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05x03 - A Better Mousetrap: Part 1 / A Better Mousetrap: Part 2

Posted: 07/27/23 15:58
by bunniefuu
Pbs kids opens
worlds of possibilities

For all children

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and viewers like you.

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: today's
featured words are "reminisce"

And "skirmish."

It's time for another episode
of the city's

Favorite interview show,

"Getting the scoop
with scoops."

And now, your host,
todd "scoops" ming.

and thank you.

Any time.

Uh, that was for them,
for tuning in.

Today's guest is known for
her "astonishing strength,

Her dazzling intellect,
and her voluminous lexicon,"

Which I think means
she's smart, strong,
and knows a lot of words.

She's here today to talk
about what it's like

To battle the evil
dr. Two brains.

Please welcome
my guest, word girl.


Thank you for joining
us today, word girl.

Certainly, scoops!

I thought we might show
some scenes from your
previous adventures,

And then afterwards
we'll talk about them.
How does that sound?

Sounds fun! You know,
I love to reminisce about
past victories.

Let's remind our viewers
how the friendly

steven boxleitner
came to be known

As dr. Two brains.

Roll it!

Narrator: dr. Steven boxleitner
was word girl's friend,

Until an experiment
with a vicious lab mouse
named squeaky

Went horribly wrong,
leaving him with a tiny
mouse brain

Stuck to his head,
and an evil new identity--

Dr. Two brains!

Wow! An evil scientist
with a mouse brain
attached to his head!

He seems invincible.

At first glance,
dr. Two brains might seem
impossible to defeat,

But at the end of the day,
he's just like any
other mouse.

Hmm, in what way?

He's afraid of cats.


Ha ha ha.

All right.

[Cat meows]

Ah! Did you hear that?

I didn't hear


There it is again!

It sounded just
like a cc-c-c...


Oh, boy!
A kitty cat!


Giant cat!
Coming right at us!

Scaring pants off
of mouse brain!

Run for your lives!

Word girl: oh, no you don't,
two brains!

Now it's your turn
to get creamed!


My ray!

Oh, no!

Wow! That was an
awesome air battle!

Yeah, well, most encounters
with dr. Two brains

End with some
sort of skirmish.

Tell me, is it hard
constantly defeating

Dr. Two brains
all by yourself?

Well, I can't take all
the credit for bringing

Two brains to justice
again and again...

And again.

My sidekick,
captain huggy face,
has been known

To save the day
on occasion.

Yeah. And speaking
of captain huggy face,

I'd like to give him
a special thanks

For running
our cameras today.

Thanks for filling
in for jerome, huggy.

[Canned applause]

Say, isn't this fun,
hanging out, remembering
good times?

I wonder if there's
a word for that.

I think the word
you're looking for
is "reminisce."

See? I told you
I'd get to it.

It means to look back
fondly on fun times.

Oh, well it certainly
is fun to be here

Reminiscing with you.

Is that right?

Nailed it!

But word girl, it says
here in my notes that,

On one occasion,
you actually teamed up

With dr. Two brains.

Why would you work
alongside such an evil
super villain?

Because we had
a common enemy--

His super-smart
mouse army!

And for the record, once
the mice were defeated,

I was sure to take care
of dr. Two brains.

Roll the clip!

Roll the clip?

Roll the clip,

Stop this!
I am dr. Two brains!

I was going to win!

I was going to beat
word girl!

Uh, let's see,
smart. Less smart?
Far less smart!

Here we go!


Aha! Thank you, word girl!

Now the cheese
is all mine! Ha ha!

Whoa! Uhhh! Ow!

Uhhh! All part
of the pla--ow!


I am still in contr---ow!

I'm all right! Ow!

I'm all--oh!

How long do you think
he'll keep going?

He'll run into some
woods eventually.

Oh, this is a treat!

You know, an army of
mice is one thing,

But how
did you overpower
dr. Two brains

When he built that
robot armor?

Was it the biggest
battle of all time?

Were there lasers
and karate moves
and explosions?

Word girl: biggest battle
of all time? No!

It was barely
even a skirmish.

But don't take
my word for it.
Roll the clip!

Not so fast, two brains.

Again? I'm astonished,
word girl.

You insist on repeating
the identical situation

Over and over and over.

You know, you're right.

You're just
too powerful now.

I am? Huh,
you're actually
complimenting me.

I'm astonished.

Well, that suit just
proves what a brilliant
scientist you are.

I like to think
I add something extra.

Spunk. Natural flair.
Call it--

Yeah, yeah, you're
great, we get it.

So, me being
the superhero and all,

I feel like I should
at least try to stop you
one last time.

