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06x01 - A World Without WordGirl, Part 1 / A World Without WordGirl, Part 2

Posted: 07/27/23 16:16
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: today's featured words
are antsy and obligation.


You've been invited
to becky botsford's
birthday party,

And this year,
the botsfords have planned

A party so big
and so exciting that I can only

Describe it by turning
on my echo machine

And saying it's going to be...

the greatest party everrrrr!

Botsfords: happy birthday!

Becky, you'd
better buckle up

Because your mother
and I have spent

The last months
planning this party,

And it's going
to be...

The greatest party ever!


This year,
your father and I went

A little overboard!

We've planned one
amazing surprise
after another!

Oh, please tell me
what they are!

I can't wait!

Mrs. Botsford:
I know you're antsy,

But before
we get started,
I just need to put

The cake
in the oven.

It should be done baking
by the end of the party.



Ok, ok. Put the cake
in the oven!

Let's go! Let's go!
Let's go! Let's go!

Becky, if you want to
jump up and down,

Don't you think it might
be a little more fun

If you did it...

In this super-sized
bouncy castle?!


Wow. This really is
the greatest party ever.

It's your
special day, becky.

Enjoy it!

I will! I will!
I will!

Man: please!
Somebody help!


Yup, bob, I heard
that, too.

And as much as
I want to jump

In this giant
bouncy castle,

We have an
obligation to help

The people of the city.


Oh, well, when you
have an obligation,

It means you've made
a promise to do something.

Since we promised to
protect this city,

That's our obligation.

So come on.

Let's go take care
of our obligation

And then come right back
and bounce.

Word up!

Narrator: meanwhile,
at the local sandwich shop...

Everyone stay back,
or I'm going to

Spray you all
with hot deli mustard

And the really spicy kind

Because if any gets
on your tongue

It will burn so bad you'll
have to take a sip of milk.

Ha ha ha!

I am bad!

Hey. Why are you
doing this?

Because I'm supposed
to be the sandwich king,

And I don't want anyone
eating sandwiches

That aren't made by me.

But these people,
they come here to eat
my sandwiches.

Do you understand that,
mr. Sandwich head?

Can you please not call
me "sandwich head"?

I'm sorry, pal
but, uh, hey,
you realize you got

To sandwich
for a head, right?

Yes, but I'd prefer to be
called a nickname that's
a little more--

Word girl!

Word girl? What?

No! That makes no sense.

No! Not you,
sandwich head!


Word girl?!

That's right,
chuck the evil
sandwich making guy.

Now put down
the condiment ray

And leave
these people alone.

Forget it,
word girl.

No one tells me
what to do...

Except my mom...

And sometimes
my brother.

You remember my brother
brent, don't you?

The handsome--
yeah, yeah.

Can we just do this?

I really don't
have the time.

It's : .

I know the time.
I just don't have the time.

Boy, word girl, you
seem really antsy.

Are you in a rush
or something?

Yes, I am.

Why'd you have
to do that?

Because I have
an obligation to protect

These people from you.

Word girl, thank
you so much.

There's got to
be some way

I can make it
up to you.

Yes! In fact, I know
just the way.

Keep an eye on chuck
until the police arrive

To pick him up
because right now

I really have to go.

Thank you! Bye!

Boy, she did seem
antsy, though,
didn't she?

Huggy, now that we've
taken care of
our obligations,

bouncy castle time!


Whoa! Wait.
What's going on?

there you are!

Have you been
in the bouncy castle

The whole time?

Wow. You must've been
having so much fun.

Oh, yeah.
Tons of fun.

Um, where is everybody?

They're right over
there playing

With your next surprise.


This isn't just
the greatest
party ever.

It's the greatest
thing that's
happened to me!

Go ride those
ponies, becky.

I will!
I will!

Sandwich shop man: please!
Somebody help...again!


I know we have
an obligation
to help them,

But we can take one
little pony ride.

Narrator: ahem, ahem.


I think bob was
making a good point.

it's ponies.

Trust me, the last thing
I want to do is spoil

Your pony party,
but if there's one thing I know

About word girl
it's that she won't let

Anything keep her
from helping the people
of this city.

Anything. Even pretty, pretty
magical pony princesses.

You're right.
I guess she won't.

Aww! Come on, bob.

Word up.

back at the sandwich shop...

Ok. Everybody stay back
while I untie
my friend chuck.

