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09x05 - Trustworthy Tobey / The Tooth Hurts

Posted: 07/28/23 10:28
by bunniefuu
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♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Flying at the speed of sound,
vocabulary that astounds ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon,
watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Faced with a catastrophe,
we need the living dictionary ♪

♪ Her superior intellect
keeps the crime world in check ♪

♪ Go, girl ♪

♪ Huggy face is by her side ♪

♪ Vocabulary a mile wide ♪

♪ She'll make sure
that crime won't pay ♪

♪ Then throw some mighty
words your way ♪

♪ Word up, it's wordgirl ♪

♪ Word up ♪

♪ From the planet lexicon ♪

♪ Watch out, villains ♪

♪ Here she comes ♪

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Listen for the words

Trustworthy and shipshape.

Narrator: ah, the library--
a place to read,

A place to discover
new things!


And also a place
to keep your voice down.

Sorry, miss dewey.

Huh! Thank you.

hey, scoops.

Becky! Whoa...

Lot of books
you got there.

I'm returning all
the books I checked out

So I can take home
the new -volume series

"Princess triana--
before the crown."

Oh! Top of the
morning, ms. Dewey.

The library sure is
neat and organized
shipshape today.

Keeping the
library shipshape
is part of my job.

Due back on the th.

Becky botsford!

Oh, it's so wonderful
to see you.

Read any
good books lately?

Just of them,
and I'm about to
read more.

What a novel idea!

Novel! My word,
you're clever.

Ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha!

Wow. You're really
popular around here.

I'm a regular.

Every saturday,
becky returns

The books she borrowed

And checks out more
for next week.

The limit is
books at a time.

I can't wait to read
the new princess
triana books.

Spoiler alert--

They're marvelous.

Ok, that's books,
so give me

The th book,
and you're all set.

I just gave you
all books.

You gave me .

I'm counting ,
as well.


Oh, no! What book
am I missing?

robotics for the
advanced engineer,"

By thomas
higginbotham, ph.d.

Sounds like a real

It helped me fix the computer
on my spaceship hideout.

I mean...

Uh, my imaginary
spaceship hideout,

Because only wordgirl
has one of those.

I'm sorry, becky, but until
you return that book,

I can't let you check out
the princess triana collection.

But I need to lose myself

In the fantastical realm
of brambledore!



Shushed before.

You left me
no choice.

I took an oath.

becky, think hard.

When was the last time
you saw the book?

It was...thursday,

In the hallway
at school.

I had just finished
reading it,

And I said
to myself...

So informative.


"Complicated robotics for
the advanced engineer"?

I've wanted to
read that for ages.

You must let me
borrow it.

You must,
you must, you must!

It's not really
mine to lend.

I shall return it.
I promise.

You have my word.
Mccallister's honor!

So tobey
borrowed it from you.

And he didn't
give it back.

Come on,
bob and scoops.

Let's go
get that book!

Uh, actually, this is
really your mission.


Yeah. Ok.

Narrator: later, in tobey
mccallister's backyard shed...

This is a robotics

Not some common shed!

Looks to me like a shed--
a messy, cluttered shed.


Now, if you'll pause
your expositional prattle,

I'm in the middle of
a delicate operation.

My shipshape-a-tron
is nearly complete.

Once I power it up,

It'll keep
my bedroom shipshape,

And I shall never have
to clean it ever again!



It's alive!

And organizing my--

Tobey mccallister,
I'm very upset with you!

My shipshape-a-tron!

You've boggled
its robotic brains!


No! You're supposed
to clean things up,

Not make things messier.

You've set me back weeks,
becky botsford!

Well, you borrowed my book
and didn't give it back!


"Complicated robotics for
the advanced engineer"?

I gave it back
to you yesterday.

You did?

I stuck it
in your backpack,

Along with a note thanking you
for letting me borrow it

And casually mentioning

How I knew most of
the lessons in it already.

I don't believe you.

I bet you lost it
in this messy shed.

It's a laboratory,
and you should believe me

Because I'm incredibly

You, trustworthy?

You tell lies
all the time!

Perhaps! But in this case,
I am telling the truth.

