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08x03 - News Girl/Diorama Drama: The Scene of the Crime

Posted: 07/28/23 10:19
by bunniefuu
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[Theme music playing]

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains,
here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ Then throw some
mighty words your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Announcer: listen for the words
"details" and "expose."

Just another
ordinary school day--

Students preparing
for class to begin,

Ms. Davis writing
on the board,

Space monkey juggling
a globe with his feet, until...

Hi. I'm rose franklin.
I'm the new girl at school.

[Students gasp]

Welcome to
our school, rose.

We're so pleased
to meet you.

Thank you, ms. Davis.

For now, let's have
you sit next to...

Becky, while I dig up
some supplies for you.




My name
is becky.

Oh. Hi.


Hi, becky. Word
on the street is

sitting next
to the new girl.

Care to share
any details
about her?

If you want details,
why not go straight
to the source?

This is my friend todd ming.
We call him scoops.

That's right.

He writes for the school
newspaper, "the daily rag."

They call me scoops.
She said that.

Well, hi, scoops.
I'm rose franklin,

And I just moved here
from freeport city.

My dad worked at
the pretzel factory there.

But now he works at the pretzel
factory in this city.

for the details.

You really covered
the who, what,

Where, when,
and why.

Ha. Maybe you
could be a reporter
like me someday.

Actually, I'm
already a reporter,

An investigative reporter.

An investigative

Yeah. That means
I dig up clues

And chase down leads.

A regular reporter
usually just types stuff up

About normal everyday stuff.


Rose, my nickname
is scoops

Because my stories expose
new and important information.

In the newspaper biz,

We call that
getting the scoop.

If all I did
was type stuff up,

My nickname would be
"type stuff up," but it isn't.

My nickname is scoops,

As I believe
I have mentioned.


Oh, no. I didn't mean
to offend scoops.

I can tell by his questions
he's a good reporter.

Scoops is a good
reporter and

So I don't think
he'll stay mad.

Just be careful
you don't offend
jared over there.

His nickname
is grudges.



Announcer: later...

I was thinking
we should ask rose

To hang out with us
this afternoon.

What do you think?

Rose. Ha!

I could call myself
an investigative

if I wanted to.

I just happen to have
a different way

Of exposing the truth
to my readers.

I'm sure she didn't
mean to offend you.

Let's give her
another chance.

Hi, rose.
We were wondering

If you wanted to
hang out with us today.

It'll probably be weird
and boring and awkward,

But if you still
want to, that's fine.

Why would it be
weird and boring
and awkward?

Oh, no. He probably
just means...

He doesn't know if we
have anything in common.

Well, scoops and I
are both dedicated

So we have that
in common.

Oh, really?

I thought I was just
a crummy old

"Type stuff up" reporter.

All I meant
by that was

We probably have
different ways

We expose the truth
to our readers.

We don't have
anything in common.

[Music playing]

Wow! A new
business in town.

If I can dig up
enough details,

I'll write an article
about them for tomorrow's paper.

Looks like
a new barbershop.



Oh, no!


I mean, "oh, now,"

As in, oh,
now we'll have

Some new hairstyles
to choose from.


Does becky always
act funny like that?

Nah. It's nothing.

And even if it is

It's probably not a detail
that's worth investigating.

Should I try
a buzz cut?


Announcer: meanwhile,
across town,

In the city's bustling
light bulb district,

The energy monster is going
absolutely zappers!

What are we
gonna do, huggy?




What a victory,
word girl.

Can I get a comment
for "the daily rag"?

You sure can.
How about,

Looks like
the energy monster

Had an energy

That's your comment?

Uh, no, of course not.

I meant to say
that, um...

We really pulled the plug
on the energy monster.

Or something like that.

I have to go.


I can't hear you.
I'm flying away.

Oh. Hi, guys.
What did I miss?

Why, you missed
word girl

Shocking it
to the energy

I did?

No, you didn't.

Why do you say that?

Because you're
word girl.

W-w-wait. What?

Word girl?

Come on, becky.
The clues are everywhere.

You look the same.
You sound the same.

Whenever word girl
shows up,
you disappear.

You even both have
a monkey sidekick.


Rose, I don't know
how you got the idea

That I'm word girl,

But I'm telling you,
it's preposterous,

Absurd, ridiculous,

I mean, no,
that's not true.

Uh, becky's
right, rose.

You'd need
a lot of details

Before you could
possibly report

A story
like that.

What do you
mean details?

