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01x14 - Johnny Bravo

Posted: 07/27/23 16:58
by bunniefuu

Muy buenos.



Muy buenos.

Muy sabrosos.


Muchas gracias.


You speaking to me?

I am waiting.

You're waiting?

Yes. I am waiting.

I do it myself

I was knocked down,
my friend.

I even dropped my tamale.

What do you say
about that?

What do I say
about it?

S?. What do you
say about it?

Well, I-

I'm sorry
to hear it.

Now, if you'll just
kindly step aside-

Tomorrow the birds will sing.

But one of us, my friend,
will not hear them.

Unless, of course,
you apologize.

Well, it's pretty plain

we're not hauling
in the same direction.

I do not
make myself clear?

When I-

Forgot my change.

I would consider it
a favor, se?or,

if you were to kick me
in the seat of the pants.

Well, I don't think
that's necessary.

Permit me, se?or.

Bravo is the name.

Johnny Bravo.

Cheyenne Bodie.

Do me the honor
of joining me for a drink.

Well, I really ought to
be getting back to-


Give us some red whiskey,

a bottle of
your best.

Check 'em, gents.

Well, look
who's here.

Never mind the bottle.

What's that,
Mr. Taggart?

I said, them two
ain't drinkin'.

Bartender, these two
are drinking.

Please bring the bottle.

Didn't you hear me?

Please, fellas,

I try to run
a peaceful bar.

You wanna keep it
that way,

tell Bravo
and his friends

to find someplace else
to drink.

Look, fellas,

there's another bar
in town.

All of a sudden,

I like this one very much.

It is so friendly.

That door swings
both ways, cowboy.

See if that ain't right!

Now, get!

Before I turn you
hair-side in.

Let's keep it one to one.

Who is that big fella?

I think my friend and I
ordered a drink.

Yes, sir.

Good evening.


Anytime this year, shorty.

What's the stew made of?

Ten cents extra,
we'll tell you.

I'll have coffee
and a piece of pie.

What kind?




Cook don't make nothin'
but apple.

All right, I'll have apple then.

We're out of apple.

Bring you a nice bowl
of stew.

Howdy. Can I talk to you
for a minute?

Why not?

I'll make it short.

I saw you in that fight
this afternoon.

Would you like a job?

I already got one.


Trail boss,

helpin' a fella
take a herd up to Denver.

The job I had in mind
was foreman.

And I'm willing to
pay you $10 more

than you're making now,
whatever it is.

Name a figure.

Thanks just the same.


unless you change
your mind, Mr., uh...

Oh, I guess we forgot
to swap names.

Cheyenne Bodie.

I'm Matt Crowley.

I'll see you again,

I'm a man that's got
the reputation

of getting
what he goes after.

Uh, say, Bodie...

you're not married?



Just curious.

Still wanna know
what's in it?


Don't tell anybody
I told you.

Spuds, carrots, rutabaga

and boiled buffalo hump.

Three bowls of stew
and a cup of coffee.

That'll be 35 cents.

You tell that cook
that he can have a job

trailing with me anytime.

Can't be done.

Why not?

'Cause he's me.


the offer
still stands.


Have another cup
of coffee on the house.

Howdy, Tom.

Stew's better
than tolerable.

Ah, couldn't eat
a bite, boy.

I'm off my feed.

What's the matter?

Uh, it's what I've got
to tell you.

I don't rightly
know how to begin.

Best way is to start.

Well...the fact is,

I can't afford
to keep you on, boy.

I have to try to get that herd
up north by myself,

without you.

What happened?

Well, I just got word
from up north:

The price of beef
is down. Way down.

I don't even figure
on makin' expenses.

Well, I'm sorry to hear that.

I'll be glad to ride along

just for eats if it'll help.

I couldn't let you do it.

I'd feel beholden.

You've got enough trouble
besides that.

But, thanks,

You've been
a good friend.

I'll, uh, be talkin'
to you around the hotel.

I got to see
a feller now.

Well, looks like
you're gonna be

around town
for a while.

Kind of looks like it.

Case you wanna
stop by,

tomorrow's special's
hominy grits

and buffalo hump.


I feel so low

I could darn near
sit down and bawl.

You can buy a lot
of comfort with $200.

It's my everlasti''

That's my curse.

The boy's almost like
my own son.

