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08x08 - Kid Math, Part 1 / Kid Math, Part 2

Posted: 07/28/23 10:23
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
"calculate" and "equation."

Check out this heated battle
at the candle factory!

You'll never...

Get away with this--whoa--

Dr. Two-brains!

Oh, yes, I will,
word girl.


I'm gonna stop--whoa--

Your plan to--

Wait. What exactly
is your plan?

Ah. That's for me to know
and you to find out!

Well, actually I'd prefer
you didn't find out.

Can you at least
give me a hint?

No hints!

And I'm gonna
start firing again.

Why did I stop
in the first place.

Oh! Whoa!

Time to reproduce
our time-tested
monkey throw,

Captain huggyface!

A one, a two...

a prime number!

How do I know that?

Because I'm
kid math!

Uh, what?

I'm the superhero
they call kid math

Here to save the day!

Kid math is greater
than any villain!

It's a simple equation--

Danger plus kid math
equals justice!


Why'd everyone stop?

Isn't this an epic battle
between good and evil?

Well, yeah, but...

Dr. Two-brains
and I have a rhythm,

And you kind of
interrupted us here.

Yeah, where
were we?

Did I say, "you'll
never get away
with this," yet or--

Hey, kid math!

If you're
so good at math,

What's a million
plus a million?

It's easy to calculate
that equation.

It's two million.


Whoa! He is
kid math!

Hold on, hold on, ok?

Everyone just--i mean,

Where did you
even come from?

I'm from a planet
far away called hexagon!

Hexagon? No way!

I'm from lexicon!

Right on the other side
of the solar system!

What are the odds?

, , To .


So anyway, I was
off for a joyride
in my spaceship

When I saw earth
and thought,

"Hmm, maybe I'll
stop by and see

"If there's
a city down there

That could use
a really awesome superhero."

Well, it already
has one,

So, the position's
been filled.

Oh, really?
By who?

Actually it's
"by whom,"

And the answer is
by me.

I'm the superhero
they call word girl.

One superhero versus
lots of villains is

An unbalanced equation!

Well, I do
just fine battling

All the supervillains
on this planet
by myself,

Thank you very much.

Dr. Two-brains: ok, well,
you two kids clearly have

A lot to catch up on,
so we're just gonna take

This super wax ray
and escape.

Bye, word girl.
Bye, kid math!





Well, kid math,
I guess we better--

Oh. Huh.

We're minus
one kid math. Heh.

Math--math joke.

the next day at school...

Kid math:
hey, word girl!

It's me! Kid math!

Ha ha ha. Good joke--ha--
guy whose name

I don't even know.

No! You cannot tell
anyone you're--

Oh, boy.

How did you even
know it was me?

Are you serious?

Besides, I'm
from hexagon,

Home of the smartest
and the tastiest raisins

In the universe.

Call me becky.
That's my name.

Don't you have
a name?

Rex from hexagon?

Actually rex is
a nickname.

What's it short for?


Of course.

Well, you can't just
walk around telling

Everyone your secret
identity, rex.

No one
can ever know
you're kid math.

Wait. Why can't
I tell them?

Won't they love me
if they know I'm
a superhero?

Yeah, probably,

That seems good.

Hey. Let's figure out
a plan to defeat

Dr. Two-brains,

Even though he has
a number in his name,

Which I like.

Um, ok.

Now what is
dr. Two-brains' thing?

Is he a villain
who has a thing?

Yes, actually.
His thing is cheese.

The guy
loves cheese.

I wish there was
a way to describe

This earth villain's
behavior with an equation.

Wait. Do you know
what an equation is?

Of course.
An equation is a way

To show
that something

Is the same as
something else.

Like, plus
is the same as ,

And dr. Two-brains
plus a stolen ray

Is the same
as trouble.

Not bad,
word girl--


Who's becky!
I'm becky!


You're never
going to be
able to fit

Dr. Two-brains'
behavior into
an equation.

He's unpredictable!

Maybe he'll
listen to me.

I'm very logical.

Yeah, I'm getting that.

Listen it's important that
we stop dr. Two-brains,

But it's even
more important that you

Don't tell anyone
you're you know who.

Kid math!

[Alarm ringing]

Both: did you hear that?

It sounded like
a security alarm.

I'd better go!

Hang on, hang on!

You can't just leave
in the middle of school

To go fight a crime.

You have to--
up, up, up, up!

Everybody look
at me!


I'm gonna have to teach
this kid the rules

Of being
a superhero, bob.


Starting with
the importance of keeping

His identity a secret.

And mine.

Narrator: a few minutes later
at the ray amplifier emporium...

Oh, good, word girl!

Dr. Two-brains!

Wait. You're happy
to see me?

What is
this guy's deal?