Details? Oh.

Details are all the small
pieces of information

That help us understand
a bigger idea.

Oh, I walked
right into that one.

All right.
I'll get more details.

And when I do,
I'm going to expose

Word girl's
secret identity.

What am I going
to do, scoops?

I know how
you feel, becky.

I mean, rose exposing
the word girl story,

Even though I knew
the truth first?

It's just not fair!


Oh, no!

Without conveyor belts,

We'll have to salt
all the pretzels by hand!

All right, sparky.

Time to shut you
down for good.


Great. Rose.

And she has
a camera!

The energy monster
has never felt stronger.

There's got to be a way
we can slow her down.


That's it, huggy!

Maybe some vigorous exercise
will tire her out.

Hey, energy monster!

Hey, rose, isn't it great
to have a hero

Like word girl protecting
the pretzel factory?

It sure is, dad.

But you're
blocking my shot.

Thanks, word girl.

Come on, huggy.

Looks like the coast
is clear.

Rose: gotcha.

And now I've got
the proof I need

To expose
word girl.

Please, rose,
don't expose me.

When you expose something,
it means you uncover it

And leave it without
any protection.

And I really don't want that
to happen to bob and me.

I'm sorry, becky,
but the public

Has a right
to know the truth.

Rose: I've got
the scoop, scoops.

All the important
details are here,

Even pictures
from the pretzel factory

That will finally expose
word girl's identity.

Hmm. I've got to
hand it to you, rose.

You're a great reporter.

Investigative reporter.

You did miss one
little detail, though.

Word girl is constantly
putting herself

In danger
to protect our city.

If the villains knew
her secret identity,

Do you think they'd let
her live a normal life?

Probably not, but--

And if it wasn't
for word girl,

Your dad would be
stuck at the
pretzel factory

Salting pretzels
by hand all day
and night.

Ok. You've got a point.
And I do appreciate

Everything word girl
has done for the city

And for my dad.

And don't forget what
she's done for you.

For me?

Not word girl.

She went
out of her way

To help you fit
into a strange
new place.

She even got me
to like you.


Ah. Now, this is
your chance

To do something
nice for becky.

Mmm. I don't know.

I still think a reporter
should report the news,

No matter what.

And word girl's secret identity
is definitely news.

I don't know what to do.

You've got two more hours
until your deadline.

So think about it.

But I hope
you decide on a story

That will do the most
good for our city.

Announcer: the next day
at school...

Extree! Extree!
Shocking front-page news!

Oh, I can't look.
You do it, bob.


Oh, no! Rose did it!
She exposed...

The new barbershop?


You didn't expose
my true identity.

How can I ever
thank you?

Thank scoops.
He helped me understand

That keeping word girl's
identity a secret

Is what's best
for my new city...

And my new friend.

Oh, thanks, rose.

Hey, becky,

Unnamed sources
near the monkey bars

Are saying you're
considering changing
your hairstyle.

Care to comment?

I just have one thing
to say about that.

"The daily rag" is the greatest
newspaper on the planet!

Wow! That's
a great quote.

What does it
have to do with
a new hairstyle?

Nothing, I guess.
But if I ever do change my hair,

I promise "the daily rag"
will get the inside scoop.

Hey, that's great.

I'm glad I won't
have to change
my nickname.

I'm glad, too.

It's hard for me
to remember new names.

Oops. I probably
shouldn't have exposed

That detail
about myself.

And you probably should
tune in next time

For all the details

On another thrilling adventure
of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,
and this is...

All: "may I have
a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

All: "may I have
a word?"

Yes, you may. Today's
featured word is "binoculars."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.

[Theme music playing]


give it a shot.

Binoculars are a device
used to make things

That are far away
look bigger,

Like toby was doing
in that last clip.

That's correct!

Toby's binoculars
are very similar

To the pair I use
when I go bird watching.

I'm organizing
a trip this weekend.

Would any of you
like to come?

Imagine sitting motionless
in the middle of a field,

Completely silent,
waiting to get a quick glimpse

Of a bird that may
or may not show up.

I have
ballet class.

Me, too.
Me, too.

Don't worry.
I'll be sure to arrange

bird watching trip

That's convenient
for everyone.


Well, anyway,
congratulations, tommy.

You are today's winner.

Huggy, show him
what he's won.

A gift certificate
for a bird watching trip

With beau handsome.

That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

All: "may I have
a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Announcer: listen for the words
"diorama" and "confront."

Ah, another beautiful sunny day
in the city.