Well, don't worry, Tom.

It's like I told you.

You're doing him
the biggest favor

he's ever been done.

Mr. Crowley.

Oh, hello,

Find a man
for that job yet?

I'm in no hurry
to fill it.

Still think I might do?

Why? You change
your mind?

Maybe. I'd like to
talk about it.

Well, go ahead.

Well, how did you come to
offer the job to me?

You don't even know me.

I'd figure it takes
just about one minute

to know a man.

Oh, I've been wrong
once or twice,

but that's about all.

Besides, I liked the way
you handled yourself

out there today.

You lookin' for a foreman
or a fighter?

Just a foreman.

But if you think
the job's too much,

just forget I asked you.

No hard feelings.

What happened
to your last foreman?

I fired him last week.

He suddenly up
and got married

to a Mexican woman.

Well, that's a crime?

If you don't
think it is,

you had better
forget my offer.

Fair enough.

Wait a minute.

Uh, every man's entitled
to his own opinion.

Let's forget it.

Well, you want the job?

Sure, I'll give it a try.

Good. We leave about
an hour after sunup

from the general store.

Oh, uh...

there's one thing more
I guess you ought to know.

Three of my hands
have been m*rder*d

in the past half year.


k*lled by professional

If I don't see you
in the morning,

I'll know
you changed your mind.


Well...glad to see
you got here.

Ready to go to work?


That's good.

What's the trouble?

Well, I-I saw a fellow

by the name of
Johnny Bravo.

Yeah. He rides for me.

You know him?

Met him.

Thought you didn't
like Mexicans.

He's a good rider.


Will you check
this stuff for me?

All right.

Buenos d?as.

Good morning.

Qu? tal?

How's the jaw?

That fellow was very lucky,

that he didn't k*ll me.

I'm afraid
I didn't get a chance

to thank you
properly yesterday.

I'd like to
get started.

Bravo, you're driving
the rig back.

I'll take
your horse.

As you say.

See you later.

Hasta luego.

Alright, men,
mount up.

Sounded interesting.

I'll have to
find out more

about you
and Johnny Bravo.

I'll have to
find out more about you

and a fellow by the name
of Ben Taggart.

Time for that later.




I didn't expect you'd be-


Where are the others?

They had to stick
to the road.

Won't be along
till late.

This is my daughter,

Say hello
to Cheyenne Bodie,

new foreman.


Pleased to meet you,
Miss Crowley.


You better get
your horse ready.

You'll be showing
Cheyenne the layout.

Have a drink?

No, thanks.

Circle M?

For the past 30 years.

Before that,
it was the Ortega Grant.

It's a lot of ranch.

Not as much as it was
before Ben Taggart came along.

I don't want to
seem impatient, but...

any jackpot you're in
with this Taggart

sort of includes me too.

If he's declared
open season on your hands,

I'd kind of like to
know about it.

There's not much to tell.

A little better
than a year ago,

Taggart showed up
with another grant.

older than the Ortega Grant
by about 40 years,

if it wasn't a forgery.

He claims title
to Tamarac.

This area.

Best pasture land,

most of the water.

I always planned
to give Tamarac

to my daughter
when she got married.

But Taggart
moved in first?

Took over ranch house
and all.

He more or less dared me
to do anything about it.

But his claim is a forgery.

I'm sure of it.

They're deciding that
up in Santa Fe right now.

Meanwhile, Taggart
is collecting himself

a little army
of gunslingers.

You plan to fight him
if worse comes to worse?


Everybody around here
knows I hung up my g*ns

a long while ago.

It's got to be legal

or not at all.

Are you ready,
Mr. Bodie?

Yes, ma'am.

See you at supper.

I'll do that.

Don't bother.

It's none of
my business, but...

doesn't it get
awful tiresome

carrying it around
all the time?

Carrying what?

That chip
on your shoulder.

What makes you think

I've got a chip
on my shoulder?

I'm pretty quick that way.

Well, you're wrong.

I've got nothing
against you personally.

You sure had me fooled.

But you might as well know
right now...

I wouldn't marry you
under any circumstances.

Well, it's nice of you
to come right out and say so.

but to tell you the truth,

I wasn't exactly
plannin' on askin' you.

Mr. Bodie...

you needn't try
to protect my father.

There's nothing about him
I don't know.

Maybe you better tell me.

