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01x03 - Nothing Ever Works Twice

Posted: 07/28/23 12:00
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪

I'll take two.


Up to you, Loren.

You're too strong for me
tonight, Victor.


I'll call.

Aces full.

Beats me.

You win. You lose.

It evens out.

I'll buy half
of that.

You win, Farnsworth,

who else?

Here you are.

Thank you, Walter.

Better luck next time.

I don't think
there'll be a next time.

Drinks at the club?

to k*ll the taste.

Where's Jim?

He didn't show up.

Well, I don't blame him.

How deep in hock
can you get?

Helen's on
the phone.

She said Jim
was here.


Jim, what happened?

♪ ♪

Mr. Mannix, Mr. Wickersham
wants to see you.

Oh, Mr. Mannix,
Mr. Wickersham
wants to see you.

He's in the computer room.

On my way.

He wants to see me
in the computer room.

How are you this
morning, Mannix?


Have a nice breakfast?

Yeah. And I brushed my teeth
and I washed my socks.

Now you can drop
the other shoe.

It's all here.
Follow the man,
locate the girl,

and get the
usual affidavits.

Thanks, anyway.


I don't touch divorce.

Okay. I promised the
client I'd talk to you.

So you talked.

It's Gloria Newman.

She's in your office.

The name is
Farnsworth now.

Yeah, I was at the wedding.

Apparently, she wants you

at the divorce, too.


You really going to say no
to her?

How does she look?

Want to hear a corny line?

You haven't
changed either.

Three years is a long time
without a call.

Well, you got married.
I figured you'd be busy.

I must have
picked up that phone times.

Joe, will you help me?

Why me?

There are other
detective agencies.

There are other detectives
in this agency.

Because I can trust you.

Because you are the best.

And because it's going
to take the best to beat Victor.

You seemed happy
going down the aisle.

Well, whatever it was,
it died a long time ago.

Will you help me, Joe?

Hire a lawyer.

Divorces come
easy these days.

Not so easy.

is a very potent drug.

It can make you do things.

I made mistakes. No excuses.

I made them.

But Victor will smear me
over every newspaper in town.

I want a quiet divorce.

The only chance I have
is to get something on him,

so that we
can make a trade.

Oh, I know it sounds dirty.

That seems to be the only
language he understands.

How dirty?

Another woman.

Maybe, if you, uh, follow him,
you can find out who she is.

I'll be in touch.

Joe, do you remember

that little toy
carousel you gave me?

I still have it.

I should have held
on to you, too,
for dear life.

I won't make that
mistake again.

When this is all over,
I'm going to get you back.

Mr. Farnsworth?

Oh, no.

I don't care about appointments.

If this headache
doesn't get any better,

I won't be in tomorrow either.

Maybe even longer.

How did you get in?

Did you ever try knocking?

Victor Farnsworth is dead.

I think I'll lie down.

You'd better
hear the rest.

Maybe I'd better not.

I'd like a print
check on this.

That's yours.

That's right, Lou.

She set me up.

With those big eyes
and that soft voice,

she set me up.

Now, how did you
get into this one?

I was slugged, and then
dragged into their house.

And something tells me
he was shot with my g*n.

We'll call my lawyers,

go down to the
D.A.'s Office.

You know what
you're doing?

Not yet. No.

The k*ller knows
what he's doing.

I was no sudden brainstorm.

I was someone's
handpicked patsy.

Everywhere you look,
I fit. Tight.

Victor refuses
to give Gloria a divorce,

so she comes to me
with tears in her eyes

and says, "Help me, Joe."
So I say, "Sure,"

even though I don't
handle divorce cases,

and everybody knows that,
but I take this one.


Because I'm an old love.

She's very pretty and appealing,
and she's worth millions.

Now, you know the D.A.
will make m*rder One out of that

without leaving his office.

So don't ask me to stand still!

Now, Joe, wait a minute.

What if they
catch up to you?

Supposing some rookie
cop gets nervous...

I'm not going to sit this out
in a jail cell!

You'll be backed up
by Intertect all the way.

I'll be working for you.

I want me working for me, Lou.

All right.

What do you want me to do?

Get me a rundown
on the Farnsworth circle--

friends, neighbors, Victor's
card-playing buddies.

All right.
Go to a movie.

Stay all day or something.

Get me Parker
in the computer room.

Oh, Joe,

give me three hours,

and then get in touch with me
through the office.

I don't care
where Parker went!

Get him to the phone!

Oh, and Joe...


Hello. You tell Parker
I will be in that office

in as long as it takes me
to get there,

and I want him with me

or I'll turn on
his delicate machines myself!

Wait a minute.

Calm down.

Just tell Parker I will
be in that office in minutes.

Why? Because
my headache went away!

That's why!

You know what I
think of you, Gloria.

That's why I'm here.

The only reason.

