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01x13 - Star in the Dust

Posted: 07/27/23 16:57
by bunniefuu

Yeah, Mike?

I want you
to close this place.

Get everybody
outta here.

Why, it's only 10:30.

I said clear the place out.

You and your customers
don't wanna get hurt.

We're closin' up,

All right,
you heard him.

When you get outside,
you can send for the sheriff.

Tell him to come in here
after me.

Full of Kentucky courage,
ain't you, Mike?

I said
to clear out.

I'll get the sheriff for you
personally, Mike.

Be my pleasure.

You wanna buy a mirror?

You waitin' for something?

I think I got the winning hand.

I'd...kinda hate to leave it.

You'll have to.

On your way.

My quarrel's with the sheriff,
not with you.

Now, get going.

Why don't you let me stay.

You don't scare
very easy, do ya?

I'm scared.

Drop your g*n.

Kick it away.

I'm gonna let ya stay.

I like ya.

You know Wes Garth,
the sheriff?


Too bad.

Guess you never will now.

He'll be coming through
that door in about a minute.

And I'm gonna k*ll him.

All right, Mike,
on your feet.


You look kinda sore,

Better get
his old cell ready, Wes.

Why didn't you leave?

He likes me.

Give him six months
this time, Wes.

And keep him outta here.

I'll do that.

I was about to call
that last bet

when you fellas took off.

Anybody beat aces and threes?

We'll play the hand over.

I got a better idea.

Let's see who won it.

How do we know you didn't
get them aces out of the deck?

Why didn't you stay to find out?

I guess you didn't hear me.

I said we'd play the hand over.

I hear you better this time.

It wouldn't do at all
for a deputy

to get
into a sh**t'.

Let's go,

We don't want
no trouble.

I'm Charlie Peabody.
How do you do?

Want some friendly advice?

You'll be hearin'
from them fellas.

The young'un, Jimmy Clements,
he's a bad boy.

They're all bad,
all three of 'em.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

Especially at poker.

The boy's been that way now
for quite a spell.

Noticed it ever since they come
out here from back East.

Maybe it's 'cause Jimmy's pop

owns the Bar X Ranch
and half the town.

But the kid's always got a chip
on his shoulder.

He's al-

Hear you had
a little trouble.

No harm done.

No, not yet.

If you're just drifti''
through town,

you'd better drift on
while things are still quiet.

I'm not lookin'
for trouble.

You've already found it.

Ride out now,
and it might pass.

Why not tell
the others to drift?

Maybe because there's three
of them and only one of you.

Maybe because
they live here.

Is your horse
in the stable?


I'll walk over there
with you.

My friend here tells me

the kid's dad
owns half the town.

Does he own
the sheriff too?

Do you have to be
carried outta here?

Look, mister, I'm meetin'
a man at this bar tonight.

I did a trail job for him,
and he owes me money.

When I get it,
I'll be on my way.

All right, cowboy.
Have it your way.

But you could become
a permanent resident

of our town.

The kind that never causes me
any trouble.

All right, Wes,
come on in.

Why the hat?

Aw, you know me.

Never take
any unnecessary chances.

I won't get violent.

How about supper?

Dining room's
still open.

I know.

I just left there.

You ate alone?

Why didn't you
wait for me?

I told you
I'd be around.

And I told you
I wouldn't be.

Oh, Claire.

It's no good, Wes.

I wish you'd go now.


I've told you why.

What do you want from me,

You want me to crawl?
Is that it?

I don't want anything
from you.

Can't you understand?

I mean it.

You haven't got
what I want.

And that
pink-faced kid has?


It won't work.

Clements won't let that
spoiled kid of his marry ya.

He'll cut him off
without a dime.

And you're the only woman
I've ever wanted for keeps.

That's got
to mean something.

You go on saying no,

but this makes a liar
out of ya.

I know what I want.

And you can't gi-


It's me,
Charlie Peabody.

Wes in there?

Uh- Sorry, Mr. Garth,
but I thought you ought to know

there's gonna be trouble
over that card shark.

Jimmy Clements and your deputy
are up at the Gold Spur,

gettin' liquored up

and talkin' theirselves
into a sh**t' mood.

There's gonna
be g*n trouble, sure.

All right, Charlie.

Is Jimmy in some kind
of trouble?

Good night, Claire.

Don't let anything
happen to him.

Hey, mister,
you'd better get goin'.

Where do you think
I oughta go?

I don't know,
but you better go someplace.

'Cause here they come.

I'll take that.

You see those three?

I see 'em.

Just stay
outta my way.