Well, I never got
the book back,

And until I return it
to the library,

I can't check out the new
princess triana series.


I returned the book to you.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I need to go to the library

And check out a bunch
of books on robot repair--

All because of you,
I might add.

Well, I'm going with you

To tell miss dewey
that you lost my book!

And I will tell
her that I returned
it to you!

Well, I guess we'll see

Who she thinks
is more trustworthy!

Indeed we will.

Welcome back, becky.
Did you find the missing book?

No, because I
loaned it to tobey,

And he says he
returned it to me,

But I don't believe him.

Is this the line for

Checking out books
or complaining?

Because I would like to
check out this -book series

On complicated robot repairs.

I don't think tobey
should be allowed to
check out books

When he lost
one of mine.

I did not lose it!

I returned it to becky's
backpack yesterday.

So he says, but I
haven't found it!

Tobey, in this case,

It's hard not
to believe becky.

After all, she's always
been trustworthy.

You know--
dependable, reliable,

You can trust
what I say.


Name one time
when I've failed
to be trustworthy.

Two weeks ago, your robot
broke one of our windows,

And you blamed it
on a squirrel.

Those squirrels
are up to no good.

They stare at me sideways
and show no fear!


Ok. Yes, I fibbed about
who broke the window,

But in this case,
I'm telling the truth!

I'm afraid I can't let you
check out your robot books

Until you bring back
becky's book.

What? No!

This is an outrage!

Here you go,

Book is my
favorite. Enjoy!

Ah! Thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you!

"A cold mist was
falling on brambledore."

Oh! I bet it was cold.

will be mine!

Can't talk. Reading.

later that day...

Becky: "and as triana
approached the amulet,

It began to emit
an unearthly glow."

Becky, have you
seen my galoshes?


No. I'm not hungry.

Huh! Chapter .

Becky, this room is
a serious safety hazard.

I need you to take a break
and clean this place up.

But, dad, triana is
about to try on

The amulet of mystery!


Fine. I'll make
this room shipshape.

You don't need to
change the room's shape.

I just want everything tidy
and back where it belongs.

Well, "shipshape" means
"clean and organized."

If I make
my room shipshape,

That means
I'm tidying it up

And putting things
where they go.

I see. Huh!

I came in here looking
for my galoshes,

And I found
a new word instead.

I call that a win.


Narrator: meanwhile,
in tobey's "laboratory..."

If I can't
borrow the books
that will help me

Turn you back into a
room-cleaning robot,

I will unleash
your newfound
mess-making ability

On the librarian
who wronged me!

prepare to attack!


I'm thinking shipshape-a-tron
isn't really a good name for you

Now that you only
make messes.

What about...robo-chaos?

Robo-chaos it is!

Now that my room
is shipshape, I can
get back to my book.

[Eep eep]

Oh, I missed something.

Huh! "Complicated robotics
for the advanced engineer."


Oh! Tobey did give
the book back to me.

It must have gotten
pushed under my bed

With all
that clutter.

He was trustworthy,
after all.

What should I do,
bob? I feel bad!

Tobey didn't
do anything wrong,
and because of me,

He didn't get
to check out the
books he wanted.

[Eee eee eee ooh]

Yeah. I should
go apologize to him

And make
things right,

Before he gets
angry and vows to
get his revenge.

Narrator: hmm. Might be
a little late for that.

Miss dewey:
aaah! Robot!

Making a mess!
And being very loud!



At least we know
where to find him.

Word up!


Time for a little
alphabetical disorder.

Good luck finding what
you're looking for now,

Book readers!

Hold it right
there, tobey!

Wordgirl! If you're
looking for a book,

I'm afraid it might
take you a while.

I'm here to stop
your robot's rampage.


Well, now you've
made him angry.

Best of luck in your
upcoming battle.

Uh! He's too quick.

I put that book becky loaned me,
which I returned,

To good use.

Robo-chaos is
my fastest robot yet!


Oh, no!

Row "mi" through "pl"!

My second-favorite row!

Uh...this fight
isn't going my way.

We have to try
something else.

[Eee eee ooh]

Aah! Oh!

Ow! That was
a hard cover!

Uh, hi, miss dewey.

I found
the missing book.

