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01x23 - Zigby Finds a Hobby/ Zigby Loses a Hat

Posted: 07/28/23 16:08
by bunniefuu
♪ On a tropical island far away ♪

♪ A cheeky zebra loves to play

♪ Zigby running through the jungle ♪

♪ Uh-oh, he's trotting into trouble ♪

♪ Zigby and his friends are here today ♪

♪ Zigby's off on a new adventure ♪

♪ Here's McMeer, his helpful friend ♪

♪ Bertie the bird says, "Please be careful" ♪

♪ But it's okay, it'll work out in the end ♪

♪ Zigby running through the jungle ♪

♪ Hooray, he's trotted out of trouble ♪

♪ Zigby and his friends are here to play ♪

♪ Zigby

(playful music)

Zigby, Bertie, I was looking for shoelaces on the beach,

and I found all these instead.

Oh, a sand dollar, wow!

A sea star!

What else have you got?

Ew, seaweed.

It's a brilliant collection, McMeer.

You found a new hobby.

A hobby?

Nope, I don't think I found one of those,

only shells and seastars and-


No, McMeer, a hobby is something you do for fun

Like collecting things or swapping things or making things

Or tidying things


That's my hobby.

Everyone likes hobbies.

Hey, in fact, I've got an idea!

So, let's make today a special day

for trying out new hobbies.

(crowd murmurs)

Oh yeah, that sounds great!

Just think of a hobby you'd like to try, and do it.

It's that simple.


Lets go!

(crowd cheers)



I forgot the best part.

Let's meet back here at dinner time

to show each other our hobbies.


Woo hoo, yeah!

Oh Bertie, don't tell me.

How could trying a new hobby

possibly be trotting into trouble?

Oh no, hobbies are fun and fairly safe,

but sometimes it's hard to choose which one to do.

Well, I know which hobby I'd like to do,

and you can help me.

I can?

Of course!

Now let's go and get a bed sheet.

A bed sheet?

Is napping going to be our hobby?

No, we're gonna make shadow puppets.

Come on!

Why don't we do a hobby together, Vicki?


We can have such fun doing the hobby together.

And I've got just the hobby.




Oh, I wanted to do a different hobby.

I thought we could do tap dancing.

(singing) da-da-da-da-da-da

Don't you think juggling is much better?


But I really want to do a hobby with you.

Me too, but if we want different hobbies

Then maybe we have to find someone else to do them with.

Yeah. >> Okay.

I know, I bet Elle would like tap dancing.

Oh, I wonder where she is.

(playful music)


Oh, there she is.




You're juggling with Elle.


It's fun!

Oh, well, fine, don't worry about me.

I wanted Elle to tap dance with me,

but I can see it's too late.

And when we hang the sheet up,

it'll make the perfect background for our shadow puppets.

But now I don't have a friend to do my hobby with.

Oh, no friend?

No, because I wanted to do it with Selene or Elle

and now they've got each other.


I know!

Why don't all three of you do the hobby together?

Three friends together?

That's perfect!

Thanks, Zigby!

Well, I suppose so.

Let's tap dance.

It's simply fabulous.

a one and a two-

But we've already started juggling.

Haven't we, Elle.

One, two, three, four.

Let's take turns.

Okay, but first, tap dancing.

la dada da, that's it.



La dada da.

That's it!


(murmurs and gasps)


Oh, I can't do it!

Come on, Selene.

Let me show you again.

No thanks, Vicki.

I'm just not good at it.

I'll sit and wait until we can start juggling again.

(playful music)

Hmm, it's no fun sitting out.

I need to find a hobby Elle likes

more than tap dancing and juggling.

(playful music)

So Bertie, if you shine the flashlight at the sheet

I'll make the shadows.

What do you think this shadow is?

It's McMeer!

And this is Zara.

Wow, Zigby, shadow puppets is great hobby.

(playful music)

Oh, hey Elle, look!


I can turn a balloon

into an elephant.

Want to try?


We're finished dancing now.

You can make a hippo with this pink one.

Oh, a new hobby!

I'll try.

That's right.

Now twist here and there.

And now where?

(balloon pops)

Oh, bother!

Selene, can I have another balloon please?



(slow music)


I guess I'm not much good at balloon twisting.