Thank you.

I couldn't wait
for somebody to set me free.

Being tied up was
making me antsy.

What did she see?


Oh, I can define
the word antsy

Because antsy
means impatient.

You feel antsy
when there's something you

Really want to be doing
and you just can't wait

Any longer.

And that's why
I feel antsy right now!

I don't have the time!

It's : .
It's : .

Now the police
will be here any minute.

It's their obligation
to take you criminals to jail.

In the meantime--

Tell you what
I'll do.

I'll keep my eye
on these guys.

Make sure they don't
try to escape again.

Please do!

Narrator: word girl
and captain huggy face race

Back to the party.

What happened
to the ponies?

Why are they sleeping?

Mr. Botsford:
well, they're sleeping
because they're tired

From all the fun
they were having
with you kids.

You kids must've been
having sooo much fun.

We were so busy
in the backyard setting up

The biggest birthday
surprise of them all.

Aah! Can't keep
it inside!

We couldn't take
all you kids

To the amusement
park, so...

We brought
the amusement
park to you!

Wow! This isn't just
the greatest thing

That's ever happened to me.

This is the greatest
thing that's

Ever happened to anybody!

Enjoy it, becky.

I will, I will.

Sandwich shop man:
please! Somebody help!

For a third time here, huh?

I don't believe this!

Dr. Two-brains:
don't worry, you two.

I'll get you out of here.

Us food-based
villains have to stick

Together, you know.

Seriously, can you
please stop untying
each other?!

were you right.

She really is
antsy today.

Told you.

Can we please just
hurry this up already?

I don't have the time.

All: it's : .

Dahhhh! That's it!
Everyone to jail!

Huh. Where's
she going
in such a hurry?

Huggy, for the rest
of the day,

I'm just going
to enjoy my birthday,

And I'm not going to let
my obligations get in my way.

Oh, no.
It's the energy monster.

Narrator: maybe he's
just out for a stroll

In this lovely weather
we're having.

Or not.

Energy monster,
you picked the wrong
day to mess with me.

The wrong day.




Giant ferris wheel,
here I come!

Whoa, becky,
hold up.

Those rides aren't
working anymore.


Someone must've
knocked out
the power.

I'm sorry, becky.

Obviously that
someone didn't
know that today

Was your birthday.

Oh. Does this mean
the party's over?

I guess it does,
but hey, we sure had

A lot of fun,
didn't we?

I did! This was
the greatest party ever!

There'll never be
a better one than this!

Never, ever, ever!

Oh! But it can't
end right now!

Well, it's not
over just yet.

We still haven't
eaten the cake!

Um, is it supposed to
be glowing like that?

I don't know.

I did use
a new recipe.

Then I'm sure
that's the reason.

Ok, becky.
Make a wish.

Wish for something you
really, really want.

I'll make a wish.

I wish I hadn't missed
my birthday party.

I wish I didn't have
all the obligations
of a superhero.

I wish I was just
becky botsford,

A normal little girl.

I wish I wasn't
word girl.

I wish there never
was a word girl!


So what'd you
wish for, beck?

I can't tell you.

I know what I'd
wish for--

To meet my favorite hero

Chuck the awesome
sandwich king!

Thought your favorite
hero was word girl.

Who's word girl?

You know, flies around,
defeats villains,

Defines words,
you think she's

The most awesome person
in the world.

Word girl?

Uh, never heard
of her.

Yes, becky. Who is
this "word girl"

You're talking about?

That sounds like
a made up person.

With a catchy name
like that,

You'd think I'd have
heard of her...

But I haven't.

What is
going on?

What happened
to the city?!

I don't know what you're
talking about, becky.

It's another great day
here in chuck-topia.


Chuck: I'm not just king
of the sandwiches.

I'm the king of the world!

Ooh! Rah ha hee!

Oh, no!
What have I done?

Narrator: can't wait to find
out what happens next?

You won't have to feel
antsy for too long.

Now that we've shown
you part one,

We have an obligation to
show you part two.

So don't miss
the next exciting episode

Of "chuck-topia"!

"Word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
unusual and enchanted.

What happened
to the city?!

Mr. Botsford:
I don't know what you're
talking about, becky.

It's another great day
here in chuck-topia.

I'm not just king
of the sandwiches.

I'm the king of the world!

Ooh! Rah ha hee!

Oh, no!
What have I done?

