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07x06 - Big and Brent / Silence of the Whams

Posted: 07/28/23 09:01
by bunniefuu
Pbs kids opens
worlds of possibilities

For all children

Thanks to pbs stations
and viewers like you.

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
dubious and conspire.

Another exciting day
in the city.




I'm so bored!

Call up
your brother brent.

You haven't seen him
in forever.

Brent? No!

What's he gonna do,
stand there

And be handsome
and successful around me?

I don't want to hang
around with him!

Chuck, call
your brother!


[Cell phone ringing]

Hello. Brent
the handsome, successful,

sandwich making guy's phone.

Brent speaking.

Brent, it's chuck.

Hey, chuck!
So great to
hear from you!

Mom told me
to call and ask
you to hang out.

You want to go
see a movie,

Or if you don't want,
that'd be good.

Oh, chuck,
I'd really love to,

But I'm actually out
miniature golfing
with a friend.

Eh, that's too bad.


Ahh. Glad I got out
of that one.

Hey, chuck. I wasn't
trying to eavesdrop,

But you haven't
hung up the phone.

You know, if you
wanted to come
join us--


Now he hangs up.

Wait a minute.
Brent's hanging
out with somebody

Who isn't me?

Since when does he
have another friend?

Wh-what, does he
think this guy is
cooler than me?

We'll see about that.

Narrator: meanwhile
at the mini golf course...

All right,
that's wrapped up.



What are you doing?

Sorry, word girl.

I'm just gonna go
look for my brother,
all right?


Seems like you're looking
for trouble, chuck.

Think I'll
just take this,

Thank you very much.


And, chuck, get your
car out of here.

You're ruining
the green.

Ok. Hold
the mayo, brent!

Who's this friend
that's so cool

You can't hang out
with your brother?

And he better
not be handsome!

Hey. I tried
to invite you.
I asked--

Hellloooo, chuck.

Mr. Big?

Brent! You're hanging out
with a villain

Who isn't me?

Brent, allow me.

Now, chuck, I may have
a dubious past,

But brent and I are
just here to have fun!

We aren't conspiring
to commit some crime!

No. Something's
off here!

Why would anyone want
to hang out with you
instead of me?

Oh, here we go.

I'm just happy
to have the chance

To pick the mind
of the man who invented

Crustless bread.

Enough! I see
what's going on here.

Brent, you're
under mind control!

How dare you!

Word girl!

[Bob squeaks]

Yeah, let's see that.

I heard it was
really good, too.

Chuck, distant:
word girl!

Word girl, I need
my condiment ray back now!

Ohh. Hold our spot.
I'll be right back.

Don't worry,

Help is on the way.

Oh, brother.

Chuck, I don't need
any hel--


Thank me
later, brent.

All right.
What's the problem here?

Thank goodness
you're here!

Let's get him!

Um, ok. For what?

I've done nothing
wrong, word girl.

Charles here
is clearly dubious

About my new friendship
with brent,

But I assure you--

Wait. What does
dubious mean?

Ah. Well, dubious means
you're not sure

If you believe
something or not.

You're dubious
when mr. Big says

He's not up
to anything

Because he has
a villainous past.

That's right, word girl!

He's obviously
mind-controlling my brother!

Take him away!

Chuck, I'm not doing
anything wrong.

Brent, what's going on?

You don't look very

I'm not.

There's nothing
dubious here, word girl.

You know, I think
chuck is upset

Because he wanted to
hang around with me.

I don't want to hang
around with you,

But you should
want to hang around
with me!

I do want to--

Thank you,
word girl.

Now if you'll
excuse us,

The giant
mechanical clown
is calling.

Mu ha ha!
Mu ha ha!
Mu ha ha!

Ok. Maybe you're not
under mind control.

You just don't want
to mini golf with me

Because I always get
the high score!

Have fun
with your dubious friend.


Chuck, what's
going on here?

I'm letting brent
know I should
be the one

He hangs out with,
not mr. Big

Or anybody else.

Can't you just
arrest them both?

What? No!

It's not like they're
conspiring to commit

Some big crime.

Mr. Big: hole in one!
Way to go, bro!

Yeah! Whoa!

Grr! Whatever!
I don't need brent!

I can have fun
on my own.

Mu ha ha!
Mu ha ha!
Mu ha ha!

I heard
this was good.

Man, scottish accent:
that dubious guy
I thought was my friend

Turned out
to be bad news.

