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05x10 - Where Have All the Villains Gone? / Captain Tangent Returns

Posted: 07/27/23 16:04
by bunniefuu
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[Theme music playing]

♪ Word up, it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty
words your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
"eliminate" and "entire."

Just another quiet day
in the city.

A little too quiet
if you ask me.

[Alarm ringing]

Hey, butcher, what's
in the sack? Money?

Oh, I don't know.
I haven't looked.

But I just robbed
the national national bank.

So if it ain't
full of money,

I'm going to write them
an angry letter.

Why do you ask?

Why do you think
I'm asking?

Because your name
is miss question,

And you always
ask questions?

What if I told you
I have a secret plan

To eliminate
word girl?

I guess I would say
I'd like to hear your plan.

Then I'd ask you
if you could tell me

What the word
"eliminate" means.

Who does he think
I am, word girl?

Instead, how about
if I do this?

Whoa. Where am i?

Why do I smell
like sausage?

I kind of like it.


Going somewhere?

Miss question.

Yeah. I just robbed
a jewelry store,

And I'm trying to
catch a taxicab

Before word girl
catches me. Ha ha.

Want to hear my secret plan
to eliminate word girl forever?

Yeah, I'd like
to hear that.

Instead, how about
if I do this, huh?

What's going on?

And why is my hand
so big?

Hey, high-five.

Hoo. Ha ha ha!



Uh...but what is
freedom really?

I mean, are any of us
really, truly free, man?

Ooh, when did I get
so philosophical?

Hi, everyone.
Why are we all in this net?

Are you ready to hear
my brilliant plan

To eliminate word girl?

First, if I eliminate
all the villains in town,

Doesn't that mean word girl
will have no crime to fight?

And if word girl
has no crime to fight,

Won't she have
nothing to do?

And if word girl
has nothing to do,

Won't she leave this town and go
somewhere else to fight crime?

not necessarily.

Who's doubting
my brilliant plan?

[All talking at once]


Isn't this
the greatest plan ever?

Narrator: later,
at the city prison,

Oh, I'm a nervous wreck.

Every single villain
is missing.

Oh, it's preposterous.

Miss question
thought since I was

The district attorney,
I might like to know

That she eliminated
the entire city

Of all its villains.

Entire city?
I've never heard
of entire city.

Do they have
good fishing there?

Maybe that's where I'll
take my next vacation.


Allow me, warden.

"Entire" isn't a city.

"Entire" means all
or the whole thing.

So when my moth--

Mrs. Botsford
says "entire city,"

She means
the whole city.

Oh. Why, thank you,
word girl.

Thank you for that
wonderful definition.

But miss question
is wrong

About eliminating
all the villains,

Because she's
still in the city,

And she is definitely
a villain.


I agree. In fact,
I'm so sure

That miss question
is still a villain

That I'll eat my hat

If she so much as walks
through that door.

Miss question: were you
talking about me?

Oh, will you look
at that? She showed.


You don't really
have to eat
your hat.

We won't
hold you to it.

No, no.
It's my word.

And a man is only
as good as his word.

Besides, I've learned
to bring a spare.



So, miss question,

We were
just wondering

Why you eliminated
the entire villain

Wouldn't it be nice
to live in a city

Where there was
no crime at all?

Oh, yes, definitely.
I don't like crime one bit.

And don't you think that a city
without villains and crime

Would give everyone more time
to do what they want?

Now, if I
could just--

You know, with no villains
around to prosecute,

I might finally have time
to write that crime novel

I've always dreamed
about writing.

And I'd have more time
for fishing.

Ah, fishing.
It calms me down

And makes me the mellow guy
that stands before you.

What about you,
word girl?

Will we even need
word girl in this town

If she doesn't have
villains to chase?

Hmm. I guess we wouldn't.
What do you think, warden?

Hmm...i don't know.

No one's ever eliminated
all the villains before.

And don't you think
there might be other cities

With villains that might need
assistance from word girl?

Hey, she might be right.

It does seem selfish
to keep her all to ourselves

If there's no crime.

Ok, you guys, but--

Do you need help
packing, word girl?


Narrator: after several days
with no crime

And no villains to stop,
things are pretty slow

For word girl
and captain huggy face.

With all the villains

There really isn't
much for us to do.

Miss question: still here even
though there's no crime to stop?

Yes, but I now see
that you were right.

I never thought
this day would come.

But I guess there's
no need for us here.

