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06x02 - Seize the Cheese / Ms. Question's Riddle Rampage!

Posted: 07/27/23 16:16
by bunniefuu
Pbs kids opens
worlds of possibilities

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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: today's featured words
are savor and seize.

Autumn is here.

The first day
of the fall season,

And everybody's outside savoring
the beautiful weather.

Becky, don't you
want to go outside?

Can't talk now.
I'm playing

The new "pretty princess
and magic pony power
hour" video game.

So you're just going
to sit there all day

And play a video game?


Becky, tj, are
you still playing

That "pretty
princess" game?

Huh? No!

I was just looking
at the screen and thinking

About how fun
this game is--isn't.

Well, good news,
because we're going out

Of the house,
and we're going
hiking in the woods!

Yeah, have fun.

Becky, don't you want
to savor this
wonderful weather

By spending
the day outside?

I am outside

In the magical land
of sparkletopia.


Honey, seize
that controller.

I'm on it, dear.



Sorry, becky.

It's time to go outside.

[Birds chirping]


Narrator: come on, becky.
On a day like today,

Everyone should be outside.

Well, everyone
except the criminals
in the city jail. Heh.

Ugh, it has been
long days since I was

Seized by word girl
and locked in this jail.

Luckily, I've been
able to secretly work on this--

My latest invention,
a magnet that attracts cheese.

When I turn it on,
it will seize cheese

From all over the city
and bring it right to me!

Now to just flip--

What is that annoying
bink, bink, bink sound?


[Video game beeping]

Oh. Great work, men!

Now let's fire up
this new invention

And spend the rest
of the day seizing

All the cheese in town!

Um, boss.

Before you do that,
we were thinking...

Since we broke you out
of jail and all,

Maybe today you'd let us
do what we want.

You know what?
You fellows have earned it.

Tell me what would you
like to do today?

We want to go
apple picking.

Ooh! Apple picking. No!

But, boss, it's
the best way to savor

A beautiful day
like today.

You go around picking
apples off of trees.

Yeah, then what?

Well, then you eat them.

Hey, you know what
that sounds like?


But, boss, you said--

Yes, I know
what I said.

Let's go apple picking.


Narrator: meanwhile,
on the hiking trail...

It looks like someone
else isn't too thrilled

About the plan
for the day.

Who's ready
to go hiking?

We are!
We are!

Wrong answer!

You see, none
of us are ready

our supplies.

We can't go hiking
in the woods
without them.

I've packed this
bag with everything

We could...

Ohh! Sweet creamy
pumpkin pie!

The bag is
on my toe.

Oh, sweetie!

Dad, what's in here?

All the essentials--

Bug spray,
suntan lotion,
extra socks,

Tool chest,
turkey sandwiches,

Patio furniture,
bowling ball.

Sorry, bob,
but I'm going to
have to seize

That sandwich
from you.

You'll get
to savor this
delicious sandwich

When we get to
our picnic spot

Just short miles
up the trail.

grab a handle,

And away we...


Very heavy!

Narrator: meanwhile,
at the orchard, dr. Two-brains

Is about to pick
his very first apple.

Bah! How does
this thing work?

Grab hold of it.


Good going!

You know, fellas.
I was completely wrong.

This is even more
boring than I thought.

What have you got
against apples?

I like cheese--
only cheese--

And apples have nothing
to do with cheese!

How do you like
them apples?

Well, well, it sounds
like somebody has never

Savored the taste
of the tastiest snack
in the world--

Apples and cheese!

Apples and cheese?

Ha ha! Mmm, mmm.

Just wait until
you savor this tasty treat.


Why, thank you.

Mmm. Cheese!

Oh, my word.
This changes everything!

I must have more.

Lots more.

We've got tons
of apples.

Now we just need
to go get tons
of cheese!

Boss, you promised
we'd spend today

Picking apples.

Well, that
doesn't matter

Because now I have
the power to make
the cheese come to me!