That's far enough, boys.

Don't try to stop us.

You wanna keep that star, Hank?

This is a private
quarrel, Wes.

We're in the right.

Not this way,
you aren't.

Now, turn around and go home.

There's a man over there
we want.

Get out of the way.

Don't try anything foolish, kid.

You gonna move?


But you are.

Now, turn around and get!

I didn't draw, Wes.

He's dead, Mr. Garth.

When you're ready to leave town,
you can pick up your g*n.

It'll be at my office.

Friend of yours?


He was.

Came for my g*n.

Did your man get here?

Got my money,
and I'm on my way.

All right.

About that remark that
I made to you last night.

Forget it.

I caused you a hat-full
of trouble, uh...

I'm afraid my trouble's
just starting.

You got a lot of gall
still wearing that badge.

Any reason why I shouldn't,

Yeah, for making it
a free license to k*ll.

I'm gonna
take it off of ya.

I'm gonna see you
tried and hanged!

Will you sit down and let me
tell you how it happened.

Could anything you say
make any difference?

No. Jimmy'll still be dead.

He was only a kid.

He was a man, John.

All the way.

I thought he had backed down.

The others would've.

Jimmy wouldn't.

He drew, and I had to sh**t.

God, help me.

I feel like I k*lled him.


Why should I feel like that?

Like I k*lled him myself.

Maybe that's the way
every father feels

when his boy dies.

I should have left here.

I should have gone back
to St. Louis.

I should have married again
when his mother died.

You know that I sent him
back east to school once.

He ran away and came home.

Want me to ride back
to the ranch with you?

I'm sorry, Wes.

I said things
that I didn't mean.

I know.

There's more to your job
than I thought.

Maybe that's why
I stay with it.

Well, I guess
I better get going now.

Good luck, cowboy.

Thanks. Same to you.

Thought I was rid of you.

I got on my pony
and discovered a terrible thing.

Didn't know where I was goin'.

Does anybody?

I do now.

Decided to stay right here.

It's a good town.

Any special kind of work
in mind?

Isn't there
a deputy's job open?

Do you think
you're qualified for it?

I'd like to try.

I don't know.

I doubt if you're cut out
to wear a star.


Few men are.

Hank thought he was.

I knew different,
and I was right.

Takes a special kind of man.

Not a better man,
but a special one.

Who doesn't have to look
to the past to know what to do.

I'll watch you.

There's no future in it either.

Ten years ago,
there weren't any jobs like mine

or towns like this.

And ten years from now,

this'll all be changed
and forgotten.

And you ought to forget it too.

Here, the law books
don't count.

Or the badge either.

The whole works is in
the man who wears it.

Got anybody else
for the job?


What have we got to lose?

What's your name,

Cheyenne Bodie.

When you find out I was right,
Cheyenne, remember I told ya.

This will have to do
until I get you a new one.

Looks like the sheriff's
got himself a new deputy.

That make any change
in our plans?

I don't see no reason
why it should.

Need some help?

I seem to.

The hinge is loose.

If we had a screwdriver,
we could fix it.

Will this do?

Works fine now.


You're kinda tall,
aren't ya?

Most of the time.

You've been asking about me.


Clerk told me.

That's more
than he told me.

Of course.
He's a friend of mine.


What is it, Wes?

I've got to talk to ya.

Some other time. It's-
It's late, and I'm sleepy.

You're wrong about
that sh**ting, Claire.

Not tonight, Wes.

All right, if that's the way
you feel about it.

You know where to find me.

Good night.

I prefer it
the other way.

I need the light
to find my way out.

Good night.

What's wrong?

I didn't know
you were Wes' girl.

I'm not.

I'd sure like
to believe that.

Why shouldn't you?

Looked pretty obvious to me.

I happen to like Wes.

More important,
I want him to like me.

I can't help the way
he feels about me.

But if you're
anxious to leave,

I'm not holding you.

I'm not anxious
to leave.

I'll ask questions.

If I get the right answers,
I'd like to come back.

Morning, sheriff.

Morning, deputy.

Check the jail?

Mike said to tell you
he's real sorry.

He's only sorry
he didn't look behind him.

Still like your job?

Better than that,
I like the town.

I've been looking for a place
to lay for a long time.

I think maybe
I've found it.


Say, uh, Wes.

Who's the girl across the hall
from me, room 210.

I was wondering
when that would come up.

Pay her no mind, friend.

She's getting married
real soon.

To anybody I know?

To me, naturally.

Prettiest girl in town.

Whatever it is a particular
woman has for a particular man,

she's got it for me.

