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07x10 - Go Gadget Go / Emergency Plan #999

Posted: 07/28/23 09:04
by bunniefuu
Pbs kids opens
worlds of possibilities

For all children

Thanks to pbs stations
and viewers like you.

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
brainstorm and gadget.

Whenever there's trouble,
we can always count

On our favorite superhero
to fly into action!

Word girl!

Worrrrrd up!

Stand back, word girl,
or I'm gonna zap you
with my cheese zapper!

Is that right?

Not before I erase you
with my giant eraser!

Yeah, your
giant eraser.

Um, tj, um, how
would that work?

I mean, you can't
just erase somebody.

I'm president
of the international
word girl fan club,

And I think
it's a great idea.

I think it's, um,
a great idea.

I just don't know
if it's a great idea.

Johnson, are you
my authority?

No! I'm not
your authority.

Ok. I'm kind of
your authority.

Narrator: meanwhile...

Tj, distant:
listen to me,

You're wrong!
Wrong, wrong!

You're wrong!
Wrong, wrong!

Johnson, will you
listen to me?!

Will you listen
to me?!

You know, sometimes
I really wish

I didn't have
super hearing.


Admit it, johnson.

Giant eraser--
great idea
for a gadget.

You admit it.

I will not admit it,
especially because

I don't even know
what a "gadget" is!

Well, I'll tell
you if you just
stop arguing.

Word girl!

Word girl!

Look. A gadget is
a device or tool
that you use

To do something.

Hey, word girl,
what do you think
about a giant eraser

That could just
erase the bad guys?



Oh, like you have
better ideas?

Like yo--i have
better ideas,

But maybe I just don't
want to tell them
to you right now.

Yeah, I have an idea that
you don't have any ideas.

I don't--i don't have
any ideas.

If I had some time
to think!

Word girl: ok, ok,
uh, let's see.

Here's what
we're going to do.

We'll hold
a competition,

And you'll have
one day to build

A new gadget for me.

Tomorrow we'll
meet back here,

And I'll try them
both out.

Then I'll pick
the best one. Ok?

Yes! I'm totally
gonna win.

You're totally
gonna win--

I'm gonna tot--aah!

Finally, some
peace and quiet.

Becky! Becky!

Listen to this idea
for a gadget--

An electric toothbrush
that sh**t toothpaste!

And why would word girl
need a toothbrush

To fight crime?

Hello? So she can fight
criminals and cavities

All at the same time!

Word girl whacks
the plaque!

Oh, she's gonna
love it!

Uh, ok, but I still
think you should sit down

And brainstorm
a little more.


And no, a brainstorm
does not involve brains

Raining down
from the sky.

I knew that.

Even though it
would be pretty cool.

When you brainstorm,
you take time to think

Really hard and try to
come up with new ideas.

Eh, I don't need
to brainstorm.

My brain already has
tons of great ideas.

Like an electric
that sh**t...



I bet nobody else would
ever think of that.

Eh, that's for sure.

What about
a toothbrush...

That,**t pudding?!

Great idea, huh?


Ok. You could have
put that...better.

I'm never gonna think
of a good gadget

For word girl.

W-w-w-w-word girl?

Sorry, tobey,
but it's a competition

For fan club
members only.

Tomorrow word girl's
gonna try out the gadgets

And pick the winner.

Boy, it's a shame
I can't enter
that competition.

I'm sure I could
think of a gadget
that word girl

Would most
definitely love.

You would think
of a gadget that word girl

Would most definitely love,
like what?

Well, uh--

No, wait.
Don't tell me.

I should probably think
of the idea on my own.

What if I helped
you think of it?

We could brainstorm

Nobody would know
I helped you.

Oh! You'd do that
all for me?

That is really
nice of you.

Now begin
the brainstorming montage!

Word girl: ok, tj, johnson.

It's now time to
unveil your gadgets

And see who wins.

I'll tell you
who's gonna win--me.

Uh, what is it?

Echh! Hey!

Pretty amazing, huh?

Yeah. Ahem.
I'm definitely amazed.

Um, why don't we see
what gadget johnson
came up with?

Yeah! Why don't we
see what gadget

Johnson came up with?


Johnson, what is that?

This is
a robotic supersuit

That'll make
you stronger
and faster

Than ever before.


What? Wait a second.
You built that?

Ha ha ha.
Pretty amazing, huh?

I want to try it on.

Wow! This really
is amazing.

Mine gives pudding.

Aha! That means word girl
has put on my supersuit.

