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08x11 - The Ordinary, Extraordinary Botsfords / The Penny, the Pony, and the Pirate

Posted: 07/28/23 10:25
by bunniefuu
Pbs kids opens
worlds of possibilities

For all children

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♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains,
here she comes! ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect keeps
the crime world in check ♪

Go, girl!

♪ Huggy face is
by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ And throw some mighty words
your way ♪

♪ Word up,
it's word girl ♪

Word up!

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes! ♪

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: today's words are
"ordinary" and "remarkable."

Ah, it's a tree-mendous
day in the city.

Hey, becky! Look!

The ming
family tree!


It's like a map that
shows who your family is

And how they're
related to you.

Who are you going
to present to
the class tomorrow?

It was a tough decision,
but I'm going

With my great-grandfather

He was no
ordinary test pilot.

He was only
the th person

In the entire world to
fly his jet faster than

The speed of sound.

Whoa! That is so cool!

Becky: what about
you, violet?

Who's the most
remarkable person

In your family tree?

That's easy.
My great aunt
helen heaslip.

She let over cats
live in her house

After the great flood
of .

That's remarkable,

I believe so,
as well.

Hmm. After
hearing about scoops
and violet's families,

The botsfords all seem
kind of ordinary.

Whoo! I knew it!

Our whole family
is ordinary!

We should get
a medal for that
or something.


Actually, tj,
if something is ordinary,

It means that it's
plain, nothing special.

It's the opposite
of why someone would
get a medal.


What? The botsfords?
No way!

But I still have a lot
of family members to
go through, so...

Don't worry, becky.

I'm sure you'll
find someone
to present

To class tomorrow.

Yeah, I'm sure
there are a ton

Of remarkable botsfords
out there.

I better find someone,
or I'll let down

My whole family in front
of the entire class.

[Distant laughter]

The butcher?!

Uh, you know, guys,
no time to b*at
around the bush--

Uh, tree--
the family tree.

I'm gonna head
straight home now
and figure it out.

Come on, bob.


The butcher: ha ha!
This is remarkerble.

I'm rich!

Or at least I would be
if I could actually

Make my getaway.

Going somewhere,

Aw! Word girl!

I mean, word girl,
what ever could possibly

Bring you here?

Well, now that you ask,
two things, actually.

Ahem. First, I believe you
said, "remark-er-ble,"
a moment ago,

And the word is

Oh, wow.
Thank you so much

For pointing
that out.

Now I should
be on my way.

And two: I can't let
you steal all

Of those candy bars.

But I'm not
stealing candy!

I'm stealing mon--
oh, no. It's candy.

I'm not going to jail
for a bag full of candy!

Pork chop chopppppp!

Wow! Great job,
word girl!

What an exceptional
little girl.

Why, she must come
from a great family!

Narrator: all little bit later
at the botsford residence.

Ok, bob. I know
this looks like

An ordinary day
around here,

But keep
on the lookout.

With any luck
remarkable botsfords

Will start popping up

Mrs. Botsford: I am
the greatest of all time!


You won't
believe it, becky.

I finally got that
pesky mustard stain

Out of your
father's shirt!

Oh, well,
that is great.

But I don't
know if it's
remarkable enough

For my presentation.

Well, I am going to try
to get a ketchup stain

Out of tj's shirt,
if you want to
stick around.

Ha ha ha!

Uh, that's ok.
Thanks, though.

Tj: I did it!
I broke the world record!

That's definitely

Wow, tj! You just
broke a world record?!

Yes! Most jumps
on a pogo stick!

Let me just check
the record book now
to make sure.


Hmm. Current record
, jumps.

And how many
did you get?


That's it. Two.

But I still broke
my personal world record!

I've been stuck
at one for days.

Man on tv: over , --

Something wrong?

No, not wrong, dad.


Maybe this
will help?

Hyah! Hmm!
Hyah! Hmm!

Um, I'm trying to do
a project for school,

And I have to do
a presentation

On the most
remarkable member

Of our family tree.

That's a tough one.

Tell me about it.

So few choose from.
So many to choose from.

Wait, what?

I've got a whole
photo album full

Of remarkable
family members.

You do?

Becky, we're
the botsfords!

You see him? That's
benjamin j. Botsford.

He worked on the very
first car assembly line.


Mmm-hmm. He was
the paint inspector.

His job was
to literally
watch paint dry.

Fun fact--that's
actually a popular
expression now.

Uh, maybe we should
try another page.

Ok. Now he is
in the football
hall of fame.

He led the city
in scoring.

Wow! Now that's

Small correction--

He was in the
football scorekeepers
hall of fame,

One of the best
the city's ever seen.

Man, could he count!


Ooh! And her?

That's ethel
maxtone botsford.

She saved the king.