I'm begging you, brother,
can you ever forgive me?

Second man:
hey. What are
brothers for?

See, that's the
way it should be!


Oh! I don't believe it.

Brent and mr. Big?

Oh, please!

But brent couldn't
come see this with me?

I heard this was
really good.

Hey, out there!
Could you please
keep it down

And listen
to the movie?

Maybe you could
learn something!

Chuck, is that you?

That's it!
Oh, word girl!

What, chuck?

Oh, that was quick.

Brent and mr. Big
followed me here,

And they're
trying to ruin
the movie for me!

Oh, that's rich!

You think we've spent
all day conspiring

To ruin your time?

I might be
thinking that!

Word girl, what
does conspire mean?

To conspire means
to plan together
to get something done...

oh, sorry.

Usually with a sinister
or evil goal.

So, yes, you think
mr. Big and brent
have conspired

To ruin
the movie for you...

Because you think
they came in here

With a plan
to do just that.


Mr. Big:
dubious notion, chuck.
We're not--

during the movie?

Arrest that man,
word girl!

Well, we're
all here.

Can we not--

You guys
made me miss

The feel-good
buddy movie
of the year!

Ha! Come on, brent.

Let's go talk
important business guy stuff.

Tell me more about
your pickle-scented napkins.




Chuck, what
are you doing?

I mean, don't you
want to hang around
with brent?

No, I don't.

Whatever. There's
no way mr. Big
is more fun than me.

I'm gonna make brent
wish he stuck
with the chuck!





Chuck, distant:
word girl!

Ugh. This is ridiculous.



Who does brent
think he is,

Going off,
making friends,

Leaving his brother

Chuck, you have to realize
brent is going to
make friends

With other people
who aren't you.

He's your brother.

You should just
talk to him.


Hey, brent.

I kind of lost it earlier,
and I'm sorry.

When I saw you
with mr. Big,

I felt like
I'd been replaced!

Oh, not talking to me.
Real nice, brent.

I try to be the bigger,
more mature guy, and--

Well, time
is money, brent,

So let's get a move
on with--oh! You!

So you've
found me out.

You were
right to think
something dubious

Was going on, chuck,

But it wasn't
your brother
and me conspiring

To make you feel
left out.

I knew that
the whole time!

Well, most
of the whole time.

I like to be honest.

Yes, well, now
that I have brent
under mind control,

I can force him
to tell me all
of his secret recipes.

Soon I'll put him
out of business!

[Door opens]

No! Brent, don't do it!

Word girl!

Chuck, distant:
word girl!

Ohh. Another
dubious call for help.

Well, not this time,

No way.

Brent, don't do it!

Word girl,
where are you?!

Recipe for brent's
famous peanut butter...

Don't worry, brent!

Mix cups peanuts...

Your baby brother's
gonna save the day!

And the final
top-secret step

To making
my famous crustless bread...

Take the loaf
of bread...

And cut off the--



Mr. Big, distant:
what are you doing?!



What have you done
to my fabulous home?!

Take him away,
word girl!

Don't listen
to him, word girl.

Chuck saved me.


Really. He uncovered
mr. Big's plan

To use mind control
on me.

Mr. Big: well, I'm glad you
guys worked that out,

So I'll just be heading
out the door here,

And I'll--

Get him!


Hee hee hee! Yeah!

Way to go, chuck!

You'll be billed
for this.

Wow, chuck.
Thanks to you
and mustard,

I see my now see
my former friend

As he truly is,
really not
a friend at all.

Heh heh heh. Yeah.
Oh, no problem.
I enjoyed it.

Well, now that
I'm freed up,

Do you want to
take my company's
rocket to the moon?


I kind of just wanted
to go finish
that movie with you.


What are brothers for?

I heard that
in a movie once.

Narrator: and with mr. Big's
dubious intentions exposed,

All is well.

So the next time you
and your friends need

To conspire a plan
for a good time,

Look no further than
the next exciting episode

Of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured word
is flicker.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.

Emily, take it away!

Flicker means
to shine
with a light

That's always

That's right!

Nice work, emily!

You are today's--

One time, I was home,
and the lights started
to flicker.

I was sure it was
because there was
a ghost in the house.

A ghost?
There was?

Well, then the lights
went completely off.

I couldn't
see anything.

It was really scary.

And then I heard
a sound.

