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01x07 - Zigby's Racing Car/ Zigby Goes Camping

Posted: 07/28/23 15:55
by bunniefuu
♪ On a tropical island far away ♪

♪ A cheeky zebra loves to play

♪ Zigby running through the jungle ♪

♪ Uh oh

♪ He's trotting into trouble

♪ Zigby and his friends are here today ♪

♪ Zigby's off on a new adventure ♪

♪ Here's McMeer his helpful friend ♪

♪ Bertie the bird says please be careful ♪

♪ But it's okay

♪ It'll work out in the end

♪ Zigby running through the jungle ♪

♪ Hooray

♪ He's trotted out of trouble

♪ Zigby and his friends are here to play ♪

♪ Zigby

(upbeat music) (bird squawking)

(Zara imitates car revving)

ZaraBeep, beep!

BertieWhat's that noise?

(Zara imitates car revving)

ZigbyIt's Zara!

(Zara imitates car revving)

Beep, beep.

Like my new car?

Car, what car?

Zara's got a shiny new pretend car.

(Zara imitates car revving)

Hey Zara, is there room in the back for me?

Beep, beep!

(Zara imitates tires screeching)

(Zara imitates car revving)

Hop in!

(playful music)


(Zara imitates car revving)

Oh, I see, a pretend car.

(imitates car revving)

Zara, your pretend car is so much fun,

it's given me a brilliant idea!

(Zara imitates tires screeching)

What idea, Zigby?

I could make you a real car.

(Zara gasps)

A real car?

Are you sure?

As sure as I'm stripey.

(Zara gasps)

Will it go as fast as my,

(imitates car revving) pretend car?


Maybe even faster!

(playful music)

(Zara imitates car revving)

What a really fast car needs is

plenty of safety features.

Brakes, seat belts, mirrors--

McMeerAnd a horn!

(Zara imitates car revving)

And a steering wheel.

(playful music)

Oh (laughs)!

Wow, it's the zippiest, zoomiest car I ever saw, Zigby.

Yep, it's got zip all right Zara (chuckles).

It's the deluxe four seater model.

With a, (horn honking) horn!

And triple pedal power.

And plenty of special safety features, and safety helmets.

Ready to climb into the driver's seat, Zara?

(Zara gasps)


Yep, but don't forget your helmet.

(Zara laughs)

Zip, zip.

(all gasping)

[Bertie and Zigby] Zoom!

(Bertie laughing)

Zip, zip, zoom (laughs)!

Oh, silly me.

I thought Zigby was trotting us into trouble.

Is it as fast as your pretend car, Zara?

Uh, nearly.

McMeer, Bertie, let's pedal faster!

ZaraZip, zip!

(monkeys exclaiming)



Hang on, how come they've got a car and we haven't?

Not fair, we gotta get a car.


But where are we gonna get a car?


Got it, we gotta make a car.


Looks like a whole lotta--


(monkeys laughing)

Monkey see--

AllMonkey do.

(monkeys whooping)

(gentle music)

Aw, yes.

These zebra stripes will make it go so much faster.

MonkeysMonkey see, monkey do.

Monkey see, monkey do.

Hey, nice car.


Does it go fast?

Super fast.


Well, my zebra stripey car's super duper fast.

Our big banana car's even faster

then your zebra stripey car.

You know, there's only one way

to find out which car is faster.

Let's have a race.

A race!

Great idea, Zigby.

A race?

A fast, speedy, rush to the finish line race?

Oh, I was right.

Zigby is trotting us into trouble after all.

(playful music)

Go past the mango tree and take an orange flag.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we get it.

Let's get racing!

A bit of shush please.

We need to know the rules.

Then, past the coconut grove and take a red flag.

Then back to here.

Now Clem, Clem?

I wave the go flag.

Drivers, are you ready?

Oh, oh, I'm steering first!

No, I'm steering first.

(Stink exclaiming)


I got here first.

Well, I'm steering next.

(playful music)

Zigby, do you think we can win?

I know we can win.

Drivers, are you set?

AllGo team Zigby!

Tink, Stink, come on!

We gotta be a team too!

AllMonkey see, monkey do!

Monkey see, monkey do!

(monkeys laughing)


(monkeys chattering) (playful music)

MonkeysBye bye team Zigby!

(monkeys laughing) (playful music)

Come on!

The monkeys are winning.

Get the flag, Wink.

Oh, the monkeys have got their orange flag first.

MonkeysMonkey see, monkey do.

Monkey see, monkey do!

Don't give up team Zigby.