Narrator: um, we're kind
of starting

Right in the middle
of the story here.

Do you mind if I bring
everyone up to speed?

Sure. Go ahead.

Thank you!

Becky was frustrated that
her obligations as word girl

Made her miss her
own birthday party,

So she wished
on her birthday cake

That word girl never existed,

And--poof--the wish came true,

And she was just becky botsford,
a normal girl.

Mom, dad, what did
you put in that cake?!

Flour, eggs, butter...

And there was that
big energy monster

Power surge that happened
while it was in the oven.

Oh, that's right!

That was very unusual.

"Warning, if electrified,
cake may become enchanted."

Oh. Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Good one, g*ng.

Real funny birthday
surprise, getting

Chuck to pretend he's
the king of the city.

The whole
enchanted cake thing.

For a second there
I actually believed it!

Is chuck the awesome
sandwich making king
still here?!

Aw, I missed him.

Joke's over, tj,
but nice try.

And his name isn't
chuck the awesome
sandwich making king.

Everybody knows
it's chuck the evil
sandwich making guy.

Right, mom and dad?


What's wrong
with you, becky?

Wait. This really
isn't a joke?

You know this is

The land
of many sandwiches.

And chuck is king.

Come on, bob.

We've got to figure
out what's going on!


I got to run.
I forgot about my--

Sandwich making class?


Um, sure, sandwich
making class.


This is really
strange, bob.

When I made my wish to
not be word girl anymore,

I didn't think other things
would change, too.

That enchanted cake
has some strange,
magical powers.

Hey! That's where
the jewelry store should be!

And those statues
of chuck aren't
normally there.

That's very unusual!


Oh, you don't
know what
"unusual" means?

Well, when something
is different than it

Normally is,
we say it's unusual.

Like that store
over there.

Every time we've
looked at it before,

It's been a jewelry
store, right?

But suddenly it changed
into a sandwich shop.

That's unusual!

If something is
usually one way

But then it changes
and becomes not usual,

We say it's unusual.

[Alarm blaring]

Chuck on p.a.: Attention,
citizens of chuck-topia.

It is time
for sandwich talk.

Everyone must use sandwich

Got it! That hat
is so pickle!

Why, thank you.

I bought it
salami days ago.

What is
going on?

They're using
words the wrong way.

I can't stand it!

And I just mayonnaise
your coat.

How much did it cost?

It was a bargain
at mustard dollars

And ketchupy-ketchup cents!

That's just
not right!

Pickle doesn't
mean good,

And salami isn't
a number!

This is wrong!

You're all wrong!

You can't disobey
king chuck's orders.

That's the police!

Now you're in trouble!

Sheriff butcher is going
to take you to jail!

Ok, this is silly.

The butcher isn't
a police officer.

He's a criminal.

the criminal,
little girl.

And you're
under arrest.

The butcher!

See the badge?

sheriff butcher
to you, kid.

Thank you very
mustard for showing up

So quickly,
sheriff butcher!

Don't worry,

Just doing
my job.

You're under arrest
for distributing
the peace.

Don't you mean
disturbing the peace?

And you're in trouble
for correcting people's

and choice of words.

In chuck-topia, we talk
the way king chuck
tells us to.

Now let's go!

Let's let word girl
handle this one.

Wooooord up!

Oh, right.

So how are we supposed
to fight the butcher?

Sheriff butcher
to king chuck!

I'm bringing
in two troublemakers.

Let's go.

Oh, we'll never
see them again.

Thank you,
sheriff butcher!

You're a real
pastrami police officer!

Who dares break
the rules of chuck

The awesome
sandwich making king?

Excuse me, um, king chuck,
but I don't know

All of your rules.

You see, we're new
in town, and--

Rule number one--
when it's time to use

Sandwich words,
we use sandwich words.

Isn't that
kind of silly?

Hey! It's not silly!

Number two--
all the stores must be

Sandwich stores.

But what about
the jewelry store

And the furniture store?

I mean--

Hey quit asking all
those questions.

Rule number ,
and this is a big one--

Everyone must eat nothing
but sandwiches,

Except for your birthday,
when you're allowed to eat cake.

How did you ever become
the king of the city
in the first place?


I will indulge her.

You see, I started out
as a mediocre villain,

But there was no
superhero to stop me,

And I started to get
better and better,

And I took over.

Ha ha ha! Yeah!