I'm in the middle
of a crime,

And he just storms in,

Doesn't say anything witty
or challenging--

Just starts
with the fighting.

What is that?

Eh, he's new here.

Kid math, you
have superpowers.

How did you get
captured so easily?

I'm still trying
to calculate that.

This math whiz fell
for the oldest trick
in the book,

The old "hey what's that?"

Can you believe it?
I didn't even sell it,

Just go,
"hey, what's that? "

And he was like,

When someone says,
"what's that?"

It's because
there's something
notable to see!

Of course
I looked!

Well, now that you're here,
let's show the new kid

How it's done.

How about I show him
how you're done?

Done committing
crimes, that is!

You hear that, kid?

The back-and-forth banter,
a little witty repartee.

That's heroes
and villains!

Hey. What's
behind you?

Nice try, two-brains!

Now she's a superhero!

Zap her, boys!

Zap them both!

Word girl,
uh, can you help?

Let's save him, huggy.

Initiate plan !

a prime number!


Where'd that
come from?

Oh, this store
merged with the one
down the street.

It's now the ray
amplifier emporium/
giant cage outlet.

Two stores!

That's ridiculous!

What do you want?

This town's
getting weird.

I'm getting
out of here here.

Not so fast,

Don't count me
out yet!

Hey, that's nice.
He's learning.

Yeah, yeah. That was
pretty good, kid math.

Hey! What's that
over there?


Ha ha ha!

Yeah, I'm not
seeing anything!

Ok. So clearly
there are a few things

We need to work on.

Look. It's hard being
a superhero

On this planet, kid math.

Villains like dr. Two-brains
are always trying

To trick you,
so you have to be careful.

Like the way you
trick everyone with
your secret identity?

Yes. No! I mean, you can't
equate those two things.

It's hard to explain,
and it might take time

To understand,
but I promise
it's worth it.

I mean, look
at this place.

It is nice here.

That's where I live!

Can I see it?

Sure, but you
have to remember

I'm becky,
not word girl. Becky.

And you're rex.
Got it?

Got it. You just
said words.


♪ Well shake it up, pepper ♪

♪ Shake it up, pepper ♪

♪ Shake, shake, shake ♪

♪ Well, hello there ♪

♪ Becky and becky's friend ♪

♪ Bob, bob, bob,
bob, bob, bob, bob ♪

This is my dad.

Dinner's almost ready.

Just need to calculate
the right amount

Of sea salt.

I love calculating.

Calculate means
to figure out,

Or measure something,
often using math,

And I love that
because I'm kid math!

Oh, yeah?

Well, I guess I'm
cook dad.

Who are you, becky?

Daughter girl?
Ha ha ha!

This is fun!

Yeah, super fun.

Rex, can I talk to you
in the other room, please?

Listen, rex. Remember
earlier when I told you

That you can't let
people find out your
secret identity?

I've been calculating it
in my head,

And there's no reason
not to tell everyone

That I'm kid math!

But there are reasons!

For one, it makes your
job of being a superhero

So much easier,

Not to mention your job
of being a regular kid.

But I'm
a superhero kid.

No. You're just
a regular kid.

Get it?

What's that you're doing
with your eye?

Do you need help?

I can help you!
I'm a superhero!

No! I just--ahh!

Tv reporter:
now some local news.

It's a bird,
it's a plane.

No. It's a mouse blimp!

Ha ha ha!

Lot of fun.

That's what's happening
in the city.

Back to you, maria.

Ok, rex. We better
go stop dr. Two-brains.

Let's go talk
to my dad.

But if we don't tell
your dad who we are,

How do we get away?

Just watch.

♪ Put the salt
in the pot ♪

♪ I put the salt
in the pot ♪

♪ Ba da
da da da da--whoa ♪

Hey, dad. Rex and I
have to go.

We have
saxophone class.

Sounds amazing!

Have fun!

So in this case,
your secret identity

Made it easier
for you to go
and fight crime

Without anyone
worrying about you.


Come on, let's go.

Word up!

Um, maaaaaath!

You'll figure
something out.

Stop right there,
dr. Two-brains!

Word girl
and, uh...

Arithmetic lad,
was it?

Nope. My name is rex.

I am a normal boy who--

No, no, no!

Just let me
do the talking.

Let me guess.

You're turning something
into cheese.

No! Yes.

Not right away!

My plan has
two phases--

One for each
of my brains.

Phase one--i'm
gonna cover the city

With a layer of wax.

Phase two--i'm gonna
turn everything

Underneath the wax
into cheese!

But why don't you turn
the city into cheese first,

Then put the wax
over the cheese?

Hey, kid math.

Can I get you to focus
on stopping the crime,

Not finding ways
to make it work better?

Oh, yeah.
Sorry about that.