What was it?
It was my cat.

He'd been standing
on a cord,

Which is why
the lights flickered,
then went out.

So there wasn't
a ghost?


And what was
the point of the story?

I didn't have one.

Ok. Well,
congratulations, emily!

You are today's winner!

Huggy, show her
what she's won!

An official
"word girl" hoverboard!

Audience: ooh!

Ok, that's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Narrator: today's featured words
are fragile and burst.

It's another uneventful
but fairly nice day.

There's no rain
in the forecast,

And temperatures
are expected to stay--

Uh, would you mind
the episode now?

Sorry. There's a job as
a weatherman opening up
on a local news channel,

And I thought I'd take
the chance to get
a little practice in.

Well, there's
a time and a place, sir.

Ok, ok!

Word girl and captain huggy face
are patrolling the city

When all of a sudden...

Whammer, distant:

It's the museum,

Word up!

These vase-thingies
are whammin'!

And anything that's
whammin' belongs
to the whammer!

Hold it right there,

There'll be
no whamming
while I'm around!

No whammin'?
Not even a little?

Like this?!

A wham, a wham, a wham,
wham wham wham wham!


Oh, no!

These incredibly fragile
glass vases

Are incredibly fragile.

Hence the name!


The whammer doesn't
know what that means!

Fragile means
that something
can break

If you're not
really careful.

It can fall
on the floor
and burst.

Like this? Ohh!

Wham wham wham,
wham wham wham!

Please don't!

Wham wham wham,
wham wham wham!

Maybe I wasn't
clear enough!

Maybe I should have called
this exhibit

"The incredibly fragile
incredibly fragile
glass vases

"Of the renaissance,
which are really

Very incredibly fragile."

That would just make
the whammer want to
wham more!

Bubble wrap!
Bubble wrap?



Oh, thank goodness!




[Huggy squeaks]

You're right, huggy!

The whammer

You can't get off
that easily, whammer.

Your whamming
days are over!

That's just it!

The whammer's
whamming days
are over!

The whammer has
lost his wham.

You've lost
your whamming powers?

But how did that happen?

The whammer
doesn't know.

What will
the whammer do now
that he can't wham?

This is perfect,

We can reform
the whammer.

Now we can help him
do something besides
committing crimes.


Whammer, how would
you like a job

At the grocery store?

I happen to know
they need a few baggers.

And the whammer
could wham all
the groceries.

No, no, no.
Whammer, remember?

You can't wham anymore.

Oh. I forgot.

Narrator: and so word girl
takes the whammer

To the grocery store
under clear skies

With little chance
of precipitation
in the forecast.

Now does the whammer
put your groceries
in paper

Or in plastic?

Why, plastic,
you friendly

But strangely costumed
young man!

The whammer
likes this.

This is crammin'!

Stop! You're
crushing my eggs!

The whammer
can't stop!


Now the whammer
will be the crammer!

Cram, cram,
cram, cram.

♪ The crammer
loves to cram ♪

♪ He loves to,
loves to cram ♪

Cram, cram,
cram, cram.

♪ Cram, cram, cram,
cram, cram, crammin' ♪

Oh, no! My
dishwashing liquid
has burst,

And now bubbles
are going everywhere!

Wowie kazowie.
Look at all the bubbles.





What's wrong,

What happened
back there?

What scared you?

Um, nothing scares
the crammer,

the whammer.

He's just feeling...



Yeah, huggy. Fragile
can also refer
to someone's feelings

When they're
easily hurt.

If the whammer
can't wham

And the crammer
can't cram,

What can
the whammer crammer do?

I love that riddle.

You know,
the county fair
is going on.

I'll bet we can find you
something non-criminal
to do there.


Narrator: it's sunny,
perfect degrees

With very little humidity

As word girl,
captain huggy face,
and the whammer arrive

At the county fair.

Well, whammer,
this seems like
a harmless enough job.

All you have to do
is ladle this jam
into that jar!

Well, technically
it's preserves,

But I call it
jam, too.

All right.

The whammer,
who was temporarily
the crammer,

Is now the jammer!

♪ Jammin', jammin',
jammin', jammin' ♪

♪ Jammin', jammin',
jammin' ♪





He got sacred again.


No, huggy.
He couldn't be
afraid of preserves

Or jam.




Narrator: temperatures
at the beaches are mild

With a soft offshore
breeze of knots.