I don't know
anything about him.

Are you being funny?

Not on purpose.

My father didn't tell you
why he hired you?

Told me
he needed a foreman.

He's had several
very good foremen.

Each one picked to...

sweep me off my feet.

Would you fill me in
a little bit on that?

That's all there is to it.

My father wants a grandson.

I wondered why he asked me
if I were married.

You're just part of the parade.

Dad keeps bringing 'em out,

and I keep chasing 'em back.

At least you're an improvement
on the others.

Nice of you to say so.

I guess there's no point in
seeing the rest of the ranch.

Shall we get started back?

As a matter of fact,

you're nothing
like the others.

They kept trying
even after

I asked them not to.

There's one thing that's

got me real puzzled.

What makes
your father think

you need help
to find a man?

I'm afraid I can't
tell you that.

In a way, I can't
blame my father.

I'm nearly 26.

And I'd-

I'd like him
to have a grandson.

You let me
do it this time.

All right.

How'd you like
the spread?

Didn't see it all.

How come?

No use. I'm not
taking the job.


Afraid I'm not

Did Molly say
something to you?

She said no

before I got around
to asking her anything.

Well, you shouldn't take
anything she says too serious.

Just serious enough
to quit.

Is that really it?

Or is it maybe you're
afraid of Ben Taggart?

Leave it that way
if you like.

Naw. No, wait.

Don't let me rile you.

I'm not about to.

It cost me $200 to-

What did you say?

Cost you $200 for what?


To get
Tom Lovelace

to fire me,
is that it?

Now, don't be silly.

Why would I do
a thing like that?

Come on, boy, have a drink
and forget all about it.

No, thanks.

No hard feelings,

but you just seem
to have a knack

of making me feel
real crowded.

All right.

Then to the devil
with ya.

Get out!

You needn't bother
to see me to the door,

I'll find my way.

I said get out!
And stay out!



And tell that dirty crook
Tom Lovelace

he owes me $200!

Let him be the last,
Dad, please.

But why, Molly? Why?

Do you want to be
an old maid?

Is that it?

We've been over
all that.

I know, but it doesn't
make sense to me.

You're acting like you don't
want me to understand ya.

It's because
I know you wouldn't.

Hold it.

Emmett there's pretty good
with a r*fle.

If you don't
believe it,

just make a move
for your g*n.

I'll take
your word for it.

Now that's

Drop your g*n.

Now get down
off your horse.

the trouble?

I'd have thought one
of Matt Crowley's men

would have sense enough
to ride clear of my land.

I wouldn't know
about that,

not being one of
Matt Crowley's men.

Too yellow to admit
who you work for?


You sure acted like
a Crowley man yesterday.

This is today.


Don't you think
he's clever, boys?

Just about
too clever to live.

All right, so you think
I'm clever,

and I like you too.

You'll give me
back my g*n,

I'll be glad to
get off your land.

We'll tell you
when you can leave.

Look, if this is your way
of getting at Matt Crowley,

you're wasting
your time.

I don't think he cares
much for me, either.

That's too bad.

Seems like you don't
have any friends at all.

I don't like it
when you go into town.

I don't like to
have you away from me.

Even for a day.

Querida m?a.

What is it, Johnny?

Something wrong?

Did you file for
the homestead?




Was the office closed?


I couldn't.


I went down there.

I stood in the line.

But when it came
to my turn...


I told the man
I'd changed my mind.

Y-you didn't file?

Suddenly, I realized

that what I was doing
was wrong.

I knew I had no right

to take you
away from here.

But we decided.

I cannot ask you to give up
all this for me.

The ranch
and all Tamarac.

I know you love

I do. But it's only land.

Only land?

My family once
held land.

More than
the Ortega Grant, even.

They were somebody
in this world then.

People would bow their heads
as they passed.

When we lost our land,

we lost everything.

Land is important.

But not to me.

I want you, Johnny.

And I've waited
as long as I can.

I cannot ask you
to come away with me.

Not until
I can give you

as much as I am
taking away from you.


I want you
to understand.

I think I do.

That's Cheyenne's horse.

happened to him.

Cheyenne. Cheyenne.

It's all right, amigo.

You're going to be
all right.



Time to take
your tonic water.

How is he?

Shh. He's asleep.

You shouldn't
be here.

Surely a man can call on
an injured friend.