Thank you for coming.

Oh, Gloria.

Hello, Clara.

Hi, Loren.

Want to hear a terrible thing?

I had visions
of doing it myself.

Loren, honey,
that's tasteless.

No, really, Clara.

I think everybody had that
thought from time to time.

Why don't you take him

and buy him a martini?


I just couldn't
believe the news.

It was such a shock.

It's incredible,
absolutely incredible.

Victor was such
a fine man.

John, please forgive me.

I must lie down.

Of course.
I understand.

Mrs. Farnsworth, the District
Attorney is on his way.

The police giving
you a bad time?


I'll speak to the
District Attorney.

You don't have
to say anything.

Thank you.

Oh, Joe, I knew it was you
when I saw the carousel.

It only cost
a couple of bucks.

You gave it to me
that last night, remember?

Yeah, it seemed

Going around in circles,
getting no place... like us.

Who is it?

Mrs. Farnsworth?


The District Attorney is here.

I'll be down in a moment.

You can't believe
I'd give you away?

Why not?
You hired me.

You knew exactly
when I'd be here.

I don't know how
you dragged my body
into the house.

You must have had help.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Oh, Joe, I wanted him out
of my life, but not that way.

You shouldn't have come.

You mean now...

or this morning?

What do I have to do
to make you believe me?

All right...

someone k*lled Victor,
not you, not me. Who?

Take a wild guess.

No one.


I don't know.

What about Victor's girlfriend
I was supposed to find?

Oh, Joe, it doesn't
matter now.

It matters to me!

Well, I think it's Susan Graham.

She's a model.

Susan Graham.

How will I get in
touch with you?


Well, I can go through
Victor's papers.

Maybe something will turn up.

Then call Lou Wickersham.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

The name Farnsworth
has been "high society"

for a hundred years.

Victor Farnsworth's wedding
three years ago

to the lovely Gloria Newman was
the social event of the season.

The police say the suspect,
Joe Mannix,

knew Mrs. Farnsworth
before her marriage.

Their names
were romantically linked

by a newspaper columnist
and at one time...



My agent didn't say anything
about a photographer.

He forgot.

Who are you?

Joe Mannix.


Excuse me.

I have to make a phone call.

Well, what do you want?


You're breaking my arm!

It'd get
a lot worse.

I don't know anything.

Victor was paying
your rent.

Victor was a good
friend, that's all.

Just cool it.

Her coat's still here.

She'll probably be back
any minute.

Call the airline.

Get rid of them.

No tricks,
or I'll use this.

When is the next flight
to Caracas?

What are you
standing there for?

Pack her things!

Susan, where the devil
have you been?

Tied up.

You're going on a trip.

Get some things together.

I just had a vacation.

No, it has to be today.

I said forget it.

You're the only one who can
possibly connect me to Victor.

Then you go.

Who do you think
you're talking to?!

He told me to get rid of you.


He's gone.

Who was it?

Joe Mannix.

He wanted to know
about Victor.


Put it in the name of "Graham."

Plane leaves

in minutes.

Get your coat.

Look, you and Victor
used my place

as an office once a week.
I'm not involved.

You were involved

when you took
your first dollar from us.


I'll say Victor
came here alone.

That's nothing new
to the world.

Is that what you'll
tell the police?


You won't have to
if you're not here.

If she doesn't cooperate,
you know how to handle it.

We'll go through
every inch of this place

while you take her
to the airport.

Come back for us.

Oh, I, uh, I left
some pills.

My name was on the box.

In the kitchen.

Be good and, uh, it'll
be worth your while.

Drop dead!

You look around,
see what you can find.

I'll get my pills.

Keep calm.

Here are your pills.

That's right, Mulloy.

You're an intelligent man.

Explain how I've got nothing
to lose by k*lling you.


Let him go.
He's a wanted man.

The police won't believe
anything he says.

As long as Susan's gone,
we're all right.


This is Julius. Any messages?

I said don't phone here!

Meet me at Fourth and DeGrasse
in minutes.

We can't take the chance,

Just cruise around.
I'll signal you.

Get me Jacobsen
at police headquarters.

Jake, Lou Wickersham.

Don't ask me how I am.

That rookie on my back is
as inconspicuous as a boil.

Look, I know,
I know, it's routine.

But I don't have Mannix
in my trunk, so call him off.

Jake, do you want me to call
the Commissioner?

Not two hours ago, you said

you'd be careful.

We got the report
on your g*n.

My prints?

Only yours.

If they'd had more time

I'm sure they'd have left
us there holding hands.

We turned up
some interesting stuff.

Go ahead.
I'm a c*ptive audience.

Well, Victor was broke.

Whatever he made in those card
games, he blew at the track.

Well, at least
she'll get the house.

Gloria? She gets nothing.

The whole front--
house, cars, everything--

belonged to Victor's partner.