Oh, if you must.

Prepare to smell defeat,
word girl!

stink spray!

Computer: warning!

Ah! Something's wrong!



What just

We discovered a weakness
that could trigger

A mecha-suit meltdown.

That big red
self-destruct button

Just right on your back.

You noticed
that, did you?

I'm astonished
it was so easy.

I knew I shouldn't
have put that on there.

Oh, well, live
and learn, I guess.

See you around.

Uh, you're going
to jail, actually.

Jail?!? No!

[Both laugh]

Dr. Two brains,
if you're watching,

Next time you come at me
with indestructible armor,

Maybe you shouldn't leave
the instruction manual
lying around.

Just saying.

On a quick side note,
word girl, you've used

The word "skirmish"
a few times today.

Mind telling our
viewers what it means?

I know what it means,
of course, clearly.

Duh! Hello! I'm scoops,
"kid who knows
lots of words,"

But I bet everyone
watching at home

Would love to know
the definition.

Sure, scoops.

A skirmish is a small
fight or battle.

When I try to stop
a villain from breaking
the law

And we have an argument
or a confrontation,

That's a skirmish.


Skirmish. Hmm.

Uh, scoops?
Uh, interview?

What? Oh, hello!
Yes, where were we?

Oh. And
speaking of robots,
remember the time

Dr. Two brains
teamed up with tobey?

How could you possibly
fight two villains
at once?

Well, it's easy
when they're busy

Fighting amongst

Come on!
Let's put the squeeze
on her for good!

No, no, surely
we can think of
a much more

Diabolical way to
teach her a lesson.

We both know you're
just stalling

Because you have a silly
schoolboy crush on her!

I do not!

do too, do too!

Stay out
of this!

It's bootsy the cat.

Hey, it's bootsy
the cat!

Huggy, look!
It's bootsy the cat,

Star of the film
"sir kitty".

But it is a big deal!

We need to get her
autographed picture for
the scavenger quest!

Mouse-zilla first,
then autograph!

Oh, please! I did
% of the work!

So much for an
equal collaboration.

You're right, child.
It wasn't equal

Because I did all of the--

A cat!

Oh, are we afraid
of a little cat?

A little bitty
kitty cat?

Keep away! Keep away!


Oh, yeah? Well, at least
I don't love word girl

Like you do.

Well, you're afraid
of a little kitty,
kitty, kitty!

Meow, meow, meow!

Love, love, love!

♪ I'm dr. Two brains ♪

♪ He sees a kitty
and he goes eek! ♪

Great job, huggy.

Let's see if this mouse
can swim. Hyaaah!

Meow meow meow meow
meow meow meow meow!

♪ Love, love, love-love
love, love, love-love ♪

That's it.
Our collaboration
is over!

Humph! Finally, we agree!

Uhh, where are we?

And why are we
in handcuffs?


Ha! Looks like they
were the ones having

Quite a skirmish!

Ah, reminiscing
is fun.

Ha ha! Yes.

See how i--anyway.
Seriously, though.

You make defeating
dr. Two brains
look so easy!

You want easy?

One time two brains was
defeated by nothing more

Than a simple

Oh, by the way, I have
you outnumbered again!

Ha ha ha ha!

Oh, you guys
look so cute!

Well, are you henchmice
or henchmen? Get her!

Oof! Ow!

Great job, huggy.

Oh, word girl.


Was that a lighting
fixture that just
fell on him?

Narrator: do I even
have to say it?



Here, check this out!






Ahem! Ahem!

[Laughter continues]


Well, that got
your attention.

Both: dr. Two brains!

What are you doing here?

What am I doing here?

You, girly, are ruining
my reputation!

You're all,
"oooooh, dr. Two brains

"Is so easy to defeat!

"Every skirmish ends
in victory for me,
word girl!

Isn't it fun to reminisce

About all the times
I've defeated him?"

Ha ha ha.
It's embarrassing!

Everybody who's watching
is laughing at me!

I already got a call from
chuck the sandwich guy--

Uh, excuse me,
dr. Two brains,
but we were actually

In the middle of
a television show

News flash, kid:
you're being replaced.

Ha ha ha!
Tie him up, boys!

So, word girl, you ready
for a real grilling?

Maybe a cheese grilling?

Ha ha ha! This is
going to be fun.

[Canned applause]

Good evening, world,
and welcome

To word girl's
final interview.



Narrator: will dr. Two brains
use his goop ray on word girl?

Will she be able to escape?

Will this skirmish
end in disaster for word girl?

Has all the reminiscing
come to an end?

Oh, we're just
getting started with

The reminiscing,
mr. Announcer man.

