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08x04 - A Few Words from WordGirl / Ears to You

Posted: 07/28/23 10:20
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go, girl ♪

♪ Huggy face is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ Then throw some mighty
words your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Listen for the words

Dawdle and inspiration.

The air is so thick
with tension,

You could cut it with
a tension-cutting knife.

Look! It's wordgirl!

[Thump thump]

Oh, wordgirl, you saved
the day again.

Your heroics,
big and small,

Are an inspiration
to us all.

An inspiration?

Ha! I don't know...

You don't? Why not?

Well, an inspiration
is someone with
such good behavior

That she makes
other people want to
be their very best.

That pretty much
sums you up.

Now, it just
so happens that

We're celebrating
inspiration day next week,

And I'm looking
for someone

To give the
inspirational big speech.

Hey, could you do it?


You know,
I've got lots

Of inspiring things
to say, like--

Don't give it away!
Save it for the speech.

See you
next week, then.

Come on, huggy.

Narrator: the next day,
at the botsford residence...

Ahem. So, um,

Wordgirl's inspirational
speech is coming up.

Pretty exciting, huh?

I am counting down
the days!

There are
days left.

I wonder if--
and I'm just running

This idea by you
as a total guess.

Maybe her speech
will be about...

Wordgirl's favorite colors?

Pretty good idea, right?
That would probably

Inspire people to think about
their own favorite colors.

That's an
ok idea if you're
a regular kid,

But I bet wordgirl
will come up with

An even better idea
than that,

Since she
is a superhero.

So maybe
wordgirl could talk

About her
favorite food, then?

it's wordgirl.

I bet her speech
will be brilliant!

Birds will want
to fly higher.

Gophers will want
to dig deeper.

The time she replaced
a lightbulb?

Becky! Why are you
trying so hard

To come up with
an inspirational
speech idea?

Wordgirl is the one
who has to talk in front

Of all the teachers
and the parents

And the principal and
every kid in the school

And the class pets

And the wordgirl
appreciation society.

Narrator: it's the
morning of the speech,

And it looks like becky
is going over all

The inspirational things
wordgirl will be saying.

Ahem. People ask me,

Is it my amazing vocabulary
that makes me a hero?

And I say no. It's also
my ability to fly

And my super hearing.

So the point is...

You should all get
super hearing.

[Clap clap
clap clap clap]

Aw! This is impossible!

Hey, a paper

You know, that's
exactly what I do
when I'm dawdling

Instead of
doing homework.

It is?

Yeah, but thinking
about wordgirl's
speech inspired me

To finish all my
homework last night.

It's like she's
inspiring me already,

And she hasn't even
given her speech yet.

That's how inspirational
wordgirl is.

Wow. Do you remember
what she hasn't said yet

That inspired you?

Huh? Becky,
quit dawdling,

And let's get
to school.

Wordgirl is supposed
to be there today!

Unless she has
to do something
more important,

Like fighting a bad
guy or something.

That is more important
than a speech!

Tj, I'll meet you
at school.

I just remembered I have to,
uh, brush my homework.

Brush my homework?

Narrator: across town,
in dr. Two-brains' evil lair...

Stop right there!

You won't get away with
this, dr. Two-brains!

Huh? I won't get away
with drinking

A glass of freshly
squeezed orange juice?

Oh. Um...

Don't you mean freshly
stolen orange juice?

No. Squeezed.

Fresh from my orange
tree over there.


Look, wordgirl,
you can't just barge

Into a villain's lair
for no reason.

I have a reason!
I'm stopping crime.

And if stopping crime
keeps me from doing

My inspiration day
speech, well...

That's a sacrifice
I'll just have to make.

Ok. The truth is,

I don't want
to give the speech,

Because I can't think
of anything to say!

That is bad. Oh!

You could talk about
your favorite color.


Your favorite words?

