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01x17 - Zigby's Washing Day/ Zigby's Band

Posted: 07/28/23 16:04
by bunniefuu
♪ On a tropical island far away ♪

♪ A cheeky zebra loves to play

♪ Zigby running through the jungle ♪

♪ Uh oh

♪ He's trotting into trouble

♪ Zigby and his friends are here today ♪

♪ Zigby's off on a new adventure ♪

♪ Here's McMeer his helpful friend ♪

♪ Bertie the bird says please be careful ♪

♪ But it's okay

♪ It'll work out in the end

♪ Zigby running through the jungle ♪

♪ Hooray

♪ He's trotted out of trouble

♪ Zigby and his friends are here to play ♪

♪ Zigby

(upbeat music)

Whoa, the sun's up already.

Now, what was it I was gonna do today?

Whoa, these trousers need washing.

Into the dirty clothes basket with you.

Wow, it must be washing day today.

(upbeat music) (wings flapping)

(Zigby grunting) (upbeat music)

There, that should be enough.

Zigby, Zigby!

Are you ready?

One pair of clean trousers.

Hey, you're still in your pajamas.

It's washing day McMeer.

Oh, it can't be washing day.

We're going on a picnic today.

(Zigby gasps)

Oh, Bertie the picnic!

We're going to play hide and seek remember?

Aw, I knew there was something.

And eat!

Remember that too?

Bertie made mango cake with

real mango pieces and mango icing and mango!

(McMeer sniffing)

Oh, can I have some now?

Not 'til we're at the picnic McMeer.

Hurry up Zigby, we've gotta get to the picnic.

Put your pants on.

Since I started my washing I should finish it McMeer.

It won't take long.

Uh, but you still have lots of pants to wash.


It's gonna take forever.

Not if I rush them all through at once.

(Bertie gasps)

That could be trotting into trouble Zigby.

You might forget something if you rush.

But, washing my trousers one at a time will take too long.

Even if you do wash them all at once,

you still have to dry them.

That's okay.

I can wear the spare pair of trousers in my wardrobe.

Why don't you two go and set up

the picnic while I finish off?

Uh huh.

Uh huh.

(Zigby grunting)

(water splashing)

(Zigby grunting)

Don't be too long.

Did I tell you there's a cake?

And it's made of mango with real--

I'll be there as soon as you

can say peanut butter sandwiches.

(McMeer gasps)

Are we having those at the picnic too?

No, just means that Zigby'll be there

before we can say peanut butter sandwiches.

Oh (laughs), I get it.

Peanut butter samba jambiches.

No wait, wait.

(McMeer babbling)

Come on.

McmeerNo, no, I can get this.

(McMeer babbling)

(Zigby sighs)


Now into my spare trousers and off to the picnic.

(upbeat music)

Oh no, empty.

I washed all my trousers, even my spare pair.

Oh, what am I gonna wear to the picnic?

(upbeat music)

Just one tiny itty bitty piece

of mango cake with real mango pieces and mango icing?


We should wait for Zigby.

It's not a proper picnic until we're all here.

(McMeer sighs)

Yeah sure, of course.

Can I have a piece now?

Let's wait.

Zigby said he'd be here as soon

as we can say peanut butter sandwiches.

Oh, (laughs) you said it.

You said it.


Peanut (babbling).

I didn't.

I said peanut butter sandwiches.

That's right.

So where's Zigby?

He should be here.

Huh, you're right.

You know what that means?

We can have some cake?

No, Zigby must've trotted into trouble.

We have to go back.

And so I don't have any trousers to wear.

I can't wear my pajamas to a picnic.

Sorry, I ruined your day.

We only need to get one pair

of trousers dry for you to wear.


I'll blow one dry.

(McMeer exhaling)

Oh no, McMeer be careful.

Watch out for the,

(McMeer exclaiming) (playful music)

washing basket.

(McMeer sighing)

Uh, sorry Zigby.

Looks like you'll have to wash these again.

That's okay McMeer.

There's still four pairs left.

Like Bertie said, I only need to get on pair dry.

Uh, it might take more then just blowing power

to get a pair of trousers dry.

Oh, I know.

I'll make you some new trousers.

I can sew faster then you two can dry.

(playful music)

Uh, McMeer I really don't--

Don't worry, I'll hurry!

Well, let's try to dry some anyway.

[Zigby and Bertie] , , , .


Let's see it.

Oh, they're still wet.

We need to fan faster.




(Bertie groaning) (Zigby groaning)

(mud splattering)

Oh no!

Now there's only three clean pairs left.

If only we could get them dry.

Bertie, you're good with inventions.

Can you invent something to dry them quickly?

Hm, okay but you have to promise me

to use it really really carefully if I do.

(playful music)

Good one Bertie.

A wind machine.