Oh, well,
what's that?

Wherever there's cheese,
it will seize that cheese

And bring it to me.

Seize cheese.

That's what I'll call it--
the cheese seizer!

Hail, cheese seizer!

You know what
the word seize
means, right?


Yeah, I'll tell you.

The word seize means
to take something

And capture it.

This device
seizes cheese.

I'm calling it
the cheese seizer.

We all on
the same page now?

Cheese seizer,
seize the cheese!

Ha ha ha!





Pull, family, pull!

We're making
great progress.

Mom, dad, don't you
think there are

More relaxing ways
to spend the day?

By doing what, becky?

Playing video games?

That is one
of many options.

Young lady, we are
staying on this hike

No matter what.

What was that?

Becky, what is it now?

I'm pretty sure
I just saw a flying
piece of cheese.

Oh, becky.
Flying cheese?

Oh, you'll say anything
to get off this hike,
won't you?

Come on, becky.
Let's get moving.

Bob, you know where
there's cheese,

dr. Two-brains.

Bob! I know
what we can do.

I'll stay here,
and you'll go find
dr. Two-brains

And stop him
on your own.

Mr. Botsford: becky.

Got to go, bob!
Good luck!







Mmm! Mmm, mmm, mmm!

Oh, cheese louise!
This is the best day ever.

Snacking has
never been easier.

Aah! Good heavens!

There's a monkey
on my cheese!

It's captain
huggy face!

Uh-oh. This can only mean
one thing--word girl!

No?! Well, then who's
going to stop me?

You? Too late.

I've already taken
everybody's cheese!



Gotcha now,

This day keeps getting
better and better!

Ha ha ha!
Oh, ho ho ho!




I'm tired.


Good idea.


Word up!


Boys, I never thought
I'd say this,

But I think we ate
too much cheese.

Look at my belly.

I'm stuffed full
of cheese.


We're all full
of cheese.

Uh-oh! Run!

Run for your lives!

I want to run,
but I can't!



What just happened?

We're so full of cheese,
the cheese seizer

Seized us!

Don't worry,

I'm here to...

Do nothing since
you already stopped

Great job!

Let's hear it
for the best sidekick

A superhero
could ask for!



Yeah. Hooray.

Please, word girl.
Take me to jail?

Not yet, two-brains.

I want huggy to
savor this moment.


When you savor

That means you
take the time
to enjoy it.

You can savor
the thrill
of victory,

Or you can
savor the taste of
a fresh-picked apple.

[Cheering and applause]

But we probably
shouldn't savor
this moment

For too long,
or else somebody
might notice

We were gone.

[Video game beeping]

You know what, bob?

After all that,
I think this
looks like

A perfect way
to spend the rest
of the day.

Narrator: and so...



and so, as our heroes settle in

For a well-deserved nap,
remember this--

When you're looking
for excitement,

Seize control of your remote,

Then tune in and savor
another thrilling episode

Of "word girl."

♪ Word girl ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
stranded and puzzled.

Theodore mccalister iii,

You promised me
you would stop

With this
robot nonsense!

good work, word girl!

What can I say?
I'm pretty good
at what I do. Heh.


You sure you found
all of tobey's robots,

Every last one?

There were a lot
of them around.


And now,
if you'll excuse me,

The sun is out
for the first time
in a week.

I have a beach
to get to!

Narrator: and so,
with all of tobey's robots

Looks like
she missed one.

This can't be good.

Meanwhile, across town,
the bank is about to be
robbed by, uh...

Let's see.
I have it here somewhere.

Boy, this is puzzling.

You don't remember
my name?

Oh, here it is!
Ms. Question.

Hard to keep track
of the less famous villains.

Less famous?

You there, you know
my name, right?

You've never heard
of ms. Question?


Do any of you
know who I am?


Hmm. What kind of crime
do I have to commit

So everyone will
know me and fear me?

Hmm. Why am I so puzzled
about what it should be?