Ta-da! >> Ta-da!


Let's make another one.


Oh, it's no fun sitting out.

I need to find a hobby Elle likes more than balloon twisting

(funky music)




Look at me.


Wanna try a bouncy stick?


Oh, sure.


(giddy cheers)

Oh, this is fun, Vicki!

(giddy cheers)

(kazoo plays)


Yoo hoo, look at me!

Want to try, Elle?




Look out!


Look at us sillies.


Hey, it's nearly dinner time.

Let's show everyone our new hobby.

Yes, but which one are we going to show?

Juggling, balloon twisting, or unicycling?

Or stick bouncing or tap dancing?

Oh, oh dear, it's way too hard to choose.

(playful music)


I like it!

We've been collecting at the beach.

Do you like my new hat?



Great hobby, as is skipping.


♪ Mangoes, peaches, pears, and plums ♪

♪ Tell me when your birthday comes ♪

♪ [Both] January, February, March, April, May ♪


Look, Zara!

Oh, look at me!

Watch, I'm skipping!




And now, Bertie and I would like to show you

our new hobbyshadow puppets.

(playful music)

This is McMeer.

(crowd cheers)

And this is Bertie.

(audience laughs)



This is Vicki.

And this is Selene.

(audience cheers)

ZaraThose were great!

Hey, where are Selene and Vicki?

And Elle?

We wanna see their hobby too.

ElleNo, they're not coming!

First, we couldn't choose which hobby to show,

and then they said they don't even like hobbies anymore.

And now, they won't even talk to each other.

Won't talk?

Crazy coconuts, I have have trotted into trouble.

(playful music)

Juggling, tap dancing, stick bouncing, unicycling,

what's not to like?

Yes, they were all fun.

It was just too hard to choose which one to show.

Cool bananas!

Maybe you don't have to choose just one.

All those hobbies would go really well together!

(playful music)

Jungle friends!

Selene, Vicki, and Elle couldn't decide which hobby to show,

so they've decided to show them all!

(energetic music)

(crowd cheers)

(Selene vocalizing)

(crowd cheering)

(energetic music)

(crowd cheering)

The most fun hobby of the day.

Oh, there are lots of yummy berries this time.

Oh yeah!

Hmm, I wish we could take more home.


It's certainly a long way to come back and get more.

Ehh, yeah.

If only we could find something to carry more

berries in.


We could use McMeer's hat.


Heh, hey, no way, not ever.

Never. You can't use my hat, that's final.

The end.

Hmm, but what if it would mean we could eat

yummy berries for the whole week?

Oh okay, but be really, really careful, please.

I will.

And don't lose it.

I won't.

And treat it kindly.

I will.

(nervous noise)

And did I mention not losing it?

(giggles) You did.

Now, let's fill your shirt again.

You know Zigby, you could be trotting into trouble.

Using other people's special things can be

a tricky business.

I, I promise I'll be really careful.

Let's go.

Is my hat all right, Zigby?

Mm hmm, it's fine.

Is it still all right?

Can I take a look?

Sure, it's just here.

Ah, good. I might walk backwards like this

so I can see it.

Whoa, but that's not safe.

You can't see where you're going.

(giggles) Don't worry Bertie, we meerkats are

especially good at always knowing exactly

what's going on behind us and

Ahh, Ahh.


The hat.

Ahh, my hat.

Ah, ah, uh, uh, uh




The hat's not here, we've looked everywhere.

What about over here?

I've already looked there.

Ah, uh, maybe we missed it over here.

You just looked there, McMeer.

(McMeer flustered)

I'm sorry I lost your hat.

But Bertie's right, we've looked everywhere.

It's gone.


it can't be.

It'll be night soon, let's go home

and get into our cozy beds.

Everything will seem better in the morning.

(sighs) Okay.

(owl hoots)

(upbeat music)


Let's try to cheer him up.

Act cheery.


It's a very nice day today, not a day to be sad.

Wouldn't you say, Bertie?

Oh, a very nice day Zigby, a very nice day indeed.

Yes, a happy, lovely, very nice day.

Oh, hello McMeer, it's a very nice day, isn't it?


We thought you might like to come to the beach

and build sandcastles.

Yes, yes, you love building sandcastles.

Haha, haha, what fun on this very nice day.