I thought of
those ideas, too,

But this speech is
for inspiration day,

Which means it
has to be so good,

It makes people want
to do something great

Or create
something beautiful!

Look, I think you're
making this harder
than it needs to be.


You're wordgirl! Your
actions inspire people

More than anything
you could say.

You think?

You could go onstage
and talk about

What you ate
for breakfast,

And they'd be happy.

Yeah, yeah...

Cool remote control.

Mm-hmm. Now you're
just dawdling.

I know.

I guess I'd better
get over to the school,

Unless you're willing to--
I mean, planning on

Committing a crime.

Maybe you can rob the
cheese delivery van.

That sounds like
it's full of cheese!

I'll think about it.

Yes! Thanks,
dr. Two-brains.

But I'm not making
any promises!

Narrator: later, at school,

Everyone is excited to
hear wordgirl's speech,

But wordgirl keeps dawdling.

I am not dawdling.

I am thinking
about what to say,

And you interrupting
me isn't helping.

Narrator: sorry.


[Loud voices in distance]

Huh! Uh-oh!
I hear trouble.

Sound like a job
for wordgirl!

If it isn't
dr. Two-brains!

Robbing the
hardware store, eh?

He wasn't
robbing me. Look--

He's in the middle
of handing me money.

Oh. Well, anyway,

I'm surprised
to see you here

And not trying to rob
the cheese delivery van

Like you said you would.

I said I'd
think about it.

And then I thought, hey,

If I'm going to do it,
I'll need a new ray,

But I was running low
on bolts and duct tape,

So, zip,
off to the store.

Eh! Please stop dawdling.

Oh, no! Hide!

Uh...i'm not
sure you know

What the word
dawdle means.

No, but it sounds
dangerous, doesn't it?


This may take a while,

But I'll try to explain
what the word dawdle means.

Let's see. Dawdle.

Dawdle. Um...

How should
I explain this?

Oh, brother! Just look
at yourself, wordgirl--

Dawdling instead of defining
the word dawdle!

Too bad the word of the day
wasn't "ironic."

Ok, ok!
Dawdle is a word

That means you're
supposed to do one thing,

But you waste time doing

A bunch of other
little things instead.

Oh! So, dawdling
isn't a crime.

I thought
you were going to
commit a crime.

So did i--and soon!

And if you do, you can bet
I'll do whatever it takes

To stop you, even if
it takes all day...

Because I
have nothing to say

That will be
an inspiration to anyone.

Welcome to inspiration day!

In a moment, I'll introduce
our inspirational speaker,

The never, ever late

Aah! They're about
to introduce me!

Oh, thank goodness.

But there's still time
for you to save me,

So I hope you'll do
the right thing

And commit a crime.


[People muttering]

Breakfast is important
for a superhero,

And this morning,
I had toast.

Uh! That wasn't
inspirational at all!

it's my honor to introduce

The greatest hero
this city has ever known,

A girl who inspires us with
her actions and her words.

Please welcome...wordgirl.

[People cheer]

[Cheering stops]

I guess wordgirl
had to zip off

And stop a crime
or something.

I'm sure it's important.
She wouldn't just...

Huh. Anyway,
until she gets back,

How would you children
like to hear

The inspirational story of
how I became a principal?



Unlabeled cheese
left alone in a park?

Is it my birthday?

Aha! You've stolen
the park bench cheese!

Uh...i...what, now?

That cheese didn't
belong to you,

And you ate it anyway.

I call that stealing.

That was public bench
cheese, and you know it!

Look. That policeman is
eating the cheese, too.

So I wasn't supposed
to eat this cheese?

Arrest myself?

You know, wordgirl,
this day would be

Much easier
for both of us

If you'd just
go give the speech!

I know! But why
can't I think

Of anything
inspirational to say?

Do you know how to talk?


Good! Now get your
inspirational self

In front of a crowd,
start talking,

And boom--you're giving
an inspirational speech.

How will I know
what to say?