Becky, this isn't
a good time!

I know, but I
wanted you to know

That tobey did
return it to me,

So he didn't do
anything wrong at all,

And in this instance,
he was totally trustworthy.

You...found the book?

Uh-huh. Along with
your very nice note.

Sorry I didn't
believe you.

Aha! I am vindicated!

You see? I am
trustworthy, after all.

Robo-chaos, stand down!


I'm also sorry

I didn't believe
you, tobey.

Apology accepted.

Now, if you have
a spare moment,

I'd like to check out
that -volume series

On super-advanced
robotic engineering.

I'll be happy
to loan you
those books.


Once you put back
each and every one

Of these books
where they belong.

That would
take all day!

Tell you what.
If you give me the
rest of the weekend,

I can program my robot
to do the work for me.

Ha ha! You will be
doing it without
the help of a robot.

The only helper
you'll have is...


Me? What did I do?

You accused tobey
of losing your book

any evidence,

So you can help him
clean up.

Now, get to it,
you two.

And please be quiet.
This is a library.

Narrator: and so,
beck and tobey start

To make the library
shipshape again,

Which will take them exactly
hours and minutes,

And you can believe
everything I say

Because I'm your
trustworthy narrator.

Tune in next time for another
exciting episode of--



♪ Wordgirl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is...

"May I have a word?"

As usual, the player
who correctly defines

Today's featured word
will win a fabulous prize.

Let's play...

"May I have a word?"

Yes, you may.

Today's featured word
is inflate.

To give you a clue, here are
some clips from "wordgirl"

That show the meaning
of the word.

[Bell dings]

Yes, emily?

"Inflate" means "to puff
up with air or gas."

In that second clip,

Wordgirl was
inflating her cheeks,

And in the last one,
huggy was inflating

Some gum to blow
a bubble.

That is correct!

Huggy, show her
what she's won.


An official beau handsome
giant inflatable head!

Audience: ooh!

Where is it?

[Eep eep]

Well, can--can you
take it out of the box?

Huh. The giant
inflatable head

Isn't quite as
impressive as I'd hoped.

Well, emily,
you're still going to

Have a great time
with it.

I am?


Ok. That's it
for today's episode.

See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Listen for the words

Absent and mortified.

Narrator: ah, yes,
another busy day at school,

Especially for becky,

Who is learning
the ropes from scoops

At the school newspaper.

And step number --

While this group works
on the cover story,

This group works on
the headlines.

Are you getting all this?

Uh, yeah, yeah.
I just--

Is the last part
step or step ?

Becky, if you're going
to run the school paper

While I'm absent,
it's important that

You take each
and every one

Of the steps

Hey, scoops,
why are you going to
be absent, anyway?

Ha ha ha!
It's not important.

Now, step --

Oh, wait. Scoops,
you can tell us

Why you're going
to be absent.

We're your friends!

Becky, if scoops wants us
to know the secret reason

He has to miss school,
he will tell us.

It's not a big secret.

It's just not something
I want to tell everybody...

Which makes it
a secret, I guess.

Anyway, step .

Oh, ok. Violet's right.
We won't ask again,

Even though we'll
wonder about it

The whole time
you're absent.

But hey, that's ok.

Fine. I'll tell you,

Even though it's
a little embarrassing.

I'm going to be absent
because I'm going

To the dentist to get
some teeth pulled--

Some, teeth.

Why do you want to
keep that private?

most kids our age

Lost all their baby
teeth years ago.

That's true.
Mine are long gone.

Mine too.

I still have mine,

So a special dentist is
going to pull them out

And make room for
my big-boy teeth--

I mean my, uh...
My permanent teeth.


Oh, I have
a great idea--

Let's not talk
about it anymore.

As the editor
of the "daily rag,"

I have to think
of my image.

All right.

Got it.

Now, back to work.

Becky, I think we were
on step number...

Uh, ?

No, ! Let's just
start over.

And finally,
step number ,

Always, always remember
to use white paper.

Ha! We had a problem
with that once.

The pink issue.

I remember.
You were mortified
by that issue.

Whew! Caused a lot
of headaches.

Quite embarrassing.