Little does she know--

Little do any
of them know--

It's a super trap!

Now I can turn word girl
into my very own robot!

Ha ha ha!

Um, johnson, don't take
this the wrong way,

But did you really build
this all by yourself?

Um, well...


Word girl, wait!

You didn't tell us
who won!

Word girl: whoa!

Oh, no!

I think this supersuit
is out of control!

Actually, the suit is
perfectly in control.

My control.


Yes, word girl!

I brainstormed
the perfect plan.

I tricked johnson
into letting me build
that gadget,

And now that
you're inside it,

I have full control
over you.

Watch this!

Tobey, I'm not one
of your robots.


Let me try something.

Hey! Stop that!

Ha ha! I can control
your every movement!

You're not going to get
away with this, tobey.

Oh, yes, I am.

In fact, we're going
to get away together!

Oh, thank you, word girl.

Ah, paris...

The most magic city
in the world.

Isn't it delightful,
being here with me?

Not really.

Well, unfortunately,
it doesn't matter

What you say
because now

I can control
what you do!

[Metal grinding]



Oh, word girl,
how sweet of you!

No, i-i-i didn't
do it. Ohh! Tobey!

Heh heh heh!

Word girl, I always
knew you liked me

But not this much!

Someone's got to
get me out of here.

Yes, as you can see
behind me,

It has become clear
to everyone--

Word girl has
a totally super huge crush

On boy genius
tobey mccallister.

Uh, uh-oh.

That's not right.

Tj, I swear!
I swear!

I didn't know this
was going to happen!

Tobey! Tobey tricked me!

Tobey tricked me!

Tobey? You let tobey
build your gadget?

Johnson, I don't
know what to say.

You betrayed
word girl,

You betrayed me,

And you betrayed
word girl fan club.

Hand me your
membership card.

S-s-sorry, tj.

So am i, johnson.

Sorry I have
to do this.

Unh, do this. Unh.

Sorry. Have to--unh!

Why won't this
thing tear?

Tj, it's l-laminated.

Stay right here.

I'm going to get some
scissors and a grownup

To supervise me while
I use the scissors.

Wait! What if we went
to tobey's house?

To use tobey's

No. Maybe we can stop him
and save word girl!

Nice brainstorm,

To our bicycles!

To our bicycles!

[Ding ding]


Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

This can't go on
forever, tobey.

Oh, but it shall.

I'll keep brainstorming
new ways for you to show

Everyone how much you--

Oh, hello chums.

Is there a problem?

Tobey, let word girl
out of that suit or else...

Huh? Hey!



You really tried
to sh**t me with pudding?

Ha ha ha!

Well, I guess I'm glad
it didn't get

On my remote control.

It would've been ruined.

Then it looks like
I'll be "pudding"--

Ha ha, right--
you out of business.




Tj, I don't believe it!

Your gadget actually
saved the day!


Yeah. Tj, I'm sorry
I got us into this mess.

It's ok, buddy.

your card back.

You earned it.

I'll cherish it

Narrator: and so this ends
another episode--

Wait! No way!

Now go ahead.

Narrator: thank you.

And so this ends another
episode of "word girl."

Hey. The next time
you're brainstorming
ways to have fun,

Pick up that gadget you
call a remote control

And tune in
for another exciting episode

Of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player who
correctly defines today's

Featured word will win
a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured word
is apprehend.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.

Yes? Tommy!

Apprehend means to
dress like a pirate

Like captain tangent
in that last scene

Or like me
this past halloween.

Check it out!

I'm sorry.
That's incorrect!

I did too dress
like a pirate!

No. I mean, the definition
you gave for apprehend
is incorrect.

I'm not following.

Yes, phil!

Apprehend means to
capture and take to jail.

In all those clips,
the police

Were apprehending
the bad guys.

Congratulations, phil!

You are today's winner!

Huggy, show him
what he's won!

An official captain tangent
pirate costume!


Audience: ooh!

That seems a bit

Well, that's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: today's featured words
are courageous and stunt.

Just another peaceful
saturday afternoon

At the botsfords'.

I think I spoke too soon.

Hey, g*ng!

Guess what time it is!

Time to read
my book.

Time to study
my flashcards.

Time for
my crossword puzzles.

Ha ha ha!

No, no, and no.

It's piñata time!



First we'll make
the piñata.

Then we can celebrate
by smashing it to bits!

that's nice, dad,

But I'm really
enjoying my book.