I don't know.
How do you know

What to say when
you're talking to me?

It just comes out

Get out of here!

Well, this has been
a very inspirational

I guess I don't
need you to commit
a crime after all.

Glad to hear it.
Now hurry back to school

And make with
the blah, blah, blah.

Ok. Come on, huggy.


You know, suddenly,

Robbing that
cheese delivery van

Seems like
a fantastic idea!


Huh! Huggy!


Wordgirl, come on!
Don't I deserve

A little cheese
for helping you?

Sure. Huggy?

Oh! Don't mind
if I do.

And that's when
the superintendent

Came to me and said--

Hey, look!
Wordgirl's back!

Let's hear it for
wordgirl, everyone.

[People cheer]

Wordgirl: sorry I'm late.

Tj: you were probably
out fighting crime!

Yes, well, about that...

I was nervous to talk
in front of you

Because I couldn't think of
anything inspirational to say.

[People gasp]

So I spent the whole
morning dawdling,

Looking for ways not
to do the speech at all.

But a wise man
helped me understand

That I was trying too hard
to say something inspirational

And a person's actions are more
of an inspiration anyway,

So I thought that
if I was honest about

What a hard time I had
thinking of this speech,

You might find my struggle
an inspiration.

[Person coughing]

[Clap clap]

You're more inspiring
than ever, wordgirl!


Narrator: and so,
once again,

Wordgirl was an
inspiration to us all,

And this time, she did it
with her honesty

As much as her words.

Now, don't waste time dawdling.

Tune in next time for another
exciting episode of...


♪ Wordgirl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured word
is apprehend.

To give you a clue, here are
some clips from "wordgirl"

That show the meaning
of the word.

[Bell rings]

Yes? Tommy.

Apprehend means
to dress like a pirate,

Like captain tangent
in that last scene

Or like me
this past halloween.

Check it out!

I'm sorry. That's incorrect.

I did too dress
like a pirate!

No. I mean
the definition

You gave for apprehend
is incorrect.

I'm not following.

[Bell rings]

Beau: yes, phil.

Apprehend means to
capture and take to jail.

In all those clips,

The police were
apprehending the bad guys.

Congratulations, phil.

You are today's winner.

Huggy, show him
what he's won...

An official captain tangent
pirate costume!

Audience: ooohh!

That seems
a bit coincidental.

Well, that's it for
today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Listen for the words

Original and laughable.

In a towering skyscraper
high above the city,

Mr. Big prepares his latest
big, big evil plan.

And remember,
don't come back

Until every last one
of them has sold.

It's time
to begin...

Phase one!


Right away, sir.

Soon, everyone in the city
will have fuzzy bunny ears

Just like you,
and then,

Thanks to my plan,
which is quite original,

The city will be mine--

Mine for the taking,
all mine!

Ha ha ha!

Ah ha ha!

Narrator: hmm...this plan
doesn't sound very original.

Well, I say it is.

Nice bunny bunny.

Later, at the grocery store's
pet food aisle...

Ok, bob.
Monkey chow.

Pick a flavor--

Liver and onions
or lemon meringue.


[Indistinct sound]

What was that noise?


My mini dino.

♪ It's a pet that's
also a wristwatch ♪

♪ It's a friend for life
that never turns off ♪

What does he do?

He mostly just
complains and eats.

It's pretty cool.

Feed me, scoops!
Feed me, scoops!

And how is that
a fun toy?

I'm not sure yet, but my
cousin simon has one,

So I got one, too.

You know, scoops--


He's finally sleeping.


Scoops, just because
your older cousin

Thinks some fad
is cool

Doesn't mean you
have to copy him.

Hey, what are those?

"Brand new.
Everyone loves them.

"Floppy, fuzzy,
squishy bunny ears.

Buy them now."

Huh. These are

Oh, this is it,
bunny bunny.

Phase one!


These are probably
the silliest,

Most laughable things
I've ever seen!