Tomorrow we will
leave town

And go someplace
where we're needed.


I'm sad, too, huggy,

But crime has been

They just don't
need us anymore.

Narrator: the next day,
the entire town gathers

To say good-bye to word girl
and captain huggy face.

Word girl: saying good-bye to
the citizens of this fair city

Is one of the hardest things
I've ever had to do.

We love you,
word girl!

We love you,
word girl!

We love you,
word girl!

And I love you.
I love you all.

You know,
I may be leaving,

But I take with me
some great memories,

Like the time chuck,
the evil sandwich--

We'll miss you,
word girl!

And you, too,
captain huggy face!


And I'll never forget
the countless battles--

[Crowd chanting "huggy!"]

And captain huggy face
and I will miss you all.

Narrator: later, in a town free
of crime and crime fighters...

Don't you miss
word girl?

Oh, I sure do.

In fact, I'm dedicating
my novel to her.

It's called "dictionary girl

And the case
of the missing unicorn."

You know, I'm going
to catch a fish

And name it
after word girl--

One I throw back,

Not one I plan
on eating.

I forgot
what I was doing.

Are we going fishing?

I'm sorry.
Have we met?

Now that I have eliminated
all the villains and word girl,

Can anyone stop me
from going

On my biggest
crime spree ever? Ha ha ha!

I think we might
be in trouble,

But I'm not really sure.

Why do I
keep wanting
to eat my hat?

[Alarm ringing]

So, this is our first walk
being private citizens.


Yeah, I don't
like it much either.

But now that miss question
thinks word girl is gone,

It won't be long before
she goes back to her evil ways.

Mom, warden!
What happened?

Don't really know.

Do you think
miss question

May have fooled us?

Oh, I'm still
asking questions.

I think she's
still a villain.

And now we don't have
word girl to stop her.

Come on, bob. Let's go
look for word girl.

Maybe she hasn't
left yet.

Word up!

[Alarm ringing]

Word girl, what
are you doing here?

Did you really
think I would leave

And let you have
the entire city
to yourself?

Are you through
asking questions?

Just one more.

Did you really think
I believed you were

No longer a villain?
I mean, come on.

Well, don't you think
if I eliminated

All the villains,
I can eliminate you?

Ah! What's going on?

I think I'm confused,
but I'm not sure.

Ha! Ha ha! Ha ha!

Is it ok if I don't
stay around and chat?


How did you find
your way back?

Come on. We are
super villains.

A question,
miss question--

Did you really think
we wouldn't find
our way back?


Are you
laughing at me?

Oh, yeah. We're only
laughing at you

'Cause your plan
was so bad.

Well, what
are you going
to do now?

You, miss question,
violated one of the major rules

Of the villain code-- never
trick your fellow villains.

So now you are
going to pay for it.

Oh, you think so,
do you?

Chicken wing fling!

Butcher, give me
some sausage!

Butcher: here you go,
word girl.

Captain huggy face,
execute plan .

miss question,

It looks like
you're going
to jail.

Yeah, that's what
you get for trying

To illuminate all
of us. High-five!

The word is "eliminate,"
not "illuminate."

"Eliminate" means to remove
something or get rid of it.

In this case,
miss question's plan

Was to eliminate
all the villains

So I would go
to another town

And she could take over
as the only villain here.

But as you can see, her plan
had a lot of problems in it.

Ha ha. The entire plan
was flawed. Ha ha.

you're not kidding.

Haven't we already
been through this?

Paddy wagon!

Hey, not bad.

Big left hand guy:
bye, miss question.
Have fun in jail.


the next day...

I know the entire town
joins me in welcoming back

Word girl
and captain huggy face!

Yay! She's back!

Welcome back,
word girl!

Thank you, mrs. Botsford,
warden, and thanks to everyone.

Crime or no crime,
I would never want to live

In another city.

[Cheering and applause]

Narrator: and so word girl
and captain huggy face

And the villains are back,
the city is safe,

And I have something
to narrate

So they can't
eliminate my job.

I must confess,
this entire episode

Has really been
exciting for me.

So let's be sure
to tune in

For the next thrilling
adventure of "word girl."

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines
today's featured word

Will win
a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may.

Today's featured word
is "perspire."

To give you a clue,

Here are some clips
from "word girl"

That show the meaning
of the word.

yes, tommy?

means to sweat,

Like everyone in those
clips was doing.

That is correct!

Huggy, show him
what he's won!


Are you ok?

