possibly sparing some old lady a broken jaw instead of giving these animals another 15 minutes of fame.

I'll send out the invitations, but I wouldn't book the hall just yet.

What's this?



What's this?


How did it get on my desk?



At Deputy Commissioner Moore's request, sir.

Thank you, Baker.

(door closes)

You don't really expect me to sign this.

Let me give you the background. It landed on my desk...

First of all, please go do the job you're paid to do.

That's all for now.

Thank you.

(door opens)

(door closes)

(men laughing on video)

You got Hayward's mug shot over there?

What do you think?

Close, but it's too grainy to make a positive ID.

I think it's still worth having a talk with him, though.

Let's go.

Can I help you?

Yeah, looking for this guy, Willie Hayward.

You seen him around?

Don't know him.

Take a closer look, tough guy.

Sorry. Never seen him before.

Sure, you haven't.







You Willie Hayward?

My name is "I want a lawyer""

Yeah? You like knocking people out, huh?

Lawyer, lawyer, lawyer, lawyer, lawyer.

Yeah, you'll get your lawyer, but you're gonna do something for me first.

Yeah? What's that?

Take a lie detector test. What?!

You might be dumb, but you're not deaf. Get in.

Hey, hey, what are you doing, man?

You can't do this to me. What are you doing?

HAYWARD: Hey, stop, come on!

You guys can't do this to me! DANNY: Whoa!

Oh, squirrel!

(tires screech, Hayward grunts)

What about now? You hear anything?

Okay, okay, okay, I'll talk! I'll talk!

I think I heard "uncle."

Come on, let me out! I think you're right.

(footsteps approaching)

Hi, there. Should I fix us a drink?

Maybe in a minute.

(clears throat)

What's this?

Oh, come on, Francis.

Get down off your high horse.

You already asked me about it, and I already said no.

Yeah, you said no.

That's one vote, it's not a landslide.

It is in this instance.

Who the hell do you think you're talking to?

You enlisted the help of my DCPI in an effort to carry out something I specifically told you I was against.

Timothy Doherty is a superstar sitting on the bench.

He deserves the promotion for the good of your whole department.

Your whole department.

That's not the issue.

The issue is his name is on my desk because his old man is a drinking buddy of yours.

And so what the hell is so bad about that?

I don't work that way!

Well, maybe you ought to.

Pop, I'm not going back to the last century where the top spots went to the guys with hooks.

Nobody's asking you to.

And by the way, it worked just fine.

No, Pop... it didn't.

Because it valued greased palms over an honest rise up.

There's a bottle of Finnerty's 18

that I'm about to crack open.

But it was a gift from the Dohertys, so I won't pour you one lest it might make you choke on your righteousness.

And consider this: you haven't once said that Timmy Doherty isn't right for the job.

And if raising him up because his old man is a friend of mine is wrong, isn't keeping him down for the same reason just as bad?

DANNY: Come on. Let's go.

I'll process him. You deal with that.

All right.
Mr. Rose.

Detective. What can I do for you?

Is that him?

It's a little bit early in our investigation to know that.

Yeah, but you think that's him?

I don't think anything.

It's best not to jump to conclusions, you understand?

But he's involved?

Look, Mike, I understand you're hurting.

You have every right to be, okay?

But I don't think it's a good idea you just popping up around here unannounced.

I just want to look him in the eyes and I want to tell him what he did to my family.

Why don't we go have a little talk, okay?

I know you want someone to pay for this, Mike, and believe me, I do, too, but this is a bad road you're going down.

Stephanie can't get out of bed.

She's just laying there like she's in a coma or something.

It's gonna take some time.

A lot of time, I'm afraid.

It took us five years to get pregnant.


You have any idea what a miracle it was that that even happened?

Ten rounds of in vitro.

I had to stick a needle in her stomach every single morning.

It was round after round after round of the same thing.

The embryo didn't take.

Six months ago, a little miracle happened, you know?

God shined his light on us, Detective.

That's what we told ourselves. And for what?

And for what, so they could just go and do this?

He's gonna give us a baby so he can just to take it away from us? That's...

What kind of God does something sick like that to people?

I don't know the answer to that.