Of france?

Nope, the king,

The king
of discount socks!

At the old mall.

If ethel hadn't
moved his store
to the new mall,

They would have been
out of business now.

Ha ha ho!
Great thinking ethel!

I'm wearing
some right now.

Dad, I thought you said
this album was full
of remarkable botsfords.

Oh, it is!

Every page has
a story just
like this.

You do know what
remarkable means, right?

Of course I do.

Something is remarkable
when it's amazingly
special or unusual.

And it's not just
the botsfords becky!

Another example
of something remarkable

Might be when someone
flies their jet faster

Than the speed
of sound, or--i know!

When that heaslip lady
saved all those cats
during the flood.

That was remarkable!

Well, thanks
for the help, dad.

I should probably get up
to my room and at least
finish my family tree.

Anytime, becky.
Good luck!

Becky: oh, what
am I going to do?



This whole family
tree thing

Is just so...



[Bob squeaking]

Oh. What?
Bob, what is it??

The butcher?

Did he break out
of jail already?!

Come on, bob!

Word up!



I got this!



Just another remarkable
day for wonderbro!


What's the matter, sis?

Did you think the whole
family was "ordinary"?

Um, well,


Check you later, sis!

I don't know
what's going on
around here huggy,

But we can figure it
out after we bring

The butcher back
to jail!

Whoa! That was
a close one, dear.

Ha ha ha!


I just saved
the farmers market

From a giant
tree slug

And thought
I'd bring you some

Fresh carrots.

I want to make
sure you're eating
enough veggies.




See you at home!

Well, this just
keeps getting more
and more remarkable.

Stop right
there, butcher!



Hamburger hammer!

He's too strong, huggy.

Ha ha!

Wait. Dad?!

You can call
me the tim!

Thanks for your help,
dad--uh, the tim.

That was remarkable.

Of course it was,,

For we are
the botsfords!

Remarkable high-five!




Huh? What's happening?

Was I dreaming?

Oh, of course
I was dreaming.

Guess I'm back
to real life

And my ordinary family.

Mr. Botsford:
becky, hurry up.

You're going to
miss the bus.

Oh, no!
And I'm late?!

Becky: wait for me!

Oh! Thanks
for waiting for me.

Thank your brother.

He's the one what
told me to wait.

He did?
Hey, thanks, tj.

You totally
saved the day.

No problem, sis.

It's just another
ordinary day

For your
wonderful bro.

Hmm. Why does that
sound so familiar?

[Bell ringing]

well, this is it.
Presentation day.

You guys ready?

I'm as ready as
I'll ever be.

I'm totally ready!

I even brought aunt helen's
prize collection

Of fur balls to
help tell her story.

I can't wait to hear
about the remarkable person

You found in your
family tree, becky.

Yeah. Me neither.

Because there isn't one.

What? Oh, no!

What's the matter?

I was late catching
the bus this morning,

And I forgot
my family tree

And my lunch.

Oh, no. What are
you going to do?

I, uh...

Mrs. Botsford:
sorry to interrupt,

But, becky, I think you
forgot something.

My family tree!

My lunch!

Just want to make
sure you're eating

Enough vegetables.

Right. Thanks, mom.

Oh, and, becky,
your shoelace.

Oh. Um...

Thanks, the tim--
I mean, dad.

Sure thing,


Narrator: a little later...

Becky: even though
my family tree might look

A little ordinary,
there are some people in it

Who are definitely
remarkable to me.

So today, I'm doing
my presentation

On my mom, my dad,
and my brother tj.

Narrator: and so, becky finally
realized her family

Wasn't so ordinary
after all,

And I just realized we've
come to the end of the show.

Be sure to tune in
again next time

For more crime-fighting fun

On another remarkable episode
of "word girl"!

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize!

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may!

Today's featured word
is scamper.

To give you a clue,
here are some clips

From "word girl" that show
the meaning of the word.

Emily, go ahead!

Scamper means to
run or move quickly
or lightly,

Like in that last clip,
where dr. Two-brains'

Mice are scampering
away, carrying him

On a wheel of cheese.


You are today's winner!

Huggy, show her
what she's won!

An official "word girl"

super-charged super-ball!

Audience: ooh!


Ok. That's it
for today's--aah!

As I was saying,

That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Word girl ♪

Narrator: listen for the words
"attend" and "rare."

Ah, yes, another exciting day

In the city!

Why? Because it's
the botsford family

Occasional cleaning
of the little space

Between the floorboard
and the molding,

And everybody's getting
in on the action.

I'm not sure
this is action.

Come on! This is
action packed!

When you clean,
it's like you're
on a treasure hunt.

Only the treasure
is dust.


But isn't treasure
usually less dusty
and more...


Look! I found
a penny.