He had one,
you know.

J.P. Mulloy.

Do you really need
me on this case?

Like I told you
a long time ago,

turn in those million
dollar machines.

Pay me the difference.

A million dollars won't
get you out of this.

Those machines might.

Okay, Lou.

Those machines also revealed

that several members of Victor's
set met with accidents.

John Mason, Will Barnes--

all men who sat in on Victor's
game at one time or another.

Most recently Jim Burton.


Burton was a little slow
in paying Victor what he lost.

When he got out of the hospital,
he threatened to k*ll Victor.

What else?

That's it. What do you expect
for a fast check?

For ten cents, I can get

the same information
out of a newspaper

without all those
lights and buttons.

Hey, where are we heading?

A girl named Clara Warner

She's a friend of Gloria's.

She wants to
talk to you.

All right.

Call me at this number.

It's a phone booth
at Fourth and Borden.

I still say this is all wrong.

All that electricity
the machines used,

they at least come up
with a guess?

General areas.

How general?

As I said, it was only
a brief scanning.

How brief?

One suspect.

Okay, Lou, who?


Waiter, what time
is it please?

: .

Ten minutes since you
asked me at : .

Guess I've been stood up.

Nice kid.

Anybody who stood her up
needs a psychiatric checkup.


Are you Joe Mannix?

That's right.

I've been waiting in
there over an hour.

It's safer out here.

Look, I've got
something to tell you.

Go ahead.

I want you to understand
one thing.

Victor deserved
what happened.

I never thought I'd say
that about anyone.

You know who k*lled him?

Well, that's the trouble.
I mean, I'm not sure.

And I don't want
to hurt anyone.

Give me your keys.

Call a cab.

Go home. Don't let
anyone in but me.

♪ ♪

Carl's Maintenance.

I want a mess cleaned up.

Susan Graham tried
to get on that plane.

I tipped Jacobsen and they
picked her up for questioning.

She doesn't know anything.

Where are you?

At Clara Warner's.

What did she say?

Probably said she was
too young to die.

Someone didn't believe her.

Any idea who did it?

Yeah, the field is narrowing.

I have something that may
help you to handicap it.
Go ahead.

Victor's lawyers prepared
divorce papers months ago.

Gloria tore them up.

She lied to us, Joe.

Pick up Gloria and meet me
at the Hunt Street Station.

Tell her Mulloy was
Victor's partner.

Tell everybody.

Joe, are you all right?

I think I'm catching
your headache.

Who are you?

Loren Marshall,
friend of Clara's.

Who are you?

Why'd you come back, Loren?

What are you talking about?
Clara called me to pick her up.

Let's take a ride.

Wait a minute,
Clara's expecting me.

I said drive.

Who are you?
Joe Mannix.

I'm not going
anywhere with you.

I think you are.

That's right,
now steady as she goes.

What were you doing there?

Why were you at Clara's?

Clara knows
who k*lled Victor.

The police are wrong.

I had no reason
to k*ll Victor.

Don't tell me,
tell the police.

Turn up ahead.

Don't fight me. Turn!

There's a dirt road up ahead.

Pull in there and stop.
I'll take over.

Mr. Wickersham,
is anything wrong?

Your butler said you've been
gone most of the afternoon.

Well, the phone kept
ringing all day long.

I just had to get out
of the house.

Have you heard any news?

Let's go.

Have you spoken to him?

What did Clara want?

Please get in.

He is all right, isn't he?

Where are we going?

To the Hunt Street Station.


Someone had a reason
for k*lling Victor.

You can help me find it.

To know Victor was
to have a reason.

Yeah, all those losers.

Were you one?

No, actually,
I did quite well.

Like Gloria?

She's worth a fortune now.

Victor Farnsworth
was a paper man.

What does that mean?

J.P. Mulloy-- the
elite president of
your country club?

Oh, he's a smart one.

He kept his ivory-handled
cane out of Victor's house.

He was the man behind the
whole gambling operation.

Please let me out.
You don't need me.

I need all the
help I can get.

But Clara sounded terrible.

Clara is dead.

Someone didn't want
her talking to me.

You k*lled her!

Joe Mannix is down
here in the car!

He's here!

In the car!

He's here!

Joe Mannix is down here

in the car!

♪ ♪

And now, the : News.

The Police Department
reports that Joe Mannix,

suspected of murdering
Victor Farnsworth,

has been surrounded

in the Mansfield Canyon area,
about a half an hour ago.


Motorists are requested to avoid

this section of the city
until further notice.

Can't you do

Why stay in
this place?

You heard. He's,
he's miles away.

It'll be dark soon.

Mannix said he'd be here.

This is where we wait.


Yeah, I'm okay, Lou.

Joe, your face.

Who else knew you hired me?

Only Clara.

I told you--
it was her idea.

You and Clara, huh?