Hey, kids,
check me out!

Ok, dad. You can
take those off now.

Someone might see you.

Hey, everyone,
look at him!

He's wearing
fuzzy bunny ears,

Like a rabbit,
but he's a human man!

That is original
and hilarious!

I want a pair now!

Whoa! One at a time.

Whoo! Personal space!

Ha! Didn't see
that coming,

But hey, I'll take it!

Phase one is a success!

Whaa ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!

Man: the scene was
pure bundemonium yesterday

At the local grocery store,

Home to the biggest new fad
to sweep our city in years--

Wearing fuzzy pink
bunny ears.

The adorable headbands
sold like hotcakes,

Putting a smile on
just about everyone's face,

Except for this
surly little girl.

The fad has been traced to
this trend-setting area man.

His unique and original idea

Has made everyone
in town hop to it,

And to him we say,
ears to you.

Ha ha! My, I am
good at this.

How could this
happen so fast?


Hey, becky.
Where are your
bunny ears?

Wait! Scoops,
you have some, too?

These are mine!
You can't have them!

Sorry, but it
took me all night
to find them.

I wouldn't give
these babies up

For a lunchbox full
of bob's homemade
pizza rollers.

Wait. The tv said
the store was sold out.

How did you
get those?

I traded for
my mini dino.

Really? But you were
so proud of it.

Was i?

Hey, guys.
Cool ears.

Wait up!

It sure seems like something
strange is going on.

Maybe it's me. Maybe I
just don't get it.

But then again, doing
something just because

Everyone else is doing it
doesn't feel very original.


Original? Oh. It means
fresh, unique, or new,

Not copied from someone
or something else.

Like when you made up
the recipe for
those pizza rollers.

There's nothing else like
them. They're original.


Uh, no, thanks.

Feed me, scoops.
Feed me, scoops.

Ah ha ha!

my squishy bunny.

This is working even better
than I originally expected.

Time for...

Phase two.

[Squeak squeak]

Narrator: oh, this is
getting good!

Ahem. I mean, the very next
squishy bunny morning,

Back at the squishy bunny

Radio: it's squishy bunnies
in the a-and-m, baby,

And this town has
bunny ear fever.

Now perk up your bunny ears

For this week's
number one song,

"Do the squishy bunny hop."

Maybe it'll even make
that grumpy little girl

From the news lose
her bunny ear blues.


Whoa! What's all this?

Fan mail! Suddenly,
I'm up to my ears in it.

My real ears, that is.

"To delilah, keep reaching
for those stars.

Hop, hop, hop.
Your pal, big man bunny."

Big man bunny?

That's what
they call me,

And they all want
an autograph.

Oh, becky, could you and
tj walk to school today?

I have way too many
photos to sign.

Thank you, pumpkin.

"Dear scoops..."

This whole fad
is almost laughable.

I mean, don't you think
it's a little strange

That two days ago,

Nobody even cared
about fuzzy bunny ears,

And now they're all
anyone will even talk about?

I don't know what
to tell you, becks.

I mean, if I have to
explain it to you,

Then, uhm...

Then what?

No. I mean
my face is the end
of the sentence.

If I have to
explain it to you,


No! Squishy bunny!

Give them back!

Hang on.

Huh! Mr. Big

I'll take those, thank you.

Of course!
It has to be

A mr. Big
mind-control device.

And we have to
take him down.

Come on, huggy!

He could be hiding out
almost anywhere,

Anywhere at--

Look, my little squishy.

You see all the
squishy bunnies?

Yes, you do.

Oh, who's a good bun-bun?

Hold it right
there, mr. Big!

It's too late. Phase two
is already operational.


You're going to use
everyone's bunny ears

As radio antenna for
mind control, aren't you?

So you can
take over the city!

What? No!

Phase two was
building the blimp--

Well, and writing the
squishy bunny hop song.

That took forever.