I love those superheroes!


[Bell ringing]

There's the sandwich bell!

Sandwich time!

It's nice to be

Man, it's like
this sandwich cast
a magical spell on me.

Cannot look away.

I'm so captivated
by this sandwich

I probably wouldn't
have noticed

If the girl and her
monkey ran away.



Good sandwich.

This getaway sure
would be easier
with superpowers!


Well how was I supposed
to know the whole world

Would be different
after my wish?


Let's hide in here!

[Bells jingle]

Becky! There you are.

Dad, what are you
doing here?

I'm eating a sandwich,
of course.

It's the only
thing I ever eat!

Every day.

The same thing.

Here's your sandwich.
Just like always.

Dr. Two-brains?!

I used to be a doctor,

But that was
a long time ago.

Now I'm the sub-junior
assistant manager

Of chuck's sandwich shop.

Well, when chuck became
the king of chuck-topia,

He told me I had to
hang up my lab coat

And work here instead.

It's a real drag.

If only I had a piece
of enchanted birthday cake,

I'd wish for things
to be different.

birthday cake?

Well, that's what
got me into this mess

And made the world
all mixed up!

You see, today
is my birthday,
and I was so--

Narrator: um, do you mind
if we skip to the end?

We already
went over this.

Oh, absolutely.
Go ahead.

Thanks. One minute later...

So if I had known
the cake was enchanted,

I might not have
made the wish
in the first place!

You keep using
the word enchanted.

Does it have something
to do with the flavor
of the frosting?

No, no, no. No.

If something is

That means it has
strong magical powers
or is under a spell.

Enchanted can even
describe someone who

Seems to be
under a spell.

For example,
bob seems enchanted

By that sandwich.

Hey, if you still
have that enchanted
birthday cake,

Make another wish
on it and get things
back to normal.

We ate all
the cake at the party.

Then I guess we're
stuck here after all.


What's that, bob?
You didn't eat
your piece?

Well what are
we waiting for?

Let's go find that
enchanted cake

And get things
back to normal!


King chuck!
I found the girl
and the monkey!

Bring the crusher,
and we'll take care of them.

Uh-oh, dad.
We've got company!

Nobody disobeys
king chuck and gets
away with it!

Stop them, butcher!



Pastrami attaaaaack!

Pastrami on the left!

Got it! Whoa!

All right. I'm through
fooling around.

Bratwurst bazooka!

There's no way
around it!
We're stuck!


Good thinking, bob!
Try to eat your
way through it!

Hurry, bob!

What an unusual day.

Bob isn't chewing
fast enough!

Now I've got you!

Is that, cheese?!

Let the girl go,
king chuck!

It's her birthday,
and she needs to
make her wish!

Hey, butcher!
Get him with one
of your meat att*cks!

Schnitzel shish kebob!

That cheese is
gumming up the works!

I'm getting dizzy!

Dr. Two-brains?!

Hey, there, becky!

I thought you worked
at the sandwich shop.

Where'd you
get the blimp?

This? Oh,
I build this stuff
in my spare time.

I hoped someday it
would come in handy!

Good work,
captain huggy face!

Captain huggy face?

Let's go, dad!

Thanks for the save!

You're welcome!

Come here,
king chuck!

Oh, ho!
I'm not finished
with you yet!

Bob, cake!
Dad, candle!

Let's do this!

Whoa. Wha?

It's unusual, I know!

Here goes nothing!

I wish that word girl
exists and that
everything would go

Back to the way it
used to be!

Mom, is chuck
the king of the city?

Oh, becky,
that's silly.


Does word girl

Hello! Would I be
the fan club president

Of someone
who didn't exist?

Ah! My wish came true!

Everything is exactly
the way it was!

You wished
for things to be normal?

That's weird!

No, it's not.

My life isn't perfect,
and sometimes it's

Really frustrating
being me,

But even
with all the bad stuff,

I wouldn't want it
any other way.

Aw, that's nice
to hear, honey.

Now let's keep enjoying
your birthday party!



Really? That timing
is very...

Narrator: unusual?

Well, actually,
since I'm always
being interrupted,

It's not unusual.

It's normal, everyday,

Ready, bob?

Woooooord up!


And so we come to the end
of a very unusual story

About a world
without word girl

And all because of one
very enchanted birthday cake.

Join us next time
in another exciting episode

Of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes

And test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Wooooord up!