Now stand back, please Zigby.

(Bertie groaning) (playful music)

This is hard work.

Here, let me try.

All right, but Zigby, be careful.

No rushing.

Yeah, yeah of course.

(Zigby groaning)

(Bertie gasps)

No Zigby, you're paddling the wrong way!

It, it's sucking, not blowing.




(playful music)


Look at my trousers.


Oh dear.

Oh, there's only one clean pair left.

(bird cawing)

Are you sure this is safe Zigby?

We have to do something.

If I don't get this last pair of trousers dry soon,

we won't have time for the picnic.


The wind is much stronger way up there.

Well, I hope you made sure the pegs were on extra tight.

(pegs boinging)

Uh oh.

You didn't did you?

Quick Zigby, your trousers are escaping!

I'll get them.

(Zigby panting)

Zigby, I've got your new trousers!


(Zigby coughing)

McMeer, are you all right?

(McMeer laughs)

I'm fine Zigby only, can you tell me which way is up?

Did anyone see which way my trousers went?

Sorry Zigby, no.

I can't see anything at all.


Crazy coconuts.

I'll never find where those trousers are blown to.

They were my last clean pair.

But look, I made some you can wear to the picnic.

They don't have any legs.

Well, a funny thing happened.

I tried cutting them shorter one leg at a time.

I was in a hurry and cut one a bit short,

then cut the other two short and then (laughs),

well, by the time I was finished

there weren't any legs left at all (laughs).

So I still don't have anything to wear.

(Bertie sighs)

I guess we'll just have to cancel the picnic.


(playful music)

(McMeer exclaims)

No picnic?

No cake, no hide and seek and no cake.

You said cake twice.

It's my favorite part.

I wish these silly trousers flew away

instead of Zigby's last clean pair.

Cool bananas you're brilliant!

I am?

BertieHe is?

We can use McMeer's trousers to find my trousers.

[McMeer and Bertie] How?

Let these trousers blow away too,

follow them and wherever they land,

that's where the other pair will be.

Let's hurry!

Let's not.

Too much rushing is what caused all this trouble.

We need to make a plan and do it properly

(playful music)

Now remember the plan?

I pull the string, the pegs come off

and the trousers will fly away.

Um, I follow the trousers using this path.

And I follow using this other path.

Yeah, and I follow along the third path.

That way one of us will see where the trousers land.


I hope this works.

It's our last chance at a picnic.

Now, make sure you keep watching the trousers, okay?


(playful music) (all panting)

I lost them!

I've got them!

I've got them!

(McMeer grunts)

I haven't got them.

(Zigby panting)


I've got 'em now!

(playful music)

You found the trousers!

You found the trousers!



The plan worked perfectly (chuckles).

McMeer's trousers took me right to where my trousers were.

(McMeer gasps)

So we can go on the picnic now?

Uh, no.


Aren't they dry?

They landed in the mud.

The day's almost over.

There's not enough time to wash and dry them now.

Oh, you mean I'm never gonna eat that mango cake

with real mango pieces and mango icing?

Or play hide and seek?


If only I hadn't been in such a rush

to wash all my trousers I wouldn't still be in pajamas.

Hey, that gives me an idea.

McMeer, Bertie?

How long would it take you to get into your pajamas?

(upbeat music) (McMeer munching)

(McMeer giggles)

So, do you like our pajama party picnic?

Mm, I like the mango cake.

I like the mango pieces and the mango icing.

I like that we're together.

Can we play hide and seek now?

As sure as I'm stripy.

I'll be first.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine...

(upbeat music)

(chill music)

(singing) Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do.


Is that you, Zigby?

Have you caught a cold?


No, Celine, I just got dust up my nose.

I'm spring cleaning.


Well, have a nice time.

(singing) Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do.



(cymbals brushing)










Music is fun!

Oh, I got a brilliant idea!

I'm telling you, McMeer,

there are no shoelaces in my nest.





I just had one of my brilliant ideas.

Is it about food?

Is it safe?

Guess what this is.

It's a stick!

No, guess again.

(flute playing)

Oo, oo, oo, I know, I know!


It's a musical stick!

Yeah, I guess it is.

But it's called a flute, really.

Anyway, I had the idea about playing in a band,

so that's why I made it.

Great idea, Zigby!

Um, what's a band?

You and Bertie and I playing musical instruments together.

(exclaiming) Brilliant!


I don't know, Zigby.

This could be trotting into trouble.

Bands can be tricky business.

How, Bertie?

Well, for one thing, McMeer and I don't even have

musical instruments.

Why don't you go and find some?

Meet me back at my place after lunch,

then we'll start practicing for our concert.

(gasps) Concert?

That's right.

Our band'll play music for everyone on the whole island.

You know, a concert.

What do you think McMeer?

Eh, uh?