Well, whammer--
um, jammer-crammer,

It looks like
you finally found
something you can do.

The jammer,
who was the crammer

After he was the whammer,
is now the clammer!

And there's nothing to
be afraid of here!



Except for something.

Let me think.

First, he ran out
of the museum when he
saw the bubble wrap.

Then he got scared
in the grocery store

When he saw the bubbles
from the dishwashing liquid.

Then he ran away
at the sight
of bubbling jam,

And here at the beach
when he saw the bubbles--



You're right!

For some reason
the whammer is afraid
of bubbles!

Heh, bubbles.

Maybe if we can
find out why,

We can get him to
conquer his fear.

You're just gonna
let that guy
take our stuff?

But i-i--

No. Come back!

Hey, whammer.

You know, I hate
to see you so
depressed like this.

The whammer
isn't de-pressed.

He's just questioning
his entire life

Now that he can't wham,
cram, jam, or clll-ammm.

Let me ask you

When were you first
afraid of bub--

No! Don't even say it!

Ok, ok. When
were you first
afraid of, um,

Well, you-know-what?


The whammer
was very, very young...

Time for your bath,
little whammer.


Wham! Wham! Wham!

Wham! Wham!

Whammer can't
wham bubbles!

Wham wham!

Whammer can't
wham bubbles!

The whammer
can't wham bubbles.

The whammer
can't wham bubbles.

The whammer
can't wham bubbles.

The whammer
can't wham bubbles.

The whammer doesn't
like bubbles.

Bubbles scary!


Good idea, huggy!

Whammer, look!

Bubbles are fun!

There's nothing
to be afraid of!


No! Bubbles are scary!


No. No, they're not.

Look. They're not
hurting captain
huggy face at all

Why don't you
try it yourself?

But can't wham bubbles.

Sure you can.

I mean, some bubbles
float away,

But every bubble
eventually bursts.

Um, the whammer is
a little unclear
on what bursting is.

Burst means
to break open
or explode suddenly,

Like, um, bubbles.


The bubbles burst.

The whammer might be
open to reassessing
his opinion!

See, you don't have to
be scared of bubbles!

The whammer doesn't
have to be scared
of bubbles!

♪ The whammer
loves bubbles ♪

♪ He loves them bubbles ♪

♪ Bubbles are
so whammin' ♪

♪ The whammin' bubbles ♪

♪ I love those bubbles ♪

♪ And them bubbles
love the wham ♪


Well, it looks like
we've reformed the whammer!

Now he can do any kind
of job without being
afraid of bubbles!


What do you mean
you don't want to
burst my bubble?


Hmm. I didn't think
of that, huggy!

The whammer might go back
to his old whamming ways.

Let's go find him.

Whammer, distant:
whammmm! Ohhh!

it's the whammer!

He's pulling
another crime!

Wham! Ohhhh!

Ah! Ha! The whammer
loves bubbles now!


And now the whammer
will have plenty
of bubbles to wham.



You're right.
If he likes
bubbles so much,

Let's give him
a super bubble!


Here's a bubble
for you to burst, whammer!

The whammer
has just begun to wham!


Wham! Wham! Wham!


Wow! That was
the whamminest bubble
I ever whammed!


Ohh. That was whammin'!

The whammer wants to
thank you, word girl,

For giving him
his wham back.

You're the whammer's
bestest wham whammer!


Oh, thanks?

You know what, huggy?

You're my
bestest whammer! Ha ha!

Narrator: ok.
Thank you, word girl,

For that on-the-scene report
from the bubble gum factory,

And now the weather.

As a high-pressure system
moves in from--

Could you just
end the episode,

Um, ok. Good thing my ego's
not fragile.

Be sure to tune in
for the next


Of the unbreakable
"word girl."

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello, I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Emily, you correctly
defined the word flicker.

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Yes, I am,
mr. Handsome.


Take a look at these
pictures and tell me

Which one shows
the definition for flicker.

Ok. Give it
a shot, emily!

I'm pretty sure
it's number one.

The torches on
the wall appeared to
be really flickering.

That's what flames do.

They look like
they're getting
brighter and darker,

Brighter and darker,
brighter and darker--

Got it, got it, right.
Ok, emily.

That's right!

Which means you're
our bonus round winner.

Show her what
she's won, huggy.

An official "word girl"
non-hovering skateboard.


Well, that's our show.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes

And test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Wooooord up!