Girl: he printed
a pink paper!

[Children laughing]

Anyway, that's all steps.

This is a lot of steps,

But I think I got most
of them figured out.

Most of them?

Becky, this is
the "daily rag"
we're talking about.

It takes
a lot of work!

You can't just
push a button
and print it.

I know, I know.

But if you really get in a bind,
you can always push this.

Oh. Good to know.

Narrator: the next day,
with scoops still absent,

Becky is in charge
of the paper.

Kylie, straighten
that masthead.

Omar, let's move
the story

On the lunch lady
to page .

Bob, you're putting
white paper in the
printer, right?


Wow, becky!

You're doing an amazing job.

Scoops will be
very happy.

Thanks, violet.
I think so, too--

Especially when
he sees the article

About him on the
front page!


Now, let's put
this edition to bed.


a few days later...

Hi, everyone.
Todd "scoops" ming,

Reporting for duty.

Welcome back,

How did everything go
while I was absent?

See for yourself.

Hey! A picture of me?

"Special dentist
helps absent editor

Wave bye-bye
to baby teeth"?

I came up with the
headline myself.

How could you?

People tell me

I have a way
with words, so...

Becky, I was a
little embarrassed

That you and violet
knew why I was absent,

But now I'm mortified!

Mortified? But why?

Because I didn't want
everyone to know

That the "daily rag" editor,
todd "scoops" ming,

Was the only kid in school
with baby teeth.

But you don't
have them anymore,

So what's the worst
that could happen?

Hey, scoops
"baby teeth" ming!

Great to have you
back, chief.

Becky, that is the last time

I let you run the newspaper
while I'm absent.

Man: ha ha!
Heh heh! Meat.

Huh! I'm really
sorry you don't
like the article,

But duty calls.

Can we
finish talking
about this later?

[Door shuts]



Pork chop chops!

Hold it right
there, butcher!


What's going on,
butcher? Why so angry?

Well, because...

Just look at me!


Can you give me
a hint what I'm
looking for?

I was absent for
the first part
of the crime, so...

That barber butchered
my haircut!

He did?

It doesn't really look
any different to me.

Well, it does to me!


Look at my hair!

Look at it!

I like what hair I have
left to look perfect,

But he...did...this!

So I'm taking that!

Meatball mayhem!

Hah! Hah! Hah!
Hah! Heyah!

Good job, huggy.


Scoops ming,
the "daily rag."

Do you have time for
a quick interview?

Of course!

Anything for a friendly
reporter like you, scoops.

Great. Now that you've
captured the butcher,

Will you try to embarrass

Or humiliate him
in some way?

What? Of course not!

I like to help people.

Next question. Could you
describe to me what

The word "mortified"
means to you?

Sure. "Mortified" is
a word that means

To feel really

Or ashamed
or humiliated.

So, like when you have
your most private secret

Revealed on the cover

Of an award-winning
school newspaper?

Or when you get
a bad haircut

And you feel like everyone
is staring at it.

Yeah, like that lady
over there.

Hey, mind your
own business, lady!

Sure. Those are
both examples

Of being embarrassed
or mortified.

Now, to me,
I would think you'd
feel mortified

By a paper with
a boring story

About the lunch lady
on the cover.

Boring? That lunch lady
plays musical instruments--

With her nose!

That's not boring.
That is news.

Hey, you know, it's probably
not my business,

But I think there's
a deeper issue

Going on between you two.

Maybe it's not my place
to give advice or anything,

But I think you need
to take some time

And talk it through, so...

Shish kabob!



"Meat" you later!

Ha ha! Oh, man.
That was terrible.

So, wordgirl,
anything else

You'd like to add
to this interview?

I'm not talking
to the press.

Oh, that's fine.
I'm sure we can
come up with a story

That will be of great
interest to our readers.

Narrator: later that day,
everyone is reading

A special edition
of the "daily rag."

Ha ha ha!

What's so funny?

Look at wordgirl.

She has food
in her teeth.

Isn't it hilarious?

Huh! Oh!

No, actually.

It's very much
not hilarious!

Hello, becky.

Don't you "hello, becky" me.
You just did this

To get back at me for
the baby teeth article.