She's all woman.

Born for the best
of everything.

Which I can't give her,
so right now,

we're having a little

Hey, they're robbing the bank.

They split up
just outside of town.

Cheyenne and I each took after
a man, and we got both of them.

It was just bad luck
the third man had the money.

Sheriff, a $55,000 loss is
more than this town can stand.

Every cent I had in the world
was in that bank.

Same with Charlie
and Mrs. Briggs here.

Well, why don't
we get up a posse.

Well, that's all right
with me.

But where
do we start looking?

West or east?

And who do we look for?

A medium-sized man
riding a roan pony?

I'll do everything
I can.

We know that, Wes.

Well, I got a bar
to take care of.

I hope my credit's good
for a while.

Looks like I've got
to find me a job.

You can have all the credit you
need at my store, Charlie.

Well that's right good of you,
Mr. Harold.

I sure wish there was
something more we could do.

There is.

Go to the depot and have
the operator send a wire

to all the towns
in this part of the territory.

Tell them to be on the lookout
for a free spender

with paper money.

Door wasn't locked.

I decided
to wait for you.

You know you could
get hurt that way.

I am hurt.

You said you'd be back,

and you haven't been.

I said I'd check
with Wes.


I did.
Wrong answer.

He was lying.

I told him
I didn't want him.

I meant it,
and he knows it.

I couldn't be lying
about a thing like that.

I told Wes I wouldn't
see him again.

He wants me.
That's true enough.

But people don't often get what
they want in this life, do they?

I've never gotten
what I want.

What do you want?

I thought I knew until-

Till the other day.

Who are you, Claire?

What are you doing
in a town like this?

Hasn't anyone
told you about me?

How I came here?

I haven't asked
till now.

I'd like to-

You don't have
to worry about me.

John Clements brought me
here from St. Louis.

He promised to marry me.

A few months ago,
he changed his mind.

Then his son.

Jimmy was crazy
in love with me.

He'd have married me.

And I'd have jumped
at the chance.

But Wes shot him.
Is that the reason-?

It wasn't like that.

Wes just hasn't
anything to offer me.

You've got
to believe that.


Because I want you to.

You know
I'm telling the truth.

But let's get
one thing straight.

I haven't anything
to offer you either.

Nothing at all.

You really believe that,
don't you?

It's open.

Well, don't be so glad
to see me.

What is it, Wes?

I've decided it's time
we stop feuding.

We're not feuding.

Can't I make you
see that?

That's what I said.
We shouldn't be.

Miss me?


Why don't you give me
another try at it.

You still
don't want me, huh?

That's right.

I know, Claire.

You want the best.
And you deserve the best.

The best of everything.

What if you had
all the money you wanted.

What would you do with it?

Wes, please.

I wish you'd go
and leave me alone.

I just asked what you'd do

if you had all the money
you wanted.

Will you leave
if I tell you?

If you still want me to.

Ever been in New Orleans?


I grew up there,
on Bousseau Street,

where the people live
in dirty, little shacks

and look across the water
at the big, white houses.

That's what I'd do.

Go back home.

And live.

And look across the water
at the dirty, little shacks?


All right.
That's where we'll go.

What are you
trying to say?

That I'm handing you
New Orleans on a gold platter.

You said if I had
all the money I wanted.

How much would that be?

Is 55,000 enough?

The bank money.

How did you-?

What's it matter?
I've got it.

Where is it?
Is it safe?

It's safe.

When do we leave? Soon?

Well, not too soon.
It's gotta look right.

A few weeks will do it.

It's the first time anything
like this ever happened.

I'm awful sorry,
Mr. Bodie.

I checked all the other rooms,
and yours is the only one.



I saw you come across here
like a charging buffalo.

Something up?

Everything's fine,

Seen Wes?

He rode out of town
about a half-hour ago.

Hold up!

Look straight ahead
and lift that right hand.

Now, where is it?

Who are you?

You're the man
that k*lled Ed Grimes,

and Ed was carrying
the money.

You're gonna tell me
what you done with it.

You're crazy!

He didn't have it
when I caught up with him.

We both went in the river.
Maybe it was lost there.

Why you carrying
them saddlebags?

I always do.

Look, mister,
if I were you, I'd-

Throw it over here
and be quick about it.

Left hand.

Where you been, deputy?

Just heard you were back.

I rode out to see how
old man Clements was making out.

You're all dressed up, Wes.

I'm seeing Claire
later on.

She likes this outfit.

Oh, everything
all right again?

Aw, it wasn't
much of anything anyway.