Clara tell
anybody else?

I don't know.

Maybe she did.

Believe her?

Joe, Clara
will tell you.

I'll call her.

Clara is dead.

Oh, no!

Let's go.

Mannix here. Put me
through to Howard.


What's the latest
report on Mulloy?

Where is he?


Where is Mulloy?

Don't you have
enough trouble?

Look, I'm trying
to help him.

Why don't you help
him by getting lost?

He may be in trouble.

Well, don't you
worry about it.

Mr. Mulloy?

I'll be with you in a moment.

What do you want?

The truth.

I didn't k*ll Victor.

You were his partner.

Victor was... what he was
long before we met.

I simply invested.

Like in the
stock market?

After a fashion.

Look, Mulloy, I've
been slugged, shot at.

I went over a
cliff in a car,

and the police keep getting
closer all the time.

Somehow I'm getting awfully
tired of the spot I'm in.

You understand what
I'm trying to say?

I don't know what you want
from me, Mr. Mannix,

but I can't help you!

Then we'll wait.

We'll just stand here
and wait for your k*ller.

Why should anyone
want to k*ll me?

Why would anyone want
to k*ll Farnsworth?

Well, no one liked him--
not even his wife.

Maybe it was Gloria,
but if it wasn't,

then I think
it was somebody

who's up to his ears
in gambling debts,

someone who k*lled Victor
to avoid the kind of beating

Jim Burton got from Victor's
collection agency.

Does that scare you, Mulloy?

No one has any idea that I
was involved with Victor.

Wrong. They do now.

I got a big mouth.

Lou Wickersham has made
a couple of phone calls.

Whoever k*lled Victor

knows by now he got
the job only half done.

You're staking me out!

That's right, Mulloy.

You're all I've got left.

I tried the
normal channels.

A couple of million dollars
of shiny hardware at Intertect

went to work on the case.

They came up
with a bad guess.

They think I did it,

and the police
have no reason

to believe otherwise.

Mr. Mulloy?


Joe Mannix got by me.

He's around here somewhere.

He's not here!

Search the upstairs.

IOU's in the safe?


Yeah. John
Freeman, $ , .

Caldwell, $ , .

What are you doing?

Verifying a m*rder.

Marsh... $ , ?

Loren Marshall told
me he was ahead.

It might have
come true one day.

Mannix, throw
your g*n over here.

Left hand.

All right, my
IOU's please.

What then?

Both of you.
I don't have any choice.

I never meant
anyone to be hurt.

It was Vic...
My notes,

They won't do you much
good without the ledger.

What ledger?

Like all big business,

Mulloy and
Farnsworth kept books.

Where is it?

Right here in the safe.

Get over there.

Get away
from there. Go on.

Mannix, get over here
and open this up.

I don't know
the combination.

He does.

Then let him go.

Suppose I don't.

I'll k*ll you and he'll
open the safe fast enough.

The computers
at Intertect...

you gonna k*ll
those, too?

What computer?

The ones the police
are reading now.

How do you think I
got to you, Marshall?

But you said...

Fantastic thing,
those computers.

They make a private
detective's job a gas.

They take the bits and
pieces that rattle around,

chew 'em up
and sort 'em out.

Things like Gloria
telling Clara

about her problems
with Victor.

Clara telling you.

Then you had Clara talk
Gloria into hiring me

'cause I carry a g*n.

Just bits and pieces,
as you say, nothing more.

The safe. Now!

The computer bet
on four suspects--

You, me, Mulloy and Gloria.

She's with an
Intertect Agent.

You k*ll us, you eliminate
everyone but yourself.

You see, Mr. Mannix,

I'm rather like
the little boy at the dike.

As new holes open up,

I shall have to plug them
as best I can.

Not me.
Not me, please!

We'll work out something!

Hold it right there.

Just remember
how it was last time.

Put 'em down real easy.

All right, over there.


Loren Marshall?

You know, Lou,

the more I think
about those computers,

maybe you could
get a refund.

What's my alternative?

More Joe Mannix's?

I want to apologize,
Mr. Mannix,

and to thank you
for saving my life.

Those are legitimate debts!

Don't burn your hands.

Vice Squad.

This is Wickersham
with Intertect.

I got a gambling case for you,

a J.P. Mulloy and friends.

We're at the Farnsworth house.

Oh, by the way,
tell Homicide it's worth a trip.

No, not Mannix.

He's clean,
so call off your boys.

Joe, you don't
still think

that I had anything
to do with Victor's
death, do you?


Not any more.

I warned you what would
happen when I was free.

You could have been
free a long time ago.

All right, I
lied about that.

I had to.

Victor would have cut
me off without a dime.

All those years
with him...

I was entitled
to something.

I earned it.

You're probably right.

I'm sorry you were cheated.


You can't just walk away.

They say, the second
time is always easier.