The front
of this penny
looks right,

But the back has
a bumblebee on it.

Ho ho ho!

That's because
you're holding

A bumblebee
penny from !

It's one of the most
rare pennies in the world!


Wait a minute.

If this penny's
so rare, how come

I've never seen one?

Because something
is rare when there

Aren't many other
things like it.

Rare things are
hard to find because

There aren't a lot
of them around.

Well, this is
an incredible discovery.

Ohh! I should show this
off at the city's

Rare penny exhibit!

hi, everyone!

Becky, are you
as excited

About the show
as I am?

Wow! Word
travels fast!

But actually violet,
the rare penny exhibit

Isn't for a couple
of days.

The what exhibit?

Violet is actually
here because there's
a special episode

Of "pretty princess
and magic pony power hour"

In about--oh, now!

I brought snacks
and note pads
to write down

Our thoughts
for a complete
viewing experience!

Oh! I see.
Well, tell you what.

You watch your show now,
and we'll have

A fascinating penny
discussion when we all

Attend the exhibit
in a few days.

Uh, sure, dad.
I'm looking
forward to it.

♪ "The pretty princess
and magic pony" ♪

♪ "Mid-summer celebration" ♪

Ugh! I can't believe
it's finally here!

I've been looking
forward to it since

"The late spring
celebration special."

Do you remember,
in that episode--

Tj: shh!
The show's starting!

I mean, I don't
really care,

But, uh, you guys
might want to be
able to hear it.

[Fanciful music
playing on tv]

Ja. You cannot find me.

Ooh! You found me!

Let's all
take a nap.



Shining tail, this
was a mid-summer

I'll never forget.

I'd say it was more
of a celebration,

You're right.

A mid-summer


Elf: yes.

So I loved it
of course,

But I have to admit
that I loved it less

Than every other episode
of the show I've ever seen.

Right. Exactly.

It was really,
really good

Like all the episodes
of "pretty princess,"

But it wasn't really,
really, really good.

Are you guys
kidding me?!

That was
the absolute
worst episode

Of "pretty princess"
that I've ever seen!

Tj, don't be
so dramatic!

Oh, come on!
Admit it, becky!

That "mid-summer

Was a major stinker.

Well, parts
were confusing.

But the episode had all
the important stuff in it.

You know, it had
a princess and a pony.

Pretty princess
never had a beard!

How could we
not notice?!

Ok. Everybody
needs to cool down!

Let's remember that
the "mid-summer celebration
special episode"

Must have been good

Because "pretty princess
and magic pony power hour"

Is always good!


Violet: you're right!
Maybe there is something

Wrong with us!


Like, we're in a bad mood
and we can't appreciate

A good story!

So all we need to do
is watch it again

When we're
feeling better.

Good idea!

Let's plan on attending
a special "mid-summer
celebration" rewatch!


I think--i don't know.

I'll have to think
about it.

Narrator: a few days later
at the rare penny exhibit...

There's so much great
information to say

the bumblebee penny,

I don't know
where to start!

Maybe the part where I
explain what money is.

Oh, I like that part!

It's so on topic.


I'm glad you decided
to attend the exhibit.

I thought if I
attended the exhibit,

Seeing all these
rare coins might
get my mind off

"The pretty princess magic pony
mid-summer celebration."

So did it work?


But seeing the giant
-ton penny

Made me realize something.

"The mid-summer
is a big special.

So to appreciate it,
we have to watch it
on a big screen.

That could be it!

This convention center
has a room with
a huge screen,

And a rerun
of "the mid-summer

Is just
about to start!


So who wants
to put on
the bee costume

And dance
around all crazy?

I do!

Bob, I know the penny
is important to dad,

But we have to make sure
we were wrong before

And that we really do
love the special episode

Of "pretty princess
and magic pony
power hour."

This is important!

Narrator: meanwhile, trouble
is brewing much like

A storm might brew
on the high seas

If you were a pirate
like our old friend
captain tangent.

Feast yer eyes,

An entire
exhibit filled
with doubloons!

Awk! Ripe
for the picking!

I tell ye, this be
right up my alley.

Though of course it's
not the only thing
that's up my alley.

I like building
ships in a bottle.

A good ship in a bottle,
now that's a great way

To spend a lazy
sunday afternoon.

What you do is
start with--

Doubloons! Doubloons!

Oh, right!
The doubloons!

Listen up, ye
scurvy landlubbers!

It be me,
captain tangent,
the dread pirate,

And I'm here to rob ye
of all your doubloons!

Do you believe this guy?

Hey, buddy! The doubloons
exhibit was last week!

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha! Ahh.

You get me.

I'll be takin'
these doubloons

And putting
them in a large
treasure chest!

Actually, I use treasure
chests of all sizes.