What? I am
a professional

Amateur newspaper

I never let
my feelings get

In the way of the news,

Even when it's really

You know what?
That's fine.

Now we're even.

Let's forget
the whole thing.

Hang on. What's this?

"Local girls needs haircut

And has more food in her
teeth than wordgirl"?

How could you print this!

Aw, you're overreacting.

Butcher: ham-a-lanche!

Gah! I have to go.

The butcher is
causing trouble again--

You know, since you
helped him escape.

I helped the butcher escape?

We'll just have to
talk about this later.

Word up!

Butcher: ugh!

Are these the only
hats you've got?

'Cause, you know,
I'm not really sure

I could pull off the
whole wizard thing.

All right, butcher!

Give back the hats
and surrender.

No way! Not until
I find a hat

That covers this haircut.

Eh, too football-y.

Uh! Go away, scoops.

I don't need you
helping the butcher
escape again.

I am just
covering the news.

It's what I do.

Aw, hey, you two
still fighting?

I have just the solution!



How could you have
the solution?

You were absent
for the whole first
part of the fight.

How can you
call me absent...

When I have no idea
what "absent" means.

The word "absent"
just means you were away

Or not there for something,
and since you were absent,

Or not present, when scoops
and I got into our argument,

I don't see how you would
know how to fix it.

Hey, look,
I'm a sensitive guy,

And I don't like
to see friends fight.

Now, tell me
how it started,

And let's see if I
could help you two kids

Patch things up, huh?

I told her an
embarrassing secret

About still having
baby teeth,

And then she
told everybody.

Wordgirl! Did you do that?

Well, not exactly.

Did you seriously do that?

She did, and I
was mortified.

Friends don't
make their friends
feel like that.

Scoops has a good point.
They don't.

I didn't mean
to embarrass him.

on the other hand,

Did something to
mortify me on purpose

To get back at me.

And it worked.

Scoops, did you do that?

I guess I did.

Now that I
think about it,
I feel terrible.

Feels good to
open up, doesn't it?

I'm sorry, wordgirl.

No, I'm the one
who's sorry, scoops.

This is beautiful.

This is what
it's all about, kids.

Corned beef attack!

Oh, no,
you don't!

Ohh! You got me.

Narrator: the next
morning at school...

Gee, scoops,
this edition of

The "daily rag"
is turning out great.

I know. I think the
story of how you--

I mean, how wordgirl
caught the butcher

Is the best article
we've ever done.

You sure are great
at what you do.

I just wish I did
a better job when
you were absent.

Oh, becky, aside from
humiliating me

In front of
the entire school,

You did an amazing job.

You're just saying that.

If I was just saying
that, would I let you

Push the giant
red button?

Huh! Really?
You mean it?

Go for it.

It would be my honor.


Wait! That's not
the picture

I meant to put
on the cover!

Hold on a second, becky.

What did
you say, scoops?

Narrator: and so,
once again,

Wordgirl defeats
the butcher,

While becky learns that
her friendship with scoops

Can handle anything...

Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!

Even the occasional
embarrassing photo.

[Ooo ooo ahh ahh]

Anyway, I'd be mortified

If I forget to tell
all you viewers--

Except, of course, the ones
who are absent--

To watch the next exciting
episode of "wordgirl"!

Now let's
throw it away

So no one else
will ever see it.

♪ Wordgirl ♪

Hello. I'm beau handsome,

And this is
the bonus round of...

"May I have a word?"

Our returning champion
will have a chance

To play for even greater prizes
on the bonus round.

Emily, you correctly defined
the word "inflate."

Ready to play
the bonus round?

Yes, sir.

All right!

Take a look at these
pictures and tell me

Which one shows the
definition for inflate.


Number .
In that picture,

Becky is standing
with a balloon
she's inflated

That looks
just like her.

That's correct!

Huggy, show emily
what she's won.

A pump for your official

Beau handsome
giant inflatable head!

Hello, gorgeous.

Anyway, that's our show.
See you next time on...

"May I have a word?"

Want more "wordgirl"?

Watch your favorite episodes
and test your word power

Want wordgirl's word power?

Fly over to your local library.

Cape not required.

Word up!