They haven't won yet.

(all grunting)

(monkeys chattering)

Hey Stink, my turn to steer.

No Tink, we're winning.

I gotta keep steering.

(monkeys grunting)

TinkStop it!

(monkeys grunting)


(McMeer laughs)

Bye bye monkeys!

Stink, let Tink steer.

Oh (grunts)!

AllMonkey see, monkey do!



(Stink laughs)

(upbeat music)

AllGo team Zigby!

Monkey see, monkey do.

Those monkeys are catching up.

WinkTink look, we gotta turn that way.

MonkeysMonkey see, monkey do.

BertieUh, I think the monkeys just made a wrong turn.

Monkey see, monkey do. >> They're going the wrong way!

(Stink whooping)

(Stink laughs)

Look, team Zigby's going the wrong way.

(monkeys laughing)

(boat boinging) (monkeys exclaiming)


What was that?

I told you I should steer.

Look, this wheel's stuck in a hole.

Come on, give the banana car a shove and we can still win.

AllMonkey see, monkey do!

Banana car!

TinkCome back!

StinkGet the car!

(monkeys whooping)

Oh, come back.

Oh, come on, Wink!

What's that?

It sounds like the monkeys.

MonkeysBanana car!


Come back! >> Hey, who put on the brakes?

I did.

Oh, but we're winning Zigby.

It sounds like the monkeys are in trouble.

Oh, I knew I should've checked

the banana car's safety features.

Zigby, we can't stop now.

We're winning!

I really wanna win, too McMeer.

MonkeysBanana car, stop!

(monkey whooping)

Banana car?

(mud sloshing)

Ready, set, go.

MonkeysMonkey see, monkey do!

(monkeys grunting)

Oh (sighs).

We may as well just give up.

Team Zigby will win for sure now.

ZigbyNeed a hand?


(playful music)

(all grunting)

AllGo team Zigby!

(monkeys grunting) (playful music)


(monkeys whooping)

Hey, the race isn't over yet!

Yeah, we can still win.

All right, let's do this!

Let's go, let's go!

(monkeys chattering)

Just you wait and see, Team Zigby.

MonkeysMonkey see, monkey do!

Team ZigbyZoom, zoom, Team Zigby!

(upbeat music) (monkeys chattering)


Team ZigbyGo team Zigby!

Here they come, Team Monkeys first.

Now Team Zigby is catching up.

Uh oh, Team Monkeys wheels are gettin' the wobbles.

Oh, and now it's Team Zigby.

No, it's Team Monkey.

Team Zigby, Team Monkey, Team Zigby, oh!

Here they both come!

(teams cheering)

It's a tie.

What a race, what a finish.

Both cars have crossed the line at exactly the same time.

Uh, so, who won?

It's a tie so everybody won.

But actually, it was a lot of fun.

No, it wasn't a lot of fun.

It wasn't?

It was the best fun ever!

(car creaking) (all exclaiming)

(all laughing)

(bouncy upbeat music)

This is the first time I've ever been to a sleepover.

When do we sleep?

It isn't just about sleeping, Zara.

We also eat and play games.

Hey Zigby, I'm good at all those things.

Especially eating.

(laughs) Good? You're the world champion, McMeer!

Thanks Bertie.

Excuse us, please.

Coming through.

Oh, hi Celine!

Hi Vicky!

Oh! Are you coming to Zigby's sleepover as well?

No, Zara. We're here for the makeover.

Not the sleepover. (giggles)

Wow, that's exciting!

What's a makeover?

It's when you make something look better.

We have paint and wallpaper.

All in fabulous colors.

Uh, Celine,


I'm really sorry,

but it's our sleepover night tonight.

Could you do the makeover another time?

You can still have your sleepover.

We won't get in your way.


(loud scraping noise)

(Zigby and Zara groan)

Alright, let's play our first game.

I spy with my little eye

something wearing a hat.

(everyone shouts)

We don't want to get paint on the furniture.

Hmm, maybe we should have our

sleepover somewhere else.

I know! Why don't we go camping?

We can sleep outside in a tent, it'll be great!

I don't mind where we sleep

as long as there's food.

I've never been camping before.

Have you, Zigby?

Erm, no, Zara.

But it sounds like fun.

I think you may be trotting us into trouble, Zigby.

How will we know what to do?

C'mon Bertie! How hard can it be?

The perfect spot, let's pitch the tent!

(light playful music)

(Zigby grunts)


(everyone sighs)

I wonder what I did wrong?

Maybe you forgot the tent pegs?