You know how dad would
carry on if he found you here?

He's outside
talking with the doctor.

I've been trying all day
to speak to you.

Is there anything
to say?

Yes. I want to explain.

It's all right, Johnny.
You've changed your mind.

There were homesteaders

and their women
in that line.

The women, they were
young like you.

But they were old,

I can't do this
to you.

Johnny, I wouldn't care.

I love you too much.

Does that
make sense?


But I think I know
what you mean.

You better go now.

As you say.


I'll see if it's all right.

All right.

You weren't asleep.


I'd have said something
if I'd gotten the chance.

But it was too late.

I'm sorry.

It's all right.

At least I know now

why you turned
the rest of us down.

Are you gonna tell my father?

What do you think?

Thank you.

Johnny's a good man.

Sometimes I-

I almost wish
he weren't so good.

How does this
doo-ma-diddle go again?

Diagonal on
the black squares.

What's the word
you use

when you got
the other fellow whipsawed?


That's right, checkmate.

Want to play another?


Do you mean to say
this is the first time

you've ever played
this game?

Well, come to think of it,

I did winter up in Montana
with a German fellow

that was partial to the game.

I think we played
a round or two.

Heh. A round or two.

As a matter of fact,

we played solid

from the last of November
till March. Uh-huh.

Set 'em up again.

Why don't you
let bygones be bygones

and stay on?

Well, you're not
the easiest man in the world

to get along with, but-

I know.

My temper.
The curse of the Crowleys.

On the other hand,

I wouldn't want Taggart
to get the notion

that he'd run me off.

Good boy.
I knew you'd stay.

You haven't got any ideas
about me and Molly?

I swear.


Your move.

If it's none of my business,
say so and that's that, but...

what is it you've got against
the Mexican people?

My son Dan.

Nice-looking boy.

He was.

Good boy.

Oh, a little reckless,
you know.

But he would have settled down
and been a credit.

He never got
the chance.

That's too bad.

He got a bee in his bonnet.

Knew where he could get
some longhorns cheap

down in Chihuahua.

So I financed him,
gave him the cash.

He was m*rder*d for it.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Eighteen years

They brought him home
tied to the saddle

with a b*llet hole
in his back.

Did you find the man
that did it?

I k*lled the man who did it.

Dan's partner.
A Mexican.

After that, I hung up my g*ns.

It was g*ns and v*olence
that took Dan.

I'd had enough.

I see.

That's why.

Our friend Taggart's
an American.

That make all Americans bad?

Mexicans are different.

You can't trust 'em.

None of 'em.

I've heard Indians say that
about the white man.

It's something
I don't argue about.

It's your move.

Come in!

Well, what brings you
out here, Wade?

I think what you've been
waitin' for

finally came through.

Decided to bring it
over myself.

Well, I'm obliged
to you, marshal.

Ho-ho! There it is
in black and white.

Taggart's grant isn't worth
the match to burn it.

He's trespassing
on my property.

Well, that's what I call
real good news.


I'm gonna want
an eviction notice, marshal.

No, I don't think
you'll need that.

I'll just drop by
on my way into town

and tell him to get.

That might not be
as easy as it sounds.

Maybe a couple of us
ought to go along with you.

No, I think
I can handle it.

I don't know.

Taggart's men are gettin'
meaner by the minute.

They stopped Bodie here
pretty bad

the day
before yesterday.

I can sure testify to that.

Stomping a cowhand
is one thing,

but I don't think he's gonna
come up against the law.


you handle it whatever
way you think best,

but I still say that
you could use some company.

A bunch of us ride out there
loaded for bear,

somebody's gonna
get shot sure enough.

No, it's
a one-man job, Matt.

I think I'd better be
getting back.

Stay for supper?

No, thanks,
I've got to be home early.

Uh, choir tonight.

Here, you better
take this along

and show it to him.

There's nothing
to worry about, Matt.

Taggart's big, but...

he's not big enough
to declare w*r

on the territorial

Heh. The trouble is,
does he know it?

Ha, ha.
Well, so long.


I'm sorry.
But I had to see you.

What's the matter?

Tomorrow I am going away.

Going away? Where?

Does it matter?

The first road away from here.

Johnny, you can't.

I have to.

Last night, I could not sleep.

I walked through the hills
and found the answer.

