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06x11 - Hello New Year, Goodbye Moon / Art in the Park

Posted: 07/27/23 16:23
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: today's featured words

Are resolution and massive.

It's december !
New year's eve!

And that means
it's time to have a...

Massive party!

I'll hang
the party decorations!

I'll cook up
some of my famous
new year's guacamole!

I'll be in charge
of the tunes!

Uh, games!

I'll be
in charge of games!

Oh, wait!
Everybody stop!

We forgot the most
important thing
about new year's!

To make a resolution!

Of course!

Of course! Yeah!

Hey, becky.
What's a resolution?

A resolution is
a promise we make
with ourselves.

If there's something
we want to change
about ourselves

Or do better,
we make a promise
to do that

in the new year.

Ahh, yeah.

I still don't get it.

Everybody think
of your resolutions

While we get set up!

Narrator: meanwhile, across town
in dr. Two-brains' lair,

The henchmen are planning
their own new year's eve party.

Here you go, charlie.

It's the best I could
do on short notice.


But don't worry.

We're gonna have
a great new year's party!

Look. I got us
some fruit punch,

And we can listen
to music and...

What is this,
a party?

Hey, boss.

We figured since it was
new year's eve

That we could
throw a party.

Well, you
figured wrong!

Sorry to bust your
bubble, bumblers,

But we've got
work to do.

My biggest cheese crime
ever isn't going to
commit itself!

Biggest crime ever?

Yes, tonight!

This plan is huge,
epic, massive!

And we're going to need
to get up very early
to pull it off.

So no staying up late
and no parties.

I want all henchman

But, boss,
it's new year's eve!

It's a holiday.

I don't care if it's
both your birthdays

And national cheese day
rolled into one!

I'll wake you when
it's crime time.

Until then it's
beddy-bye time.

Go, go, go, go, go!


We can still make
new year's resolutions.

You know
my resolution?

To have more parties.

I heard that!

Narrator: meanwhile, at the best
new year's party ever...

Yo, yo, yo!

Tj the dj
on the boom box tonight,

Keeping you feeling fine
'till : !

[Dance music playing]



Ok, everybody.

I want to hear
your resolutions!

You go first, tim.

Ooh! My resolution is to
be healthy next year.

So I'm going to
start by jogging

Each and every morning
at dawn.

Oh, good one, hon!

What's your
resolution, mom?

I'm going to help
the environment.

Go green!

Well, my resolution
is to make

The word girl
international fan club
even bigger.

I want to take it
from being international

To being intergalactic!

And how are you going
to do that exactly?

I am going to find
some aliens who like
vocabulary words.

I've got a telescope,
so it shouldn't be
that hard.

What about you, bob?
What's your resolution?


To eat a massive amount
of guacamole?

Good luck with that.

Hey! What's your
resolution, becky?

You know, I've thought
a lot about it,

And my resolution
is to hang out
with you guys more often

And not be running
around all the time.

It's fun spending
time with my family.

Aww, becky,
that's sweet.

Oh! It's time
for the countdown!

It's almost
the new year!

Start counting!

All: ...










Happy new year!

Happy new year!

Ho ho ho!

Ok, g*ng.
Time for bed.



[Metal squeaking]

Hold it here, boys!

Ah, there you are,

You soon-to-be tasty,
massive, cheesy
marble in the sky.

Say, what's
the big plan,
anyway, boss?

You said this was
gonna be your
biggest crime ever.

Well, using our
mega cheese ray,

We can turn the moon
into cheese.

Then I'll use
the tractor beam ray

To pull the moon
down to us!

Then we feast
on that moon of cheese!

You like it?

Oh, no.
What's wrong?

Well, charlie and me
really wanted to have

A new year's eve party.

It's part of our
new year's resolution,

Have more parties.


Who cares
about your resolution?

I'm the boss here,
and my resolution

Is to pull off
this massive moon heist,

And it's all set.

Show me...moon cheese!

Heh heh. Ha ha ha!

It worked!

The moon is
made of cheese!

No party
for us this year.


[Stomach growls]


Narrator: oh. Still feeling
stuffed from the party, huh?

Well, you did eat
a massive amount
of guacamole.



It sounded like
you said someone

Turned the moon
into cheese.


[Stomach growls]

Wait, what?

Someone turned
the moon into cheese?

But who would
want to do--

Dr. Two-brains!