Narrator: tune in next time
for the conclusion

Of this suddenly
very suspenseful episode

Of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau

And this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured
word will win

A fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is "elegant."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips
from "word girl"

That show the meaning
of the word.

Yes, emily!

means stylish
and dignified,

Like captain
huggy face

In that tuxedo
and top hat.

That's correct!

I'd say huggy looks
almost as elegant

As a certain
game show host.

Uh, who are you
talking about?

Oh, no one.

Hey. What's that off
in the distance?

Perhaps I should
take a look.


congratulations, emily!

You are today's winner.

Huggy, show her
what she's won!

An official
"word girl" velvet cape!

How elegant!

Really? A cape?

You think that makes him
more elegant than I am?

No doubt.

Ok, then. That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: psst.
Listen for the words

"Cliffhanger" and "irk."

Previously on "word girl,"

Scoops was
interviewing word girl,

Reminiscing about
her many victories,

Until dr. Two brains
and his goop ray
took over the show.

[Cheering and applause]

Uh, welcome back
to "getting the scoop
with scoops"--

Dr. Two brains: ahem!

I mean, um, "the dr. Two brains
is the best villain ever show,"

Starring dr. Two brains
as himself.

When you last saw us,
we were--

Um, what did you
want me to say again?

All right.
Never mind, kid.

I don't think
you're cut out
for tv.

You're strictly
a print journalist.

Psst. Point it
back this way.

When you last saw us,
word girl was

Really irking me
by bragging about
all the times

She's spoiled
my fun,

But then I spoiled
her fun!

Ooh! That was fun!

I took over
this interview

And pointed
my goop ray at her.

Pretty exciting
if you ask me.

Did you say
"cliffhanger," boss?

Yeah, cliffhanger.
So what?


I don't see any
cliffs around here.

You see a cliff,


Do you really think
you're gonna get away
with this?

I'll ask
the questions.

Word girl,
dr. Two brains,

A great villain
or a super great
villain? Pick one.

Well, saying something
I don't believe
really irks me, but...

You're the most
brilliant villain
I've ever faced.

Ick! Ack!

Oh, stop!
This interview
is about you!

Now, this isn't
the first time
I've gotten

The better of you,
is it, word girl?

How did it feel
when I outsmarted you

At the grocery store
with my brilliantly
simple plan?

Did not.
Did too.

Did not.
Did too.

Ecch! Blech!

Shouldn't have turned
that remote control
into goop.

Scoops: there's an extra one
under your chair!


Sorry. I was
trying to be helpful.

Thank you, buddy.

Let's go to
the grocery store!

♪ I'm dr. Cool brains,
and I aim to please ♪

♪ I can hook you up
with a nice piece of cheese ♪

♪ I'm hip, I'm fun,
I'm totally chilling ♪

♪ Snazzy enough to be
the number one villain ♪

Can we--
what are we doing?

Let's go to
the grocery store,
shall we?

Oh, come on!

Hold it right there,
two brains.

Oh, hi, word girl!

You're just in time
to see me commit

Another uncomplicated crime

Right before
your very eyes!

Are you ready?

Prepare to be dazzled.

Oh, yeah!
Take that!

Oh, I'm so bad!

Let's just wrap this
up quickly, ok?

Nothing there.
Ok. That trick's

Not going to work
again so, two brains,
prepare to--ow!

Hey! Quit it!

Did they just escape
by throwing cheese at us?

Yes, yes, I did.

Just like this.


Stop that!

You're right.
It's a waste

Of perfectly
good cheese.

Mmm. Next question.

Weren't you
the one humiliated
that time!

Ha ha ha!

Uh, not really.

I ended up completely
defeating you
in that episode.

Remember, you tried to
steal an entire stadium
full of cheese?

Ha! Show that scene.
It's a classic.

No, no!
I pick the clips!

And I pick
the one where

The not-so-super hero
word girl gets

by a giant metal mouse!

Take a look.

And clip.

Roll 'em!

Clip, clip!

going on--

Word girl!

I mean, word girl.

Tobey and dr. Two brains

Isn't playing well
with others

Against evil villain
rule number ?

Rules are made
to be broken.

our collaboration is

The best thing that's
ever happened to us.

Come on, huggy!

Let's take this
metal mouse down!


Unh! Whoa.

I didn't even put
a dent in it.

Ha ha ha!
I'll be word girl.

[High voice]
oh, I'll save
the day!

Bong! Ouch!

Oh, I'm a terrible
superhero! Ohh!

You're really
starting to irk me
with these clips.

Ha ha ha!

Ohh. Good times,
good times.

I remember it like
it was yesterday.