Sorry, dad.
I've got to keep studying
these flashcards.

Sad dad.


You know what,

I think making
a piñata

Sounds like
a great idea,

And so do the kids.

We do?
We do?

Yes, you do.

Yes, we do.

Yes, we do.

That's my awesome family!


Hey. What are you
studying there, tj?

I made these flashcards
that show all

Of word girl's
emergency plans.

You know, the special
moves she uses

To defeat
the bad guys.

But there's
of her emergency plans.

I mean, that's
quite a stunt!

Picture this
situation, becky.

Word girl needs to
remember all of her
emergency plans

For some battle.

She forgets one.

Who's there to
help her out?

Tj botsford,
courageous super-fan.

Sorry, tj,
but I think you're
wasting your time.

No way, no how
is any villain
going to make

Word girl remember
each and every one

Of her
emergency plans.

We're going to make
word girl remember

Each and every one
of her emergency plans!

See? I've got
a notebook with all
of word girl's moves

From plan
through plan !

Ooh. That's a lot
of emergency
plans, boss.

Exactly! And while word girl
is taking a long time

each and every one,

You two will be busy
cracking the safe
in the museum.

You really thought this
plan through, didn't you?

This is a complicated
criminal stunt we're
about to pull off!

Of course I thought
it through!

And what is it we're
stealing again?

How long have you
been my henchman?

You still have to
ask what we're
trying to steal?

It's cheese, isn't it?

How'd you guess?,
But not just
any cheese!

Rare swedish

The most expensive
cheese in the world!

Another funny
cheese name. Ha ha ha!

So, boss, how exactly
are you going to keep

Word girl busy while
me and charlie

Are cracking the safe?

We are going to be
playing a little game
with word girl,

A game called
"name that plan"!

Narrator: later back
at the botsfords'...

Ok. Time to start
painting this piñata!

Sally, tj, give me
a hand with the paint.

Hold her steady, you two!

♪ Team effort ♪

Woman on tv: we interrupt
"the giraffe whisperer"

To bring you
this news bulletin.

Uh-oh. This
sounds important.

Dr. Two brains is
attempting to steal

The museum's newest
cheese exhibit,

A collection of priceless
swedish vastorgrotten--


Vastor--could I take
that from the top?


Come on! We're live here,
and I'm taking it all!

If only a courageous
superhero would come
and save the day.

And that's my cue.

Hey, guys.
I just remembered
that i...

Left my backpack...
Somewhere that
isn't here.

So I'm going to
go find it now. Bye!

Missing backpack alert!

Good luck
finding it, honey!

Word girl: word up!

Where's two brains?!

Right here!
Ha ha ha!

Well, folks, I see
our lucky contestant
has arrived!

Welcome, word girl,
to "name that plan"!

What is all this?

This is
"name that plan"!

Yeah, but why bring
a whole game show set
to a crime scene?

You'll see once we
start playing
"name that"--

"Plan." Sorry, two brains.
I'm not in the mood
for silly games.



And you just
lost your monkey.

Big red button!

Oh, you'll never burst
my bubble, word girl.

You're just going to
have to play along
with our little stunt.

Ok. What sort of game
are we playing anyway?

A memorization game!

I'll ask you to remember
all of your own
emergency plans.

You get every one right,
you can take me and my
henchmen off to jail.

You've got to
be kidding me.

And if I get one wrong?

If you get one wrong,
we drop your sidekick

Into the goop t*nk!

[Goop bubbling]

You wouldn't!

I would!
Evil surprises!

Heh heh.
So let us begin!

Ok, word girl.
Here's your first video.

Robot, tobey, huggy.

That's emergency plan
number !

Correct. Continue.

You're going to make me
remember all of them?

Yeah. Our show is
"name that plan."

That's sort of
the point.

More to go.
Heh heh heh.

Oh, boy.

There you have it, folks.

Can word girl
remember them all?

Could anybody
remember them all?

That's it!

If only I had the help
of a courageous citizen

Who happens to know all
of my emergency plans.

Ooh! Me! Me!

I happen to know all
of your emergency plans.

So if you're out there,
tj botsford,

Please hurry down
to the museum
and help me out!

Huh? Word girl needs me!

Mom, dad, I just
remembered I also
left my backpack...

Near becky's.

missing backpack?!

These backpacks
just have a mind
of their own!

That's emergency
plan number !

Correct! Continue.


Correct again.


You're on fire!

What's your answer?

Get it right,
or I goop the monkey.

No pressure.
I know, I know.