Word up!

Are you sure you're
ready to battle

and his henchmen?


Top form, huh?

Oh! Gah!

One more try.


All right, boys.

It's a lovely night
to reel in the moon.

I'll need to sit at these
tractor beam controls

For the rest
of the night.

What do you want
us to do?

I want you to
stand guard!

Are you even listening?

You're thinking
about parties, aren't you!?

Stand guard and make
sure nobody messes

With the tractor beam.

You don't want to go
out on new year's.

It's amateur night.

I'm going in.

Ta ta.

[Classical music playing]

You know, charlie,

This might take a while.

Because the moon
is so, uh, missive?

What did
the boss call it?

Maybe he
called it massive,

As in really, really
big and heavy.

Word girl!

Let's get them,

Um, you sure you're
ready to battle?

All right.


Listen here, word girl.
Either you let charlie go,

Or we turn your
monkey friend

Into a big chunk
of cheese.

Looks like I've
got no choice.

I surrender.


Not exactly how I saw
my new year's day

Turning out.

Did you make
a resolution?

Yeah. I resolved
to spend more time

With my family.

Oh, well.

[Indistinct chatter]

Charlie, we've
got company!

What's going on here?

We're here
with dr. Two-brains

On official
criminal business.

What are you
doing here?

Well, my new year's
resolution is

To be healthy,
so I got up early

To go
on a sunrise jog.

Whoo! And my resolution is
to recycle more,

And so the recycling center
is on the way!

Go green!

And what are your
new year's resolutions?

To have parties,
but our boss won't let us.

Well, if you want
to have a party,

I'd be happy
to give you these
party decorations.

You can recycle them
when you're done!

Hold on, mom.

Let's make it a trade.

We'll give you
the party decorations

And I'll be the dj
for your party

If you let word girl
and huggy go free.

Oh! I can't decide
what to do.



Ha ha! Party it is!


Oh, yes!
It's almost here!

Here, moony, moony.

Yummy! It's so exciting,
I can almost hear lunar music!

Wait a minute!

Oh, no.
Don't tell me.

This is the greatest
party ever!

Glad we could
help out!

What in the name
of cheese is going on here?!

We're keeping our
new year's resolution, boss.

We promised ourselves
we'd have a massive party,

So we're having
a massive party!

No, no, no, no, no!
No parties!

We are so close
to finishing
my biggest crime ever!


Don't turn the cheesy moon
into normal moon!

[Stomach growls]


Word girl: yes!
The cheesy moon

Is back to normal moon!

Oh, come on.

You crush my hopes
and dreams,

And then you got
to tie me up?

Thanks for letting
us go, henchmen.

You did
the right thing.

We're gonna get
in big trouble,

But it was worth it.

That was
a really fun party.

Where's that
music, dj?!

Narrator: and so with the moon
back up in the sky

Where it belongs,
all is well this new year's day,

And if you make
one resolution today,

It should be to tune
in for the next

Massively exciting episode
of "word girl"!

Happy new year, everybody!


Ah ah ah ooh!

Ha ha ha!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello, I'm beau handsome

And this is...

"May I have a word"?

As usual, the player who
correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word"?

Yes, you may!

Today's featured word
is perspire.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.

Yes, tommy!

Perspire means to sweat,
like everyone

In those clips
was doing.

That is correct!

Huggy, show him
what he's--aah!

Are you ok?

Can't you find
a better time to train

For your unicycle race?

Aw, huggy, did you break
the air conditioner?

Uh, are you going to
tell me what I've won?

Fine. Here's hoping
it's a replacement
air conditioner.

Huggy, are you ready
to show him the prize?

Uh, ok, ok.

Tommy, you are
today's winner.

Huggy, show him
what he's won.

An official "word girl"
absurdly large launch ramp!


Uh, don't worry folks.

He's fine.

Ok, that's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word"?

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words

Performance and ruse.

It's a beautiful day
at the city park,

And becky botsford is
helping her best friend violet

With a--uh,
what is this again?

Some kind of
performance art thing?

Violet, explain again
what we're doing here.

We're going to put on
a big performance

Using the ps--

Paintings, poetry,

You mean music.

So two ps
and an "m".

However you see it.

Ok. Our performance
will tell the story

Of a snail
and a seashell

That start
on one side of the ocean

And end up on the other,
but really,

It's about
the importance of friendship.