Can't you find
a better time

To train for
your unicycle race?

Oh, huggy, did you break
the air-conditioner?

Uh...are you going to
tell me what I've won?

Here's hoping

It's a replacement

Huggy, are you ready
to show him the prize?

Uh...ok. Ok.

Tommy, you are
today's winner!

Huggy, show him
what he's won!

An official word girl
absurdly large launch ramp!

Uh...don't worry, folks.
He's fine. [Ahem]

Ok. That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
"vessel" and "publish."

It's another thrilling morning
in the city,

As becky, bob, and scoops
wait in line

To ride the newest attraction
at the theme park.

I'm glad you could come
along while I review

The buccaneers of
the baltics ride, becky.

If the "big city times"
newspaper likes my article,

They may even publish it
in their annual review

Of local pirate-themed

Wow! Getting an article
published in the newspaper

Would be so fantastic, scoops.

Yeah. The key to good reporting
is to write the story

Without any opinions
ahead of time

About whether something
is good or bad.



Just look at that flag
over there!

Is that a skull
and a crossbones?


Maybe you shouldn't
get so carried--

Whoa! How about
these line dividers?

Is that real felt?
Talk about fancy.

Weren't you just
saying reporters

Shouldn't have
any opinions before they--

Gift shop that way?

Huh! They really
thought of everything!

I'm gonna go check it out.


[People screaming]


Hey, excuse me, sir.

We've been waiting in line
for two hours.

There's no cutting

I know ye are eager
to get into this ride,

But first,
did I ever tell ye

About the time
I found a clam

That looked just like
me uncle bill?

Well, if ye knew him,
you'd assume

It would be
a razor clam, but...

Uh! It's captain tangent.
We'd better be on alert.

He can do some serious damage
with that magnetic hook.

Uh, excuse me.

We've been waiting in line
for a really long time.

Will you please let us through
and go tell your stories

To the people who aren't
at the front of the line?


Sorry, lassie.
That won't be possible,

For I'm a-taking over
this here vessel

And all the treasure

Ha ha ha ha!


Stop right there,
captain tangent!

[Creaking and rattling]



Uh. Ahoy there.

All hands on deck.


Aye, boys. A fine
job ye've done.

And ye be giving me
an idea.

And with me own
pirate crew,

I'd be able to loot
and pillage

To me heart's content.
You two stay behind

For the good
of your captain.

Your sacrifice
won't be forgotten.

Away, oscar.

Let's go find some
worthy swashbucklers.

Oscar: bawk. Ok.

Wow! What a story!

Now all I need
is a great interview.

Word girl,
where do you think

Captain tangent
will strike next?

Well, scoops, I'd
like to follow him

And bring him
to justice...

If someone could just
get me out of here.

Hmm...great idea,
word girl.

I'll follow him.

Maybe he'd even
let me join his crew.

That would be
a great story.

"Intrepid reporter
todd ming

Gets the inside scoop
on captain tangent."

This is definitely
a exclamation point story.

Oh, brother.

Narrator: later that day,
captain tangent is...

Well, he's doing
what he usually does.

And that's why I'll
never again load money

To a giant squid.

Bawk! Weren't
you supposed to be

your crew?

Blimey, oscar!
You're right.


Which of ye scallywags
would like to become

A part of a fearsome
pirate crew?

Hey, buddy, what's
with the outfit?

Why? What's wrong
with it? [Ahem]

I mean...i be
captain tangent,

The fiercest pirate
ever to sail the sea.

Not interested.

Ahoy. If ye'd
just slow down,

I'd tell ye
about me plans

To make us rich
beyond our wild--


[Sighs] please.


There's an old salt
who looks ready

To board
a worthy vessel

And sail
the seven seas.

Ahoy there.

Ooh. Hmm?

Hard candy?

A terrifying pirate
has no need

For a fistful
of sugary grub.


Be that red one
cherry or strawberry?

[Revs motor]


Ha. Cherry. Yes!

I mean, uh...

Argh! I'll find me
a pirate crew

If 'tis the last thing I do.

Narrator: later that day,

Captain tangent has somehow
managed to assemble

A pirate crew.

And now ye finally

The difference
between flapjacks
and pancakes.

Ok. Have ye
any questions?

[Dog panting]

Voice: I've got
a question.

How'd you like a little help
from a fellow buccaneer?

Who goes there?

It is i, scoops
"no beard" ming.

Uh...shiver me timbers,
et cetera.

But how did
ye find us?