You're messed up in the head, you know that?

Stick somebody in a trunk and drive around like that?

You nuts, man.

Almost as nuts as running around punching innocent strangers in the face for giggles, huh?

Is that you?

Maybe, maybe not.

You want to go back in the trunk? No, no!

Okay, it's me.

The guy on the bike, what'd he do to you? Did he rob you, call your mother a name, what? No.

So why'd you punch him in the face?

I don't know. It's a game.

A game? The guy's got his jaw broken in two places.

He can't work for a month.

He's got no way to take care of his kids. Some game.

He was a punk, man.

No, you're a punk, man.

Tell me what happened two nights ago.

Two nights ago? I didn't do nothing two nights ago.

I'm not screwing around with you, Hayward.

I got a pregnant woman who can't get out of bed and probably never will again, because you knocked her out and k*lled her baby all for a freaking laugh!

I didn't do nothing two nights ago, okay?

I didn't hit nobody! I didn't hit no lady!

You know what? Forget the trunk.

We'll try the roof this time.

Yo, I'm not messing with you, man!

I'm telling the truth.

I was at the Knick game that night with my boys.

Better hope you and your boys somehow ended up on the kissing cam.

Check my phone.

They played the Bobcats that night.

Okay, let's look at your phone.

That's me.

I see it's you, dummy.


That's ten minutes before Stephanie got hit. Lucky you.

Told you I'm innocent.

Sit your ass down.

You're still going down for the other knockouts... tough guy.

(door opens)


(door closes)

(bird calling)

Got a minute?

My time is all yours to take up, as you know.

All right.

I want to apologize for getting into this with your father and attempting the end run around you. It was out of line.

Yes, it was. It won't happen again.

Then let's put this behind us.

Fine by me.

How are you doing with the media?

But I stand by my decision to recommend Officer Doherty.

I thought we just agreed to put this behind us?

Frank, I consider it an important part of my job to be straight with you, for good and for bad.

And the truth is, I put those promotion papers on your desk again today.

Are we gonna have a problem here, Garrett?

We already do. How's that?

You're very good at giving advice.

Your counsel is invaluable, both in this building and out in the world, and everyone around you appreciates it.

But it's a one-way street with you, Frank.

It is not. It is, too!

At some point in your life, you went up the mountain and came back down with your own tablets of what is and is not the right thing to do, written in stone.

Which allows for certainty but not always wisdom.

Two media outlets agreed not to sensationalize any further events on the knockout game.

That's a start.

The Jewish Daily Forward and The Village Voice.

A slow start, but a start.

I have a conference call with the editors of the Post in 30 seconds.

Do what you can.

See you later.

Hey, Detective, what's up?

Mike, the guy you saw down at the squad--

he's not our guy.

We're back to square one.

Sorry to hear that.

Me, too. You mind if I come in and pick your brain a little bit?

Yeah. I'm not sure how much help I'm gonna be, but yeah, yeah, sure. Come in.

I don't know what else I'm supposed to do.

You know? Got to move on, right?

Maybe this'll give me some of that closure or whatever it is they call it.

I get it.

Why don't I give you a hand, Mike?

We can just talk a little bit.

That is if you're up for answering a few questions about the other night?

Yeah, yeah. I mean, I...

I really don't know how much help I'm gonna be.

Like I said, you know, what I saw, I don't really remember much of.

And I didn't see much to begin with, so...

All right, well, why don't we start with how many of them there were?

Um, there were three of them.

You remember how tall they were?

Taller than you?

Taller, taller, yeah. One of them was taller.

He was maybe six two.

Okay, what about the other two?


One was really short.

Uh-huh. They have any identifying characteristics?

Uh, scars, tattoos?

Nah, they were bundled up pretty good.

Remember their voices at all? They say anything?

Anything distinct?

Maybe one guy called another guy's name?


Sweetheart, you're up.

Excuse me, Mrs. Rose.

I don't want to be rude, but you said Moses.

Who's Moses?

Just before they hit me, I heard someone say, "You're up, Moses."

You did?

Was the tall one the one who threw the punch?

Yeah. Yeah, it was.

Why? You know this guy?