Kid math, can I
get you to take

One tiny step
to your left?

I don't see why not.

No, don't do it!



Dr. Two-brains:
ha ha ha!

Now you have the best
seat in the house

To watch phase one.

But it's
so illogical!

Bigger problems here.

Actually, I think
I can break out

Of this
pretty easily.


A superhero needs to know
how to build suspense

So the audience
gets excited!

Really? Ok.

Ok. I mean, I'll
never break free

Of this heavy cage

With my
not-strong arms.

In fact, I don't
even have arms!

Narrator: is it even
possible to calculate

What might happen?!

Find out in the next
equally exciting episode

Of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured
word is "elegant."

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.

Yes, emily!

means stylish
and dignified

Like captain huggy
face in that tuxedo
and top hat!

That's correct!

I'd say huggy looks
almost as elegant

As a certain
game show host.

Uh, who are you
talking about?

Oh, no one.

Hey, what's that off
in the distance?

Perhaps I should
take a look.

congratulations, emily.

You are today's winner.

Huggy, show her
what she's won!

An official
"word girl" velvet cape.

How elegant!

Really? A cape?

You think that makes him
more elegant than I am?


No doubt.

Ok, then. That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
"reproduce" and "hint."

Welcome back.

To refresh your memory,
there's a new superhero

In town known
as kid math.

Kid math and word girl
teamed up to stop

Dr. Two-brains' plan
to cover the city in wax

Before turning everything
into cheese!

And as we ended
the previous episode,

Both of our heroes
were trapped!


I can get back inside
if you think

It'll help
build suspense.

No. Forget it.

Thanks for that
weather update, maria.

In other news...

I'm covered in wax.

Chuck and rachel,
back to you.

We did it!

We stopped phase one
of dr. Two-brains'
evil plan.

According to
my calculations,

That leaves one more
phase to stop!

Come on. Let's find
that mouse blimp!

Uh, I appreciate
your enthusiasm,

But we won't find
dr. Two-brains

Until he wants to
be found,

So right now I have to
go home for dinner.



What kind of superhero
gives up for dinner?

I'm not giving up.

Part of being a superhero
is balancing

Your normal life
with your superhero duties.

Normally, I'm all about
a balanced equation,

But it still
seems like it would be

Much easier to just be
a superhero all the time.

But if everyone knew
my secret identity,

I'd never eat
in peace again

Because the villains
would never leave
me alone.

Go back to
your spaceship.

Tomorrow at school,
we'll talk about
the best way

To stop
dr. Two-brains.

Ok. I'll see you
at school tomorrow,

Where, thanks to you,

No one will ever figure out

Rex is really
kid maaaaaath!

I think he's getting
the hang of it.


Yeah. Not at all.

[School bell ringing]

Hello there,
earth kids.

I'm sure not
kid math at all!

Please don't
talk to me.

Boy, isn't it crazy
that neither one of us

Is a superhero
from the planet hexagon?

I mean, what
are the odds?!

Are you
following me?

What are you doing?

Making sure no one
thinks I'm kid math!

Rex, telling everyone
that you're not kid math

Is almost equal to saying
that you are kid math!

Look. Just don't talk
about kid math

At all ever!

Don't even give any hints
that you know anything

About kid math at all.

What do you mean,

Oh. A hint is small piece
of useful information

That can help
someone figure out
a bigger question.

Like if people hear you
talk about kid math

Or hexagon enough,
they might use

That information as hints
or clues to figure out

Who you really are.

Oh. Yeah, I
suppose I was kind
of doing that,

But right now,
we must get to work
on a plan to stop

Dr. Two-brains
from launching
his phase two!

I agree.

Do you have any ideas?

You bet I do!

Why don't we just
tear down the city

dr. Two-brains
has a chance

To turn it
into cheese?!

Great idea, huh?

That's a horrible idea.


No. It's perfectly

You see, if we
subtract the city

From the equation,
then there's no city

For dr. Two-brains
to turn into cheese.

But we can't
destroy the city!

Sure we can.

We have amazing

No one would be able
to stop us.

Look, rex.

There's more to this
superhero thing than

Defeating villains.

The most important part
of being a superhero is

Protecting the people.

Get it?



What if we turned
the city into
cheese first,

Beating him
at his own game?


I think it's time
for you to get to know

Some of the people
we're here to protect.

Rex, this is my
best friend violet.

Violet, this is
my new friend rex.

Hi, rex.

If you're a friend
of becky's

And I'm a friend
of becky's,

Then we can be
friends, too.

What do you feel like
painting today, rex?

I know! I'll
perfectly reproduce

My favorite equation
in paint.

Becky: reproduce
means to copy or make
something that's

The same
as the original.

So when you say
perfectly reproduce

Your favorite equation,
do you mean you're going

To actually paint
a math equation
on that canvas?