Ok, fine. There was
going to be mind control.

I knew it!

Yes. Congratulations.

But once that
big man bunny guy

Wore my bunny ears
and got on the news--

You mean my daa--

I mean, go on.

Well, they became a fad
all on their own.

I never even got around
to using mind control,

Because I
didn't have to.

After that, I was so
busy selling bunny ears,

All I had time to do

Was make a bathtub
full of money.

Pretty good story, mr. Big,
except for one thing--

It's completely laughable.

Laughable? I'm sorry.

I'm not familiar
with that one.

Oh. Laughable.
It means something

That's so ridiculous,
foolish, and silly

That the idea of it

Can make you laugh
all by itself--

Like the idea of everyone
just deciding all at once

That they had
to wear bunny ears,

To me, is laughable.

Laughable, huh? So...

You mean we should
all laugh?

Eh, if you want to.

Ok. Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!


Ha ha ha!

Bunny ears!
Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha!




Well, that was fun.
That was fun.

Yeah. Good times.

I never really thought
this would turn

Into such
a big fad, you know?

I know! It's a
little strange, right?

Well, hey,
you can't predict

Stuff like this,

One minute they love it.

The next minute,
poof! Gone.

I bet this whole fad
is gone by tomorrow.

What? No way.

Everyone in the city
is wearing bunny ears.

Yeah, except for that

Little grumpy girl
on the news,

But that's the way
fads go, wordgirl.

They can change
in a hurry.

See for yourself.

Wow! I can't believe it.

Hey, what can I say?

Squishy bunny
here today.

Squishy bunny
gone tomorrow.

I try not to
get too caught up
in it myself.

Oh, yeah. Me, too.

Well, I guess technically,

You haven't done
anything wrong, so...

Are you sure there's really
no mind-control lever?

No mind-control
lever. I promise.

Ok. Well, if you say so...

But there is a mind-
control velvet rope!



With novelty
sound effects!

[Horn blares]

Wordgirl: no!

[Squeak squeak]

Townspeople of
town name here,

You must surrender
to mr. Big.


"Dear mrs. Botsford..."


[Squeak squeak]

Now, why would
you try that with
me right here?

Hey, you can't get to
the end of a mr. Big story

And not have
a little mind control.

I mean, you said it
yourself. It's...

It's my thing.

Oh, this is getting more
laughable by the minute.

So can we...
Can we laugh again?

[Squeak squeak]


Narrator: the very next
day at school...


Wow! He was right.

Who was right?


Hey, where are your
fuzzy bunny ears?

Bunny ears?

Oh, wow, becky!

Don't make me laugh.

Like, that's
something I would be
able to laugh at.

What I mean is,
it's practically--


Exactly. Yeah.
Bunny anything

Is pretty much
completely over,

Ever since yesterday
at about suppertime.

No. This awesome
flashback old-school
look is in now.

Tj was the first one
to do it.

Wait. Tj?

I heard he found
the whole outfit

In your dad's garage.

It's a real original.

Man, he is so cool!

Ok. Stand back, guys.
Stand back.

Watch the threads.

Keytar riff!


Narrator: so, once again,

Wordgirl cuts mr. Big
down to size,

And tj gets to trade in
his bunny ears

For something a little
more original.

And remember, if you
like fun, excitement,

And big, pink,
squishy bunny blimps,

It would be laughable
to miss the next thrilling,

Action-packed episode
of "wordgirl"!

Feed me, scoops.

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play

For even greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Phil, you correctly defined
the word apprehend.

Ready to play
the bonus round?

All right.

Great! Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one

Shows the definition
for apprehend.

Ok. Give it
a shot, phil.

I think
it's number .

It looks like the police
are apprehending

The amazing rope guy.

That's correct,

Which means you're
our bonus round winner!

Huggy, show him
what he's won...

An official captain tangent
pirate ship!

Uh, how am I supposed
to get it home?

No idea.
See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

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