Hey, listeners,
it's a sunny day,
and everybody

Is heading
to the beach!

That means they'll
all be crossing
the city beach bridge!

I hope some villain
doesn't decide to block

The bridge and stop
people from crossing,

But, boy,
if I were a villain,

That's the first thing
I would do.

But, hey!
I'm not a villain.

I'm a dj!

Now, here's
the bridge crossers

With "going to the beach"!

Well, what do you know?

Isn't that an amazing
way to make everyone

Know who I am?

What can I use to
block people's path?

A giant metal robot?!

Well, aren't you just
the most perfect obstacle ever?

Hmm. Think
this question mark

Will make you mine?

What's the matter?
Feeling puzzled?

What do you say
we head down

To the city beach bridge?

Ha ha? Ha ha? Ha ha ha?

Mr. Botsford:
going to the beach!

To the beach!
To the beach!

Let's make sure we've
got everything we need.

Sunscreen, beach towels,
beach ball,

Tj's floaty wings.

Heh heh.

I don't need
them, becky.

I just like
how they look.

They make my arms
looked pumped!


Uh, healthy snacks,
pail and bucket,

The big book
of brain teasers
and puzzling puzzles?

That's mine!

Give one a
read, hon.

Ok. Let's see.

"What kind of room
has no walls?"

Hmm. What kind
of room...

No walls...

I got it!
A mushroom!

Hey, sally,
flip to the back
of the book

And see
if becky is right.

Let's see here.
"What kind of room
has no walls?"

A mushroom.
You're right!

Good work, becky!

I want to get
one right, too.

What is that traffic?!

Don't worry, g*ng.

It's probably
just beach traffic.

Everyone's heading
to the water today.
Nothing unusual.

Yeah, except for
that giant robot.

Whoa, a giant robot!

That's one
of tobey's robots.

We must have
missed it!

Would you look
at that?

But that bridge is
the only way to get
to the beach!

Wow! Giant robots.

Um, hey g*ng.

Since it looks
like we'll
be stranded

For a few minutes,
bob and I are
going to go see

If we can't
find another book
of puzzles.

Be right back!

Ok, but hurry back,
you two!

Once traffic gets moving,
we'll want to be
on our way.

Word up!

That's strange.

This robot can't be
acting on its own.

Looking for me,
word girl?

Ms. Question?!

someone else?

Well, yes, actually.

You know, the kid who
makes these robots.

Do you think tobey
is the only villain
who can

Control his robots?

What are you up to,
ms. Question?

Isn't it obvious?

People want to cross
the bridge, don't they,

To get to the beach?

And isn't this
the perfect place

To play a devious
game I call
riddle or stranded?

Riddle or stranded?

I'll ask each
driver a riddle,

And if they
answer it correctly,

They can go
to the beach,

But if they
get it wrong,

They'll be stranded
here on the bridge!

Ha ha? Ha ha ha?

Say there, citizen,
want to cross
the bridge?

Yes, please.
I want to go
to the beach.

Well, then let's play
riddle or stranded.

What has rings
but no fingers?

I have no idea.

What has rings
but no fingers?

A telephone!

It rings
but has no fingers!

Now guess who
doesn't get to
cross the bridge?


But I'll be
stranded here.

Hmm. And won't
that be annoying?!

Hey, metal face,
what do we do to
people who don't

Know the answer?

Brilliant, isn't it?

Won't this
make me famous?

Won't everyone
remember the day

They were stranded
on this bridge?

Ha ha ha? Ha ha ha?

Yeah, I got to say,
I'm not sure this plan

Will make you famous.

Are you trying
to insult me?!

That's all you've got?

Care to help,
big guy?



Say, you don't happen
to have a built-in--

I don't know--
cage or something?

What's the matter,
word girl?

Is your sidekick

You're right, he's stuck
and can't get

To where he
wants to be,

But he won't be
stranded for very long!

Hmm. What should I do
with my new pet monkey?

Maybe put him
in the zoo?