Man: hellllp!

Mr. Big is using
mind control on people

At the library!

And he's doing it
above a whisper!


Heyyy, violet,
I just realized

That I totally
forgot to...

Brush my teeth?

Eeew. Yes. Go!

Yeah, total
morning breath
over here.

So I'll be
right back, ok?

As long as you
hurry, becky.

We still have
to rehearse the poetry

And p-musical parts
of the perpormance.

Right. Wouldn't want
to miss the p-music.

Let's go, bob.

Mr. Big: that's right.
Do everything I say,

And you, too, can
take control of your mind,

Your life,
and your happiness.

You'll find out how
in my new book

"Practicing mind control."

It's about the power
of positive thinking,

Not illegal mind control,
and it's on sale now!

Oh, oh, oh,
hi, word girl!

Are you here
to join the crowd?

Hmm, not much
of a crowd.

It's a grass-roots

Ahem. Leslie?

This mr. Big guy's
really on to something.

I'm gonna by one book
for myself

And one for a friend!

Keep it up.
I think we
almost got him.

What are you
up to, mr. Big?

What do you mean,
"up to"?

I simply wrote a book
based on my years of...

Wanting to write a book!

And I think it can
really help people.

Wait. You expect me
to believe

That you're not getting
anything out of this?

Of course I am!

Whenever I sell a book,
I get money.

So if I sell
lots of books,

I get lots of money!

Mua ha ha!
Mua ha ha!
Mua ha ha!

You know,
the "mua ha has"
aren't really as fun

When I'm doing
something legal.

Oh, well. Hey!

Would you like
to buy a book?

Oh, hi, becky.

I'm glad you're back.

I couldn't put on
this performance

Without your help.

Of course.
What are friends for,

If not...

Doing all this stuff?

I know!

Your friendship
inspired me to add
a line to my poem.

Really? That's
so nice, violet.

Ahem. It goes like this.

"There once was a"--


Mr. Big is using
mind control, and he's--

Um, someone's
reading a poem
over here,

And mr. Big isn't
using mind control
at the library.

He's just trying
to sell his book.

Wait. How did
you know that?

Um, I have no idea.

But he's not
at the library!

He's at the baaank!


Ok! Where was i?

I don't want to leave,
but that does sound

Maybe I was right
about mr. Big's book

Being part of a ruse!

"The best friends
are always there
when you ask,

"Like my best friend
becky, who"--

Has to go right now,

But I will be right back
as soon as i--



Becky, I really
need your help.

You made a promise
to help me today,

And now you're
breaking that promise.

I know, I know.
I feel really bad

About having
to leave again.


But I just really
need to leave,

And I can be
right back.


Hey. I know when
you say it like that

It means "not fine!"

The performance
starts at : .

Please don't be late.

No way!

Hey, me and you,

The snail
and the seashell, right?


Be back soon!

Ok, bob, let's go.

The artist is
alone again.

Mr. Big:
take all of you!

Yes, take that
and that!

Take all of these
and don't forget

To tell all your friends
to buy their own copies

At the local bookstore!

So that's pretty--

Hey, word girl. Heh heh.
It's you again!

That's enough, big.

I know this book thing
has to be a ruse.

I've never known you
to give anything
away for free.

Oh, yes. It's part
of my new marketing

"Give it away,
and then they'll pay!"

Would you like
a book?

Oh, no, thanks--
but wait!

Why are you giving away
books at a bank, huh?

Explain that!


I know. I totally
got him there.

Good question!

I'm at a bank
because I want
people to think

About how much money
they'll have

After they read
my book and start

mind control!

Err! I know this
is a ruse.

It's one great big ruse!

I want to disagree
with you,

But I don't know
what a "ruse" is!

Oh. A ruse is a plan
to trick people.

Like in this case,
you say you're just
trying to sell books,

But I think that's a ruse

And you really have
some other evil plan.

What? Well, you
just do not know
me at all.

You should really
read my book.

I have to admit,
you're not committing
any crimes...yet,

So I guess
we should get back.

I mean it's

One minute after : !

The performance!

Hmm. Looks like
my trick worked,

You mean your ruse?

That, too. Mua ha.
Mua ha! Mua ha ha
ha ha--

Hey, stop listening
to my laughs
for free.

I can't believe
she thought you were

Doing something nice,

How ridiculous.