I collared a drug dealer in that neighborhood a couple of times, goes by the name of Moses.

And he's a big guy?

He's at least six two.


Moses Caldwell.

Got his first collar at age nine.

Hell, I even collared him when he was 11.

19 years old, he's already been collared for robbery, larceny, g*n possession.

This doesn't end.

I collared him once for larceny.

I told him I'd cut him some slack if he got counseling.

He told me I could "you know what"

my "you know who" instead.

Reagan, Baez? Yeah, Sarge.

The want card you dropped for the knockout attack?

What was his name?

Moses Caldwell.

65 just caught a homicide, D.O.A. in an alley.

We ID'd him as one Moses Caldwell.

Your card popped as soon as we entered him into the system.

Ah, geez.

How'd he go?

Shot in the gut, close range.

Well, I guess he paid the ultimate price this time.

Where you going? Oh, I got to go tie a toe tag.

(indistinct conversations, distant siren wailing)

Are you the one that found him, Sarge?


Got a call from a guy who lives up above.

Complainant said he saw a body in the alley.

So, we checked it out.

Take a look.

Found this.

That'll be Moses, all right.

We hear Moses may have been in a beef with another dealer in the neighborhood?

OFFICER: Moses beefed with everybody.

Anyone in particular?

You know how it is when these corner boys want to start a turf w*r.

Look, sorry to say it, but chalk this one up to a public service homicide.

One wastoid wasting another.

Something up, Reagan?

(camera clicks)

Huh? Um, no.

Nah, everything's good.

Officer Timothy Doherty, sir.

As you were.

Please, sit down.

It's an honor to meet you, sir.

Thank you.

I'm afraid I've got some bad news.

Despite what you've been lead to believe, I am not promoting you to the intelligence division.


Your father and my father are old friends as you know.

And I think they got it in their heads that it was time for you to move up the ladder.

But if I promote you because they're buddies, well... it's just not right.

I understand completely, sir.

You do? Yes, sir.

And I want to thank you.

I asked my father not to pursue this, but he insisted.

You're not interested in the promotion?

Oh, it's not that, sir. I would very much like to make my way to the intelligence division, and I sincerely believe that I would be an asset, but not with a hook.

And I was hoping that you, if anybody, would understand that.

Why me?

Well, your father was commissioner before you, and...


That didn't come out right.

And you think I'm here because I got a leg up.

Permission to open my mouth to remove my foot, sir?

Permission granted.

What I mean is I know enough about you to know that you got here under your own steam.

And my father says that you had some reluctance when asked to step up.

Maybe because you were moving into your father's job?

Right on both counts.

My point is, knowing the department, I'm sure there was some behind-the-back talk you had to deal with about how you had a hook.

And... that's what I meant about if anybody'd understand, you would.

And I do.

I love being a cop, sir.

And, sure, I've got some goals.

Some pretty lofty ones, in fact.

One day hoping it's me sitting in this office.

But I've got a long way to go, and I'm enjoying the good work that's gonna get me there.

Thanks for coming by, Officer.

Thank you, sir.

(door opens)

(door closes)

I'm sorry. We both know you're dreaming.

I don't think the judge will agree with you.

I do, and....


I'm sorry. Can you excuse me for a moment?


What are you doing here?

I was in the neighborhood.

Saw these, thought of you.

Gerbera daisies, your favorite.

They're beautiful.

Um, I thought we discussed this.

This is my office.

I don't really feel comfortable with people knowing about this.

I know, but I got this idea in my head, and I just wanted to share it with you.

And I couldn't help myself.

And you couldn't think of anyone but yourself?

Okay, I deserve that.

But just hear me out.

About me having to rush out the other day 'cause of Nicky.

What about it?

What if it wasn't like that?

What if we told her?

Told her what?

About us?


Uh, the other day was lovely.

But I think we should just leave it at that.

And what if I wanted more than that?

You don't.

You don't know that.

I do.

I know you.

Will you at least think about it?


I-I do need to get back to that meeting.

Thank you.



Evening, Detective. Is everything okay?

Everything's fine.

Just, uh, wondering if I could steal your husband for a minute?

Yeah. Uh, uh, yeah, of course.