The most important thing
about a treasure chest
isn't the size.

It's making
sure it closes
with a tight seal.

Awk! Awk!

This flower party
is a lot of fun,

But now the flowers
need our help.

♪ Wah wah wah wah... ♪

Let's go hunt
for brambleberries...

That wasn't
even the real
pony's voice.

You can totally
tell sparkletopia
is cleveland.


Hold on, bob. We're
dealing with something

Very important here.

Violet, we need
to face it.

This special episode
isn't even really,
really great.

It's just regular great.


Wait, what?
Captain tangent?

But what is
he doing here?


He's going to steal
all the rare pennies!

Violet, I'll
be right back.

Bob wants to show me
a rare, uh...

Roast beef sandwich.


Look. A purple cloud!

Let's name all
the other colors that exist.

Violet: this isn't
getting better.

Yar! This be
a nice addition

To me doubloon collection,

Which, truth be told,
is getting quite low.

In fact, the other day,
I noticed the price

Of me gym membership
nearly doubled.

Awk! Cancel the gym.

A nice run in
the park is free.

You're right, oscar!

And speaking of running,
let's make a hasty getaway

Before word girl--

Awk! Too late!

Drop the pennies,
captain tangent!

Word girl! Arrrrr.

How's that for
a coincidence?

No sooner do I say
word girl's name,
and she shows up.

It's like
the time I said,

"I better call me mother."

And at that very moment
the phone rang,

And who was it?

Me mother!

Oh, that reminds me,
she says we have go

To her art exhibit.

No excuses this time.

Excuse me,
captain tangent?

Can we stay focused on
what's happening here,
right now?

Oh, right, right, right.

But don't forget. Next week.
Mom's art exhibit.

Awk! I'll
pencil her in!

Listen, if you don't
give back those pennies,

The next exhibit you attend
will be in jail!

That doesn't scare me,
especially because I'm

Not sure what you mean
by the word "attend." Arr.

Oh, the word "attend"
means "to go to,"

So when you say you
have to go to your
mom's art exhibit,

It's the same as if you
said you have to attend
her art exhibit.

I see. Well, I'm glad we
both attended this exhibit

Because now I've got
two treasures--

These doubloons
and an understanding
of the word "attend."

Thanks, word girl.

You're welcome,
captain tangent.

Now, as a token
of my appreciation,

Take some doubloons!

Whoa! Unh!

Ugh! Those rare pennies
don't belong to you!

They're for everyone
to enjoy!

the bumblebee penny!

Why? What be
so special about
the bumblebee penny?

Mr. Botsford: well, that's
a pretty interesting story.

Ohh! I love stories!

Awk! Me, too!

Back in ,
old mac sullivan was

The official coin designer
at the national mint.

That's where
they make coins.


Thanks, huggy!

Wow! People are
really interested
in dad's story.

And that,
is the story

Of the rare
bumblebee penny!

Thank you for your time!

Whoo! Tell them, dad!

You know, that be
a pretty good yarn.

Awk! Edge
of my seat!

It reminds me
of a birthday party

I attended on the ship
of a close friend.

Being at sea--

Arr! Wha?

That's enough,
captain tangent!

This story is over.

Yarr. And I was
just about to get
to the point.

If you want to learn
how to tell good story,

You should listen
to this man right here.

I'm glad I got
to attend your
presentation, sir.

I enjoyed it.

Thanks, word girl.

Unlike captain tangent,
I like stories to stick

To a topic and make sense
to the listener.

I guess we can't
always tell stories
like you, sir.

Well, word girl,
if you liked my
bumblebee penny story,

Stick around.

Hey! Who wants to
hear a story

Of how I found
my rare steel penny?

I do!

Me, too!

Well, all right!
Gather round.

It was springtime
just before summer,

Which is just
before autumn,

And I had just
broken ground

On my first worm farm.

Narrator: so word girl
managed to protect

The rare pennies,
stop captain tangent,

And hear some very interesting
stories about coins,

And if you can't wait

For "the pretty princess
late-summer spectacular,"

Make sure you attend
the next super awesome episode

Of "word girl"!

Violet: wow! Jump
the shark much? Heh heh.

Heh heh heh.

♪ Word girl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance to play

For even greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Emily, you
correctly defined

The word "scamper."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Yes, sir.

Hmm. Great! Take a look
at these pictures

And tell me which one
shows the definition
for scamper.

Number one.

In that picture,
the learnerer
is scampering

Toward a mansion,
running lightly

And quickly so he
doesn't get caught.

That's correct!

Which means you're
our bonus round winner.

Show her what
she's won, huggy.

" More
official word girl

super-charged super-balls"?

That's our show.
See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Want more "word girl"?

Watch your favorite episodes

And test your word power

Want word girl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!