Let him go, ms. Question.

Don't you think
you should admit
defeat first?


Word girl, I want to
get to the beach!

I'm sick of being
stranded on this bridge!

Yeah, what's the hold up?

Why can't you help
us get out of here?

I know you're probably
puzzled as to why

I'm having trouble
defeating ms. Question

Since she's usually
so easy to defeat.

We're not puzzled.
We're confused,

and perplexed.

We don't understand
what's going on,

Even though we're trying
hard to figure it out.

Actually, that's exactly
what puzzled means.

If you can't figure
something out,

You might say
you're puzzled.

And now,
if you'll excuse me,

I've got to figure out
a way to get my sidekick back

And defeat ms. Question.

Are you puzzled
about how to do that?

Yes! And good use
of the word.


Wait. I've got it!

Ok. I admit it.

My super strength is
no match for your robot.

So does that mean I'm
the greatest villain
in the city?!

Not quite. Because
I challenge you to...

A riddle contest!

You can ask me any riddle,
and if I can't answer it,

I'll admit defeat,
and you can keep huggy
in that cage forever.


And what if you do
the impossible

And guess
the correct answer?

Then you agree
to let huggy go,

And we take you
to jail.

Why would
I want to risk my
brilliant scheme

Just to win
some little game?

Because you want people
to remember your name,

And nobody would ever
forget the villain

Who was smarter
than word girl.

Hmm. Ok, you want to
try and guess my
impossible riddle?

Bring it on.

Ever heard of the riddle
of the sphinx,

The toughest riddle
in the history
of the world?

What goes on legs
in the morning,

Legs at noon,
and legs at night?

Ha! That's easy.

Ok. That's really hard.

Ha ha ha? Ha ha ha?

What's the matter?

Is word girl finally
out of answers?

Mr. Botsford:
ok, g*ng. Here's
the riddle of the sphinx.

The riddle
of the sphinx?!

I'll be right back...


Phew. That's
a tough riddle, dad.

Word girl!

Family of citizens,
do any of you know
the answer?

Word girl, shouldn't you
be fighting that robot?

Long story.
Huggy's in danger.

What's the answer?!

Well, I don't know.

I mean, it's
a really
hard riddle.

Wait. Aren't the answers
in the back of the book?

Flip to the back
and tell me the answer!


But word girl,
tj's working
so hard.

I don't want to
just read the answer
before he's had

His chance to
figure it out.

It feels like

You see, his
sister is
very good...

Word girl needs me.

Come on, tj, think!

Whoo! Ooh!
Oh, I've got it!

I've got it! I got it!

You do?!
You do?!
You do?!

What's the answer?

The answer is...

That's got to be it!

Thanks, tj!


Ok, ms. Question.

I've got the answer
to your riddle.

Huh. You do?
Care to lay it on me?

Ha ha? How much you want
to bet she's wrong?

Ok. What goes
on legs in the morning,

At noon,
and at night?

The answer is a person!

A baby crawls on legs
when they're small,

And a person walks
on two legs

When they're grownup.

But when people
get older,

Sometimes they use a cane,
or third leg!

How could you have
figured out the most
difficult riddle?

What is this
world coming to?!

A deal's a deal,
ms. Question.

You've been defeated.

Now give me
my sidekick back.

Did you really think
I would hold up my end
of the bargain?

Aren't I a villain?

Isn't being devious
and untrustworthy

Part of my
job description?!

So see you next time?

I don't think so!




Whoa! What is this?

Come here, you!

Can you put me down?!

Now who's stranded?

Have fun waiting
for the police!

Come on, huggy.

We've got
a beach to get to!

Narrator: and so, word girl
has saved the day once again,

And only one riddle
remains unanswered--

What has tons of adventure,
superb superheroes,

And a narrator
who'll never leave you stranded

Wondering what's going on?

Baffled? Puzzled? Give up?

The next exciting
episode of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes

And test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Wooooord up!