That is correct.

Look. Yellow plus
blue equals green.

Wow! That's
really clever, rex.

Thanks, violet.

That was
a nice compliment
you gave me,

And compliments
make earthlings
feel good,

Which I am,
an earthling,
not kid math.

I'm really bad
at receiving

And not mentioning
that I'm kid math.

Yeah, I've noticed.

I really like your
friend, though.

She's a lot
of fun to talk to.

In fact, I like
a lot of the kids
I've met today.

I'm glad.

Don't you see, these
are the people that

You're protecting,
and protecting them means

Protecting their city.

That's what makes
a great superhero.

Yes! A superhero
finds a way to
defeat the villain

That also
protects the people!

Now you get it!

Help! Dr. Two-brains
has a giant ray aimed

At the city
from his mouse blimp!

Wait. Is this
the police station?

No. It's a school,

The same as it
was last week

And the week
before that

And the week
before that.

Oh. Heeelllllppp!

See you tomorrow.

Dr. Two-brains must
be preparing to
launch phase two!

We need an excuse
to get out of here.

Is it ok if
I give this a try?


Uh, ms. Champlain?


Normal earth
student rex here.

Yes, rex? stomach
is hurting,

And I need becky
to show me

the nurse's office is.

Oh, no!

You two, get going.

Thank you!
Thank you!

Ok. Let's go.

Word up!

Your number's up!

Hold it right there!

Well, if it
isn't word girl

And her new sidekick
kid math.

I'm not her sidekick.
We're equals,

And we're about to add
you to the city jail.

You know, he really is
getting much better
with his banter.

Thank you.

Really. Just delightful.

All right, enough
with the blah, blah, blah.

It's time for me to
reveal my secret phase--

A little phase I call
phase / !

Phase / ?

That's a fraction!

Did you know about this?

A secret mouse blimp
inside a mouse blimp.

And wouldn't you know it?

That tiny blimp is
scheduled to depart

Just moments
after my henchmen

Initiate the cheese ray
amplification sequence,

Which is right now!

Uh, you guys want to
start the cheese ray
amplification sequence

Right now?

Oh! Right!

Sorry, boss.

Ah. Music to my mouse ears.

Well, it looks like
you two have a choice.

Either save the city
from being turned

Into a giant hunk
of mouth-watering cheese

Or capture me,
but you can't do both.

Ha ha ha!

what will our heroes do?

Will they stop
dr. Two-brains from escaping

In his miniature
mouse blimp

And let the city be turned
into cheese,

Or will they shut down
his cheese ray amplifier thing

And let
dr. Two-brains escape?

I choose both!

Dr. Two-brains:
you can't choose both.

Listen up, rookie.

By the time you're done
shutting down the cheese ray,

I'll be on a faraway beach
sipping on a cheese-a colada.

He's right.
There isn't time.


But there is.

Think about it.

With math!

There are now
two superheroes on the job.

So if we divide
and conquer,

One of us can stop
dr. Two-brains

While the other one
of us stops

The cheese ray.

Oh, yeah!

Great idea,
kid math!

You stop dr. Two-brains
from escaping,

While I stop the rays
from reaching the city!

I'd rather
stop the rays,
if that's ok.

It'll show that
I've learned

That a superhero
must protect
the people.

Uh, ok. Fine.

You got the rays,
I got two-brains. Go!


Why didn't I put
a faster motor
in the escape blimp?!


We did it!


Word girl plus
kid math equals victory.

[Huggy squeaks]

Right, plus huggy.
Sorry, huggy.

Forgot to carry
the monkey.

Narrator: and so
the addition of kid math

To the team of word girl
and huggy defeated

Dr. Two-brains and protected
the wonderful people

Of the city,

And it looks like
kid math learned

Some important lessons
about being a superhero

Along the way.


Wha-what is it?

I'm trying to wrap
things up here.

Don't you mean
normal, regular
earth rex?

Word girl: no. You
don't need to protect

Your secret identity
while you're dressed

As kid math.

Ah. Right.

You know, we still
a little work to do.

Narrator: I'll say.

And remember,
for fun and excitement

You just can't reproduce
anywhere else,

Tune in next time
for another thrilling episode

Of--i'll give you
a hint.

It's my favorite show.

You guessed it--"word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello, I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance

To play for even
greater prizes

On the bonus round.

Emily, you correctly
defined the word "elegant."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

You bet.

Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for elegant.

Give it a shot, emily!

I have to go
with number two.

That diamond is
really elegant.

That's correct!

I'd also like to add
that I really like

Mr. Botsford's
dance moves in
that last picture.

Emily, you're our
bonus round winner!

Show her what
she's won, huggy!

An official word girl
gigantic boom box!

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes

And test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!