It's on the tip
of my tongue.

Oh, boy.
This is a toughie.


Don't worry, word girl.
Help has arrived!

Hold it!
Who's this kid?

This is tj botsford.

He's going to help
me play the game.

Yeah, well this is
a closed set.

No friends.

But it's a game show,

And don't they
sometimes let a friend

Help you out?

Ooh. She's
right, boss.

Some game shows
let you do that.

Ok. Fine, whatever!
The kid can stay.

It's not like he spent
the last few weeks

each and every one

Of your
emergency plans.

Heh heh.
He'd have to
use flashcards.

Yeah. That would be
so silly, right?

Yeah, silly.

Great! So, tj, which
emergency plan is that?

Easy. .


Right on!



Where did this
kid come from?!

He's ruining
my stunt!

What's a stunt again?

A stunt is an amazing
or impressive feat.

It's something
tricky you do to
impress people.

My know-it-all sister
keeps using that word.


Too bad becky
and tj both lost
their backpacks.

I was looking forward
to doing this project
as a family.

I know.

Well, hopefully we can
still have fun

the piñata together.

Sally, I was sad
for a second,
and now I'm not!

All that's left is to
fill it up with candy.

Reporter: thanks, sue.

We're back at the scene
of word girl's latest battle,

Where a courageous young boy
named tj botsford

Is helping word girl defeat
dr. Two brains.


Tj might be in danger!

What's that?
Tj might be
a stranger?

Honey? I sure picked the wrong
day to make a piñata

With my whole family.

Two brains: ok, this is
the final question.

If you tell
me the number
of this emergency plan,

You get your
sidekick back.

And I take you to jail.

Uh, yeah, that too.

Emergency plan number...


Yay. Looks like we
have a winner.

We did it, tj!


Ok, two brains.
We beat you fair and square.

Time to lower
that bubble.

Fair? Square?

You thought I was
going to play fair?

And square!

Well, that's
what you said.

Yeah, I say
a lot of stuff.

Getting close,

We'll be right back!

Sally: tj!

Mama's here to save you!

I don't need saving.

I just saved
word girl!

Oh, oh!

But now I'm in danger
of letting two brains

Get away unless we can
think up a way to get

Past his
impenetrable bubble.

Any ideas?

Um, think
of a way to lure
two brains out?

Maybe try a piece
of unusual cheese?

Something he's
never tasted before.

That's it!
I'll be right back!

Dad--i mean, citizen
of the city,

I need your help!

Aah! With what?

Well you'll be dealing
with dr. Two brains,

So you'll need
to be courageous.


Oh, uh, if you're

It means you do
something that's

Even though
you're afraid.

If word girl needs
tim botsford to be

Then tim botsford
will be courageous!

Great. Because it's time
for emergency plan
number !

Almost there, boss.

Come on! Hurry
before word girl finds

Some way capture us!

[Tim grunting]

Be courageous...

Be courageous.

Ahem. Cheese delivery
for a mr. Two brains!

That's dr. Two brains,

And I didn't
order anyth--

Ooh. Wait a sec.

Is that a giant wheel
of cheese?

Why, yes.
This is the finest cheddar

From the distant
land of botsfordia.

Ooh. Botsfordia.

Sounds exotic.

Ooh. I must try
a piece.


Aah! Word girl!

Say hello to emergency plan
number ! Ha!

This isn't the last game
you and I will play,

Word girl!

And next time,
no expert kids allowed!

Nice work,
botsford family!

Our stunt worked.


So I guess we got
to work together
as a family after all.

Heh. I just happened
to see you battling

Dr. Two brains
on the news.

You guys were
so courageous!

Yeah, I guess my
flashcards really did
come in handy.

I have to admit, tj,
you did save the day.

Actually, all of you
helped save the day!

I'm just so glad
you both found
your backpacks!

Our backpacks!

and so all is well!

Be sure to tune in
next time and watch

Our courageous hero pull
off more incredible stunts

On the next exciting
episode of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is

The bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance

To play for
even greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Phil, you
correctly defined
the word apprehend.

Ready to play
the bonus round?

All right.

Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for apprehend.

Ok. Give it
a shot, phil!

I think it's number one.

It looks like the police
are apprehending

The amazing rope guy.

That's correct!

Which means you're
our bonus round winner.

Huggy, show him
what he's won.

An official
captain tangent pirate ship!

Uh, how am I supposed
to get it home?

No idea!
See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes

And test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Wooooord up!