Zara, of course I didn't forget the tent pegs.


(whispers) Bertie, can you pass me those tent pegs?

(loud hammering) (Zigby grunting)


(branch creaking)

(everyone sighs)

Maybe I could have a try?

Sure, Zara.

Hey Celine, I thought we decided on stripes?

Stripes are so stylish.

We did but we didn't say which way the stripes would go.

Hmm, let's forget the paint.

Wallpaper is even more fabulous than paint.

(wings fluttering)

(Zara grunts)

I did it!

I put up the tent!

Thanks, Zara.

Here, have one of my special sandwiches.


Oh, what's this?

My own banana and jam filling!

Mm-mm, delicious.

(McMeer bites loudly) >> Hey!

(everyone laughs)

(crickets chirping) (loud snoring)


Yes, Zara?

Did you bring a flashlight?

Of course,

only a silly sausage would forget

to bring a flashlight camping. (chuckles)

(button clicks) Ta-da!

Oops! I forgot to bring batteries.

Oh ... not that I'm afraid of the dark or anything,

but at home I sleep with a nightlight on.

Can you get me one?

A nightlight? Um...


Sure as I'm stripey.

Leave it to me, Zara.

(crickets chirping)


(wings fluttering)


A firefly!

Hello there,

how would you like to come into our tent

and be our nightlight?

(wings flutter)

You would? Aw, thanks.

You're my kind of fly.

(bright cheerful music)

(wings fluttering) (Rock-A-Bye Baby plays)

(loud snoring)

(loud sneeze)

(everyone exclaims)


Hey, where did my nightlight go?

No problem, leave it to me.

Vicky, you've put the paper the wrong way.

Not if you look at it this way.

Now yours is upside-down.

Oh! You're right!

(both giggle)

Hey little firefly!

Where'd you go?

Oh, firefly!

Wow, mushrooms that glow in the dark!

They're beautiful.

(sniffs) A bit smelly, but beautiful.


McMeer! Bertie!

You called?

I found a perfect nightlight for Zara.

Could please help me move it to the tent?


We did it! Zara's sound asleep.

Yes, but we aren't.

We can't sleep with those things in the tent.

They are a bit stinky, aren't they?

Okay, forget about the walls.

Let's paint the ceiling instead.


Whoops >> Uh-oh

What're we going to do now?

I don't know, but we've got to do something.

And fast!


Now at last, we can get some sleep.

No more glowing bugs or stinky mushrooms.

Yup, now this will be the perfect sleepover.


(everyone exclaims)


Crazy coconuts, what a mess.

What happened?

Your cousin Zigby just trotted us into trouble.

It's was more tripping than trotting,

but as sure as I'm stripey,

I'll trip us out again.

(trembling) It's dark out here.

(loud growling noise)

What was that?

It sounded like a monster.

There's no such thing as monsters,

you know that, Zara. You're smart.

Am I?

Of course you are!

You worked out how to put the tent up

and you're much too smart to believe in monsters.


I'm not!

Me neither!

(loud growling and hooting) (everyone cries)

(soft gentle music)

Hey, look!


(owl hoots)

Aw that's who was making the noises.

They're not monsters at all!

Oh, I should say not. I'm an owl.

And I'm a possum.

Who thought that we were monsters?

Uh, Bertie did! He was scared.

I was not!

How come we've never seen you before?

Well, maybe it's because we only come out at night.

We're not brave enough to go out in the daytime.

You think we're brave?

Sure, how can you bear to go out when it's sunny,

and there no stars twinkling in the sky?


ZigbyYou're right, stars are pretty amazing.

If you use your imagination,

you can join them up to see animals.

They're called 'constellations'.

Wow, you're right!

If I join the stars up like dots,

I can see a cat,

and a dog!

I can see a rooster

and a dragon

and (giggles) me!

I can see a big apple pie!

No, hang on, two apple pies!

Hang on,


I like this game.

I can see a bear.

Oh no! He's eating all the apple pies!

(everyone laughs)

Ooh bananas! Camping out is so much fun!

(bright cheerful music)

What a great time we had.

Hey, my room doesn't look any different.

What happened to the makeover?

In the end, Zigby,

we decided your room looks perfect the way it is.

Although, we did make one fabulous change.

You said how you wanted to sleep outside.

Well ...

(roof creaks)


Star gazing is so much fun, Zigby.

I can see a giraffe now.

I can see a hundred donuts and me eating them all.

I can see a meerkat with a tummy-ache.

And I can see us having lots more sleepovers.

(Cheerful upbeat music)