What's going on?


I'm here to tell you that the guy who assaulted your wife is dead.

Wow. Really?


He was k*lled in an apparent drug-related turf w*r.

All right, I should probably go tell Steph.

She's gonna want to hear this.

I noticed you're not wearing your work boots tonight, Mike.

No. No, I'm not.

I was thinking maybe it would be better for you if they didn't exist anymore.

I saw your boot print at the crime scene.

He beat my wife. He k*lled my baby.

Don't say another word.

I swear, I just wanted to go and look him in the eye like I told you.

I swear to you, Detective. Mike, I'm warning you.

And I didn't want anything like that to happen...

Just stop talking, Mike!

Look, my heart breaks for you and your family and what you've gone through.

But I'm gonna make something very clear to you.

So I need you to listen to me, okay?

I am not here to ask you where you were last night.

But at some point I may have to.

Pass the salt, please.

Unless I'm not supposed to have any.

Lord knows you know best, Francis.

It's coming down, Grandpa.

Danny, can you pass me the roast beef?

Hello? Earth to Dad.


Aunt Erin wants some more meat.


Well, here you go.

Something's on your mind.

It's nothing, Dad.

Yeah, he's been like this all day.

Just because a case is closed doesn't mean you have closure.

It's not even my case I'm thinking about, kid.

Another guy in the squad caught a tough one, is all.

What's the case?


And this detective is pretty sure he knows the guy who did it.

Well, that's good, right?

Yeah, except that the detective might've done the same thing if he was in this guy's shoes.

The m*rder?

The dead guy, he's a very bad character.

Career criminal and he k*lled this guy's daughter recently.

Oh, my God.

That's awful. Yeah.

It is awful, but it doesn't give anyone the right to become a vigilante.


I didn't say that.

When society accepts k*lling in the streets without regard for the law, it's called anarchy.

I know that, but doesn't someone have the right to defend their own family?

And take justice into their own hands?

I'll tell you this... any monster who lays a finger on anybody at this table, they'd be fertilizer before the courts could get to 'em.



He's a cop.

He took an oath; there's no fine print.

He's got to pursue the evidence, let the courts decide.

Yeah, well, that's the thing, kid.

There's only one little piece of evidence connecting this guy to the crime.

And if the detective dumped it, well... there'd be no case at all.

So now he's committing a crime?

Give him directions to the East River.

Sounds like this detective--

your friend--

is more interested in being a judge than a cop.

Maybe it's time for a career change.

ERIN: Amen.

HENRY: Who wants more potatoes?

I'll take 'em. FRANK: I do.


Mike, why don't you grab your coat?

I need to talk to you a second out here.


Everything okay? What's going on?

Sorry to tell you, Mike, but you're under arrest.

Turn around and put your hands behind your back. Come on.

For what?

The m*rder of Moses Caldwell.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law.

You have the right to consult an attorney...

This is Detective Danny Reagan taking a statement from Mike Rose on seven of April, 2014.

Mr. Rose, can you tell us what happened on this past Thursday evening?

Where should I start?

From when I left your house, please.

Okay, um, well, you came to my house looking for me to help identify the person who assaulted my wife.

And what did you learn from that interview?

My wife gave you the name of the guy who att*cked her.


Mm-hmm. And were you able to recall and give a physical description of this Moses.

I was.

After that I return to the squad to gather further information on this Moses. During that time, what did you do?

Well, you mentioned that Moses was a drug dealer in the neighborhood where we were att*cked, so... uh, after my wife went to bed, I drove over to that neighborhood.

DANNY: You went to look for Moses?

MIKE: Yes.

And did you find him?


He was dealing dr*gs on the corner.

Did you approach Moses?

No, not immediately.

I waited for him to be alone.

So, um, he ducked into a back alley and I intercepted him.

And why did you do that?

Why'd you intercept him?

He beat my wife in the face right in front of me.

He knocked her out cold.

I thought that my wife was dead.

He k*lled my unborn child.

So you were there to get revenge?


I honestly do not think so.


Why did you go there, Mike?

I just wanted to look him in the eye.

I swear, that's all I wanted to do.

I just wanted to look him in the eye.