Um...i saw
the giant sign--

"Captain tangent's
secret pirate meeting.
Keep out."

Ah. Well played,

I like the cut
of your jib.

Uh...right back
at you. Ha.

I promise you,
I am a real pirate,

And I am eager
to join your crew.

Ok. You're in.

I mean, yar!

Now, let me
tell ye the story

Of the time I whittled
me own toothpick.

One time while I was
walking in the woods,

I happened to come
across a rotting tree.

Or was it
a fallen branch?

No. 'Twas a tree. Wait.
Maybe it was a log.

later that day,

Captain tangent puts
his new crew to the test.


[Barking and growling]


So if ye ever see
a leprechaun playing a banjo,

Steer clear.

Yar! Looking at ye,
I know ye are disappointed

That our last missions weren't
as successful as we'd like,

But I've got a new plan
that I know will work.

There's a large vessel coming
into the harbor later today.

We'll go down there,
take her over,

And make off with
the precious cargo

She's sure
to be carrying.

Oh, man. This story
is sure to get me

Published in the
"big city times."

Bawk! Published?
What are you talking about?

Quiet, oscar.

I'm about to tell ye

All about the history
of the boomerang.

'Twas the aborigines
of australia

Who first developed
the w*apon...

moments later...

Whoa. Hey, scoops.

I did it! I got into
captain tangent's g*ng!

And get this--
he's planning

To go down
to the harbor

And rob a vessel,
whatever that is.

A vessel
is a large ship.

Hmm. Well, that
certainly explains

Why he told me
to bring these.

He's very concerned
about his crew's safety.

Ah, this is going to be
the best article
ever published.


I've got to go.

I need to practice
my pirate speech.

How's this? [Ahem]

[Boston accent]
paahk the cah
in hahvahd yahd.

Ha ha. Argh.


Narrator: later that day,
at the harbor...

Gangway! Whoa!

oof! Oh.

Ahoy there. [Ahem]

I be captain tangent,

And I'm taking over
this here vessel

And all of her
precious cargo.

I don't think so.

Uh! Word girl!
Get her!

I said get her!

Get...get her.

Right there.

Do you see
where I'm pointing?

Wow! Word girl
and a bunch
of cute dogs?

This is
the best day ever.

Fine. I'll do it meself.


Take that, word-lassie!

Yow! Ha!


Har, har, har!



Argh! No!


Word girl:
great work, huggy.

Wow! What a story!
The "big city times"

Is definitely going to
publish this article.

Publish? Does that
mean this story

Is going to be
in the newspaper?

Well, "publish" means
to print something

In a book, magazine,
or newspaper.

In this case, the story
will be published

In the city's biggest
newspaper. So yes.

I'm assuming you're
going to need photos.

Be sure to get
my good side.

And be sure
to tell the tale

Of the great pirate,
captain tangent.

Great pirate?
Ha ha ha!

I don't know
if a great pirate

Would try to rob
a vessel

Full of old
tennis balls.

Argh. I really should
do me research

Before plotting out
me evil plans.


They did it!
They did it!

They published
my article

In the "big city

Read aloud.

Let's see.
"Local sports teams

decent seasons."

No, no, no.
Below that.

"City council to vote
on zoning code."

No. Below that.

"Word girl
saves the day."

Below that.

Oh. "Word girl
saves another day."

A little lower.

"Fearless reporter
poses as pirate."

Ha ha!
That's the one!

I kind of thought
it might be about

Captain tangent's
evil plan

Or how that plan
was spoiled

By word girl
and captain huggy face.

Yeah. This story
seemed more interesting.

Ok. "Reporter scoops ming
is the bravest reporter

"In all the land.

It is not easy
to be so brave..."

Narrator: and so, once again,
our heroes saved the day,

And scoops gets
his story published

In the "big city times."

While I head down
to the harbor

To watch the vessels come in,
please be sure to watch

The next swashbuckling episode
of "word girl."

♪ Word girl ♪

I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance

To play for
even greater prizes

On the bonus round!

Tommy, you correctly
defined the word "perspire."

Are you ready to play
the bonus round?

Let's do it.

Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me
which one shows

The definition
for perspire.

Give it
a shot, tommy.

I'm going to go
with number .

The dj in that picture
was really perspiring.

He was sweating almost as much
as you are now.

Tommy, you are
our bonus-round winner!

Show him what
he's won, huggy.

Official word girl
frozen treats.

See you
next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes
and test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to
your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!