Uh, sorry Zigby, I stopped listening

after you mentioned lunch.

Um, this is the best instrument I could find.

Paper and a comb.

Is that an instrument?

Well, yeah, it's called a kazoo.

I can play a tune on it.

(warbling music)

Bertie, you're brilliant.

It's perfect.

Not quite perfect.

It tickles the pointy end of my beak.


I've got one, I've got one!

A flute just like yours, Zigby.

Uh, it's very nice, McMeer.

But it would be better if you had

a different instrument from mine.

Zigby's right, three different sounding instruments

would make a better band.

Okay, no problem.

I'll find something different.

Back soon.

Should we have a practice with our instruments now?

Let's wait until McMeer's found his.

Besides, we gotta put up posters for the concert

and we need a stage to stand on, and--

So, no practice?

Oh there's a lot of things to do.

You can practice later.

And look, I still haven't finished my spring cleaning.


So, you're having a concert?

It doesn't say when it's on.

Oh, right.

Uh, tomorrow night.

FlamingoAnd it doesn't say what time.

Oh, right.

After dinner?


I can't wait.

I'll tell everyone.

Zigby, Bertie, I've got an instrument.

I made it myself.

I call it bagpipes.

Look, look.

I blow in here.

(air hissing)

And then I squeeze the bag.

(wailing sound)


(gasp) Has it stopped?

Is it safe?

(wailing fading)

I think I'll look for something that sounds better.

(chuckles) Good idea.

Well, you'd better hurry because the concert's tomorrow.



(calm music)

Shouldn't we wait for McMeer

so we can all practice together?

We need to start so we're good enough for the concert.

McMeer can catch up when he finds an instrument to play.

Okay, but let's make it quick.

We've still got lots of setting up to do for the concert.

And I still haven't put my pots away.


And a one, and a two, and a one, two, three.


I found a perfect instrument.

I call it a didgeridoo.

Let me show you, let me show you.


(wimpy sound)

Take a bigger breath, McMeer.

(breathing deeply)

(wimpy sound)


(breathing deeply)

(gross sound)

AllOh, stink!

It wasn't me!

Are you all right, McMeer?

Eh, everything went spotty and I fell down.

I think you blew too hard.

Maybe you should find an instrument

you can play for the whole concert, McMeer.

Instead of running out of breath after one note.

Right away.

Uh whoa, oh.

Steady, don't fall into the pots.

Maybe you should rest until you feel better.

I'm fine now, thanks.

(crying out)


I'm okay, I'm okay.

Oh, the concert's tonight and we still haven't practiced.

And McMeer hasn't even found an instrument.

Don't worry, Bertie.

We can move the concert to another day.

You can't move the concert to another day.

I've been all around the island.

I can't tell everyone about a change before tonight.

We could help.

No, it has to be tonight.

Everyone's making a special effort.

We can't wait another day.


(audience whispering)

Take your seats, everyone.

The fabulous concert will be starting soon.


Is McMeer coming?

No but, just about everyone else is here.


Crazy coconut!

If McMeer isn't here soon,

we'll have to cancel the concert.

Cancel the concert?

Oh, Zigby, everyone will be so disappointed.

We can't do it without McMeer.

He's part of our band.

He'll be upset if he misses out.

What are you doing?

I'm less likely to panic if I hide behind here.

I made it!

I've got an instrument.

(accordion sounds)

Where have you been?

I searched the whole island and finally found this.

I call it a squeeze box.

I'm pretty sure I'll be able to play a tune on it.

Pretty sure?

You mean you haven't tried it?

Now, now Bertie, this is no time to panic.

This is the perfect time to panic.

We're about to play in front of the whole island.

McMeer hasn't tried his instrument yet.


And we haven't practiced.


Is that important?

(audience calling)

What's keeping you?

Where's Bertie?

BertieI'm not here.

Um, he's helping me with my spring cleaning.

Spring cleaning?

Yeah, it's very dusty behind that chair.

We'll be out as soon as

McMeer helps me put the pots away.

Um, okay.

Just don't be too long.

So you want the pots and pans in the cupboard, right?



McMeer, are you all right?

Sure, I fall down all the time and never get hurt

Cool bananas.

Could you fall into the pots again?

I hope you're not getting one of your ideas, Zigby.

Watch and listen, Bertie.


Sure thing, Zigby.

(rhythmic clanging)

Hey, that sounds pretty good.

(rhythmic clanging)


I think McMeer has found his instrument.

Let the show begin.

(audience chattering)

Hello everyone.

Thanks for coming to our concert.

Tonight, I'll be playing the flute.

On kazoo will be your friend and mine, Bertie.

And on drums, the one, the only McMeer.


This first number's one we haven't even practiced.


And a one, and a two, and one, two, three, four.

(upbeat music)


(bright music)