Excuse me, everyone.

I have a very important
announcement to make.

If we can all turn our
books to chapter two,

"Controlling our minds."


Mua ha. Mua ha.
Mua ha ha ha ha!

Good one, sir.

I know.


♪ Va ah ah
ah ah ah ah ♪

Violet, before you
say anything,

I am so sorry
I'm late.

a great friend to me,

And I should have
been here for you
like you asked.

And I hope I can make
it up to you

In the performance,
which I'm sure

Will be excellent,

And I'm sorry again.

Did I mention
I was sorry?

I'm here now,
and nothing can

Possibly take me away.

Don't help.

will be fine

If you buy mr. Big's
mind control book.

Don't hellllp!

I have to go.

Becky, you can't!

What about all that
stuff you just said?

The performance
is happening now.

You promised!

It's just that
I have to--

Oh, no excuses.

Here's the truth,

You're my best friend
in the world,

In the whole universe--
trust me.

And I feel really bad
for letting you down.

The only reason I'm
leaving is that I have

Some other friends
who are in real trouble,

And they need my help.

I wish I could
tell you why,
but I just...

I look away.

You don't have to.

Friends don't have to
explain everything

To each other, becky.

I trust you.

Thank you
for being honest.

You are
the best friend ever!

Ohh! Crush you!

Ohh! Crushed!

Well, I promise I'll
be back soon,

And we'll put
on a great show,

Even if it's just
for that guy there.


You will spend
all your money

On mr. Big's book...

We will spend all
our money on
mr. Big's books...

You will tell
your friends...

We will tell
our friends...

Word girl, what
are you doing here?

Word girl, what
are you doing here?

No, not you.

No, not you.

Leslie, make them stop.

leslie, make them--

Word girl: want
to tell me again

How this book thing
was not a ruse?

what can I say?

That's the power
of good writing,

No. It's the power
of mind control.

Ok. It was a ruse.

Ruse, ruse, ruse, ruse.

And it worked!

Because once everyone
in town has a copy
of my book,

They will be
under my spell!

I am so...rusey!
Ha ha ha!

That is not how you
use the word, mr. Big.

Anyway, I'm here
to stop you!

Stop me?

I've already given
away hundreds
of these books,

And my assistant leslie
will never give up
the remote!

Mua ha ha ha!
Mua ha ha ha!

You know what?

This always ends
the same way.

Just take it.

What? Leslie!

Wha--well, that's
the last thing

You should
have done.

Well, I thought
I'd tricked you,

So I didn't really
prepare a big battle
or anything.

So how about I
just, uh--hmm.


Ha! Great job, huggy.

Now I'll just press
the button to uncontrol
these minds and--

Actually, ahem,

You will go see
violet's performance
in the park.

We will go see violet's
performance in the--

What's a performance?

Oh, yeah. A performance
is a show of some kind.

It can be music,
poetry, dance,

Or in my friend
violet's case

A little bit
of everything.

You'll see.

♪ But through all the waves
and the stormy weather ♪

♪ They made it
across the ocean together ♪

Hey. Where are we?

I don't know,
but I like
this song!

Narrator: everything worked
out pretty well.

Word girl discovered
mr. Big's ruse,

And violet's performance
was a big success!

That song is pretty
catchy, too.

Ahem. Join us next time,
for another exciting, awesome,

Incredible episode
of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello, I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word"?

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play

For even greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Tommy, you correctly
defined the word perspire.

Are you ready to play
the bonus round?

Let's do it.

Take at look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for perspire.

Give it a shot,

I'm going to go
with number .

The dj in that picture
was really perspiring.

He was sweating almost
as much as you are now.

Tommy, you are
our bonus round winner.

Show him what
he's won, huggy.

Official "word girl"
frozen treats!

See you next time on...

"May I have a word"?

♪ Favorite word,
what's your favorite word? ♪

My favorite word
is football

Because I love playing it.

I like playing football
because I like to tackle people

And I like
to run the ball.

I play right guard,
defensive end,

And running back,

But I only score

After I scored
my touchdown,

I go to my friends
and hug them.

♪ That's my favorite word ♪

Narrator: captain huggy face,

Show us what
"blithe" means.

That's right!

Blithe means to be
happy or joyous.

Congratulations, huggy!

[Dance music playing]


Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes

And test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Wooooord up!