Such a shame everyone has to
hurry home and do homework.

Becky: homework?
On a day like today?

I have a better idea.

Hey, violet, let's go
to the park.

Normally I would,
becky, but--

Ok. No park. Library.
Want to go to the library?

No, becky. Let's
just go home.

Or I hear the museum
has a new exhibit--

"Emperor fuseli's ancient
collection of shoelaces!"

Come on!

Believe me,
no one wants to see

The fuseli
strings exhibit
more than I do.


But today I'm
going straight home

So I can finish
my diorama!

Oh, right.

The big diorama bonanza
extravaganza is tomorrow.


And the sooner
I'm home,

The sooner
I'll be working

On my diorama!





Announcer: what's
the matter, becky?

I thought
you loved homework.

Yeah, I do, when it's
something I'm good at.

But dioramas
are all about art.

Uh! Even if I'm not
so great at art,

My diorama still
must be done.

that's the spirit.

Come on, bob.
It's time to go make

Our beautiful
art project.


You can't make
an artistic diorama

With an empty stomach.
You could get a cramp.


Ok. I'm going.
I'm going.


Someone's robbing
the museum!

Really? Oh, that's
just terrible.

Who would do
a thing like that,

Robbing a museum?


Come on, bob.

Let's go confront
a museum thief.

Word up!

Announcer: later,
at the museum...


Emperor fuseli's

So many beautiful
tiny ropes.

Grr! I should
have known

would be tight.

Ah! Oh...if I could
just find the end.

Hold it right there!

Oh, it's just you.
Hi, amazing rope guy.

One second, word girl.
Let me just get this knot out,

And I'll be right with you.

Take your time.


You think
I'm wasting time

So I don't have to work
on the diorama?


Well, I'm not!

I'm just not
in a big hurry.

All right.

Where were we?

Um, I think I said,
"hold it right there!"

Yeah, I remember.

Ha ha!




Oh, no!
You got me!

Wait. I got you?

Let's say yes.

Whoo-hoo! Amazing
rope guy, leave.


Don't worry, huggy.

He didn't steal

And I got some
practice in.

Hey, as long as I'm here,

I might as well look
at the exhibits.


I know. I know. I didn't forget
about the diorama.

Let's go do that.

Announcer: much later
than it should be

At the botsford

Now, bob, we don't
eat t.j.'S projects

Until after
they've been graded.

How about you,

Is yours ready
to show your mom?

Uh...almost, kind of.

I'm headed upstairs
to finish it right now.

Good for you, becky.

But first, I need
to organize

All of my art
supplies so I'll be

Totally prepared

My becky, such
an organized artist.

That's me!

Come on, bob.
Stop procrastinating

And grab the label
maker. Sheesh.

Announcer: meanwhile,
at amazing rope guy's...

Amazing rope lair,
I guess...

Think, amazing
rope guy, think.

What did you do
to defeat word girl?


Ah, here we go.

Wait. When did I
start spinning?

Oh, no.
You got me.

That's it!
My new spin move

Must have been
how I defeated word girl.

Next time
I see word girl,

She's gonna find herself
in quite a bind.

Aha! Ha ha!

Oh. Now, where did
I put my keys?

check behind the couch.

back at the botsfords...


Seriously, bob?

She still hasn't
started the diorama?

I have two
started. See?

It looks like you're just
reading a book about dioramas.

Yes, but reading
happens to be

How I get into
a creative mood.

[Bob screeches]

There. Now I'm
in the right mood

For diorama making.

[Bell ringing]

Oh, sorry, diorama.
You're gonna have to wait.

I have a villain
to confront.

Announcer: well,
that's convenient.

Can't talk.
Got a job to do.

Word up!

I hope nobody,
especially not word girl,

Notices I'm robbing the museum
of these priceless shoelaces.


No one is that bad
at being a villain.

What's he up to?

Thanks to this bullhorn,
word girl will know I'm here,

And when she shows up,
I'll, uh...get in her face

And be kind of...

Oh, what is the word
I'm trying to think of?

"Confront" is the word
you're looking for.

What does confront
mean again?

Confront means to face
an enemy or a problem,

Oh, I don't know.

A homework assignment
you really don't want to do.

Can the problem
be a person?

Take us, for example.

Usually you
try to avoid me

So you don't get
put in jail,

But today you want to stand
face to face.

Use your outside voice
and challenge me.

Yeah, that's it.
Thanks, word girl.


You gonna
confront me?