I just wanted him to see me as a real person.

To know what he did to me, to know what he did to my family.

And did you do that, Mr. Rose?

Yes, I did.

And then what happened?

He pulled a g*n on me.

Moses pulled a g*n on you?

What did you do?

We were really close.

I mean, we were probably about this far apart, so...

I don't know why, but I just grabbed it.

You took the g*n from Moses? No.

Uh, we both had it.

And we were wrestling, we wrestled to the ground, struggled back and forth with it, and then out of nowhere, it just went off.

And who pulled the trigger?

I honestly don't know-- it just went off.

Was anybody shot?


He was shot in the stomach.

And that was that. He was dead.


I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

So your "friend" caught a tough case, huh?

Come on.

He's telling the truth, sis.

And what about that evidence that almost found its way into the East River?

We found his footprint in the alley, which puts him at the scene.

And what about the g*n?

How do we know your guy Mike didn't just bring it to the party?

We found a silver-plated nine millimeter in a Dumpster down the alley with Moses' prints all over it.

Same make and model from Moses' two previous g*n possession collars.

And we got witnesses in the neighborhood who confirm that it's Moses' w*apon of choice.

You have a M.E.'s report?

M.E.'s report.

It's consistent with Mike Rose's story.

The powder burns on the victim's coat confirm he was shot at close range.

Well, what about his record? Any arrests?


It's a pretty bold move, going down to that neighborhood just to look a known drug dealer in the eye.

Yeah, it was.

Any history of v*olence, or... domestic disputes?

No. He's clean.

Okay, well, I'll take it to the grand jury and see what they think.


Well, what do you think?

It doesn't matter what I think.

I just present the evidence.

You present the evidence and then you make a recommendation, which is why I want to know what you think.

I think it adds up.

And I think Mike and his family have been through enough.

Thank you.

ERIN: This was delicious.

Yeah, I remember how much you loved this restaurant.

I do.

But we used to only come here when it was a special occasions.

Well, I was hoping that... tonight could maybe be one of those.

Right. The Nicky question.


You really think we should be telling her about... whatever it is we've been doing?

Only if we want to keep doing it.

And you do?

Yeah, I do.

Very much so.

I do, too.

And I think you're right.

You... think I'm right?

(laughing): You never think I'm right.

Well, on this very rare occasion, you are, so I think you should enjoy it.


We can tell her tonight when we get back to the apartment.

You can move back in over the weekend.

Say again?

Well, we're not going to tell our daughter that we're dating.

Why not?

Because dating is what you do when you're getting to know someone.

We were married.

If we're gonna get back together, I assume that you wanted everything that entails.

Don't you?


Erin, that's not what I had in mind.


I know.

You want just the fun stuff.

The easy stuff.

Just like when we were kids.

You don't want the adult version, with the commitments and responsibilities, do you?

Which is why we are not gonna tell Nicky about whatever this was... ever.

Are you breaking up with me?


Yes, I am.


Stephanie. Mike.

The grand jury decided not to indict.

Oh, thank God.


Thank you.

Thank you, Detective, for everything.

You know this could have gone either way, right, Mike?

Yeah, I know.

You two going to be all right, going forward?


Yeah, I think so.

We've been talking about maybe trying for another baby.

That's great.

Well, if you need any help, uh, painting the nursery again, you let me know.



Got a minute?

My time's all yours to take up. Oh, cut it out.

What's that?

A bottle of Finnerty's 18.

I thought you had a rule about booze in the offices.

I do. That's why I hide it in the bookcase.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

I promoted Officer Doherty.

I heard something about that.

I just wanted to thank you for bringing him to my attention.

Not me.

I was just carrying water for Henry.

The truth is, you saw something in him.

Well, let's hope I'm right.

Actually, I gave him the promotion.

Let's hope I'm right.

Of course.

I stand corrected.

How is my campaign to k*ll freedom of the press going?

The editors at the Post politely declined to participate.


Well, polite for them.


I made my case to all that mattered.

God forbid there's another incident, but if there is, we'll know if we have friends in this.

All you can do.

Hope springs eternal.

We got CompStat in 20.

I'll see you down there.