I see nothing's happened
while I was gone.

Wes, if you don't need me,

I'd like to go up
to the hotel for a while.

Well, sure. Be back
in an hour, all right?

Sooner than that.

? I'm goin'
I'm goin' away ?

? For to stay
A little while ?

? But- ?

Who is it?

I wanna talk to you.

I'm in the tub.

Well, get out of it
and open the door.

I'll get out
when I'm finished.

I said now.

I'll be right out.



What's the idea?

I hear you and Wes
patched things up.

Are you trying to make me
think you're jealous?

I might be.

I don't mean
a thing to you.

Not that you try
to make me think I did.

Well, that's true,
isn't it?

So you decided
to try Wes again?

If I really thought
it mattered to you, I'd-

You'd what?

But it doesn't.

The one thing I know
in this world is men.

I know how you feel
about me.

I know you wouldn't...

take chances
just to have me.

What kind of chances?

Doesn't matter.

I'm not used to being the one
who does all the giving.

I don't like it.

I'm gonna marry Wes.


I told you.

You told me Wes
had nothing to offer you.

I've changed my mind.
What made you do that?

There's only one reason
you'd marry anybody.

A lot of it.

What are you
talking about?

About $55,000.

I came here
hoping I was wrong.

Your face
just told me I'm not.

I thought you liked Wes.

I thought he was
a friend of yours.

He was more than that.

Then how can you
accuse him of-

Because it's true, and there's
nothing I can do about it.

Cheyenne, listen to me.

Wait, please!

What are you gonna do?


We can have the money,
you and I.

When Wes tells me where-

Well, that didn't take long.

You've got trouble,

Look like you've lost
your best friend.

Something happened today, Wes.

Maybe you can tell me
what it means.

Somebody tore my room apart
looking for something.

Looking for what?

I was hoping
you could tell me.

Well, how would I know?

Because he searched
your room too.

Why didn't you mention it?

I don't tell you
everything, deputy.

It's not too late, Wes.

The money
could still be found.

One of the men we k*lled
could have dropped it

before we
caught up to him.

Tomorrow, you could find it
and bring it back.

What are you
trying to say?

That I have the 55,000?

I'd give a lot to be wrong.

You don't have
to give anything.

You are wrong.


But I'll forget about it
if you'll bring it back.

That badge is going
to your head.

I was afraid it might.

I just talked to Claire.

She's a liar,
but not a very good one.

That reminds me,
I'm supposed to be up there.

Wes, she's no good.

She just offered
to double-cross you

and share the money with me.

So that's it.

You've got a lot to learn
about women.

Claire's letting her imagination
run away with her

and taking you
along with it.

I suppose she searched
our rooms too.

Oh, I think you hit
the answer to that.

Maybe one the men we k*lled
was carrying the money

and dropped it.

That would explain
why our rooms were searched.

We'll check tomorrow.

Good night, deputy.

Don't go out that door.

What was that?

Don't people like Charlie
and Gus Bowlin

and all the rest of 'em
mean anything to you?

You said something about a door.

Give the money back, Wes.

Say you found it, say anything,
but give it back.

You didn't answer my question.

I said,
you don't go out that door

unless I go with you
to bring the money back.

Remember what I told you?

You weren't cut out
to wear a star.

I wish you'd
kept that in mind.

I kinda liked you.

Don't open it, Wes.

You trying to prove
I'm wrong about you

and that star
on your chest?

I'm trying to prove
that I was right about you.

Let her go.
This is where you belong.

It's not too late.

I'm going out this door.

I'd like to know
if I have to k*ll you first.

You'll have to try.


I guess I will.

What happened?

It's Wes.

Who shot him?

I'll get Doc Peters.

I'm sorry, Wes.

So am I.

You got me good.

Lot of your friends
are here.

What do you want me
to tell them?

Wes, you hurt bad?
What happened?

Doc's coming right away,
Mr. Garth.

You got me good, deputy.

Kinda changes my plans.

What happened?
What's he mean, you got him?

Cheyenne was trying to stop me.

Tell them why, deputy.

I was about to leave town
with your- Your money.

The money from the bank?

What do you mean,

What are you saying,
Mr. Garth?

It's in my room.

In the saddlebag.

Never did get you that new one.


We found it.
The money's here.

I used to dread the day
we'd lose him as sheriff.

I guess I was wrong.

We were all wrong.

We still
got a sheriff.

Yes, and a good one too.

That's right.

Thanks, but it's not for me.

You were right, Wes.

I wasn't cut out to wear a star.

But neither were you.