Oh, right.

Ah ha ha ha!


Well, at least
he's improving.

Oh, no! Not again!

You got me!

I can't believe it!
It worked...again!

Ha ha ha ha!, uh...

What do I do?

I think this is the part
where you make a getaway.

Oh, great!

Amazing rope guy,
walk away!

I sure feel like
I'm forgetting something.

Wow! He is really bad
at being a villain.


I know! Diorama.


Announcer: later...

Well, I'd say this sock drawer
is pretty nicely organized.

How's the diorama coming?

Well, I just need to
re-reorganize my closet,

And then it's
diorama time.

You haven't even
started yet?

Mom, how can someone make
a diorama they're proud of

With a cluttered room?

Becky, do you want to
confront this problem,

Or do you want to keep
making excuses?

I'm not sure

What problem you're
talking about.

Well, let's
take a look.

You're an excellent student,
and you love school,

But for some reason,
you'd rather clean

Your sock drawer
than make your diorama.

Oh, that problem.

I guess I'm just not
that great at art.

So who says you have to
be that great at art?

Why don't you just focus
on having fun making it?

It's cutting
and gluing and pasting

And decorating!
How could that not be fun?

That does sound fun.
Thanks, mom.

But try to make it
fast fun,

Because there's only one hour
before bedtime.

An hour?
No problem.

Bob, look how sparkly
this glitter is.


This really is fun.

And best of all,
I'll easily be able

To finish in an hour

If I don't have
any distractions.

[Bell ringing]

Ah! Sorry, diorama.

I'll be back
as fast as I can.

Oh! And I mean it
this time.

Word up!

So beautiful.

This time, I won't
forget to take you guys.

Put down those
amazing rope guy!

Oh, word girl,
you're back.

Yep, and I'm
in a hurry.

So do me a favor
and just surrender.

Well, in that case,
you leave me no choice

But to defeat you
yet again.

Hiyah! Whoa.


How did that happen?

That's the kind of thing
that you might expect

When you tangle
with the ropes of...

Me, the amazing rope guy.

Hope you enjoyed
the moment,
amazing rope guy,

Because it's over.



Hmm. That's unexpected.

if you say so.

And that's
what happens

When you try
to confront

The amazing
word girl

And captain
huggy face! Yah!

Well, now that
we've tied up

That loose end...
Ha. You get it?

Let's race home
and finish off
that diorama!

Who's diorama?

Is that some new

Or an art project.

Oh, like a painting?

Not quite. See, if you made
a painting of a room,

It would be on a flat
piece of paper,

But if you made a diorama
of the same room you painted,

You'd have to build
actual little chairs

And couches and people
and even the room they're in!

Oh, that's a diorama.

I make those all the time.
I'm kind of an expert.


Do you have
any advice?

Just, uh, have fun,
use a lot of glitter,

And try to stay
out of jail.

I can't believe
I'm saying this,

But thanks,
amazing rope guy.

Word up!

Glad I could help.

So am I going to jail?

I am going to jail,
aren't i?

Announcer: so,
with a little advice

From amazing rope
and diorama guy

And a whole lot of work,

Our hero was able
to finish her project

And have it ready
just in time

For the diorama bonanza

And bake sale.

Violet, your pretty
princess diorama
is beautiful!

Thanks, becky.

A fun fact is
the walls of the castle

Are made with real
candy, glitter, glue,

And soy protein.

Don't tell bob.


And yours turned out

Good, too, becky.


What is it?

I'm not sure.

But it was a lot
of fun to make.

Announcer: and so by confronting
her fear of art,

Word girl finally got around
to finishing her diorama,

After finally getting around
to defeating amazing rope guy.

Tune in next time
for another

Glittery, gluey, too much fun
to fit in a shoebox episode

Of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

All: "may I have
a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance

To play for even greater
prizes on the bonus round!

Tommy, you correctly defined
the word "binoculars."

Ready to play
the bonus round?


Great! Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me
which one shows

The definition
for "binoculars."

Give it a shot, tommy.

It's number .

Huggy is using
his binoculars

To spot something
important on the ground.

Correct. Huggy is
good with binoculars,

Which will come in handy

When he and I are
bird watching this weekend.

Tommy, you're our
bonus round winner!

Show him
what he's won.

An official beau handsome
bird watching hat.

See you next time on...

All: "may I have
a word?"

want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes
and test your word power

Want word girl's
word power?

Fly over to your local library.
Cape not required.

Word up!