Then you should remember
that I defeated you all!

I don't recall that.

Ugh! This is irking
me so much!

Ohh, word girl.
Don't get mad.

Because we all know
that when word girl
gets mad,

Her sidekick
gets upset!

And then something
bad always happens
to the sidekick!

Ha ha ha!

Hee hee hee! Ahem!

You'll see
what I mean.

Pow. Let
the embarrassment begin!




Not so fast,
two brains!


[Huggy groaning]



Ha ha ha!
Hee hee hee!

And she was--
ha ha ha!

Did you see
that monkey?!

That's it.
It's one thing to
try to embarrass me,

But it really irks me
when you laugh
at my best friend!

Oh, it hurts.
Oh, boy.

Word girl, if that's
how you treat
your friends,

I'd hate to see
how you treat
your enemies!

Ha ha ha!!

Come on, henchmen.
Give me something.


You're my enemy.

and proud of it.

And you've never
defeated me, ever.

Literally not one time.

Oh, yeah?
Then what about all
those film clips,

Those exciting,
tension-filled moments

When it looks like
I'm just about
to defeat you?

Those are cliffhangers!

Seriously, charlie,
are you seeing

This cliff they keep
talking about?


Oh, yeah. Me, too.
I see it.

It's a word.

It means a situation
in a story

Where things are
left uncertain

Until the next part,

Like how in part one
of this episode

It looked like
dr. Two brains
might defeat me,

And the narrator said,
"will dr. Two brains use

His goop ray
on word girl?"

No, you won't!

Because that was just
a cliffhanger.

I can't lose.
I'm the hero!

Oh, I don't know.
Hee hee hee!

You don't look like
much of a hero to me.

Unh! Ecch!

What strange texture.




Ooh! Ow!
Ha ha ha!

No, huggy.
Don't touch it!


Slippery pickles.
Whoa! Whoa!

Energy field's weakness!


Put me down!



Oh! Ha!

What's the matter,
word girl?

Dr. Two brains:
I'm stronger
than word girl,

I'm stronger
than word girl!

Ha ha ha!
She was--
ha ha ha!

Did you see
that monkey?


Oh, I love it.
That's funny.

Come on, people.
Don't be shy.
Let's hear it!

I'm stronger
than word girl!

I'm stronger
than word girl!

I'm stronger
than word girl!

I am so irked
right now!

and totally irked!

And you know
what else irks me?

No one has even asked
me what "irk" means?!

Hmm. They seem pretty
distracted right now.


Ha ha ha!
Oh, high-five!

Oh, yeah!
Go high, up high.

Don't leave me
hanging, bro!

Whoo! Yeah!

Victory dance.
Uh-huh, uh-huh.

Oh, this is fun!

Is that all
you have on us,

Flying into robots
and getting hit

With a few pieces
of cheese?

That's not
embarrassing at all.

Well, what about
the time you came
to my lair

To defeat me
and got caught

Like a little, bitty
weak mouse?

Ha ha ha!

I don't mean that
as an insult
to my mouse peeps

Because as you know,
I am part mouse,

But it was still
pretty funny!

For example, I know
that your first attack
will be number ,

Monkey sidekick
jumping on my back.

You see? Futile.

Oh, yeah?
Well, how about--

Number ,
the sumo karate

Snake-fang crane shiatsu
cannonball twist-kick?

Oh, puh-leez. Futile.

Oh! Let me go!

Ha ha ha! Two brains
are always better than one!


Hey! Fire
that goop ray!

Be careful
with that, please!

Sorry, boss.


You sure?

Ok. Monkey throw!



Oh, the power
of laughter.

Ha ha ha!



Oh, by the way,
since I know

You're probably
all wondering,

The word "irk" means
irritate or annoy.

It really irked me
when you didn't ask me

What "irk" means,
but now I irked you

By capturing you all, again.

Oh, thanks.
I mean, hey!

Uh, word girl?
A little help
here, please?


Want to finish
that interview?

Sure thing!
I'll skip to
the lightning round.

Ahem. What is your
favorite word?

That's easy--word.

What's your second
favorite word?

It's a tie between
all other words.

What job would you
like to try other
than superhero?


What job would you
not like to try?

The guy who has to
clean up this goop.

Oh. I think
that's me.
I'll help!

Well, that's
all the time
we have today.

This is scoops ming,
telling you that

I just realized
I'm talking
into a pile of goop,

Not a camera.
Good night!

Narrator: and so, thanks to
the brave work of our heroes,

A scary cliffhanger has
come to a happy ending,

But you'll be so irked
if you miss

The next exciting episode
of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

The next exciting episode
of "word girld girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes

And test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!