And it is this:

there is no answer.

There has to be...

if you'd only wait.


That is what we have done.

And for what? A miracle?

Don't you see?

It is no use.

Please stay, Johnny.


For me?

It is for you I am going.

Huh. Someday a nice man
will come along.

A man like Cheyenne perhaps.

And you'll say,
"Bravo, Johnny Bravo?

"I think
I remember.

He worked here

Wait and see.

Johnny, please.

If you knew
how much I love you,

you couldn't say
what you just said.

Querida m?a...

lo siento much?simo.

But what can we do?

There is nothing.

You can't leave, Johnny.
Not without me.

I would wait, Molly.

I would stay.

But there would be
one condition:

I tell your father about us,

I should have
done it long ago.

No. It wouldn't help.

I know him.

It would only make
things worse.

They can't be worse.

All right,


Come in!

Boy, you are the luckiest
guy in this game

I ever saw
in my life.

Uh... What's
the matter?

I would like to
talk to you.

I talk to my hands at
the bunkhouse, not here.

Come on, let's play
another game.

I think
I'll be turning in.

Oh. Quit when
you're winning, eh?

Good night.

What is it?

Is the filly's
leg worse?

It is not
about the filly.

You better run along
to your room.

No, Dad.

What Johnny has to say
concerns me too.

What do you mean,
concerns you?

What do you mean?

Se?or Crowley,

there is something
I think you should know.

For a long time now,

Molly and I are in love
with each other.

In love?

With you?

Is it so terrible?

You can't be.

He's lyin'.

My family settled
this country

200 years before
the Anglos came.

The blood in my veins
is as good as yours,

if not better.

Get out of here.

Or so help me,
I'll k*ll you.

Dad, Johnny's
telling you the truth.

Get out of here.

Get off my land.

If I see your face tomorrow,

I'll sh**t you dead.

If Johnny goes, I go.
I'm going to marry him.

I'll see him
dead first.


Stay out of this.

It's none of
your business.

I think you'd be sorry
if anybody got hurt.

All right.

I'm all right.

Looks like we're gonna
have visitors.


How many of 'em?

There's two.

And seemed like another one

trailing about
a quarter of a mile behind.

Only three?

Why, that's
almost insultin'.

Could you make 'em out?

First two looked like Crowley
and that big guy.

Go get the boys.

Now, I call that unmannerly.

Alightin' afore
you're invited to.

I seen times when
a man was shot for less.

I'm a little surprised
to see you.

Didn't you get enough
the other day?

I got just about
all I plan to take.

That so?


I'm giving you one hour
to get off my land.

You're what?

You heard me,

Sixty minutes, starting now.

You been out in the sun
without your hat, Crowley?

Come riding in here telling me
to get off my own land?

You don't make good sense.

I meant what I said.

What makes you think
we won't g*n you both down,

right where
you stand?

Because every hand
on my ranch

knows where we are
and why we're here.

If anything
happens to us,

they'll have
the whole territory

against you
by morning.

You're not
that stupid.

Seems like he's trying
to tell us

it's against the law to sh**t
a couple of trespassers.

This is my land,
and you know it.

You saw the notice
from Santa Fe.

Oh, I haven't seen any notice.

You heard of any notice?

I'm talking about

the letter Marshal Arnett
showed you last night.

Oh, the marshal.

Haven't seen him
in a long time.

How is he?

You know how he is.
You k*lled him.

All I know is you
and your friend came ridin'

on my property
without permission,

armed and lookin'
for trouble.

I've had about enough
of your company.

There's the road out.

You got your neck
in this too, Cheyenne.

Should we turn and ride out?

It's probably
a real good idea, Matt.

But I don't think
we'd get very far, do you?

No. I don't think so.

You made a big mistake,

you should have let
that g*n hang

right where
it was.

Where's my father?

I'm sorry, ma'am,
I don't know.

He's gone to Tamarac,
hasn't he?

Come on out!

You come on in!

Se?or Crowley.

You won't need that, se?or.
I've come to help you.

Help me? You?

Let us get out
of here.

It's no use.

Will you get out of here
before the roof falls in.

Come on. We are both
going out of here.


Is he badly hurt?

Russ, get a doctor

and bring a buckboard
quick as you can.




Don't try to talk, Dad.

You're gonna be all right.

I'm not.

But you are.