No thank you, I don't feel like playing today.

Don't worry, I know the very best way to cheer him up.

Well, I've got mango smoothies waiting at my house.

McMeerNot hungry.

Thank you.

Not hungry? MeMeer's always hungry.

It's that hat, Zigby.

Without his hat, he's miserable,

on this very nice day.

Then we'll have to do something about it,

and you can stop pretending to be cheerful now, Bertie.

Pretending? Could you really tell I was pretending?

Is this really the place to get a new hat for McMeer?

(monkeys squawking)

Stink, you're it,


Aww, again?


Sure, they have hats, don't they?

Hey, Wink, Tink, and Stink,

can you help me out?

(frog ribbits)

Has that hat cheered you up, McMeer?

It's a bit too wooly.


Well, what about this one?

It keeps the sun off.

It's a bit too big.


This is the very latest in head wear.

I'm a flamingo, and flamingos always know what's in fashion.


It's a bit too, um,



I guess he needs something more like his old hat.

(gasps) Bertie, you're brilliant.

(owl hoots)

Huh, I finished the top.

How's the inside of the hat coming, Bertie?

Um, ahh, I think I've used the wrong color.

Well, at least the pink will be on the inside.

Maybe he won't notice.

Let's keep going so we finish it tonight.

(owl hoots)



Look what we've got?

Uh, my hat, my hat.

Uh, well, uh, it's not exac--

Oh thank you, thank you.

How can I ever thank, uh, hm.




Thanks for trying.

I thought it really was my hat.

But, it looks exactly the same.

You didn't even notice the pink inside.

But it's not my old hat,

my old, special, lovely hat.


But, couldn't you learn to love this hat too?

I'll try.


Aww, crazy coconuts, how are we ever gonna get

our happy McMeer back again?

Without getting his old hat back,

I don't know.

(gasps) Bertie, you're right.

There's only one thing to do.

(happy music)

Hurry up, the waterfall isn't far.


But we looked everywhere for his old hat last time.

It has to be there somewhere.

Uh, come on.

Look how happy McMeer is just thinking we might find it.

We have to try.

(water splashes)

So how will we find my hat, Zigby?

Have you got one of your brilliant ideas?

Well, uh--

We will find it,

won't we?

Oh yes, of course, it's just um,

err, uh

Cool bananas, did you see that stick?

What stick? >> What stick?

The one that floated down the river.

We have to lose McMeer's hat again.

Huh? >> Huh?


ZigbyWe drop this new hat in the stream

in the same spot where the old one fell in,

only this time, we'll be ready to see where it goes.

And it will end up in the same spot as my old hat.

Or the new hat will be lost too.

Then McMeer won't have any hat.

[Zigby] Well, it's up to you McMeer.

It's the best chance of finding your old hat.



It is starting to smell like my old hat,

but it isn't really my old hat.

Let's try it, Zigby.

Right, now here's the plan.

McMeer, you climb to the top of the falls.

And Bertie--

(water splashes)

All right, ready when you are.

Okay, McMeer, throw the hat.


Here it comes.

I can see it, I can see it.

I can't see it. I can't see it.

(suspenseful music)


There it is.

Come on.

Oh no, it's getting away.

Eh, eh, eh, eh

Zigby, there you are.

Did you find it?

Did it work?

Well, yes, but--

But what?

(gasps) Both hats.

You're plan worked, Zigby.

There's my lovely old hat.

Wait, look.

[Bertie] Oh dear, a bird's egg.

Someone's used your old hat as a nest.


It's hatching.

[Everyone] Ahh!

Tweet, tweet.

(gasps) Oh,it's so cute.

Whoa, you're old hat is it's new home.

I know.

BertieYou're not going to take his home away,

are you?

Of course not, Bertie.

Oh, it's wet.

I don't mind, at least I've got a hat,

and he's got a home.

Maybe I can learn to love this one after all.

You might get your old hat back when

the little bird's grown up.

Hmm, he can keep it.

It's a great hat, time to let someone else enjoy it.

Tweet, tweet, tweet.

Ahh, aren't there berry bushes near here?

Let's get some, I'm starving.

Let's go, those berries were delicious

and we need some more.

(bird tweets)

(theme music)


♪ Zigby